Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Pakistan: Power Distribution Enhancement MFF Project (Loan 2178 SF-PAK) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 132 KV Miranpur, 132 KV Kameer, 66-132 KV Alipur, 66132 KV Fatehpur and 66-132 KV Noorsar Grid Stations & Associated Tra nsmission Lines Submitted to: Asian Development Bank May, 2009 Multan Electric Power Company Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan i Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment ABBREVIATIONS ADB COI CSP DoF DFO DIZ EA EARF EIA EMP GDP GOP GIS LARP Leq MPL NEQS NGO PC PEPA PEPAct PPMS REA SIA S-P SR TOR TXL Rupee, PKR Asian Development Bank Corridor of Influence Country Strategy Program Department of Forests Divisional Forest Officer Direct Impact Zone Environmental Assessment Environment Assessment Review Framework Environment Impact Assessment Environmental Management Plan Gross Domestic Product Government of Pakistan Gas Insulated Switchgear Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan equivalent sound pressure level maximum permissible level National Environmental Quality Standards Non Governmental Organization public consultation Punjab Environmental Protection Agency Pakistan Environment Protection Act 1997 (as regulated and amended) Project Performance Monitoring System Rapid Environmental Assessment Social Impact Assessment subproject Sensitive Receiver Terms of Reference transmission line Unit of Pakistan currency. $US approx R62 ii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview 1. This document is the Environmental Impact Assessmentfor the Tranche 2 132 KV Miranpur, 132 KV Kameer, 66-132 KV Alipur, 66-132 KV Fatehpur and 66-132 KV Noorsar Grid Stations & Associated Transmission Lines substation and proposed by Multan Electric Power Company; MEPCO, Power Distribution and Enhancement Multi-tranche Finance Facility (PDEMFF) under the Asian Development Bank [ADB] subproject Power distribution and Enhancement Multi-tranche Finance Facility [PDEMFF] Under the ADB Guidelines. Sr.No Subproject Name District Scope 1 Miranpur Lodhran New 132 KV Grid Station 2 Kameer Sahiwal New 132 KV Grid Station 3 Alipur Muzaffargarh Conversion 66 to 132 KV 4 Fatehpur Layyah Conversion 66 to 132 KV 5 Noorsar Bahawalnagar Conversion 66 to 132 KV 2. Government of Pakistan (GoP) has requested ADB to provide the PDEMFF to facilitate investments in power distribution and development of networks of eight independent distribution companies (DISCOs) that distribute power to end user consumers. The funding from ADB is expected to be released in stages (tranches). The Power Distribution Enhancement (PDE) Investment Program is part of the GoP long term energy security strategy. The proposed ADB intervention will finance new investments in PDE and assist capacity building of sector related agencies. The investment program will cover necessary PDE development activities in secondary transmission / distribution networks of eight DISCOs. The PDEMFF activities include extension (additional transformers) and augmentation (replacement of transformers with higher capacity) distribution line extensions, new and replacement distribution lines, additional substations, transformer protection and other non network activities such as automatic meter reading, construction equipment and computerized accounting. New distribution lines to and from various network facilities and some of the above activities will also be included in the later trenches. The proposed PDEMFF facility has been designed to address both investment and institutional aspects in the electrical power sector. 3. This EIA presents the results and conclusions of environmental assessment for above mentioned subprojects proposed by MEPCO, and are submitted by Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) on behalf of MEPCO. PEPCO has been nominated by Ministry of Water and Power (MOWP) to act as the Executing Agency (EA) with each DISCO being the Implementing Agency (IA) for work in its own area. PEPCO’s role in the processing and implementation of the investment program is that of a coordinator of such activities as preparation of PC-1s and PFRs, monitoring implementation activities; that includes submission of environmental assessments for all subprojects in all tranches of the PDEMFF under ADB operating procedures. An EIA has been carried out to fulfill the requirements of ADB Guidelines (May 2003). This EIA study report is used to complete the Summary Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) for disclosure by ADB if necessary. 4. The environmental assessment requirements of the GoP for grid stations and power distribution subprojects are different to those of ADB. Under GoP regulations, the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (2000) categorizes development subprojects into two schedules according to their potential environmental impact. The proponents of subprojects that have reasonably foreseeable impacts are required to submit an EIA for their respective subprojects (Schedule II). Distribution lines and substations are included under energy subprojects and EIA is required for sub transmission / distribution lines of 11kV and less and large distribution subprojects (Schedule I). EIA is required by GoP for all subprojects involving sub transmission / distribution lines of 11kV and above and for Grid Station [DGS] substations (Schedule II). iii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 5. Clarification has been sought from Pakistan EPA on the requirements for environmental assessment for certain energy subprojects and for sub transmission / distribution lines. A Framework of Environmental Assessment (FEA) on power extensions and augmentation subprojects was prepared by consultants and submitted to the Pakistan EPA, after hearings with provincial EPAs. In response to the FEA submitted by MEPCO to the Pakistan EPA it has been clarified that all proponents must follow section 12 of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act for all subprojects. Pakistan EPA has also assumed that all proponents will consult with the relevant provincial EPAs (PEPA) and follow their advice. In 2006 Punjab EPA requested disclosure of the scope and extent of each subproject in order that the Director General of PEPA can determine if additional land is required and the need for EIA or EIA. A review of the need for EIA/EIA for submission to GoP is therefore required by the relevant environmental protection agency, in this case the Punjab Environmental Protection Agency. 1.2 Scope of the EIA Study and Personnel 6. The Study Area included the identification of irrigation facilities, water supply, habitable structures, schools, health facilities, hospitals, religious places and sites of heritage or archaeological importance and critical areas (if any) within about 100m of the DGS boundary. The works are generally envisaged to involve construction of the DGS, Construction of the bases, foundation pads and towers to support the distribution line will be carried out also under the same subproject by MEPCO and supervised by the MEPCO management. 7. The field studies were undertaken by the subproject’s environment team with experience of environmental assessment for power subprojects in Pakistan. Mrs. Syeda Bushra Waheed conducted preliminary scoping, survey and assessment activities, coordinated the field sampling and analysis, and were also responsible to supervise collation of information and co-ordinate the various public consultation activities. The team conducted preliminary scoping, survey and assessment activities, and carried out the report writing. Dr David Green (International Environmental Consultant of BPI) provided leadership and guidance in planning the field work and in finalization of the report. The environmental team also benefited from technical support and other information on the impacts of the proposed power works provided in feasibility summaries prepared with MEPCO by expert consultants of BPI dealing with engineering, power distribution, socio-economic, re-settlement and institutional aspects. 8. A scoping and field reconnaissance was conducted on the subproject site, during which a Rapid Environmental Assessment was carried out to establish the potential impacts and categorization of subproject activities. The methodology of the EIA study was then elaborated in order to address all interests. Subsequently primary and secondary baseline environmental data was collected from possible sources, and the intensity and likely location of impacts were identified with relation the sensitive receivers; based on the work expected to be carried out. The significance of impacts from construction of the DGS was then assessed and, for those impacts requiring mitigation, measures were proposed to reduce impacts to within acceptable limits. 9. Public consultation (PC) was carried out in March 2009(1st March-5thMarch), in line with ADB guidelines. Under ADB requirements the environmental assessment process must also include meaningful public consultation during the completion of the draft EIA. In this EIA the PC process included verbal disclosure of the sub-subproject works as a vehicle for discussion. Consultations were conducted with local families and communities around sites and staff of the subproject management. The responses from correspondents have been included in Attachments and summarized in following Sections of this EIA. iv Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Pakistan: Power Distribution Enhancement MFF Project (Loan 2178 SF-PAK) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 132 kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Submitted to: Asian Development Bank May, 2009 Multan Electric Power Company Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan v Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Background 3 1.3 Scope of the EIA Study and Personnel 1.4 Policy and Statutory Requirements in Pakistan Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.4.1 Statutory Framework 4 1.4.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 4 1.4.3 Pakistan EPA Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 2000 4 1.4.4 National Environmental Quality Standards 5 1.4.5 Other Relevant Laws 5 1.5 Structure of Report Error! Bookmark not defined. 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 7 2.1 Type of Project 7 2.2 Categorization of the Project 7 2.3 Need for the Project 7 2.4 Location and Scale of Project 8 2.5 Alternatives 2.6 Proposed Schedule for Implementation Error! Bookmark not defined. 11 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 12 3.1 Project Area 3.1.1 General Characteristics of Project Area 3.1.2 Affected Administrative Units 12 12 12 3.2 Physical Resources 3.2.1 Topography, Geography, Geology, and Soils 3.2.2 Climate and Hydrology 3.2.3 Groundwater and Water Supply 3.2.4 Surface water 3.2.5 Air Quality 3.2.6 Noise and Vibration 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 3.3 Ecological Resources 3.3.1 Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquatic Biology 3.3.2 Terrestrial Habitats, Forests and Protected Species 3.3.3 Protected areas / National sanctuaries 14 14 14 15 3.4 Economic Development 3.4.1 Agriculture, Industries, and Tourism 3.4.2 Transportation 3.4.3 Energy Sources 15 15 15 15 3.5 Social and Cultural Resources 3.5.1 Population Communities and Employment 3.5.2 Education and Literacy 3.5.3 Health Facilities 3.5.4 Cultural Heritage and Community Structure 16 16 16 16 16 vi Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 4. SCREENING POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 18 4.1 Project Location 18 4.1.1 Impact Assessment and Mitigation 18 4.1.2 General Approach to Mitigation 18 4.1.3 Cultural Heritage, Temples, Religious Sites Social Infrastructure 18 4.1.4 Cut and fill Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2 Potential Environmental Impacts Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.1 Encroachment, Landscape and Physical Disfiguration Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.2 Trees, Ecology and Protected Areas Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.3 Hydrology, Sedimentation, Soil Erosion Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.4 Air Pollution from earthworks and transport Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.5 Noise, Vibration and Blasting Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.6 Air pollution and noise from the enhanced operations Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.7 Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal, Communicable DiseasesError! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.8 Disease Vectors Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.9 Pollution from oily run-off, fuel spills and dangerous goodsError! Bookmark not defined. 5. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 24 6. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 27 6.1 Approach to Public Consultation 27 6.2 Public Consultation Process 27 6.3 Results of Public Consultation 27 7. CONCLUSIONS 28 7.1 Findings and Recommendations 28 7.2 Summary and Conclusions 28 vii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Figures and Maps Figure 1.1 Tranche 1 Subprojects and National Transmission Lines of Pakistan Figure 1.2 Plan for Miranpur Grid station and Transmission line Attachments Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 Attachment 7 Attachment 8 Pakistan EIA Process. Environmental Management Plan (matrix) Monitoring Plan (matrix) Summary of Public Consultation Preliminary program for design, construction and commissioning Trees & Infrastructure Likely to be Affected by 30 m RoW Trees affected by 30m RoW of distribution line route Implementation Schedule Prepared by Name S Bushra Waheed Authorised by Javed Rashid Initials MEPCO viii Date Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment ABBREVIATIONS ADB Miranpur COI CSP DoF DFO DIZ EA EARF EIA EMP GDP GOP GIS LARP Leq MPL NEQS NGO PC PEPA PEPAct PPMS REA SIA S-P SR TOR TXL Asian Development Bank Miranpur 132kv grid substation and transmission line subproject Corridor of Influence Country Strategy Program Department of Forests Divisional Forest Officer Direct Impact Zone Environmental Assessment Environment Assessment Review Framework Environment Impact Assessment Environmental Management Plan Gross Domestic Product Government of Pakistan Gas Insulated Switchgear Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan equivalent sound pressure level maximum permissible level National Environmental Quality Standards Non Governmental Organization public consultation Punjab Environmental Protection Agency Pakistan Environment Protection Act 1997 (as regulated and amended) Project Performance Monitoring System Rapid Environmental Assessment Social Impact Assessment subproject Sensitive Receiver Terms of Reference transmission line Rupee, PKR Unit of Pakistan currency. $US approx R62 ix Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Overview Environmental Impact Assessment 10. This document is the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Tranche 2 Miranpur Grid station and Transmission line [as associated subproject] substation and proposed by Multan Electricity Supply Company; MEPCO] [Fig 1.1 and1.2] , Power Distribution and Enhancement Multi-tranche Finance Facility (PDEMFF) proposed by Multan Electricity Power Company [MEPCO] [FIG 1.1 and Fig 1.2] under the Asian Development Bank [ADB] subproject Power distribution and Enhancement Multitranche Finance Facility [PDEMFF] Under the ADB Guidelines. 11. Government of Pakistan (GoP) has requested ADB to provide the PDEMFF to facilitate investments in power distribution and development of networks of eight independent distribution companies (DISCOs) that distribute power to end user consumers. The funding from ADB is expected to be released in stages (tranches). The Power Distribution Enhancement (PDE) Investment Program is part of the GoP long term energy security strategy. The proposed ADB intervention will finance new investments in PDE and assist capacity building of sector related agencies. The investment program will cover necessary PDE development activities in secondary transmission / distribution networks of eight DISCOs. The PDEMFF activities include extension (additional transformers) and augmentation (replacement of transformers with higher capacity) distribution line extensions, new and replacement distribution lines, additional substations, transformer protection and other non network activities such as automatic meter reading, construction equipment and computerized accounting. New distribution lines to and from various network facilities and some of the above activities will also be included in the later trenches. The proposed PDEMFF facility has been designed to address both investment and institutional aspects in the electrical power sector. 12. This EIA presents the results and conclusions of environmental assessment for the 132KV Miranpur substation subproject proposed by MEPCO, and are submitted by Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) on behalf of MEPCO. PEPCO has been nominated by Ministry of Water and Power (MOWP) to act as the Executing Agency (EA) with each DISCO being the Implementing Agency (IA) for work in its own area. PEPCO’s role in the processing and implementation of the investment program is that of a coordinator of such activities as preparation of PC-1s and PFRs, monitoring implementation activities; that includes submission of environmental assessments for all subprojects in all trenches of the PDEMFF under ADB operating procedures. An EIA has been carried out to fulfill the requirements of ADB Guidelines (May 2003). This EIA study report is used to complete the Summary Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) for disclosure by ADB if necessary. 13. The environmental assessment requirements of the GoP for grid stations and power distribution subprojects are different to those of ADB. Under GoP regulations, the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (2000) categorizes development subprojects into two schedules according to their potential environmental impact. The proponents of subprojects that have reasonably foreseeable impacts are required to submit an EIA for their respective subprojects (Schedule I). The proponents of subprojects that have more adverse environmental impacts (Schedule II) 1are required to submit an 1 Initial subproject classification was carried out in 2006 and the Category is B. Most of the construction impacts will take place with only local impacts and there are no potential significant environmental impacts associated with the T2 (tranche two) subsubproject construction. Initial environmental reconnaissance and REA carried out by consultants under ADB guidelines in August 2008 indicated that all the T2 sub-subprojects will be Category B. Environmental Assessment Guidelines (ADB May 2003). Category A subprojects that are deemed by ADB's chief compliance officer to be environmentally sensitive for the purposes of (i) the 120 day rule, and (ii) the environmental management plan requirement could involve subprojects that are near or in environmentally sensitive areas. At this stage no component of the T2 sub-subprojects under consideration is actually within a critical area and therefore the MFF tranche as a whole is Category B. Page 1 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Page 2 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment environmental impact assessment (EIA). Distribution lines and substations are included under energy subprojects and EIA is required for sub transmission / distribution lines of 11kV and less and large distribution subprojects (Schedule I). EIA is required by GoP for all subprojects involving sub transmission / distribution lines of 11kV and above and for Grid Station [DGS] substations (Schedule II). 14. Clarification has been sought from Pakistan EPA on the requirements for environmental assessment for certain energy subprojects and for sub transmission / distribution lines. A Framework of Environmental Assessment (FEA) on power extensions and augmentation subprojects was prepared by consultants and submitted to the Pakistan EPA, after hearings with provincial EPAs. In response to the FEA submitted by MEPCO to the Pakistan EPA2 it has been clarified that all proponents must follow section 12 of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act for all subprojects. Pakistan EPA has also assumed that all proponents will consult with the relevant provincial EPAs (PEPA) and follow their advice. In 2006 Punjab EPA requested disclosure of the scope and extent of each subproject in order that the Director General of PEPA can determine if additional land is required and the need for EIA or EIA. A review of the need for EIA/EIA for submission to GoP is therefore required by the relevant environmental protection agency, in this case the Punjab Environmental Protection Agency. 2.2 Scope of the EIA Study and Personnel 15. The Study Area included the identification of irrigation facilities, water supply, habitable structures, schools, health facilities, hospitals, religious places and sites of heritage or archaeological importance and critical areas (if any) within about 100m of the DGS boundary. The works are generally envisaged to involve construction of the DGS, Construction of the bases, foundation pads and towers to support the distribution line will be carried out also under the same subproject by MEPCO and supervised by the MEPCO management. 16. The field studies were undertaken by the subproject’s environment team with experience of environmental assessment for power subprojects in Pakistan. Mrs. Syeda Bushra Waheed conducted preliminary scoping, survey and assessment activities, coordinated the field sampling and analysis, and were also responsible to supervise collation of information and co-ordinate the various public consultation activities. The team conducted preliminary scoping, survey and assessment activities, and carried out the report writing. Dr David Green (International Environmental Consultant of BPI) provided leadership and guidance in planning the field work and in finalization of the report. The environmental team also benefited from technical support and other information on the impacts of the proposed power works provided in feasibility summaries prepared with MEPCO by expert consultants of BPI dealing with engineering, power distribution, socio-economic, re-settlement and institutional aspects. 17. A scoping and field reconnaissance was conducted on the subproject site, during which a Rapid Environmental Assessment was carried out to establish the potential impacts and categorization of subproject activities. The methodology of the EIA study was then elaborated in order to address all interests. Subsequently primary and secondary baseline environmental data was collected from possible sources, and the intensity and likely location of impacts were identified with relation the sensitive receivers; based on the work expected to be carried out. The significance of impacts from construction of the DGS was then assessed and, for those impacts requiring mitigation, measures were proposed to reduce impacts to within acceptable limits. 18. Public consultation (PC) was carried out in March 2009(1st March-5thMarch), in line with ADB guidelines. Under ADB requirements the environmental assessment process must also include meaningful public consultation during the completion of the draft EIA. In this EIA the PC process included verbal disclosure of the sub-subproject works as a vehicle for discussion. Consultations were conducted with local families and communities around and132KV substation Miranpur site and staff of the subproject management. The responses from correspondents have been included in Attachment 5 and summarized in Section 6 of this EIA. Letter dated 29th June 2007 – Ref 2(1)2004-W/KCP-DD from Pak EPA Sajjad Hussein Talpur, Dy Director (EIA/Mont) to MEPCO, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Subproject Director PPTA, MEPCO, WAPDA House, Lahore. 2 Page 3 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line 3. Environmental Impact Assessment POLICY AND STATUARY REQUIREMENTS IN PAKISTAN 19. Direct legislation on environmental protection is contained in several statutes, namely the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997) the Forest Act (1927) the Punjab Wildlife Act (1974). In addition the Land Acquisition Act (1894) also provides powers in respect of land acquisition for public purposes. There are also several other items of legislation7 and regulations which have an indirect bearing on the subproject or general environmental measures. 3.1 Statutory Framework 20. The Constitution of Pakistan distributes legislative powers between the federal and the provincial governments through two ‘lists’ attached to the Constitution as Schedules. The Federal List covers the subjects over which the federal government has exclusive legislative power, while the Concurrent List contains subjects regarding which both the federal and provincial governments can enact laws. “Environmental pollution and ecology” is included in the concurrent list, hence both the federal and the provincial governments can enact laws on this subject. However, to date, only the federal government has enacted laws on environment, and the provincial environmental institutions derive their power from the federal law. The Punjab Environmental Protection Act 1996 is now superseded by the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997). The key environmental laws affecting this subproject are discussed below. 3.1.1 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 21. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 is the basic legislative tool empowering the government to frame regulations for the protection of the environment. The act is applicable to a wide range of issues and extends to air, water, soil, marine, and noise pollution, as well as to the handling of hazardous wastes. The key features of the law that have a direct bearing on the proposed subproject relate to the requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and environmental impact assessment (EIA) for development subprojects. Section 12(1) requires that: “No proponent of a subproject shall commence construction or operation unless he has filed with the Federal Agency an Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] or, where the subproject is likely to cause an adverse environmental effect, an environmental impact assessment [EIA], and has obtained from the Federal Agency approval in respect thereof.” The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency has delegated the power of review and approval of environmental assessments to the provincial environmental protection agencies, in this case the Punjab EPA. (Fig 1.1) 3.1.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 2000 22. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 (PEP Act) provides for two types of environmental assessments: Environmental Impact Assessment s (EIA) and environment impact assessments (EIA). EIAs are carried out for subprojects that have a potentially ‘significant’ environmental impact, whereas EIAs are conducted for relatively smaller subprojects with a relatively less significant impact. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 2003 (the ‘Regulations’), prepared by the Pak-EPA under the powers conferred upon it by the PEP Act, categorizes subprojects for EIA and EIA. Schedules I and II, attached to the Regulations, list the subprojects that require EIA and EIA, respectively. 23. The Regulations also provide the necessary details on the preparation, submission, and review of EIAs and EIAs. The following is a brief step-wise description of the approval process (see also Attachment 1): (i) A subproject is categorized as requiring an EIA or EIA using the two schedules attached to Regulations. (ii) An EIA or EIA is conducted as per the requirement and following the Pak-EPA guidelines. (iii) The EIA or EIA is submitted to the concerned provincial EPA if it is located in the provinces or Pak-EPA if it is located in Islamabad and federally administrated areas. The Fee (depending on cost of the subproject and the type of the report) is submitted along with the document. (iv) The EIA/EIA is also accompanied by an application in the format prescribed in Schedule IV of Regulations. the the the the 3 The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2000 Page 4 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) Environmental Impact Assessment The EPA conducts a preliminary scrutiny and replies within 10 days of the submittal of a report, a) confirming completeness, or b) asking for additional information, if needed, or c) returning the report requiring additional studies, if necessary. The EPA is required to make every effort to complete the EIA and EIA review process within 45 and 90 days, respectively, of the issue of confirmation of completeness. Then the EPA accords their approval subject to certain conditions: Before commencing construction of the subproject, the proponent is required to submit an undertaking accepting the conditions. Before commencing operation of the subproject, the proponent is required to obtain from the EPA a written confirmation of compliance with the approval conditions and requirements of the EIA. An EMP is to be submitted with a request for obtaining confirmation of compliance. The EPAs are required to issue confirmation of compliance within 15 days of the receipt of request and complete documentation. The EIA/EIA approval is valid for three years from the date of accord. A monitoring report is to be submitted to the EPA after completion of construction, followed by annual monitoring reports during operation. 24. Distribution lines and grid substations of 11 kV and above are included under energy subprojects in Schedule II, under which rules EIA is required by GoP. Initial environment examination (EIA) is required for distribution lines less than 11 kV and large distribution subprojects (Schedule I). A review of the need for EIA/ EIA submission is therefore required by the relevant EPA, in this case the Punjab Environment Protection Agency (EPA) as the proposed subproject will be located in Punjab. 25. There are no formal provisions for the environmental assessment of expanding existing distribution lines and grid substations but Punjab EPA have requested disclosure of the scope and extent of each subproject in order that their Director General can determine if additional land is required and the need for statutory environmental assessment1. The details of this subproject will be forwarded to the Punjab EPA, in order to commence the local statutory environmental assessment process. 3.1.3 National Environmental Quality Standards 26. The National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) were first promulgated in 1993 and have been amended in 1995 and 2000. The following standards that are specified in the NEQS may be relevant to the Tranche 2 subprojects: 27. Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants (32 parameters) in municipal and liquid industrial effluents discharged to inland waters, sewage treatment facilities, and the sea (three separate sets of numbers) 28. Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants (2 parameters) in gaseous emissions from vehicle exhaust and noise emission from vehicles. 3.1.4 Other Relevant Laws 29. There are a number of other federal and provincial laws that are important in the context of environmental management. The main laws potentially affecting subprojects in this MFF are listed below. 30. The Punjab Wildlife Protection Ordinance, 1972 empowers the government to declare certain areas reserved for the protection of wildlife and control activities within in these areas. It also provides protection to endangered species of wildlife. As no activities are planned in these areas, no provision of this law is applicable to the proposed subproject. 31. The Forestry Act, 1927 empowers the government to declare certain areas reserved forest. As no reserved forest exists in the vicinity of the proposed subproject, this law will not affect to the proposed subproject. 32. The Antiquities Act of 1975 ensures the protection of Pakistan’s cultural resources. The Act defines ‘antiquities’ as ancient products of human activity, historical sites, or sites of anthropological or cultural interest, national monuments, etc. The Act is designed to protect these antiquities from destruction, theft, negligence, unlawful excavation, trade, and export. The law prohibits new construction in the proximity of a protected antiquity and empowers the Government of Pakistan to prohibit excavation in any area that may contain articles of archaeological significance. Under the Act, the subproject Page 5 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment proponents are obligated to ensure that no activity is undertaken in the proximity of a protected antiquity, report to the Department of Archaeology, Government of Pakistan, any archaeological discovery made during the course of the subproject. 3.2 Structure of Report 33. This EIA reviews information on existing environmental attributes of the Study Area. Geological, hydrological and ecological features, air quality, noise, water quality, soils, social and economic aspects and cultural resources are included. The report predicts the probable impacts on the environment due to the proposed subproject enhancement and expansion. This EIA also proposes various environmental management measures. Details of all background environmental quality, environmental impact / pollutant generating activities, pollution sources, predicted environmental quality and related aspects have been provided in this report. References are presented as footnotes throughout the text. Following this introduction the report follows ADB guidelines and includes: Description of the Subproject Description of Environmental and Social Conditions Assessment of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental Monitoring Plan Public Consultation Recommendations and Conclusions Page 6 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 4.1 Type of Project Environmental Impact Assessment 34. The Miranpur 132kV Grid Station and transmission line subproject has been prepared by Multan Electric Power Company (MEPCO) to provide additional power supply to the Gelaywal town and nearby towns of District Lodhran. This substation will be linked to the existing Multan – Bahawalpur 132kV double circuit transmission line by constructing a new 11.390 km long 132kV double circuit transmission line, starting from Miranpur village, in District Lodhran (Punjab). The Miranpur subproject wil involve the construction of a new grid station and11.39 km long 132 kV double circuit transmission line. The new grid station will be constructed on 5.72 acre or 2.32 ha. of land at Gelaywal.(Purchase of land is in process by MEPCO) The new transmission line will mainly traverse private farmlands (97.9%) and a small section of private and government uncultivated land (2.1%) like canal, road, paths and water courses. No land will be acquired permanently for the transmission line. However, its construction and stringing works will affect crops and trees within the 30m wide safety corridor and the crop damage will be compensated for the whole affected strip of land. No land acquisition is involved in the construction of the substation. 35. The new transmission line is 11.39 km long and will pass through four villages Miranpur, Gujarwala Chak, Dolatpur, and Rawani located in Tehsil and District Lodhranan (Punjab province). The first 3,880 meters long section of the line traverses the farmlands of Miranpur village , 2,323 meter section will pass through Gujarwala Chak, then 2,834 meter section will pass through Dolatpur village and remaining 2,353 meter section will pass through Rawani village. The transmission line will traverse private farmlands for most of its length 11,150.5 meter (97.9%) and only 239.5 meter (2.1%) uncultivated private and government lands (Canal, Road, Paths and watercourses). As a result, some 71 households, with a total population of 689 persons (Affectees), will be affected by temporary disruption to land, and loss of 35.77 ha of crops and 122 wood trees. See Figure 1.1 presents the line route 4.2 Categorization of the Project 36. Categorization is based on the most environmentally sensitive component of a sub project. The aspects of the subproject with potential of significant environmental impacts need to be assessed in detail and this environmental assessment has therefore focused on the significant impacts possible from the construction activities of the subproject. 37. The site for the proposed DGS as well as proposed TXL route is located in rural setting with some minor settlements and other infrastructure around the site. The Miranpur subproject is categorized as a Category B sub-project 1.3 under ADB requirements and this EIA report is based on that assumption. 4.3 Need for the Project 38. The standards and conditions of the power transmission system in Pakistan are inadequate to meet rapidly growing demand for electrical power. This situation limits national development and economic growth. To cope with the constraints, the existing power transmission infrastructure has to be improved and upgraded. The overall contribution of power infrastructure also requires institutional arrangements and capacity that support strategic management of the sector, and planning and management of investments. Overall the proposed PDEMFF facility has been designed to address both investment and institutional aspects in the electrical power sector 39. Domestic, commercial and industrial power demands in the Lodhran area of Mapco jurisdiction (Fig.2.1) have increased rapidly, especially in summer months, so that the existing DGS are unable to cope up with the increasing demands of the domestic, commercial and industrial sectors. Due to the increased power demand of the area the existing grid stations has become overloaded and insufficient to meet the increased demand. There is need to improve the power supply of the area. For this purpose MEPCO is planning to construct 132kV Miranpur new grid station in this area named Miranpur, Grid Station. Page 7 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Figure 2.2: Jurisdiction Map of MEPCO 4.4 Location and scale of project 40. The EIA has included field reconnaissance of site and surroundings of MiranpurDGS site and TXL .The Miranpur subproject is located within MEPCO Jurisdiction Fig2.2 presents the location of substation. Substations site location is determined by a committee , comprising of professionals from : planning ; design ; construction ; operation ; and social, formations of the DISCO . The committee selects the best site based, from a number of alternatives, on the following considerations : Least cost technically and socially acceptable alternative ; least social impacts ; soil; and atmospheric conditions that are not likely impose a higher cost or damage the planed facilities ; acceptable living conditions for staff members (health, education , water etc.); reasonable access conditions to allow movement of heavy equipment; reasonable access conditions to allow incoming and outgoing transmission lines right of way . 41. The Miranpur subproject will involve the construction of 132kV substation and11.39km long a132kV double circuit TXL requiring.46 towers.The proposed DGS site and route to the nearest 132 line appears to be environmentally feasible and technically appropriate and will join DGS with an existing132kV line at about11.39km in Miranpur village. Page 8 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Figure 2.2: Location Miranpur Substation Page 9 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 42. This EIA has been conducted based on the assumptions available in late March 2009 when the preliminary designs for the DGS and TXL were completed and the overall requirements for installation of the equipment had been identified (Attachment1). The detailed designs are currently being progressed by MEPCO. At this stage, the construction activities under the SP are expected to include the usual localized civil works such as extension of the main yard, including excavation and concreting of foundations for the new transformers, capacitor banks, cable trays and terminal tower (within the DGS compound), installation of the transformers, equipment and fittings, erection of the towers, cabling, construction of the control rooms and installation of allied equipment, and construction of the offices and residences. Impacts from construction of the Miranpur substation are envisaged to be minor, since no additional land needs to be acquired for construction of the DGS and TXL, the works for the construction of DGS will be on the land already owned by MEPCO . This EIA , however, is based on detailed line route surveys (which includes alternative routes and the route which minimizes the social impacts is chosen) . The line route is then submitted to the design formation which Page 10 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment determines the line profiles and tower locations, these towers are then located on ground . The EIA is , therefore based on line design which is final (baring any unforeseen occurrence ) and only is changed at implementation stage if so warranted by new developments .The line design is based on the following parameters 0 Permissible Conductor Clearances at 65 C Clearance m Sr. No.Description 1 Cultivated land traversed by vehicles 2 Roads and Streets 3 Communication and power lines power lines up to 66 kV power lines up to 33 kV 4 Highways 5 Railroads 6 Electrified railroads trolley wire 7 River at high flood 8 places accessible to pedestrians only 9 Building roofs not accessible to people 10 Tops of trees (Orchards) 11 Canals 6.7 7.9 2.7 2.7 7.9 7.9 3.85 9.1 7.9 5.2 5 9.1 43. The connecting line from Miranpur to the network will involve erection of 46 towers that will be strung with the new DGS. Transmission Line will pass through private farmlands of four villages. The line consists of four sections. 3,880m long section requires 15 towers which will be installed in Miranpur, 2,323m long section require 09 towers which will be constructed in Gujarwala Chak, 2,834 long section will require 11 towers which will be erected in Dolatpur and 2,353m long section need 11 towers to be installed in Rawani. Proposed Schedule for Implementation 44. Designs power transmission arrangements, access, review of environmental management and construction processes could take several months. When the detailed designs are completed, tendering and award of contract will take place over about three to six months. The construction period will follow and best estimates indicate about eighteen months to two years.(Attachment 8 presents the implementation schedule of the sub project ) . The imp[lamentation schedule of the tranche is presented as follow TIME SCHEDULE - TRANCHE 2 - DISTRIBUTION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Responsibility 1 2 Loan Processing Loan negotiation Tranche 2 Approval Loan Effectivity Bidding Documents Bidding Documents Preparation Evaluation Contract Awards Construction Delivery of equipment Construction & Installation Testing & Commissioning Loan Closing ADB ADB EAD EAD EAD ADB PEPCO PEPCO PEPCO DISCOs DISCOs DISCOs Contractor Contractor Contractor ADB PEPCO I Year 2009 II III IV I Year 2010 II III IV I Year 2011 II III IV I Year 2012 II III IV I Year 2013 II III IV I Year 2014 II III IV I Year 2015 II III IV I Year 2016 II III IV Page 11 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 5.1 Project Area 5.1.1 General Characteristics of Project Area Environmental Impact Assessment 45. The Miranpur132kV grid station and transmission line subproject has been prepared by Multan Electric Power Company (MEPCO) to provide additional power supply to the Gelaywal town and nearby towns of District Lodhran. This substation will be linked to the existing Multan – Bahawalpur 132kV double circuit transmission line by constructing a new 11.390 km long 132kV double circuit transmission line, starting from Miranpur village, in District Lodhran (Punjab). MEPCO has purchased 5.72 acres of land at Gelaywal for the construction of substation, so no land acquisition is involved. The transmission line will pass through four villages and will temporarily affect a total of 33.45 ha of crops and 122 wood trees. There are 71 affected households households losing agricultural crops and trees and one structure, with a total population of 689 affected people (APs). The selected DGS site is presently used as agriculture land located in rural cultivated area. The whole construction activity of the grid station will be done with in the boundary wall of the land owned (under process) by MEPCO, and 11.39km long transmission line will traverse through (97.9 percent) farmlands and 2.1 percent through govt. or unproductive land. For this subproject no private land is required, only compensation or tree and crops will be paid to concerned parties. 5.1.2 Affected Administrative Units 46. The Miranpur subproject will indirectly affect four village authorities in Tehsil and District Lodhran, Province of Punjab (Figure 1.2). For the purpose of this study the Miranpur subproject has been assumed to affect Miranpur, Gujarwala, chak, Daulatpur and Rawani, interviews have been conducted with the public from all along the DGS site TXL corridor. 5.2 Physical Resources 5.2.1 Topography, Geography, Geology, and Soils 47. The entire area is a smooth plain, almost whole under cultivation through canals and tube wells. The subsoil, water in Dunyapur sub-division is brackish while in Kahror Pakka and Lodhran sub-division is drinkable. 5.2.2 Climate and Hydrology 48. There is little variation of altitude above sea level in the land along the alignment. The small change and short length of the transmission line means no variation between the climates of the project area. The climate at Miranpur is typical of that of the South Punjab. 49. The maximum temperature in summer reaches 42oC. In winter the minimum is 5oC. The mean maximum and minimum temperatures in summer are 39C and 28oC; and in winter 21oC and 5oC respectively. The summer season starts from April and continues till October. May, June and July are the hottest months. The winter season on the other hand starts from November and continues till March, December, January and February are the coldest months. 50. The rainy season starts in July and ends in September. Annual rainfall is 71 millimeter. More rains occur in July and August than any other months. Most of the winter rains are received in the months of January, February and March. 5.2.3 Groundwater and Water Supply 51. Irrigation is largely dependent on the canals, but tube wells have also been sunk in the areas where water is fit for irrigation. The chemical quality of ground water in the district varies area wise and depth wise. The strata near the Miranpur are water bearing and alluvial deposits, giving groundwater potential throughout the project area and the water table is fairly near the surface. The water table is not seasonal and dug wells do not generally run dry. Groundwater sources exist in the area and there are tube wells within 500m of the proposed TXL towers but the wells are generally well away from the proposed transmission lines. There is no piped water supply in most areas in Miranpur. Elsewhere the Page 12 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment local population is generally reliant on supply from hand pumps. There should be no impact on these sources of water during the construction. 52. Around 15 percent of the housing units are using piped water, majority of which has that facility in their own houses. A majority is using hand pump for potable water representing 79.1 percent. Just 0.4 percent households are using potable water taken out from wells. Such facility is mostly being availed in rural areas where their percentage share is around 0.4.. 5.2.4 Surface water Rivers and Tributaries Rivers 53. River Satluj runs on the southern flank. The district is served by artificial canals dug at different times. i.ecanal Dewan wahl, Sheikh wah Sharqiai, Mubarak Wah, Khan wah, Sheikh wah Gharbi . New canals were dug in 1925-26 which started irrigating the area in 1927. Satluj valley project brought major portion of the district under cultivation. All these canals became instinct with the passage of time. Sidhnai-Mailsi-Bahawal line was cut in 1965 which irrigates parts of Lodhran, Kehror Pacca and Dunyapur Tehsils. Lower Pakpattan which emanated from Thingi from SMB link canal is now serving the whole of Dunyapur tehsil throughout the year. These canals have turned whole of the area into lush green fields. Nullahs 54. There is no natural marsh and nullah in the district. 55. Irrigation: District Lodhran is served by two canals i.e. Qutabpur canal (perennial) and Mailsi canal (non-perennial). Area under perennial irrigation is 17,101 acres. While non perennial canal irrigates 520,105 acres. Area irrigated by tube wells is about 398,060 acres. Nal Nahri areas come to about 16,250 acres. Area irrigated by Jhalr is 479 acres. There are further two perennial and two nonperennial main distributaries. 5.2.5 Air Quality 56. Air quality in most of the project area appears good based on observation during the study period. Emissions should be controlled at source under the EMP. There will be a few items of powered mechanical equipment to be used in the construction of the transmission line works that may give rise to many complaints about dust and other emissions, however there should be well dissipated. The major sources of complaint will likely be any necessary earthworks and local soil compaction. In comparison domestic sources of air pollution, such as emissions from wood and kerosene burning stoves as well as small diesel standby generators in some households, are minor. 57. Industrial pollution sources are not present in the vicinity of Miranpur subproject.. The project area is distant from major sources of air pollution like industries or urban type traffic, domestic sources such as burning of wood and kerosene stoves, etc. or fugitive sources such as burning of solid wastes. Air quality in the project area appeared very good during the study period . Air quality measurements in major urban centers , carried out by Pak-EPA , revealed that CO, SO2 and NO levels were in excess of the acceptable levels in some areas but the average levels were found below WHO standards . Air quality testing by DISCOs (average values are : TSP 1.09 mg/m3 , CO 634 ppb , SO 2 24.34 ppb, NO2 23.73 ppb )through various consultants has reveled that most substations have NO2, CO2 and CO values below international standards although TSP levels at some locations was higher than international standards . 58. There should be no source of atmospheric pollution from the project. In the operational phase the industrial facilities with fuel powered mechanical equipment will be the main polluters. All such emissions will be very well dissipated in the open terrain and there will be no cumulative effect from the project. 59. The other major source of air pollution is dust arising from construction and other ground or soil disturbance. Near the access roads, when vehicles pass, dust levels will increase. Dust levels are Page 13 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment elevated when vehicles pass intermittently over the roads based on field observations and may be high enough to obscure vision significantly based on observations in August and September 2006. 5.2.6 Noise and Vibration 60. Noise from vehicles and other powered mechanical equipment is intermittent. There are also the occasional calls to prayer from the PA systems at the local mosques but there are no significant disturbances to the quiet rural setting. However the construction from the proposed power expansion will use powered mechanical equipment. Subjective observations were made of background noise and also of individual vehicle pass by events. Based on professional experience background daytime noise levels are probably well below 55dB (A) L90. DISCOs have carried out noise level measurements at various substations and transmission line locations within the system .These analyzed to calculate Leq values have resulted in Leq values much below the 85 dBA limit prescribed under the NEQs established by the EPA or the 75 dBA used by DISCOs/NTDC/PEPCO in the equipment specifications . Typical values were : average 46.21 dBA ; high 63.14 dBA ; and low 34.35 dBA . 5.3 Ecological Resources 5.3.1 Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquatic Biology 61. There is no significant wild life in the district. Jackals and wild cats, Wild rabbits can also be seen in the un-inhabited area. In the winter season many varieties of ducks visit the district. Koonj and talur can also be seen in winter season mostly along river Satluj. Nightingale (quils0 are in abundance before the harvest of wheat and cotton crops. Large scale netting is done by professional people and is freely available in the market. Partridges are also found in most parts of the district. They are more common in Miran Pur forest which is game reserve. People also domesticate partridges. 5.3.2 Terrestrial Habitats, Forests and Protected Species Vegetation cover and trees 62. The project area, which is dry, is dominated by urban suburbs and with various productive fields of monocultures that now dominate the agro-ecosystems present in the project area. Common floral species with rooted vegetation are also present in most of the water bodies of the area. 63. Vegetation of the district is not very different from the rest of the southern Punjab. The only preserved area is Miran Pur Zakhira. The agriculturist grows Shesham and Kkar on their lands. The forest department also undertakes plantation on the road sides and canal banks. The tendency of orchards is also taking roots. There are fruit gardens in the vicinity of Lodhran city which mostly have mangoes and citrus plants. So farmers are taking keen interest in developing new varieties of mangoes. All the landlords usually have a small fruit garden mostly for their own consumption. The soil is suitable for growing mangoes, citrus, date palms, beri, jaman etc. 64. There is no wild growth of any bush near the area of works but natural forest cover in the district has been significantly reduced in the past but some of the older stands of trees are well established could be considered as semi-naturalized to some extent. 65. The majority of the land adjacent to the substation and TXL is cultivated rural area with minor settlements The substation will be constructed on land (under purchase process) presently used for agriculture where there is very sparse vegetation. 5.3.3 Protected and Religious Trees 66. There is no tree within the proposed DGS boundary but there are trees along the RoW. In general permission should be sought from the local tree owners for the felling of any trees. The LARP may make provision for compensation of local people for the loss of trees, if needed after detailed study. The works must deal with trees that need to be lopped or removed for safety reasons with the necessary permissions. 67. There is no natural forest in the district. The area under artificial forests is also very small i.e. 1671 acres. The only worth mentioning forest is at Miran pur at a distance of about 12km from Lodhran on Page 14 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Bahawalpur– Multan road. Keekar, Shesham, Jal and Pepal are the trees generally grown. The artificial forests also have eucalyptus. 5.3.4 Protected areas / National sanctuaries 68. In Pakistan there are several areas of land devoted to the preservation of biodiversity through the dedication of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. There are no protected areas near the near proposed DGS and transmission alignment. 5.4 Economic Development 5.4.1 Agriculture, Industries, and Tourism 69. Agriculture: The main crops are wheat, oil seeds, maize, sugarcane, cotton, jawar, bajra, rice and Til. In addition there are subsidiary crops known as Zaid Rabi, Zaid Kharif and dobari. 70. Horticulture: The main fruits grown are date, orange and mango. An area of 5616 acres is under the fruit gardens. Kehror Pakka is known for its vegetables which are supplied to the neighboring districts. These vegetables include all vegetables of summer and winter season in addition to melons and water melons. 71. Industry: There is only one vegetable ghee mill and flour mill in the district in addition to 58 cotton ginning factories. 5.4.2 Transportation 72. There is a network of inter-city roads in the district, connecting all tehsil headquarters and important towns. Lodhran is also linked with other parts of the country by Lodhran – Bahawalpur road, Lodhran – Multan road, Lodhran – Jalalpur road and Lodhran – Shujabad road. 73. The district headquarter is connected with its Tehsil headquarters through railway line. Lodhran railway station is a junction of all the above railway lines. The district is also served by Bahawalpur-Sama Sata to Karachi Railway line, Kehror Pakka Kasur - Lahore Railway line, Dunyapur – Khanewal – Lahore Railway line and Shujabad – Multan Railway line. 74. Lodhran district is not directly connected to other parts of the country by air but it is connected through Multan Airport which 40km from Lodhran. 75. The air, rail and road transport systems are all reliant to some extent on electrical power and thus the majority of the local population is reliant on the power network for transportation. 76. Tourism: There are many places of interest those attract tourists and promote tourisms e.g. Talwara, Tewat, Kehror Khuna, Dhanot, Jalal Abad Kuhna, Mona Bhir, Lado Wala, Ladha, Nasir-ud-Din, Malik Wahan, Chamb Kalyar, Kalay Wala, Kot Pir Sadat, Rukanpur Kuhna, Khanpur Kuhna, Khara, Manglotabad and Inayatabad. 5.4.3 Energy Sources 77. The transmission lines for electrical power run to a main grid substation at. The existing 132 kV Grid Station owned by MEPCO, transmits power to the load centers. 78. Reserves of fossil fuels the main sources of energy in Pakistan others are derived from hydropower. In the study area there is no source of hydropower and other energy sources are progressively more common further away from the major towns. The biomass sourcing is concentrated on home garden production of fuel wood, the extraction of wood from forests, woodland, crop plantations and agricultural residues. The other significant energy sources in the area are kerosene and LPG. There are numerous petrol stations and LPG dealers in the district. 79. Nearly 60 percent of housing units are using wood as cooking fuel in their houses while 1.2 percent is using gas for this purpose. Hardly one percent is using kerosene oil and other sources of cooking fuel in their houses. Regarding urban and rural differential wood is mainly used, representing 55.1 percent Page 15 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment in rural and 85.2 in urban areas followed by other material in rural areas and gas in urban areas representing 43.9 and 6.7 percent housing units respectively. 5.5 Social and Cultural Resources 5.5.1 Population Communities and Employment 80. The total population of Lodhran district was 1,171,800 persons as enumerated in March 1998. Population of Patwar Circe Miranpur and village Miranpur was 6175 and Rawani Patwar Circle was 12583 personsin 1998. As emerged from 1998 census the population of district is predominantly Muslims i.e. 99.4 percent. The next higher percentage is of Christians with 0.3 points, followed by Ahmadis 0.1 percent. While other minorities like Hindu (Jati), Scheduled castes etc. are very small in number. The proportion of population of Muslims is slightly higher in rural s compared to urban areas. Christians are mostly living in urban areas representing 0.6 percent as compared to 0.2 percent in rural areas. Ahmadis are also more in proportion in urban than rural areas. Siraiki is the predominant language being spoken in the district, representing 69.9 percent of the population, followed by Punjabi and Urdu spoken by 18.6 and 9.1 percent respectively and Pushto 0.2 percent while others speak Sindhi, balochi, Bravi,Dari etc Siraiki speaking represents 71.7 percent in rural areas while proportion of people speaking Urdu are more in urban than in rural areas. 81. Of the total economically active population 93.4 percent were registered as employed in 1998. Over three fifths i.e. 68.3 percent were self employed, 16.9 percent private employees and 3.6 percent government employees. Unpaid family helpers were recorded as 6.6 percent. The different in proportions of employed population were significant between the Enders and urban and rural residences. 5.5.2 Education and Literacy 82. The literacy ratio in the district has increased from 14.9 percent in 1981, to 29.9 percent in 1998. The literacy ratio for males is 42.7 percent as against 16.0 percent for females. The ratio is much higher in urban when compared with rural areas both for male and female. There are 6 colleges, 856 schools, 11 Maktab schools and one vocational institutes functioning in the district during 1997-98.There Primary, Middle, and High schools for boys and girls in city at 1km from DGS site. The detail is given as: Institutions Male Female 3 2 Both Sexes - Commerce College High schools Middle schools Primary schools Maktab schools Vocational institute 48 15 326 - 43 414 1 1 11 - Community schools - 10 - Colleges Source: 5.5.3 Punjab Development Statistics, Bureau of Statistics Punjab, 1999. Health Facilities 83. There are 01 district headquarter hospital, 02 tehsil headquarter hospitals, 4 rural health centers and 50 basic health units in the district. Civil Hospital is located at 1km from in city DGS site in Galewal. 5.5.4 Cultural Heritage and Community Structure 84. There are no official heritage sites or historic, religious or archeologically important sites located in the Subproject works areas. There is no major historic or archaeological feature of note but there a few places of worship a mosque is at about 500m of the works. Page 16 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 85. The main ethnic groups inhabited in the district are Rajput. Arain and Jat.Rajput are concentrated in Randjada, Gahi Mammer, Ismail Pur, Jamrani Wah, Dhanot, Kehror Pacca city, Lodhran city, Dunyapur city, Danwaran and Chak Himat, Arain and Jat mostly inhabited the area now falling in Dynyapur tehsil. The old population consisted of Joya, Kanju, Baloch, local Arain, Uttera, Ghallu and Pathan. Majority belong to the Baloch and Arain, Baloch tribe inhabited Haveli Naseer Khan, Chowki Rango Khan, Dera Jand, Chowki Masti Khan, Randjada, Chowki Sobay Khan, Kotha Uttera, Lai Whan, Chak 53/M, Fazil Wala, Kundi Baluchan. The concentration of Arain tribe is in Jallah Arain, Balail, Mainpur Arain, Qutabpur, Wahi Ali Arain, Rukan pur and Lodhran city. Page 17 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment SCREENING POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 5.6 Project Location 5.6.1 Impact Assessment and Mitigation 86. ThisTranche2 subproject will involve the construction of 132Kv DGS and 11.39km double circuit transmission line, implying an expansion of both outside and within the existing boundaries of Miranpur grid station (DGS will be constructed on land owned by MEPCO). There are no sensitive receivers close to the DGS which could be possibly affected by certain activities of the SP works. The TXL will cross roads, watercourses, and canal and could not require the removal of trees but there is no other sensitive receiver on its routs, which could be affected by the works. 87. The location and scale of the works are very important in predicting the environmental impacts. This process of impact prediction is the core of the EIA process and it is critical that the recommendations and mitigation measures are carried out according to with reference to the conditions on the ground in the affected areas (Figure 1.2 show TXL route) in the spirit of the environmental assessments process. In this section the potential environmental impacts are reviewed. Where impacts are significant enough to exceed accepted environmental standards, mitigation is proposed in order to reduce residual impact to acceptable levels and achieve the expected outcomes of the project being implemented. Therefore, it is essential that a proper analysis is carried out during the project planning period. In this regard, the impact prediction plays a vital role as these predictions are used for developing mitigation measures and any alternative options, if appropriate. When the detailed designs are completed the impacts and mitigation measures will need to be further reviewed to take account of how the contracts are set up and in the light of any fine tuning of the Subproject proposals. 88. The environmental management plan (Section 5 and EMP matrix Attachment 2) has been reviewed based on the EMP and shall be reviewed in due course at project inception and through construction in order to feed back any significant unpredicted impacts. It is based on the analysis of impacts, primarily to document key environmental issues likely to arise from Subproject project implementation, to prescribe mitigation measures to be integrated in the project design, to design monitoring and evaluation schedules to be implemented during Subproject project construction and operation, and to estimate costs required for implementing Subproject mitigation measures. The EMP plan must be reviewed in the Subproject inception by the project management and approved before any construction activity is initiated, to take account of any subsequent changes and fine tuning of the proposals. 5.6.2 General Approach to Mitigation 89. Based on experience on some projects contractors have put emphasis on the financial compensation for nuisances. This may be acceptable for some social impacts where evacuation is necessary or where houses have been accidentally damaged, however it is not best international practice to accept payment for environmental impacts. An approach whereby the subproject contractor pays money for nuisances rather than control impacts at source will not be acceptable. This practice should not be allowed and financial compensation shall not be allowed as mitigation for environmental impacts or environmental nuisance. 90. During the preparation for the Subproject construction phase the future contractors must be notified and prepared to co-operate with the executing agency, project management, supervising consultants and local population in the mitigation of impacts. Furthermore the contractor must be primed through bidding stages and the contract documentation to implement the EMP in full and be ready to engage trained environmental management staff to audit the effectiveness and review mitigation measures as the project proceeds. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the loan conditions and the executing agency (MEPCO) must be prepared for this. In this regard the MEPCO must fulfill the requirements of the law and guidance prepared by FEPA on the environmental aspects of power projects and the recommendations already made for Subproject in this EIA and under Pakistan’s PEP Act law. 91. The location of the residences, mosques, schools, hospitals and civic, cultural and other heritage sites has been reviewed in Section 3. Residences or schools are not close enough [at100m] to the subproject on which there could not be some potential impacts in the construction stage from disturbance and significant noise and dust. This is because the TXL is very short (11.39km), and the Page 18 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment alignment is with in DGS boundary and has no human settlements and structures .as the development of the colony is under progress. 92. Work on the tower sites could cause some generation of air borne dust, but any nuisance from this is likely to be very localized and temporary. Other project activities, e.g. movement of heavy vehicles on unpaved tracks during the works, could generate considerable dust. Water is available in the study area, although surplus water may not always be available to suppress dust at vulnerable locations in the dry season. Therefore as a general approach it is recommended that where works are within 15m of any residential sensitive receivers, the contractor should install segregation between the works and the edge of the sensitive receivers. The segregation should be easily erectable 2.5m high tarpaulin sheet and designed to retain dust and provide a temporary visual barrier to the works. Where dust is the major consideration the barrier can take the form of tarpaulins strung between two poles mounted on a concrete base. These can be moved along from tower base to tower base as the work proceeds. 