Project EP: Projecto del alfabeto (The Alphabet Project) In the Etapa Preliminar (EP), you will learn the Spanish alphabet. Create a thematic Spanish alphabet chart that will include: all 30 letters of the Spanish alphabet the phonetic sound of each letter a colored picture/illustration that begins with each letter the word that represents each picture/illustration the word translated into English The chart must be completed on a poster board. No smaller than 16x22 but no bigger than 22x28. Feel free to use the textbook, a Spanish/English dictionary, or you can log on to ___/ 5 ___/ 5 ___/ 15 ___/ 5 ___/15 ___/15 ___/15 ___/15 ___/30 ___/120 - Write the title “El alfabeto” on top of the chart - Include your name, period, and theme on the back -Thematic in nature - Poster size met the requirement - Each letter of the alphabet on the top left corner (1/2pt.) -The phonetic sound after each letter (1/2pt.) -The Spanish word that represents each picture on the bottom left(1/2pt.) -The Spanish word translated into English on the bottom right (1/2pt) -A colored picture/illustration for each letter (1pt.) Total points Mm (eme) Thematic Ideas: Sports, fast food, careers, beach, animals, Australia, Africa, baby, Sweets, feelings, holidays, seasons, instruments, ocean, farm, desert, desserts, mountains, bugs, countries, school, VMHS, states, love, lottery, California, military, patriotism, birthday parties, reptiles, western, biblical, Disney movie, technology, books, self mariposa butterfly