Fun Words for Learning Songs - Suzuki Association of the Americas

Fun Words for Learning Songs
Or make up your own…
Twinkle Variations.
A I can play piano.
Or one or two-syllable child’s name followed
by “can play piano” or “plays piano.”
Johnny is a good boy. Nancy is a good girl.
Mississippi Hot Dog.
Pepperoni Pizza
B Still looking for a good one here.
Bounce, Roll, Bounce
Love Me, You.
Hug Me, Please.
C Run, Mommy, Run Daddy
I love to play music.
My mommy likes Pizza.
D Twinkle, Twinkle, little star, how I wonder
what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, Twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
D When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle all the night,
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Honey Bee
Honey bee, (buzz buzz buzz) I’m a honeybee.
I’m a honey; you’re a honey,
I’m a honey; you’re a honey,
Honey bee, (buzz buzz buzz) I’m a honeybee.
Honeybee, don’t you dare sting me.
Don’t sting father, don’t sting mother,
Don’t sting sister, don’t sting brother,
Honeybee, don’t you dare sting me.
Lightly Row
Lightly row, lightly row, stepping up the keys
we go.
Lightly row, we lightly row as skipping up
and down we go.
Play the same note then walk up. Play the
next note then walk up.
Lightly row, we lightly row as skipping up
and down we go.
Lightly Row, Lightly Row, o’er the glassy
waves we go.
Smoothly gliding, smoothly gliding, on the
silent tide we ride.
Let the winds and waters be, mingled with
our melody.
Lightly Row, we lightly row so in our little
boat we float.
Lightly Row, Lightly Row, gently down the
stream we go
Birds are singing while they’re winging down
the stream and to and fro.
See the fluffy clouds up there, building
castles in the air
Trees are swaying, children playing, while we
dream and lightly row
Down the stairs, down the stairs, then I go
back up the stairs.
Climbing here and climbing there My Mom
(or Dad) says don’t climb anywhere.
You might fall and crack your head, then
you’d have to go to bed.
Climbing here and climbing there My Mom
says don’t climb anywhere.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, high in the tree tops.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, sing me a song.
Sing in the morning, sing in the evening.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, I’ll sing along.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, how he can sing,
Cuckoo, cuckoo, how he can sing.
We like to hear him, and to be near him.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, how he can sing.
Myrtle, Myrtle, such a fat turtle;
Myrtle, Myrtle, where can she be
Jumping a hurdle in her tight girdle,
Myrtle, Myrtle, swam out to sea.
Here we go up and down looking for Charlie
Here we go up and down looking for Snoopy
Under the rocking chair, under the teddy bear
Here we go up and down, where can they be
French Children’s Song
(The silly version)
French Children’s Song is what they sing in
French Children’s Song is what they sing in
We know the words, but we know them in
If we are lucky, we’ll learn them in French.
French Children’s Song is what they sing in
French Children’s Song is what they sing in
Petit Papa (The French words)
Petit papa c’est aujourd’hui ta fete.
Maman m’a dit que tu n’etais pas la.
J’avais des fleurs pour couronner ta tete,
Un doux baiser pour embaumer ton coeur.
Petit papa c’est aujourd’hui ta fete.
Maman m’a dit que tu n’etais pas la.
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
(Lullaby by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, words by
Isaac Watts)
Hush, my babe, lie still and slumber;
Holy angels guard thy bed;
Heavenly blessings without number,
Gently falling on thy head.
Hush, my babe, lie still and slumber,
Holy angels guard thy bed.
Au Clair de la Lune (by Lully)
(piano words)
Play this note walk up – down, skip up then
walk down.
Play this note walk up – down, skip up then
walk down.
Play this note then skip down, walk right
down to Sol.
Play this note walk up – down, skip up then
walk down.
Au Clair de la Lune (The French words)
Au clair de la lune, mon ami Pierrot.
Prete-moi ta plume pour ecrire un mot.
Ma chandelle est morte, je n’ai plus de feu.
Ourvre-moi ta porte pour l’amour de Dieu.
Other English words:
Silver is the moon light,
Shining very bright
Now it is bed-time,
Time to say good-night
The moon light is shining,
Like a bright nite light
Climbing into bed now,
Soon you will sleep tight
Dinosaurs walked, and then dinosaurs flew,
Dinosaurs ate, and then dinosaurs grew.
Long, long ago dinosaurs ruled the world.
Long, long ago, long ago.
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb, fleece was as white as
Ev’rywhere that Mary went, Mary went,
Mary went
Ev’rywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to
Followed her to school one day, school one
day, school one day
Followed her to school one day, which was
against the rule.
Made the children laugh and play, laugh and
play, laugh and play
Made the children laugh and play, to see a
lamb at school.
Little Playmates
Running up the stairway, running down the
Through the kitchen and then out the back
Running up the stairway, running down the
Running faster than we did before.
Up to the treehouse where you’ll never find
Down to the cellar where you’ll never mind
Running up the stairway, running down the
Skipping, slipping out the big front door.
Chant Arabe
In far-off desert lands, where the oasis stands,
Camels in caravans trail across burning sands.
Riders in flowing turbans sit high atop the
swaying dromedaries;
Bells tinkling, jingling, sweetly ring out across
the desert air and gently tell us…
In far off desert lands, where the oasis stands,
Camels in caravans trail across burning sands.
Allegretto 1 (by Cal Czerny)
Long, Long Ago (by Bayly)
Long, long ago dinosaurs ruled the world. Icthyasaur, Ty-ranasaur.
Long, long ago dinosaurs ruled the world.
Long, long ago, long ago.
Up and down and all around, I seesaw in the
Up and down and all around, I whistle happily as
I play.
Up and down and all around, I seesaw in the
Up and down and all around, I whistle happily as
I play.
Allegro (by Shinici Suzuki)
Riding on a merry-go-round, hanging on a tree
upside down,
Up and down and all around I sing and whistle
all over town.
Riding on a merry-go-round, hanging on a tree
upside down,
Up and down and all around I sing and whistle
all over the town.
Won’t you come and play on my piano?
Won’t you come and play a song for me?
Good-bye to Winter
Musette (Anonymous)
Winter is gone; it’s gone away.
Gone is the cold winter’s breeze,
Soon there’ll be leaves on the trees.
Cold winter days, melting away.
Good-bye, goodbye winter day.
Good-bye Book 1, I’ll miss you so.
I’m going to learn Book 2.
Allegretto 2 (by Carl Czerny)
Baby Kangaroo goes hop, hop, hopping,
He is playing hid and seek.
Hiding from his Mom at bedtime.
Slyly from behind a bush he peaks. (repeat)
Mother catches him in one big leap;
Gently stuffs him in her pouch so deep.
Mother Kangaroo goes hop, hop, hopping.
Rocking Kangaroo, who’s fast asleep!
Christmas Day Secrets (by T. Dutton)
Hush, hush listen to my secret,
Listen to my secret: It’s Christmas Day.
Here’s a present, here’s a pretty present,
I made it to give to Mommy.
Here’s another, here’s another pretty present,
I made it for Dad.
Hush, hush, listen to my secret,
Listen to my secret: It’s Christmas Day.
I am tired. I am tired.
And I want to take a rest.
Won’t you come and play on my piano?
Won’t you come and play a song for me?
I’ll do review, don’t you worry;
I won’t forget you ever.
Good-bye Book 1, I’ll miss you so.
I’m going to learn Book 2.