Project Initiation Document Document Control Project Title: PGR Progress Tracking (formerly ‘Interactive Web-based Tracking of Postgraduate Researcher Progress’) Project Manager: Donna Miljus Date: January 2010 Version Date Author(s) Notes on Revisions 0.1 02/11/09 Ian Tilsed First draft for review and comment. 1.0 09/11/09 Ian Tilsed Revised following comments on draft (version 0.1) 2.0 10/12/09 Donna Miljus Revised following comments on version 1.0 3.0 16/12/09 Donna Miljus Revised following comments from Russell Pyne 4.0 05/01/10 Donna Miljus Revised phase timeframes Proposal Produced If yes date of meeting submitted Meeting submitted to: YES 16 September 2009 Learning & Teaching Group Consultation with: Date Person Service/School 29/10/09 Kendra Brown Academic Services 02/11/09 Katrina Jones Academic Services Sarmishtha Ghosh School of Humanities & Social Sciences Ian Lee Academic Services Donna Miljus Research & Knowledge Transfer Melissa Mitcheson Graduate School of Education Roz Pardee Business School Emma Roberts Business School Hannah Rundle School of Humanities & Social Sciences Sarah Silverman Academic Services Sally Slater Graduate School of Education Juliet Stubbington Academic Services Anna Verhamme Graduate School of Education Russell Pyne Academic Services 16/12/09 533574776 1 of 12 Date printed: 06/03/2016 Table of Contents 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................... 3 2. PROJECT OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................ 3 2.1. 2.2 2.3 3. SCOPE & TIMESCALE OF THE PROJECT .................................................................................. 4 3.1 3.2 4. FINANCE ................................................................................................................................... 7 STAFFING RESOURCES .............................................................................................................. 7 IT REQUIREMENTS (NOT APPLICABLE IF A NON IT PROJECT) ............................................. 9 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 7. RISKS ....................................................................................................................................... 6 CONSTRAINTS & DEPENDENCIES................................................................................................ 6 ASSUMPTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 7 RESOURCE FOR THE PROJECT ................................................................................................. 7 5.1 5.2 6. RELATED PROJECTS .................................................................................................................. 5 OUT OF SCOPE ......................................................................................................................... 6 RISKS, CONSTRAINTS AND ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................. 6 4.1 4.2 4.3 5. METRICS ................................................................................................................................... 3 SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES ............................................................................................................. 4 DATA PROTECTION .................................................................................................................... 4 HARDWARE/REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE & RESPONSIBILITY ........................................................... 9 NETWORK BANDWIDTH USE........................................................................................................ 9 INFORMATION SECURITY ............................................................................................................ 9 ITIL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................. 9 SYSTEM INSTANCES .................................................................................................................. 9 BACK UP, ................................................................................................................................ 10 BUSINESS CONTINUITY & DISASTER RECOVERY: ....................................................................... 10 IT HELPDESK SUPPORT ........................................................................................................... 10 OPERATIONAL SUPPORT .......................................................................................................... 10 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS & ONGOING TRAINING PROVISION ...................................................... 10 MANAGING THE PROJECT ........................................................................................................ 10 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 ISSUE CONTROL ...................................................................................................................... 11 ACTIONS REGISTER ................................................................................................................. 