2008. 05.05 TERMS OF REFERENCE for the INPRO Collaborative Project: PROLIFERATION RESISTANCE: ACQUISITION/DIVERSION PATHWAY ANALYSIS 1. BRIEF SUMMARY Within the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO), a methodology for evaluating proliferation resistance (INPRO PR methodology) has been developed. However, it remains to develop the methodology to evaluate User Requirements (UR) 4 regarding multiplicity and robustness of barriers against proliferation. This first requires an acquisition/diversion pathway analysis. This Project will address these issues in reference to some innovative nuclear energy system (INS), such as the DUPIC fuel cycle. Outputs such as a recommendation for the assessment procedure for the above mentioned User Requirement are to be expected. 2. BACKGROUND Further development of the INPRO methodology is one of the overall goals of Phase 2 of INPRO, and the Collaborative Project (CP) on “Acquisition/diversion pathway analysis for the assessment of proliferation resistance” is intended to contribute to the development of the INPRO PR methodology. The INPRO PR methodology was first documented in IAEA-TECDOC-1362 published in June 2003 as a result of Phase 1A [1]. The INPRO PR methodology was revised through a Korean national case study and by various consultancy meetings, and was documented in IAEA-TECDOC-1434 published in December 2004 as a result of Phase 1B (first part) [2]. A further modification was performed based on the Korean national extended case study on DUPIC (direct use of spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactors) fuel cycle and by various consultancy meetings. The modified INPRO PR methodology was documented in Volume 5 of the INPRO Manual as a result of Phase 1B (second part) in order to provide guidance in using the INPRO methodology [3]. Based on a decision at the 9th INPRO Steering Committee Meeting in July 2006, INPRO has entered into Phase 2. At the 10th INPRO Steering Committee Meeting held in December 2006, the Republic of Korea proposed a CPP regarding the “Acquisition/diversion pathway analysis for the assessment of proliferation resistance” in order to make the INPRO methodology being completed in the evaluation of the robustness and multiplicity of barriers against proliferation. The INPRO methodology in the proliferation resistance area has one Basic Principle (BP) and five User Requirements (UR), along with relevant Criteria, Indicators, and Evaluation Parameters, etc. The assessment metrics and procedures for three User Requirements regarding the extrinsic measures of State’s commitments, the attractiveness of nuclear material and technology, and the difficulty and detectability of diversion have been established through the Korean case studies and by various consultancy meetings. -1- However, the assessment procedure and metrics for User Requirement 4 (innovative nuclear energy systems should incorporate multiple proliferation resistance features and measures) needs to be developed. Moreover, the assessment of the multiplicity and robustness of barrier requires performing first the acquisition/diversion pathway analysis. 3. OVERALL OBJECTIVE This Project is aimed to contribute to the completion of the INPRO PR methodology, which is to assess proliferation resistance and to provide guidance to improve the proliferation resistance of the innovative nuclear energy system. 4. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT The specific objectives of the Project are to: • Develop the appropriate methods for the identification and analysis of pathways for the acquisition of weapons-usable nuclear material; • Evaluate the multiplicity and robustness of barriers against proliferation for the pathway by logic trees (success/failure trees, event trees, etc.) and/or qualitative methods, etc.; and • Based on the above results, recommend the assessment approach for User Requirement 4 of the INPRO PR methodology, regarding the multiplicity and robustness of barriers against proliferation. 5. PARTICIPANTS AND OBSERVERS The Project is initiated by the IAEA Member States (Republic of Korea, Canada, China, and USA) and EC, which represent current leaders in developing the assessment methodology for proliferation resistance of innovative nuclear energy systems. They invite other INPRO members developing nuclear energy systems to join the Project. 6. EXPECTED OUTPUTS The expected output is a document containing, inter alia: the procedures for the acquisition/diversion pathway analysis and evaluation of proliferation resistant characteristics of the pathway, and a recommendation for the assessment approach for User Requirement 4 of the INPRO PR methodology, regarding the multiplicity and robustness of barriers against proliferation. 