93. Noise from the construction of the towers should not be a major consideration unless very close to schools or hospitals where construction should be avoided at sensitive times. In addition to the physical effect of mitigating dust and noise with barriers installation of such measures should be discussed with the local population and serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage to assist in public relations. 5.6.3 Cultural Heritage, Mosques, Religious Sites, and Social Infrastructure 94. The location of mosques and other cultural and other heritage SR sites has been reviewed in Section 3. There are no mosques or other religious sites close to the DGS site. The transmission line will traverse private farmland for most of its length 11,150.5 meter (97.9%) and only 239.5 meter (2.1%) uncultivated private and government lands (Canal, Road, Paths and watercourses). As a result, some 71 AHs, with a total population of 689 persons (APs), will be affected by temporary disruption to land, and loss of 35.77 ha of crops and 122 wood trees. Overall, a total of 69 farming households will be affected by the construction of the new 132 kV transmission line. Out of 69 AHs 36 AHs will be affected by both towers and the transmission line, while the remaining 33 AHs will be affected only by the transmission line during the stringing activity. The new line will also not affect or disturb any such site. (Attachment 6). 95. The nearest clinic / hospital is more than 500m from the edge of the Subproject or TXL route, but the nearest school is at 100m from the TXL the Subproject, and the nearest houses at about100mm from the DGS. The TXL will cross some roads, watercourses, paths etc. Apart from these features, there will be sufficient buffer distance between the works and any other SRs, so that no significant impacts should be expected. Public consultation should be undertaken at the implementation stage to ensure nuisances are not allowed to escalate for the SRs close to the DGS sites. 5.7 Potential Environmental Impacts in construction 5.7.1 Encroachment, Landscape and Physical Disfiguration 96. The extent of the proposed power expansion is moderate and should not extend beyond the power corridor (RoW) created by the subproject. No significant landscape impacts are expected from construction of the Miranpur. 5.7.2 Cut and fill and waste disposal 97. Disposal of surplus materials must also be negotiated through local authority approvals prior to the commencement of construction. The Subproject work should not involve any significant cutting and filling but minor excavations (down to 4m) and piling may be required to create the foundations for the new transformers and for some towers (if required). It is envisaged (depending on the mode of contract) that the surface under the towers will need to be scrabbled to remove unstable materials, or to stockpile topsoil. 98. Mitigation measures must focus on the minimization of impacts. In order to allow the proper functioning of the settlement sites (access to villages) during construction it is recommended that consideration be given to erect temporary hoardings immediately adjacent to the nearest houses and shops if they are within 15m of the power distribution line tower construction. Page 19 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 99. If surplus materials arise from the removal of the existing surfaces from specific areas, these should be used elsewhere on the subproject before additional soil, rock, gravel or sand is brought in. The use of immediately available material will generally minimize the need for additional rock based materials extraction from outside. 100. The subproject detailed designers have so far estimated that no substantial additional materials will be required subject to confirmation at the detailed design stage. 101. At this stage no areas require removal of woodland. However if specimen trees of religious plantations are affected the owners should be given the resources and opportunity to reinstate the woodland long term and a plantation compensation plan should be drawn up to replant the woodland/trees. In the event that the land is not suitable for plantation then other areas should be identified to replace the cut trees and sufficient areas should be identified to allow plantation of trees at a rate of say 3:1. The replacement ratio should allow for a high mortality rate among the newly planted trees in the dry environment or otherwise as based on advice from the forest authority. 102. Contractual clauses should be included to require each contractor to produce a materials management plan (one month before construction commences) to identify all sources of cement and aggregates and to balance cut and fill. The plan should clearly state the methods to be employed prior to and during the extraction of materials and all the mitigation measures to be employed to mitigate nuisances to local residents. Financial compensation shall not be allowed as mitigation for environmental impacts or environmental nuisance. Mitigation measures shall seek to control the impacts at source in the first place. The engineer shall be responsible to update the subproject cut and fill estimates and create Materials Master Plan to facilitate materials exchange between the different contract areas along the power line and sub-contractors on the power line and to provide an overall balance for materials and minimize impacts on local resources. 5.7.3 Trees, Ecology and Protected Areas 103. There are no Reserved or Protected Forests or trees near the DGS site or TXL alignment. . The proposed line will require the installation of 46 towers. All these towers will be installed on mainly on farm land of 4 villages. In addition to crop loss, 122 private trees also fall within the 30 meter wide corridor of transmission line. All these 122 trees will need to be removed for the construction of the line. All these 122 trees are wood trees. As shown in Table 3.6, some 42 AHs will lose these 122 wood trees. All affected wood trees are scattered and mostly located along the field boundaries. There are no plantations, orchards of fruit trees affected. Of the 122 wood trees, 84 trees will be affected by the transmission line, while the remaining 38 trees will be affected by the construction of towers. Compensation for the affected trees will be paid for once on their initial removal. In case removal all the trees on private or forest land during the works, written permission should be sought. 104. If for some unforeseen reason or change of alignment, any trees with religious significance or other trees need to be removed, written permission should be obtained from the forest authority and the owner after written justification by MEPCO. Trees shall be planted to replace the lost trees with three trees planted to replace every cut tree (3:1) or more as agreed with the authority. 105. A requirement shall be inserted in the contracts that no trees are to be cut on the Miranpur DGS and TXL site or outside, without the written permission from the supervising consultant who may permit the removal of trees if unavoidable on safety / technical / engineering grounds after written justification by MEPCO and to the satisfaction of the forest authority and the owner. 5.7.4 Hydrology, Sedimentation, Soil Erosion 106. The drainage streams en-route of the subproject should not be impeded by the works. The scale of the works does not warrant hydrological monitoring. 5.7.5 Air Pollution from earthworks and transport 107. The material (cement, sand and aggregate) requirement of a typical 132 kV substation (about 150 cu m) and a 132 kV transmission tower (4.8 cu m, or 40 bags of cement per tower) are not large. In transmission line construction sand and aggregate are delivered directly to the tower location from the quarry / source, there is no intermediate or bulk storage of these materials .Similarly construction materials for the substation are stored within the substation site are scheduled as per the work progress (which is staggered as the buildings which require bulk of the construction materials are built Page 20 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment in phases over 6 to 12 months period ) , which means that at any given point in time the amount of construction material stored is not significant .The quantities of construction material required for a typical substation or transmission tower are not so larger that they potentially represent a traffic hazard , these requirements are time dispersed in case of substations and time and space dispersed in case of transmission lines . The contractor will be , however, required to provide a traffic management plan before commencement of work at site .Field observations indicate that ambient air quality is generally acceptable and that emissions from traffic and other powered mechanical equipment in the area are rapidly dispersed. There will be a few items of powered mechanical equipment to be used in the construction of the distribution line works that may give rise gaseous emissions. However these should be well dissipated. The major sources of complaint will likely be any necessary earthworks and local soil compaction. 108. Earthworks will contribute to increasing dust, and the foundation earthworks for the transformers and the line poles will generate dust and the following mitigation measures are needed: 109. Dust suppression facilities (water sprayers / hosepipe) shall be available where earth and cement works are required. 110. Areas of construction (especially where the works are within 50m of the SRs) shall be maintained damp by watering the construction area. 111. Construction materials (sand, gravel, and rocks) and spoil materials will be transported trucks covered with tarpaulins. 112. Storage piles will be at least 30m downwind of the nearest human settlements 113. All vehicles (e.g., trucks, equipment, and other vehicles that support construction works) shall be well maintained and not emit dark, smoky or other emissions in excess of the limits described in the NEQS. 114. The need for large stockpiles should be minimized by careful planning of the supply of materials from controlled sources. Stockpiles should not be located within 50m of schools, hospitals or other public amenities such as wells and pumps and should be covered with tarpaulins when not in use and at the end of the working day to enclose dust. 5.7.6 Noise, Vibration and Blasting 115. It is anticipated that powered mechanical equipment and some local labor with hand tool methods will be used to construct the subproject works. No blasting is anticipated. Powered mechanical equipment can generate significant noise and vibration. The cumulative effects from several machines can be significant. To minimize such impacts, the contractor for subproject should be requested by the construction supervision consultants (engineer) to provide evidence and certification that all equipment to be used for construction is fitted with the necessary air pollution and noise dampening devices to meet EPA requirements. 116. A criterion of 70dB (A) Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. Any noisy equipment should be located within DGS as far from SRs as possible to prevent nuisances to dwellings and other structures from operation. 117. Noise from construction of the power distribution lines and improvements to substations is not covered under any regulations however in order to keep in line with best international practice it is recommended that no construction should be allowed during nighttime (9 PM to 6 AM) and 70dB(A) Leq should be the criterion at other times during the day measured at the boundaries of land from which construction noise is emitted. A criterion of 70dB (A) Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. Any noisy equipment should be located within DGS or as far from SRs as possible to prevent nuisances to dwellings and other structures from operation. 118. Vibration from construction of piles to support pads may be required for some tower construction and may be a significant impact but this should be short duration. Where vibration could be come a major consideration (within say 100m of schools, religious premises, hospitals or residences) a building condition survey should take place prior to construction. The physical effect of piling should be assessed prior to construction and measures should be discussed with the local population as well as timing of the works to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and Page 21 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment to assist in public relations. At nearby schools, the contractor shall discuss with the school principals the agreed time for operating these machines and completely avoid machine use near schools during examination times, if such a need arises. 5.7.7 Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal, Communicable Diseases 119. The main issues of concern are uncontrolled or unmanaged disposal of solid and liquid wastes into watercourses and natural drains, improper disposal of storm water and black water and open defecation by construction workers. 120. In order to maintain proper sanitation around construction sites, access to the nearby DGS lavatories should be allowed provision of temporary toilets should be made. Construction worker camps will not be necessary, based on the scale of the works needed. If for some unforeseen reason a larger workforce is needed any construction camp should not be located in settlement areas or near sensitive water resources and portable lavatories or at least pit latrines should be provided. 121. Wherever water is allowed to accumulate, in temporary drainage facilities, due to improper storm water management, or improper disposal of wastewater generated from the site, it can offer a breeding site for mosquitoes and other insects. Vectors such as mosquitoes may be encountered if open water is allowed to accumulate at the Miranpur site. Temporary and permanent drainage facilities should therefore be designed to facilitate the rapid removal of surface water from all areas and prevent the accumulation of surface water ponds. 5.8 Potential Environmental Impacts in operation 5.8.1 Air pollution and noise from the enhanced operations 122. The subproject works will extend the power distribution lines but no houses, mosques or schools will be close to the new DGS and TXL in the operational phase. The DGS will be constructed at land presently used as agriculture land in rural area, extended level of operation of the facility is not likely to cause any appreciable increase in the noise level already generated by the existing equipment. However, it is recommended that an acoustical check be made on the detailed design to determine of any noise barriers are required. There should be no source of atmospheric pollution from the subproject. In the operational phase any nearby industrial facilities with fuel powered mechanical equipment will be the main polluters. All such emissions will be very well dissipated in the open terrain and there will be no cumulative effect from the subproject. 123. Noise impacts from the operation of the DGS equipment should be reviewed at the detailed design stage. There are/not national noise standards in Pakistan for power distribution noise emissions that would apply in the operational stages. A criterion of 70Db (A) Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. It is recommended that a check be made on the likely acoustical performance based on makers specifications of the installed equipment at the detained design stage 5.8.2 Pollution from oily run-off, fuel spills and dangerous goods 124. No significant impacts from oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants are expected to arise in this subproject. However control measures will be needed for oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants in the case of accidental or unexpected release. Transformer oil is supplied in drums from an imported source and tap tanks are topped up as necessary on site. There are facilities in some subproject DGS maintenance yards for recycling (dehydrating) oil from breakers. However the areas upon which these recycling facilities are located have no dedicated drainage which can capture run-off. Oily residues and fuel and any contaminated soil residues should be captured at source and refueling and maintenance should take place in dedicated areas away from surface water resources. Contaminated residues and waste oily residues should be disposed at a site agreed with the local authority. No significant impacts from oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants are expected to arise in this subproject. However control measures will be needed for oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants in the case of accidental or unexpected release. Transformer oil is supplied in drums from an imported source and tap tanks are topped up as necessary on site. There are facilities in some subproject DGS maintenance yards for recycling (dehydrating) oil from breakers. However the areas upon which these recycling facilities are located have no dedicated drainage which can capture run-off. Oily residues and fuel and any contaminated soil residues should be captured at source by installing bunds (Appendix 6) and refueling and maintenance should take place in dedicated Page 22 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment areas away from surface water resources. Contaminated residues and waste oily residues should be disposed at a site agreed with the local authority . DISCOs are served by the Technical Services Group (TSG) , TSG prepare a detailed routine maintenance schedule for each piece of hardware .TSG also supervise and monitors the implementation of this schedule by Grid System Operation (GSO) .Transformer oil has a long life (typically over 15 years, which depends upon the level of load the transformer serves ) .Oil spills are very rare and are preempted by routine maintenance .TSG and GSO have a written down procedure to deal with oil spills . 125. The DISCO procedures for handling PCB need to be strengthened the maintenance of transformers need to be based on the manufactures instructions. There need to be performance evaluation procedure prescribed and followed for each power transformer. In working areas where PCBs are handled, it is necessary to monitor the levels of chlorinated solvents. In case of emergencies the first step is to attempt to control the spread of the liquid, this is especially relevant during transportation. In case of spills emergency measures need to be taken by personal specially trained and wearing protective clothes. Oil absorptive materials are a useful tool and needs to be spread over the spill. All equipment and surfaces exposed to the spill need to be washed with solvent. The best international procedures and guidelines need be followed; one such guideline is the UNEP PCB transformers and capacitors – Form Management to Reclassification and disposal, May 2002. This however, is not relevant as this EIA is related to the development and construction if a new substation and PEPCO/DISCOs have already banned the use of any equipment that uses PCB. 126. MEPCO already prohibits use of PCBs in new power transformers, there is however need to prepare an inventory of any PCB carrying equipment in the system and all such equipment be replaced. The maintenance instructions prepared by the Technical Services Group needs to be reviewed and revised to add PCB based equipment maintenance and a procedure for handling any PCB spills. The Kot Lakhpat and Shalimar workshops already follow. Such procedures, however, these need to be reviewed and upgraded in light of best international practice. This would include provision of special clothing availability of oil absorptive solvents, availability of steel containers. Training to staff on oil spills and special care during transportation of equipment using PCB’s. TSG ensure that the maintenance schedule of each piece of hardware is adhered to . DISCOs have also established a safety unit, which among other tasks , investigates all accidents .Frequency of accidents, on average is about 1 per DISCO per year (based on last 4 years record), about 60 % of these are non-fatal .Most accidents occur due to staff and supervision negligence .Detailed report of each accident is prepared . 5.9 Enhancement 127. Environmental enhancements are not a major consideration within the Miranpur subproject site. However it is noted that it is common practice at many such sites to create some local hard and soft landscaping and successful planting of fruit trees and shrubs has been accomplished in many sites. This practice should be encouraged as far as practicable. Other opportunities for enhancements can be assessed prior to construction and proposed enhancements should be discussed with the local population to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and to assist in public relations. Trees removed for construction purposes should be replaced as compensation in line with best practice at ratio of three replaced for one removed however additional trees should be planted as enhancements where there is space in the DGS and along the TXL. Page 23 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line 6. Environmental Impact Assessment INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 128. In this section, the mitigation measures that are required for the Miranpur Tranche 2 subproject, to reduce residual impact to acceptable levels and achieve the expected outcomes of the project, are discussed. The Environmental Management Plan is based on the type, extent and duration of the identified environmental impacts for the Miranpur Tranche 2 subproject. The EMP has been prepared following best practice and by reference to the ADB Environmental Assessment Guidelines 2003. 129. It is important that the recommendations and mitigation measures are carried out according to the spirit of the environmental assessment process and in line with the guidelines. The EMP matrix is presented as Attachment2. The impact prediction (Section 4) has played a vital role in reconfirming typical mitigation measures and in identifying any different approaches based on the feasibility and detailed design assumptions and any alternatives available at this stage. 130. Prior to implementation and construction of the subprojects the EMP shall be amended and reviewed by the MEPCO in due course after detailed designs are complete. Such a review shall be based on reconfirmation and additional information on the assumptions made at this feasibility stage on positioning, alignment, location scale and expected operating conditions of the subprojects. For example, in this case if there are any additional transmission lines or extension of the substation boundaries to be included, the designs may be amended and then the performance and evaluation schedules to be implemented during project construction and operation can be updated and costs estimates can be revised. The EIA and EMP should than be revised on a subproject by subproject basis. 131. The EIA and EMP plan must be reviewed by the project management and approved by the PEPA before any construction activity is initiated. This is also an ADB requirement in order to take account of any sub-sequent changes and fine tuning of the proposals. It is recommended that, before the works contract is worked out in detail and before pre-qualification of contractors, a full extent of the environmental requirements of the project (EIA/EIA and EMP) are included in the bidding documents. Professional experience indicates that past environmental performance of contractors and their awareness of environmentally responsible procurement should also be used as indicator criteria for the prequalification of contractors. 132. In order to facilitate the implementation of the EMP, during the preparation for the construction phase the MEPCO must prepare the future contractors to co-operate with all stakeholders in the mitigation of impacts. Furthermore the contractor must be primed through the contract documentation and ready to implement all the mitigation measures. MEPCO will need to engage at least one trained environmental management staff and the staff should audit the effectiveness and review mitigation measures as the subprojects are rolled out. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the mid term review of loan conditions and the executing agency must prepare for this at the inception stage. 133. The details of EMP given in the Attachment 2 are for the Miranpur subproject. The EMP matrix will have much in common for many other future (Tranche 2) substation and line projects that have a similar scale of works and types of location but will be different for more complicated substation and line projects that involve impacts to land outside the existing substations and for lines traversing more sensitive land. In all cases separate dedicated EIAs must be prepared. 134. The impacts have been classified into those relevant to the design/preparation stage, construction stage and operation and maintenance stage. The matrix provides details of the mitigation measures recommended for each of the identified impacts, time span of the implementation of mitigation measures, an analysis of the associated costs and the responsibility of the institution. The institutional responsibility has been specified for the purpose of the implementation and the supervision. The matrix is supplemented with a monitoring plan (Attachment 3) for the performance indicators. An estimation of the associated costs for the monitoring is given with the plan. The EMP has been prepared following best practice and the ADB environmental assessment guidelines 2003. 135. Prior to implementation of the subproject the MEPCO needs to comply with several environmental requirements, such as submitting and EIA/EIA to PEPA and obtaining PEPA clearance (“No Objection Certificate” compiling acceptable EMP and Clearance Certificate) under PEPAct (guidelines and regulations 2000) and any other permissions required from other authorities. MEPCO will also need to Page 24 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment confirm that contractors and their suppliers have complied with all statutory requirements and have appropriate and valid licenses and permits for all powered mechanical equipment and to operate in line with local authority conditions. 136. The EMP (Attachment 2) was prepared taking into account the limited capacity of MEPCO to conduct environmental assessments of the subprojects. MEPCO has appointed 01 environmental manager with support staff. MEPCO ESU is functional. However, an environmental manager will be required. It is envisaged that experience in this field should therefore develop in the near future. However it is also strongly recommended that for subprojects in future Tranches that the MEPCO be prepared to engage more support where necessary (e.g. senior environmental specialist with at least 3 years experience in environmental management one years site experience in environmental monitoring and auditing) to guide the subsequent formal assessment and submission process under the PEPAct and monitor compliance with the EMP. As of August 2007, the MEPCO has demonstrated only limited commitment to developing in-house environmental and social capability. 137. The appointed environmental manager has to have a good level of awareness and will be responsible for addressing environmental concerns for subprojects potentially involving hundreds kilometers of distribution lines and DGS. Whereas some of their work may in future be delegated to consultants they will need more training and resources if they are effectively provide quality control and oversight for the EMP implementation. They will require robust support from senior management staff members and the management consultant if they are to address all environmental concerns for the subprojects effectively. Specific areas for immediate attention are in EMP auditing, environmentally responsible procurement, air, water and noise pollution management and ecological impact mitigation. It is recommended that an environmental specialist consultant with 10 years experience be made available to all the DISCOS to cover these aspects full time for at least the first six months of the PDEMFF project and that on a call off basis with local support those services are retained for the life of the PDEMFF loan. The newly appointed graduate environmental manager can then shadow the environmental specialist to improve awareness and hopefully provide independent quality control and oversight for the EMP implementation for the first 12 months. 138. In order to achieve good compliance with environmental assessment principles the graduate environmental manager for the project implementation team must be actively involved prior to the outset of the implementation design stage to ensure compliance with the statutory obligations under the PEP Act. It is also recommended that MEPCO Board allow direct reporting to Board level from the in-house Environmental and Social Unit (ESU). If the ESU requires resources for larger subprojects then environmental specialist consultants could be appointed through the project implementation unit to address all environmental aspects in the detailed design. It is recommended that the project management unit (PMU) should liaise directly with the ESU to address all environmental aspects in the detailed design and contracting stages. The graduate environmental manager will cover the implementation of environmental mitigation measures in the project packages. 139. Overall implementation of the EMP will become MEPCO’s responsibility. MEPCO and other parties to be involved in implementing the EMP are as follows: 140. Contractors: responsible for carrying out the contractual obligations, implementing all EMP measures required to mitigate environmental impacts during construction; 141. The MEPCO Board of Directors will be responsible to ensure that sufficient timely resources are allocated to process the environmental assessments and to monitor implementation of all construction and operational mitigation measures required to mitigate environmental impacts, and 142. Other government agencies such as the regional PEPA and state pollution authorities, Department of Forests, Department of Wildlife Services, who will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of environmental conditions and compliance with statutory requirements in their respective areas and local land use groups at the local levels. 143. Considering that other government agencies that need to be involved in implementing the EMP, training or harmonization workshops should be conducted for all ESUs in all DISCOS every six months or twice each year, for the first 2 years (and annually thereafter) to share the monitoring report on the implementation of the EMP in each DISCO and to share lessons learned in the implementation and to achieve a consistent approach decide on remedial actions, if unexpected environmental impacts occur. Page 25 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 144. The monitoring plan (Attachment 3) was designed based on the project cycle. During the preconstruction period, the monitoring activities will focus on (i) checking the contractor’s bidding documents, particularly to ensure that all necessary environmental requirements have been included; and (ii) checking that the contract documents’ references to environmental mitigation measures requirements have been incorporated as part of contractor’s assignment and making sure that any advance works are carried out in good time. Where detailed design is required (e.g. for power distribution lines and avoidance of other resources) the inclusion and checking of designs must be carried out. During the construction period, the monitoring activities will focus on ensuring that environmental mitigation measures are implemented, and some performance indicators will be monitored to record the Subprojects environmental performance and to guide any remedial action to address unexpected impacts. 145. Monitoring activities during project operation will focus on recording environmental performance and proposing remedial actions to address unexpected impacts. The potential to use local community groups contacts for monitoring should be explored as part of the activities in setting up the Environmental and Social Unit which should have regular meetings with the NGOs as a matter of good practice and to discuss matters of mutual concern. 146. At this stage, due to the modest scale of the new power distribution projects and by generally keeping to non-sensitive and non-critical areas the construction and operational impacts will be manageable. No insurmountable impacts are predicted providing that the EMP is implemented to its full extent and required in the contract documents. However experience suggests that some contractors may not be familiar with this approach or may be reluctant to carry out some measures. In order that the contractors are fully aware of the implications of the EMP and to ensure compliance, it is recommended that environmental measures be coasted separately in the tender documentation and that payment milestones are linked to environmental performance, vis a vis the carrying out of the EMP. 147. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the loan conditions and the executing agency must be prepared for this. In this regard the MEPCO (the IA) must be prepared to guide the design engineers and contractors on the environmental aspects. Page 26 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line 7. 7.1 Environmental Impact Assessment PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE Approach to Public Consultation 148. The public consultation (PC) process with various stakeholders has been approached so as to involve public and other stakeholders from the earliest stages. Public consultation has taken place during the planning and design and viewpoints of the stakeholders have been taken into account and their concerns and suggestions for possible improvements have been included where appropriate. Much of the PC process to date has revolved around concerns for the mitigation of construction impacts and the possible side effects from the proximity of high voltage power lines and the DGS and its equipment. 149. There is also a requirement for ongoing consultation for land acquisition and resettlement (LARP) and the completion of the Resettlement Plan (RP) is documented separately. It is expected that this process will continue through all stages of the subproject in order to accommodate stakeholders' aspirations and to orient the stakeholders positively towards the project implementation and where possible to harness cooperation over access issues in order to facilitate timely completion. 7.2 Public Consultation Process 150. The public consultation process has commenced in the initial feasibility stages (prior to construction) in order to disclose the project information to the stakeholders and record feedback regarding the proposed project and preferences. The stakeholders involved in the process were the population likely to be impacted along the route of the proposed power lines; the village leaders and school teachers. 151. Prior to the implementation of the consultation, feedback, etc. has been carried out to support this EIA and recorded. The focus of attention has been the population near the proposed TXL that may be affected by the Subproject expansion. The level of engagement varied from the stakeholder to stakeholder with some registering no major comment but it is noted that none registered any outright opposition to subproject. 152. The disclosure of the enhancement project in advance and subsequent consultation with stake holders has advantages in the environmental assessment and mitigation of impacts. Public consultation can also provide a conduit for the improvement of the project implementation to better serve the stakeholders. 153. The environmental assessment process under the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act only requires the disclosure to the public after the statutory EIA / EIA has been accepted by the relevant EPA to be in strict adherence to the rules. In this EIA the consultation process was performed to satisfy the ADB requirements. The locations of consultation and people consulted are listed in the full table of public consultation presented in Attachment 4. 7.3 Results of Public Consultation 154. The consultations identified some potential environmental and social impacts and perceptions of the affected communities. The public consultation resulted in 39 responses in March 2009 (Attachment-4). The community generally supports the construction of the subproject. The local poor people predominantly requested for unskilled and semi skilled jobs on priority basis with the contractors during implementation of the project. The land owners asked for fairly and timely compensation for the damage of the crops and trees. Women requested that line should not pass over the residences safety measures should be taken and local norms should be respected. However, compensation will be paid to the concerned parties / owners of land under the towers and where the loss of some trees and for damage to crops is expected. 155. On the basis of the consultations so far, it appears that the project will have no insurmountable environmental and social impacts but MEPCO will have to make sure that compensation and assistance amounts are assessed justly and that skilled and unskilled employment should be preferentially given to the AP as far as is reasonably practicable. Page 27 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line 8. 8.1 Environmental Impact Assessment CONCLUSIONS Findings and Recommendations 156. This study was carried out at the planning stage of the project. Primary and secondary data were used to assess the environmental impacts. The potential environmental impacts were assessed in a comprehensive manner. The report has provided a picture of all potential environmental impacts associated with the Project, and recommended suitable mitigation measures. This study recommends that some further follow up studies are undertaken during project processing in order to meet the ADB requirements. 157. There are some further considerations for the planning stages such as obtaining clearance for the project under the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997) but environmental impacts from the power enhancements will mostly take place during the construction stage. There are also some noise impacts and waste management issues for the operational stage that must be addressed in the detailed design and through environmentally responsible procurement. At the detailed design stage the number of and exact locations for transmission tower enhancements may change subject to detailed surveys but the impacts are likely to be broadly similar at most locations and impacts have been reviewed in the environmental impact section of this EIA report. 158. There are a number of key actions required in the detailed design phase. Prior to construction the MEPCO must receive clearance certification from the PEPA and MEPCO must complete an EMP that will be accepted by the PEPA and agreed by the contractor prior to signing the contract. The information provided in this report can form the basis of any further submission to PEPA as required in future. 159. No land acquisition, compensation and resettlement is involved. However, some trees will be compensated to the concerned parties. However, provisions may be made in LARP, based on the proposed alignments these should not be difficult tasks and can be conducted as the detailed designs are worked out and to dovetail with the existing system and minimize adverse impacts and maximize benefits. A social impact assessment and resettlement action plan (LARP) has been completed in tandem with this EIA for the whole subproject. The study has: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Examined and assess the overall social and poverty profile of the project area on the basis of the primary and secondary data sources and preparation of a socio-economic profile of the project districts. Prepared a social and poverty analysis, taking into account socio-economic and poverty status of the project area of influence, including the nature, extent and determinants of poverty in the project area including assessment. In addition, estimation of the likely socioeconomic and poverty reduction impacts of the project should be included. Held consultations with relevant officials from the government and other relevant officials, including consultation with affected communities to assess responses to the project and ascertain the nature and scope of local participation in project planning and implementation. Identified, analyzed and, where appropriate, quantified the potential resettlement impacts (minimal) of the proposed Project on the area and the population. 160. Baseline monitoring activities should be carried out during project detailed design stage to establish the baseline of parameters for checking during the construction stage. The monitoring schedule (Attachment 3) recommends monitoring on two occasions at the site location. The results should be integrated with the contract documentation to establish performance action thresholds, pollution limits and contingency plans for the contractor’s performance. 161. During the commissioning phase noise monitoring should ensure that statutory requirements have been achieved. Monitoring activities during project operation will focus on periodic recording environmental performance and proposing remedial actions to address any unexpected impacts. 8.2 Summary and Conclusions 162. The construction of the Miranpur subproject is a feasible and sustainable option from the power transmission, engineering, environmental, and socioeconomic points of view. Implementation of the EMP is required and the environmental impacts associated with the subproject need to be properly mitigated, and the existing institutional arrangements are available. Additional human and financial resources will be required by MEPCO to complete the designs and incorporate the recommendations Page 28 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment effectively and efficiently in the contract documents, linked to payment milestones. The proposed mitigation and management plans are practicable but require additional resources. 163. This EIA, including the EMP, should be used as a basis for an environmental compliance program and be included as an Attachment to the contract. The EMP shall be reviewed at the detailed design stage. In addition, any subsequent conditions issued by PEPA as part of the environmental clearance should also be included in the environmental compliance program. Therefore, continued monitoring of the implementation of mitigation measures, the implementation of the environmental conditions for work and environmental clearance, and monitoring of the environmental impact related to the operation of the subproject should be properly carried out and reported at least twice per year as part of the project performance report. Page 29 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Page 30 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment ATTACHMENT-2 Environmental Management Plan – Matrix July 2008 Environmental concern Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM Affected Families will be compensated by MEPCO through the concerned District Revenue Department and Land Acquisition Collectors. MEPCO ESU / LACs MC and External Monitors If lines or substation are relocated near water courses, culverts or bridges in the design stage reports MEPCO ESU with the Design Consultant MEPCO Noise sensitive locations identified in the EIA/EIA/EMP or as required / approved by PEPA. MEPCO ESU with the design consultant MEPCO ESU and CSC (if any). Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended Timing to implement MM 1. Social Impacts To ensure that the adverse impacts due to the property acquisition and resettlement are mitigated according to the LARP. 1. Social preparation completed (June 2008) . LARP etc in place IN CASE UNFORSEEN ADDITIONAL LAND IS REQUIRED 2. Acquisition of lands completed to minimize the uncertainty of people. 3. Completed implementation of LARP and LARCs to provide compensation and assistance to the APs. 4. MEPCO to select a site that will not affect any public in property or house such that no additional land is required.. 5. All the payments / entitlements are paid according to the Entitlement Matrix, prepared according to the LARP. 6. All the impacts identified by the EIA are incorporated in to the project as well as the LARP and relevant entitlements included into the Entitlement Matrix. Before the construction of the GSS and all the included structures, the APs to be given sufficient time with compensation money and to resettle satisfactorily. 2. Hydrological Impacts To minimize hydrological and drainage impacts during constructions. 1. Hydrological flow in areas where it is sensitive, such as water courses or bridges and culverts. 2. Design of adequate major and minor culverts facilities will be completed 3. Noise barriers Ensure cumulative noise impacts are acceptable in construction and operational phase. 1. Conduct detailed acoustic assessment for all residential, school, (other sensitive structures) within 50m of DGS and line. 2. If noise at sensitive receiver exceeds the permissible limit, the construction activities should be mitigated, monitored and controlled. 3. If noise at sensitive receiver exceeds the permissible limit, the design to include acoustic mitigation (noise barrier or relocation of noisy equipment) and monitoring. 4. Waste disposal Ensure adequate disposal options for all waste including transformer oil, residually contaminated soils, scrap metal. 1. Create waste management policy and plan to identify sufficient locations for, storage and reuse of transformers and recycling of breaker oils and disposal of transformer oil, residually contaminated soils and scrap metal “cradle to grave”. 2. Include in contracts for unit rates for re-measurement for disposal. 3. Designate disposal sites in the contract and cost unit disposal rates accordingly. 1.Prior to detailed design stage no later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations 2. Include in contract. MEPCO ESU. Locations approved by EPA and MEPCO and local waste disposal authorities. MEPCO ESU and EPA with the design consultant. MEPCO ESU and CSC 5. Temporary drainage and erosion control Include mitigation in preliminary designs for erosion control and temporary drainage. 1. Identify locations where drainage or irrigation crossing RoW may be affected by works. 2. Include protection works in contract as a payment milestone(s). During designing stage no later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations. Locations based on drainage or irrigation crossing RoW near DGS. MEPCO ESU and design consultant. MEPCO ESU and CSC 6. Contract clauses Ensure requirements and recommendations of environmental Noise sensitive locations identified in the EIA/EIA/EMP or as required / approved by MEPCO ESU with the design consultant MEPCO ESU and CSC (if any). DESIGN STAGE 1. 2. Include EMP Matrix in tender documentation and make contractors responsible to implement mitigation measures by reference to EIA/EIA in contract. Include preparation of EMP review and method statement Before the commencement of construction activities/during design stage 1. During detailed design stage. No later than prequalification or tender negotiations. 2. Include acoustic specification in the contract. 1. During tender preparation. 2. No later Page 1 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental concern Mitigation Measures recommended Objectives assessment included in contracts. Environmental Impact Assessment are the 3. WM plan, TD and EC Plan in contract as a payment milestone(s). Require environmental accident checklist and a list of controlled chemicals / substances to be included in the contractor’s work method statement and tender documentation. Timing to implement MM than prequalification or tender negotiations 3. In bidding documents as evaluation criteria. Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM 1. Locations of each construction activity to be listed by the CSC engineer. 2. Special locations are identified on the site by the contractor to minimize disturbances. 3. A list of locations of irrigation channels / drains to be compiled and included in the contract. 1.Contractor supervised by CSC or to actively supervise and enforce. MEPCO ESU All staff members in all categories. Monthly induction and six month refresher course as necessary until contractor complies. MEPCO ESU, Contractor and the CSC and record details. MEPCO & CSC to observe and record success. Locations to implement MM PEPA. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 1. Hydrology And Drainage Aspects To ensure the proper implementation of any requirements mentioned in EPA conditions of approval letter in relation to Hydrology of the project. 1. Consideration of weather conditions when particular construction activities are undertaken. 2. Limitations on excavation depths in use of recharge areas for material exploitation or spoil disposal. 3. Use of landscaping as an integrated component of construction activity as an erosion control measure. 4. Minimizing the removal of vegetative cover as much as possible and providing for it s restoration where construction sites have been cleared of such areas. 1. MEPCO ESU environmental specialist to monitor and progress all environmental statutory and recommended obligations. 2. Orientation for Contractor, and Workers To ensure that the CSC contractor and workers understand and have the capacity to ensure the environmental requirements and implementation of mitigation measures. 2 Conduct special briefing for managers and / or on-site training for the contractors and workers on the environmental requirement of the project. Record attendance and achievement test for contractors site agents. 3. Agreement on critical areas to be considered and necessary mitigation measures, among all parties who are involved in project activities. 4. Continuous progress review and refresher sessions to be followed. 3. Water quality To prevent adverse Compile temporary drainage management plan one month before Prepare a thorough drainage management plan plan to be approved by CSC one month prior to a commencement of construction Proper timetable prepared in consideration with the climatic conditions of the area, the different construction activities mentioned here to be guided. Induction course for all site agents and above including all relevant MEPCO staff / new project staff before commencement of work. At early stages of construction for all construction employees as far as reasonably practicable. 1.Contractor Page 2 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental concern 4. Air quality 5. Ground Vibration Environmental Impact Assessment Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended water quality impacts due to negligence and ensure unavoidable impacts are managed effectively. Ensure adverse impacts on water quality caused by construction activities are minimized. commencement of works. 1. Proper installation of temporary drainage and erosion control before works within 50m of water bodies. 2. Proper maintenance and management construction of TD and EC measures, including training of operators and other workers to avoid pollution of water bodies by the considerate operation of construction machinery and equipment. 3. Storage of lubricants, fuels and other hydrocarbons in selfcontained dedicated enclosures >50m away from water bodies. 4. Proper disposal of solid waste from construction activities. 5. Cover the construction material and spoil stockpiles with a suitable material to reduce material loss and sedimentation and avoid stockpiling near to water bodies. 6. Topsoil stripped material shall not be stored where natural drainage will be disrupted. 7. Borrow sites (if required) should not be close to sources of drinking water. CONTROL ALL DUSTY MATERIALS AT SOURCE. 1. All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fitted in full compliance with the national and local regulations.(Relevant regulations are in the Motor vehicles fitness rules and Highway Act). 2. Stockpiled soil and sand shall be slightly wetted before loading, particularly in windy conditions. 3. Fuel-efficient and well-maintained haulage trucks shall be employed to minimize exhaust emissions. 4. Vehicles transporting soil, sand and other construction materials shall be covered. Limitations to speeds of such vehicles necessary. Transport through densely populated area should be avoided. 5. To plan to minimize the dust within the vicinity of orchards and fruit farms. 6. Spraying of bare areas with water. 7. Concrete plants. to be controlled in line with statutory requirements should not be close to sensitive receptors. To minimize dust effectively and avoid complaints due to the airborne particulate matter released to the atmosphere. To minimize ground vibrations during construction. 1. Review requirements for piling and use of powered mechanical equipment within 100m of SRs. 2. Review conditions of buildings and conduct public consultation with SRs to establish less sensitive time for works involving piling and schedule works accordingly. 3. Non-percussive piling methods to be used wherever practicable. 4. Percussive piling shall be conducted in daylight hours. 5. Hammer- type percussive pile driving operations shall not be allowed at night time. Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM (MEPCO ESU & CSC to enforce). 1 month prior to construction. 1. 50m from water bodies 2. Relevant locations to be determined in the detailed project design. 2. Contractor has to check water quality and report to MEPCO. MEPCO review results 3. CSC supervises implementati on activities. During construction. all 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 1 month prior to construction. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. Contractor should maintain acceptable standard CSC to supervise activities. Contractor should maintain the acceptable standards MEPCO ESU / CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC CSC to supervise relevant Page 3 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental concern Objectives Environmental Impact Assessment Mitigation Measures recommended Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM activities. 6. Noise To minimize noise increases during construction. Prevent adverse water quality impacts due to negligence and ensure unavoidable impacts are managed effectively. 7. Soil Erosion / Surface Run-off To minimize soil erosion due to the construction activities of towers, stringing of conductors and creation of access tracks for project vehicles. 1. Review requirements for use of powered mechanical equipment within 100m of SRs. 2. Conduct public consultation with SRs to establish less sensitive time for works and schedule works accordingly. 3. All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fitted in full compliance with the national and local regulations and with effective silencing apparatus to minimize noise. 4. Heavy equipment shall be operated only in daylight hours. 5. Construction equipment, which generates excessive noise, shall be enclosed or fitted with effective silencing apparatus to minimize noise. 7. Well-maintained haulage trucks will be used with speed controls. 8. Contractor shall take adequate measures to minimize noise nuisance in the vicinity of construction sites by way of adopting available acoustic methods. SCHEDULE WORKS IN SENSITIVE AREAS (e.g. NEAR RIVERS) FOR DRY SEASON 1. In the short-term, temporary drainage and erosion control plan to be presented with tender. Temporary drainage and erosion control plan one month before commencement of works to protect all areas susceptible to erosion. (Permanent drainage works shall be in the final design). 2. Installation of TD and EC before works construction within 50m of water bodies. 3. Clearing of green surface cover to be minimized during site preparation. 5. Meaningful water quality monitoring up and downstream at any tower site during construction within a river or stream bed. Rapid reporting and feedback to CSC. 5. Back-fill should be compacted properly in accordance with MEPCO design standards and graded to original contours where possible. 6. Cut areas should be treated against flow acceleration while filled areas should be carefully designed to avoid improper drainage. 7. Stockpiles should not be formed within such distances behind excavated or natural slopes that would reduce the stability of the slopes or cause slippage. 8. Measures shall be taken to prevent ponds of surface water and scouring of slopes. Newly eroded channels shall be backfilled and restored to natural contours. 9. Contractor should arrange to monitor and adjust working and adopt suitable measures to minimize soil erosion during the construction period. Contractor’s TD and EC plan should be endorsed and monitored byt CSC after consulting with concerned. 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 1 month prior to construction. 1 month prior to construction because the area can be subject to unseasonal heavy rain Plan before and during construction (cut and fill, land reclamation etc.) while considering the climatic conditions. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. Contractor should maintain the acceptable standards MEPCO ESU / CSC CSC to supervise relevant activities. 1. Locations based on history of flooding problems indicated by local authorities . 2. A list of sensitive areas during construction to be prepared by the detail design consultant in consideration with the cut and fill, land reclamation, borrow areas etc. Contractor and CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC 3. Locations of all rivers, streams, culverts, irrigation channels, roads and highways. Page 4 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental concern 8. Exploitation, Handling, Transportation and Storage of Construction materials 9.Construction Waste Disposal Objectives To minimize disruption and contamination of the surroundings, minimize and or avoid adverse environmental impacts arising out of construction material exploitation, handling, transportation and storage by using sources that comply with EPA license conditions Minimize the impacts from the disposal of construction waste. Environmental Impact Assessment Mitigation Measures recommended authorities. 10. Replanting trees to be done before the site is vacated and handed back to MEPCO with appropriate trees (other vegetation cover as appropriate) to ensure interception of rainwater and the deceleration of surface run-off. (consider also for future trances if civil works) 1. Use only EPA licensed sites for raw materials in order to minimize adverse environmental impacts. 2. Measures to be taken in line with any EPA license conditions, recommendations and approval to be applied to the subproject activities using the licensed source including: (i) Conditions that apply for selecting sites for material exploitation. (ii) Conditions that apply to timing and use of roads for material transport. (iii) Conditions that apply for maintenance of vehicles used in material transport or construction. (iv) Conditions that apply for selection of sites for material storage. (v) Conditions that apply for aggregate production. (vi) Conditions that apply for handling hazardous or dangerous materials such as oil, lubricants and toxic chemicals. 1. Waste management plan to be submitted to the CSC and approved by MEPCO ESU one month prior to starting of works. WMP shall estimate the amounts and types of construction waste to be generated by the project. 2. Investigating whether the waste can be reused in the project or by other interested parties without any residual environmental impact. 3 Identifying potential safe disposal sites close to the project, or those designated sites in the contract. 4 Investigating the environmental conditions of the disposal sites and recommendation of most suitable and safest sites. 5. Piling up of loose material should be done in segregated areas to arrest washing out of soil. Debris shall not be left where it may be carried by water to down stream flood plains, dams, lagoons or other water bodies. 6. Used oil and lubricants shall be recovered and reused or removed from the site in full compliance with the national and local regulations. 7. Oily wastes must not be burned. Disposal location to be agreed with local authorities/EPA. 8. Waste breaker insulating oil to be recycled, reconditioned, or reused at DISCO’s facility. 9. Machinery should be properly maintained to minimize oil spill during the construction. Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM month prior to starting of works. Update monthly. 1. List of borrow areas to be prepared with tender stage contractors method statement and updated one month prior to construction. 2.List of routes of transport of construction material is to be prepared for the contract and agreed one month prior to construction. 3. Map of locations of storage is prepared by the contractor. Contractor and CSC to agree format of reporting MEPCO ESU / CSC 1.Contractor 2-11. CSC and MEPCO ESU should supervise and take action to ensure that contractor’s complete relevant activities according to EIA / EIA / EMP requirement & NEQS. MEPCO/ CSC One month prior to starting of works. Update monthly One month prior to starting of works. Update monthly 1.Dumping: A list of temporary stockpiling areas and more permanent dumping areas to be prepared at the contract stage for agreement A list of temporary stockpiling areas and more permanent dumping areas to be prepared at the contract stage for agreement (in W M Plan) Page 5 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental concern Objectives 10. Work Camp Operation and Location (if required) To ensure that the operation of work camps does not adversely affect the surrounding environment and residents in the area. 11. Loss of Trees and Vegetation Cover of the Areas for Towers and Temporary Work-space To avoid negative impacts due to removing of landmark, sentinel and specimen trees as well as green vegetation and surface cover. Environmental Impact Assessment Mitigation Measures recommended 10. Machinery should be maintained in a dedicated area over drip trays to avoid soil contamination from residual oil spill during maintenance. 11 Solid waste should be disposed at an approved solid waste facility and not by open burning which is illegal and contrary to good environmental practice. 1. Identify location of work camps in consultation with local authorities. The location shall be subject to approval by the MEPCO. If possible, camps shall not be located near settlements or near drinking water supply intakes. 2. Cutting of trees shall not b permitted and removal of vegetation shall be minimized. 3. Water and sanitary facilities (at least pit latrines) shall be provided for employees. Worker camp and latrine sites to be backfilled and marked upon vacation of the sites. 4. Solid waste and sewage shall be managed according to the national and local regulations. As a rule, solid waste must not be dumped, buried or burned at or near the project site, but shall be disposed of to the nearest sanitary landfill or site having complied with the necessary permits of local authority permission. 5. The Contractor shall organize and maintain a waste separation, collection and transport system. 6. The Contractor shall document that all liquid and solid hazardous and non-hazardous waste are separated, collected and disposed of according to the given requirements and regulations. 7. At the conclusion of the project, all debris and waste shall be removed. All temporary structures, including office buildings, shelters and toilets shall be removed. 8 Exposed areas shall be planted with suitable vegetation. 9.MEPCO and Construction Supervising Consultant shall inspect and report that the camp has been vacated and restored to preproject conditions. 1. Tree location and condition survey to be completed one month before tender. 2. The route for the distribution line should be selected so as to prevent the loss or damage to any orchard trees or other trees. Use of higher towers to be preferred to avoid trees cutting. 3. Clearing of green surface vegetation cover for construction, borrow of soil for development, cutting trees and other important vegetation during construction should be minimized by careful alignment. Written technical Justification for tree felling included in tree survey. 4. At completion all debris and waste shall be removed and not burned. 5. The contractor’s staff and labour will be strictly directed not to Resp mon MM Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM UPDATE Once a month Location Map is prepared by the Contractor. Contractor MEPCO ESU / CSC Route design and site identification (1 & 2) during design stage and other matters during construction of relevant activities Tree survey to be completed one month before tender at relevant Locations with a Map to be compiled prior to tender by the design consultant / MEPCO ESU during detailed design and CSC to update as necessary. Design consultant, Contractor and CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC Resp Imp MM Page 6 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental concern 12. Safety Precautions for the Workers 13. Traffic Condition 15.Social Impacts 16. Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building Objectives To ensure safety of workers Environmental Impact Assessment Mitigation Measures recommended damage any vegetation such as trees or bushes outside immediate work areas. Trees shall not be cut for fuel or works timber. 6. Land holders will be paid compensation for their standing trees in accordance with prevailing market rates (LARP). The land holders will be allowed to salvage the wood of the affected trees. 7. The contractor will plant three (3) suitable new trees outside the 30 meter corridor of the transmission line in lieu of one (1) tree removed. 8. Landscaping and road verges to be re-installed on completion. 9. Compensatory planting of trees/shrubs/ornamental plants (at a rate of 3:1) in line with best international practice. 10. After work completion all temporary structures, including office buildings, shelters and toilets shall be removed. 1. Providing induction safety training for all staff adequate warning signs in health and safety matters, and require the workers to use the provided safety equipment. 2. Providing workers with skull guard or hard hat and hard toe shoes. Minimize disturbance of vehicular traffic and 1. Submit temporary haul and access routes plan one month pedestrians during prior to start of works. haulage of 2. Routes in vicinity of schools and hospitals to be avoided. construction materials and equipment. 1. Potential for spread of vector borne and communicable To ensure minimum diseases from labour camps shall be avoided (worker awareness impacts from orientation and appropriate sanitation should be maintained). construction labour 2. Complaints of the people on construction nuisance / damage force. on public close to ROW to be considered and responded to promptly. health. 