11 FINANCIAL CONTROL ............................................................................................................... 11 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................... 11 8. STAKEHOLDERS ......................................................................................................................... 11 9. PLANNING .................................................................................................................................... 12 10. APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. 12 533574776 2 of 12 Date printed: 06/03/2016 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW The University has significantly increased recruitment of postgraduate research students during the last couple of years, but the related tracking, recording and monitoring mechanisms have not correspondingly developed alongside to handle both the increased numbers and the strategic aim of delivering improved completion rates. Monitoring practices vary across the Schools, with various levels of both automation and reporting ability. In addition, the University has access to a research student management module within SITS (the student record system) but, for various reasons, it has not been fully implemented. It is therefore desirable that an online system be introduced that can deliver a consistent approach to the management of PGR students, enable improved reporting and ensure an enhanced experience for the students themselves. Furthermore, it is essential that the system is accessible to, and interacts with, the research students and their supervisors, as well as research student administrators. 2. 2.1. PROJECT OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVE MEASURE To provide an online facility for the tracking of postgraduate research student progress. Delivery of the facility. To make the process as simple and transparent as possible for PGR students, academics and administrative staff. Student feedback in relevant surveys, such as the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey. To maximise the ease of administration and efficiency for both academic and administrative staff Feedback from the pilot group initially (which includes 3 schools as well as administrative staff), and then wider consultation. To improve completion rates by enabling closer tracking and identification of students failing to progress satisfactorily. The monitoring of completion rates. To contribute to a drop in student complaints concerning supervision by implementing a system that standardises and enhances supervisory processes. The monitoring of student complaint rates. Feedback facility in the system. METRICS The project will have a primary impact on the third of the Research metrics, as below, but will also inform the others as indicated: Research 1. REF Outcomes 2. Research income per staff fte 3. PGRs per staff fte Diversifying Student Population 533574776 8. % of student population that is international (by fee payers) 3 of 12 Date printed: 06/03/2016 2.2 SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES IT Sustainability The development will utilise existing IT infrastructure in the main, with only the addition of further data storage space as an addition requirement. Furthermore, during the lifetime of the project the server infrastructure upon which SITS runs is to be replaced with a solution based extensively on VMWare servers, which will improve the carbon footprint. 2.3 DATA PROTECTION The provision for data protection comes under that already in place for the operation of SITS and related administrative processes. 3. SCOPE & TIMESCALE OF THE PROJECT 1. Project Scope The project is addressing the tracking of postgraduate researcher (PGR) progress via an online web interface, accessible to both academic and administrative staff, and the students themselves. In addition, access to the SITS records will be possible for administrative staff via the SITS desktop client. This project does not cover the tracking of postgraduate taught (PGT) students. 2. Project Timescales There are three key milestones for the project: Review, documentation and specification of all related workflows and processes Implementation and testing of the processes within the RSH module for access via the SITS desktop client Development and implementation of full web functionality for student and staff access The deadline is September 2010 for implementation of the full web version. Whilst PGR students can commence at any time of the academic cycle, and thus the web version could be delivered at any time, the start of a new academic session is preferable as implementation date. The project will require the full academic session of 2009-2010 to deliver the system. 