7. ACTIVITIES AND SCHEDULE The responsibilities of participating Member States and EC (Parties) are set forth in the Annex 1. An acquisition/diversion pathway analysis will be performed to assess compliance with User Requirement 4 of the INPRO PR methodology. The DUPIC fuel cycle (Annex 3) will be used as a Korean demonstration case study. -2- The Project will be carried out in three stages. Dates for the Project: November 2007–November 2010 STAGE 1: SELECTION OF THE PROSPECTIVE PATHWAYS Dates for implementation of the Stage 1: November 2007–November 2008 The DUPIC fuel cycle will be the subject of the Korean case study. The selection of the most promising pathways for the acquisition of nuclear material will be performed at Stage 1. At the first step, the objectives of the proliferation are identified. They include the quality and quantity of the material, the time required to acquire the material for the proliferation and the capability of the potential proliferant country, etc. At the second step, the possible strategies, which the potential proliferant country could adopt, are identified. They will include: Undeclared removal of nuclear material from the fuel cycle facilities; and Further treatment of the diverted nuclear materials needed to acquire weapons-usable materials. At the third step, a systematic study of the possible pathways for the acquisition/diversion of nuclear material during the whole fuel cycle is performed. The comprehensiveness of the possible pathways study is important to the value of the analysis. A systematic method for the selection of pathways will be developed. A kick-off meeting in November 2007 and two other meetings are to be organized in the second quarter and the fourth quarter of 2008. STAGE 2: ANALYSIS OF PATHWAYS Dates for implementation of the Stage 2: December 2008–November 2009 As a demonstration sample case, the diversion of the nuclear material in the storage place of the fresh DUPIC fuel will be selected for the Korean study for the evaluation of pathway for the acquisition/diversion analysis. At the first step, in order to perform the analysis of pathways in detail, it is required to have the sufficient design and process information on the fuel cycle processes. At the second step, the logic trees (success tree/event tree, etc.) will be developed for the prospective acquisition/diversion pathways identified at Stage 1. For the evaluation of pathways, the qualitative method, expert elicitation, probability analysis, etc. could be studied, if recommended. -3- At the third step, each segment of the pathway is evaluated in terms of the material characteristics, technical availability, safeguardability, quality and quantity of the material, etc. as specified in the User Requirement 1, 2 and 3 of the INPRO PR methodology. Two meetings are to be organized in 2009, as determined by the Scientific and Technical Committee established in Chapter 11. STAGE 3: ASSESSMENT OF MULTIPLICITY AND ROBUSTNESS Dates for implementation of the Stage 3: November 2009–November 2010 At the first step, the multiplicity and the robustness (User Requirement 4) of barriers at each segment of selected pathways are evaluated. At the second step, the recommended procedures and metrics for the evaluation of the multiplicity and robustness of barriers are suggested based on the results of this study. This will work as a reference for the evaluation of proliferation resistance in terms of the User Requirement 4. The technical document is to be drafted by Parties which implemented the pathway analysis, in consultation with other Parties and the IAEA. The finalized document is to be submitted to the INPRO. Two meetings are to be organized in 2010, as determined by the Scientific and Technical Committee established in Chapter 11. 8. RESPONSIBILITY AND RESOURCES OF EACH PARTNER The responsibilities of each Party and human resources provided by it are set forth in the Annex 1. These responsibilities and resources could be changed provided there is approval of the Scientific and Technical Committee established in Chapter 11. Each member state should bear the costs of participation in the related meetings and the implementation of activities stated in its own responsibility box of Annex 1. 9. PARTICIPANTS’ ROLE, LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES The role of each Party is stated in the Annex 1. Representatives of each Party are listed in Annex 2 and can be changed according to the respective Parties’ report to the Scientific and Technical Committee established in Chapter 11. 10. ASSUMPTIONS It is expected that the work so far developed by PR&PP of GIF in the context of Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems, will be beneficial for the work on pathways identification and analysis to be done in the course of this CP project. [4] -4- Comparing and contrasting PR approaches, it can be said that: the INPRO PR assessment is aimed to check-verify qualitatively the compliance of an entire INS with INPRO BP and UR; it is a bottom up approach, while PR&PP of GIF is top down process fully based on pathways and more analytic estimations of the identified PR measures. INPRO PR is oriented to provide tools for assessment of INS for the needs of technology users, while GIF PR&PP is more oriented to technology holders and to provide the designers with an evaluation framework. 11. MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECT The Project is to be implemented as the Joint Initiative defined in Framework, options, topics and guidelines for the implementation of collaborative projects in INPRO Phase 2 in line with procedures in the said document and the responsibilities of the Parties. For the purposes of scientific and administrative management of this Project, the Parties will establish a Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) after notification of the enforcement of these Terms of Reference. The STC will make the main decisions regarding the implementation of the Project in accordance with these Terms of Reference, as well as the content and the progress of the work, and will make recommendations to national authorities and the INPRO Steering Committee regarding utilization of the results of the Project. The STC will consist of representatives from each Party and these will make decisions on the basis of a consensus among the members of the STC. The STC will select a Chairperson. The members of the STC will be empowered to implement the decisions of the STC at national level and it will recommend people who are responsible for carrying out work under the Project at national level. Representatives of other IAEA Member States may also participate in the meetings of the STC as observers with no right to participate in the making of decisions. Observers are not obliged to perform a part of the Project. The Project is to be terminated in the case where the STC agrees that the Project has been completed or cannot complete anymore. 