3. Contractor should make alternative arrangements to avoid local community impacts. To ensure that Capacity building activities were taken by Environmental Officer in MEPCO officials are Tranche 1. Environmental Management Unit (EMU) was setup with trained to understand in MEPCO under Director Operations in Tranche 1. Development and to appreciate of strengthening plan for the EMU should be taken up with EMP resources. Resp mon MM Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Prior to commencement and during construction Location to be identified by the CSC with contractor. Contractor and CSC MEPCO/ CSC Prior to throughout construction. The most important locations to be identified and listed. Relevant plans of the Contractor on traffic arrangements to be made available. Contractor and CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC Complaints of public to be solved as soon as possible All subprojects tranches Contractor and the CSC MEPCO/ CSC Initiate preconstruction and continue beyond project completion. Awareness training for all management and senior staff in MEPCO at senior engineer and above in PMU and related units. MEPCO ESU MEPCO & ADB MEPCO MEPCO ESU MEPCO ESU and the Resp Imp MM all OPERATIONAL STAGE 1. Air Quality 2.Noise Minimize air quality impacts Minimize noise impacts No significant Impacts Tranche 1.Monitor designs and plans for all future tranches. No significant Impacts Tranche 1. Acoustic designs checking and plan for all future tranches. Operational phase Operational phase all subprojects in future tranches all subprojects in future tranches MEPCO Page 7 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental concern Objectives Environmental Impact Assessment Mitigation Measures recommended Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM Minimize improper Continue waste management arrangements in operational phase Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO waste disposal of all subprojects and MEPCO activities. tranches ESU 3. Compensatory Maintain survival of Employ landscaping contractor to monitor, water and feed Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO tree planting trees planted replacement saplings and replace dead specimens as necessary. tranches ESU Avoid landslips and Operational phase MEPCO MEPCO 4.Land slides and No significant Impacts in Tranche 1. Review designs checking and all subprojects in future loss of productive ESU soil erosion plan for all future tranches. tranches land Minimize water No significant Impacts in Tranche 1. Review designs checking and Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO 5. Water quality quality impacts plan for all future tranches. tranches ESU Monitor impacts from Operational phase MEPCO MEPCO 6 Crops and maintaining tree all subprojects in future ESU Track growth of large trees under the conductors. vegetation clearance under tranches transmission lines Ensure no Operational phase MEPCO encroachments / ESU Necessary signboards with limits of height clearances to be placed 7. Social safety construction under all subprojects in future all along the line. MEPCO Impacts the transmission line. tranches Identify and prevent any illegal encroachments under the DXLs.. No violation of clearance spaces. LARP = Land acquisition and resettlement plan. AP = Affected Persons. LAC = Local Authority Council. TD = Temporary drainage. EC = Erosion control. WM = waste management. CSC = Construction supervision consultant or equivalent. TXL = Transmission line. GSS = Grid substation NEQS = National Environmental Quality Standards 3. Waste disposal Page 8 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment ATTACHMENT-4 SUMMARY OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION 132Kv Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Sr. No. Participant Name Participant Profession Address Date Issues Raised/Concerns expressed/ Suggestions & Requests Proposed Measure Action Taken / Proposed Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works - - - - Line should be avoided to pass over the houses . Line should be avoided to pass over the houses . Safety precaution should be taken during works Safety precaution should be taken MEPCO should avoid Distribution lines to pass over the houses. MEPCO should avoid Distribution lines to pass over the houses. Man Group: Miranpur 1. Abdul Jabar Landowner Miranpur March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 2. Muhammad Usman Landowner Miranpur March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 3. Khushi Muhammad Landowner Miranpur March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 4. Muhammad Baqir Landowner Miranpur March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 5. Abdul Ghani Landowner Miranpur March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 6. Ghulam Haider Govt. Servant Miranpur March 2009 7. Muhammad Ashraf Driver Miranpur March 2009 He expects stable supply in the region with lesser complaints. No comments Women Group: Miranpur 8. Zahida Bibi House Wife Miranpur March 2009 Line should not pass over the residences. 9. Ruqaia House Wife Miranpur March 2009 Line should not pass over the residences. 10. Sajida House Wife Miranpur March 2009 Safety pre cautions to be taken project works 11. Kainat House Wife Miranpur March 2009 Safety pre cautions to be taken project works MEPCO should take safety precaution during works. MEPCO should take safety precaution during works. Page 9 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line 12. 13. Abida Kosar House Wife House Wife Miranpur Miranpur Environmental Impact Assessment March 2009 Safety pre cautions to be taken project works March 2009 Frequent power failure and voltage fluctuation in summer she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely during works Safety precaution should be taken during works MEPCO should take safety precaution during works. - .- Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works Man Group: Gujarwala Chak 14. Haji Habib Ullah Landowner Gujarwala Chak 15. Bashir Ahmad Landowner Gujarwala Chak March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 16. Farzand Ali Landowner Gujarwala Chak March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 17. Muhammad Iqbal Sharecroper Gujarwala Chak March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely March 2009 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible Skilled unskilled should preferred the area and labor be from MEPCO should employ Skilled and unskilled labor from the area Compensation should be paid adequately and timely MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works - - Line should be avoided to pass over the houses . Line should be avoided to pass over the houses . MEPCO should avoid Distribution lines to pass over the houses. MEPCO should avoid Distribution lines to pass over the houses. 18. Khushi Muhammad Labour Gujarwala Chak March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 19. Haji Majeed Sharecroper Gujarwala Chak 20. Iqabl Ahmad Busniss Gujarwala Chak March 2009 Stable supply in the region with lesser complaints. Women Group: Gujarwala Chak 21. Shamim House Wife Gujarwala Chak March 2009 Line should not pass over the residences. 22. Naseem House Wife Gujarwala Chak March 2009 Line should not pass over the residences. Page 10 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 23. Parveen House Wife Gujarwala Chak March 2009 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible 24. Shazia House Wife Gujarwala Chak March 2009 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible 25. Aysha House Wife Gujarwala Chak March 2009 Line should not pass over the residences. Skilled and unskilled labor should be preferred from the area Skilled and unskilled labor should be preferred from the area Line should be avoided to pass over the houses . MEPCO should employ Skilled and unskilled labor from the area MEPCO should employ Skilled and unskilled labor from the area MEPCO should avoid Distribution lines to pass over the houses. Man Group: Dobywali 26. Allah Ditta Landowner Dobywali March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 27. Qari Manzoor Landowner Dobywali March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 28. Muhammad Arif Landowner Dobywali March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 29. Muhammad Ijaz Landowner Dobywali March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 30. Muhammad Sardar Landowner Dobywali March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 31. Muhammad Iqbal Landowner Dobywali March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 32. Malik Manzoor Landowner Dobywali March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 33. Muhammad Shahzir Landowner Dobywali March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Compensation should be paid MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and Page 11 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Tranche 2- 132kV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment adequately and trees fairly and timely atleast timely 15 days before civil works Women Group: Dobywali 34. Nasreen House Wife Dobywali March 2009 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible 35. Aysha House Wife Dobywali March 2009 Safety pre cautions to be taken project works 36. Fatema House Wife Dobywali March 2009 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible 37. Nasira Bibi House Wife Dobywali March 2009 Safety pre cautions to be taken project works 38. Kareem Khatoon House Wife Dobywali March 2009 39. Rahmat Bibi House Wife Dobywali March 2009 Frequent power failure and voltage fluctuation in summer she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. Frequent power failure and voltage fluctuation in summer she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. Skilled and unskilled labor should be preferred from the area Safety precaution should be taken during works Skilled and unskilled labor should be preferred from the area Safety precaution should be taken during works MEPCO should employ Skilled and unskilled labor from the area MEPCO should take safety precaution during works. MEPCO should employ Skilled and unskilled labor from the area MEPCO should take safety precaution during works. - .- - .- Page 12 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment ATTACHMENT-6 Project: –132KV Miranpur Grid Station and Double Circuit Transmission Line Trees & Infrastructure Likely to be Affected by 30 m RoW No. TOWER From-To DISTANCE IN METER TREES TL 1 1 2 100.00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 280.00 11-kv 225.00 260.00 280.00 250.00 290.00 280.00 280.00 290.00 280.00 290.00 280.00 280.00 290.00 290.00 260.00 280.00 220.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 200.00 280.00 210.00 230.00 280.00 280.00 260.00 260.00 270.00 260.00 230.00 220.00 275.00 230.00 90.00 200.00 260.00 270.00 270.00 220.00 270.00 130.00 11-kv HOUSE /ABADI DERA WATER COURSE MASQUE FOOT PATH RAILWAY K/ ROAD/P/ ROAD 1 2 K-R 1 1 K-R ABADI DERA 1 1 1 K-R K-R K-R K-R 1 11-KV ABADI SOLING 1 2 K-R 11-KV ABADI DERA 1 1 1 K-R 11-KV K-R+2P-R K-R+P-R 1 1 1 K-R 11-KV 11-KV ABADI ABADI 1 1 2K-R 2-11KV ABADI 1 1 1 P-R K-R 1 11-KV 1 DERA ABADI ABADI P-R 2 SOLING 1 K-R i Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment ATTACHMENT-7 Trees affected by 30m RoW of distribution line route Affected Wood Trees (No.) Sub Project Section Eucliptus/ Shisham Kikar Others Poplar From To (Sisso) (Acasia) A: Miranpur 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 3 4 5 1 5 6 2 6 7 2 7 8 1 8 9 9 10 10 11 1 11 12 1 12 13 2 13 14 2 14 15 1 15 16 1 12 8 2 Sub-total (A): B: Gujarwala Chak 15 16 3 2 16 17 1 8 17 18 2 1 18 19 4 19 20 2 4 20 21 2 3 21 22 3 22 23 1 23 24 4 2 24 25 1 17 16 10 Sub-total (B): C: Dolatpur 24 25 1 25 26 2 26 27 2 2 27 28 28 29 2 1 29 30 3 30 31 4 31 32 1 32 33 33 34 3 34 35 2 1 35 36 3 3 17 8 3 2 Sub-total (C): D: Rawani 35 36 2 36 37 2 37 38 3 3 1 38 39 2 4 - ii Total Affected Trees (No.) 8 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 22 5 9 3 4 6 5 3 1 6 1 43 1 2 4 3 3 4 1 3 3 6 30 2 2 7 6 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 Gantry Sub-total (D): E: Grid Station Grid Station Sub-total (E): 3 3 4 19 7 - 1 3 3 4 27 - - - - - TOTAL: 65 53.28 39 31.97 5 4.10 13 10.66 122 100.00 Percentage: iii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Photographs Picture 1: 11 kV crossing by proposed transmission line iv Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Picture 2: Road crossing by proposed transmission line v Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Picture 3: crops and trees under the proposed transmission line vi Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Picture 4: Crops under the proposed transmission line vii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Picture 5: Grid site at Rawani (Gilaywal) showing access road Picture 6: Present land use at proposed grid station site viii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment ix Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Pakistan: Power Distribution Enhancement MFF Project (Loan 2178 SF-PAK) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Construction of New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Submitted to: Asian Development Bank May, 2009 Multan Electric Power Company Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan x Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Background 3 1.3 Scope of the EIA Study and Personnel 1.4 Policy and Statutory Requirements in Pakistan Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.4.1 Statutory Framework 4 1.4.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 4 1.4.3 Pakistan EPA Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 2000 4 1.4.4 National Environmental Quality Standards 5 1.4.5 Other Relevant Laws 5 1.5 Structure of Report Error! Bookmark not defined. 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 7 2.1 Type of Project 7 2.2 Categorization of the Project 7 2.3 Need for the Project 7 2.4 Location and Scale of Project 8 2.5 Alternatives 2.6 Proposed Schedule for Implementation Error! Bookmark not defined. 11 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 12 3.1 Project Area 3.1.1 General Characteristics of Project Area 3.1.2 Affected Administrative Units 12 12 12 3.2 Physical Resources 3.2.1 Topography, Geography, Geology, and Soils 3.2.2 Climate and Hydrology 3.2.3 Groundwater and Water Supply 3.2.4 Surface water 3.2.5 Air Quality 3.2.6 Noise and Vibration 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 3.3 Ecological Resources 3.3.1 Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquatic Biology 3.3.2 Terrestrial Habitats, Forests and Protected Species 3.3.3 Protected areas / National sanctuaries 14 14 14 15 3.4 Economic Development 3.4.1 Agriculture, Industries, and Tourism 3.4.2 Transportation 3.4.3 Energy Sources 15 15 15 15 3.5 Social and Cultural Resources 3.5.1 Population Communities and Employment 3.5.2 Education and Literacy 3.5.3 Health Facilities 3.5.4 Cultural Heritage and Community Structure 16 16 16 16 16 xi Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 4. SCREENING POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 18 4.1 Project Location 18 4.1.1 Impact Assessment and Mitigation 18 4.1.2 General Approach to Mitigation 18 4.1.3 Cultural Heritage, Temples, Religious Sites Social Infrastructure 18 4.1.4 Cut and fill Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2 Potential Environmental Impacts Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.1 Encroachment, Landscape and Physical Disfiguration Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.2 Trees, Ecology and Protected Areas Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.3 Hydrology, Sedimentation, Soil Erosion Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.4 Air Pollution from earthworks and transport Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.5 Noise, Vibration and Blasting Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.6 Air pollution and noise from the enhanced operations Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.7 Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal, Communicable DiseasesError! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.8 Disease Vectors Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.9 Pollution from oily run-off, fuel spills and dangerous goodsError! Bookmark not defined. 5. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 24 6. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 27 6.1 Approach to Public Consultation 27 6.2 Public Consultation Process 27 6.3 Results of Public Consultation 27 7. CONCLUSIONS 28 7.1 Findings and Recommendations 28 7.2 Summary and Conclusions 28 xii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Figures and Maps Figure 1.1 Tranche 2 Subprojects and National Transmission Lines of Pakistan Figure 1.2 Plan for Kameer Grid Station Attachments Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 Pakistan EIA Process. Environmental Management Plan (matrix) Monitoring Plan (matrix) Summary of Public Consultation Preliminary program for design, construction and commissioning Implementation schedule Prepared by Name S Bushra Waheed Authorised by Javed Rashid Initials MEPCO xiii Date Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment ABBREVIATIONS ADB Kameer COI CSP DoF DFO DIZ EA EARF EIA EMP GDP GOP GIS LARP Leq MPL NEQS NGO PC PEPA PEPAct PPMS REA SIA S-P SR TOR TXL Asian Development Bank New Kameer132kv grid substation and transmission line subproject Corridor of Influence Country Strategy Program Department of Forests Divisional Forest Officer Direct Impact Zone Environmental Assessment Environment Assessment Review Framework Environment Impact Assessment Environmental Management Plan Gross Domestic Product Government of Pakistan Gas Insulated Switchgear Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan equivalent sound pressure level maximum permissible level National Environmental Quality Standards Non Governmental Organization public consultation Punjab Environmental Protection Agency Pakistan Environment Protection Act 1997 (as regulated and amended) Project Performance Monitoring System Rapid Environmental Assessment Social Impact Assessment subproject Sensitive Receiver Terms of Reference transmission line Rupee, PKR Unit of Pakistan currency. $US approx R62 xiv Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 9. INTRODUCTION 9.1 Overview 164. 1. This document is the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Tranche 2 Construction of Kameer Grid station and Transmission line (as associated subproject) substation and proposed by Multan Electricity Supply Company; MEPCO] [Fig1.1] , Power Distribution and Enhancement Multi-tranche Finance Facility (PDEMFF) proposed by Multan Electricity Power Company [MEPCO] [FIG1.1andFig1.2] under the Asian Development Bank [ADB ]subproject Power distribution and Enhancement Multitrache Finance Facility [PDEMFF] Under the ADB Guidelines. 165. 2. Government of Pakistan (GoP) has requested ADB to provide the PDEMFF to facilitate investments in power distribution and development of networks of eight independent distribution companies (DISCOs) that distribute power to end user consumers. The funding from ADB is expected to be released in stages (tranches). The Power Distribution Enhancement (PDE) Investment Program is part of the GoP long term energy security strategy. The proposed ADB intervention will finance new investments in PDE and assist capacity building of sector related agencies. The investment program will cover necessary PDE development activities in secondary transmission / distribution networks of eight DISCOs. The PDEMFF activities include extension (additional transformers) and augmentation (replacement of transformers with higher capacity) distribution line extensions, new and replacement distribution lines, additional substations, transformer protection and other non network activities such as automatic meter reading, construction equipment and computerized accounting. New distribution lines to and from various network facilities and some of the above activities will also be included in the later trenches. The proposed PDEMFF facility has been designed to address both investment and institutional aspects in the electrical power sector. 166. 3. This EIA presents the results and conclusions of environmental assessment for the construction of 66Kv Kameer substation and transmission line subproject proposed by Mapco, and are submitted by Pakistan Power Company (PEPCO) on behalf of MEPCO. PEPCO has been nominated by Ministry of Water and Power (MOWP) to act as the Executing Agency (EA) with each DISCO being the Implementing Agency (IA) for work in its own area. PEPCO’s role in the processing and implementation of the investment program is that of a coordinator of such activities as preparation of PC-1s and PFRs, monitoring implementation activities; that includes submission of environmental assessments for all subprojects in all trenches of the PDEMFF under ADB operating procedures. An EIA has been carried out to fulfill the requirements of ADB Guidelines (May 2003). This EIA study report is used to complete the Summary Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) for disclosure by ADB if necessary4. 167. 4. The environmental assessment requirements of the GoP for grid stations and power distribution subprojects are different to those of ADB. Under GoP regulations, the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (2000) categorizes development subprojects into two schedules according to their potential environmental impact. The proponents of subprojects that have reasonably foreseeable impacts are required to submit an EIA for their respective subprojects (Schedule I). The proponents of subprojects that have more adverse environmental impacts (Schedule II) are required to submit an environmental impact assessment (EIA). Distribution lines and substations are included under energy subprojects and EIA is required for sub transmission / distribution lines of 11kV and less and large distribution subprojects (Schedule-I). EIA is required by GoP for all subprojects involving sub transmission / distribution lines of 11kV and above and for Grid Station [DGS] substations (Schedule II). 168. 169. . 4 Initial subproject classification was carried out in 2008-9 and the Category is B. Most of the construction impacts will take place with only local impacts and there are no potential significant environmental impacts associated with the T1 (tranche one) sub-subproject construction. Initial environmental reconnaissance and REA carried out by consultants under ADB guidelines in August 2008 indicated that all the T2 subsubprojects will be Category B Environmental Assessment Guidelines (ADB May 2003). Category A subprojects that are deemed by ADB's chief compliance officer to be environmentally sensitive for the purposes of (i) the 120 day rule, and (ii) the environmental management plan requirement could involve subprojects that are near or in environmentally sensitive areas. At this stage no component of the T1 sub-subprojects under consideration is actually within a critical area and therefore the MFF tranche as a whole is Category B. Page 1 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 170. 5. Clarification has been sought from Pakistan EPA on the requirements for environmental assessment for certain energy subprojects and for sub transmission / distribution lines. A Framework of Environmental Assessment (FEA) on power extensions and augmentation subprojects was prepared by consultants and submitted to the Pakistan EPA, after hearings with provincial EPAs. In response to the FEA submitted by MEPCO to the Pakistan EPA5 it has been clarified that all proponents must follow section 12 of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act for all subprojects. Pakistan EPA has also assumed that all proponents will consult with the relevant provincial EPAs (PEPA) and follow their advice. In 2006 Punjab EPA requested disclosure of the scope and extent of each subproject in order that the Director General of PEPA can determine if additional land is required and the need for EIA or EIA. A review of the need for EIA/EIA for submission to GoP is therefore required by the relevant environmental protection agency, in this case the Punjab Environmental Protection Agency. 171. Figure 1.1 : Pakistan EPA Procedure 172. Letter dated 29th June 2007 – Ref 2(1)2004-W/KCP-DD from Pak EPA Sajjad Hussein Talpur, Dy Director (EIA/Mont) to MEPCO, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Subproject Director PPTA, MEPCO, WAPDA House, Lahore. 5 Page 2 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 173. 9.2 Scope of the EIA Study and Personnel 6. The Study Area included the identification of irrigation facilities, water supply, habitable structures, schools, health facilities, hospitals, religious places and sites of heritage or archaeological importance and critical areas (if any) within about 100m of the DGS boundary. The works are generally envisaged to involve construction of the DGS, Construction of the bases, foundation pads and towers to support the distribution line will be carried out also under the same subproject by MEPCO and supervised by the MEPCO management. 174. 7. The field studies were undertaken by the subproject’s environment team with experience of environmental assessment for power subprojects in Pakistan. Mrs. Syeda Bushra Waheed conducted preliminary scoping, survey and assessment activities, coordinated the field sampling and analysis, and were also responsible to supervise collation of information and co-ordinate the various public consultation activities. The team conducted preliminary scoping, survey and assessment activities, and carried out the report writing. Dr David Green (International Environmental Consultant of BPI) provided leadership and guidance in planning the field work and in finalization of the report. The environmental team also benefited from technical support and other information on the impacts of the proposed power works provided in feasibility summaries prepared with MEPCO by expert consultants of BPI dealing with engineering, power distribution, socio-economic, re-settlement and institutional aspects. 175. 8. A scoping and field reconnaissance was conducted on the subproject site, during which a Rapid Environmental Assessment was carried out to establish the potential impacts and categorization of subproject activities. The methodology of the EIA study was then elaborated in order to address all interests. Subsequently primary and secondary baseline environmental data was collected from possible sources, and the intensity and likely location of impacts were identified with relation the sensitive receivers; based on the work expected to be carried out. The significance of impacts from construction of the DGS was then assessed and, for those impacts requiring mitigation, measures were proposed to reduce impacts to within acceptable limits. 176. 9. Public consultation (PC) was carried out in March 2009, in line with ADB guidelines. Under ADB requirements the environmental assessment process must also include meaningful public consultation during the completion of the draft EIA. In this EIA the PC process included verbal disclosure of the sub-subproject works as a vehicle for discussion. Consultations were conducted with local families and communities around and 66KV substation Kameer site and staff of the subproject management. The responses from correspondents have been included in Attachment 4 and summarized in Section 6 of this EIA. Page 3 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 10. POLICY AND STATUARY REQUIREMENTS IN PAKISTAN 10. Direct legislation on environmental protection is contained in several statutes, namely the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997) the Forest Act (1927) the Punjab Wildlife Act (1974). In addition the Land Acquisition Act (1894) also provides powers in respect of land acquisition for public purposes. There are also several other items of legislation7 and regulations which have an indirect bearing on the subproject or general environmental measures. 10.1 Statutory Framework 11. The Constitution of Pakistan distributes legislative powers between the federal and the provincial governments through two ‘lists’ attached to the Constitution as Schedules. The Federal List covers the subjects over which the federal government has exclusive legislative power, while the Concurrent List contains subjects regarding which both the federal and provincial governments can enact laws. “Environmental pollution and ecology” is included in the concurrent list, hence both the federal and the provincial governments can enact laws on this subject. However, to date, only the federal government has enacted laws on environment, and the provincial environmental institutions derive their power from the federal law. The Punjab Environmental Protection Act 1996 is now superseded by the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997). The key environmental laws affecting this subproject are discussed below. 10.1.1 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 12. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 is the basic legislative tool empowering the government to frame regulations for the protection of the environment. The act is applicable to a wide range of issues and extends to air, water, soil, marine, and noise pollution, as well as to the handling of hazardous wastes. The key features of the law that have a direct bearing on the proposed subproject relate to the requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and environmental impact assessment (EIA) for development subprojects. Section 12(1) requires that: “No proponent of a subproject shall commence construction or operation unless he has filed with the Federal Agency an Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] or, where the subproject is likely to cause an adverse environmental effect, an environmental impact assessment [EIA], and has obtained from the Federal Agency approval in respect thereof.” The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency has delegated the power of review and approval of environmental assessments to the provincial environmental protection agencies, in this case the Punjab EPA. (Fig 1.1) 10.1.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 2000 13. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 (PEP Act) provides for two types of environmental assessments: Environmental Impact Assessment s (EIA) and environment impact assessments (EIA). EIAs are carried out for subprojects that have a potentially ‘significant’ environmental impact, whereas EIAs are conducted for relatively smaller subprojects with a relatively less significant impact. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 2006 (the ‘Regulations’), prepared by the Pak-EPA under the powers conferred upon it by the PEP Act, categorizes subprojects for EIA and EIA. Schedules I and II, attached to the Regulations, list the subprojects that require EIA and EIA, respectively. 177. 14. The Regulations also provide the necessary details on the preparation, submission, and review of EIAs and EIAs. The following is a brief step-wise description of the approval process (see also Attachment 1): 178. (xiv) A subproject is categorized as requiring an EIA or EIA using the two schedules attached to the Regulations. (xv) An EIA or EIA is conducted as per the requirement and following the Pak-EPA guidelines. (xvi) The EIA or EIA is submitted to the concerned provincial EPA if it is located in the provinces or the Pak-EPA if it is located in Islamabad and federally administrated areas. The Fee (depending on the cost of the subproject and the type of the report) is submitted along with the document. 6 The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2000 Page 4 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment (xvii) The EIA/EIA is also accompanied by an application in the format prescribed in Schedule IV of the Regulations. (xviii) The EPA conducts a preliminary scrutiny and replies within 10 days of the submittal of a report, a) confirming completeness, or b) asking for additional information, if needed, or c) returning the report requiring additional studies, if necessary. (xix) The EPA is required to make every effort to complete the EIA and EIA review process within 45 and 90 days, respectively, of the issue of confirmation of completeness. (xx) Then the EPA accords their approval subject to certain conditions: (xxi) Before commencing construction of the subproject, the proponent is required to submit an undertaking accepting the conditions. (xxii) Before commencing operation of the subproject, the proponent is required to obtain from the EPA a written confirmation of compliance with the approval conditions and requirements of the EIA. (xxiii) An EMP is to be submitted with a request for obtaining confirmation of compliance. (xxiv) The EPAs are required to issue confirmation of compliance within 15 days of the receipt of request and complete documentation. (xxv) The EIA/EIA approval is valid for three years from the date of accord. (xxvi) A monitoring report is to be submitted to the EPA after completion of construction, followed by annual monitoring reports during operation. 15. Distribution lines and grid substations of 11 kV and above are included under energy subprojects in Schedule II, under which rules EIA is required by GoP. Initial environment examination (EIA) is required for distribution lines less than 11 kV and large distribution subprojects (Schedule I). A review of the need for EIA/ EIA submission is therefore required by the relevant EPA, in this case the Punjab Environment Protection Agency (EPA) as the proposed subproject will be located in Punjab. 179. 16. There are no formal provisions for the environmental assessment of expanding existing distribution lines and grid substations but Punjab EPA have requested disclosure of the scope and extent of each subproject in order that their Director General can determine if additional land is required and the need for statutory environmental assessment1. The details of this subproject will be forwarded to the Punjab EPA, in order to commence the local statutory environmental assessment process. 10.1.3 National Environmental Quality Standards 17. The National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) were first promulgated in 1993 and have been amended in 1995 and 2000. The following standards that are specified in the NEQS may be relevant to the Tranche 2 subprojects: 180. 18. Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants (32 parameters) in municipal and liquid industrial effluents discharged to inland waters, sewage treatment facilities, and the sea (three separate sets of numbers) 181. 19. Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants (2 parameters) in gaseous emissions from vehicle exhaust and noise emission from vehicles. 10.1.4 Other Relevant Laws 20. There are a number of other federal and provincial laws that are important in the context of environmental management. The main laws potentially affecting subprojects in this MFF are listed below. 182. 21. The Punjab Wildlife Protection Ordinance, 1972 empowers the government to declare certain areas reserved for the protection of wildlife and control activities within in these areas. It also provides protection to endangered species of wildlife. As no activities are planned in these areas, no provision of this law is applicable to the proposed subproject. 183. 22. The Forestry Act, 1927 empowers the government to declare certain areas reserved forest. As no reserved forest exists in the vicinity of the proposed subproject, this law will not affect to the proposed subproject. 184. Page 5 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 23. The Antiquities Act of 1975 ensures the protection of Pakistan’s cultural resources. The Act defines ‘antiquities’ as ancient products of human activity, historical sites, or sites of anthropological or cultural interest, national monuments, etc. The Act is designed to protect these antiquities from destruction, theft, negligence, unlawful excavation, trade, and export. The law prohibits new construction in the proximity of a protected antiquity and empowers the Government of Pakistan to prohibit excavation in any area that may contain articles of archaeological significance. Under the Act, the subproject proponents are obligated to ensure that no activity is undertaken in the proximity of a protected antiquity, report to the Department of Archaeology, Government of Pakistan, any archaeological discovery made during the course of the subproject. 10.2 Structure of Report 24. This EIA reviews information on existing environmental attributes of the Study Area. Geological, hydrological and ecological features, air quality, noise, water quality, soils, social and economic aspects and cultural resources are included. The report predicts the probable impacts on the environment due to the proposed subproject enhancement and expansion. This EIA also proposes various environmental management measures. Details of all background environmental quality, environmental impact / pollutant generating activities, pollution sources, predicted environmental quality and related aspects have been provided in this report. References are presented as footnotes throughout the text. Following this introduction the report follows ADB guidelines and includes: Description of the Subproject Description of Environmental and Social Conditions Assessment of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental Monitoring Plan Public Consultation Recommendations and Conclusions Page 6 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 11. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 11.1 Type of Project 25. MEPCO is providing electricity to Arifwala and nearby towns through 132 kV Arifwala grid station. Local domestic, commercial and industrial power demand of the area is increasing rapidly. Due to the increased power demand of the area the power supply has become insufficient and existing grid station has become overloaded. So there is need to improve the power supply of the area. For the purpose MEPCO is planning to construct a new grid station named 132 kV Kameer grid station. The subroject will be constructed in Tibe Sultan village,Tehsil Arifwala ,District Pakpattan. This subproject comprises 132kV substation and 60 m long double circuit transmission line. The grid station will be connected Yusafwala-Arifwala 132kV double circuit transmission line which is passing just over the proposed DGS site and to traverse the line one tower will be constructed within grid site without affecting any tree, any infrastructure or, any person except one tube well. 185. 186. Categorization of the Project 187. 26. Categorization is based on the most environmentally sensitive component of a sub project. The aspects of the subproject with potential of significant environmental impacts need to be assessed in detail and this environmental assessment has therefore focused on the significant impacts possible from the construction activities of the subproject. 188. 27. The Kameer subproject is categorized as a Category B sub-project 1.3 under ADB requirements and this EIA report is based on that assumption. 11.2 Need for the Project 28. The standards and conditions of the power transmission system in Pakistan are inadequate to meet rapidly growing demand for electrical power. This situation limits national development and economic growth. To cope with the constraints, the existing power transmission infrastructure has to be improved and upgraded. The overall contribution of power infrastructure also requires institutional arrangements and capacity that support strategic management of the sector, and planning and management of investments. Overall the proposed PDEMFF facility has been designed to address both investment and institutional aspects in the electrical power sector 189. 29. MEPCO is providing electricity to Kameer and nearby towns through 66 kV Kameer grid station. In last few years local domestic, commercial and industrial power demand of the area is increasing rapidly. Due to the increased power demand of the area the power supply has become insufficient and existing grid station has become overloaded. So there is need to improve the power supply of the area. For this purpose MEPCO is planning to construct a new 132Kv Kameer grid station . The whole construction and construction activity of the grid station will be done with in the boundary wall of proposed grid station, and construction of only 60m transmission line will be involved in this subproject. For this subproject no private land is required. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. Figure 2.1: Jurisdiction Map of MEPCO 201. Page 7 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 202. 11.3 Location and scale of project 30. The EIA has included field reconnaissance of site and surroundings of Kameer DGS and TXL .The Kameer DGS s located within MEPCO Jurisdiction Fig2.2 presents the location of substation. Substations site location is determined by a committee , comprising of professionals from : planning ; design ; construction ; operation ; and social, formations of the DISCO . The committee selects the best site based, from a number of alternatives, on the following considerations : Least cost technically and socially acceptable alternative ; least social impacts ; soil; and atmospheric conditions that are not likely impose a higher cost or damage the planed facilities ; acceptable living conditions for staff members (health, education , water etc.); reasonable access conditions to allow movement of heavy equipment; reasonable access conditions to allow incoming and outgoing transmission lines right of way . 203. 31. The Kameer subproject will involve the construction of 132 kV grid station and 60m double circuit transmission line. The proposed location route to the nearest 132 line appears to be environmentally feasible and technically appropriate and DGS will be connected to an existing Yusafwala Arifwala 132kV line(,passing just over the proposed grid) site .by constructing 60m132kV transmission line. . 204. Page 8 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. Figure 2.2: Location of Kameer Substation 212. 213. 214. 32. This EIA has been conducted based on the assumptions available in March 2009 when the preliminary designs for the DGS and TXL were completed and the overall requirements for installation of the equipment had been identified (Attachment-1). The detailed designs are currently being progressed by MEPCO. At this stage, the construction activities under the SP are expected to include the usual localized civil works such as extension of the main yard, including excavation and concreting of foundations for the new transformers, capacitor banks, cable trays and terminal tower (within the DGS compound), installation of the transformers, equipment and fittings, erection of the towers, cabling, construction of the control rooms and installation of allied equipment, and construction of the offices and residences. Impacts from construction of the 132Kv Kameer DGS subproject are envisaged to be minor, since no additional land needs to be acquired for construction of the DGS and TXL,, the works for the construction of DGS will be on the land owned by MEPCO.(under process) 215. 33. The connecting line from Kameer to the network will t involve erection of one tower that will be strung with the new DGS. The designs for the Tranche 2 (T2) subprojects will be developed under the subproject support component of the MFF. This EIA , however, is based on detailed line route surveys (which includes alternative routes and the route which minimizes the social impacts is chosen) . The line route is then submitted to the design formation which determines the line profiles and tower locations, these towers are then located on ground . The EIA is , therefore based on line design which is final (baring any unforeseen occurrence ) and only is changed at implementation stage if so warranted by new developments .The line design is based on the following parameters 216. Page 9 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Permissible Conductor Clearances at 650C Clearance m Sr. No.Description 1 Cultivated land traversed by vehicles 2 Roads and Streets 3 Communication and power lines power lines up to 66 kV power lines up to 33 kV 4 Highways 5 Railroads 6 Electrified railroads trolley wire 7 River at high flood 8 places accessible to pedestrians only 9 Building roofs not accessible to people 10 Tops of trees (Orchards) 11 Canals 217. 6.7 7.9 2.7 2.7 7.9 7.9 3.85 9.1 7.9 5.2 5 9.1 Proposed Schedule for Implementation 34. Designs power transmission arrangements, access, review of environmental management and construction processes could take several months. When the detailed designs are completed, tendering and award of contract will take place over about three to six months. The construction period will follow and best estimates indicate about eighteen months to two years.(Attachment 6 presents the sub project implementation schedule ) the tranche implementation schedule is presented as follow 218. TIME SCHEDULE - TRANCHE 2 - DISTRIBUTION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Responsibility 1 2 Loan Processing Loan negotiation Tranche 2 Approval Loan Effectivity Bidding Documents Bidding Documents Preparation 219. Evaluation Contract Awards Construction Delivery of equipment Construction & Installation Testing & Commissioning Loan Closing ADB ADB EAD EAD EAD ADB PEPCO PEPCO PEPCO DISCOs DISCOs DISCOs Contractor Contractor Contractor ADB PEPCO I Year 2009 II III IV I Year 2010 II III IV I Year 2011 II III IV I Year 2012 II III IV I Year 2013 II III IV I Year 2014 II III IV I Year 2015 II III IV I Year 2016 II III IV Page 10 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 220. 12. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 12.1 Project Area 12.1.1 General Characteristics of Project Area 221. 35. The Kmeer subproject will be located on Arifwala raod.On the South of DGS proposed Site (which is presently used as cultivated land,) is Rajbah(canal).This subproject will be constructed at Tiba Sultan village of Tehsil Arif Wala of District Pakpatan. Subproject Kameer comprises a 132 KV substation named Kameer Grid Station and a 60 meters long 132 KV double circuit transmission line. Grid station will be linked to Yousafwala – Arifwala 132 KV double circuit Transmission line. This transmission line is passing exactly over the proposed site, so only one new tower and a 60 meter line will be required. The entire line will be traversed with in proposed substation site. Kameer new grid station will require forty nine Kanals and eight Marlas (6.175 Acres) of land which MAPCO is purchasing directly by the land owner, there is one tube well on this land, which is owned by the land owner who is willing to sell it to MEPCO.No further land acquisition is required for the Substation. And to traverse transmission line one tower will be constructed which is planned to construct with in the same site without affecting any person at all. exceptone tube well. neither any structure nor any tree will be affected by this sub project. 12.1.2 Affected Administrative Units 36. The Kameer subproject will indirectly affect only and Tiba Sultan village authorities, in Tehsil Arifwala and District Pakpattanr, Province of Punjab (Figure 1.2). For the purpose of this study the Kameer subproject has been assumed to affect Tiba Sultan village and interviews have been conducted with the public from all along the DGS site TXL corridor. 12.2 Physical Resources 12.2.1 Topography, Geography, Geology, and Soils 37. Pakpattan district is a flat plain, bonded on the north by the old bed of the Bias river ad on the south-east by the Satluj river. The general elevation of the area is about meters above sea level. Soil impregnated with soda and other salts is common and known as Kallarathi. It is found extensively in the Ganji Bar i.e. north-western part of the Pakpattan district. the traditional name of the Stluj river in Pakpattan district is “Nili” which is on account of the colour of its water. The bed of the river is broad and sandy and the banks are generally abrupt. The silt deposited by the Sutluj river is small in quantity and also deficient in fertilizing quality. 222. 38. River Satluj lies on the south-eastern portion of Pakpattan district. Haveli Lakha is located on its east. On the south-east flows Satluj River which creates also a natural boundary here between Pakistan and India. Arifwala is free o any prominent physical feature. 39. There is no mineral production. Salt petre is found in abundance here. This Kallar is not that one called Kallar which is harmful for crops. There is also sulphate of soda present in Kallar shore. Soil is impregnated with soda. Other salts are found in Ganji Bar. Some years back the sub division Arifwala was famous for the production of melons which were exported to other countries i.e. Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, India and Iran etc. 12.2.2 Climate and Hydrology 40. There is little variation of altitude above sea level in the land along the alignment and the short length of the distribution line means no variation between the climate of the area. The climate at Kameer SP is typical of South Punjab 223. 41. he climate of the district is hot and dry. The maximum temperature in summer reaches 42oC. In winter the minimum is 5oC. The mean maximum and minimum temperatures in summer are 42oC and 28oC; and in winter 22oC and 5oC respectively. The summer season starts from April and continues till October. May, June and July are the hottest months. The winter season on the other Page 11 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment hand starts from November and continues till March, December, January and February are the coldest months. 224. 42. The rainy season starts in July and ends in September. Annual rainfall is 11.20 inches. More rains occur in July and August than any other months. Most of the winter rains are received in the months of January, February and March. 12.2.3 Groundwater and Water Supply 43. Irrigation is largely dependent on the canals, but tube wells have also been sunk in the areas where water is fit for irrigation. The chemical quality of ground water in the district varies area wise and depth wise. The tube wells have been installed to make up the deficiencies. The strata near the Kameer and Tiba Sultan towns are water bearing and alluvial deposits, giving groundwater potential throughout the project area and the water table is fairly near the surface i.e 5-7m.. The water table is not seasonal and dug wells do not generally run dry. Groundwater sources exist in the area and there are tube wells within 500m of the proposed TXL towers but the wells are generally well away from the proposed transmission lines. There is piped water supply in most areas Tiba Sultan town. Elsewhere the local population is generally reliant on supply from hand pumps. There should be no impact on these sources of water during the construction. 225. 44. Around 16. Percent of the housing units are using piped water, majority of which has that facility in their own houses. A majority is using hand pump for potable water but their percentage share does not exceed 80 percent. Hardly 1.0 percent households are using potable water taken out from wells. 12.2.4 Surface water Rivers and Tributaries Rivers 45. Water of Satluj and Sukh bias rivers was given to India through Indus basin treaty hence very samall quantity of water is available in it. It is called as Nili on account of the colour of its water in Pakpattan. Its course has been affected by three weirs of the Satluj valley project. The silt deposit of this river is lesser than other ones and is also less fertile. The Sukh Bias is smaller than the Satluj. Water of Bias River was also given to India under Indus basin treaty, therefore, almost entire year it remains dry except in rainy season. No nullahs, streams, marshes or lakes are present in the district. 46. Irrigation: The major means of irrigation in the district are canal and tube-wells. Depalpur canal, originating from Gandasingh wala headworks in kasur district, enters the district from east and irrigates the northern half of the district. Pakpattan canal takes off from Sulemanki Headworks. This canal and its branch namely Khadir branch irrigate a vast area of the district. 47. Irrigation mostly depends upon Pakpattan canal and Khadar which are fed by a Head Sulemanki from Satluj River. Irrigation is also done by means of wells and electric tubewells. Weirs controlled canal plays a vital role in the cultivation of Pakpattan district. In 1925 the upper and lower Sohang, Khanwah and the Para in inundated channels were brought under controlled system. The Ganda Singh Walla Head works were constructed on the Satluj River and on this Head works the main Canal on the right was named as “Dipalpur canal”. 12.2.5 Air Quality 48. Air quality in most of the project area appears good based on observation during the study period. Emissions should be controlled at source under the EMP. There will be a few items of powered mechanical equipment to be used in the construction of the transmission line works that may give rise to many complaints about dust and other emissions, however there should be well dissipated. The major sources of complaint will likely be any necessary earthworks and local soil compaction. In comparison domestic sources of air pollution, such as emissions from wood and kerosene burning stoves as well as small diesel standby generators in some households, are minor. 226. Page 12 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 49. Industrial pollution sources are not present in the vicinity of Kameer subproject. The project area is distant from major sources of air pollution like industries or urban type traffic, domestic sources such as burning of wood and kerosene stoves, etc. or fugitive sources such as burning of solid wastes. Air quality in the project area appeared very good during the study period . Air quality measurements in major urban centers , carried out by Pak-EPA , revealed that CO, SO2 and NO levels were in excess of the acceptable levels in some areas but the average levels were found below WHO standards . Air quality testing by DISCOs (average values are : TSP 1.09 mg/m3 , CO 634 ppb , SO2 24.34 ppb, NO2 23.73 ppb )through various consultants has reveled that most substations have NO2, CO2 and CO values below international standards although TSP levels at some locations was higher than international standards. 227. 50. There should be no source of atmospheric pollution from the project. In the operational phase the industrial facilities with fuel powered mechanical equipment will be the main polluters. All such emissions will be very well dissipated in the open terrain and there will be no cumulative effect from the project. 228. 51. The other major source of air pollution is dust arising from construction and other ground or soil disturbance. Near the access roads, when vehicles pass, dust levels will increase. Dust levels are elevated when vehicles pass intermittently over the roads based on field observations and may be high enough to obscure vision significantly based on observations in August and September 2006. 12.2.6 Noise and Vibration 52. Noise from vehicles and other powered mechanical equipment is intermittent. There are also the occasional calls to prayer from the PA systems at the local mosques but there are no significant disturbances to the quiet rural setting. However the construction from the proposed power expansion will use powered mechanical equipment. Subjective observations were made of background noise and also of individual vehicle pass by events. Based on professional experience background daytime noise levels are probably well below 55dB (A) L90. DISCOs have carried out noise level measurements at various substations and transmission line locations within the system .These analyzed to calculate Leq values have resulted in Leq values much below the 85 dBA limit prescribed under the NEQs established by the EPA or the 75 dBA used by DISCOs/NTDC/PEPCO in the equipment specifications . Typical values were : average 46.21 dBA ; high 63.14 dBA ; and low 34.35 dBA 12.3 Ecological Resources 12.3.1 Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquatic Biology 53. Pigs are in abundance along the river belt while jackal, porcupine, snakes, wild lizard are also in abundance. In wild birds, dove, cuckoo, deer (heron), nightingale, wood pecker, quail and owl are common. 12.3.2 Terrestrial Habitats, Forests and Protected Species Vegetation cover and trees 54. The project area, which is dry, is dominated by rural suburbs and with various productive fields of monocultures that now dominate the agro-ecosystems present in the project area. Common floral species with rooted vegetation are also present in most of the water bodies of the area. 229. 55. There were many wild trees like Jand (Prosopis spicigera), Van (Salvadora abeoides), Okan Tree like Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo) and Kikar (Accacia Arabica) were planted in large number on canal banks and adjacent roads. In recent years Eucalyptus and Popular were introduced and have grown sufficient in number. General out look of the area is green wherever, water is available. There is some wild growth of any bush near the area of works but natural forest cover in the district has been significantly reduced in the past but some of the older stands of trees are well established could be considered as semi-naturalized to some extent. 230. Page 13 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 56. The majority of the land adjacent to the substation is agriculture rural area The construction activity will be within the grid station boundary presently used as agriculture land, where there in little vegetation besides crops. DGS site is presently used as agricultural land. Just either side of the transmission line alignment no vegetation exists. 231. 232. 12.3.3 Protected and Religious Trees 57. There is no tree within the proposed DGS site (presently used as agriculture land) and along the RoW. The main tree large forests of this district is Dul Wryam. There are many trees look like Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo), Kikar (Accacia Arabica), Mulbery (Morus maraceae) and Eucalyptus planted on sides of the canals. In general permission should be sought from the local tree owners for the felling of any trees. The LARP may make provision for compensation of local people for the loss of trees, if needed after detailed study. The works must deal with trees that need to be lopped or removed for safety reasons with the necessary permissions. 12.3.4 Protected areas / National sanctuaries 58. In Pakistan there are several areas of land devoted to the preservation of biodiversity through the dedication of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. There are no protected areas near the near proposed DGS and transmission alignment. 12.4 Economic Development 12.4.1 Agriculture, Industries, and Tourism 59. Agriculture: The main crops in the subproject area during winter are wheat, rape-seed and mustard, lentil (Masoor), Gram and gardens and Cotton, rice, sugarcane, maize, jawar, bajra, mung and mash are the summer crops. 233. 60. Horticulture: fruit gardens become very popular with the farmers especially for citrus, guava and banana, which represent the highest are of cultivation such as 1686522 and 425 hectares respectively. It is remarkable to note that the highest yield for mango and water and musk melons are 11102 and 22121 kg per hectare as compared the small are of cultivation i.e. 98.0 and 115.00 hectares. However the soil is fit to grow fruits of all kinds due to persistent hot weather. 234. 61. Industry: the district Pakpattan has no industry before independence. Now a days there is Iteffaq Sugar Mills, Rice Mills, Cotton and Ginning/pressing mills, Brick Kilns are also working. 12.4.2 Transportation 62. There is a complete network of roads in the district. All major villages are connected with the district headquarters through metalled roads. Important roads are Pakpattan Sahiwal road, Pakpattan Haveli road, Pakpattan Okara road, Pakpattan Bahawalnager road, Pakpattan Minchanabad road and Arifwala Fortabass road. 235. 63. Pakpattan district is situated on the railways line which runs from Lahore to Lodhran. So railway plays an important role in the communication of this district. 236. 64. Tourism: There are many places of interest those attract tourists and promote tourisms e.g. shrine of Hazrat baba Farid-Ud-Din, Town Qabullah, Town Malka Haus. 12.4.3 Energy Sources 65. Around four-fifths of housing units are using wood. i.e. 79.1 percent as cooking fuel in their houses while nearly 2.9 percent are using kerosene oil for this purpose. About 1.6 percent are using gas and 16.4 percent are using other sources of cooking fuel in their houses. Regarding urban and rural differential wool is mainly used in rural and urban areas representing 80.1 and 72.6 percent respectively while kerosene oil is the main source of cooking fuel in urban areas representing 14.3 percent of the house units, followed by gas representing 9.1 percent housing units. Page 14 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 12.5 Social and Cultural Resources 12.5.1 Population Communities and Employment 66. The total population of Pakpattan district and Tehsil Arifwala was 1,286,680 and 603,096 persons respectively as enumerated in March 1998 As emerged from 1998 census the population of district is predominantly Muslims i.e. 99.2 percent. The next higher percentage is of Christians with 0.8. While other minorities like Ahmadi, Hindu (Jati). Scheduled castes etc. are very small in number. The proportion of population of Muslims is higher in rural areas. 99.4 percent as compared to their counterparts in urban areas, 98.0 percent. Christians are mostly living in urban areas representing 2.0 percent as compared to just 0.6 percent in rural areas. Punjabi is the predominant language being spoken in the district, representing 95.9 percent of the population, followed by Urdu spoken by 3.7 percent and Pushto 0.4 percent while others speak Siraiki, Sindhi, Balochi, Bravi, Dari etc. leaving aside the rural area which is influenced by the local people, the proportion of people speaking Urdu and Pushto are less in urban areas than in rural areas. 237. 67. Of the total economically active population 83.5 percent were registered as employed in 1998. Only 4.1 percent were government employees, 65.4 percent self employed and 23.0 percent private employees. Un-paid family helpers were recorded as 6.2 percent. The difference in proportions of employed population was significant between the genders and urban and rural residences. 12.5.2 Education and Literacy 68. The literacy ratio in Bahawalnagar district has increased from 19.5 percent in 1981, to 35.1 percent in 1998. The literacy ratio for males is 45.5 percent as against 23.8 percent for females. The ratio is much higher in urban when compared with rural areas both for male and female. There are primary, middle and high schools for boys and girls in city at 1 km .There is a school girls at 350m and a and a high school for boys at 200m from DGS 238. 239. Number of educational institutions and their enrolment 1997-98 is given in the table below:Table 3.1 Educational Institutions by Level of Education, 1997-98 Level Degree Intermediate Professional and commercial Training institute Schools High schools Middle schools Primary schools Community models Institution Male Female 2 2 1 - Enrolment Male Female 1439 1450 757 - 3 - 295 - - - - - 51 22 410 - 13 33 308 6 23587 7089 42177 - 8990 4951 21568 300 Source: Punjab Development Statistics, Bureau of Statistics Punjab, 1999. 12.5.3 Health Facilities 69. In district Pakpattan one district headquarters hospital, one tehsil HQ hospital, six rural health centers, seventy four basic health centers, one T>B clinic and one MCHC are the main medical centres serving the people of the district and here free medical facilities are provided. 12.5.4 Cultural Heritage and Community Structure 240. Page 15 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 70. There are no official heritage sites or historic, religious or archeologically important sites located in the Subproject works areas. There is no major historic or archaeological feature of note but there a few places of worship a mosque in the DGS within about 500m of the works. 71. The ancient dwellers of the Pakpattan district were the position tribes, namely Jats, Rajputs, Arains, Wattoos, Hans, Bhattis, Noon Pattans, Chishties and Syeds. Page 16 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 13. SCREENING POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 13.1 Project Location 13.1.1 Impact Assessment and Mitigation 72. This Tranche 2 subproject will involve the construction of 132kVDGS and 60m transmission Line is passing just over theproposed sitel of the grid station. Kameer Grid station will be llinked to Yusawala-Arifwala 132 kV transmission line by constructing 60 m long double circuit transmission line See Figure 1.1 which presents the line route. of Construction of 132kV DGS implying an expansion of both outside and within the existing boundaries of Kameer grid station (DGS will be constructed on land owned by MEPCO(under process). There are no sensitive receivers close to the DGS which could be possibly affected by certain activities of the SP works. The TXL will not cross roads, highway, and canal and could not require the removal of trees but there is no other sensitive receiver on its routs, which could be affected by the works. 73. The location and scale of the works are very important in predicting the environmental impacts. This process of impact prediction is the core of the EIA process and it is critical that the recommendations and mitigation measures are carried out according to with reference to the conditions on the ground in the affected areas (Figure 1.2 show TXL route) in the spirit of the environmental assessments process. In this section the potential environmental impacts are reviewed. Where impacts are significant enough to exceed accepted environmental standards, mitigation is proposed in order to reduce residual impact to acceptable levels and achieve the expected outcomes of the project being implemented. Therefore, it is essential that a proper analysis is carried out during the project planning period. In this regard, the impact prediction plays a vital role as these predictions are used for developing mitigation measures and any alternative options, if appropriate. When the detailed designs are completed the impacts and mitigation measures will need to be further reviewed to take account of how the contracts are set up and in the light of any fine tuning of the Subproject proposals. 74. The environmental management plan (Section 5 and EMP matrix Attachment 2) has been reviewed based on the EMP and shall be reviewed in due course at project inception and through construction in order to feed back any significant unpredicted impacts. It is based on the analysis of impacts, primarily to document key environmental issues likely to arise from Subproject project implementation, to prescribe mitigation measures to be integrated in the project design, to design monitoring and evaluation schedules to be implemented during Subproject project construction and operation, and to estimate costs required for implementing Subproject mitigation measures. The EMP plan must be reviewed in the Subproject inception by the project management and approved before any construction activity is initiated, to take account of any subsequent changes and fine tuning of the proposals. 13.1.2 General Approach to Mitigation 75. Based on experience on some projects contractors have put emphasis on the financial compensation for nuisances. This may be acceptable for some social impacts where evacuation is necessary or where houses have been accidentally damaged, however it is not best international practice to accept payment for environmental impacts. An approach whereby the subproject contractor pays money for nuisances rather than control impacts at source will not be acceptable. This practice should not be allowed and financial compensation shall not be allowed as mitigation for environmental impacts or environmental nuisance. 76. During the preparation for the Subproject construction phase the future contractors must be notified and prepared to co-operate with the executing agency, project management, supervising consultants and local population in the mitigation of impacts. Furthermore the contractor must be primed through bidding stages and the contract documentation to implement the EMP in full and be ready to engage trained environmental management staff to audit the effectiveness and review mitigation measures as the project proceeds. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the loan conditions and the executing agency (MEPCO) must be prepared for this. In this regard the MEPCO must fulfill the requirements of the law and guidance prepared by FEPA on the environmental aspects of power projects and the recommendations already made for Subproject in this EIA and under Pakistan’s PEP Act law. Page 17 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 77. The location of the residences, mosques, schools, hospitals and civic, cultural and other heritage sites has been reviewed in Section 3. Residences or schools are not close enough to the subproject on which there could not be some potential impacts in the construction stage from disturbance and significant noise and dust. This is because theDGS is located in rural setting, TXL is very short (only60 m), and the alignment is with in DGS boundary and has no human settlements and structures .. 