3. University Campus Coverage The project will affect all campuses and their students, including St. Luke’s Campus and the Cornwall Campus. This includes students studying at a distance. The project does not involve, nor does it have any immediate implications for, the PCMD. 4. Project Phases Phase 1 Project Definition Scope: Definition of the scope, timeframe and resourcing, ensuring that the complexity and strategic importance is clearly identified. Dates/Duration: September 2009 – January 2010 Deliverables: Project Proposal & Project Initiation Document. Provided by: Ian Tilsed, Kendra Brown and Donna Miljus 533574776 4 of 12 Date printed: 06/03/2016 Phase 2 Stakeholder Consultation Scope: Engagement with all stakeholders via e-mail, workshops, and other methods to ensure that the requirements are understood. Dates/Duration: October 2009 - January 2010 Deliverables: Statement of Requirements & Communication Plan. Provided by: Ian Tilsed & Donna Miljus Phase 3 Process Review Scope: Definition and mapping of the core administrative processes and ‘best practice’ (the latter as defined by the Graduate Faculty, and as illustrated by the ARSME system developed by the Graduate School of Education), together with specification of processes for a web implementation. Dates/Duration: October 2009 – March 2010 Deliverables: Defined processes for implementation via SITS RSH Module and SITS e:Vision. Updated Project Plan Provided by: Project Team & Pilot Schools Phase 4 System Delivery & Testing Scope: Application of processes within the SITS RSH Module and creation of interactive web interface for academics, administrators and PGR students. Dates/Duration: March – August 2010 Deliverables: Fully configured SITS RSH Module for testing. Three-way interactive web service via SITS e:Vision for testing. Test Plan. Provided by: Project Team & Pilot Schools Phase 5 Training Scope: Delivery of training to staff (administrative and academic), and PGR students. Dates/Duration: July – August 2010 (and beyond) Deliverables: Training sessions and materials (both print and online). Provided by: Project Team Phase 6 Implementation Scope: Rollout of service to all Schools. Handover of system to operational team for support and further development. Dates/Duration: August – September 2010 Deliverables: Operational system for all Schools and PGR students. Provided by: Project Team 533574776 5 of 12 Date printed: 06/03/2016 3.1 3.2 Phase 7 Project Closure Scope: Closure of project and associated processes. Dates/Duration: October 2010 Deliverables: End of Project Reports and ITIL Handover document. Provided by: Donna Miljus RELATED PROJECTS Projects Expected Impact/ Completion Date Graduate School of Education PGR Admissions Development Electronic document workflow for the stage prior to monitoring. Delivery date is early 2010. Symplectic Project The recording of publications and professional activity data – to be extended to PGR in 2010. Supervision Topics Database Proposal The development of an online searchable database, based on data gathered by Symplectic, for prospective research applicants, to help identify topics and possible supervisors. Delivery date to be confirmed – 2010? Colleges Restructuring The re-organisation of the Academic Schools. Delivery date is August 2010. OUT OF SCOPE The tracking of PGT (Post Graduate Taught) students is not within the scope of this project, though the cohort could be considered as an additional development post implementation. The project addresses the PGR lifecycle from the point of registration onwards and, as such, does not involve the admissions process, though it is recognised that related projects in this area may have some impact. 4. RISKS, CONSTRAINTS AND ASSUMPTIONS 4.1 RISKS The risks identified at project start up are: The lack of, or conflicts in the, availability of staffing resource in University of Exeter. The Tribal SITS software is not able to deliver the requirements, whether in full or in part. Failure to win approval of £50k from ICG. These risks will be added to the project risk log. 4.2 CONSTRAINTS & DEPENDENCIES 533574776 6 of 12 Date printed: 06/03/2016 The development is utilising the RSH Module within SITS. Whilst this has been installed within the SITS test and live instances it has never been fully configured or used in earnest but it is crucial for the implementation of this project. This module therefore needs to be fully configured and integrated into the live environment. A further constraint relates to the physical disk space required to fully utilize the SITS document manager as part of the project. It is essential that the document upload aspect of the project is carefully managed to ensure that it operates within the resulting space constraints. 4.3 ASSUMPTIONS As well as the resources identified within the Project Board (5.2.1) and Project Team (5.2.2), it is assumed that, upon enterprise release, the Schools will have resource to contribute to the roll out of the system. This contribution will be more precisely defined as the project progresses. 