Prewriting for final piece of in

Prewriting for final piece of in-class writing for English 10
Characters in Cuckoo’s Nest
As you know, one of the ways of getting at character in a text is looking at
characters as static or dynamic. A key piece to understanding these terms is
the fact that a dynamic character has an ESSENTIAL shift in his/her
outlook/belief system.
Essay prompt: Focus on a character from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
and describe whether or not your chosen character is static or dynamic.
Support your findings with a carefully constructed essay, complete with a
focused introduction, direct quotations from the text, topic sentences, and
Assignment: Decide on a character you would like to study in terms of
character/beliefs. We haven’t finished the text yet, so you can’t quite get to
a thesis yet; however, you can begin trying to establish a character’s beliefs
based on the beginning/middle of the text.
Task: Look through the text you’ve read so far. In the spaces below, write
lines that reflect your character. Don’t worry if the basic ideas presented by
your character are conflicting. . . this may make for an excellent paper.
From these lines, (and after we finish the text), a thesis will emerge. From
there, you’ll draft and write your final essay.
Possible Characters:
Chief Bromden
Dale Harding
Randle McMurphy
Billy Bibbit
Nurse Ratched
Doctor Spivey
Space for writing quotes: Yes, I want you to write them out and note the
page number. Why? Because it will force you to write ONLY the portion of
the quote that you truly need!!