12. PROCEDURE FOR IMPLEMENTING THE PROJECT Work under each stage of the Project will be implemented principally at the national level with subsequent coordination of results at joint meetings. Meetings will be held in the IAEA Headquarters or in a country participating in the Project and participants will be funded by each Party. If meetings are held in the IAEA Headquarters, the administrative and financial rules of the IAEA shall apply. 13. GENERAL ISSUES The Project is open to any INPRO members to join or participate in, provided they agree to these Terms of Reference. -5- The working language will be English. Each Party is responsible for the performance of the work agreed upon the Project, and for compliance with the rules regarding confidentiality and exchange of information agreed upon by the STC. The STC will determine the procedure for the exchange, compilation and use of information submitted under the Project. The Parties will determine the level of depth in the information submitted. In principle, the Parties should submit the materials to the IAEA one week prior to the meeting under the Project. If there is any sensitive information found in the materials, IAEA would strongly request that related Parties withdraw the materials. All rights worldwide to Intellectual Property which may arise from the activities performed under the Project shall be held by one or more Parties which have the responsibility for providing adequate measures for protection of such Intellectual Property. Copyright of the final document published as IAEA publication shall be held by the IAEA. Any activity under the Project must comply with the Statute and operating principles of the IAEA. Any disagreements arising in the course of the collaboration under this Project will be resolved at working level in a constructive and friendly manner causing no damage to any Party or its representative. Should this prove impossible owing to any circumstances, the subject of the disagreement shall be submitted for consideration to the members of the STC of the relevant Parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the IAEA shall not be liable to any Party for claims arising from the publication or transmission of any report which results from the Project, the application of the contents of any such report from the Project by a Party or by third parties, or the handling or use of products which result from the Project. This procedure may be changed by the STC depending on the implementation details of each stage of the work, or at the request of one of the Parties, following joint review by and agreement among the Parties. References [1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Guidance for the Evaluation of Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles, Report of Phase 1A of the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO), IAEA-TECDOC1362, IAEA, Vienna (2003). [2] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Methodology for the Assessment of Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles, Report of Phase 1B (first part) of the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO), IAEA-TECDOC-1434, IAEA, Vienna (2004). -6- [3] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Guidance for the Application of an Assessment Methodology for Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, INPRO Manual — Proliferation Resistance, Volume 5 of the Final Report of Phase 1 of the INPRO, IAEA-TECDOC-1575, (2007). [4] THE PROLIFERATION RESISTANCE AND PHYSICAL PROTECTION EVALUATION METHODOLOGY EXPERT GROUP OF THE GENERATION IV INTERNATIONAL FORUM, Evaluation Methodology for Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection of Generation IV Nuclear Energy, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (2006). -7- Annex 1 Responsibility and Resources of each partner Country/ organizati on Republic of Korea Canada China Responsibility Human resources To perform the pathway analysis for the acquisition/diversion of nuclear material primarily referring the direct dry processing fuel cycle like DUPIC fuel cycle as a demonstration case study which will be used for the evaluation of the robustness and multiplicity of barriers specified in the User Requirement 4 of the INPRO PR methodology. To contribute to the scope of work described above by the Republic of Korea; specifically, to provide technical information on DUPIC as needed, contribute to diversion/acquisition pathway analysis and assessment of multiplicity/robustness, and review findings of proposal prior to publication. Canada would consider hosting at least one meeting if so desired by the project participants, but recognizes that the IAEA is the logical location for such meetings given the geographic distribution of