5. RESOURCE FOR THE PROJECT 5.1 FINANCE 1. Capital Expenditure Whilst the module required is already in place within SITS, there is a requirement to purchase additional disk space for file storage. A funding source has not yet been agreed, though it is proposed that a direct approach for £50k from the Infrastructure Fund should be made to the Infrastructure Coordination Group (ICG). The requisite paperwork is currently being drawn up. 2. Revenue Expenditure Recurring maintenance costs for the RSH module in SITS are already covered by the appropriate budget within BISS in Academic Services. 3. Source of Funding As indicated above, an approach is to be made to the Infrastructure Coordination Group (ICG) for funding to cover the requirement for additional disk space. 5.2 STAFFING RESOURCES Name Prof Robert Van de Noort Dr Lindy Ford David Gibson Ian Tilsed Dr Catherine Haslam Helen Pisarska Paula Sanderson Donna Miljus Nadia Dadeby Ian Lee Sarah Silverman Kendra Brown 533574776 Job Title Dean of the Graduate Research Faculty Assistant Registrar, Head of the Graduate Research Faculty and Quality review Team Assistant Director, Academic Policy and Student Administration Head of Academic Systems Associate Professor, Psychology School Administrator, Geography Research and Finance Manager, SEMPS Project Manager SITS Technical Project Manager Web Service Developer System Support & Development Officer Administrative Officer, Academic Policy – Graduate Research 7 of 12 Role / Project element Project Chair Project Customer Project Board Project Manager to 12/09 Project Board Project Board Project Board Project Board Project Manager Phase 3,4,5 Phase 3,4,5 Phase 3,4,5,6 Phase 1,3,4 Date printed: 06/03/2016 Administrative Officer, Registry – PG Admin Senior Registry Assistant HUSS Graduate School Director Postgraduate Records Manager, HUSS Academic Services Manager, Graduate School of Education Programme Administrator, Graduate School of Education Student Services Manager, Business School Postgraduate Research Administrator, Business School Postgraduate Research Secretary, SEMPS Katrina Jones Juliet Stubbington Hannah Rundle Sarmishtha Ghosh Keir Thorpe Sally Slater Roz Pardee Emma Roberts Liz Roberts 5.2.1 Phase 3,4,6 Phase 3,4,6 Phase 3,4 Phase 3,4 Phase 3,4 Phase 3,4 Phase 3,4 Phase 3,4 Phase 3,4 Project Board Chair Prof. Robert van de Noort Professional Services Representatives Dr. Lindy Ford David Gibson Ian Tilsed School Representatives Dr. Catherine Haslam Helen Pisarska Paula Sanderson Project Manager 5.2.2 Donna Miljus Project Team Project Role Project Manager Name Days required or % of time Timescale required Commitment agreed? Until 30/11/09 Y 40% fte 12/09 – 10/10 Y Ian Lee 100 days Until 10/10 Y Sarah Silverman 20 days Nadia Dadeby 20%fte Ian Tilsed Donna Miljus Project Team 533574776 8 of 12 Y 03/10 – 09/10 Y Date printed: 06/03/2016 Pilot Members Kendra Brown Katrina Jones Juliet Stubbington Sarmishtha Ghosh Keir Thorpe Roz Pardee Emma Roberts Hannah Rundle Training Resource Fortnightly meetings Jan & Feb 2010 then monthly meetings. Y Y Until 10/10 Y Y Y Ad-hoc meetings during testing phase. Y Y Y Sally Slater Y Liz Roberts Y Juliet Stubbington Katrina Jones Sarah Silverman 6. IT REQUIREMENTS 6.1 SYSTEM HOSTING Ad-hoc meetings Aug & Sept 2010 Until 10/10 Y Y Y The SITS Student Record System is hosted within the University of Exeter. 6.2 HARDWARE/REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE & RESPONSIBILITY The development will reside on the existing hardware arrangements for SITS (which are about to be revised to cope with additional load, as part of a separate exercise). However, additional high speed disk storage will be required to address the expected growth in the use of the Document Manager module as part of the new functionality. Capacity planning is underway to determine those requirements for a period of five years. The maintenance and support costs for this development will be covered by the existing arrangements for SITS. 6.3 NETWORK BANDWIDTH USE There should not be a significant impact on network usage, as many of the transactions that will take place on the proposed online service already take place via e-mail, including the distribution of files. 6.4 INFORMATION SECURITY The development will adhere to the information security policies of the University. The project will seek explicit sign off from the Information Security manager within ICSD in Academic Services that the system has built in adequate information security provisions. 6.5 ITIL REQUIREMENTS The project will follow the various procedures as outlined in ITIL and currently implemented within the University. The lead developer, along with the initial project manager, is trained to ITIL Foundation level. 