78. Work on the tower sites could cause some generation of air borne dust, but any nuisance from this is likely to be very localized and temporary. Other project activities, e.g. movement of heavy vehicles on unpaved tracks during the works, could generate considerable dust. Water is available in the study area, although surplus water may not always be available to suppress dust at vulnerable locations in the dry season. Therefore as a general approach it is recommended that where works are within 15m of any residential sensitive receivers, the contractor should install segregation between the works and the edge of the sensitive receivers. The segregation should be easily erectable 2.5m high tarpaulin sheet and designed to retain dust and provide a temporary visual barrier to the works. Where dust is the major consideration the barrier can take the form of tarpaulins strung between two poles mounted on a concrete base. These can be moved along from tower base to tower base as the work proceeds. 79. Noise from the construction of the towers should not be a major consideration unless very close to schools or hospitals where construction should be avoided at sensitive times. In addition to the physical effect of mitigating dust and noise with barriers installation of such measures should be discussed with the local population and serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage to assist in public relations. 13.1.3 Cultural Heritage, Mosques, Religious Sites, and Social Infrastructure 80. The location of mosques and other cultural and other heritage SR sites has been reviewed in Section 3. There are no mosques or other religious sites close to the DGS site. The new 60 m line will also not affect or disturb any such site. . 81. The nearest clinic / hospital is more than3 km from the edge of the Subproject or TXL route, but the nearest school is at 2km from the Subproject, and the nearest houses at about 2km from the DGS site. The TXL will not cross road, canal .. Apart from these features, there will be sufficient buffer distance between the works and any other SRs, so that no significant impacts should be expected. Public consultation should be undertaken at the implementation stage to ensure nuisances are not allowed to escalate for the SRs close to the DGS sites. 13.2 Potential Environmental Impacts in construction 13.2.1 Encroachment, Landscape and Physical Disfiguration 82. The extent of the proposed power expansion is moderate and should not extend beyond the power corridor (RoW) created by the subproject. No significant landscape impacts are expected from construction of132kV Kameer DGS and TXL.. 13.2.2 Cut and fill and waste disposal 83. Disposal of surplus materials must also be negotiated through local authority approvals prior to the commencement of construction. The Subproject work should not involve any significant cutting and filling but minor excavations (down to 4m) and piling may be required to create the foundations for the new transformers and for some towers (if required). It is envisaged (depending on the mode of contract) that the surface under the towers will need to be scrabbled to remove unstable materials, or to stockpile topsoil. 84. Mitigation measures must focus on the minimization of impacts. In order to allow the proper functioning of the settlement sites (access to villages) during construction it is recommended that consideration be given to erect temporary hoardings immediately adjacent to the nearest houses and shops if they are within 15m of the power distribution line tower construction. 85. If surplus materials arise from the removal of the existing surfaces from specific areas, these should be used elsewhere on the subproject before additional soil, rock, gravel or sand is brought Page 18 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment in. The use of immediately available material will generally minimize the need for additional rock based materials extraction from outside. 86. The subproject detailed designers have so far estimated that no substantial additional materials will be required subject to confirmation at the detailed design stage. 87. At this stage no areas require removal of woodland. However if specimen trees of religious plantations are affected the owners should be given the resources and opportunity to reinstate the woodland long term and a plantation compensation plan should be drawn up to replant the woodland/trees. In the event that the land is not suitable for plantation then other areas should be identified to replace the cut trees and sufficient areas should be identified to allow plantation of trees at a rate of say 3:1. The replacement ratio should allow for a high mortality rate among the newly planted trees in the dry environment or otherwise as based on advice from the forest authority. 88. Contractual clauses should be included to require each contractor to produce a materials management plan (one month before construction commences) to identify all sources of cement and aggregates and to balance cut and fill. The plan should clearly state the methods to be employed prior to and during the extraction of materials and all the mitigation measures to be employed to mitigate nuisances to local residents. Financial compensation shall not be allowed as mitigation for environmental impacts or environmental nuisance. Mitigation measures shall seek to control the impacts at source in the first place. The engineer shall be responsible to update the subproject cut and fill estimates and create Materials Master Plan to facilitate materials exchange between the different contract areas along the power line and sub-contractors on the power line and to provide an overall balance for materials and minimize impacts on local resources. 13.2.3 Trees, Ecology and Protected Areas 89. There are no Reserved or Protected Forests or trees near the DGS site or TXL alignment. 132 kV transmission Line Yusafwala-Arifwala line is is passing over proposed grid station site.(Figure 1.1)which presents the line route. by MEPCO (Marchl 2009) will not affect any tree .In case removal all the trees on private or forest land during the works, written permission should be sought. 90. If for some unforeseen reason or change of alignment, any trees with religious significance or other trees need to be removed, written permission should be obtained from the forest authority and the owner after written justification by MEPCO. Trees shall be planted to replace the lost trees with three trees planted to replace every cut tree (3:1) or more as agreed with the authority. 91. A requirement shall be inserted in the contracts that no trees are to be cut on the Kameer DGS and TXL site or outside, without the written permission from the supervising consultant who may permit the removal of trees if unavoidable on safety / technical / engineering grounds after written justification by MEPCO and to the satisfaction of the forest authority and the owner. 13.2.4 Hydrology, Sedimentation, Soil Erosion 92. The drainage streams en-route of the subproject should not be impeded by the works. The scale of the works does not warrant hydrological monitoring. 13.2.5 Air Pollution from earthworks and transport 93. The material (cement, sand and aggregate) requirement of a typical 132 kV substation (about 150 cu m) and a 132 kV transmission tower (4.8 cu m, or 40 bags of cement per tower) are not large. In transmission line construction sand and aggregate are delivered directly to the tower location from the quarry / source, there is no intermediate or bulk storage of these materials .Similarly construction materials for the substation are stored within the substation site are scheduled as per the work progress (which is staggered as the buildings which require bulk of the construction materials are built in phases over 6 to 12 months period ) , which means that at any given point in time the amount of construction material stored is not significant .The quantities of construction material required for a typical substation or transmission tower are not so larger that they potentially represent a traffic hazard , these requirements are time dispersed in case of substations and time and space dispersed in case of transmission lines . The contractor will be , Page 19 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment however, required to provide a traffic management plan before commencement of work at site .Field observations indicate that ambient air quality is generally acceptable and that emissions from traffic and other powered mechanical equipment in the area are rapidly dispersed. There will be a few items of powered mechanical equipment to be used in the construction of the distribution line works that may give rise gaseous emissions. However these should be well dissipated. The major sources of complaint will likely be any necessary earthworks and local soil compaction. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Earthworks will contribute to increasing dust, and the foundation earthworks for the transformers and the line poles will generate dust and the following mitigation measures are needed: Dust suppression facilities (water sprayers / hosepipe) shall be available where earth and cement works are required. Areas of construction (especially where the works are within 50m of the SRs) shall be maintained damp by watering the construction area. Construction materials (sand, gravel, and rocks) and spoil materials will be transported trucks covered with tarpaulins. Storage piles will be at least 30m downwind of the nearest human settlements. 94. All vehicles (e.g., trucks, equipment, and other vehicles that support construction works) shall be well maintained and not emit dark, smoky or other emissions in excess of the limits described in the NEQS. 241. 95. The need for large stockpiles should be minimized by careful planning of the supply of materials from controlled sources. Stockpiles should not be located within 50m of schools, hospitals or other public amenities such as wells and pumps and should be covered with tarpaulins when not in use and at the end of the working day to enclose dust. 13.2.6 Noise, Vibration and Blasting 96. It is anticipated that powered mechanical equipment and some local labor with hand tool methods will be used to construct the subproject works. No blasting is anticipated. Powered mechanical equipment can generate significant noise and vibration. The cumulative effects from several machines can be significant. To minimize such impacts, the contractor for subproject should be requested by the construction supervision consultants (engineer) to provide evidence and certification that all equipment to be used for construction is fitted with the necessary air pollution and noise dampening devices to meet EPA requirements. 97. A criterion of 70dB (A)Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. Any noisy equipment should be located within DGS as far from SRs as possible to prevent nuisances to dwellings and other structures from operation. 98. Noise from construction of the power distribution lines and improvements to substations is not covered under any regulations however in order to keep in line with best international practice it is recommended that no construction should be allowed during nighttime (9 PM to 6 AM) and 70dB(A)Leq should be the criterion at other times during the day measured at the boundaries of land from which construction noise is emitted. A criterion of 70dB (A)Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. Any noisy equipment should be located within DGS or as far from SRs as possible to prevent nuisances to dwellings and other structures from operation. 99. Vibration from construction of piles to support pads may be required for some tower construction and may be a significant impact but this should be short duration. Where vibration could be come a major consideration (within say 100m of schools, religious premises, hospitals or residences) a building condition survey should take place prior to construction. The physical effect of piling should be assessed prior to construction and measures should be discussed with the local population as well as timing of the works to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and to assist in public relations. At nearby schools, the contractor shall discuss with the school principals the agreed time for operating these machines and completely avoid machine use near schools during examination times, if such a need arises. Page 20 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 13.2.7 Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal, Communicable Diseases 100. The main issues of concern are uncontrolled or unmanaged disposal of solid and liquid wastes into watercourses and natural drains, improper disposal of storm water and black water and open defecation by construction workers. 101. In order to maintain proper sanitation around construction sites, access to the nearby DGS lavatories should be allowed provision of temporary toilets should be made. Construction worker camps will not be necessary, based on the scale of the works needed. If for some unforeseen reason a larger workforce is needed any construction camp should not be located in settlement areas or near sensitive water resources and portable lavatories or at least pit latrines should be provided. 102. Wherever water is allowed to accumulate, in temporary drainage facilities, due to improper storm water management, or improper disposal of wastewater generated from the site, it can offer a breeding site for mosquitoes and other insects. Vectors such as mosquitoes may be encountered if open water is allowed to accumulate at the Kameer DGS site. Temporary and permanent drainage facilities should therefore be designed to facilitate the rapid removal of surface water from all areas and prevent the accumulation of surface water ponds. 13.3 Potential Environmental Impacts in operation 13.3.1 Air pollution and noise from the enhanced operations 103. The subproject works will extend the power distribution lines but no houses, mosques or schools will be close to the new TXL in the operational phase.The DGS will be constructed at a the extended level of operation of the facility is not likely to cause any appreciable increase in the noise level already generated by the existing equipment. However, it is recommended that an acoustical check be made on the detailed design to determine of any noise barriers are required. There should be no source of atmospheric pollution from the subproject. In the operational phase any nearby industrial facilities with fuel powered mechanical equipment will be the main polluters. All such emissions will be very well dissipated in the open terrain and there will be no cumulative effect from the subproject. 104. Noise impacts from the operation of the DGS equipment should be reviewed at the detailed design stage. There are/not national noise standards in Pakistan for power distribution noise emissions that would apply in the operational stages. A criterion of 70Db (A) Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. It is recommended that a check be made on the likely acoustical performance based on makers specifications of the installed equipment at the detained design stage 13.3.2 Pollution from oily run-off, fuel spills and dangerous goods 105. No significant impacts from oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants are expected to arise in this subproject. However control measures will be needed for oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants in the case of accidental or unexpected release. Transformer oil is supplied in drums from an imported source and tap tanks are topped up as necessary on site. There are facilities in some subproject DGS maintenance yards for recycling (dehydrating) oil from breakers. However the areas upon which these recycling facilities are located have no dedicated drainage which can capture run-off. Oily residues and fuel and any contaminated soil residues should be captured at source and refueling and maintenance should take place in dedicated areas away from surface water resources. Contaminated residues and waste oily residues should be disposed at a site agreed with the local authority. No significant impacts from oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants are expected to arise in this subproject. However control measures will be needed for oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants in the case of accidental or unexpected release. Transformer oil is supplied in drums from an imported source and tap tanks are topped up as necessary on site. There are facilities in some subproject DGS maintenance yards for recycling (dehydrating) oil from breakers. However the areas upon which these recycling facilities are located have no dedicated drainage which can capture run-off. Oily residues and fuel and any contaminated soil residues should be captured at source by installing bunds (Appendix 6) and refueling and maintenance should take place in dedicated areas away from surface water resources. Contaminated residues and waste oily Page 21 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment residues should be disposed at a site agreed with the local authority . DISCOs are served by the Technical Services Group (TSG) , TSG prepare a detailed routine maintenance schedule for each piece of hardware .TSG also supervise and monitors the implementation of this schedule by Grid System Operation (GSO) .Transformer oil has a long life (typically over 15 years, which depends upon the level of load the transformer serves ) .Oil spills are very rare and are preempted by routine maintenance .TSG and GSO have a written down procedure to deal with oil spills . 106. The DISCO procedures for handling PCB need to be strengthened the maintenance of transformers need to be based on the manufactures instructions. There need to be performance evaluation procedure prescribed and followed for each power transformer. In working areas where PCBs are handled, it is necessary to monitor the levels of chlorinated solvents. In case of emergencies the first step is to attempt to control the spread of the liquid, this is especially relevant during transportation. In case of spills emergency measures need to be taken by personal specially trained and wearing protective clothes. Oil absorptive materials are a useful tool and needs to be spread over the spill. All equipment and surfaces exposed to the spill need to be washed with solvent. The best international procedures and guidelines need be followed; one such guideline is the UNEP PCB transformers and capacitors – Form Management to Reclassification and disposal, May 2002. This however, is not relevant as this EIA is related to the development and construction if a new substation and PEPCO/DISCOs have already banned the use of any equipment that uses PCB. 107. MEPCO already prohibits use of PCBs in new power transformers, there is however need to prepare an inventory of any PCB carrying equipment in the system and all such equipment be replaced. The maintenance instructions prepared by the Technical Services Group needs to be reviewed and revised to add PCB based equipment maintenance and a procedure for handling any PCB spills. The Kot Lakhpat and Shalimar workshops already follow. Such procedures, however, these need to be reviewed and upgraded in light of best international practice. This would include provision of special clothing availability of oil absorptive solvents, availability of steel containers. Training to staff on oil spills and special care during transportation of equipment using PCB’s. TSG ensure that the maintenance schedule of each piece of hardware is adhered to . DISCOs have also established a safety unit, which among other tasks , investigates all accidents .Frequency of accidents, on average is about 1 per DISCO per year (based on last 4 years record), about 60 % of these are non-fatal .Most accidents occur due to staff and supervision negligence .Detailed report of each accident is prepared . 13.4 Enhancement 108. Environmental enhancements are not a major consideration within the Kameer subproject site. However it is noted that it is common practice at many such sites to create some local hard and soft landscaping and successful planting of fruit trees and shrubs has been accomplished in many sites. This practice should be encouraged as far as practicable. Other opportunities for enhancements can be assessed prior to construction and proposed enhancements should be discussed with the local population to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and to assist in public relations. Trees removed for construction purposes should be replaced as compensation in line with best practice at ratio of three replaced for one removed however additional trees should be planted as enhancements where there is space in the DGS and along the TXL. Page 22 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 14. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 109. In this section, the mitigation measures that are required for the Kameer subproject Tranche 2 subproject, to reduce residual impact to acceptable levels and achieve the expected outcomes of the project, are discussed. The Environmental Management Plan is based on the type, extent and duration of the identified environmental impacts for the Kameer subproject Tranche 2 subproject. The EMP has been prepared following best practice and by reference to the ADB Environmental Assessment Guidelines 2003. 110. It is important that the recommendations and mitigation measures are carried out according to the spirit of the environmental assessment process and in line with the guidelines. The EMP matrix is presented as Attachment 2. The impact prediction (Section 4) has played a vital role in reconfirming typical mitigation measures and in identifying any different approaches based on the feasibility and detailed design assumptions and any alternatives available at this stage. 111. Prior to implementation and construction of the subprojects the EMP shall be amended and reviewed by the MEPCO in due course after detailed designs are complete. Such a review shall be based on reconfirmation and additional information on the assumptions made at this feasibility stage on positioning, alignment, location scale and expected operating conditions of the subprojects. For example, in this case if there are any additional transmission lines or extension of the substation boundaries to be included, the designs may be amended and then the performance and evaluation schedules to be implemented during project construction and operation can be updated and costs estimates can be revised. The EIA and EMP should than be revised on a subproject by subproject basis. 112. The EIA and EMP plan must be reviewed by the project management and approved by the PEPA before any construction activity is initiated. This is also an ADB requirement in order to take account of any sub-sequent changes and fine tuning of the proposals. It is recommended that, before the works contract is worked out in detail and before pre-qualification of contractors, a full extent of the environmental requirements of the project (EIA/EIA and EMP) are included in the bidding documents. Professional experience indicates that past environmental performance of contractors and their awareness of environmentally responsible procurement should also be used as indicator criteria for the prequalification of contractors. 113. In order to facilitate the implementation of the EMP, during the preparation for the construction phase the MEPCO must prepare the future contractors to co-operate with all stakeholders in the mitigation of impacts. Furthermore the contractor must be primed through the contract documentation and ready to implement all the mitigation measures. MEPCO will need to engage at least one trained environmental management staff and the staff should audit the effectiveness and review mitigation measures as the subprojects are rolled out. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the mid term review of loan conditions and the executing agency must prepare for this at the inception stage. 114. The details of EMP given in the Attachment 2 are for the Kameer subproject. The EMP matrix will have much in common for many other future (Tranche 2) substation and line projects that have a similar scale of works and types of location but will be different for more complicated substation and line projects that involve impacts to land outside the existing substations and for lines traversing more sensitive land. In all cases separate dedicated EIAs must be prepared. 115. The impacts have been classified into those relevant to the design/preparation stage, construction stage and operation and maintenance stage. The matrix provides details of the mitigation measures recommended for each of the identified impacts, time span of the implementation of mitigation measures, an analysis of the associated costs and the responsibility of the institution. The institutional responsibility has been specified for the purpose of the implementation and the supervision. The matrix is supplemented with a monitoring plan (Attachment-3) for the performance indicators. An estimation of the associated costs for the monitoring is given with the plan. The EMP has been prepared following best practice and the ADB environmental assessment guidelines 2003. Page 23 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 116. Prior to implementation of the subproject the MEPCO needs to comply with several environmental requirements, such as submitting and EIA/EIA to PEPA and obtaining PEPA clearance (“No Objection Certificate” compiling acceptable EMP and Clearance Certificate) under PEPAct (guidelines and regulations 2000) and any other permissions required from other authorities. MEPCO will also need to confirm that contractors and their suppliers have complied with all statutory requirements and have appropriate and valid licenses and permits for all powered mechanical equipment and to operate in line with local authority conditions. 117. The EMP (Attachment 2) was prepared taking into account the limited capacity of MEPCO to conduct environmental assessments of the subprojects. MEPCO has appointed 01 environmental manager and 01 social impact manager with support staff. MEPCO ESU is fully functional. However, an environmental manager will be required. It is envisaged that experience in this field should therefore develop in the near future. However it is also strongly recommended that for subprojects in future Tranches that the MEPCO be prepared to engage more support where necessary (e.g. senior environmental specialist with at least 3 years experience in environmental management one years site experience in environmental monitoring and auditing) to guide the subsequent formal assessment and submission process under the PEPAct and monitor compliance with the EMP. As of April 2009, the MEPCO has demonstrated only limited commitment to developing in-house environmental and social capability. 118. The appointed environmental manager has to have a good level of awareness and will be responsible for addressing environmental concerns for subprojects potentially involving hundreds kilometers of distribution lines and DGS. Whereas some of their work may in future be delegated to consultants they will need more training and resources if they are effectively provide quality control and oversight for the EMP implementation. They will require robust support from senior management staff members and the management consultant if they are to address all environmental concerns for the subprojects effectively. Specific areas for immediate attention are in EMP auditing, environmentally responsible procurement, air, water and noise pollution management and ecological impact mitigation. It is recommended that an environmental specialist consultant with 10 years experience be made available to all the DISCOS to cover these aspects full time for at least the first six months of the PDEMFF project and that on a call off basis with local support those services are retained for the life of the PDEMFF loan. The newly appointed graduate environmental manager can then shadow the environmental specialist to improve awareness and hopefully provide independent quality control and oversight for the EMP implementation for the first 12 months. 119. In order to achieve good compliance with environmental assessment principles the graduate environmental manager for the project implementation team must be actively involved prior to the outset of the implementation design stage to ensure compliance with the statutory obligations under the PEP Act. It is also recommended that MEPCO Board allow direct reporting to Board level from the in-house Environmental and Social Unit (ESU). If the ESU requires resources for larger subprojects then environmental specialist consultants could be appointed through the project implementation unit to address all environmental aspects in the detailed design. It is recommended that the project management unit (PMU) should liaise directly with the ESU to address all environmental aspects in the detailed design and contracting stages. The graduate environmental manager will cover the implementation of environmental mitigation measures in the project packages. 120. Overall implementation of the EMP will become MEPCO’s responsibility. MEPCO and other parties to be involved in implementing the EMP are as follows: 121. Contractors: responsible for carrying out the contractual obligations, implementing all EMP measures required to mitigate environmental impacts during construction; 122. The MEPCO Board of Directors will be responsible to ensure that sufficient timely resources are allocated to process the environmental assessments and to monitor implementation of all construction and operational mitigation measures required to mitigate environmental impacts, and 123. Other government agencies such as the regional PEPA and state pollution authorities, Department of Forests, Department of Wildlife Services, who will be responsible for monitoring the Page 24 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment implementation of environmental conditions and compliance with statutory requirements in their respective areas and local land use groups at the local levels. 124. Considering that other government agencies that need to be involved in implementing the EMP, training or harmonization workshops should be conducted for all ESUs in all DISCOS every six months or twice each year, for the first 2 years (and annually thereafter) to share the monitoring report on the implementation of the EMP in each DISCO and to share lessons learned in the implementation and to achieve a consistent approach decide on remedial actions, if unexpected environmental impacts occur. 125. The monitoring plan (Attachment-3) was designed based on the project cycle. During the preconstruction period, the monitoring activities will focus on (i) checking the contractor’s bidding documents, particularly to ensure that all necessary environmental requirements have been included; and (ii) checking that the contract documents’ references to environmental mitigation measures requirements have been incorporated as part of contractor’s assignment and making sure that any advance works are carried out in good time. Where detailed design is required (e.g. for power distribution lines and avoidance of other resources) the inclusion and checking of designs must be carried out. During the construction period, the monitoring activities will focus on ensuring that environmental mitigation measures are implemented, and some performance indicators will be monitored to record the Subprojects environmental performance and to guide any remedial action to address unexpected impacts. 126. Monitoring activities during project operation will focus on recording environmental performance and proposing remedial actions to address unexpected impacts. The potential to use local community groups contacts for monitoring should be explored as part of the activities in setting up the Environmental and Social Unit which should have regular meetings with the NGOs as a matter of good practice and to discuss matters of mutual concern. 127. At this stage, due to the modest scale of the new power distribution projects and by generally keeping to non-sensitive and non-critical areas the construction and operational impacts will be manageable. No insurmountable impacts are predicted providing that the EMP is implemented to its full extent and required in the contract documents. However experience suggests that some contractors may not be familiar with this approach or may be reluctant to carry out some measures. In order that the contractors are fully aware of the implications of the EMP and to ensure compliance, it is recommended that environmental measures be coasted separately in the tender documentation and that payment milestones are linked to environmental performance, vis a vis the carrying out of the EMP. 128. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the loan conditions and the executing agency must be prepared for this. In this regard the MEPCO (the IA) must be prepared to guide the design engineers and contractors on the environmental aspects. 242. Page 25 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 15. 15.1 PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE Approach to Public Consultation 129. The public consultation (PC) process with various stakeholders has been approached so as to involve public and other stakeholders from the earliest stages. Public consultation has taken place during the planning and design and viewpoints of the stakeholders have been taken into account and their concerns and suggestions for possible improvements have been included where appropriate. Much of the PC process to date has revolved around concerns for the mitigation of construction impacts and the possible side effects from the proximity of high voltage power lines and the DGS and its equipment. 130. There is also a requirement for ongoing consultation for land acquisition and resettlement (LARP) and the completion of the Resettlement Plan (RP) is documented separately. It is expected that this process will continue through all stages of the subproject in order to accommodate stakeholders' aspirations and to orient the stakeholders positively towards the project implementation and where possible to harness cooperation over access issues in order to facilitate timely completion. 15.2 Public Consultation Process 131. The public consultation process has commenced in the initial feasibility stages (prior to construction) in order to disclose the project information to the stakeholders and record feedback regarding the proposed project and preferences. The stakeholders involved in the process were the population likely to be impacted along the route of the proposed power lines; the village leaders and school teachers. 132. Prior to the implementation of the consultation, feedback, etc. has been carried out to support this EIA and recorded. The focus of attention has been the population near the proposed TXL that may be affected by the Subproject expansion. The level of engagement varied from the stakeholder to stakeholder with some registering no major comment but it is noted that none registered any outright opposition to subproject. 133. The disclosure of the enhancement project in advance and subsequent consultation with stake holders has advantages in the environmental assessment and mitigation of impacts. Public consultation can also provide a conduit for the improvement of the project implementation to better serve the stakeholders. 134. The environmental assessment process under the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act only requires the disclosure to the public after the statutory EIA / EIA has been accepted by the relevant EPA to be in strict adherence to the rules. In this EIA the consultation process was performed to satisfy the ADB requirements. The locations of consultation and people consulted are listed in the full table of public consultation presented in Attachment 4. 15.3 Results of Public Consultation 135. The consultations identified some potential environmental and social impacts and perceptions of the affected communities. The public consultation resulted in15 responses in April 2009 (Attachment-4). The community generally supports the construction of the DGS. The local poor people predominantly requested for unskilled and semi skilled jobs on priority basis with the contractors during implementation of the project. Women requested that safety precaution should be taken during construction .No land acquisition and resettlement is involved in this subproject. 243. 136. On the basis of the consultations so far, it appears that the project will have no insurmountable environmental and social impacts but MEPCO will have to make sure that compensation and assistance amounts are assessed justly and that skilled and unskilled employment should be preferentially given to the AP and safety precaution should be taken during implementation as far as is reasonably practicable. Page 26 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 16. CONCLUSIONS 16.1 Findings and Recommendations 137. This study was carried out at the planning stage of the project. Primary and secondary data were used to assess the environmental impacts. The potential environmental impacts were assessed in a comprehensive manner. The report has provided a picture of all potential environmental impacts associated with the Project, and recommended suitable mitigation measures. This study recommends that some further follow up studies are undertaken during project processing in order to meet the ADB requirements. 138. There are some further considerations for the planning stages such as obtaining clearance for the project under the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997) but environmental impacts from the power enhancements will mostly take place during the construction stage. There are also some noise impacts and waste management issues for the operational stage that must be addressed in the detailed design and through environmentally responsible procurement. At the detailed design stage the number of and exact locations for transmission tower enhancements may change subject to detailed surveys but the impacts are likely to be broadly similar at most locations and impacts have been reviewed in the environmental impact section of this EIA report. 139. There are a number of key actions required in the detailed design phase. Prior to construction the MEPCO must receive clearance certification from the PEPA and MEPCO must complete an EMP that will be accepted by the PEPA and agreed by the contractor prior to signing the contract. The information provided in this report can form the basis of any further submission to PEPA as required in future. 140. No land acquisition, compensation and resettlement is involved. However, some trees will be compensated to the concerned parties, if needed. However, provisions may be made in LARP, based on the proposed alignments these should not be difficult tasks and can be conducted as the detailed designs are worked out and to dovetail with the existing system and minimize adverse impacts and maximize benefits. A social impact assessment and resettlement action plan (LARP) has been completed in tandem with this EIA for the whole subproject. The study has: (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) Examined and assess the overall social and poverty profile of the project area on the basis of the primary and secondary data sources and preparation of a socio-economic profile of the project districts. Prepared a social and poverty analysis, taking into account socio-economic and poverty status of the project area of influence, including the nature, extent and determinants of poverty in the project area including assessment. In addition, estimation of the likely socioeconomic and poverty reduction impacts of the project should be included. Held consultations with relevant officials from the government and other relevant officials, including consultation with affected communities to assess responses to the project and ascertain the nature and scope of local participation in project planning and implementation. Identified, analyzed and, where appropriate, quantified the potential resettlement impacts (minimal) of the proposed Project on the area and the population. 141. Baseline monitoring activities should be carried out during project detailed design stage to establish the baseline of parameters for checking during the construction stage. The monitoring schedule (Attachment-3) recommends monitoring on two occasions at the site location. The results should be integrated with the contract documentation to establish performance action thresholds, pollution limits and contingency plans for the contractor’s performance. 142. During the commissioning phase noise monitoring should ensure that statutory requirements have been achieved. Monitoring activities during project operation will focus on periodic recording environmental performance and proposing remedial actions to address any unexpected impacts. 16.2 Summary and Conclusions 143. The construction of 66kV Kameer DGS into 132kV is a feasible and sustainable option from the power transmission, engineering, environmental, and socioeconomic points of view. Page 27 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Implementation of the EMP is required and the environmental impacts associated with the subproject need to be properly mitigated, and the existing institutional arrangements are available. Additional human and financial resources will be required by MEPCO to complete the designs and incorporate the recommendations effectively and efficiently in the contract documents, linked to payment milestones. The proposed mitigation and management plans are practicable but require additional resources. 144. This EIA, including the EMP, should be used as a basis for an environmental compliance program and be included as an Attachment to the contract. The EMP shall be reviewed at the detailed design stage. In addition, any subsequent conditions issued by PEPA as part of the environmental clearance should also be included in the environmental compliance program. Therefore, continued monitoring of the implementation of mitigation measures, the implementation of the environmental conditions for work and environmental clearance, and monitoring of the environmental impact related to the operation of the subproject should be properly carried out and reported at least twice per year as part of the project performance report. Page 28 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Page 29 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment ATTACHMENT-2 Page 1 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Management Plan – Matrix May2009 Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM 1. Social Impacts To ensure that the adverse impacts due to the property acquisition and resettlement are mitigated according to the LARP. 1. Social preparation completed (June 2008) . LARP etc in place IN CASE UNFORSEEN ADDITIONAL LAND IS REQUIRED 2. Acquisition of lands completed to minimize the uncertainty of people. 3. Completed implementation of LARP and LARCs to provide compensation and assistance to the APs. 4. MEPCO to select a site that will not affect any public in property or house such that no additional land is required.. 5. All the payments / entitlements are paid according to the Entitlement Matrix, prepared according to the LARP. 6. All the impacts identified by the EIA are incorporated in to the project as well as the LARP and relevant entitlements included into the Entitlement Matrix. Before the construction of the GSS and all the included structures, the APs to be given sufficient time with compensation money and to resettle satisfactorily. Affected Families will be compensated by MEPCO through the concerned District Revenue Department and Land Acquisition Collectors. MEPCO ESU / LACs MC and External Monitors 2. Hydrological Impacts To minimize hydrological and drainage impacts during constructions. 1. Hydrological flow in areas where it is sensitive, such as water courses or bridges and culverts. 2. Design of adequate major and minor culverts facilities will be completed If lines or substation are relocated near water courses, culverts or bridges in the design stage reports MEPCO ESU with the Design Consultant MEPCO 3. Noise barriers Ensure cumulative noise impacts are acceptable in construction and operational phase. 1. Conduct detailed acoustic assessment for all residential, school, (other sensitive structures) within 50m of DGS and line. 2. If noise at sensitive receiver exceeds the permissible limit, the construction activities should be mitigated, monitored and controlled. 3. If noise at sensitive receiver exceeds the permissible limit, the design to include acoustic mitigation (noise barrier or relocation of noisy equipment) and monitoring. Noise sensitive locations identified in the EIA/EIA/EMP or as required / approved by PEPA. MEPCO ESU with the design consultant MEPCO ESU and CSC (if any). 4. Waste disposal Ensure adequate disposal options for all waste including transformer oil, residually contaminated soils, scrap metal. 1. Create waste management policy and plan to identify sufficient locations for, storage and reuse of transformers and recycling of breaker oils and disposal of transformer oil, residually contaminated soils and scrap metal “cradle to grave”. 2. Include in contracts for unit rates for re-measurement for disposal. 3. Designate disposal sites in the contract and cost unit disposal rates accordingly. 1.Prior to detailed design stage no later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations 2. Include in contract. MEPCO ESU. Locations approved by EPA and MEPCO and local waste disposal authorities. MEPCO ESU and EPA with the design consultant. MEPCO ESU and CSC 5. Temporary drainage and erosion control Include mitigation in preliminary designs for erosion control and temporary drainage. 1. Identify locations where drainage or irrigation crossing RoW may be affected by works. 2. Include protection works in contract as a payment milestone(s). During designing stage no later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations. Locations based on drainage or irrigation crossing RoW near DGS. MEPCO ESU and design consultant. MEPCO ESU and CSC 6. Contract clauses Ensure requirements and recommendations of Noise sensitive locations identified in the EIA/EIA/EMP or as MEPCO ESU with the design MEPCO ESU and CSC (if Environmental concern DESIGN STAGE 4. Include EMP Matrix in tender documentation and make contractors responsible to implement mitigation measures by reference to EIA/EIA in contract. Before the commencement of construction activities/during design stage 1. During detailed design stage. No later than prequalification or tender negotiations. 2. Include acoustic specification in the contract. 4. During tender preparation. Page 1 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental concern Mitigation Measures recommended Objectives environmental assessment included in contracts. 5. are the 6. Include preparation of EMP review and method statement WM plan, TD and EC Plan in contract as a payment milestone(s). Require environmental accident checklist and a list of controlled chemicals / substances to be included in the contractor’s work method statement and tender documentation. Timing to implement MM 5. No later than prequalification or tender negotiations 6. In bidding documents as evaluation criteria. Locations to implement MM required / approved by PEPA. Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM consultant any). 1. Locations of each construction activity to be listed by the CSC engineer. 2. Special locations are identified on the site by the contractor to minimize disturbances. 3. A list of locations of irrigation channels / drains to be compiled and included in the contract. 1.Contractor supervised by CSC or to actively supervise and enforce. MEPCO ESU All staff members in all categories. Monthly induction and six month refresher course as necessary until contractor complies. MEPCO ESU, Contractor and the CSC and record details. MEPCO & CSC to observe and record success. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 2. Hydrology And Drainage Aspects To ensure the proper implementation of any requirements mentioned in EPA conditions of approval letter in relation to Hydrology of the project. 1. Consideration of weather conditions when particular construction activities are undertaken. 2. Limitations on excavation depths in use of recharge areas for material exploitation or spoil disposal. 3. Use of landscaping as an integrated component of construction activity as an erosion control measure. 4. Minimizing the removal of vegetative cover as much as possible and providing for it s restoration where construction sites have been cleared of such areas. 1. MEPCO ESU environmental specialist to monitor and progress all environmental statutory and recommended obligations. 2. Orientation for Contractor, and Workers To ensure that the CSC contractor and workers understand and have the capacity to ensure the environmental requirements and implementation of mitigation measures. 2 Conduct special briefing for managers and / or on-site training for the contractors and workers on the environmental requirement of the project. Record attendance and achievement test for contractors site agents. 3. Agreement on critical areas to be considered and necessary mitigation measures, among all parties who are involved in project activities. 4. Continuous progress review and refresher sessions to be Prepare a thorough drainage management plan plan to be approved by CSC one month prior to a commencement of construction Proper timetable prepared in consideration with the climatic conditions of the area, the different construction activities mentioned here to be guided. Induction course for all site agents and above including all relevant MEPCO staff / new project staff before commencement of work. At early stages of construction for all construction employees as far Page 2 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental concern Mitigation Measures recommended Objectives followed. 3. Water quality 4. Air quality 5. Ground Vibration To prevent adverse water quality impacts due to negligence and ensure unavoidable impacts are managed effectively. Ensure adverse impacts on water quality caused by construction activities are minimized. To minimize dust effectively and avoid complaints due to the airborne particulate matter released to the atmosphere. To minimize ground vibrations during construction. Compile temporary drainage management plan one month before commencement of works. 1. Proper installation of temporary drainage and erosion control before works within 50m of water bodies. 2. Proper maintenance and management construction of TD and EC measures, including training of operators and other workers to avoid pollution of water bodies by the considerate operation of construction machinery and equipment. 3. Storage of lubricants, fuels and other hydrocarbons in selfcontained dedicated enclosures >50m away from water bodies. 4. Proper disposal of solid waste from construction activities. 5. Cover the construction material and spoil stockpiles with a suitable material to reduce material loss and sedimentation and avoid stockpiling near to water bodies. 6. Topsoil stripped material shall not be stored where natural drainage will be disrupted. 7. Borrow sites (if required) should not be close to sources of drinking water. CONTROL ALL DUSTY MATERIALS AT SOURCE. 1. All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fitted in full compliance with the national and local regulations.(Relevant regulations are in the Motor vehicles fitness rules and Highway Act). 2. Stockpiled soil and sand shall be slightly wetted before loading, particularly in windy conditions. 3. Fuel-efficient and well-maintained haulage trucks shall be employed to minimize exhaust emissions. 4. Vehicles transporting soil, sand and other construction materials shall be covered. Limitations to speeds of such vehicles necessary. Transport through densely populated area should be avoided. 5. To plan to minimize the dust within the vicinity of orchards and fruit farms. 6. Spraying of bare areas with water. 7. Concrete plants. to be controlled in line with statutory requirements should not be close to sensitive receptors. 1. Review requirements for piling and use of powered mechanical equipment within 100m of SRs. 2. Review conditions of buildings and conduct public consultation with SRs to establish less sensitive time for works involving piling and schedule works accordingly. Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM as reasonably practicable. 1.Contractor (MEPCO ESU & CSC to enforce). 1 month prior to construction. During construction. all 1 month prior to construction. 1. 50m from water bodies 2. Relevant locations to be determined in the detailed project design. 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 2. A list of locations to be 2. Contractor has to check water quality and report to MEPCO. 3. CSC supervises implementati on activities. MEPCO review results Contractor should maintain acceptable standard CSC to supervise activities. MEPCO ESU / CSC Contractor should maintain the acceptable standards MEPCO ESU / CSC Page 3 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental concern Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended Timing to implement MM 3. Non-percussive piling methods to be used wherever practicable. 4. Percussive piling shall be conducted in daylight hours. 5. Hammer- type percussive pile driving operations shall not be allowed at night time. 6. Noise To minimize noise increases during construction. Prevent adverse water quality impacts due to negligence and ensure unavoidable impacts are managed effectively. 7. Soil Erosion / Surface Run-off To minimize soil erosion due to the construction activities of towers, stringing of conductors and creation of access tracks for project vehicles. 1. Review requirements for use of powered mechanical equipment within 100m of SRs. 2. Conduct public consultation with SRs to establish less sensitive time for works and schedule works accordingly. 3. All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fitted in full compliance with the national and local regulations and with effective silencing apparatus to minimize noise. 4. Heavy equipment shall be operated only in daylight hours. 5. Construction equipment, which generates excessive noise, shall be enclosed or fitted with effective silencing apparatus to minimize noise. 7. Well-maintained haulage trucks will be used with speed controls. 8. Contractor shall take adequate measures to minimize noise nuisance in the vicinity of construction sites by way of adopting available acoustic methods. SCHEDULE WORKS IN SENSITIVE AREAS (e.g. NEAR RIVERS) FOR DRY SEASON 1. In the short-term, temporary drainage and erosion control plan to be presented with tender. Temporary drainage and erosion control plan one month before commencement of works to protect all areas susceptible to erosion. (Permanent drainage works shall be in the final design). 2. Installation of TD and EC before works construction within 50m of water bodies. 3. Clearing of green surface cover to be minimized during site preparation. 5. Meaningful water quality monitoring up and downstream at any tower site during construction within a river or stream bed. Rapid reporting and feedback to CSC. 5. Back-fill should be compacted properly in accordance with MEPCO design standards and graded to original contours where possible. 6. Cut areas should be treated against flow acceleration while filled areas should be carefully designed to avoid improper drainage. 7. Stockpiles should not be formed within such distances behind excavated or natural slopes that would reduce the stability of the slopes or cause slippage. Locations to implement MM included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 1 month prior to construction. 1 month prior to construction because the area can be subject to unseasonal heavy rain Plan before and during construction (cut and fill, land reclamation etc.) while considering the climatic conditions. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM CSC to supervise relevant activities. Contractor should maintain the acceptable standards MEPCO ESU / CSC CSC to supervise relevant activities. 1. Locations based on history of flooding problems indicated by local authorities . 2. A list of sensitive areas during construction to be prepared by the detail design consultant in consideration with the cut and fill, land reclamation, borrow areas etc. Contractor and CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC 3. Locations of all rivers, streams, culverts, irrigation channels, roads and highways. Page 4 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental concern 8. Exploitation, Handling, Transportation and Storage of Construction materials 9.Construction Waste Disposal Objectives To minimize disruption and contamination of the surroundings, minimize and or avoid adverse environmental impacts arising out of construction material exploitation, handling, transportation and storage by using sources that comply with EPA license conditions Minimize the impacts from the disposal of construction waste. Mitigation Measures recommended 8. Measures shall be taken to prevent ponds of surface water and scouring of slopes. Newly eroded channels shall be backfilled and restored to natural contours. 9. Contractor should arrange to monitor and adjust working and adopt suitable measures to minimize soil erosion during the construction period. Contractor’s TD and EC plan should be endorsed and monitored byt CSC after consulting with concerned. authorities. 10. Replanting trees to be done before the site is vacated and handed back to MEPCO with appropriate trees (other vegetation cover as appropriate) to ensure interception of rainwater and the deceleration of surface run-off. (consider also for future trances if civil works) 1. Use only EPA licensed sites for raw materials in order to minimize adverse environmental impacts. 2. Measures to be taken in line with any EPA license conditions, recommendations and approval to be applied to the subproject activities using the licensed source including: (vii) Conditions that apply for selecting sites for material exploitation. (viii) Conditions that apply to timing and use of roads for material transport. (ix) Conditions that apply for maintenance of vehicles used in material transport or construction. (x) Conditions that apply for selection of sites for material storage. (xi) Conditions that apply for aggregate production. (xii) Conditions that apply for handling hazardous or dangerous materials such as oil, lubricants and toxic chemicals. 1. Waste management plan to be submitted to the CSC and approved by MEPCO ESU one month prior to starting of works. WMP shall estimate the amounts and types of construction waste to be generated by the project. 2. Investigating whether the waste can be reused in the project or by other interested parties without any residual environmental impact. 3 Identifying potential safe disposal sites close to the project, or those designated sites in the contract. 4 Investigating the environmental conditions of the disposal sites and recommendation of most suitable and safest sites. 5. Piling up of loose material should be done in segregated areas to arrest washing out of soil. Debris shall not be left where it may be carried by water to down stream flood plains, dams, lagoons or Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM month prior to starting of works. Update monthly. 1. List of borrow areas to be prepared with tender stage contractors method statement and updated one month prior to construction. 2.List of routes of transport of construction material is to be prepared for the contract and agreed one month prior to construction. 3. Map of locations of storage is prepared by the contractor. Contractor and CSC to agree format of reporting MEPCO ESU / CSC 1.Contractor 2-11. CSC and MEPCO ESU should supervise and take action to ensure that contractor’s complete relevant activities according to EIA / EIA / MEPCO/ CSC One month prior to starting of works. Update monthly One month prior to starting of works. 1.Dumping: A list of temporary stockpiling areas and more permanent dumping areas to be prepared at the contract stage for agreement A list of temporary stockpiling areas and Page 5 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental concern Objectives 10. Work Camp Operation and Location (if required) To ensure that the operation of work camps does not adversely affect the surrounding environment and residents in the area. 11. Loss of Trees To avoid negative Mitigation Measures recommended other water bodies. 6. Used oil and lubricants shall be recovered and reused or removed from the site in full compliance with the national and local regulations. 7. Oily wastes must not be burned. Disposal location to be agreed with local authorities/EPA. 8. Waste breaker insulating oil to be recycled, reconditioned, or reused at DISCO’s facility. 9. Machinery should be properly maintained to minimize oil spill during the construction. 10. Machinery should be maintained in a dedicated area over drip trays to avoid soil contamination from residual oil spill during maintenance. 11 Solid waste should be disposed at an approved solid waste facility and not by open burning which is illegal and contrary to good environmental practice. 1. Identify location of work camps in consultation with local authorities. The location shall be subject to approval by the MEPCO. If possible, camps shall not be located near settlements or near drinking water supply intakes. 2. Cutting of trees shall not b permitted and removal of vegetation shall be minimized. 3. Water and sanitary facilities (at least pit latrines) shall be provided for employees. Worker camp and latrine sites to be backfilled and marked upon vacation of the sites. 4. Solid waste and sewage shall be managed according to the national and local regulations. As a rule, solid waste must not be dumped, buried or burned at or near the project site, but shall be disposed of to the nearest sanitary landfill or site having complied with the necessary permits of local authority permission. 5. The Contractor shall organize and maintain a waste separation, collection and transport system. 6. The Contractor shall document that all liquid and solid hazardous and non-hazardous waste are separated, collected and disposed of according to the given requirements and regulations. 7. At the conclusion of the project, all debris and waste shall be removed. All temporary structures, including office buildings, shelters and toilets shall be removed. 8 Exposed areas shall be planted with suitable vegetation. 9.MEPCO and Construction Supervising Consultant shall inspect and report that the camp has been vacated and restored to preproject conditions. 11. Tree location and condition survey to be completed one month Timing to implement MM Resp mon MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Update monthly more permanent dumping areas to be prepared at the contract stage for agreement (in W M Plan) EMP requirement & NEQS. UPDATE Once a month Location Map is prepared by the Contractor. Contractor MEPCO ESU / CSC Route design and Tree Design MEPCO survey to be Page 6 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental concern and Vegetation Cover of the Areas for Towers and Temporary Work-space 12. Safety Precautions for the Workers 13. Traffic Condition 15.Social Impacts Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended impacts due to removing of landmark, sentinel and specimen trees as well as green vegetation and surface cover. before tender. 12. The route for the distribution line should be selected so as to prevent the loss or damage to any orchard trees or other trees. Use of higher towers to be preferred to avoid trees cutting. 13. Clearing of green surface vegetation cover for construction, borrow of soil for development, cutting trees and other important vegetation during construction should be minimized by careful alignment. Written technical Justification for tree felling included in tree survey. 14. At completion all debris and waste shall be removed and not burned. 15. The contractor’s staff and labour will be strictly directed not to damage any vegetation such as trees or bushes outside immediate work areas. Trees shall not be cut for fuel or works timber. 16. Land holders will be paid compensation for their standing trees in accordance with prevailing market rates (LARP). The land holders will be allowed to salvage the wood of the affected trees. 17. The contractor will plant three (3) suitable new trees outside the 30 meter corridor of the transmission line in lieu of one (1) tree removed. 18. Landscaping and road verges to be re-installed on completion. 19. Compensatory planting of trees/shrubs/ornamental plants (at a rate of 3:1) in line with best international practice. 20. After work completion all temporary structures, including office buildings, shelters and toilets shall be removed. 3. Providing induction safety training for all staff adequate warning signs in health and safety matters, and require the workers to use the provided safety equipment. To ensure safety of workers 4. Providing workers with skull guard or hard hat and hard toe shoes. Minimize disturbance of vehicular traffic and 3. Submit temporary haul and access routes plan one month pedestrians during prior to start of works. haulage of 4. Routes in vicinity of schools and hospitals to be avoided. construction materials and equipment. To ensure minimum 4. Potential for spread of vector borne and communicable impacts from diseases from labour camps shall be avoided (worker awareness construction labour orientation and appropriate sanitation should be maintained). force. on public 5. Complaints of the people on construction nuisance / damage health. close to ROW to be considered and responded to promptly. Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM site identification (1 & 2) during design stage and other matters during construction of relevant activities completed one month before tender at relevant Locations with a Map to be compiled prior to tender by the design consultant / MEPCO ESU during detailed design and CSC to update as necessary. Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM consultant, Contractor and CSC ESU CSC / Prior to commencement and during construction Location to be identified by the CSC with contractor. Contractor and CSC MEPCO/ CSC Prior to throughout construction. The most important locations to be identified and listed. Relevant plans of the Contractor on traffic arrangements to be made available. Contractor and CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC All subprojects tranches Contractor and the CSC MEPCO/ CSC and the Complaints of public to be solved as soon as possible all Page 7 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental concern 16. Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended To ensure that MEPCO officials are trained to understand and to appreciate EMP 6. Contractor should make alternative arrangements to avoid local community impacts. Capacity building activities were taken by Environmental Officer in Tranche 1. Environmental Management Unit (EMU) was setup with in MEPCO under Director Operations in Tranche 1. Development of strengthening plan for the EMU should be taken up with resources. Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Initiate preconstruction and continue beyond project completion. Awareness training for all management and senior staff in MEPCO at senior engineer and above in PMU and related units. Resp Imp MM MEPCO ESU Resp mon MM MEPCO & ADB OPERATIONAL STAGE Minimize air quality No significant Impacts Tranche 1.Monitor designs and plans for all all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO Operational phase impacts future tranches. tranches ESU Minimize noise No significant Impacts Tranche 1. Acoustic designs checking and Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO 2.Noise impacts plan for all future tranches. tranches ESU Minimize improper Continue waste management arrangements in operational phase Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO 3. Waste disposal waste disposal of all subprojects and MEPCO activities. tranches ESU 3. Compensatory Maintain survival of Employ landscaping contractor to monitor, water and feed Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO tree planting trees planted replacement saplings and replace dead specimens as necessary. tranches ESU Avoid landslips and Operational phase MEPCO MEPCO 4.Land slides and No significant Impacts in Tranche 1. Review designs checking and all subprojects in future loss of productive ESU soil erosion plan for all future tranches. tranches land Minimize water No significant Impacts in Tranche 1. Review designs checking and Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO 5. Water quality quality impacts plan for all future tranches. tranches ESU Monitor impacts from Operational phase MEPCO MEPCO 6 Crops and maintaining tree all subprojects in future ESU Track growth of large trees under the conductors. vegetation clearance under tranches transmission lines Ensure no Operational phase MEPCO encroachments / ESU Necessary signboards with limits of height clearances to be placed 7. Social safety construction under all subprojects in future all along the line. MEPCO Impacts the transmission line. tranches Identify and prevent any illegal encroachments under the DXLs.. No violation of clearance spaces. LARP = Land acquisition and resettlement plan. AP = Affected Persons. LAC = Local Authority Council. TD = Temporary drainage. EC = Erosion control. WM = waste management. CSC = Construction supervision consultant or equivalent. TXL = Transmission line. GSS = Grid substation NEQS = National Environmental Quality Standards 1. Air Quality Page 8 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment ATTACHMENT-4 SUMMARY OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Sr. No. Participant Name Participant Profession Address Date Issues Raised/Concerns expressed/ Suggestions & Requests Proposed Measure Action Taken / Proposed Man Group: Tiba Sultan 40. 41. 42. 43. Haji Akbar Zaheer Asghar Zia ul Haq Muhammad Aslam Land Owner Land Owner Land Owner Land Owner Tiba Sultan Tiba Sultan Tiba Sultan Tiba Sultan March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely March 2009 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely Compensation should be paid adequately and timely Design of the line should not be changed, but if necessary at any stage houses and structures should be avoided Design of the line should not be changed, but if necessary at any stage houses and structures should be avoided No comments 44. Waseem Asghar Shopkeeper Tiba Sultan March 2009 45. Naveed Akbar Busniss Tiba Sultan March 2009 46. Mumtaz Ahmad Police Man Tiba Sultan March 2009 47. Khalid Ahmad Labour Tiba Sultan March 2009 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible 48. Mukhtar Ahmad Labour Tiba Sultan March 2009 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible 49. Women Group: Tiba Sultan Fauzia Bibi Housewife Tiba Sultan March 2009 Local skilled and unskilled MEPCO should compensation of crops trees fairly and timely at 15 days before civil works MEPCO should compensation of crops trees fairly and timely at 15 days before civil works MEPCO should compensation of crops trees fairly and timely at 15 days before civil works MEPCO should compensation of crops trees fairly and timely at 15 days before civil works pay and least pay and least pay and least pay and least Construction work should be completed in time MEPCO should complete all work timely Construction work should be completed in time MEPCO should complete all work timely Skilled and unskilled labor should be preferred from the area Skilled and unskilled labor should be preferred from the area Skilled and unskilled MEPCO should employ Skilled and unskilled labor from the area MEPCO should employ Skilled and unskilled labor from the area MEPCO should employ Skilled Page 9 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment labor should be used wherever possible 50. 51. 52. Naseem Zahida Bibi Kalsoom Housewife Housewife Housewife Tiba Sultan Tiba Sultan Tiba Sultan labor should be preferred from the area March 2009 Safety pre cautions to be taken during project works Safety precaution should be taken during works March 2009 Safety pre cautions to be taken during project works Safety precaution should be taken during works March 2009 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible Skilled and unskilled labor should be preferred from the area 53. Fatema Student Tiba Sultan March 2009 54. Nasreen Student Tiba Sultan March 2009 Load shedding in the summer is disturbing our study; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. Load shedding in the summer is disturbing our study; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. and unskilled labor from the area MEPCO should bound the contractor to take safety precaution during works. MEPCO should bound the contractor to take safety precaution during works. MEPCO should employ Skilled and unskilled labor from the area - - - - 244. Page 10 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 245. Page 11 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment 246. Photographs Picture 1: Tee off source line passing over the proposed grid site Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Picture 2: Present land use proposed grid site Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Picture 3: Tube well likely to be affected by grid station Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Picture 4: Community consultation at grid station site Picture 5: Water course adjacent to proposed grid station Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Picture 6: An over view of grid site showing crops and tube well 247. Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- New 132kV Kameer Grid Station and transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment Power Distribution Enhancement Project Loan 2178 SF-PAK ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Submitted to Asian Development Bank August 27, 2008 by Multan Electric Power Company Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Table of Contents 1. 2. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Scope of the EIA Study and Personnel 3 POLICY AND STATUARY REQUIREMENTS IN PAKISTAN 4 2.1 Statutory Framework 2.1.1 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 2.1.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 2000 2.1.3 National Environmental Quality Standards 2.1.4 Other Relevant Laws 4 4 Structure of Report 6 2.2 3. 4 5 5 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 7 3.1 Type of Project 7 3.2 Categorization of the Project 7 3.3 Need for the Project 7 3.4 Location and Scale of Project 8 3.5 Proposed Schedule for Implementation 9 DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBPROJECT 11 4.1 Project Area 4.1.1 General Characteristics of Project Area 4.1.2 Affected Administrative Units 10 10 10 4.2 Physical Resources 4.2.1 Topography, Geography, Geology, and Soils 4.2.2 Climate and Hydrology 4.2.3 Groundwater and Water Supply 4.2.4 Surface water 4.2.5 Air Quality 4.2.6 Noise 12 10 10 10 11 11 11 4.3 Biological Resources 4.3.1 Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquatic Biology 4.3.2 Terrestrial Habitats, Forests and Protected Species 4.3.3 Protected areas / National sanctuaries 12 12 12 13 4.4 Economic Development 4.4.1 Agriculture and Industries 4.4.2 Energy Sources 13 13 14 4.5 Social and Cultural Resources 4.5.1 Population Communities and Employment 14 14 4. i Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 4.5.2 Education and Literacy 4.5.3 Health Facilities 14 14 5. Cultural Heritage and Community Structure 16 6. SCREENING POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 17 6.1 Subproject Location 6.1.1 Impact Assessment and Mitigation 17 17 6.2 General Approach to Mitigation 6.2.1 Cultural Heritage, Mosques, Religious Sites, and Social Infrastructure 17 19 6.3 Potential Environmental Impacts in construction 6.3.1 Encroachment, Landscape and Physical Disfiguration 6.3.2 Cut and fill and waste disposal 6.3.3 Trees, Ecology and Protected Areas 6.3.4 Hydrology, Sedimentation, Soil Erosion 6.3.5 Air Pollution from earthworks and transport 6.3.6 Noise, Vibration and Blasting 6.3.7 Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal, Communicable Diseases 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 6.4 Potential Environmental Impacts in operation 6.4.1 Air pollution and noise from the enhanced operations 6.4.2 Pollution from oily run-off, fuel spills and dangerous goods 22 22 22 6.5 Enhancement 23 7. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 24 8. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 27 8.1 Approach to Public Consultation 27 8.2 Public Consultation Process 27 8.3 Results of Public Consultation 27 9. CONCLUSIONS 28 9.1 Findings and Recommendations 28 9.2 Summary and Conclusions 28 ii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Figures and Maps Figure 1.1 Pakistan EIA Process Figure 1.2 Letter from Pakistan Federal EPA on EIA Process Figure 2.1 Jurisdiction of MEPCO. Figure 2.2 Location MEPCO Alipur Substations Appendices Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Appendix 9 Appendix 10 Appendix 11 Location of Alipur Subproject Reviews of environmental implications for MEPCO Tranche 2 sub-projects Photographs of the DGS locations Dxl Environmental Management Plan (matrix) Monitoring Plan (matrix) Typical bunds for transformers. Summary of Public Consultation Features affected by distribution line route Trees affected by 30m RoW of distribution line route Infrastructure affected by sub project Photographs iii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment ABBREVIATIONS ADB COI CSP DoF DFO DXL DGS DIZ EA EARF EIA EMP GDP GOP GIS LARP MEPCO Alipur SP LARP Leq MPL NEQS NGO PC PEPA PEPAct PPMS REA SIA S-P SR TOR Rupee, PKR ` Asian Development Bank Corridor of Influence Country Strategy Program Department of Forests Divisional Forest Officer Distribution transmission line Distribution grid substation Direct Impact Zone Environmental Assessment Environment Assessment Review Framework Environment Impact Assessment Environmental Management Plan Gross Domestic Product Government of Pakistan Gas Insulated Switchgear Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan Multan Electric Power Company Alipur 132kV grid substation and distribution line subproject Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan equivalent sound pressure level maximum permissible level National Environmental Quality Standards Non Governmental Organization public consultation Punjab Environmental Protection Agency Pakistan Environment Protection Act 1997 (as regulated and amended) Subproject Performance Monitoring System Rapid Environmental Assessment Social Impact Assessment subproject Sensitive Receiver Terms of Reference Unit of Pakistan currency. $US approx R62 iv Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 17. INTRODUCTION 17.1 Overview 1. This document is the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Tranche 2 conversion of 66 kV Alipur substation into 132 kV Grid Station (DGS) and 12 km transmission line proposed by the Multan Electricity Power Company (MEPCO), (Figs 1.1 and 1.2), under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) subproject, Power Distribution and Enhancement Multi-tranche Finance Facility (PDEMFF). 248. 2. Government of Pakistan (GoP) has requested ADB to provide the PDEMFF to facilitate investments in power distribution and development of networks of eight independent distribution companies (DISCOs) that distribute power to end user consumers. The funding from ADB is expected to be released in stages (tranches). The Power Distribution Enhancement (PDE) Investment Program is part of the GoP long term energy security strategy. The proposed ADB intervention will finance new investments in PDE and assist capacity building of sector related agencies. The investment program will cover necessary PDE development activities in secondary transmission / distribution networks of eight DISCOs. The PDEMFF activities include extension (additional transformers) and augmentation (replacement of transformers with higher capacity) distribution line extensions, new and replacement distribution lines, additional substations, transformer protection and other non network activities such as automatic meter reading, construction equipment and computerized accounting. New distribution lines to and from various network facilities and some of the above activities will also be included in the later tranches. The proposed PDEMFF facility has been designed to address both investment and institutional aspects in the electrical power sector. 249. 3. This EIA presents the results and conclusions of environmental assessment for the Alipur subproject proposed by MEPCO, and is submitted by Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) on behalf of MEPCO. PEPCO has been nominated by Ministry of Water and Power (MOWP) to act as the Executing Agency (EA) with each DISCO being the Implementing Agency (IA) for work in its own area. PEPCO’s role in the processing and implementation of the investment program is that of a coordinator of such activities as preparation of PC-1s and PFRs, monitoring implementation activities; that includes submission of environmental assessments for all subprojects in all tranches of the PDEMFF under ADB operating procedures. An EIA has been carried out to fulfill the requirements of ADB Guidelines (May 200378). This EIA study report is used to complete the Summary Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) for disclosure by ADB if necessary9. 4. The environmental assessment requirements of the GoP for grid stations and power distribution subprojects are different to those of ADB. Under GoP regulations, the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (2000) categorizes development subprojects into two schedules according to their potential environmental impact. The proponents of subprojects that have reasonably foreseeable impacts are required to submit an EIA for their respective subprojects (Schedule I). The proponents of subprojects that have more adverse environmental impacts (Schedule II) are required to submit an environmental impact assessment (EIA). Distribution lines and substations are included under energy subprojects and EIA is required for sub transmission / distribution lines of 11kV and less and large distribution subprojects (Schedule I). EIA is required by GoP for all subprojects involving sub transmission / distribution lines of 11kV and above and for DGS substations (Schedule II). 7 Initial subproject classification was carried out in 2006 and the Category is B. Most of the construction impacts will take place with only local impacts and there are no potential significant environmental impacts associated with the T2 (tranche two] sub-subproject construction. Initial environmental reconnaissance and REA carried out by consultants under ADB guidelines in August 2008 indicated that all the T2 subsubprojects will be Category B. 8 Environmental Assessment Guidelines (ADB May 2003). 9 Category A subprojects that are deemed by ADB's chief compliance officer to be environmentally sensitive for the purposes of (i) the 120 day rule, and (ii) the environmental management plan requirement could involve subprojects that are near or in environmentally sensitive areas. At this stage no component of the T2 sub-subprojects under consideration is actually within a critical area and therefore the MFF tranche as a whole is Category B. Page 1 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Page 2 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 5. Clarification has been sought from Pakistan EPA on the requirements for environmental assessment for certain energy subprojects and for sub transmission / distribution lines. A Framework of Environmental Assessment (FEA) on power extensions and augmentation subprojects was prepared by consultants and submitted to the Pakistan EPA, after hearings with provincial EPAs. In response to the FEA submitted by NTDC to the Pakistan EPA10 it has been clarified that all proponents must follow section 12 of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act for all subprojects. Pakistan EPA has also assumed that all proponents will consult with the relevant provincial EPAs (PEPA) and follow their advice. In 2006 Punjab EPA requested disclosure of the scope and extent of each subproject in order that the Director General of PEPA can determine if additional land is required and the need for EIA or EIA. A review of the need for EIA/EIA for submission to GoP is therefore required by the relevant environmental protection agency, in this case the Punjab Environmental Protection Agency. 17.2 Scope of the EIA Study and Personnel 6. The Study Area included the identification of irrigation facilities, water supply, habitable structures, schools, health facilities, hospitals, religious places and sites of heritage or archaeological importance and critical areas11 (if any) within about 100m of the DGS boundary. The works are generally envisaged to involve construction of the DGS and 11.359 km Dxl, Construction of the bases, foundation pads and towers to support the distribution line will be carried out also under the same subproject by MEPCO and supervised by the Alipur management. 7. The field studies were undertaken by the subproject’s environment team with experience of environmental assessment for power subprojects in Pakistan. Mrs. Syeda Bushra Waheed conducted preliminary scoping, survey and assessment activities, coordinated the field sampling and analysis, and were also responsible to supervise collation of information and co-ordinate the various public consultation activities. The team conducted preliminary scoping, survey and assessment activities, and carried out the report writing. Dr David Green (International Environmental Consultant of BPI) provided leadership and guidance in planning the field work, and in finalization of the report. The environmental team also benefited from technical support and other information on the impacts of the proposed power works provided in feasibility summaries prepared with MEPCO 12 by expert consultants of BPI dealing with engineering, power distribution, socio-economic, re-settlement and institutional aspects. 8. A scoping and field reconnaissance was conducted on the subproject site, during which a Rapid Environmental Assessment was carried out to establish the potential impacts and categorization of subproject activities. The methodology of the EIA study was then elaborated in order to address all interests. Subsequently primary and secondary baseline environmental data was collected from possible sources, and the intensity and likely location of impacts were identified with relation the sensitive receivers; based on the work expected to be carried out. The significance of impacts from construction of the DGS and TXL was then assessed and, for those impacts requiring mitigation, measures were proposed to reduce impacts to within acceptable limits. 9. Public consultation (PC) was carried out in July 2008, in line with ADB guidelines2. Under ADB requirements the environmental assessment process must also include meaningful public consultation during the completion of the draft EIA. In this EIA the PC process included verbal disclosure of the sub-subproject works as a vehicle for discussion. Consultations were conducted with local families and communities around and Alipur SP site, and along TXL route, and staff of the subproject management. The responses from correspondents have been included in Attachment 7 and summarized in Section 6 of this EIA. Letter dated 29th June 2007 – Ref 2(1)2004-W/KCP-DD from Pak EPA Sajjad Hussein Talpur, Dy Director (EIA/Mont) to NTDC, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Subproject Director PPTA, NTDC, WAPDA House, Lahore. 11 Critical areas as published by the PEPA on the website put in specific reference 12 Feasibility Summary submitted to the Asian Development Bank by the Multan Electric Power Company, Pakistan under Power Distribution Enhancement Subproject PPTA Loan 2178-PAK. conversion of 66kV Alipur Grid Substation into 132kv and TXL 10 Page 3 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 18. POLICY AND STATUARY REQUIREMENTS IN PAKISTAN 10. Direct legislation on environmental protection is contained in several statutes, namely the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997) the Forest Act (1927) the Punjab Wildlife Act (1974). In addition the Land Acquisition Act (1894) also provides powers in respect of land acquisition for public purposes. There are also several other items of legislation7 and regulations which have an indirect bearing on the subproject or general environmental measures. 18.1 Statutory Framework 11. The Constitution of Pakistan distributes legislative powers between the federal and the provincial governments through two ‘lists’ attached to the Constitution as Schedules. The Federal List covers the subjects over which the federal government has exclusive legislative power, while the Concurrent List contains subjects regarding which both the federal and provincial governments can enact laws. “Environmental pollution and ecology” is included in the concurrent list, hence both the federal and the provincial governments can enact laws on this subject. However, to date, only the federal government has enacted laws on environment, and the provincial environmental institutions derive their power from the federal law. The Punjab Environmental Protection Act 1996 is now superseded by the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997). The key environmental laws affecting this subproject are discussed below. 18.1.1 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 12. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 is the basic legislative tool empowering the government to frame regulations for the protection of the environment. The act is applicable to a wide range of issues and extends to air, water, soil, marine, and noise pollution, as well as to the handling of hazardous wastes. The key features of the law that have a direct bearing on the proposed subproject relate to the requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and environmental impact assessment (EIA) for development subprojects. Section 12(1) requires that: “No proponent of a subproject shall commence construction or operation unless he has filed with the Federal Agency an Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] or, where the subproject is likely to cause an adverse environmental effect, an environmental impact assessment [EIA], and has obtained from the Federal Agency approval in respect thereof.” The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency has delegated the power of review and approval of environmental assessments to the provincial environmental protection agencies, in this case the Punjab EPA. (Fig 1.1) 18.1.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 2000 250. 13. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 (PEP Act) provides for two types of environmental assessments: Environmental Impact Assessment s (EIA) and environment impact assessments (EIA). EIAs are carried out for subprojects that have a potentially ‘significant’ environmental impact, whereas EIAs are conducted for relatively smaller subprojects with a relatively less significant impact. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 20013 (the ‘Regulations’), prepared by the Pak-EPA under the powers conferred upon it by the PEP Act, categorizes subprojects for EIA and EIA. Schedules I and II, attached to the Regulations, list the subprojects that require EIA and EIA, respectively. . 251. 14. The Regulations also provide the necessary details on the preparation, submission, and review of EIAs and EIAs. The following is a brief step-wise description of the approval process (see also Attachment 1): 252. (xxvii) A subproject is categorized as requiring an EIA or EIA using the two schedules attached to the Regulations. (xxviii) An EIA or EIA is conducted as per the requirement and following the Pak-EPA guidelines. (xxix) The EIA or EIA is submitted to the concerned provincial EPA if it is located in the provinces or the Pak-EPA if it is located in Islamabad and federally administrated areas. The Fee (depending on the cost of the subproject and the type of the report) is submitted along with the document. 13 The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2000 Page 4 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment (xxx) The EIA/EIA is also accompanied by an application in the format prescribed in Schedule IV of the Regulations. (xxxi) The EPA conducts a preliminary scrutiny and replies within 10 days of the submittal of a report, a) confirming completeness, or b) asking for additional information, if needed, or c) returning the report requiring additional studies, if necessary. (xxxii) The EPA is required to make every effort to complete the EIA and EIA review process within 45 and 90 days, respectively, of the issue of confirmation of completeness. (xxxiii) Then the EPA accords their approval subject to certain conditions: (xxxiv) Before commencing construction of the subproject, the proponent is required to submit an undertaking accepting the conditions. (xxxv) Before commencing operation of the subproject, the proponent is required to obtain from the EPA a written confirmation of compliance with the approval conditions and requirements of the EIA. (xxxvi) An EMP is to be submitted with a request for obtaining confirmation of compliance. (xxxvii) The EPAs are required to issue confirmation of compliance within 15 days of the receipt of request and complete documentation. (xxxviii) The EIA/EIA approval is valid for three years from the date of accord. (xxxix) A monitoring report is to be submitted to the EPA after completion of construction, followed by annual monitoring reports during operation. 253. 15. Distribution lines and grid substations of 11 kV and above are included under energy subprojects in Schedule II, under which rules EIA is required by GoP. Initial environment examination (EIA) is required for distribution lines less than 11 kV and large distribution subprojects (Schedule I). A review of the need for EIA/ EIA submission is therefore required by the relevant EPA, in this case the Punjab Environment Protection Agency (EPA) as the proposed subproject will be located in Punjab. 254. 16. There are no formal provisions for the environmental assessment of expanding existing distribution lines and grid substations but Punjab EPA have requested disclosure of the scope and extent of each subproject in order that their Director General can determine if additional land is required and the need for statutory environmental assessment1. The details of this subproject will be forwarded to the Punjab EPA, in order to commence the local statutory environmental assessment process. 18.1.3 National Environmental Quality Standards 255. 17. The National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) were first promulgated in 1993 and have been amended in 1995 and 2000. The following standards that are specified in the NEQS may be relevant to the Tranche 1 subprojects: 256. 18. Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants (32 parameters) in municipal and liquid industrial effluents discharged to inland waters, sewage treatment facilities, and the sea (three separate sets of numbers) 257. 19. Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants (2 parameters) in gaseous emissions from vehicle exhaust and noise emission from vehicles. 18.1.4 Other Relevant Laws 258. 20. There are a number of other federal and provincial laws that are important in the context of environmental management. The main laws potentially affecting subprojects in this MFF are listed below. 259. 21. The Punjab Wildlife Protection Ordinance, 1972 empowers the government to declare certain areas reserved for the protection of wildlife and control activities within in these areas. It also provides protection to endangered species of wildlife. As no activities are planned in these areas, no provision of this law is applicable to the proposed subproject. 260. 22. The Forestry Act, 1927 empowers the government to declare certain areas reserved forest. As no reserved forest exists in the vicinity of the proposed subproject, this law will not affect to the proposed subproject. 261. 23. The Antiquities Act of 1975 ensures the protection of Pakistan’s cultural resources. The Act defines ‘antiquities’ as ancient products of human activity, historical sites, or sites of anthropological or cultural interest, national monuments, etc. The Act is designed to protect these antiquities from destruction, theft, negligence, unlawful excavation, trade, and export. The law prohibits new construction in the proximity of a protected antiquity and empowers the Government of Pakistan to prohibit excavation in any area that may contain articles of archaeological significance. Under the Act, the subproject proponents are obligated to ensure that no activity is undertaken in the Page 5 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment proximity of a protected antiquity, report to the Department of Archaeology, Government of Pakistan, any archaeological discovery made during the course of the subproject. 18.2 Structure of Report 262. 24. This EIA reviews information on existing environmental attributes of the Study Area. Geological, hydrological and ecological features, air quality, noise, water quality, soils, social and economic aspects and cultural resources are included. The report predicts the probable impacts on the environment due to the proposed subproject enhancement and expansion. This EIA also proposes various environmental management measures. Details of all background environmental quality, environmental impact / pollutant generating activities, pollution sources, predicted environmental quality and related aspects have been provided in this report. References are presented as footnotes throughout the text. Following this introduction the report follows ADB guidelines and includes: Description of the Subproject Description of Environmental and Social Conditions Assessment of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental Monitoring Plan Public Consultation Recommendations and Conclusions Page 6 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 19. 19.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Type of Project 263. 25. The subproject will be the DGS and TXL. That is, the DGS will require conversion of 66KV Alipur grid station into 132KV grid station and construction of 11.359km double circuit transmission line. The scope of work includes addition of 2X 26 MVA, 132/11 kV Power Transformers and allied equipment and buildings. The SP requires interconnection to the system by a double circuit 11.359 km long 132 kV TXL, comprising 43 towers to join the grid with the existing DGS. The proposed 132kV TXL is 11.359km which consists of section-A Liaqatabad (1025m and 03 towers), Section-B Mochiwala (3203m and 12 towers), Section-B Basti Dhanowala (4957m and 18 towers) and Section-B Basti Basharat (2189m and 10 towers) but there are no other developments in the proposed route of the TXL (September 2008) and future developments should not be allowed directly under the TXL. The DGS is located in Alipur, Tehsil Alipur Distt. Muzaffargarh. The DGS has its main access on Karachi road (KLP road) or Punjnad road, with shops and Basti Naich across the road on Southern side of DGS, Multan road on Northern side, 5m street on western side and Ghallamandi on South western side and vacant land adjacent to DGS wall then Scarp colony. 19.2 Categorization of the Project 264. 26. Categorization is based on the environmentally most sensitive component of a subproject. The aspects of the subproject with potential for significant environmental impacts need to be assessed in detail and this environmental assessment has therefore focused on the significant impacts possible from the construction activities of the subproject. 265. 27. The site for the DGS, as well as the route of the proposed TXL, is located in a rural setting, with some minor settlements and other infrastructure around the site. The Alipur SP is categorized as a Category B sub-subproject under ADB requirements1.3 and this EIA report is based on that assumption. 19.3 Need for the Project 266. 28. The conditions of the power distribution system in Pakistan are inadequate to meet rapidly growing demand for electrical power. This situation limits national development and economic growth. To cope with the constraints, the existing power distribution infrastructure has to be improved and upgraded. The overall contribution of power infrastructure also requires institutional arrangements and capacity that support strategic management of the sector, and planning and management of investments. Overall the proposed PDEMFF facility has been designed to address both investment and institutional aspects in the electrical power sector. 267. 29. Power demands in the Alipur area of MEPCO jurisdiction (Fig 2.1) have increased rapidly, especially in summer months, so that the existing66kV DGS is unable to cope up with the increasing demands of the domestic, commercial and industrial sectors. Therefore, MEPCO has planned to convert 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS along with 11.359 km132KV transmission line , at a place of existing Alipur DGS. land for this DGS is already available, so no additional land is needed. 268. 269. Figure 2.1 : Jurisdiction map of MEPCO Page 7 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 270. 19.4 Location and Scale of Project 271. 30. This EIA has included field reconnaissance of the site and surroundings of the Alipur SP and TXL ROW. 272. 31. The Alipur subproject will involve the conversion of 66KV DGS into 132KV DGS and construction of a 132kV TXL (43 towers). The proposed route to the nearest 132kV line appears to be environmentally feasible and technically appropriate and will join the DGS with an existing 132kV line at about 11.359km from the DGS. 273. Figure 2.1 : Location Alipur Substation 274. 275. 32. This EIA has been conducted based on the assumptions available in late August 2008 when the preliminary designs for the conversion of 66kv DGS into 132kv DGS. DGS and TXL were completed and the overall requirements for installation of the equipment had been identified (Appendix 1). The detailed designs are currently being progressed by MEPCO. At this stage, the construction activities under the SP are expected to include the usual localized civil works such as extension of the main yard, including excavation and concreting of foundations for the new transformers, capacitor banks, cable trays and terminal tower (within the DGS compound), installation of the transformers, Page 8 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment equipment and fittings, erection of the towers, cabling, construction of the control rooms and installation of allied equipment, and construction of the offices and residences. Impacts from construction of the Alipur SP are envisaged to be minor, since no additional land needs to be acquired for conversion of the DGS and construction of DXL, the works for the conversion of DGS will be on the land owned by MEPCO and works for the TXL wil be mostly on private cultivated land for which compensation for damage to crops and trees will be payed to the affectees. 276. 33. The connecting line from Alipur SP to the network will involve erection of 43 towers that will be strung with the new DXL. The designs for the Tranche 2 (T2) subprojects will be developed under the subproject support component of the MFF. This EIA , however, is based on detailed line route surveys (which includes alternative routes and the route which minimizes the social impacts is chosen) . The line route is then submitted to the design formation which determines the line profiles and tower locations, these towers are then located on ground . The EIA is , therefore based on line design which is final (baring any unforeseen occurrence ) and only is changed at implementation stage if so warranted by new developments .The line design is based on the following parameters Permissible Conductor Clearances at 650C Clearance m Sr. No.Description 1 Cultivated land traversed by vehicles 2 Roads and Streets 3 Communication and power lines power lines up to 66 kV power lines up to 33 kV 4 Highways 5 Railroads 6 Electrified railroads trolley wire 7 River at high flood 8 places accessible to pedestrians only 9 Building roofs not accessible to people 10 Tops of trees (Orchards) 11 Canals 277. 6.7 7.9 2.7 2.7 7.9 7.9 3.85 9.1 7.9 5.2 5 9.1 Proposed Schedule for Implementation 19.5 278. 34. Designs of conversion of 66KV DGS into 132 KV DGS and construction of TXL equipment layout, review of environmental management and construction processes could take several months. When the detailed designs are completed, tendering and award of contract will take place over about three to six months. The construction period will follow and best estimates indicate about eighteen months to two years. Appendix 9 presents the implementation schedule of the sub project. The tranche 2 implementation schedule is presented as follow TIME SCHEDULE - TRANCHE 2 - DISTRIBUTION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Responsibility 1 2 Loan Processing Loan negotiation Tranche 2 Approval Loan Effectivity Bidding Documents Bidding Documents Preparation 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. Evaluation Contract Awards Construction Delivery of equipment Construction & Installation Testing & Commissioning Loan Closing ADB ADB EAD EAD EAD ADB PEPCO PEPCO PEPCO DISCOs DISCOs DISCOs Contractor Contractor Contractor ADB PEPCO I Year 2009 II III IV I Year 2010 II III IV I Year 2011 II III IV I Year 2012 II III IV I Year 2013 II III IV I Year 2014 II III IV I Year 2015 II III IV I Year 2016 II III IV Page 9 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 20. 20.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Project Area 20.1.1 General Characteristics of Project Area 303. 35. The 66kV Alipur DGS will be converted into 132KV DGS which is located on Karachi road (KLP road) also known as Punjnad road, in Mauza and tehsil Alipur and Distt Muzaffargarh. The DGS site is located in a generally rural area. The DGS has its main access on Karachi road (KLP road) or Punjnad road, with shops and Basti Naich across the road on Southern side of DGS, Multan road on Northern side, 5m street on western side and Ghallamandi on South western side and vacant land adjacent to DGS wall and scarp colony. 20.1.2 Affected Administrative Units 304. 36. This subproject will pass through four villages that is Liaqat Abad, Mochiwal, Nakokra (Basti Dhanowala) and Basti Basharat and affect a total of 7.93 ha of crops and 421 trees (372 fruit & 49 wood trees). There are 62 affected households (AHs) losing the crops and trees, with a population of 549 (APs). The area to be affected by the conversion works for the Alipur DGS falls in Tehsil Alipur and Dist. Muzaffargarh Province of Punjab (Figure 2.1). Interviews were conducted with the public near the DGS site and TXL corridor (Appendix 7) to obtain their views on the subproject, and any perceived impacts. In addition to main Highway, settlements along highway there are factories of various types, educational institutions, police station there are horse and sheep cattle ) thellawala along the RoW. The nearest of these settlements include Parao camp Rana colony, Kangniwala, Hashmicolony1–4km from DGS . 305. 20.2 Physical Resources 20.2.1 Topography, Geography, Geology, and Soils 306. 37. River Indus and Chenab flow on its western and eastern sides respectively. The northern part of the district includes Thal desert, almost half of which was brought under receive inundation in some form of the rivers. The riverine part of the district may be further divided into three zones. The first is comparatively narrow strip along both the rivers, where the summer floods are so high that no Kharif crop can be grown and the Rabi can be matured without irrigation. Inside this zone is the area where the floods are less violent and a little Kharif can be grown in the highest lands. The Rabi can be sown on flood water and also needs irrigation unless the rivers are brought to the lands through inundation canals which has now given way to irrigation by the regular canals. Prominent of these canals are the Muzaffargarh canals from Taunsa barrage on the Indus and Rangpur canal from Trimu barrage on the Chenab. Canal irrigated lands are protected from river floods by embankments. Prominent of these embankments are one namely Sanwan embankment which has its base on the north of the Layyah, Kota du border ends near Jotoi and protects the agricultural lands from the Indus floods, on the side of the Chenab there is a bund near Langr Sarai, another on the east of Muzaffargarh town, another on the east Khangarh and another near Page 10 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Khanwah in the Alipur tehsil. These embankments are maintained by the canal department. This district is divided into four sub divisions namely Muzaffargarh, Kot Adu, Alipur and Jatoi. 307. 38. The eastern side of the district, where the soil has been deposited by the Chenab is of great natural fertility, the rest of the district is Indus sand inferior to the Chenab silt though almost every where good crops can be grown under favorable conditions. The water table is high and where the natural run way of surface water has been stopped by railway, roads, canal channels and embankments, is water logged and where water logging continues for a number of years, saltpeter rises to the surface and the soil becomes unfit for cultivation. Floods are frequent in both the rivers Chenab and Indus. The older crops are benefitted by these floods and the younger ones are generally damaged. Owning to close proximity to these rivers the sub soil water varies from 2.4 to 4.6 meters below the ground during inter season. 20.2.2 Climate and Hydrology 308. 309. 39. There is no variation of altitude above sea level in the land along the alignment and the short length of the distribution line means no variation between the climate of the subproject area. The climate at Alipur SP is typical of that arid areas of the Punjab. 310. 40. The maximum temperature in summer reaches upto 51 oC. In winter the minimum is 2oC. The summer season starts from April and continues till October. May, June and July are the hottest months. The winter season on the other hand starts from November and continues till March, December and January are the coldest months when the temperature drops to the extent of 2 0C or even below. 311. 41. The rainy season starts in July and ends in September. Average Annual rainfall in the district is 21mm. More rains occur in July and August than any other months. Most of the winter rains are received in the months of March and April. 20.2.3 Groundwater and Water Supply 312. 42. Around 6.5percent of the housing units are using piped water, majority of which has that facility in their own houses. A majority is using hand pump for potable water, 92.4percent. Just 0.2percent households are using potable water taken out from wells, Irrigation canals, tube wells and wells (Persian wheels) are the main source of irrigation. Canal network consists of Muzaffargarh canal. Rangpur canal and the tail of the Thal canal. All the canals are seasonal ones and supply irrigation water during summer and for a very short period during winter. The agriculture therefore, depends on irrigation through tube wells or the wells. Tube wells are sunk in public as well as private sector. There are 1,746 tube wells installed privately irrigation which however are run also on subsidy given by the agriculture department. In the public sector, SCARP project sponsored by the government is maintaining 1,327 tube wells in different parts of the district. As such there are 18,373 tube wells engaged in irrigation activity. 313. 43. Irrigation supplies are seasonal and tube wells have been installed. The strata of the subproject area are water bearing and alluvial deposits, giving groundwater potential throughout the district. The water table is not seasonal and dug wells do not generally run dry. Groundwater sources exist in the area and potable water is available. The local population is generally reliant on supply from the hand pumps in rural areas while in urban areas population is using drinking water from piped water supply scheme. Residents of Alipur DGS colony are using drinking water from tube well located in DGS colony. 20.2.4 Surface water 314. Rivers and Tributaries 315. 44. River Indus and Chenab flow on its western and eastern sides respectively. The northern part of the district includes Thal desert, almost half of which was brought under receive inundation in some form of the rivers. Prominent of these canals are the Muzaffargarh canals from Taunsa barrage on the Indus and Rangpur canal from Trimu barrage on the Chenab. Muzaffargarh district has no natural drain except Indus river on the west and Chenab river on the east. 20.2.5 Air Quality 316. 45. Air quality in most of the project area appears good based on observation during the study period. Emissions should be controlled at source under the EMP. There will be a few items of powered Page 11 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment mechanical equipment to be used in the construction of the GSS works that may give rise to complaints of dust and other emissions; however these should be minor and easily dissipated. Domestic sources of air pollution, such as emissions from wood and kerosene burning stoves as well as small diesel standby generators in some households, are minor. 317. 46. Although there are some industries but there are no other industrial pollution sources in the vicinity of the Alipur SP. The project area is distant from major sources of air pollution like industries or urban type traffic, domestic sources such as burning of wood and kerosene stoves, etc. or fugitive sources such as burning of solid wastes. Air quality in the project area appeared very good during the study period . Air quality measurements in major urban centers , carried out by Pak-EPA , revealed that CO, SO2 and NO levels were in excess of the acceptable levels in some areas but the average levels were found below WHO standards . Air quality testing by DISCOs (average values are : TSP 1.09 mg/m3 , CO 634 ppb , SO2 24.34 ppb, NO2 23.73 ppb )through various consultants has reveled that most substations have NO2, CO2 and CO values below international standards although TSP levels at some locations was higher than international standards . 318. 47. There should be no source of atmospheric pollution from the project. In the operational phase the industrial facilities with fuel powered mechanical equipment will be the main polluters. All such emissions will be very well dissipated in the open terrain and there will be no cumulative effect from the project. 319. 48. The other major source of air pollution is dust arising from construction and other ground or soil disturbance, during dry weather, and from movement of vehicles on poorly surfaced or damaged access roads. It has been observed that dust levels from vehicles may even be high enough to obscure vision significantly temporarily. 20.2.6 Noise 320. 49. Noise from vehicles and other powered mechanical equipment is intermittent. There are also the occasional calls to prayer from the PA systems at the local mosques but there are no significant disturbances to the quiet rural setting. However the construction from the proposed power expansion will use powered mechanical equipment. Subjective observations were made of background noise and also of individual vehicle pass by events. Based on professional experience background daytime noise levels are probably well below 55dB (A) L90. DISCOs have carried out noise level measurements at various substations and transmission line locations within the system .These analyzed to calculate Leq values have resulted in Leq values much below the 85 dBA limit prescribed under the NEQs established by the EPA or the 75 dBA used by DISCOs/NTDC/PEPCO in the equipment specifications . Typical values were : average 46.21 dBA ; high 63.14 dBA ; and low 34.35 dBA . 20.3 Biological Resources 20.3.1 Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquatic Biology 50. Wild pig is extremely common especially on the banks of the river. Ravine deer is found on the banks of the river Indus, Jackal, Fox and Hare are also common. Dove, sparrow, Hooper, wood packer, pewit, crow and parrot are the common birds of the area. The common species of birds found in the district are Dove, Blue rock Pigeon, Hooper, Sparrow, Kualil, Kingrow, Kal Kurchhi, Parrot Egrate & Paddy bird, Kite King Fisher, Sallow Amadvat, Coot, Laghar, Shikra and Owl. 321. 51. The district is rich in fisheries and constitutes one of the major potential fish resources that is the Indus and the Chenab rivers and their tributaries reservoirs at Taunsa and Punjnad head works, extensive work of canal and Bhand in the whole of the district. The common available breeds are Kanghi, Khagga, Chitra, Dhaunga, Guddo, Thaila, Goj, Indus Trout, Gujira, Popri and Singhara. 322. 52. There are no areas of wildlife significance near the subproject area. The wild animals are very few and are almost entirely confined to the river area. River Indus and Punjnad are the only water bodies and wet land around Alipur. 20.3.2 Terrestrial Habitats, Forests and Protected Species 323. Vegetation cover and trees 324. 53. The subproject area, which is dry, is dominated by rural suburbs and with various factories present in the subproject area. Common floral species with rooted vegetation are also present near most of the water bodies of the area. 325. 54. However there is very little vegetation in the RoW for the line (Attachment 9). Just either side of the distribution line alignment planted trees Mango, Pomegranate, Shisham (Dalbergia sisso) Page 12 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment and Kikar (Acacia arbica), Sharin (Albizzia lebbek), Jand (Prospopis spicigera), Beri (Zizyphus jajaba) and Phog that have been cultivated. 326. 55. Among fruit trees, mango, pomegranate, dates, orange and lime are important and are grown in the form of gardens. The mangos are superior in quality and are largely produced and exported. Mango gardens are common all over the district, but those around the towns of Muzaffargarh, Khangarh and Seetput are very productive. Date palm is the most remarkable plant in the district and its fruit forms staple food during part of the year and poor people particularly subsist on dates for four months. Talhi (Dalbergia sissoo), Kikar, (Acacia arbica), Sharin (Albizzia lebbek), Jand (Prospopis spicigera), Beri (Zizyphus jajaba) and the Phog are the major plants grown all around the district. 327. 328. 329. Protected and Religious Trees 330. 56. Most of the forest included in Muzaffargarh forest division are scattered on the left bank of river Indus and right bank of river Chenab or at the confluence of both these rivers. Muzaffargarh forest division consists of 61,925 acres irrigated plantation and 24,577 acres Bela forests, 2,000km canal side and 352 km road side plantation. There is no protected forest near the areas of works There are also planted trees along canals and roads. The major trees grown in the forest are Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo), Kikar (Acacia arabica) and Poplar. LARP for the Alipur SP has been prepared which made provision for compensation for concerned departments if needed, after detailed study. Fruit and wood trees (Appendix-9) will be compensated according to LARP. MEPCO is responsible for re-plantation of these trees (3:1) is recommended. The works must deal with trees that need to be lopped or removed for safety reasons with the necessary permissions. 20.3.3 Protected areas / National sanctuaries 331. 57. In Pakistan there are several areas of land devoted to the preservation of biodiversity through the dedication of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Punjnad wet land is located at 10km from DGS. There is no wetland, protected area or national sanctuary near the area of works and subproject area. 20.4 Economic Development 20.4.1 Agriculture and Industries 332. 58. Cropping Pattern: Cotton, wheat, rice and sugarcane are the cash crops of the district. Among the fruits, mango, pomegranate and dates are also source on income fro the agriculture community. 333. 59. Horticulture: The main fruits grown in the area Dates, mango, citrus and orange gardens are found in Muzaffargarh district. However, this area is famous for mango and dates. According to a survey of agriculture development the total area of the district covered by the mango garden is 22,625 acres and numbers of garden owners are 3,052 throughout the district 334. 60. Industry: The private entrepreneurs have made sufficient investment in textile and sugar industries. The units operative in the district are: Thal Jute mills Ltd., Khokar textile mills Chowk Sarwar, Madina Jute mills, Ltd, Imperial textile mills Muzafargarh, Fatima sugar mills, Sinawan Kot Adu, Indus dying factory Muzafargarh, Masood weaving mills. Muzafargarh, Sun rays textile mills Muzafargarh, Mahmood textile mills Muzafargarh, Aziz spinning textile Muzafargarh, Nafees textile mills Muzafargarh, Habib packages factory Muzafargarh, Fatima textile mills Muzafargarh, Kamran floor mills Muzafargarh, Mohib textile mills Muzafargarh, Pak. Arab oil refinery Mahmood Kot, Appolo textile mills Muzafargarh, Lasani ghee mills Muzafargarh, Tata textile mills Muzafargarh, Gas turbine power station Kot Adu, Fazal Cloth mills Muzafargarh, A.R.S. Lal Pir thermal power station Mahmood Kot, Ahmed hasan textile Muzafargarh, PARCO Gujrat, Maqbool textile mills Chowk Sarwar shaheed, Government Units, Faisal textile mills Chowk Sarwar shaheed, Pakistan State Oil Mahmood Kot and Thermal Power Station Muzafargarh. 335. Transportation 336. 61. District Muzaffargarh is well connected by roads, Grand Trunk road also passes through Muzaffargarh. Roads leading to provinces of Sindh, NWFP and Baluchistan also pass through district headquarters, Muzaffargar. Besides, farm to market roads have been constructed throughout the district. In addition to roads of Punjab highway department, these of national highway authorities, district councils and other local bodies are available in the district. There is a network of metalled and un-metalled roads in the district. There are also metalled canal roads. All tehsil headquarters and important towns are connected through metalled roads. Page 13 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 337. 62. Although Muzaffargarh is not situated at main railway track yet people of sub-division of Muzaffargarh and Kot Adu have facility of travelling by train to Lahore. Multan, Rawalpindi etc. District Muzaffargarh has got 2 main railway stations i.e. Muzaffargarh and Kot Adu, southern sub-division i.e. Alipur and Jatoi are deprived from the facility of railway journey. 338. 63. Muzaffargarh district is not linked by air with other parts of the country but it is connected with other parts of the country through Multan Airport which is about 40 km from Muzaffargarh. 20.4.2 Energy Sources 339. 64. More than 78 percent housing units are using wood as cooking fuel in their houses while 4 percent are using gas for their purpose. About 2 percent are using kerosene oil and 21 percent are using other sources of cooking fuel in their houses. 20.5 Social and Cultural Resources 20.5.1 Population Communities and Employment 340. 341. 65. The total population of Muzaffargarh district is 2,635,903 and tehsil Alipur is 398,053 as enumerated in March, 1998. The 1998 Census the population showed the district is predominantly Muslims i.e. 99 percent. The next higher percentage is of Christians with 0.3 points, followed by others 0.2 percent while other minorities like Ahmadi, Hindu (Jati), Scheduled Castes etc. are very small in number. There is small difference in proportion of population of Muslims between rural and urban areas. Christians are mostly living in urban areas representing 0.5 percent as compared to 0.2 percent in rural areas. Ahmadis are small in proportion in rural that urban areas Siraiki is the predominant language being spoken in the district, representing 86 percent of the population, followed by Punjabi, Urdu and Pushto spoken by 7, 5 and 1 percent respectively. Leaving aside the rural area which is influenced by the local people, the proportion of Siraiki speaking represents 90 percent, Punjabi 7 percent, Urdu 2 percent and Pushto 1 percent. While remaining people speak Sindhi, Balochi, Bravi, Dari etc. 342. 66. The total economically active population 89.3percent were registered as employed in 1998. Nearly three fifths i.e. 60.8percent were self employed, 19.5percent private employees and 5percent government employees. Un paid family helpers were recorded as 1.07percent. The difference in proportions of employed population was significant between the genders and urban and rural residences. 20.5.2 Education and Literacy 343. Literacy 344. 67. The literacy ratio in Muzaffargarh district has increased from 17 percent in 1991 to 28 percent in 1998. The literacy ratio for males is 41 percent and 15 percent for females 345. 68. There are four colleges for men, one each at Muzaffargarh, Kot Adu and Ali pur and three colleges for women one each at Muzafargarh, Kot Adu and Ali pur. Four higher secondary schools, 79 high schools for boys and 24 high schools for girls in the district which are meeting the requirements of secondary higher secondary level of education. For middle standard level of education 68 middle schools for boys and 67 middle schools for girls are available. At the primary educational level, 110 boy’s primary schools and 793 girl’s primary schools have been established so far. There are Govt. primary schools for girls and boys, Sir Syed inter college, Higher Secondary Rashid Minhas School at 500m, Govt. high school separate for girls and boys at 1 and 2.5 km respectively boys Degree college at 200m and girls Degree college at 3km from DGS. 20.5.3 Health Facilities 346. 69. There is one district headquarters hospital, 2 tehsil headquarter hospitals, 4 M.C.H. centers, 3 dispensaries, 13 rural health centers and 71 basic health units (B.H.U) extending curative health services throughout the district. During the last three years 13 RHCs have been upgraded to 20 hospitals. X-rays and dental care facilities have been provided in all the RHCs. Moreover three flying squads fully equipped with life saving drugs in order to provide health cover in case of road accident are available with headquarters at Khan Garh, Sheher Sultan and Alipur. All the BHUs have been upgraded to 2 beds wards with the facilities of mother/child health care. About 850 lady health workers Page 14 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment and 28 health supervisors are also working at the district level under PM program in addition to above mentioned facilities. 347. Tehsil headquarter hospital, many private clinics / hospitals are located in Alipur city at 1km from DGS. Page 15 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 348. 21. Cultural Heritage and Community Structure 349. 70. There are no officially protected heritage sites or historic, religious or archaeologically important sites located in the subproject works areas. There are no major historic or archaeological feature of note but there are a few places of worship within about 500m of the works. 350. 71. The main tribes and races are Khar, Gurmanies, Qureshi, Jatoi, Dasti, Qalandrani, Hinjra, Langrials, Sheikh (Thaims) Tarragar, Pirhar, Gopang, Bukhari, Gillani, Rajput, Jat, Arain etc. Among migrants famous families are Shairwani, Rajput, Sheikhs, Qureshi etc. Page 16 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 22. SCREENING POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 22.1 Subproject Location 22.1.1 Impact Assessment and Mitigation 351. 72. This Tranche 2 subproject will involve the conversion of 66kV Alipur DGS into 132kV DGS, and 11.359 km DXL, implying an expansion of facilities, both outside and within the existing boundaries of Alipur DGS on land presently occupied by MEPCO. There are a few sensitive receivers (SR), including some houses, schools, colleges, factories, which are more than 500 m away from the DGS boundary, and there are no sensitive receivers close to the DGS which could be possibly affected by certain activities of the SP works. There are some other sensitive receivers (SR). The TXL will also cross some roads and a highway, canal, and could require the removal of some trees, but there are no other sensitive receivers on its route, which could be affected by the works. 352. 73. The location and scale of the works are very important in predicting the environmental impacts. Therefore, it is essential that a proper analysis is carried out during the subproject planning period. This process of impact prediction is the core of the EIA process and it is critical that the recommendations and mitigation measures are carried out according to, and with reference to the conditions on the ground in the affected areas in the spirit of the environmental assessments process (Figures 2.1 and 2.2 show the location of the proposed DGS). In this section the potential environmental impacts are reviewed. Where impacts are significant enough to exceed accepted environmental standards, mitigation is proposed in order to reduce residual impact to acceptable levels. In this regard, the impact prediction plays a vital role as these predictions are used for developing mitigation measures and any alternative options, if appropriate. When the detailed designs are completed the impacts and mitigation measures will need to be further reviewed to take account of how the contracts are set up and in the light of any fine tuning of the subproject proposals. 353. 74. The environmental management plan (Section 5, and EMP matrix Appendix - 4) has been reviewed based on the assessment and shall be reviewed in due course at subproject inception and through construction in order to provide a feed back on any significant unpredicted impacts. It is based on the analysis of impacts, primarily to document key environmental issues likely to arise from subproject implementation, to prescribe mitigation measures to be integrated in the subproject design, to design monitoring and evaluation schedules to be implemented during subproject construction and operation, and to estimate costs required for implementing subproject mitigation measures. The EMP must be reviewed in the subproject inception by the subproject management and approved before any construction activity is initiated, to take account of any subsequent changes and fine tuning of the proposals. 22.2 General Approach to Mitigation 354. 75. Based on professional experience on some projects, contractors have put emphasis on the financial compensation for nuisances. This may be acceptable for some social impacts where evacuation is necessary or where houses have been accidentally damaged, however it is not best international practice to accept payment for environmental impacts. An approach whereby the subproject contractor pays money for nuisances rather than control impacts at source will not be acceptable. This practice should not be allowed and financial compensation shall not be allowed as mitigation for environmental impacts or environmental nuisance. 355. 76. During the preparation for the subproject construction phase the future contractors must be notified and prepared to co-operate with the executing and implementing agencies, subproject management, construction supervising consultants and local population in the mitigation of impacts. Furthermore the contractor must be primed through bidding stages and the contract documentation to implement the EMP in full and be ready to engage or train staff in the management of environmental issues and to audit the effectiveness and review mitigation measures as the subproject proceeds. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the loan conditions and the executing agency (MEPCO) must be prepared for this. In this regard the MEPCO must fulfill the requirements of the law and guidance prepared by Pak EPA on the environmental aspects of power subprojects and the recommendations already made for subproject in this EIA and under Pakistan’s PEP Act. 356. 77. The location of the residences, mosques, schools, hospitals and civic, cultural and other heritage sites has been reviewed in Section 3. Residences or schools are close enough to the subproject on which there could be some potential impacts in the construction stage from disturbance Page 17 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment and significant noise and dust. This is because the TXL is very short (only 11.359km), and the alignment is along cultivated land and has no human settlements and structures. 357. 78. Work on the tower sites could cause some generation of air borne dust, but any nuisance from this is likely to be very localized and temporary. Other project activities, e.g. movement of heavy vehicles on unpaved tracks during the works, could generate considerable dust. Water is available in the study area, although surplus water may not always be available to suppress dust at vulnerable locations in the dry season. Therefore as a general approach it is recommended that where works are within 15m of any residential sensitive receivers, the contractor should install segregation between the works and the edge of the sensitive receivers. The segregation should be easily erectable 2.5m high tarpaulin sheet and designed to retain dust and provide a temporary visual barrier to the works. Where dust is the major consideration the barrier can take the form of tarpaulins strung between two poles mounted on a concrete base. These can be moved along from tower base to tower base as the work proceeds. 358. 79. Noise from the construction of the towers should not be a major consideration unless very close to schools or hospitals where construction should be avoided at sensitive times. In addition to the physical effect of mitigating dust and noise with barriers installation of such measures should be discussed with the local population and serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage to assist in public relations. 22.2.1 Cultural Heritage, Mosques, Religious Sites, and Social Infrastructure 359. 80. The location of mosques and other cultural and other heritage SR sites has been reviewed in Section-3. There is a mosque within the DGS and there are no other mosques or other religious sites close to the DGS site. The new line will also not affect or disturb any such site (Appendix 8). 360. 81. The nearest clinic / hospital is more than 50m from the edge of the Subproject or TXL route, but the nearest school is at 1 km from the DGS adjacent to the Subproject, and the nearest houses at about 45m from the DGS. The TXL will also cross some road including the G.T road, and a canal. Apart from these features, there will be sufficient buffer distance between the works and any other SRs, so that no significant impacts should be expected. Public consultation should be undertaken at the implementation stage to ensure nuisances are not allowed to escalate for the SRs close to the DGS sites. 22.3 Potential Environmental Impacts in construction 22.3.1 Encroachment, Landscape and Physical Disfiguration 361. 82. The extent of the proposed power expansion is moderate and should not extend beyond the power corridor (RoW) created by the subproject. No significant landscape impacts are expected from conversion of Alipur SP. 22.3.2 Cut and fill and waste disposal 362. 83. Disposal of surplus materials must also be negotiated through local authority approvals prior to the commencement of construction. The Subproject work should not involve any significant cutting and filling but minor excavations (down to 4m) and piling may be required to create the foundations for the new transformers and for some towers (if required). It is envisaged (depending on the mode of contract) that the surface under the towers will need to be scrabbled to remove unstable materials, or to stockpile topsoil. 363. 84. Mitigation measures must focus on the minimization of impacts. In order to allow the proper functioning of the settlement sites (access to villages) during construction it is recommended that consideration be given to erect temporary hoardings immediately adjacent to the nearest houses and shops if they are within 15m of the power distribution line tower construction. 364. 