participants – Canada encourages this approach. To participate in the discussions in the meetings, to provide comments on participating MS activities, and to review draft of final document. Mr. W. Ko, Nuclear Fuel Cycle System Analysis Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), and assigned experts in his Institute USA To participate in the discussions in the meetings, to provide comments on participating MS activities, and to review draft of final document. EC To participate in the discussions in the meetings, to provide comments on participating MS activities, and to review draft of final document. IAEA To participate in discussion at the meetings Secretariat and comment from the expertise of the IAEA in safeguards; -8- Mr. J. Whitlock, NonProliferation and Safeguards, Chalk River Laboratories, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), and assigned experts in his Laboratories. Mr. Z. Gang, Theoretical Division of Fast Reactor, China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), and assigned experts in his Institute. Mr. M. Zentner, National Security Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), and assigned experts in his Laboratory. Mr. G. Cojazzi, Institute for the Protection Security of the Citizen, Joint Research Centre (JRC), and assigned experts in his Centre. Mr. E. Haas, Department of Safeguards Mr. H. Chayama, To serve as a coordinator and to facilitate Department of Nuclear communication; Energy, and assigned To host meetings at the IAEA experts in the IAEA. Headquarters; and To make necessary arrangements to publish final document as an IAEA publication. -9- Country Republic of Korea Expert Mr. W. Ko Canada Mr. J. Whitlock China Mr. Z. Gang USA Mr. M. Zentner EC Mr. G. Cojazzi INPRO Mr. E. Haas International Coordination Group INPRO Mr. H. International Chayama Coordination Group Annex 2 Organization Title Contact KAERI Team Leader, nwiko@kaeri.re.kr Nuclear Fuel +82-42-868-2040 Cycle System Analysis Team AECL Manager whitlockj@aecl.ca Non+1-613-584-8811 Proliferation ext.4265 and Safeguards AECL Chalk River Laboratories CIAE Director gz27@ciae.ac.cn Physical Group +86-10-69358507 Theoretical Division of Fast Reactor PNNL Staff Engineer md.zentner@pnl.gov Safety, +1-509-372-4988 Licensing & Regulation Analysis National Security Division JRC Institute for the giacomo.cojazzi@jrc.it Protection +39-0332-785085 Security of the Citizen IAEA Acting Unit E.Haas@iaea.org Head +43-1-2600-22192 Development Unit Section for Concepts and Approaches Division of Concepts and Planning Department of Safeguards IAEA Nuclear H.Chayama@iaea.org Engineer +43-1-2600-22762 Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Material Section Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste - 10 - Technology Nuclear Energy Department - 11 - Annex 3 DUPIC Fuel Cycle The basic concept of the DUPIC fuel cycle is to fabricate CANDU nuclear fuel from PWR spent fuel using dry thermal/mechanical processes without separating the stable fission products. As a CANDU reactor utilizes natural uranium fuel, the contents of the remaining fissile materials in PWR spent fuel are large enough to be reused in a CANDU reactor despite the fact that the fuel nevertheless contains fission products. The basic concept of the DUPIC fuel cycle is schematically shown in Fig. 1. The DUPIC fuel cycle is a symbiotic fuel cycle including PWR and PHWR oncethrough fuel cycles. The front end of DUPIC fuel cycle is similar to those of PWR fuel cycle, such as mining, conversion, enrichment, PWR fuel fabrication, irradiation in PWR reactors. However, the starting material of DUPIC fuel cycle is spent PWR fuel, which is stored at PWR reactor sites and it will then be transported to the DUPIC manufacturing plant. In the DUPIC fuel manufacturing step, as there is no process step for the separation of the fission products and transuranic materials while the volatile and semi-volatile elements are removed during the thermal/mechanical treatments, the process materials are highly radioactive throughout the manufacturing processes. Therefore, the manufacturing processes should be performed inside a heavily shielded hot cell. These characteristics lead to difficulties for material handling during fuel manufacturing, but this is a strong incentive in terms of the proliferation resistance of the DUPIC fuel. Since the fresh DUPIC fuel is still strongly radioactive, the transportation and handling of DUPIC fuel at PHWR reactor should also be performed in remote manner. After burning of DUPIC fuel at PHWR reactor, the spent DUPIC fuel is stored at reactor sites before being disposed at the permanent repository. By utilizing the DUPIC fuel cycle, there are three advantages, such as: (1) no need to dispose the spent PWR fuel; (2) savings of the supply of the natural uranium resources to be needed for manufacture of PHWR fuel; and (3) the reduction of spent PHWR fuel accumulation due to the high burnup characteristics of DUPIC fuel. While it depends on the discharge burnup of spent PWR fuel, it is generally recognized that the spent PWR fuel from about three PWR reactors can be used to supply the DUPIC fuel for one PHWR reactor with the same capacities. - 12 - PWR Uranium Saving Spent PWR Fuel Natural Uranium On-site Storage CANDU DUPIC Fuel Fab AFR Storage DUPIC Spent CANDU/DUPIC Fuel On-site Storage PWR once-through Permanent Disposal CANDU once-through Permanent Disposal No Disposal Less Disposal Fig.1. Concept of the DUPIC Fuel Cycle - 13 -