6.6 SYSTEM INSTANCES The implementation will be rolled out across three instances of SITS, namely test, train and live. 533574776 9 of 12 Date printed: 06/03/2016 6.7 BACK UP The development will be built upon the existing storage and backup infrastructure that the University runs. This will provide a robust backup regime for the data, which involves backing up data to the secondary site and storing backup tapes off site. 6.8 BUSINESS CONTINUITY & DISASTER RECOVERY As the development is building on an existing core University system, it will adhere to the Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery arrangements already in place for SITS. 6.9 IT HELPDESK SUPPORT The IT Help Desk is the first point of contact for all IT services. Users of the system will therefore approach the IT Help Desk in the first instance for any queries, incident reporting or requests for additional service relating to the system. As the development is an extension of existing SITS provision, the IT Helpdesk will be consulted on what additional information is required. This is likely to consist of a service specific set of Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) for this system 6.10 OPERATIONAL SUPPORT As the development is an extension of existing SITS provision, it is planned that the Academic Systems Team, within BISS in Academic Services, will provide operational support. This team will be assisted by the Integration and Web Services Team, in BISS, who provide support for the database layer. Therefore existing operational support arrangements are being extended to cover the requirements of the development. 6.11 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS & ONGOING TRAINING PROVISION Training will be required across several areas and will, necessarily, involve several parties. The areas identified include: Schools – both academic and administrative staff PGR students – with the possibility of incorporating aspects in existing courses provided by the Education Enhancement Unit (EEU) Central Administration – including staff in Registry IT Helpdesk – in relation to 1st and 2nd line support Training and associated resources will be provided by: Staff within the Academic Systems Team – addressing the use of the new system Staff within Academic Policy and Student Administration – addressing best practice and application of policy The provision of online training materials will be an integral aspect of provision. 7. MANAGING THE PROJECT The following project management reports will be produced: 533574776 Project Initiation Document plus appendices o Risk Log o Issue Log o Action Log o Budget Key Messages Document (including Graduate Faculty ‘best practice’) 10 of 12 Date printed: 06/03/2016 7.1 Communication Plan Project plan Project status reports ITIL handover document Post Project Evaluation report ISSUE CONTROL Issues will be recorded in an Issues Log, progressed and updated by the Project Manager. 7.2 ACTIONS REGISTER As part of the regular project team meetings an Action Log will be maintained by the project manager, detailing actions required; who is responsible for completing the action; target date for completion; and the current status. 7.3 FINANCIAL CONTROL Any expenditure will be signed off by the project sponsor Prof. Robert van de Noort. 7.4 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT A web page(s) will be maintained by the Project Manager within the Projects Office website, providing background information, current status and dates of meeting dates, along with relevant papers. 8. STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholder Expected Communications Frequency Media Project Programme Board An understanding of the scope, status and importance of the Project. As requested by Project Programme Board Project Schedule Project Board Up to date awareness of Project activities and progress against plans. Monthly Reports ISG Group Up to date awareness of Project activities and progress against plans. Each round of meetings. Team Update Reports. School Managers An understanding of the scope, status and importance of the project. Potential impact on Schools. Requirement for staff to actively engage with process changes. Initially and then at bi-monthly intervals. Consultation in initial process review phase, followed by email updates. Line managers of staff involved in the project PID Agreement Project Updates Any changes to scope and timescale An understanding of the scope, status and importance of the project. Awareness of any new policies or procedures in relation to As required Reports Staff 533574776 11 of 12 Emails As required Briefings to School Managers / ASU Campus Admin Manager Staff briefings Date printed: 06/03/2016 Stakeholder Expected Communications Frequency service provision Media News in Brief Project Web Pages An understanding of the scope, status and importance of the project. Awareness of new policies or procedures. PGR Students As required News in Brief Project Web Pages Through Postgraduate Union (PGU) A detailed communications plan for the project will be drawn up setting out in detail what will be communicated on a month by month basis. 9. PLANNING A project plan will be put in place and be subject to review on a regular basis by the customer, the project team and the Project Board. 10. APPROVAL Name Signature Project Sponsor Prof. Robert van de Noort Project Customer Dr. Lindy Ford Project Manager Ian Tilsed (until 30/11/09) Donna Miljus (12/09 onwards) Date Capital Expenditure Approval Name 100k 533574776 Signature Date Head of School/Service 12 of 12 Date printed: 06/03/2016