85. If surplus materials arise from the removal of the existing surfaces from specific areas, these should be used elsewhere on the subproject before additional soil, rock, gravel or sand is brought in. The use of immediately available material will generally minimize the need for additional rock based materials extraction from outside. 365. 86. The subproject detailed designers have so far estimated that no substantial additional materials will be required subject to confirmation at the detailed design stage. 366. 87. At this stage no areas require removal of woodland. However if specimen trees of religious plantations are affected the owners should be given the resources and opportunity to reinstate the woodland long term and a plantation compensation plan should be drawn up to replant the woodland/trees. In the event that the land is not suitable for plantation then other areas should be Page 18 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment identified to replace the cut trees and sufficient areas should be identified to allow plantation of trees at a rate of say 3:1. The replacement ratio should allow for a high mortality rate among the newly planted trees in the dry environment or otherwise as based on advice from the forest authority. 367. 88. Contractual clauses should be included to require each contractor to produce a materials management plan (one month before construction commences) to identify all sources of cement and aggregates and to balance cut and fill. The plan should clearly state the methods to be employed prior to and during the extraction of materials and all the mitigation measures to be employed to mitigate nuisances to local residents. Financial compensation shall not be allowed as mitigation for environmental impacts or environmental nuisance. Mitigation measures shall seek to control the impacts at source in the first place. The engineer shall be responsible to update the subproject cut and fill estimates and create Materials Master Plan to facilitate materials exchange between the different contract areas along the power line and sub-contractors on the power line and to provide an overall balance for materials and minimize impacts on local resources. 22.3.3 Trees, Ecology and Protected Areas 368. 89. There are no Reserved or Protected Forests or trees near the DGS site or TXL alignment. But about fruit and wood trees shown in (Appendix-9) that need to be removed for clearance on 30m RoW of DXL. The proposed line will require the installation of 43 towers which will be installed on private cultivated land. The TXL route disclosed by MEPCO (August 2008) will affect 178-mango, 36dates, 158-pomegranate, 40-Shisham and 9 trees of Kikar). In case of removal of all the trees on private or forest land during the works, written permission should be sought. 369. 90. If for some unforeseen reason or change of alignment, any trees with religious significance or other trees need to be removed, written permission should be obtained from the forest authority and the owner after written justification by MEPCO. Trees shall be planted to replace the lost trees with three trees planted to replace every cut tree (3:1) or more as agreed with the authority. 370. 91. A requirement shall be inserted in the contracts that no trees are to be cut on the Alipur DGS and TXL site or outside, without the written permission from the supervising consultant who may permit the removal of trees if unavoidable on safety / technical / engineering grounds after written justification by MEPCO and to the satisfaction of the forest authority and the owner. 22.3.4 Hydrology, Sedimentation, Soil Erosion 371. 92. The drainage streams en-route of the subproject should not be impeded by the works. The scale of the works does not warrant hydrological monitoring. 22.3.5 Air Pollution from earthworks and transport 372. 93. The material (cement, sand and aggregate) requirement of a typical 132 kV substation (about 150 cu m) and a 132 kV transmission tower (4.8 cu m, or 40 bags of cement per tower) are not large. In transmission line construction sand and aggregate are delivered directly to the tower location from the quarry / source, there is no intermediate or bulk storage of these materials .Similarly construction materials for the substation are stored within the substation site are scheduled as per the work progress (which is staggered as the buildings which require bulk of the construction materials are built in phases over 6 to 12 months period ) , which means that at any given point in time the amount of construction material stored is not significant .The quantities of construction material required for a typical substation or transmission tower are not so larger that they potentially represent a traffic hazard , these requirements are time dispersed in case of substations and time and space dispersed in case of transmission lines . The contractor will be , however, required to provide a traffic management plan before commencement of work at site .Field observations indicate that ambient air quality is generally acceptable and that emissions from traffic and other powered mechanical equipment in the area are rapidly dispersed. There will be a few items of powered mechanical equipment to be used in the construction of the distribution line works that may give rise gaseous emissions. However these should be well dissipated. The major sources of complaint will likely be any necessary earthworks and local soil compaction. 373. 94. Earthworks will contribute to increasing dust, and the foundation earthworks for the transformers and the line poles will generate dust and the following mitigation measures are needed: 374. 95. Dust suppression facilities (water sprayers / hosepipe) shall be available where earth and cement works are required. 375. 96. Areas of construction (especially where the works are within 50m of the SRs) shall be maintained damp by watering the construction area. Page 19 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 376. 97. Construction materials (sand, gravel, and rocks) and spoil materials will be transported trucks covered with tarpaulins. 377. Storage piles will be at least 30m downwind of the nearest human settlements. 378. 98. All vehicles (e.g., trucks, equipment, and other vehicles that support construction works) shall be well maintained and not emit dark, smoky or other emissions in excess of the limits described in the NEQS. 379. 99. The need for large stockpiles should be minimized by careful planning of the supply of materials from controlled sources. Stockpiles should not be located within 50m of schools, hospitals or other public amenities such as wells and pumps and should be covered with tarpaulins when not in use and at the end of the working day to enclose dust. 22.3.6 Noise, Vibration and Blasting 380. 100. It is anticipated that powered mechanical equipment and some local labor with hand tool methods will be used to construct the subproject works. No blasting is anticipated. Powered mechanical equipment can generate significant noise and vibration. The cumulative effects from several machines can be significant. To minimize such impacts, the contractor for subproject should be requested by the construction supervision consultants (engineer) to provide evidence and certification that all equipment to be used for construction is fitted with the necessary air pollution and noise dampening devices to meet EPA requirements. 381. 101. A criterion of 70dB(A)Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. Any noisy equipment should be located within DGS as far from SRs as possible to prevent nuisances to dwellings and other structures from operation. 382. 102. Noise from construction of the power distribution lines and improvements to substations is not covered under any regulations however in order to keep in line with best international practice it is recommended that no construction should be allowed during nighttime (9 PM to 6 AM) and 70dB(A)Leq should be the criterion at other times during the day measured at the boundaries of land from which construction noise is emitted. A criterion of 70dB(A)Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. Any noisy equipment should be located within DGS or as far from SRs as possible to prevent nuisances to dwellings and other structures from operation. 383. 103. Vibration from construction of piles to support pads may be required for some tower construction and may be a significant impact but this should be short duration. Where vibration could be come a major consideration (within say 100m of schools, religious premises, hospitals or residences) a building condition survey should take place prior to construction. The physical effect of piling should be assessed prior to construction and measures should be discussed with the local population as well as timing of the works to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and to assist in public relations. At nearby schools, the contractor shall discuss with the school principals the agreed time for operating these machines and completely avoid machine use near schools during examination times, if such a need arises. 22.3.7 Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal, Communicable Diseases 384. 104. The main issues of concern are uncontrolled or unmanaged disposal of solid and liquid wastes into watercourses and natural drains, improper disposal of storm water and black water and open defecation by construction workers. 385. 105. In order to maintain proper sanitation around construction sites, access to the nearby DGS lavatories should be allowed or provision of temporary toilets should be made. Construction worker camps will not be necessary, based on the scale of the works needed. If for some unforeseen reason a larger workforce is needed any construction camp should not be located in settlement areas or near sensitive water resources and portable lavatories or at least pit latrines should be provided. 386. 106. Wherever water is allowed to accumulate, in temporary drainage facilities, due to improper storm water management, or improper disposal of wastewater generated from the site, it can offer a breeding site for mosquitoes and other insects. Vectors such as mosquitoes may be encountered if open water is allowed to accumulate at the Alipur SP site. Temporary and permanent drainage facilities should therefore be designed to facilitate the rapid removal of surface water from all areas and prevent the accumulation of surface water ponds. Page 20 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 22.4 Potential Environmental Impacts in operation 22.4.1 Air pollution and noise from the enhanced operations 387. 107. The subproject works will extend the power distribution lines but no houses, mosques or schools will be close to the new TXL in the operational phase. Nevertheless some houses, a school, a hospital and a hostel are close to the DGS. The DGS will be converted at existing 66kV DGS and the extended level of operation of the facility is not likely to cause any appreciable increase in the noise level already generated by the existing equipment. However, it is recommended that an acoustical check be made on the detailed design to determine of any noise barriers are required. There should be no source of atmospheric pollution from the subproject. In the operational phase any nearby industrial facilities with fuel powered mechanical equipment will be the main polluters. All such emissions will be very well dissipated in the open terrain and there will be no cumulative effect from the subproject. 388. 108. Noise impacts from the operation of the DGS equipment should be reviewed at the detailed design stage. There are/not national noise standards in Pakistan for power distribution noise emissions that would apply in the operational stages. A criterion of 70Db (A) Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. It is recommended that a check be made on the likely acoustical performance based on makers specifications of the installed equipment at the detained design stage 22.4.2 Pollution from oily run-off, fuel spills and dangerous goods 389. 109. No significant impacts from oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants are expected to arise in this subproject. However control measures will be needed for oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants in the case of accidental or unexpected release. Transformer oil is supplied in drums from an imported source and tap tanks are topped up as necessary on site. There are facilities in some subproject DGS maintenance yards for recycling (dehydrating) oil from breakers. However the areas upon which these recycling facilities are located have no dedicated drainage which can capture run-off. Oily residues and fuel and any contaminated soil residues should be captured at source and refueling and maintenance should take place in dedicated areas away from surface water resources. Contaminated residues and waste oily residues should be disposed at a site agreed with the local authority. No significant impacts from oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants are expected to arise in this subproject. However control measures will be needed for oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants in the case of accidental or unexpected release. Transformer oil is supplied in drums from an imported source and tap tanks are topped up as necessary on site. There are facilities in some subproject DGS maintenance yards for recycling (dehydrating) oil from breakers. However the areas upon which these recycling facilities are located have no dedicated drainage which can capture run-off. Oily residues and fuel and any contaminated soil residues should be captured at source by installing bunds (Appendix 6) and refueling and maintenance should take place in dedicated areas away from surface water resources. Contaminated residues and waste oily residues should be disposed at a site agreed with the local authority . DISCOs are served by the Technical Services Group (TSG) , TSG prepare a detailed routine maintenance schedule for each piece of hardware .TSG also supervise and monitors the implementation of this schedule by Grid System Operation (GSO) .Transformer oil has a long life (typically over 15 years, which depends upon the level of load the transformer serves ) .Oil spills are very rare and are preempted by routine maintenance .TSG and GSO have a written down procedure to deal with oil spills . TSG ensure that the maintenance schedule of each piece of hardware is adhered to . DISCOs have also established a safety unit, which among other tasks , investigates all accidents .Frequency of accidents, on average is about 1 per DISCO per year (based on last 4 years record), about 60 % of these are non-fatal .Most accidents occur due to staff and supervision negligence .Detailed report of each accident is prepared . 22.5 Enhancement 390. 110. Environmental enhancements are not a major consideration within the Alipur subproject site. However it is noted that it is common practice at many such sites to create some local hard and soft landscaping and successful planting of fruit trees and shrubs has been accomplished in many sites. This practice should be encouraged as far as practicable. Other opportunities for enhancements can be assessed prior to construction and proposed enhancements should be discussed with the local population to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and to assist in public relations. Trees removed for construction purposes should be replaced as Page 21 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment compensation in line with best practice at ratio of three replaced for one removed however additional trees should be planted as enhancements where there is space in the DGS and along the DXL. Page 22 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 23. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 391. 111. In this section, the mitigation measures that are required for the Alipur SP Tranche 2 subproject, to reduce residual impact to acceptable levels and achieve the expected outcomes of the project, are discussed. The Environmental Management Plan is based on the type, extent and duration of the identified environmental impacts for the Alipur SP Tranche 2 subproject. The EMP has been prepared following best practice and by reference to the ADB Environmental Assessment Guidelines 2003. 392. 112. It is important that the recommendations and mitigation measures are carried out according to the spirit of the environmental assessment process and in line with the guidelines. The EMP matrix is presented as Appendix 4. The impact prediction (Section 4) has played a vital role in reconfirming typical mitigation measures and in identifying any different approaches based on the feasibility and detailed design assumptions and any alternatives available at this stage. 393. 113. Prior to implementation and construction of the subprojects the EMP shall be amended and reviewed by the MEPCO in due course after detailed designs are complete. Such a review shall be based on reconfirmation and additional information on the assumptions made at this feasibility stage on positioning, alignment, location scale and expected operating conditions of the subprojects. For example, in this case if there are any additional transmission lines or extension of the substation boundaries to be included, the designs may be amended and then the performance and evaluation schedules to be implemented during project construction and operation can be updated and costs estimates can be revised. The EIA and EMP should than be revised on a subproject by subproject basis. 394. 114. The EIA and EMP plan must be reviewed by the project management and approved by the PEPA before any construction activity is initiated. This is also an ADB requirement in order to take account of any sub-sequent changes and fine tuning of the proposals. It is recommended that, before the works contract is worked out in detail and before pre-qualification of contractors, a full extent of the environmental requirements of the project (EIA/EIA and EMP) are included in the bidding documents. Professional experience indicates that past environmental performance of contractors and their awareness of environmentally responsible procurement should also be used as indicator criteria for the prequalification of contractors. 395. 115. In order to facilitate the implementation of the EMP, during the preparation for the construction phase the MEPCO must prepare the future contractors to co-operate with all stakeholders in the mitigation of impacts. Furthermore the contractor must be primed through the contract documentation and ready to implement all the mitigation measures. MEPCO will need to engage at least one trained environmental management staff and the staff should audit the effectiveness and review mitigation measures as the subprojects are rolled out. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the mid term review of loan conditions and the executing agency must prepare for this at the inception stage. 396. 116. The details of EMP given in the Appendix 4 are for the Alipur subproject. The EMP matrix will have much in common for many other future (Tranche 2) substation and line projects that have a similar scale of works and types of location but will be different for more complicated substation and line projects that involve impacts to land outside the existing substations and for lines traversing more sensitive land. In all cases separate dedicated EIAs must be prepared. 397. 117. The impacts have been classified into those relevant to the design/preparation stage, construction stage and operation and maintenance stage. The matrix provides details of the mitigation measures recommended for each of the identified impacts, time span of the implementation of mitigation measures, an analysis of the associated costs and the responsibility of the institution. The institutional responsibility has been specified for the purpose of the implementation and the supervision. The matrix is supplemented with a monitoring plan (Appendix 5) for the performance indicators. An estimation of the associated costs for the monitoring is given with the plan. The EMP has been prepared following best practice and the ADB environmental assessment guidelines 2003. 398. 118. Prior to implementation of the subproject the MEPCO needs to comply with several environmental requirements, such as submitting and EIA/EIA to PEPA and obtaining PEPA clearance (“No Objection Certificate” compiling acceptable EMP and Clearance Certificate) under PEPAct (guidelines and regulations 2000) and any other permissions required from other authorities. MEPCO will also need to confirm that contractors and their suppliers have complied with all statutory requirements and have appropriate and valid licenses and permits for all powered mechanical equipment and to operate in line with local authority conditions. Page 23 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 399. 119. The EMP (Appendix 4) was prepared taking into account the limited capacity of MEPCO to conduct environmental assessments of the subprojects. MEPCO has engaged graduate staff with field experience. However an environmental manager will be required. It is envisaged that experience in this field should therefore develop in the near future. However it is also strongly recommended that for subprojects in future Tranches that the MEPCO be prepared to engage more support where necessary (e.g. senior environmental specialist with at least 3 years experience in environmental management one years site experience in environmental monitoring and auditing) to guide the subsequent formal assessment and submission process under the PEPAct and monitor compliance with the EMP. As of August 2007, the MEPCO has demonstrated only limited commitment to developing in-house environmental and social capability. 400. 120. The appointed environmental manager has to have a good level of awareness and will be responsible for addressing environmental concerns for subprojects potentially involving hundreds kilometers of distribution lines and DGS. Whereas some of their work may in future be delegated to consultants they will need more training and resources if they are effectively provide quality control and oversight for the EMP implementation. They will require robust support from senior management staff members and the management consultant if they are to address all environmental concerns for the subprojects effectively. Specific areas for immediate attention are in EMP auditing, environmentally responsible procurement, air, water and noise pollution management and ecological impact mitigation. It is recommended that an environmental specialist consultant with 10 years experience be made available to all the DISCOS to cover these aspects full time for at least the first six months of the PDEMFF project and that on a call off basis with local support those services are retained for the life of the PDEMFF loan. The newly appointed graduate environmental manager can then shadow the environmental specialist to improve awareness and hopefully provide independent quality control and oversight for the EMP implementation for the first 12 months. 401. 121. In order to achieve good compliance with environmental assessment principles the graduate environmental manager for the project implementation team must be actively involved prior to the outset of the implementation design stage to ensure compliance with the statutory obligations under the PEPAct. It is also recommended that MEPCO Board allow direct reporting to Board level from the in-house Environmental and Social Unit (ESU). If the ESU requires resources for larger subprojects then environmental specialist consultants could be appointed through the project implementation unit to address all environmental aspects in the detailed design. It is recommended that the project management unit (PMU) should liaise directly with the ESU to address all environmental aspects in the detailed design and contracting stages. The graduate environmental manager will cover the implementation of environmental mitigation measures in the project packages. 402. 122. Overall implementation of the EMP will become MEPCO’s responsibility. MEPCO and other parties to be involved in implementing the EMP are as follows: 403. 123. Contractors: responsible for carrying out the contractual obligations, implementing all EMP measures required to mitigate environmental impacts during construction; 404. 124. The MEPCO Board of Directors will be responsible to ensure that sufficient timely resources are allocated to process the environmental assessments and to monitor implementation of all construction and operational mitigation measures required to mitigate environmental impacts, and 405. 125. Other government agencies such as the regional PEPA and state pollution authorities, Department of Forests, Department of Wildlife Services, who will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of environmental conditions and compliance with statutory requirements in their respective areas and local land use groups at the local levels. 406. 126. Considering that other government agencies that need to be involved in implementing the EMP, training or harmonization workshops should be conducted for all ESUs in all DISCOS every six months or twice each year, for the first 2 years (and annually thereafter) to share the monitoring report on the implementation of the EMP in each DISCO and to share lessons learned in the implementation and to achieve a consistent approach decide on remedial actions, if unexpected environmental impacts occur. 407. 127. The monitoring plan (Appendix 5) was designed based on the project cycle. During the preconstruction period, the monitoring activities will focus on (i) checking the contractor’s bidding documents, particularly to ensure that all necessary environmental requirements have been included; and (ii) checking that the contract documents’ references to environmental mitigation measures requirements have been incorporated as part of contractor’s assignment and making sure that any advance works are carried out in good time. Where detailed design is required (e.g. for power distribution lines and avoidance of other resources) the inclusion and checking of designs must be carried out. During the construction period, the monitoring activities will focus on ensuring that environmental mitigation measures are implemented, and some performance indicators will be monitored to record the Subprojects environmental performance and to guide any remedial action to address unexpected impacts. Page 24 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 408. 128. Monitoring activities during project operation will focus on recording environmental performance and proposing remedial actions to address unexpected impacts. The potential to use local community groups contacts for monitoring should be explored as part of the activities in setting up the Environmental and Social Unit which should have regular meetings with the NGOs as a matter of good practice and to discuss matters of mutual concern. 409. 129. At this stage, due to the modest scale of the new power distribution projects and by generally keeping to non-sensitive and non-critical areas the construction and operational impacts will be manageable. No insurmountable impacts are predicted providing that the EMP is implemented to its full extent and required in the contract documents. However experience suggests that some contractors may not be familiar with this approach or may be reluctant to carry out some measures. In order that the contractors are fully aware of the implications of the EMP and to ensure compliance, it is recommended that environmental measures be costed separately in the tender documentation and that payment milestones are linked to environmental performance, vis a vis the carrying out of the EMP. 410. 130. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the loan conditions and the executing agency must be prepared for this. In this regard the MEPCO (the IA) must be prepared to guide the design engineers and contractors on the environmental aspects. 411. Page 25 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 24. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 24.1 Approach to Public Consultation 412. 131. The public consultation (PC) process with various stakeholders has been approached so as to involve public and other stakeholders from the earliest stages. Public consultation has taken place during the planning and design and viewpoints of the stakeholders have been taken into account and their concerns and suggestions for possible improvements have been included where appropriate. Much of the PC process to date has revolved around concerns for the mitigation of construction impacts and the possible side effects from the proximity of high voltage power lines and the DGS and its equipment. 413. 132. There is also a requirement for ongoing consultation for land acquisition and resettlement (LARP) and the completion of the Resettlement Plan (RP) is documented separately. It is expected that this process will continue through all stages of the subproject in order to accommodate stakeholders' aspirations and to orient the stakeholders positively towards the project implementation and where possible to harness cooperation over access issues in order to facilitate timely completion. 24.2 Public Consultation Process 414. 133. The public consultation process has commenced in the initial feasibility stages (prior to construction) in order to disclose the project information to the stakeholders and record feedback regarding the proposed project and preferences. The stakeholders involved in the process were the population likely to be impacted along the route of the proposed power lines; the village leaders and school teachers. 415. 134. Prior to the implementation of the consultation, feedback, etc. has been carried out to support this EIA and recorded. The focus of attention has been the population near the proposed TXL that may be affected by the Subproject conversion. The level of engagement varied from the stakeholder to stakeholder with some registering no major comment but it is noted that none registered any outright opposition to subproject. 416. 135. The disclosure of the enhancement project in advance and subsequent consultation with stake holders has advantages in the environmental assessment and mitigation of impacts. Public consultation can also provide a conduit for the improvement of the project implementation to better serve the stakeholders. 417. 136. The environmental assessment process under the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act only requires the disclosure to the public after the statutory EIA / EIA has been accepted by the relevant EPA to be in strict adherence to the rules. In this EIA the consultation process was performed to satisfy the ADB requirements. The locations of consultation and people consulted are listed in the full table of public consultation presented in Appendix 7. 418. 24.3 Results of Public Consultation 419. 137. The consultations identified some potential environmental and social impacts and perceptions of the affected communities. A total of 9 groups discussions and consultation session were held with 5 groups of men and 4 groups of women at Liaqat Abad, Mochiwala, Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala), Basti Dhanowala and Basti Basharat villages. The public consultation resulted in 72 responses in August 2008 (Appendix-7). The major concerns raised during the consultation included the adequacy and timeliness of compensation payments, as well as safety measures to be taken during the construction of the towers and stringing of the transmission lines. In response, MEPCO will make sure that the crop compensation amounts are assessed justly and paid to the affected, at least fifteen days prior to temporary use of land before starting the civil works. The community generally supports the conversion of 66kv DGS into 132kv DGS with associated 11.359km 132kV line DXL. The local poor people predominantly requested for unskilled and semi skilled jobs on priority basis with the contractors during implementation of the project. No land acquisition and resettlement is involved in this subproject. However, compensation will be paid to the concerned parties / owners of land under the towers and where the loss of some trees and for damage to crops is expected. . Page 26 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 420. 138. On the basis of the consultations so far, it appears that the project will have no insurmountable environmental and social impacts but MEPCO will have to make sure that compensation and assistance amounts are assessed justly and that skilled and unskilled employment should be preferentially given to the AP as far as is reasonably practicable. Page 27 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 25. 25.1 CONCLUSIONS Findings and Recommendations 421. 139. This study was carried out at the planning stage of the project. Primary and secondary data were used to assess the environmental impacts. The potential environmental impacts were assessed in a comprehensive manner. The report has provided a picture of all potential environmental impacts associated with the Project, and recommended suitable mitigation measures. This study recommends that some further follow up studies are undertaken during project processing in order to meet the ADB requirements. 422. 140. There are some further considerations for the planning stages such as obtaining clearance for the project under the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997) but environmental impacts from the power enhancements will mostly take place during the construction stage. There are also some noise impacts and waste management issues for the operational stage that must be addressed in the detailed design and through environmentally responsible procurement. At the detailed design stage the number of and exact locations for transmission tower enhancements may change subject to detailed surveys but the impacts are likely to be broadly similar at most locations and impacts have been reviewed in the environmental impact section of this EIA report. 423. 141. There are a number of key actions required in the detailed design phase. Prior to construction the MEPCO must receive clearance certification from the PEPA and MEPCO must complete an EMP that will be accepted by the PEPA and agreed by the contractor prior to signing the contract. The information provided in this report can form the basis of any further submission to PEPA as required in future. 424. 142. No land acquisition and resettlement is involved. However, damages to crops and trees will be compensated to the AP’s and concerned parties, if needed. However, provisions may be made in LARP, based on the proposed alignments these should not be difficult tasks and can be conducted as the detailed designs are worked out and to dovetail with the existing system and minimize adverse impacts and maximize benefits. A social impact assessment and resettlement action plan (LARP) has been completed in tandem with this EIA for the whole subproject. The study has: (ix) Examined and assess the overall social and poverty profile of the project area on the basis of the primary and secondary data sources and preparation of a socio-economic profile of the project districts. (x) Prepared a social and poverty analysis, taking into account socio-economic and poverty status of the project area of influence, including the nature, extent and determinants of poverty in the project area including assessment. In addition, estimation of the likely socioeconomic and poverty reduction impacts of the project should be included. (xi) Held consultations with relevant officials from the government and other relevant officials, including consultation with affected communities to assess responses to the project and ascertain the nature and scope of local participation in project planning and implementation. (xii) Identified, analyzed and, where appropriate, quantified the potential resettlement impacts (minimal) of the proposed Project on the area and the population. 425. 143. Baseline monitoring activities should be carried out during project detailed design stage to establish the baseline of parameters for checking during the construction stage. The monitoring schedule (Attachment 3) recommends monitoring on two occasions at the site location. The results should be integrated with the contract documentation to establish performance action thresholds, pollution limits and contingency plans for the contractor’s performance. 426. 144. During the commissioning phase noise monitoring should ensure that statutory requirements have been achieved. Monitoring activities during project operation will focus on periodic recording environmental performance and proposing remedial actions to address any unexpected impacts. 25.2 Summary and Conclusions 427. 145. The conversion of 66kV Alipur DGS into 132kV DGS with associated 11.359km 132kV line TXL is a feasible and sustainable option from the power transmission, engineering, environmental, and socioeconomic points of view. Implementation of the EMP is required and the environmental impacts associated with the subproject need to be properly mitigated, and the existing institutional arrangements are available. Additional human and financial resources will be required by MEPCO to complete the designs and incorporate the recommendations effectively and efficiently in the contract documents, linked to payment milestones. The proposed mitigation and management plans are practicable but require additional resources. Page 28 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 428. 146. This EIA, including the EMP, should be used as a basis for an environmental compliance program and be included as an Appendix to the contract. The EMP shall be reviewed at the detailed design stage. In addition, any subsequent conditions issued by PEPA as part of the environmental clearance should also be included in the environmental compliance program. Therefore, continued monitoring of the implementation of mitigation measures, the implementation of the environmental conditions for work and environmental clearance, and monitoring of the environmental impact related to the operation of the subproject should be properly carried out and reported at least twice per year as part of the project performance report. 429. APPENDIX-1 Location of Alipur Substation Page 29 of 69 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment APPENDIX-2 1. DISCO - MEPCO 2. Sub-project Name: Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132kv 3. DGSDate: 26 / 08 / 082008 5. Sub-station. Project Details Grid Reference(s) G/T survey sheet Scan of GT sheet Project description 4. Sub-project Number / ref. XX 6. (nearest if not an s/s subproject Located at Mauza Alipur Tehsil and Distt. Muzaffargarh Conversion of 66KV to 132KV Grid Components Replacement of a 10/13 66/11KV transformer by 2x10/13 132/11kV transformers, with allied equipment. All requisite equipments breakers etc. will be used Construction methods Access Environmental Risk Civil works are involved, since a new substation will be constructed to replace the existing one. Foundation The SP proposes an Increase in Transformer Capacity of the Fatehpur DGS, by replacing an existing 10/13 66/11KV transformer by a 20/26MVA 132/11kV power transformer, the existing 66KV line will me dismantled. Karachi Road (KLP road) also called Punjnad road. Consider IF catastrophic failure WHAT - Describe immediate surroundings of the transformer work site The SP should design and add a complete concrete slab in the existing foundation under the new transformer, to provide containment, and ensure prevent seepage of any accidental spills or leaks of oil from the transformer during installation, maintenance, repairs, or priming, if agreed, and if feasible. Complete concrete slab under DX / slab Bunding / containment Drainage No containment or bunding at present under existing transformers Risk to groundwater No groundwater contamination risk expected as water table is at 26 meters Waste disposal practices Presently there are no formal waste management procedures on site . A waste management and oil handling and containment plan should be developed in the design phase of the MFF Tranche 2 to assure environmentally acceptable disposal of any additional waste from new transformer installation and operation or disposal of redundant transformers and insulating oils. No formal storm water drainage from grid compound. Rain water on unpaved cobbled surfaces in grid compound seeps into ground, runs off to adjoining areas, or evaporates. How / where does rainwater go Sensitive Receivers Nearest village / habitation City Alipur at 1km and basti Naich at 200m and Sibtain Town at 200m School : govt. primary, middle and high school at 200m for girls and boys and private higher secondary Rashi Minhas School at 1km, Sir Syed inter college at 500m, Govt. Higher secondary for girls at 1km and degree college for girls at 2km and degree college for boys at 200m Religious site: Mosque in DGS, Jamia Mosque at 200m. Hospital : Tehsil Hospital at1km and many private clinics and hospital at 1km. Distance adjacent to DGS wall Page 1 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS 1. DISCO - MEPCO Environmental Impact Assessment 2. Sub-project Name: Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132kv 3. DGSDate: 26 / 08 / 082008 5. Sub-station. 4. Sub-project Number / ref. XX 6. (nearest if not an s/s subproject Nearest river / irrigation channel : Bahawal Nala at 200m and Punjnad at 10km Others : water table at 13m but drinkable at 20-23m no tube well in DGS but water supply through turbine by bore at 50m water drinkable. Total land is 54 kanal and 15 marlas Terrain / features North (km) Photographs Multan Road and irrigation office across the road East South Vacant land adjacent to DGS then scarp colony West 5m street adjacent to DGS boys college on north west corner and open land across the street and cattle market at west-south corner Access to DGS on Karachi road, shops and Basti Naich across the road. Locality Plan (sketch) Other information Page 2 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS 1. DISCO - MEPCO 3. DGSDate: 26 / 08 / 082008 5. Sub-station. Completed by Signature Date Environmental Impact Assessment 2. Sub-project Name: Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132kv 4. Sub-project Number / ref. XX 6. (nearest if not an s/s subproject Name Bushra Waheed Page 3 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental Impact Assessment Appendix - 4 Environmental Management Plan – Matrix July 2008 Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM 1. Social Impacts To ensure that the adverse impacts due to the property acquisition and resettlement are mitigated according to the LARP. 1. Social preparation completed (June 2008) . LARP etc in place IN CASE UNFORSEEN ADDITIONAL LAND IS REQUIRED 2. Acquisition of lands completed to minimize the uncertainty of people. 3. Completed implementation of LARP and LARCs to provide compensation and assistance to the APs. 4. MEPCO to select a site that will not affect any public in property or house such that no additional land is required.. 5. All the payments / entitlements are paid according to the Entitlement Matrix, prepared according to the LARP. 6. All the impacts identified by the EIA are incorporated in to the project as well as the LARP and relevant entitlements included into the Entitlement Matrix. Before the construction of the GSS and all the included structures, the APs to be given sufficient time with compensation money and to resettle satisfactorily. Affected Families will be compensated by MEPCO through the concerned District Revenue Department and Land Acquisition Collectors. MEPCO ESU / LACs MC and External Monitors 2. Hydrological Impacts To minimize hydrological and drainage impacts during constructions. 1. Hydrological flow in areas where it is sensitive, such as water courses or bridges and culverts. 2. Design of adequate major and minor culverts facilities will be completed If lines or substation are relocated near water courses, culverts or bridges in the design stage reports MEPCO ESU with the Design Consultant MEPCO 3. Noise barriers Ensure cumulative noise impacts are acceptable in construction and operational phase. 1. Conduct detailed acoustic assessment for all residential, school, (other sensitive structures) within 50m of DGS and line. 2. If noise at sensitive receiver exceeds the permissible limit, the construction activities should be mitigated, monitored and controlled. 3. If noise at sensitive receiver exceeds the permissible limit, the design to include acoustic mitigation (noise barrier or relocation of noisy equipment) and monitoring. Noise sensitive locations identified in the EIA/EIA/EMP or as required / approved by PEPA. MEPCO ESU with the design consultant MEPCO ESU and CSC (if any). 4. Waste disposal Ensure adequate disposal options for all waste including transformer oil, residually contaminated soils, scrap metal. 1. Create waste management policy and plan to identify sufficient locations for, storage and reuse of transformers and recycling of breaker oils and disposal of transformer oil, residually contaminated soils and scrap metal “cradle to grave”. 2. Include in contracts for unit rates for re-measurement for disposal. 3. Designate disposal sites in the contract and cost unit disposal rates accordingly. 1.Prior to detailed design stage no later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations 2. Include in contract. MEPCO ESU. Locations approved by EPA and MEPCO and local waste disposal authorities. MEPCO ESU and EPA with the design consultant. MEPCO ESU and CSC 5. Temporary drainage and erosion control Include mitigation in preliminary designs for erosion control and temporary drainage. 1. Identify locations where drainage or irrigation crossing RoW may be affected by works. 2. Include protection works in contract as a payment milestone(s). During designing stage no later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations. Locations based on drainage or irrigation crossing RoW near DGS. MEPCO ESU and design consultant. MEPCO ESU and CSC 6. Contract clauses Ensure requirements and recommendations of environmental Noise sensitive locations identified in the EIA/EIA/EMP or as required / approved by MEPCO ESU with the design consultant MEPCO ESU and CSC (if any). Environmental concern DESIGN STAGE 7. 8. Include EMP Matrix in tender documentation and make contractors responsible to implement mitigation measures by reference to EIA/EIA in contract. Include preparation of EMP review and method statement Before the commencement of construction activities/during design stage 1. During detailed design stage. No later than prequalification or tender negotiations. 2. Include acoustic specification in the contract. 7. During tender preparation. 8. No later Appendix 3 - Page 1 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental concern Mitigation Measures recommended Objectives assessment included in contracts. are the 9. WM plan, TD and EC Plan in contract as a payment milestone(s). Require environmental accident checklist and a list of controlled chemicals / substances to be included in the contractor’s work method statement and tender documentation. Environmental Impact Assessment Timing to implement MM than prequalification or tender negotiations 9. In bidding documents as evaluation criteria. Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM 1. Locations of each construction activity to be listed by the CSC engineer. 2. Special locations are identified on the site by the contractor to minimize disturbances. 3. A list of locations of irrigation channels / drains to be compiled and included in the contract. 1.Contractor supervised by CSC or to actively supervise and enforce. MEPCO ESU All staff members in all categories. Monthly induction and six month refresher course as necessary until contractor complies. MEPCO ESU, Contractor and the CSC and record details. MEPCO & CSC to observe and record success. Locations to implement MM PEPA. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 3. Hydrology And Drainage Aspects To ensure the proper implementation of any requirements mentioned in EPA conditions of approval letter in relation to Hydrology of the project. 1. Consideration of weather conditions when particular construction activities are undertaken. 2. Limitations on excavation depths in use of recharge areas for material exploitation or spoil disposal. 3. Use of landscaping as an integrated component of construction activity as an erosion control measure. 4. Minimizing the removal of vegetative cover as much as possible and providing for it s restoration where construction sites have been cleared of such areas. 1. MEPCO ESU environmental specialist to monitor and progress all environmental statutory and recommended obligations. 2. Orientation for Contractor, and Workers To ensure that the CSC contractor and workers understand and have the capacity to ensure the environmental requirements and implementation of mitigation measures. 2 Conduct special briefing for managers and / or on-site training for the contractors and workers on the environmental requirement of the project. Record attendance and achievement test for contractors site agents. 3. Agreement on critical areas to be considered and necessary mitigation measures, among all parties who are involved in project activities. 4. Continuous progress review and refresher sessions to be followed. 3. Water quality To prevent adverse Compile temporary drainage management plan one month before Prepare a thorough drainage management plan to be approved by CSC one month prior to a commencement of construction Proper timetable prepared in consideration with the climatic conditions of the area, the different construction activities mentioned here to be guided. Induction course for all site agents and above including all relevant MEPCO staff / new project staff before commencement of work. At early stages of construction for all construction employees as far as reasonably practicable. 1.Contractor Appendix 3 - Page 2 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental concern 4. Air quality 5. Ground Vibration Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended water quality impacts due to negligence and ensure unavoidable impacts are managed effectively. Ensure adverse impacts on water quality caused by construction activities are minimized. commencement of works. 1. Proper installation of temporary drainage and erosion control before works within 50m of water bodies. 2. Proper maintenance and management construction of TD and EC measures, including training of operators and other workers to avoid pollution of water bodies by the considerate operation of construction machinery and equipment. 3. Storage of lubricants, fuels and other hydrocarbons in selfcontained dedicated enclosures >50m away from water bodies. 4. Proper disposal of solid waste from construction activities. 5. Cover the construction material and spoil stockpiles with a suitable material to reduce material loss and sedimentation and avoid stockpiling near to water bodies. 6. Topsoil stripped material shall not be stored where natural drainage will be disrupted. 7. Borrow sites (if required) should not be close to sources of drinking water. CONTROL ALL DUSTY MATERIALS AT SOURCE. 1. All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fitted in full compliance with the national and local regulations.(Relevant regulations are in the Motor vehicles fitness rules and Highway Act). 2. Stockpiled soil and sand shall be slightly wetted before loading, particularly in windy conditions. 3. Fuel-efficient and well-maintained haulage trucks shall be employed to minimize exhaust emissions. 4. Vehicles transporting soil, sand and other construction materials shall be covered. Limitations to speeds of such vehicles necessary. Transport through densely populated area should be avoided. 5. To plan to minimize the dust within the vicinity of orchards and fruit farms. 6. Spraying of bare areas with water. 7. Concrete plants. to be controlled in line with statutory requirements should not be close to sensitive receptors. To minimize dust effectively and avoid complaints due to the airborne particulate matter released to the atmosphere. To minimize ground vibrations during construction. 1. Review requirements for piling and use of powered mechanical equipment within 100m of SRs. 2. Review conditions of buildings and conduct public consultation with SRs to establish less sensitive time for works involving piling and schedule works accordingly. 3. Non-percussive piling methods to be used wherever practicable. 4. Percussive piling shall be conducted in daylight hours. 5. Hammer- type percussive pile driving operations shall not be allowed at night time. Environmental Impact Assessment Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM (MEPCO ESU & CSC to enforce). 1 month prior to construction. 1. 50m from water bodies 2. Relevant locations to be determined in the detailed project design. 2. Contractor has to check water quality and report to MEPCO. MEPCO review results 3. CSC supervises implementati on activities. During construction. all 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 1 month prior to construction. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. Contractor should maintain acceptable standard CSC to supervise activities. Contractor should maintain the acceptable standards MEPCO ESU / CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC CSC to supervise relevant Appendix 3 - Page 3 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental concern Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended Environmental Impact Assessment Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM activities. 6. Noise To minimize noise increases during construction. Prevent adverse water quality impacts due to negligence and ensure unavoidable impacts are managed effectively. 7. Soil Erosion / Surface Run-off To minimize soil erosion due to the construction activities of towers, stringing of conductors and creation of access tracks for project vehicles. 1. Review requirements for use of powered mechanical equipment within 100m of SRs. 2. Conduct public consultation with SRs to establish less sensitive time for works and schedule works accordingly. 3. All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fitted in full compliance with the national and local regulations and with effective silencing apparatus to minimize noise. 4. Heavy equipment shall be operated only in daylight hours. 5. Construction equipment, which generates excessive noise, shall be enclosed or fitted with effective silencing apparatus to minimize noise. 7. Well-maintained haulage trucks will be used with speed controls. 8. Contractor shall take adequate measures to minimize noise nuisance in the vicinity of construction sites by way of adopting available acoustic methods. SCHEDULE WORKS IN SENSITIVE AREAS (e.g. NEAR RIVERS) FOR DRY SEASON 1. In the short-term, temporary drainage and erosion control plan to be presented with tender. Temporary drainage and erosion control plan one month before commencement of works to protect all areas susceptible to erosion. (Permanent drainage works shall be in the final design). 2. Installation of TD and EC before works construction within 50m of water bodies. 3. Clearing of green surface cover to be minimized during site preparation. 5. Meaningful water quality monitoring up and downstream at any tower site during construction within a river or stream bed. Rapid reporting and feedback to CSC. 5. Back-fill should be compacted properly in accordance with MEPCO design standards and graded to original contours where possible. 6. Cut areas should be treated against flow acceleration while filled areas should be carefully designed to avoid improper drainage. 7. Stockpiles should not be formed within such distances behind excavated or natural slopes that would reduce the stability of the slopes or cause slippage. 8. Measures shall be taken to prevent ponds of surface water and scouring of slopes. Newly eroded channels shall be backfilled and restored to natural contours. 9. Contractor should arrange to monitor and adjust working and adopt suitable measures to minimize soil erosion during the construction period. Contractor’s TD and EC plan should be 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 1 month prior to construction. 1 month prior to construction because the area can be subject to unseasonal heavy rain Plan before and during construction (cut and fill, land reclamation etc.) while considering the climatic conditions. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. Contractor should maintain the acceptable standards MEPCO ESU / CSC CSC to supervise relevant activities. 1. Locations based on history of flooding problems indicated by local authorities . 2. A list of sensitive areas during construction to be prepared by the detail design consultant in consideration with the cut and fill, land reclamation, borrow areas etc. Contractor and CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC 3. Locations of all rivers, streams, culverts, irrigation channels, roads and highways. Appendix 3 - Page 4 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental concern 8. Exploitation, Handling, Transportation and Storage of Construction materials 9.Construction Waste Disposal Objectives To minimize disruption and contamination of the surroundings, minimize and or avoid adverse environmental impacts arising out of construction material exploitation, handling, transportation and storage by using sources that comply with EPA license conditions Minimize the impacts from the disposal of construction waste. Mitigation Measures recommended endorsed and monitored but CSC after consulting with concerned. authorities. 10. Replanting trees to be done before the site is vacated and handed back to MEPCO with appropriate trees (other vegetation cover as appropriate) to ensure interception of rainwater and the deceleration of surface run-off. (consider also for future trances if civil works) 1. Use only EPA licensed sites for raw materials in order to minimize adverse environmental impacts. 2. Measures to be taken in line with any EPA license conditions, recommendations and approval to be applied to the subproject activities using the licensed source including: (xiii) Conditions that apply for selecting sites for material exploitation. (xiv) Conditions that apply to timing and use of roads for material transport. (xv) Conditions that apply for maintenance of vehicles used in material transport or construction. (xvi) Conditions that apply for selection of sites for material storage. (xvii) Conditions that apply for aggregate production. (xviii) Conditions that apply for handling hazardous or dangerous materials such as oil, lubricants and toxic chemicals. 1. Waste management plan to be submitted to the CSC and approved by MEPCO ESU one month prior to starting of works. WMP shall estimate the amounts and types of construction waste to be generated by the project. 2. Investigating whether the waste can be reused in the project or by other interested parties without any residual environmental impact. 3 Identifying potential safe disposal sites close to the project, or those designated sites in the contract. 4 Investigating the environmental conditions of the disposal sites and recommendation of most suitable and safest sites. 5. Piling up of loose material should be done in segregated areas to arrest washing out of soil. Debris shall not be left where it may be carried by water to down stream flood plains, dams, lagoons or other water bodies. 6. Used oil and lubricants shall be recovered and reused or removed from the site in full compliance with the national and local regulations. 7. Oily wastes must not be burned. Disposal location to be agreed with local authorities/EPA. Environmental Impact Assessment Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM month prior to starting of works. Update monthly. 1. List of borrow areas to be prepared with tender stage contractors method statement and updated one month prior to construction. 2.List of routes of transport of construction material is to be prepared for the contract and agreed one month prior to construction. 3. Map of locations of storage is prepared by the contractor. Contractor and CSC to agree format of reporting MEPCO ESU / CSC 1.Contractor 2-11. CSC and MEPCO ESU should supervise and take action to ensure that contractor’s complete relevant activities according to EIA / EIA / EMP requirement & NEQS. MEPCO/ CSC One month prior to starting of works. Update monthly One month prior to starting of works. Update monthly 1.Dumping: A list of temporary stockpiling areas and more permanent dumping areas to be prepared at the contract stage for agreement A list of temporary stockpiling areas and more permanent dumping areas to be prepared at the contract stage for agreement (in W M Plan) Appendix 3 - Page 5 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental concern Objectives 10. Work Camp Operation and Location (if required) To ensure that the operation of work camps does not adversely affect the surrounding environment and residents in the area. 11. Loss of Trees and Vegetation Cover of the Areas for Towers and Temporary Work-space To avoid negative impacts due to removing of landmark, sentinel and specimen trees as well as green vegetation and surface cover. Mitigation Measures recommended 8. Waste breaker insulating oil to be recycled, reconditioned, or reused at DISCO’s facility. 9. Machinery should be properly maintained to minimize oil spill during the construction. 10. Machinery should be maintained in a dedicated area over drip trays to avoid soil contamination from residual oil spill during maintenance. 11 Solid waste should be disposed at an approved solid waste facility and not by open burning which is illegal and contrary to good environmental practice. 1. Identify location of work camps in consultation with local authorities. The location shall be subject to approval by the MEPCO. If possible, camps shall not be located near settlements or near drinking water supply intakes. 2. Cutting of trees shall not b permitted and removal of vegetation shall be minimized. 3. Water and sanitary facilities (at least pit latrines) shall be provided for employees. Worker camp and latrine sites to be backfilled and marked upon vacation of the sites. 4. Solid waste and sewage shall be managed according to the national and local regulations. As a rule, solid waste must not be dumped, buried or burned at or near the project site, but shall be disposed of to the nearest sanitary landfill or site having complied with the necessary permits of local authority permission. 5. The Contractor shall organize and maintain a waste separation, collection and transport system. 6. The Contractor shall document that all liquid and solid hazardous and non-hazardous waste are separated, collected and disposed of according to the given requirements and regulations. 7. At the conclusion of the project, all debris and waste shall be removed. All temporary structures, including office buildings, shelters and toilets shall be removed. 8 Exposed areas shall be planted with suitable vegetation. 9.MEPCO and Construction Supervising Consultant shall inspect and report that the camp has been vacated and restored to preproject conditions. 21. Tree location and condition survey to be completed one month before tender. 22. The route for the distribution line should be selected so as to prevent the loss or damage to any orchard trees or other trees. Use of higher towers to be preferred to avoid trees cutting. 23. Clearing of green surface vegetation cover for construction, borrow of soil for development, cutting trees and other important vegetation during construction should be minimized by careful Environmental Impact Assessment Resp mon MM Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM UPDATE Once a month Location Map is prepared by the Contractor. Contractor MEPCO ESU / CSC Route design and site identification (1 & 2) during design stage and other matters during construction of relevant activities Tree survey to be completed one month before tender at relevant Locations with a Map to be compiled prior to tender by the design consultant / MEPCO ESU during detailed design and Design consultant, Contractor and CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC Resp Imp MM Appendix 3 - Page 6 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental concern 12. Safety Precautions for the Workers 13. Traffic Condition 15.Social Impacts 16. Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building Objectives To ensure safety of workers Mitigation Measures recommended alignment. Written technical Justification for tree felling included in tree survey. 24. At completion all debris and waste shall be removed and not burned. 25. The contractor’s staff and labour will be strictly directed not to damage any vegetation such as trees or bushes outside immediate work areas. Trees shall not be cut for fuel or works timber. 26. Land holders will be paid compensation for their standing trees in accordance with prevailing market rates (LARP). The land holders will be allowed to salvage the wood of the affected trees. 27. The contractor will plant three (3) suitable new trees outside the 30 meter corridor of the transmission line in lieu of one (1) tree removed. 28. Landscaping and road verges to be re-installed on completion. 29. Compensatory planting of trees/shrubs/ornamental plants (at a rate of 3:1) in line with best international practice. 30. After work completion all temporary structures, including office buildings, shelters and toilets shall be removed. 5. Providing induction safety training for all staff adequate warning signs in health and safety matters, and require the workers to use the provided safety equipment. 6. Providing workers with skull guard or hard hat and hard toe shoes. Minimize disturbance of vehicular traffic and 5. Submit temporary haul and access routes plan one month pedestrians during prior to start of works. haulage of 6. Routes in vicinity of schools and hospitals to be avoided. construction materials and equipment. 7. Potential for spread of vector borne and communicable To ensure minimum diseases from labour camps shall be avoided (worker awareness impacts from orientation and appropriate sanitation should be maintained). construction labour 8. Complaints of the people on construction nuisance / damage force. on public close to ROW to be considered and responded to promptly. health. 9. Contractor should make alternative arrangements to avoid local community impacts. To ensure that Capacity building activities were taken by Environmental Officer in MEPCO officials are Tranche 1. Environmental Management Unit (EMU) was setup with trained to understand in MEPCO under Director Operations in Tranche 1. Development and to appreciate of strengthening plan for the EMU should be taken up with EMP resources. Environmental Impact Assessment Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM CSC to necessary. update Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM as Prior to commencement and during construction Location to be identified by the CSC with contractor. Contractor and CSC MEPCO/ CSC Prior to throughout construction. The most important locations to be identified and listed. Relevant plans of the Contractor on traffic arrangements to be made available. Contractor and CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC Complaints of public to be solved as soon as possible All subprojects tranches Contractor and the CSC MEPCO/ CSC Initiate preconstruction and continue beyond project completion. Awareness training for all management and senior staff in MEPCO at senior engineer and above in PMU and related units. MEPCO ESU MEPCO & ADB and the all OPERATIONAL Appendix 3 - Page 7 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental concern Objectives Environmental Impact Assessment Timing to implement MM Mitigation Measures recommended Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM STAGE Minimize air quality No significant Impacts Tranche 1.Monitor designs and plans for all all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO Operational phase impacts future tranches. tranches ESU Minimize noise No significant Impacts Tranche 1. Acoustic designs checking and Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO 2.Noise impacts plan for all future tranches. tranches ESU Minimize improper Continue waste management arrangements in operational phase Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO 3. Waste disposal waste disposal of all subprojects and MEPCO activities. tranches ESU 3. Compensatory Maintain survival of Employ landscaping contractor to monitor, water and feed Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO tree planting trees planted replacement saplings and replace dead specimens as necessary. tranches ESU Avoid landslips and Operational phase MEPCO MEPCO 4.Land slides and No significant Impacts in Tranche 1. Review designs checking and all subprojects in future loss of productive ESU soil erosion plan for all future tranches. tranches land Minimize water No significant Impacts in Tranche 1. Review designs checking and Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO 5. Water quality quality impacts plan for all future tranches. tranches ESU Monitor impacts from Operational phase MEPCO MEPCO 6 Crops and maintaining tree all subprojects in future ESU Track growth of large trees under the conductors. vegetation clearance under tranches transmission lines Ensure no Operational phase MEPCO encroachments / ESU Necessary signboards with limits of height clearances to be placed 7. Social safety construction under all subprojects in future all along the line. MEPCO Impacts the transmission line. tranches Identify and prevent any illegal encroachments under the DXLs.. No violation of clearance spaces. LARP = Land acquisition and resettlement plan. AP = Affected Persons. LAC = Local Authority Council. TD = Temporary drainage. EC = Erosion control. WM = waste management. CSC = Construction supervision consultant or equivalent. TXL = Transmission line. GSS = Grid substation NEQS = National Environmental Quality Standards. 