Postgraduate Research programme approval 1. 1.1 What is your proposal? Complete either section 1.1 or section 1.2 New PGR Award and title (e.g. PhD in Applied Biology): programme Proposed start date: Proposed intake number (FTE): Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: If these changes will result in changes to the faculty’s PGR intake targets, have they been reflected in the most recent intake targets submitted as part of the student number planning process? Will the programme be available on a part time basis? Please list any planned exit awards (e.g. Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma, Master of Research)* Please describe the training element of the programme, including if students will take credit bearing units* 1.2 Change to existing PGR programme Award and title (e.g, PhD in Applied Biology) Short description of the change * Please note that exit awards and credit bearing units will require further detail in programme specifications and unit specifications. Please contact the Academic Quality and Partnerships Office to discuss. Case for approval of a new/changed PGR programme 15/16. Page 1 2. 2.1 Proposal details Why is this proposal desirable and timely? Short description (up to 200 words) of the rationale for this proposal at this time, to include - in establishing new titles, reasons why existing PGR titles are not suitable for use - new or changing markets, or other external drivers - internal drivers such as student satisfaction, change in staffing, change to School/Faculty strategy - mitigation of existing risk - etc. 2.2 if the programme is part of a new or existing educational collaborative arrangement, please give details: If a new educational collaborative arrangement is being put in place, has agreement in principle been given? Yes / No 2.3 Please give details of the research environment and how this proposal fits within it 2.4 Fees Please provide details of the Fees and Postgraduate Bench or Visitor Fees that will be charged for this programme. This should include separate rates for Home and Overseas students and for those studying on a Full-Time or Part-Time basis. Proposed fees must be discussed with the Student Systems and Information Office (Ext. 88057). Please provide details of any additional costs (e.g. cost of field trips) that will be chargeable to students on this programme. 2.5 Resource implications (staffing, space, equipment, consumables etc.) 2.6 Is this proposal cost neutral or better? Yes No If No, will the Faculty subsidise this activity? Yes No Case for approval of a new/changed PGR programme 15/16. Page 2 3. Significant Risks and Mitigation Please score impact on scale 1 (low) to 5 (high) and probability on scale A (low) to E (high), thus 1A would be very low risk and 5E very high risk. Mitigation is the action planned to address the risk. For example, could the recruitment of students be difficult? Will it be financially viable? Will it be sustainable? Is there a high start-up cost? Is delivery reliant on the recruitment of new staff? Is the subject area new to the Faculty/University? Impact Risk 4. Probability Mitigation Signatures (prepared by) Name Owner Accepted? Version Date Academic Lead Confirmation that resourcing and finance have been discussed and agreed Name Date Faculty Manager Faculty Financial Controller On completion, please could the faculty manager arrange for the Dean to review the case. 5. Signatures (reviewed by) Name Version Date Dean of Faculty Following approval by the Dean, the case should be considered by the faculty graduate studies committee and then forwarded to the Academic Quality and Partnerships Office (approval-help) for consideration by Education Committee. Case for approval of a new/changed PGR programme 15/16. Page 3 Sources of guidance Below you will find a useful list of contacts from the Professional Services who will be able to provide advice and guidance about developing a proposal for a new/changed PGR programme Academic Quality and Partnerships Office Email: Tel: 0117 33 14204 General queries about the Programme Approval Process Dates of Education Committee meetings Faculty Finance spreadsheet and intake targets – Faculty Financial Controller Marketing – Faculty Marketing Officers Library Resources and Reading Lists – Faculty Librarian ( Bristol Doctoral College Information about researcher skills training Information and guidance about existing models of PGR provision Student Systems and Information Office Email: Tel: 0117 33 88057 Student Numbers Tuition, Bench and Visitor fees Postgraduate Recruitment and Admissions Email: Tel: 0117 331 8500 Postgraduate Recruitment and Marketing Postgraduate Prospectus Hobsons ‘Apply Yourself’ –email address Advice on award naming conventions Advertising a programme “Subject to Approval” International Office Email: Tel: 0117 331 8571 International Marketing Visa Queries Business case for approval of a New programme or a Major Change to an existing programme 13/14.