1. Air Quality Environmental concern Appendix 5 Attachment 2 Monitoring Plan for Performance Indicators Performance indicator (PI) Frequency to monitor Timing to check PI Locations to implement PI Responsible to implement PI Cost of Implementation Resp PI supervision Initially DISCO’S Cell / later DISCO’S, ESIC cell / ADB* Cost of Supervision ESIGN and RECONSTRUC ION STAGE . Review of EMAP Environmental Management Action Plan (EMAP) is reviewed During (later detailed design monthly by By completion of detailed design. All project alignment Contractor ESIC cell staff cost Appendix 3 - Page 8 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental concern Performance indicator (PI) . Social Impacts and Resettlement Inventory of losses, Property acquisition, compensation and resettlement completed to RP requirements. . Project disclosure Design changes notified . Environmentally Responsible Procurement. (ERP) Contract follows ADB Guidelines on ERP. Performance bond. Deposited Contractual clauses include implementation of environmental mitigation measures tied to a performance bond. Frequency to monitor Contractor to cover any unidentified impacts) Completed prior to commencement of construction During detailed design by Contractor to cover any access roads and alignment changes, additional Villages. Timing to check PI Environmental Impact Assessment Locations to implement PI Responsible to implement PI Cost of Implementation Resp PI supervision Cost of Supervision DISCO’S /ADB* ESIC cell staff cost DISCO’S & ESIC cell / ADB* ESIC cell staff cost DISCO’S ESIC cell / ADB*. DISCO’S staff cost ESIC cell ESIC cell DISCO’S Contractor cost Before removal of houses and structures. APs according to RP & LAFC. DISCO’S Cell Completion of detailed design. All project alignment. Contractor Contractor cost Once, before Contract is signed. Before Contract is signed. Method Statements include resources for mitigation measures. DISCO’S Project Cell. Contractor cost Waste disposal Disposal options for all waste transformer oil, residually contaminated soils, scrap metal agreed with DISCO’S and local authority.. Monthly or as required in waste management plan to identify sufficient locations for, storage and reuse of transformers and recycling of breaker oils and disposal of transformer oil, residually contaminated soils and scrap metal “cradle to grave”. 2. Include in contracts for unit rates for remeasurement for disposal. 3. After agreement with local authority, designate disposal sites in the contract and cost unit disposal rates accordingly. 1.Prior to detailed design stage no later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations 2. Include in contract. Locations approved by local waste disposal authorities. DISCO’S cell with the design consultant. . Noise and air quality mitigation in design. Design changes included in EIA (supplementary) & EMAP approved by MOEST. During detailed design by Contractor. Completion of detailed design. As defined in EIA (supplementary) & EMAP. DISCO’S Cell / Contractor Contractor cost DISCO’S / /ADB* DISCO’S staff cost Cell . Hydrological Impacts Temporary Drainage Management plan. During detailed design by Contractor and monthly to cover any unidentified impacts One month before commencement of construction Contractor Contractor cost DISCO’S / and DISCO’S Project Cell. DISCO’S staff cost Cell . Temporary drainage and Erosion Control and Temporary Drainage completed. During detailed design updated by Contractor One month before construction Contractor. Contractor cost DISCO’S / and DISCO’S DISCO’S Cell staff cost Considered locations to be as identified in the Detailed Drainage Report. All stream and river crossings DISCO’S Cell staff cost Cell Appendix 3 - Page 9 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental concern Performance indicator (PI) erosion control 0. Planning construction camps 3.Traffic Condition Frequency to monitor monthly to cover any unidentified impacts. Timing to check PI commences. Environmental Impact Assessment Locations to implement PI and where slopes indicate erosion will be a problem. Locations agreed DISCO’S cell in consultation with community and the Contractor. Locations agreed with DISCO’S cell in consultation with community and the Contractor. Responsible to implement PI Resp PI supervision Cost of Supervision Project Cell. Use of land agreed with surrounding residents & Villages. During detailed design updated by Contractor monthly to cover any unidentified impacts. One month before construction commences. Temporary Pedestrian and Traffic Management Plan agreed. During detailed design updated by Contractor monthly to cover any unidentified impacts. One month before construction commences. 1. Once, 2. Once 3. Ongoing 4. Ongoing 1. As soon as practicable 2, 3, 4. No later than one month before Contract award. Throughout the project DISCO’S Project Cell. 1. Once 2. Ongoing 3. Ongoing 1. Before contract is signed 2. Before construction areas are opened up 3. Every six months All BOT staff members in all categories. monthly induction and six month refresher course Deliverable in final form to DISCO’S cell one month before construction commences for any given stretch. One month before construction commences. Once (line item when opening up construction near water bodies). During detailed design by Contractor and update to cover any unidentified impacts. 1. Strengthening plan agreed for DISCO’S cell. 5. Institutional 2. International environment specialist (IES) rengthening and 3. Increase staffing of DISCO’S Cell. apacity building 4. Train DISCO’S Cell officials. Cost of Implementation Contractor DISCO’S Cell facilitates. Contractor cost DISCO’S / and DISCO’S Project Cell. DISCO’S Cell staff cost Contractor Contractor cost DISCO’S / and DISCO’S Project Cell. DISCO’S Cell staff cost DISCO’S Cell staff cost DISCO’S / and /ADB*. /ADB cost of IES & support for 1 month US$25,000 Contractor with IES assistance and record details. Contractor cost DISCO’S and DISCO’S to observe and record success DISCO’S staff cost Cell All of DISCO’S alignment. Contractor Contractor cost DISCO’S Project Cell. DISCO’S staff cost Cell Locations to be provided with the detailed designs including all bridges during construction within Independent experienced laboratory. Contractor cost DISCO’S / DISCO’S Cell. DISCO’S staff cost Cell ONSTRUCTION TAGE Orientation for ontractor, and orkers Plans to control nvironmental mpacts Water quality 1. Contractor agreed to provide training to professional staff and workers. 2. Special briefing and training for Contractor completed. 3. Periodic progress review sessions. 1. Drainage Management plan 2. Temp. Pedestrian & Traffic Management plan, 3. Erosion Control & Temp. Drainage plan 4. Materials Management plan, 5. Waste Management plan; 6. Noise and Dust Control plan, 7. Safety Plan 8. Agreed schedule of costs for environmental mitigation.{N.B. Forest Clearance and Compensatory Planting plan is prepared by DISCO’S cell} Meaningful water quality monitoring up and downstream during construction within 100m of rivers. Rapid reporting and feedback by DISCO’S. Appendix 3 - Page 10 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental concern Performance indicator (PI) Frequency to monitor Timing to check PI Environmental Impact Assessment Locations to implement PI Responsible to implement PI Cost of Implementation Resp PI supervision Cost of Supervision 100m of rivers 1. Availability of water acceptable to community. No complaints. 2. Guidelines established to minimize the water wastage during construction operations and at worker camps. 1. Use of land agreed with surrounding residents & Villages. 2. Waste Management Plan implemented. 3 No open burning Contractor cost DISCO’S and DISCO’S Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell Contractor cost DISCO’S and DISCO’S Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S staff cost DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S and DISCO’S Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S / (DISCO’S Cell to actively supervise and enforce. DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell 1. Monthly 2. Monthly Prior to submission of progress reports. All local water supply resources and rivers. Contractor Monthly (line item when opening up construction). Prior to construction. Update monthly. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor Monthly (line item when opening up construction). Maximum allowable noise levels are 70dB(A)LEQ. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor should maintain the accepted standards Contractor cost Monthly (line item when opening up construction). Monthly (line item when opening up construction). Prior to construction. Update monthly. Prior to construction. Update monthly. All DISCO’S alignment. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor Contractor cost Contractor Contractor cost Monthly (line item when opening up construction). Prior to construction. Update monthly. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor Contractor cost Safety Plan submitted Once (update monthly as necessary) One month before construction and update quarterly. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor. Contractor cost 0. Social Impacts 1. Local labour is used and workforce 2. Local educated people for office work. 3. Complaints on construction nuisance damages close to ROW are responded to promptly by the Contractor. 4. Quarterly meetings with local VILLAGE for liaison purposes to monitor complaints. Monthly (line item when opening up construction). During construction. Update monthly. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor Contractor cost 1. Enhancements Contractor has included for some enhancements in detailed designs Including planting of trees in addition to bioengineering such as in median Once (update monthly as necessary) One month before construction and update quarterly. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor cost Water esources Spoil disposal nd construction aste disposal 0. Noise 1. Air quality 3..Soil ontamination 4. Work Camp ocation and peration 9. Safety ecautions for orkers Noise mitigation measures implemented in line with guidelines for noise reduction from ISO/TR11688-1:1995(E) Noise and dust control plan implemented. Contractors workforce to instructed and train handling of chemicals 1. Use of land agreed with surrounding residents & Villages. 2. Waste Management Plan implemented. 3 No open burning Contractor. DISCO’S / DISCO’S Project Cell will monitor sample activities. DISCO’S and DISCO’S Cell DISCO’S and DISCO’S Cell DISCO’S and DISCO’S Cell DISCO’S / (ESIC cell to actively supervise and enforce. PERATIONAL TAGE Air Quality 1. Roadworthiness of vehicles on DISCO’S. 2. Monitor NO2 and PM10 as indicators. 1. Roadworthiness of vehicles on DISCO’S Daily during operations 2. Yearly intervals for 3 During operation. 5 locations on DISCO’S alignment nearest settlements. Contractor Contractor cost DISCO’S / and ESIC Cell Cell Appendix 3 - Page 11 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental concern crops and egetation Performance indicator (PI) Frequency to monitor Timing to check PI Environmental Impact Assessment Locations to implement PI Responsible to implement PI Cost of Implementation Resp PI supervision Cost of Supervision years after opening for reassurance. 1. Follow up on Tree Clearance and Compensatory Planting Plan. 2. Records on survival of planted trees. 3. The compensatory planting maintained 4. Audited report by ESIC cell for on site and off-site compensatory planting. 1) Quarterly 2) Quarterly 3) Quarterly 4) Quarterly 1) Throughout project 2) Each of three years after initial planting. 3) Continuous for three years after project completion 4) For four years after initial clearance of the forest. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor ESIC Cell DISCO’S MOFSC and DISCO’S Cell staff cost. Note: LAFC = Land Acquisition Compensation Fixation Committee. DDS=Detailed design stage. Based on EIA/EIA reports to be revised at DDS, RAP, SIA and other engineering considerations may change, EIA=environmental impact Assessment. EMP=, environmental management action plan = environmental management plan, EPA= Environmental Protection Agency,. TD = Temporary drainage. EC = Erosion control. NGO = non government organization. ADB * = ADB checks that processes have been completed and signed off by DISCO’S before moving to construction stage. Appendix 3 - Page 12 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental Impact Assessment Appendix 3 - Page 13 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental Impact Assessment Attachment 3: Monitoring Plan 1. DISCO’S have established the Environmental and Social Impacts Cell (ESIC) The DISCO’S instructional arrangement with respect to social and environmental monitoring and implementation is presented as follows: 25.3 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 2. The institutional arrangements of planning and management of the Power Distribution Enhancement Program (or the ADB-funded Power Distribution Enhancement MFF Project) are described as follows (see also Figure overleaf): Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) 25.4 3. The Project Management Unit (PMU), PEPCO is the focal organization based in Lahore responsible for the Power Distribution Enhancement Program, for keeping liaison with the Government of Pakistan and Asian Development Bank (ADB) on behalf of all the DISCOs, and taking care of disbursement of funds (including ADB loan) and technical assistance through Consultants to, and coordination of the Program planning and management activities of the DISCOs. 25.4.1 Distribution Companies (DISCOs) 4. The DISCOs included in the ADB-funded MFF Project (the Program) are: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) PESCO: Peshawar Electric Supply Company, Peshawar, NWFP; IESCO: Islamabad Electric Supply Company, Islamabad; GEPCO: Gujranwala Electric Power Company, Gujranwala, Punjab; LESCO: Multan Electric Power Company, Lahore, Punjab; FESCO: Faisalabad Electric Supply Company, Faisalabad, Punjab; MEPCO: Multan Electric Power Company, Multan, Punjab; QESCO: Quetta Electric Supply Company, Quetta, Baluchistan; and, HESCO: Hyderabad Electric Supply Company, Hyderabad, Sindh. 25.4.2 Technical Assistance (Consultants) 5. PMU, PEPCO provides technical assistance to all the eight DISCOs through the following Consultants, based in Lahore: (1) PPTA: Project Preparation Technical Assistance was hired by PEPCO in 2007 and since then it has so far assisted the DISCOs in preparing Tranche 1 & 2 Subprojects. The PPTA Resettlement Experts have thus far assisted the DISCOs in the preparation of LARPs and DDRs for the Subprojects included in Tranches 1 and 2. (2) PIC: Project Implementation Consultant is expected to be hired and mobilized by PEPCO by end-2009, to provide technical assistance to DISCOs in updating and implementation of the approved Subprojects. The PIC Resettlement Experts will assist the DISCOs in updation, revision and implementation of the LARPs and DDRs. (3) EMC: External Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant is expected to be hired and mobilized by PEPCO by end-2009, to independently monitor and evaluate the implementation of approved LARPs on the Tranche 1 and 2 Subprojects of all the DISCOs, and report directly to ADB with copy to the respective DISCOs. Appendix 3 - Page 14 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental Impact Assessment Figure: Organization for LARP Planning, Implementation and Monitoring PEPCO Project Management Unit (PMU) (Project Coordination) Chief Executive DISCO Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) Chief Engineer Development (HESCO Subprojects) PPTA Consultants External LARP Monitoring Consultant (EMC) Project Director (PD, GSC) (Grid System Construction) Project Implementation Unit (PIU) (Engineers & Patwaris) Deputy Manager, ESIC (Environmental and Social Impact Cell) Province Board of Revenue District LAC Staff / Patwaris DISCO LAC Assistant Manager (Social/Resettlement) Assistant Manager (Environment) Field Patwaris Appendix 3 - Page 15 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental Impact Assessment Distribution Companies (DISCOs) 25.5 6. DISCO as the implementing agency (IA) bears the overall responsibility for the preparation, implementation and financing of all tasks set out in this LARP, as well as inter-agency coordination required for the implementation of the Subprojects. As such, it takes care of the preparation/updating and implementation of the LARPs and DDRs, and internal monitoring and evaluation activities (see also Chapter 10: Monitoring and Evaluation). Institutionally, DISCO typically have three functional divisions, namely, the Planning, Projects and Grid System Construction divisions. 25.5.1 5.2.1 Planning Division 7. The Planning Division is responsible for preparation of PC-1s, for preparation of load forecasts and feeder analysis. The division is responsible for preparation of the Energy Loss Reduction (ELR) work orders. Formerly subproject preparation and keeping liaison with the Government of Pakistan and Asian Development Bank (ADB), as the donor of this MFF Project had also been the responsibility of this division. But lately the activity has been shifted to the Office of Chief Engineer Development. 25.5.2 5.2.2 Chief Engineer Development 8. The former Projects Division has now been named as the Office of Chief Engineer Development (OCED), is responsible for the overall planning, management and coordination of the approved Subprojects. The OCED is currently being assisted by the PPTA Consultants 14 (including the Resettlement Experts responsible for LARP/DDR preparation), in preparing the identified Subprojects in line with the ADB Policies, and obtaining approval from the donor ADB. Its major functions include keeping regular liaison with ADB and relevant departments of the federal, provincial and district governments, preparation, updating and implementation of the LARPs and the related monitoring and evaluation activities. 9. The OCED contains a specially created cell to take care of the safeguards related activities, namely, the Environmental and Social Impacts Cell (ESIC), headed by a Deputy Manager, and assisted by two Assistant Managers, Environment and Social, respectively. The Assistant Manager Social is responsible for the preparation/updating, implementation and internal monitoring of the Subproject LARPs, with assistance from DISCO LAC and PIC Resettlement Expert. 10. The Scope of Work to be handled by the ESIC far exceeds the physical and professional ability and capabilities of the incumbents. To support the ESIC, to carry out its responsibilities, a Monitoring Consultant is being hired. In addition, a Project Implementation Consultant (IC) 15 will also be hired who will also have social and environmental experts to assist HESCO in revising and updating the LARP as and when required, and then in implementation of the LARP. The Consultants will be provided full logistic support (including office space and field transport) by the DISCO. 25.5.3 Grid System Construction (GSC) Division 11. . The Grid System Construction (GSC) Division is responsible for implementing the approved Subprojects, including construction/improvement of grid stations and transmission lines. This office is headed by the Project Director (GSC), and it will establish Project Implementation Units (PIUs), comprising Engineers and Patwaris, at the respective towns of each Subproject. The PD GSC has an in-house Land Acquisition Collector (LAC) to take care of the land acquisition and resettlement activities. 12. The DISCO LAC, along with field Patwaris, in addition to implementation of the LARP activities, will provide in-field assistance to the Resettlement Experts of ESIC and PIC in updating, revision and internal monitoring of the LARPs. He normally works as an independent entity, but in case of local needs like price updating, grievance redress, etc., may involve the local Union Councils and other leaders at 14 British Power International (BPI), a UK Based Power Consultant firm. 15 Terms of Reference for Implementation Consultant’s Resettlement Expert are provided in Appendix 4. Appendix 3 - Page 16 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 Attachment Monitoring Plan For Performance Indicators Environmental Impact Assessment the local levels, and/or the District LACs and Province Board of Revenue for addressing broader level matters and resolving permanent Land Acquisition issues (not applicable to this Subproject). He will be provided technical assistance by the Resettlement Experts included in both ESIC and PIC teams. 25.6 District Government 13. The district government have jurisdiction for land administration, valuation and acquisition. At the provincial level these functions rest on the Province Board of Revenue while at the district level they rest on the District Land Acquisition Collector (District LAC). Within LAC office the Patwari (land records clerk), carry out specific roles such as titles identification and verification required by the HESCO LAC. 25.7 Responsibility for Internal and External Monitoring 14. Land acquisition and resettlement tasks under the Program will be subjected to both internal and external monitoring. Internal monitoring will be conducted by ESIC, assisted by DISCO LAC and PIC Resettlement Expert. The external monitoring responsibilities will be assigned to an External Monitoring Consultant (EMC) to be engaged by PMU, PEPCO according to the Terms of Reference (TOR) that have been approved by ADB. Appendix 3 - Page 17 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 2. The scope of work to be handled by the ESIC cell far exceeds the physical and professional ability and capabilities of the incumbents. To support the ESIC cell, to carry out it’s responsibilities monitoring consultants (MC) are being hired (these are also required as per ADB loan covenants. 25.7.1 Terms of Reference of the monitoring consultants (MC) as follows: Environmental monitoring 3. An environment evaluation expert(s) for a period of four (4) person-month (on as and when required basis) who will undertake monitoring of EIAs and also other environmental issues related to design, construction and commissioning of the sub-projects according to the relevant reports already prepared and approved by DISCO’S/ADB. The expected completion time of these projects is one years. (A) Design Phase (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V) (VI) (VII) (VIII) Monitor final site selection process and final alignment selection process and its environmental compliance with EMP. Review the implementation of the land acquisition plan and expropriation, including considerations concerning vulnerable groups among land-owners, farmers, and farm workers. Monitor contractor’s detailed project design to ensure relevant environmental mitigation measures in EMP have been included. Monitor the detailed environmental guidelines for construction works, including procurement, management, works, closing operations etc in the light of EIA and EMP. Review the management plan for mineral construction materials and waste management. Audit detailed designs of facilities and installations to ensure standard environmental safeguards/ mitigation measures (as identified in EMP) have been included. Review landscape design plan, including compensatory planting. Monitor the performance of environmental training and briefings for the creation of environmental awareness of project staff and DISCO’S. (B) Construction phase (I) Regular monitoring and reporting of contractor’s compliance with contractual environmental mitigation measures in light of EIA and EMP. (II) Monitoring of the implementation of the landscape design plan. (C) Operation and Maintenance phase (I) (II) Monitoring of routine maintenance of facilities and transmission line in light of mitigation measures specified in EMP. Monitoring of the implementation of the landscape design plan. 4. The MC will mainly assist the ESIC cell in the monitoring functions. DISCO’S is also in the process of hiring management consultants, who will assist the Project Management Unit (PMU) of DISCO’S in amongst other matters relating to the implementation of the EIA/LARP including updating of LARP s (price updating) and updating of EIA and EMPs when ever major changes are made to the approved sub projects. 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 25.7.2 Terms of reference for Project Implementation (Management) Consultants 5. Terms of Reference (related to social and environmental aspects) of the Project Implementation (Management) Consultants are Specifically, the PMC shall ensure that: 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 1. ALL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, FRAMEWORK, AND PLANS FOR ALL THE SUBPROJECTS SHOULD BE CONDUCTED AND IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADB’S ENVIRONMENT POLICY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES, AND PAKISTAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES. 2. ALL LAND ACQUISITION, AND RESETTLEMENT FRAMEWORK AND PLAN ARE IMPLEMENTED PROMPTLY AND EFFICIENTLY ACCORDING TO ITS TERMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE PAKISTAN LAWS, AND ADB’S POLICY ON INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT. 3. PMU WILL GUARANTEE THAT ALL SUBPROJECTS AFFECTING ETHNIC MINORITIES ARE CONSTRUCTED AND OPERATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ADB’S POLICY ON INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND APPLICABLE PAKISTAN RULES AND REGULATIONS. 4. PMU WILL FOLLOW THE PRINCIPLES OF THE ADB’S POLICY ON GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT AND USE APPROPRIATE PAKISTAN LAWS DURING EACH SUBPROJECT IMPLEMENTATION. 5. ENSURE THAT SUBPROJECT SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION MEASURES ARE INCORPORATED INTO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 6. SUPERVISE AND EVALUATE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION AD MONITORING MEASURES AS SPECIFIED IN THE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLANS (EMP). 7. UPDATE THE EMP AS NECESSARY, INCLUDING CARRYING OUT SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL SUBPROJECTS APPRAISED AFTER LOAN APPROVAL. 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS 8. B Environmental Impact Assessment SUPERVISE SOCIAL SAFEGUARD’S RELATED REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND ENSURE ITS TIMELY SUBMISSION. THE REPORTING DOCUMENTS INCLUDE LARP’S UPDATING, PROGRESS AND COMPLETION REPORTS. 9. MONITOR AND SUPERVISE RESETTLEMENT AND OTHER SOCIAL IMPACT MITIGATION ACTIVITIES, AS DEFINED IN THE APPROVED AND FINAL LARP’S. 10. ENSURE NO CIVIL WORKS TO BE DONE UNLESS THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE LARP ARE, INCLUDING IN PARTICULAR THE TIMELY DELIVERY OF COMPENSATION TO AFFECTED FAMILIES HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH. 11. ESTABLISH A GRIEVANCE MECHANISM PROCEDURE FOR THE SUBPROJECTS. 12. CONDUCT AND DEVELOP INTERNAL MONITORING AND EVALUATING REPORTING SYSTEM OF THE LARPS AND EMPS IMPLEMENTATIONS. THE REPORT WILL ALSO INCLUDE ANY CHANGE IN THE IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE, PROBLEMS OR DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED AND WORK TO BE CARRIED OUT IN THE NEXT PERIOD IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROCEDURES AND DETAILS ACCEPTABLE TO ADB. THE MONITORING REPORTS WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT TO BE SUBMITTED TO ADB. PROJECT MONITORING ACTIVITIES DURING THE PROJECT CYCLE: 6. The Activities at various stages of the project cycle have been summarized in the terms of reference for consultants as presented in Table AX3.1. 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Table AX3.1 Monitoring Program for Tranche 3 Monitoring Locations Monitoring Parameter DESIGN PHASE Audit project bidding documents to ensure 1. EIA and EMP is included Monitor that the selection process and final 2. alignment selection process and its environmental compliance with EMP Monitor contractor’s detail project design to 3. ensure relevant environmental mitigation measures in EMP have been included Monitor through implementation of detail environmental guidelines for construction 4. works including procurement management, works and closing operation - - 5. Review the mineral, construction materials and waste management - 6. Audit detail design of facilities installation to ensure standard - and Timing Responsibility Prior to issue of biding documents Prior to DISCO’S approval of contractor’s detail alignment survey Prior to DISCO’S approval of contractor’s detail alignment survey DISCO’S through project implementation unit. DISCO’S with the assistance of and external environmental consultants Prior to DISCO’S approval of contractor’s detail design DISCO’S with the assistance of and external environmental consultants Prior to DISCO’S approval of contractor’s detail design Prior to DISCO’S approval of contractor’s detail design DISCO’S with the assistance of and external environmental consultants DISCO’S with the assistance of project implementation unit DISCO’S with the assistance of project implementation unit Table AX3.1 Monitoring Program for Tranche 3 (continued) CONSTRUCTION PHASE Monitoring Parameter 1 Observation of soil erosion 2 3 4 Water quality Water consumption Checks for any damage to water course, groundwater wells 5 Ambient air quality 6 Checks for exhaust emissions Checks for dust emissions Monitoring Locations Construction sites, campsites At wells and surface water bodies near grid station and construction campsites Selected local wells Selected locations at nearby surface water bodies Construction sites, campsite Timing During routine monitoring Responsibility PMU Before mobilization Contractor/PMU Monthly Contractor/PMU Monthly Contractor/PMU Daily Contractor/PMU Construction sites During routine monitoring PMU Construction sites, campsites Construction sites, campsites Construction sites, campsites Before mobilization Once every two months Contractor/PMU Contractor/PMU During routine monitoring Contractor/PMU 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Construction sites, campsites, project roads 7 Noise At nearby communities 8 Public concerns At nearby communities During routine monitoring Fortnightly or during the construction activities causing noise. Throughout the field activities. Table AX3.1 Monitoring Program for Tranche 3 (continued) OPERATIONAL PHASE Monitoring Parameter Monitoring Locations Timing Selected sites for plantation 1 Compensatory tree planting After construction phase of trees Land under the transmission 2 Crops and vegetation During routine maintenance line Population along 3 Social safety Impacts During routine maintenance transmission line Contractor/PMU Contractor/PMU PMU Responsibility DISCO’S DISCO’S DISCO’S Complete record of sampling and analysis should be maintained and documented. PMU = Project Monitoring Unit, DISCO’S = National Transmission and Dispatch Company 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS C Environmental Impact Assessment SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED COSTS FOR EMP Table AX3.2 Implementation for Tranche 2 Pak. Rs. Staffing, audit and monitoring Monitoring activities Mitigation measures US $ 1 person for 3 years 1,800,0001 22,500 As detailed under EMP 7,000,0002 87,500 10,000,0003 125,000 1,502,2504 18,780 609,000 7,613 20,912,250 261,443 As prescribed under EMP and EIA Transport 1 dedicated vehicle 3 years Contingency 3% contingency Total I US$ = 80 Pak. Rupees 1 @ P.Rs. 50,000/month: Laboratory charges for: testing of construction materials; water quality teats; ambient air tests; emissions measurements; and noise measurements. 3 Includes: Compensatory tree plantation under supervision of forest department; and training on counterpart staff. 4 @ P.Rs. 25000 per month rental charges and Rs. 550.0 per day fuel and operating cost 2 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Appendix 5 Table 2: Summary of Estimated Costs for EMP Implementation for Tranche 2 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Item Sub Item Environmental Impact Assessment Estimated Total Costs [PRS] Estimated Total Cost [USD] Staffing, audit and monitoring 1 person for 3 years 1,800,000 29,800 Monitoring activities As detailed under EMP 5,000,000 83,000 Mitigation measures As prescribed under EMP and IEE 8,000,000 132,450 Transport 1 vehicle for 2 years 1,000,000 16,560 Contingency 5% contingency 790,000 13080 16590000 275000 Total 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Appendix - 7 SUMMARY OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION 132 KV DGS ALIPUR DXL Sr. No. Participant Name Participant Profession Address Date Issues Raised/Concerns expressed/ Suggestions & Requests Proposed Measure Action Taken / Proposed Man Group: Liaqat Abad 55. Ch. Abdul Haq Landowner Liaqat Abad 27.08.08 56. Abdul Waheed Landowner Liaqat Abad 27.08.08 57. Muhammad Mushtaq Shopkeeper Liaqat Abad 27.08.08 58. Ghulam Muhammad Teacher+ LO Liaqat Abad 27.08.08 59. Iqram Ullah Landowner Liaqat Abad 27.08.08 Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works Crop and tree compensation Compensation MEPCO should pay should be fair and timely should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Design of the line should not Construction be changed, but if MEPCO should work should be necessary at any stage complete all work completed in houses and structures timely time should be avoided Load shedding is more in Compensation MEPCO should pay villages and affects all should be paid compensation of crops spheres of life including adequately and and trees fairly and schools. timely timely at least 15 days before civil works Crop and tree compensation Compensation MEPCO should pay should be fair and timely should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely at least 15 days before civil works Man Group: Mochiwala 60. Muhammad Nawaz Landowner Mochiwala 27.08.08 Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Muhammad Riaz Shahid Iqbal Abdul Kareem Faiz Bux Sulaiman Landowner LO + Busniss Landowner Landowner Labour Mochiwala Mochiwala Mochiwala Mochiwala Mochiwala Environmental Impact Assessment 27.08.08 27.08.08 27.08.08 27.08.08 27.08.08 66. Abdul Rahman Shopkeeper Mochiwala 27.08.08 67. Muhammad Ramzan Teacher Mochiwala 27.08.08 68. Allah Ditta Landowner Mochiwala 27.08.08 Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely Local skilled and unskilled Skilled and labor should be used unskilled labor wherever possible should be preferred from the area Design of the line should not Construction be changed, but if work should be necessary at any stage completed in houses and structures time should be avoided. Load shedding is more in villages and affects all spheres of life including schools. Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works MEPCO should employ Skilled and unskilled labor from the area MEPCO should complete all work timely MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS 69. Ghulam Shabeer Landowner Mochiwala Environmental Impact Assessment 27.08.08 Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works Woman Group: Mochiwala 70. 71. 72. 73. Akbari Mai Shakila Zohran Anwar Khaton House Wife House Wife House Wife LHW Mochiwala Mochiwala Mochiwala Mochiwala 27.08.08 27.08.08 27.08.08 27.08.08 74. Bashiran Bibi House Wife Mochiwala 27.08.08 75. Kanez Fatima Student Mochiwala 27.08.08 Local norms honored. should be Line should pass over houses of colony. Local norms should be Line should honored pass over houses of colony. Prolonged load shedding in Line should the summer is a nuisance; pass over she hoped the new DGS will houses of improve the situation. colony. Prolonged load shedding in Line should the summer is a nuisance; pass over she hoped the new DGS will houses of improve the situation. colony. Local norms should be Line should honored pass over houses of colony. Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. - Man Group: Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) 76. Ghulam Farid Landowner Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) 27.08.08 77. Zawar Hussain Landowner Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) 27.08.08 Design of the line should not be changed, but if necessary at any stage houses and structures should be avoided Design of the line should not be changed, but if necessary at any stage Compensation should be paid adequately and timely MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works Compensation MEPCO should pay should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS 78. Riaz Hussain Landowner 79. Zahid Rasool Student 80. Javaid Iqbal Student 81. Muhammad Kashif Student Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) Environmental Impact Assessment 27.08.08 27.08.08 27.08.08 27.08.08 82. Bahawal Khan Landowner Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) 27.08.08 83. Sabir Hussain Sharecropper Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) 27.08.08 houses and structures should be avoided Design of the line should not be changed, but if necessary at any stage houses and structures should be avoided No comments No comments timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Compensation MEPCO should pay should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works - - - - Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance; he hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely - MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works Crop and tree compensation Compensation MEPCO should pay should be fair and timely should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Woman Group: Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) 84. 85. Noreen Bibi Humara Khatoon House Wife Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) House Wife Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) 27.08.08 27.08.08 86. Asma House Wife Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) 27.08.08 87. Zatoon Bibi House Wife Nakokara 27.08.08 Local norms honored should be Line should pass over houses of colony. Local norms should be Line should honored pass over houses of colony. Prolonged load shedding in Line should the summer is a nuisance; pass over she hoped the new DGS will houses of improve the situation. colony. Prolonged load shedding in Line should not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment (Basti Dhanowala) 88. Imrana Labour Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) 27.08.08 27.08.08 89. Ameer Mai House Wife Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) 90. Ghulam Fatima Student Nakokara (Basti Dhanowala) 27.08.08 the summer is a nuisance; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible pass over the houses of the colony. Skilled and unskilled labor should be preferred from the area Prolonged load shedding in Line should not the summer is a nuisance; pass over the she hoped the new DGS will houses of the improve the situation. colony. Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. distribution lines to pass over the houses. Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops MEPCO should employ Skilled and unskilled labor from the area MEPCO should avoid distribution lines to pass over the houses. - Man Group: Basti Dhanowala 91. 92. 93. Zafar Malik Habib Malik Kalu Landowner Landowner Landowner Basti Dhanowala Basti Dhanowala Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 27.08.08 27.08.08 94. Malik Lalu Landowner Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 95. Malik Abdul Rahman Landowner Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 96. Haji Gul Muhammad Landowner Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 97. Malik Sultan Landowner Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 98. Malik Sadiq Landowner Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 99. Bashir Ahmad Landowner Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 100. Ghulam Ali Landowner Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 101. Muhammad Pahlwan Landowner Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 102. Muhammad Akhtar Landowner Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 103. Muhammad Haq Nawaz Landowner Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 Crop and tree compensation adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Compensation MEPCO should pay should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Compensation MEPCO should pay should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Compensation MEPCO should pay should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Compensation MEPCO should pay should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Compensation MEPCO should pay should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Compensation MEPCO should pay should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Compensation MEPCO should pay should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Compensation MEPCO should pay 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment should be fair and timely Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 104. Wali Muhammad 105. Ghulam Yaseen 106. Malik Khadim 107. Malik Zafar 108. Malik Murid Landowner Labour Labour Shopkeeper Shopkeeper Basti Dhanowala Basti Dhanowala Basti Dhanowala Basti Dhanowala Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 27.08.08 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible 27.08.08 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible 27.08.08 27.08.08 He supports the construction of DGS. He expects that they will get more stable power supply in the region with the provision of high voltage connection. Construction work should be completed in time should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Compensation MEPCO should pay should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Skilled and MEPCO should unskilled labor employ Skilled and should be unskilled labor from preferred from the area the area Skilled and MEPCO should unskilled labor employ Skilled and should be unskilled labor from preferred from the area the area Construction work should be completed in time MEPCO should complete all work timely Construction work should be completed in time MEPCO should complete all work timely Woman Group: Basti Dhanowala 109. Zanab Mai House Wife Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 110. Zarina House Wife Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 111. Shazia Bibi Teacher Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. Load shedding is more in Line should pass over houses of colony. Line should pass over houses of colony. - not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS 112. 113. 114. Samena Kalsoom Ghulam Fatima Ghulaman 115. 116. Zohran Tahira Batool House Wife Mid Wife LHV House Wife House Wife House Wife Basti Dhanowala Basti Dhanowala Basti Dhanowala Basti Dhanowala Basti Dhanowala Basti Dhanowala Environmental Impact Assessment 27.08.08 27.08.08 27.08.08 27.08.08 27.08.08 27.08.08 villages and affects all spheres of life including schools. Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. Local norms should be honored Local norms honored should Local norms honored should Line should pass over houses of colony. Line should pass over houses of colony. Line should pass over houses of colony. Line should pass over houses of colony. be Line should pass over houses of colony. be Line should pass over houses of colony. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. Man Group: Basti Basharat 117. Zafar Hussain Landowner Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 118. Shahid Riaz Landowner Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 119. Pare Khan Landowner Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 Crop and tree compensation Compensation should be fair and timely should be paid adequately and timely MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely atleast 15 days before civil works Crop and tree compensation Compensation MEPCO should pay should be fair and timely should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Crop and tree compensation Compensation MEPCO should pay 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment should be fair and timely 120. Akbar Khan Govt. Servent 121. Shopkeeper Khadim Hussain Basti Dhanowala Basti Dhanowala 27.08.08 27.08.08 should be paid compensation of crops adequately and and trees fairly and timely timely atleast 15 days before civil works Stable supply in the region with lesser complaints. Construction work should be Construction completed in time work should be completed in time MEPCO should complete all work timely Woman Group: Basti Basharat 122. 123. Moazman Hajira Khatoon House Wife House Wife Basti Basharat Basti Basharat 27.08.08 27.08.08 124. Sadea House Wife Basti Basharat 27.08.08 125. Sumera Khatoon Student Basti Basharat 27.08.08 126. Shamim Bibi Student Basti Basharat 27.08.08 Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. She supports the project and said that she could not complete her assignments in time due to load shading she expects reliable power supply with the construction of the line. She supports the project and said that she could not complete her assignments in time due to load shading she expects reliable power supply with the construction of the line. Line should pass over houses of colony. Line should pass over houses of colony. Line should pass over houses of colony. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. - - - - 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment *Appendix-8 Project: – Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Trees & Infrastructure Likely to be Affected by 30 m RoW No. TOWER From-To DISTANCE IN METER TREES 1 1 2 315.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 300.00 313.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 1 2 2 3 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 250.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 300.00 270.00 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 24 25 26 22 23 24 25 26 27 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 2 4 2 Pomegranate garden 3 17 4 6 5 Pomegranate garden 4 27 Mango+pomegranate Garden under line garden 2 1 6 27 TL HOUSE SHOPS CNG/PP MASQUE /FACTORY HOSPITAL DRAIN Water Course K/ ROAD/P ROAD Service road CANAL 1 1 k-road 1 1 1 k-road-2 Dera 40m + more dera 30m P-road k-road Dear 65m 1 k-road 11kv Abadi at 20m k-road k-road Dera at 40m Abadi Arain k-road Dear at 50m 11kv 1 k-road 1 1 P-road Soling 1 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS 27 27 28 270.00 28 29 30 31 32 28 29 30 31 32 29 30 31 32 33 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 33 34 35 33 34 35 34 35 36 280.00 205.00 206.00 36 37 38 39 40 36 37 38 39 40 37 38 39 40 41 283.00 268.00 268.00 268.00 268.00 26 Mango garden Under line + 4 0 0 3 5 39 4 106 Mango garden + 3 trees 5 3 82 9 Environmental Impact Assessment LT 1 K-road k-road Cotton Factory 20m 41 42 43 42 43 GS 268.00 272.00 40.00 3 5 3 k-road 1 1 1 11kv 11kv LT 41 42 43 Dera 50m Abadi Basharat at 50m Soling 11kv 1-wall 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment APPENDIX-9: Type and Number of Affected Trees in 132kV TL Alipur Sub-project Within 30m Wide Corridor - Right of Way) TL Reach (Tower Nos.) Affected Fruit Trees Mango Affected Wood Trees (No.) Date 13. Shisham (Sisso) From Compact To Area (m2) 13.1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 Sub-total (A): B: Mochiwala 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 Sub-total (A): C: Basti Dhanowala 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 1,950 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 1,050 27 28 960 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 - o t a l Kikar (Acasia) Total Wood Trees Fruit Trees Pomegranate T Total Affected Trees A: Liaqat Abad - - - - 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 2 1 9 4 20 - 4 2 1 13 4 24 2 3 2 2 4 13 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 4 15 2 3 2 2 4 2 3 17 4 39 23 3 2 2 - 2 3 2 4 2 - 25 23 3 5 2 3 2 27 3 27 25 2 3 5 4 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 - - 4 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 - 6 5 4 27 2 1 6 27 26 4 3 5 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS 33 34 34 35 Sub-total (A): D: Basti Basharat 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 GS Sub-total (B): TOTAL: Percentage: 430. Environmental Impact Assessment 2,550 6,510 36 66 3 16 56 39 138 17 - 17 39 155 3,750 5,280 9,030 42 5 3 45 2 3 5 3 108 - 58 37 7 102 100 5 3 82 9 3 5 3 210 1 4 3 8 3 2 5 4 6 3 13 4 106 3 5 3 82 9 3 5 3 223 15,540 - 178 42.28 36 8.55 158 37.53 372 88.36 40 9.50 9 2.14 49 11.64 421 100.00 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS 431. Environmental Impact Assessment Appendix 10 Infrastructure Effected by the sub project 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Project: – Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS Trees & Infrastructure Likely to be Affected by 30 m RoW TOWER DISTANCE FromIN METER No. To TREES 1 1 2 315.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 300.00 313.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 250.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 300.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 2 4 2 TL HOUSE /FACTORY K/ SHOPS Water CNG/PP MASQUE DRAIN ROAD/P CANAL HOSPITAL Course ROAD 1 2 2 3 2 1 Service Road 1 k-road k-road Dera 40m, Dera 30m P-road k-road k-road Dera 65m 3 17 4 6 5 11kv Abadi at 20m 1 k-road-2 Dera at 40m Abadi Arain at 32m 4 Mango Orchard, 27 k-road P-road k-road Dera at 50m 1 11kv 2 1 6 Pomegranate Orchard, 27 Pomegranate Orchard, 26 4 Soling P-road LT Dera 50m 1 k-road 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Alipur DGS into 132KV DGS 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 270.00 270.00 270.00 33 33 34 34 34 35 280.00 205.00 35 36 37 38 36 37 38 39 206.00 283.00 268.00 268.00 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 268.00 268.00 268.00 35 36 37 38 k-road 3 5 Mango Orchard, 39 4 Mango and Pomegranate Orchard, 106 3 5 3 Mango and Pomegranate Orchard, 82 9 3 k-road Cotton Factory 20m 272.00 40.00 5 3 2 P-road 1 1 k-road k-road-2 1 11kv 11kv 1 1 LT 11kv 42 42 43 43 43 GS Environmental Impact Assessment Abadi Basharat at 50m 1-wall Soling 432. 433. 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 434. Appendix 11 Photographs i Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. Existing Alipur Substation 441. 442. 443. 444. Public Consultation ii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 445. 446. 447. Line Route 448. 449. 450. Line Route iii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Power Distribution Enhancement Project Loan 2178 SF-PAK ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Submitted to Asian Development Bank March 2009 by Multan Electric Power Company Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan iv Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Table of Contents 1. 2. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Scope of the EIA Study and Personnel 3 POLICY AND STATUARY REQUIREMENTS IN PAKISTAN 4 2.1 Statutory Framework 2.1.1 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 2.1.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 2000 2.1.3 National Environmental Quality Standards 2.1.4 Other Relevant Laws 4 4 Structure of Report 6 2.2 3. 4 5 5 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 7 3.1 Type of Project 7 3.2 Categorization of the Project 7 3.3 Need for the Project 7 3.4 Location and Scale of Project 8 3.5 Proposed Schedule for Implementation 9 DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBPROJECT 11 4.1 Project Area 4.1.1 General Characteristics of Project Area 4.1.2 Affected Administrative Units 10 10 10 4.2 Physical Resources 4.2.1 Topography, Geography, Geology, and Soils 4.2.2 Climate and Hydrology 4.2.3 Groundwater and Water Supply 4.2.4 Surface water 4.2.5 Air Quality 4.2.6 Noise 12 10 10 11 11 11 11 4.3 Biological Resources 4.3.1 Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquatic Biology 4.3.2 Terrestrial Habitats, Forests and Protected Species 4.3.3 Protected areas / National sanctuaries 12 12 12 13 4.4 Economic Development 4.4.1 Agriculture and Industries 4.4.2 Energy Sources 13 13 14 4.5 Social and Cultural Resources 4.5.1 Population Communities and Employment 14 14 4. v Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 4.5.2 Education and Literacy 4.5.3 Health Facilities 14 14 5. Cultural Heritage and Community Structure 16 6. SCREENING POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 17 6.1 Subproject Location 6.1.1 Impact Assessment and Mitigation 17 17 6.2 General Approach to Mitigation 6.2.1 Cultural Heritage, Mosques, Religious Sites, and Social Infrastructure 17 19 6.3 Potential Environmental Impacts in construction 6.3.1 Encroachment, Landscape and Physical Disfiguration 6.3.2 Cut and fill and waste disposal 6.3.3 Trees, Ecology and Protected Areas 6.3.4 Hydrology, Sedimentation, Soil Erosion 6.3.5 Air Pollution from earthworks and transport 6.3.6 Noise, Vibration and Blasting 6.3.7 Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal, Communicable Diseases 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 6.4 Potential Environmental Impacts in operation 6.4.1 Air pollution and noise from the enhanced operations 6.4.2 Pollution from oily run-off, fuel spills and dangerous goods 22 22 22 6.5 Enhancement 23 7. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 24 8. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 27 8.1 Approach to Public Consultation 27 8.2 Public Consultation Process 27 8.3 Results of Public Consultation 27 9. CONCLUSIONS 28 9.1 Findings and Recommendations 28 9.2 Summary and Conclusions 28 vi Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Figures and Maps Figure 1.1 Pakistan EIA Process Figure 1.2 Letter from Pakistan Federal EPA on EIA Process Figure 2.1 Jurisdiction of MEPCO. Figure 2.2 Location MEPCO Fatehpur Substations Appendices Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Appendix 9 Appendix 10 Location of Fatehpur Subproject Reviews of environmental implications for MEPCO Tranche 2 sub-projects Photographs of the DGS locations TXL Environmental Management Plan (matrix) Monitoring Plan (matrix) Typical bunds for transformers. Summary of Public Consultation Trees & Infrastructure Likely to be Affected by 30 m RoW Trees afftected by 30m RoW of distribution line route Implementation Schedule vii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment ABBREVIATIONS ADB COI CSP DoF DFO DXL DGS DIZ EA EARF EIA EMP GDP GOP GIS LARP MEPCO Fatehpur SP LARP Leq MPL NEQS NGO PC PEPA PEPAct PPMS REA SIA S-P SR TOR Rupee, PKR ` Asian Development Bank Corridor of Influence Country Strategy Program Department of Forests Divisional Forest Officer Distribution transmission line Distribution grid substation Direct Impact Zone Environmental Assessment Environment Assessment Review Framework Environment Impact Assessment Environmental Management Plan Gross Domestic Product Government of Pakistan Gas Insulated Switchgear Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan Multan Electric Power Company Fatehpur 132kV grid substation and distribution line subproject Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan equivalent sound pressure level maximum permissible level National Environmental Quality Standards Non Governmental Organization public consultation Punjab Environmental Protection Agency Pakistan Environment Protection Act 1997 (as regulated and amended) Subproject Performance Monitoring System Rapid Environmental Assessment Social Impact Assessment subproject Sensitive Receiver Terms of Reference Unit of Pakistan currency. $US approx R62 viii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS 14. INTRODUCTION 14.1 Overview Environmental Impact Assessment 13. This document is the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Tranche 2 Fatehpur substation (Conversion) and 2 km transmission line. The subproject is proposed by the Multan Electricity Power Company (MEPCO), (Figs 1.1 and 1.2), under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) subproject, Power Distribution and Enhancement Multi-tranche Finance Facility (PDEMFF). 451. 14. Government of Pakistan (GoP) has requested ADB to provide the PDEMFF to facilitate investments in power distribution and development of networks of eight independent distribution companies (DISCOs) that distribute power to end user consumers. The funding from ADB is expected to be released in stages (tranches). The Power Distribution Enhancement (PDE) Investment Program is part of the GoP long term energy security strategy. The proposed ADB intervention will finance new investments in PDE and assist capacity building of sector related agencies. The investment program will cover necessary PDE development activities in secondary transmission / distribution networks of eight DISCOs. The PDEMFF activities include extension (additional transformers) and augmentation (replacement of transformers with higher capacity) distribution line extensions, new and replacement distribution lines, additional substations, transformer protection and other non network activities such as automatic meter reading, construction equipment and computerized accounting. New distribution lines to and from various network facilities and some of the above activities will also be included in the later tranches. The proposed PDEMFF facility has been designed to address both investment and institutional aspects in the electrical power sector. 452. 15. This EIA presents the results and conclusions of environmental assessment for the conversion of 66kv Fatehopur DGS into 132kv DGS subproject proposed by MEPCO, and is submitted by Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) on behalf of MEPCO. PEPCO has been nominated by Ministry of Water and Power (MOWP) to act as the Executing Agency (EA) with each DISCO being the Implementing Agency (IA) for work in its own area. PEPCO’s role in the processing and implementation of the investment program is that of a coordinator of such activities as preparation of PC-1s and PFRs, monitoring implementation activities; that includes submission of environmental assessments for all subprojects in all tranches of the PDEMFF under ADB operating procedures. An EIA has been carried out to fulfill the requirements of ADB Guidelines (May 2003). This EIA study report is used to complete the Summary Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) for disclosure by ADB if necessary16. 16. The environmental assessment requirements of the GoP for grid stations and power distribution subprojects are different to those of ADB. Under GoP regulations, the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (2000) categorizes development subprojects into two schedules according to their potential environmental impact. The proponents of subprojects that have reasonably foreseeable impacts are required to submit an EIA for their respective subprojects (Schedule I). The proponents of subprojects that have more adverse environmental impacts (Schedule II) are required to submit an environmental impact assessment (EIA). Distribution lines and substations are included under energy subprojects and EIA is required for sub transmission / distribution lines of 11kV and less and large distribution subprojects (Schedule I). EIA is required by GoP for all subprojects involving sub transmission / distribution lines of 11kV and above and for DGS substations (Schedule II). 16 Category A subprojects that are deemed by ADB's chief compliance officer to be environmentally sensitive for the purposes of (i) the 120 day rule, and (ii) the environmental management plan requirement could involve subprojects that are near or in environmentally sensitive areas. At this stage no component of the T2 sub-subprojects under consideration is actually within a critical area and therefore the MFF tranche as a whole is Category B. Page 1 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Page 2 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 17. Clarification has been sought from Pakistan EPA on the requirements for environmental assessment for certain energy subprojects and for sub transmission / distribution lines. A Framework of Environmental Assessment (FEA) on power extensions and augmentation subprojects was prepared by consultants and submitted to the Pakistan EPA, after hearings with provincial EPAs. In response to the FEA submitted by NTDC to the Pakistan EPA17 it has been clarified that all proponents must follow section 12 of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act for all subprojects. Pakistan EPA has also assumed that all proponents will consult with the relevant provincial EPAs (PEPA) and follow their advice. In 2006 Punjab EPA requested disclosure of the scope and extent of each subproject in order that the Director General of PEPA can determine if additional land is required and the need for EIA or EIA. A review of the need for EIA/EIA for submission to GoP is therefore required by the relevant environmental protection agency, in this case the Punjab Environmental Protection Agency. 14.2 Scope of the EIA Study and Personnel 18. The Study Area included the identification of irrigation facilities, water supply, habitable structures, schools, health facilities, hospitals, religious places and sites of heritage or archaeological importance and critical areas18 (if any) within about 100m of the DGS boundary. The works involve conversion of existing 66kv DGS into 132kv DGS and 2.61 km TXL , Construction of the bases, foundation pads and towers to support the distribution line will be carried out also under the same subproject by MEPCO and supervised by the Fatehpur management. 19. The field studies were undertaken by the subproject’s environment team with experience of environmental assessment for power subprojects in Pakistan. Mrs. Syeda Bushra Waheed conducted preliminary scoping, survey and assessment activities, coordinated the field sampling and analysis, and were also responsible to supervise collation of information and co-ordinate the various public consultation activities. The team conducted preliminary scoping, survey and assessment activities, and carried out the report writing.. The environmental team also benefited from technical support and other information on the impacts of the proposed power works provided in feasibility summaries prepared with MEPCO by expert consultants of BPI dealing with engineering, power distribution, socioeconomic, re-settlement and institutional aspects. 20. A scoping and field reconnaissance was conducted on the subproject site, during which a Rapid Environmental Assessment was carried out to establish the potential impacts and categorization of subproject activities. The methodology of the EIA study was then elaborated in order to address all interests. Subsequently primary and secondary baseline environmental data was collected from possible sources, and the intensity and likely location of impacts were identified with relation the sensitive receivers; based on the work expected to be carried out. The significance of impacts from conversion of the 66KV DGS to 132 KV and associated TXL was then assessed and, for those impacts requiring mitigation, measures were proposed to reduce impacts to within acceptable limits. 21. Public consultation (PC) was carried out in August 2008, in line with ADB guidelines2. Under ADB requirements the environmental assessment process must also include meaningful public consultation during the completion of the draft EIA. In this EIA the PC process included verbal disclosure of the sub-subproject works as a vehicle for discussion. Consultations were conducted with local families and communities around and Fatehpur SP site, and along TXL route, and staff of the subproject management. The responses from correspondents have been included in Attachment 7 and summarized in Section 6 of this EIA. Letter dated 29th June 2007 – Ref 2(1)2004-W/KCP-DD from Pak EPA Sajjad Hussein Talpur, Dy Director (EIA/Mont) to NTDC, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Subproject Director PPTA, NTDC, WAPDA House, Lahore. 18 Critical areas as published by the PEPA on the website put in specific reference 17 Page 3 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS 15. Environmental Impact Assessment POLICY AND STATUARY REQUIREMENTS IN PAKISTAN 22. Direct legislation on environmental protection is contained in several statutes, namely the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997) the Forest Act (1927) the Punjab Wildlife Act (1974). In addition the Land Acquisition Act (1894) also provides powers in respect of land acquisition for public purposes. There are also several other items of legislation7 and regulations which have an indirect bearing on the subproject or general environmental measures. 15.1 Statutory Framework 23. The Constitution of Pakistan distributes legislative powers between the federal and the provincial governments through two ‘lists’ attached to the Constitution as Schedules. The Federal List covers the subjects over which the federal government has exclusive legislative power, while the Concurrent List contains subjects regarding which both the federal and provincial governments can enact laws. “Environmental pollution and ecology” is included in the concurrent list, hence both the federal and the provincial governments can enact laws on this subject. However, to date, only the federal government has enacted laws on environment, and the provincial environmental institutions derive their power from the federal law. The Punjab Environmental Protection Act 1996 is now superseded by the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997). The key environmental laws affecting this subproject are discussed below. 15.1.1 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 24. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 is the basic legislative tool empowering the government to frame regulations for the protection of the environment. The act is applicable to a wide range of issues and extends to air, water, soil, marine, and noise pollution, as well as to the handling of hazardous wastes. The key features of the law that have a direct bearing on the proposed subproject relate to the requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and environmental impact assessment (EIA) for development subprojects. Section 12(1) requires that: “No proponent of a subproject shall commence construction or operation unless he has filed with the Federal Agency an Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] or, where the subproject is likely to cause an adverse environmental effect, an environmental impact assessment [EIA], and has obtained from the Federal Agency approval in respect thereof.” The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency has delegated the power of review and approval of environmental assessments to the provincial environmental protection agencies, in this case the Punjab EPA. (Fig 1.1) 15.1.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 2000 25. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 (PEP Act) provides for two types of environmental assessments: Environmental Impact Assessment s (EIA) and environment impact assessments (EIA). EIAs are carried out for subprojects that have a potentially ‘significant’ environmental impact, whereas EIAs are conducted for relatively smaller subprojects with a relatively less significant impact. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 20019 (the ‘Regulations’), prepared by the Pak-EPA under the powers conferred upon it by the PEP Act, categorizes subprojects for EIA and EIA. Schedules I and II, attached to the Regulations, list the subprojects that require EIA and EIA, respectively. 26. The Regulations also provide the necessary details on the preparation, submission, and review of EIAs and EIAs. The following is a brief step-wise description of the approval process (see also Attachment 1): 453. (xl) A subproject is categorized as requiring an EIA or EIA using the two schedules attached to Regulations. (xli) An EIA or EIA is conducted as per the requirement and following the Pak-EPA guidelines. (xlii) The EIA or EIA is submitted to the concerned provincial EPA if it is located in the provinces or Pak-EPA if it is located in Islamabad and federally administrated areas. The Fee (depending on cost of the subproject and the type of the report) is submitted along with the document. (xliii) The EIA/EIA is also accompanied by an application in the format prescribed in Schedule IV of Regulations. the the the the 19 The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2000 Page 4 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment (xliv) The EPA conducts a preliminary scrutiny and replies within 10 days of the submittal of a report, a) confirming completeness, or b) asking for additional information, if needed, or c) returning the report requiring additional studies, if necessary. (xlv) The EPA is required to make every effort to complete the EIA and EIA review process within 45 and 90 days, respectively, of the issue of confirmation of completeness. (xlvi) Then the EPA accords their approval subject to certain conditions: (xlvii) Before commencing construction of the subproject, the proponent is required to submit an undertaking accepting the conditions. (xlviii) Before commencing operation of the subproject, the proponent is required to obtain from the EPA a written confirmation of compliance with the approval conditions and requirements of the EIA. (xlix) An EMP is to be submitted with a request for obtaining confirmation of compliance. (l) The EPAs are required to issue confirmation of compliance within 15 days of the receipt of request and complete documentation. (li) The EIA/EIA approval is valid for three years from the date of accord. (lii) A monitoring report is to be submitted to the EPA after completion of construction of TXL and conversion of DGS, followed by annual monitoring reports during operation. 27. Distribution lines and grid substations of 11 kV and above are included under energy subprojects in Schedule II, under which rules EIA is required by GoP. Initial environment examination (EIA) is required for distribution lines less than 11 kV and large distribution subprojects (Schedule I). A review of the need for EIA/ EIA submission is therefore required by the relevant EPA, in this case the Punjab Environment Protection Agency (EPA) as the proposed subproject will be located in Punjab. 28. There are no formal provisions for the environmental assessment of expanding existing distribution lines and grid substations but Punjab EPA have requested disclosure of the scope and extent of each subproject in order that their Director General can determine if additional land is required and the need for statutory environmental assessment1. The details of this subproject will be forwarded to the Punjab EPA, in order to commence the local statutory environmental assessment process. 15.1.3 National Environmental Quality Standards 29. The National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) were first promulgated in 1993 and have been amended in 1995 and 2000. The following standards that are specified in the NEQS may be relevant to the Tranche 1 subprojects: 30. Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants (32 parameters) in municipal and liquid industrial effluents discharged to inland waters, sewage treatment facilities, and the sea (three separate sets of numbers) 31. Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants (2 parameters) in gaseous emissions from vehicle exhaust and noise emission from vehicles. 15.1.4 Other Relevant Laws 32. There are a number of other federal and provincial laws that are important in the context of environmental management. The main laws potentially affecting subprojects in this MFF are listed below. 33. The Punjab Wildlife Protection Ordinance, 1972 empowers the government to declare certain areas reserved for the protection of wildlife and control activities within in these areas. It also provides protection to endangered species of wildlife. As no activities are planned in these areas, no provision of this law is applicable to the proposed subproject. 34. The Forestry Act, 1927 empowers the government to declare certain areas reserved forest. As no reserved forest exists in the vicinity of the proposed subproject, this law will not affect to the proposed subproject. 35. The Antiquities Act of 1975 ensures the protection of Pakistan’s cultural resources. The Act defines ‘antiquities’ as ancient products of human activity, historical sites, or sites of anthropological or cultural interest, national monuments, etc. The Act is designed to protect these antiquities from destruction, theft, negligence, unlawful excavation, trade, and export. The law prohibits new construction in the proximity of a protected antiquity and empowers the Government of Pakistan to prohibit excavation in any area that may contain articles of archaeological significance. Under the Act, the subproject proponents are obligated to ensure that no activity is undertaken in the proximity of a protected antiquity, report to the Department of Archaeology, Government of Pakistan, any archaeological discovery made during the course of the subproject. Page 5 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS 15.2 Environmental Impact Assessment Structure of Report 36. This EIA reviews information on existing environmental attributes of the Study Area. Geological, hydrological and ecological features, air quality, noise, water quality, soils, social and economic aspects and cultural resources are included. The report predicts the probable impacts on the environment due to the proposed subproject enhancement and expansion. This EIA also proposes various environmental management measures. Details of all background environmental quality, environmental impact / pollutant generating activities, pollution sources, predicted environmental quality and related aspects have been provided in this report. References are presented as footnotes throughout the text. Following this introduction the report follows ADB guidelines and includes: Description of the Subproject Description of Environmental and Social Conditions Assessment of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental Monitoring Plan Public Consultation Recommendations and Conclusions Page 6 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS 16. 16.1 Environmental Impact Assessment DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Type of Project 37. The subproject will involve the DGS, and the associated TXL . That is, the DGS will require conversion of the Fatehpur grid station from 66kV to 132kV, and construction of a 2.61km double circuit transmission line. The scope of work includes addition of two 10X13 MVA, 132/11 kV Power Transformers and allied equipment and buildings. The SP requires interconnection to the system by a double circuit 2.61 km long 132 kV TXL. The TXL is included in the subproject along with the DGS, the line comprises 11 towers to join the grid with the existing 132 kV line. The proposed 132kV TXL is 2.61km long, but there are no other developments in the proposed route of the TXL (August 2008) and future developments should not be allowed directly under the TXL . The DGS is located in Chak-49, tehsil Karor Lalison, Distt. Layyah, Punjab. The DGS has its main access on Karor Lalison road on its northern side, and shops, a petrol pump, and Razzaq Colony across the road, cultivated land, and a graveyard at 700m, on its western side, a 7 m road and cultivated land on its eastern side, and some open plots on its southern side. 16.2 Categorization of the Project 38. Categorization is based on the environmentally most sensitive component of a subproject. The aspects of the subproject with potential for significant environmental impacts need to be assessed in detail and this environmental assessment has therefore focused on the significant impacts possible from the construction activities of the subproject. 39. The site for the DGS, as well as the route of the proposed TXL is located in a rural setting, with some minor settlements and other infrastructure around the site. The Fatehpur SP is categorized as a Category ‘B’ sub-subproject under ADB requirements1.3 and this EIA report is based on that assumption. 16.3 Need for the Project 40. The condition of the power distribution system in Pakistan are inadequate to meet rapidly growing demand for electrical power. This situation limits national development and economic growth. To cope with the constraints, the existing power distribution infrastructure has to be improved , upgraded and expanded. The overall contribution of power infrastructure also requires institutional arrangements and capacity that support strategic management of the sector, and planning and management of investments. Overall the proposed PDEMFF facility has been designed to address both investment and institutional aspects in the electrical power sector. 41. Power demands in the Fatehpur area of MEPCO jurisdiction (Fig 2.1) have increased rapidly, especially in summer months, so that the existing 66-kV DGS is unable to cope up with the increasing demands of the domestic, commercial and industrial sectors. Therefore, MEPCO has planned to convert 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS along with 132KV transmission line 2.61 km, at a place of existing Fatehpur DGS. Land for this DGS is already available, so no additional land is needed. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. Figure 2.1 : Jurisdiction map of MEPCO Page 7 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 465. 16.4 Location and Scale of Project 42. This EIA has included field reconnaissance of the site and surroundings of the Fatehpur SP and TXL ROW. The Fatehpur DGS is located in Distt. Layyah, Punjab , Figure 2.2 presents the location of the substation .. 43. The Fatehpur subproject will involve the conversion of 66KV DGS into 132KV DGS and construction of a 132kV TXL (45 towers). The proposed route to the nearest 132kV line appears to be environmentally feasible and technically appropriate and will join the DGS with an existing 132kV line at about 2.61km from the DGS. 466. Figure 2.2 : Location Fatehpur Substation 467. 44. This EIA has been conducted based on the assumptions available in late August 2008 when the preliminary designs for the conversion of 66kv DGS into 132kv DGS. DGS and TXL were completed and the overall requirements for installation of the equipment had been identified (Appendix 1). The detailed designs are currently being progressed by MEPCO. At this stage, the construction activities under the SP are expected to include the usual localized civil works such as extension of the main yard, including excavation and concreting of foundations for the new transformers, capacitor banks, cable trays and terminal tower (within the DGS compound), installation of the transformers, equipment Page 8 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment and fittings, erection of the towers and cabling. Impacts from construction of the Fatehpur SP are envisaged to be minor, since no additional land needs to be acquired for conversion of the DGS and construction of TXL , the works for the conversion of DGS will be on the land owned by MEPCO and works for the TXL wil be mostly on private cultivated land for which compensation for damage to crops and trees will be paid to the affected. 45. The connecting line from Fatehpur SP to the network will involve erection of 45 towers that will be strung with the new TXL . The designs for the Tranche 2 (T2) subprojects will be developed under the subproject support component of the MFF. This EIA , however, is based on detailed line route surveys (which includes alternative routes and the route which minimizes the social impacts is chosen) . The line route is then submitted to the design formation which determines the line profiles and tower locations, these towers are then located on ground . The EIA is , therefore based on line design which is final (baring any unforeseen occurrence ) and only is changed at implementation stage if so warranted by new developments .The line design is based on the following parameters . Permissible Conductor Clearances at 650C Clearance m Sr. No.Description 1 Cultivated land traversed by vehicles 2 Roads and Streets 3 Communication and power lines power lines up to 66 kV power lines up to 33 kV 4 Highways 5 Railroads 6 Electrified railroads trolley wire 7 River at high flood 8 places accessible to pedestrians only 9 Building roofs not accessible to people 10 Tops of trees (Orchards) 11 Canals 16.5 6.7 7.9 2.7 2.7 7.9 7.9 3.85 9.1 7.9 5.2 5 9.1 Proposed Schedule for Implementation 46. Designs of conversion of 66KV DGS into 132 KV DGS and construction of TXL equipment layout, review of environmental management and construction processes could take several months. When the detailed designs are completed, tendering and award of contract will take place over about three to six months. The construction period will follow and best estimates indicate about eighteen months to two years. Appendix 10 presents the implementation schedule of the sub project . The tranche implementation schedule is presented as follw TIME SCHEDULE - TRANCHE 2 - DISTRIBUTION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Responsibility 1 2 Loan Processing Loan negotiation Tranche 2 Approval Loan Effectivity Bidding Documents Bidding Documents Preparation Evaluation Contract Awards Construction Delivery of equipment Construction & Installation Testing & Commissioning Loan Closing ADB ADB EAD EAD EAD ADB PEPCO PEPCO PEPCO DISCOs DISCOs DISCOs Contractor Contractor Contractor ADB PEPCO I Year 2009 II III IV I Year 2010 II III IV I Year 2011 II III IV I Year 2012 II III IV I Year 2013 II III IV I Year 2014 II III IV I Year 2015 II III IV I Year 2016 II III IV 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. Page 9 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 17. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 17.1 Project Area 17.1.1 General Characteristics of Project Area 47. The conversion of the grid station will be carried out within the boundaries of the existing substation already owned by the MEPCO. The substation will be linked to the Chok Azam – Bakhar 132kV transmission line through construction of a new 2.67 km double circuit transmission line, starting near Dara Shafi chak 115 ML village (not affected). There is no land acquisition involved in the conversion of the substation, and therefore there will be no resettlement impacts. The 66kV Fatehpur DGS which will be converted into 132KV DGS is located on Karachi road (KLP road) also known as Punjnad road, in Mauza and tehsil Fatehpur and Distt Layyah. The DGS site is located in a rural area. The DGS is located in Chak-49, tehsil Karor Lalison, Distt. Layyah, Punjab. The DGS has its main access on Karor Lalison road on its northern side, and shops, a petrol pump, and Razzaq Colony across the road, cultivated land and a graveyard at 700m, on its western side a 7 m road and separate city girls high school and boys high school across the road and cultivated land on its eastern side, and some open plots on its southern side. 17.1.2 Affected Administrative Units 48. The new transmission line is 2.67 km long and will pass through two villages Chak 107 ML and Chak 115 ML located in Layyah district (Punjab province). The first 2145 meters long section of the line traverses the farmlands of Chak 107 ML, and the remaining 540 meters section is located in chak 115 ML village. The transmission line will traverse private farmland for most of its length 2644 meter (98%) and only 41 meter (2%) uncultivated Government lands (Canal, Road, Paths and water courses). As a result, some 15 households, with a total population of 151 persons (affectees), will be affected by temporary disruption to land, and loss of 7.93 ha of crops and 178 trees (174 wood and 4 fruit trees). The area to be affected by the conversion works for the Fatehpur DGS falls in tehsil Fatehpur and district Layyah Province of Punjab. (Figure 2.1). Interviews were conducted with the public near the DGS site and TXL corridor (Appendix 7) to obtain their views on the subproject, and any perceived impacts. In addition to main Highway, settlements along highway there are factories of various types ,educational institutions, police station there along the RoW. The nearest of these settlements include chack 49 adjacent to DGS,chack50 at1ikm and Fatehpur city at1km from DGS.rom DGS . 493. 17.2 Physical Resources 17.2.1 Topography, Geography, Geology, and Soils 49. River Indus and Chenab flow on its western and eastern sides respectively. The northern part of the district includes Thal desert, almost half of which was brought under receive inundation in some form of the rivers. The riverine part of the district may be further divided into three zones. The first is Page 10 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment comparatively narrow strip along both the rivers, where the summer floods are so high that no Kharif crop can be grown and the Rabi can be matured without irrigation. Inside this zone is the area where the floods are less violent and a little Kharif can be grown in the highest lands. The Rabi can be sown on flood water and also needs irrigation unless the rivers are brought to the lands through inundation canals which has now given way to irrigation by the regular canals. Prominent of these canals are the Layyah canals from Taunsa barrage on the Indus and Rangpur canal from Trimu barrage on the Chenab. Canal irrigated lands are protected from river floods by embankments. Prominent of these embankments are one namely Sanwan embankment which has its base on the north of the Layyah, Kota du border ends near Jotoi and protects the agricultural lands from the Indus floods, on the side of the Chenab there is a bund near Langr Sarai, another on the east of Layyah town, another on the east Khangarh and another near Khanwah in the Fatehpur tehsil. These embankments are maintained by the canal department. This district is divided into four sub divisions namely Layyah, Kot Adu, Fatehpur and Jatoi. 50. The eastern side of the district, where the soil has been deposited by the Chenab is of great natural fertility, the rest of the district is Indus sand inferior to the Chenab silt though almost every where good crops can be grown under favorable conditions. The water table is high and where the natural run way of surface water has been stopped by railway, roads, canal channels and embankments, is water logged and where water logging continues for a number of years, saltpeter rises to the surface and the soil becomes unfit for cultivation. Floods are frequent in both the rivers Chenab and Indus. The older crops are benefited by these floods and the younger ones are generally damaged. Owning to close proximity to these rivers the sub soil water varies from 2.4 to 4.6 meters below the ground during inter season. 17.2.2 Climate and Hydrology 51. There is no variation of altitude above sea level in the land along the alignment and the short length of the distribution line means no variation between the climate of the subproject area. The climate at Fatehpur SP is typical of arid areas of the Punjab. 52. The maximum temperature in summer reaches upto 420C. In winter the minimum is 50C. The summer season starts from April and continues till October. May, June and July are the hottest months. The winter season on the other hand starts from November and continues till March, December and January are the coldest months when the temperature drops to the extent of 2 0C or even below. 53. The rainy season starts in July and ends in September. Average Annual rainfall does not exceed 18.7cm. More rains occur in July and August than any other months. Most of the winter rains are received in the months of March and April. 17.2.3 Groundwater and Water Supply 54. Around 6.5 percent of the housing units are using piped water, majority of which has that facility in their own houses. A majority is using hand pump for potable water, 92.4percent. Just 0.2percent households are using potable water taken out from wells, Irrigation canals, tube wells and wells (Persian wheels) are the main source of irrigation. Canal network consists of Layyah canal. Rangpur canal and the tail of the Thal canal. All the canals are seasonal ones and supply irrigation water during summer and for a very short period during winter. The agriculture therefore, depends on irrigation through tube wells or the wells. Tube wells are sunk in public as well as private sector. There are 1,746 tube wells installed privately irrigation which however are run also on subsidy given by the agriculture department. In the public sector, SCARP project sponsored by the government is maintaining 1,327 tube wells in different parts of the district. As such there are 18,373 tube wells engaged in irrigation activity. 55. Irrigation supplies are seasonal and tube wells have been installed. The strata of the subproject area are water bearing and alluvial deposits, giving groundwater potential throughout the district. The water table is not seasonal and dug wells do not generally run dry. Groundwater sources exist in the area and potable water is available. The local population is generally reliant on supply from the hand pumps in rural areas while in urban areas population is using drinking water from piped water supply scheme. Residents of Fatehpur DGS colony are using drinking water from tube well located in DGS colony. Page 11 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 17.2.4 Surface water 494. Rivers and Tributaries 56. River Indus runs longitudinally in the western portion with a general east-west direction and enters the district after having traversed Bhakkar district at village Shah Baghwala meet Bakhshinda and leaves its boundary at Mauza Sakhaniwala involving a total distance of about 80 km i.e. less than 3 per cent of the river’s total length (2,880 km). It attains an average width of 16.19 kilometers during summer season in Layyah district. Nullah Lala passes through the area of the district longitudinally in extreme west. 17.2.5 Air Quality 57. Air quality in most of the project area appears good based on observation during the study period. Emissions should be controlled at source under the EMP. There will be a few items of powered mechanical equipment to be used in the construction of the TXL works that may give rise to complaints of dust and other emissions; however these should be minor and easily dissipated. Domestic sources of air pollution, such as emissions from wood and kerosene burning stoves as well as small diesel standby generators in some households, are minor. 58. Although there are some Floor mills and a Sugar mill of but there are no other industrial pollution sources in the vicinity of the Fatehpur SP. The project area is distant from major sources of air pollution like industries or urban type traffic, domestic sources such as burning of wood and kerosene stoves, etc. or fugitive sources such as burning of solid wastes. Air quality in the project area appeared very good during the study period . Air quality measurements in major urban centers , carried out by Pak-EPA , revealed that CO, SO2 and NO levels were in excess of the acceptable levels in some areas but the average levels were found below WHO standards . Air quality testing by DISCOs (average values are : TSP 1.09 mg/m3 , CO 634 ppb , SO 2 24.34 ppb, NO2 23.73 ppb )through various consultants has reveled that most substations have NO2, CO2 and CO values below international standards although TSP levels at some locations was higher than international standards . 59. There should be no source of atmospheric pollution from the project. In the operational phase the industrial facilities with fuel powered mechanical equipment will be the main polluters. All such emissions will be very well dissipated in the open terrain and there will be no cumulative effect from the project. 60. The other major source of air pollution is dust arising from construction and other ground or soil disturbance, during dry weather, and from movement of vehicles on poorly surfaced or damaged access roads. It has been observed that dust levels from vehicles may even be high enough to obscure vision significantly temporarily. 17.2.6 Noise 61. Noise from vehicles and other powered mechanical equipment is intermittent. There are also the occasional calls to prayer from the PA systems at the local mosques but there are no significant disturbances to the quiet rural setting. However the construction from the proposed power expansion will use powered mechanical equipment. Subjective observations were made of background noise and also of individual vehicle pass by events. Based on professional experience background daytime noise levels are probably well below 55dB (A) L90. DISCOs have carried out noise level measurements at various substations and transmission line locations within the system .These analyzed to calculate Leq values have resulted in Leq values much below the 85 dBA limit prescribed under the NEQs established by the EPA or the 75 dBA used by DISCOs/NTDC/PEPCO in the equipment specifications . Typical values were : average 46.21 dBA ; high 63.14 dBA ; and low 34.35 dBA . 17.3 Biological Resources 17.3.1 Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquatic Biology 62. Wolves and wild pigs are found almost every where in the district specially on the banks of the river Indus and forests. The only deer in the district are Parha or hog-deer and the ravine deer called Hiran or Chinkara found in Chaubara sub-division waste lands. Hare are found commonly in river Page 12 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment inundated strips, which are relatively higher than the surroundings. Jackals and foxes are common in plantation and in the crops along the canals. Hedge-he locally called Jhah are frequently found. The birds such as dove. Hoopoe, sparrow, wood packar, peegit, sandpiper, pelican, Indian snake bird, lark, kite, parrot, butchbird, kingrow, swallow, king fisher egrat & pady bir, admadavat, owl, owlet, goat sucker, kurb, shikra, laghar, charchuhernan (Bheri), Karwanak, dhing, bulbul (Nightingale), phiddi, dhuri, chhapk Tilyar and traka are also found. Game birds of the area include Talur (sand grouse), bhattitter, parridges or Titter (black and bhora). Quails arrive in great number sin March and Spetember but soon disappear. Wild goose, mallard, the spotted billed duck, hanjhal, gadwall, duck, buar, the marble-backed duck, bhurru and many others are also seen. 63. River Indus provides vast scope of activity in the field of fishing which is now a developing industry and commercial concern as many people earn their living out of it. .. In this area species of fish found are of excellent quality. Following species are common: Rahu (labeo rohita), mori (cirrhina marigala), thails (cale catla), silver carp (hypophthalmichthys molitrix), grass carp (ctenopharyn godon, idell), malli (wallago attu), singari (mystus), khagga (rita rita), saul (chnna straitus), but pari (notopterus notepterus), gulfam (cyprinus carpio), calbans (Labeo calbasu), chiddu (Barbus), dhangona (clupisoma garua), sareiha (Labeo gonius), bam (mastacem belus armatus) and Shishn (Ambasais ranga). 64. There are no areas of wildlife significance near the subproject area. The wild animals are very few and are almost entirely confined to the river area. River Indus is the only water bodies and wet land around Layyah. 17.3.2 Terrestrial Habitats, Forests and Protected Species 495. Vegetation cover and trees 65. The subproject area, which is dry, is dominated by rural suburbs and with various factories present in the subproject area. Common floral species with rooted vegetation are also present near most of the water bodies of the area. 66. However there is very little vegetation in the RoW for the line (Attachment 9). Just either side of the distribution line alignment planted trees Mango, Pomegranate, Shisham (Dalbergia sisso) and Kikar (Acacia arbica), Sharin (Albizzia lebbek), Jand (Prospopis spicigera), Beri (Zizyphus jajaba) and Phog.. 67. Among fruit trees, mango and dates palm are important and are grown in the form of gardens. Date palm is the most remarkable plant in the district and its fruit forms staple food during part of the year and poor people particularly subsist on dates for four months. 68. Common vegetation of the district is Shesham (Dalbergia sissoo). Kikar (Acacia arabica). The Sharin (Albizzia lebbek) e Jand or Kana (Prosopis spicigera). . Beri (Zisyphus jajaba). 69. The Lai (Tamarix gallica) or Pilchhi and Jhau ,[Salvadora oleoides)it Pihlun is eaten. The most common fodder plants of the area are Talla or Deb, Chembhar, Madhana, Thir or Makhnala, Lehu, Visal, Sinjhi, Jaudal, Dodhak, Buta, Kan, Khawi, Murak, Jusao, Lana and Jawan or Jawa. The other plants which are actually mere weeds used as fodder include Kharpal, Munjhar, Savri, Mainon, Bhuk Bathun, Sain, Phit-Sain, Patrali, Phuli, Ludri, Budiamasit, Tange Kamali-But, Naun and Hemeha. Non fodder plants indlude Khip (Orthanthera biminion), Bhakhra or Gokhra (Tribules terestries), Dhamanh (Fagonia cretica), Ratkan, Kaur Tummah (Coloynth gound), Kanderi, Phesak Lani (Soueda fruticosa), Hurmal (Peganum harmala) Lut, Bhuen-phor, Bhuen-phor, Situr (Bonceresia edulis), Chibhar, Jati Musaq, Bhanfra, Uthpera Bhukal Bui Khumbi (Mashrooms) and Pad Bahera. 70. Besides, these plants. Pippal (Ficus religiosa) i Bohar (Ficus indica) , Jaman, (Engenia jambolana) are also seen in the area.. 496. Protected and Religious Trees 71. Afforestation in this area was started in 1952-53 under the supervision of the defunct Thal Development Authority. At present area under forest is 34,338 acres. There is no protected forest near the areas of works There are also planted trees along canals and roads. The major trees grown in the forest are Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo), Kikar (Acacia arabica) and Poplar. LARP for the Fatehpur SP has been prepared which made provision for compensation for concerned departments if needed, after detailed study. Fruit and wood trees (Appendix-9) will be compensated according to LARP. MEPCO is responsible for re-plantation of these trees (3:1 is recommended). The works must deal with trees that need to be lopped or removed for safety reasons with the necessary permissions. Page 13 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 17.3.3 Protected areas / National sanctuaries 72. In Pakistan there are several areas of land devoted to the preservation of biodiversity through the dedication of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Punjnad wet land is located at 10km from DGS. There is no wetland, protected area or national sanctuary near the area of works and subproject area. 17.4 Economic Development 17.4.1 Agriculture and Industries 73. Cropping Pattern: Summer crops are Sugarcane, Jawar and Bajra. In winter wheat and oil seeds are grown. Major crops grown in the subproject area are wheat in the Rabi season (winter-spring) and Cotton, Bajra and Mongi in the Kharif season (summer-autumn). This is the dominant cropping pattern in the subproject area, with smaller areas of sugarcane and fodder. 74. Horticulture: The main fruits grown in the area are date palm and mango.. Date palm and mango gardens are found in subproject area.. The area covered under the gardens is 10,921 acres. 75. Industry: There are four large mills in the district which are Al-Madni flour Mills, Rustam Rehman Flour Mills, Faran Flour Mills and Layyah Sugar Mill. 76. Besides, there are forty three small Chakkies (flour mills) in Layyah city and about 231 small Chakkies (flour mills) exist in the rural areas and other towns of this district. 497. Transportation 77. District Layyah is well connected by roads, Grand Trunk road also passes through Layyah. Besides, farm to market roads have been constructed throughout the district. There is a network of metalled and un-metalled roads in the district. There are also metalled canal roads. All tehsil headquarters and important towns are connected through metalled roads. The road connections in the district operate on three main axis. One is east-west i.e. Layyah-Chaubara axis while other two are north-south axis of Fatehpupr-Muna and Karor Layyah-Kot Sultan axis. Provincial road in the district have length of 200 km metalled and 228 km un-metalled. 78. Fatehpur/Layyah is well connected with the other parts of the country through railway. No junction falls within the district on this railway line total number of passenger trains running up and down is 8. Out of the total 8 trains 4 are express trains running between Peshawar, Rawalpindi and Multan. Two good’s trains also run through the district. Layyah is not directly connected with other parts of the country by air however, daily flights goes up to Multan. 17.4.2 Energy Sources 79. More than 97 percent housing units are using wood as cooking fuel in their houses while 1.5 percent are using kerosene oil. Hardly 2 percent are using gas and other sources of cooking fuel in their houses. 17.5 Social and Cultural Resources 17.5.1 Population Communities and Employment 80. The total population of district Layyah,,tehsil Karor Lalesan and Fatehpur QH was t 1,121,951 , 591,042 40,739 respectively, as enumerated in March, 1998. The 1998 Census the population showed the district is predominantly Muslims i.e. 99 percent. the next higher percentage is of Christians with 0.9 points, followed by others 0.2 percent. while other minorities like Ahmadi, Hindu (Jati), Scheduled Castes etc. are very small in number. There is small difference in proportion of population of Muslims between rural and urban areas. Siraiki is the predominant language being spoken in the district, representing 62 percent of the population, followed by Punjabi, Urdu and Pushto spoken by 33, 3 and 1.5 percent respectively. Leaving aside the rural area which is influenced by the local people, the proportion of Siraiki speaking represents 65 percent, Punjabi 31.9 percent, Urdu 1.5 percent and Pushto 1.4 percent. While remaining people speak Sindhi, Balochi, Bravi, Dari etc. The proportions of people speaking Urdu, Punjabi and Pushto are more in urban than in rural areas of the total economically active population 93.4percent were registered as employed in 1998. Nearly three fifths i.e. 64.5percent were self employed, 17.2percent private employees and 8.3percent government Page 14 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment employees. Un paid family helpers were recorded as 6.6percent. The difference in proportions of employed population was significant between the genders and urban and rural residences. 17.5.2 Education and Literacy 498. Literacy 81. The literacy ratio in Layyah district has increased from 19 percent in 1991 to 37 percent in 1998. The literacy ratio for males is 53 percent and 23.4 percent for females . 82. There are Govt. primary schools for girls and boys at 700m and high school for boys and girls at 1500m from DGS in city Karor Lalison there is also City Private high school separate for girls and boys on the eastern side of the DGS across the road. There are separate girls and boys Degree College on Karor road at 400m and MM road at 600m. 17.5.3 Health Facilities 83. There is one district headquarters hospital, 2 tehsil headquarter hospitals at Karor and Choubara, 2 Maternity and Child Health (M.C.H). centers, 10 health dispensaries, 3 rural health centers and 43 basic health units (B.H.U) extending curative health services throughout the district. There is a civil hospital and Dr. Sattar Hospital in Karor Lalison at 800m. 17.5.4 Cultural Heritage and Community Structure 84. There are no officially protected heritage sites or historic, religious or archaeologically important sites located in the subproject works areas. There are no major historic or archaeological feature of note but there are places of worship within about 500m of the works and a graveyard at 700m from DGS. 85. The main tribes inhabited in the Fatehpur/Layyah are Jat, Rajput, Baloch, Pathan, Syed, Qureshi, Sheikh, Awan and Arain. Page 15 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS 18. 18.1 Environmental Impact Assessment SCREENING POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES Subproject Location 18.1.1 Impact Assessment and Mitigation 86. This Tranche 2 subproject will involve the conversion of 66kV Fatehpur DGS into 132kV DGS, and 2.61 km TXL , implying an expansion of facilities, both outside and within the existing boundaries of Fatehpur DGS on land presently occupied by MEPCO. There are a few sensitive receivers (SR), including some houses, schools, colleges, factories, which are more than 500 m away from the DGS boundary, and there are no sensitive receivers close to the DGS which could be possibly affected by certain activities of the SP works. There are some other sensitive receivers (SR). The TXL will also cross some roads and a highway, canal, and could require the removal of some trees, but there are no other sensitive receivers on its route, which could be affected by the works. 87. The location and scale of the works are very important in predicting the environmental impacts. Therefore, it is essential that a proper analysis is carried out during the subproject planning period. This process of impact prediction is the core of the EIA process and it is critical that the recommendations and mitigation measures are carried out according to, and with reference to the conditions on the ground in the affected areas in the spirit of the environmental assessments process (Figures 2.1 and 2.2 show the location of the DGS). In this section the potential environmental impacts are reviewed. Where impacts are significant enough to exceed accepted environmental standards, mitigation is proposed in order to reduce residual impact to acceptable levels. In this regard, the impact prediction plays a vital role as these predictions are used for developing mitigation measures and any alternative options, if appropriate. When the detailed designs are completed the impacts and mitigation measures will need to be further reviewed to take account of how the contracts are set up and in the light of any fine tuning of the subproject proposals. 88. The environmental management plan (Section 5, and EMP matrix Appendix - 4) shall be reviewed in due course at subproject inception and through construction in order to provide a feed back on any significant unpredicted impacts. It is based on the analysis of impacts, primarily to document key environmental issues likely to arise from subproject implementation, to prescribe mitigation measures to be integrated in the subproject design, to design monitoring and evaluation schedules to be implemented during subproject construction and operation, and to estimate costs required for implementing subproject mitigation measures. The EMP must be reviewed in the subproject inception by the subproject management and approved before any construction activity is initiated, to take account of any subsequent changes and fine tuning of the proposals. 18.2 General Approach to Mitigation 89. Based on professional experience on some projects, contractors have put emphasis on the financial compensation for nuisances. This may be acceptable for some social impacts where evacuation is necessary or where houses have been accidentally damaged, however it is not best international practice to accept payment for environmental impacts. An approach whereby the subproject contractor pays money for nuisances rather than control impacts at source will not be acceptable. This practice should not be allowed and financial compensation shall not be allowed as mitigation for environmental impacts or environmental nuisance. 90. During the preparation for the subproject construction phase the future contractors must be notified and prepared to co-operate with the executing and implementing agencies, subproject management, construction supervising consultants and local population in the mitigation of impacts. Furthermore the contractor must be primed through bidding stages and the contract documentation to implement the EMP in full and be ready to engage or train staff in the management of environmental issues and to audit the effectiveness and review mitigation measures as the subproject proceeds. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the loan conditions and the executing agency (MEPCO) must be prepared for this. In this regard the MEPCO must fulfill the requirements of the law and guidance prepared by Pak EPA on the environmental aspects of power subprojects and the recommendations already made for subproject in this EIA and under Pakistan’s PEP Act. Page 16 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 91. The location of the residences, mosques, schools, hospitals and civic, cultural and other heritage sites has been reviewed in Section 3. Residences or schools are not close enough to the subproject on which there could be some potential impacts in the construction stage from disturbance and significant noise and dust. This is because the TXL is very short (only 2.61km), and the alignment is along cultivated land and has no human settlements and structures. 92. Work on the tower sites could cause some generation of air borne dust, but any nuisance from this is likely to be very localized and temporary. Other project activities, e.g. movement of heavy vehicles on unpaved tracks during the works, could generate considerable dust. Water is available in the study area, although surplus water may not always be available to suppress dust at vulnerable locations in the dry season. Therefore as a general approach it is recommended that where works are within 15m of any residential sensitive receivers, the contractor should install segregation between the works and the edge of the sensitive receivers. The segregation should be easily erectable 2.5m high tarpaulin sheet and designed to retain dust and provide a temporary visual barrier to the works. Where dust is the major consideration the barrier can take the form of tarpaulins strung between two poles mounted on a concrete base. These can be moved along from tower base to tower base as the work proceeds. 93. Noise from the construction of the towers should not be a major consideration unless very close to schools or hospitals where construction should be avoided at sensitive times. In addition to the physical effect of mitigating dust and noise with barriers installation of such measures should be discussed with the local population and serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage to assist in public relations. 18.2.1 Cultural Heritage, Mosques, Religious Sites, and Social Infrastructure 94. The location of mosques and other cultural and other heritage SR sites has been reviewed in Section 3. There is a mosque within the DGS and a mosque at 50m, a Jamia mosque at 200m across the road and a graveyard at 700m..There are no other mosque or other religious sites close to the DGS site. The new line will also not affect or disturb any such site. (Appendix 8). 95. The nearest clinic / hospital is more than 50m from the edge of the Subproject or TXL route, but the nearest schools are located at 7m from the DGS adjacent to the Subproject, and the nearest houses at about 60m from the DGS. The TXL will also cross some roads,water courses and a canal. Apart from these features, there will be sufficient buffer distance between the works and any other SRs, so that no significant impacts should be expected. Public consultation should be undertaken at the implementation stage to ensure nuisances are not allowed to escalate for the SRs close to the DGS sites. 18.3 Potential Environmental Impacts in construction 18.3.1 Encroachment, Landscape and Physical Disfiguration 96. The extent of the proposed power expansion is moderate and should not extend beyond the power corridor (RoW) created by the subproject. No significant landscape impacts are expected from conversion of Fatehpur SP. 18.3.2 Cut and fill and waste disposal 97. Disposal of surplus materials must also be negotiated through local authority approvals prior to the commencement of construction. The Subproject work should not involve any significant cutting and filling but minor excavations (down to 4m) and piling may be required to create the foundations for the new transformers and for some towers (if required). It is envisaged (depending on the mode of contract) that the surface under the towers will need to be scrabbled to remove unstable materials, or to stockpile topsoil. 98. Mitigation measures must focus on the minimization of impacts. In order to allow the proper functioning of the settlement sites (access to villages) during construction it is recommended that consideration be given to erect temporary hoardings immediately adjacent to the nearest houses and shops if they are within 15m of the power distribution line tower construction. Page 17 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 99. If surplus materials arise from the removal of the existing surfaces from specific areas, these should be used elsewhere on the subproject before additional soil, rock, gravel or sand is brought in. The use of immediately available material will generally minimize the need for additional rock based materials extraction from outside. 100. The subproject detailed designers have so far estimated that no substantial additional materials will be required subject to confirmation at the detailed design stage. 101. At this stage no areas require removal of woodland. However if specimen trees of religious plantations are affected the owners should be given the resources and opportunity to reinstate the woodland long term and a plantation compensation plan should be drawn up to replant the woodland/trees. In the event that the land is not suitable for plantation then other areas should be identified to replace the cut trees and sufficient areas should be identified to allow plantation of trees at a rate of say 3:1. The replacement ratio should allow for a high mortality rate among the newly planted trees in the dry environment or otherwise as based on advice from the forest authority. 102. Contractual clauses should be included to require each contractor to produce a materials management plan (one month before construction commences) to identify all sources of cement and aggregates and to balance cut and fill. The plan should clearly state the methods to be employed prior to and during the extraction of materials and all the mitigation measures to be employed to mitigate nuisances to local residents. Financial compensation shall not be allowed as mitigation for environmental impacts or environmental nuisance. Mitigation measures shall seek to control the impacts at source in the first place. The engineer shall be responsible to update the subproject cut and fill estimates and create Materials Master Plan to facilitate materials exchange between the different contract areas along the power line and sub-contractors on the power line and to provide an overall balance for materials and minimize impacts on local resources. 18.3.3 Trees, Ecology and Protected Areas 103. In addition, there are scattered wood and fruit trees, found mostly on farmland boundaries. The trees include eucalyptus, Shareen, Shisham (sisso) Kikar and Mango. MEPCO’s technical survey and design team made utmost efforts to avoid affecting trees, and as a result, only 178 trees will need to be removed from the 30m wide safety corridor. 104. There are no Reserved or Protected Forests or trees near the DGS site or TXL alignment. But about fruit and wood trees shown in (Appendix-9) that need to be removed for clearance on 30m RoW of TXL . The proposed line will require the installation of 45 towers which will be installed on private cultivated land. The TXL route disclosed by MEPCO (August 2008) will affect 178-mango, 36dates, 158-pomegranate, 40-Shisham and 9 trees of Kikar). In case of removal of all the trees on private or forest land during the works, written permission should be sought. 105. If for some unforeseen reason or change of alignment, any trees with religious significance or other trees need to be removed, written permission should be obtained from the forest authority and the owner after written justification by MEPCO. Trees shall be planted to replace the lost trees with three trees planted to replace every cut tree (3:1) or more as agreed with the authority. 106. A requirement shall be inserted in the contracts that no trees are to be cut on the Fatehpur DGS and TXL site or outside, without the written permission from the supervising consultant who may permit the removal of trees if unavoidable on safety / technical / engineering grounds after written justification by MEPCO and to the satisfaction of the forest authority and the owner. 18.3.4 Hydrology, Sedimentation, Soil Erosion 107. The drainage streams en-route of the subproject should not be impeded by the works. The scale of the works does not warrant hydrological monitoring. 18.3.5 Air Pollution from earthworks and transport 108. The material (cement, sand and aggregate) requirement of a typical 132 kV substation (about 150 cu m) and a 132 kV transmission tower (4.8 cu m, or 40 bags of cement per tower) are not large. In transmission line construction sand and aggregate are delivered directly to the tower location Page 18 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment from the quarry / source, there is no intermediate or bulk storage of these materials .Similarly construction materials for the substation are stored within the substation site are scheduled as per the work progress (which is staggered as the buildings which require bulk of the construction materials are built in phases over 6 to 12 months period ) , which means that at any given point in time the amount of construction material stored is not significant .The quantities of construction material required for a typical substation or transmission tower are not so larger that they potentially represent a traffic hazard , these requirements are time dispersed in case of substations and time and space dispersed in case of transmission lines . The contractor will be , however, required to provide a traffic management plan before commencement of work at site .Field observations indicate that ambient air quality is generally acceptable and that emissions from traffic and other powered mechanical equipment in the area are rapidly dispersed. There will be a few items of powered mechanical equipment to be used in the construction of the distribution line works that may give rise gaseous emissions. However these should be well dissipated. The major sources of complaint will likely be any necessary earthworks and local soil compaction. 109. Earthworks will contribute to increasing dust, and the foundation earthworks for the transformers and the line poles will generate dust and the following mitigation measures are needed: 110. Dust suppression facilities (water sprayers / hosepipe) shall be available where earth and cement works are required. 111. Areas of construction (especially where the works are within 50m of the SRs) shall be maintained damp by watering the construction area. 112. Construction materials (sand, gravel, and rocks) and spoil materials will be transported trucks covered with tarpaulins. 113. Storage piles will be at least 30m downwind of the nearest human settlements. 114. All vehicles (e.g., trucks, equipment, and other vehicles that support construction works) shall be well maintained and not emit dark, smoky or other emissions in excess of the limits described in the NEQS. 115. The need for large stockpiles should be minimized by careful planning of the supply of materials from controlled sources. Stockpiles should not be located within 50m of schools, hospitals or other public amenities such as wells and pumps and should be covered with tarpaulins when not in use and at the end of the working day to enclose dust. 18.3.6 Noise, Vibration and Blasting 116. It is anticipated that powered mechanical equipment and some local labor with hand tool methods will be used to construct the subproject works. No blasting is anticipated. Powered mechanical equipment can generate significant noise and vibration. The cumulative effects from several machines can be significant. To minimize such impacts, the contractor for subproject should be requested by the construction supervision consultants (engineer) to provide evidence and certification that all equipment to be used for construction is fitted with the necessary air pollution and noise dampening devices to meet EPA requirements. 117. A criterion of 70dB(A)Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. Any noisy equipment should be located within DGS as far from SRs as possible to prevent nuisances to dwellings and other structures from operation. 118. Noise from construction of the power distribution lines and improvements to substations is not covered under any regulations however in order to keep in line with best international practice it is recommended that no construction should be allowed during nighttime (9 PM to 6 AM) and 70dB(A)Leq should be the criterion at other times during the day measured at the boundaries of land from which construction noise is emitted. A criterion of 70dB(A)Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. Any noisy equipment should be located within DGS or as far from SRs as possible to prevent nuisances to dwellings and other structures from operation. Page 19 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 119. Vibration from construction of piles to support pads may be required for some tower construction and may be a significant impact but this should be short duration. Where vibration could be come a major consideration (within say 100m of schools, religious premises, hospitals or residences) a building condition survey should take place prior to construction. The physical effect of piling should be assessed prior to construction and measures should be discussed with the local population as well as timing of the works to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and to assist in public relations. At nearby schools, the contractor shall discuss with the school principals the agreed time for operating these machines and completely avoid machine use near schools during examination times, if such a need arises. 18.3.7 Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal, Communicable Diseases 120. The main issues of concern are uncontrolled or unmanaged disposal of solid and liquid wastes into watercourses and natural drains, improper disposal of storm water and black water and open defecation by construction workers. 121. In order to maintain proper sanitation around construction sites, access to the nearby DGS lavatories should be allowed or provision of temporary toilets should be made. Construction worker camps will not be necessary, based on the scale of the works needed. If for some unforeseen reason a larger workforce is needed any construction camp should not be located in settlement areas or near sensitive water resources and portable lavatories or at least pit latrines should be provided. 122. Wherever water is allowed to accumulate, in temporary drainage facilities, due to improper storm water management, or improper disposal of wastewater generated from the site, it can offer a breeding site for mosquitoes and other insects. Vectors such as mosquitoes may be encountered if open water is allowed to accumulate at the Fatehpur SP site. Temporary and permanent drainage facilities should therefore be designed to facilitate the rapid removal of surface water from all areas and prevent the accumulation of surface water ponds. 18.4 Potential Environmental Impacts in operation 18.4.1 Air pollution and noise from the enhanced operations 123. The subproject works will extend the power distribution lines but no houses, mosques or schools will be close to the new TXL in the operational phase. Nevertheless some houses, a school, a hospital and a hostel are close to the DGS. The DGS will be converted at existing 66kV DGS and the extended level of operation of the facility is not likely to cause any appreciable increase in the noise level already generated by the existing equipment. However, it is recommended that an acoustical check be made on the detailed design to determine of any noise barriers are required. There should be no source of atmospheric pollution from the subproject. In the operational phase any nearby industrial facilities with fuel powered mechanical equipment will be the main polluters. All such emissions will be very well dissipated in the open terrain and there will be no cumulative effect from the subproject. 124. Noise impacts from the operation of the DGS equipment should be reviewed at the detailed design stage. There are/not national noise standards in Pakistan for power distribution noise emissions that would apply in the operational stages. A criterion of 70Db (A) Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. It is recommended that a check be made on the likely acoustical performance based on makers specifications of the installed equipment at the detained design stage 18.4.2 Pollution from oily run-off, fuel spills and dangerous goods 125. No significant impacts from oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants are expected to arise in this subproject. However control measures will be needed for oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants in the case of accidental or unexpected release. Transformer oil is supplied in drums from an imported source and tap tanks are topped up as necessary on site. There are facilities in some subproject DGS maintenance yards for recycling (dehydrating) oil from breakers. However the areas upon which these recycling facilities are located have no dedicated drainage which can capture run-off. Oily residues and fuel and any contaminated soil residues should be captured at source and refueling and maintenance should take place in dedicated areas away from surface water resources. Contaminated residues and waste oily residues should be disposed at a site agreed with Page 20 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment the local authority. No significant impacts from oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants are expected to arise in this subproject. However control measures will be needed for oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants in the case of accidental or unexpected release. Transformer oil is supplied in drums from an imported source and tap tanks are topped up as necessary on site. There are facilities in some subproject DGS maintenance yards for recycling (dehydrating) oil from breakers. However the areas upon which these recycling facilities are located have no dedicated drainage which can capture run-off. Oily residues and fuel and any contaminated soil residues should be captured at source by installing bunds (Appendix 6) and refueling and maintenance should take place in dedicated areas away from surface water resources. Contaminated residues and waste oily residues should be disposed at a site agreed with the local authority . DISCOs are served by the Technical Services Group (TSG) , TSG prepare a detailed routine maintenance schedule for each piece of hardware .TSG also supervise and monitors the implementation of this schedule by Grid System Operation (GSO) .Transformer oil has a long life (typically over 15 years, which depends upon the level of load the transformer serves ) .Oil spills are very rare and are preempted by routine maintenance .TSG and GSO have a written down procedure to deal with oil spills . TSG ensure that the maintenance schedule of each piece of hardware is adhered to . DISCOs have also established a safety unit, which among other tasks , investigates all accidents .Frequency of accidents, on average is about 1 per DISCO per year (based on last 4 years record), about 60 % of these are non-fatal .Most accidents occur due to staff and supervision negligence .Detailed report of each accident is prepared . 18.5 Enhancement 126. Environmental enhancements are not a major consideration within the Fatehpur subproject site. However it is noted that it is common practice at many such sites to create some local hard and soft landscaping and successful planting of fruit trees and shrubs has been accomplished in many sites. This practice should be encouraged as far as practicable. Other opportunities for enhancements can be assessed prior to construction and proposed enhancements should be discussed with the local population to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and to assist in public relations. Trees removed for construction purposes should be replaced as compensation in line with best practice at ratio of three replaced for one removed however additional trees should be planted as enhancements where there is space in the DGS and along the TXL . Page 21 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS 19. Environmental Impact Assessment INSTITUTIONNEL REQUIREMENTS & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 127. In this section, the mitigation measures that are required for the Fatehpur SP Tranche 2 subproject, to reduce residual impact to acceptable levels and achieve the expected outcomes of the project, are discussed. The Environmental Management Plan is based on the type, extent and duration of the identified environmental impacts for the Fatehpur SP Trench 2 subproject. The EMP has been prepared following best practice and by reference to the ADB Environmental Assessment Guidelines 2003. 128. It is important that the recommendations and mitigation measures are carried out according to the spirit of the environmental assessment process and in line with the guidelines. The EMP matrix is presented as Appendix 4. The impact prediction (Section 4) has played a vital role in reconfirming typical mitigation measures and in identifying any different approaches based on the feasibility and detailed design assumptions and any alternatives available at this stage. 129. Prior to implementation and construction of the subprojects the EMP shall be amended and reviewed by the MEPCO in due course after detailed designs are complete. Such a review shall be based on reconfirmation and additional information on the assumptions made at this feasibility stage on positioning, alignment, location scale and expected operating conditions of the subprojects. For example, in this case if there are any additional transmission lines or extension of the substation boundaries to be included, the designs may be amended and then the performance and evaluation schedules to be implemented during project construction and operation can be updated and costs estimates can be revised. The EIA and EMP should than be revised on a subproject by subproject basis. 130. The EIA and EMP plan must be reviewed by the project management and approved by the PEPA before any construction activity is initiated. This is also an ADB requirement in order to take account of any sub-sequent changes and fine tuning of the proposals. It is recommended that, before the works contract is worked out in detail and before pre-qualification of contractors, a full extent of the environmental requirements of the project (EIA/EIA and EMP) are included in the bidding documents. Professional experience indicates that past environmental performance of contractors and their awareness of environmentally responsible procurement should also be used as indicator criteria for the prequalification of contractors. 131. In order to facilitate the implementation of the EMP, during the preparation for the construction phase the MEPCO must prepare the future contractors to co-operate with all stakeholders in the mitigation of impacts. Furthermore the contractor must be primed through the contract documentation and ready to implement all the mitigation measures. MEPCO has engaged one environmental management staff and the staff should audit the effectiveness and review mitigation measures as the subprojects are rolled out. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the mid term review of loan conditions and the executing agency must prepare for this at the inception stage. 132. The details of EMP given in the Appendix 4 are for the Fatehpur subproject. The EMP matrix will have much in common for many other future (Tranche 2) substation and line projects that have a similar scale of works and types of location but will be different for more complicated substation and line projects that involve impacts to land outside the existing substations and for lines traversing more sensitive land. In all cases separate dedicated EIAs must be prepared. 133. The impacts have been classified into those relevant to the design/preparation stage, construction stage and operation and maintenance stage. The matrix provides details of the mitigation measures recommended for each of the identified impacts, time span of the implementation of mitigation measures, an analysis of the associated costs and the responsibility of the institution. The institutional responsibility has been specified for the purpose of the implementation and the supervision. The matrix is supplemented with a monitoring plan (Appendix 5) for the performance Page 22 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment indicators. An estimation of the associated costs for the monitoring is given with the plan. The EMP has been prepared following best practice and the ADB environmental assessment guidelines 2003. 134. Prior to implementation of the subproject the MEPCO needs to comply with several environmental requirements, such as submitting and EIA/EIA to PEPA and obtaining PEPA clearance (“No Objection Certificate” compiling acceptable EMP and Clearance Certificate) under PEPAct (guidelines and regulations 2000) and any other permissions required from other authorities. MEPCO will also need to confirm that contractors and their suppliers have complied with all statutory requirements and have appropriate and valid licenses and permits for all powered mechanical equipment and to operate in line with local authority conditions. 135. The EMP (Appendix 4) was prepared taking into account the limited capacity of MEPCO to conduct environmental assessments of the subprojects. MEPCO has engaged graduate staff with field experience. However an environmental manager will be required. It is envisaged that experience in this field should therefore develop in the near future. However it is also strongly recommended that for subprojects in future Tranches that the MEPCO be prepared to engage more support where necessary (e.g. senior environmental specialist with at least 3 years experience in environmental management one years site experience in environmental monitoring and auditing) to guide the subsequent formal assessment and submission process under the PEPAct and monitor compliance with the EMP. As of August 2007, the MEPCO has demonstrated only limited commitment to developing in-house environmental and social capability. 136. The appointed environmental manager has to have a good level of awareness and will be responsible for addressing environmental concerns for subprojects potentially involving hundreds kilometers of distribution lines and DGS. Whereas some of their work may in future be delegated to consultants they will need more training and resources if they are effectively provide quality control and oversight for the EMP implementation. They will require robust support from senior management staff members and the management consultant if they are to address all environmental concerns for the subprojects effectively. Specific areas for immediate attention are in EMP auditing, environmentally responsible procurement, air, water and noise pollution management and ecological impact mitigation. It is recommended that an environmental specialist consultant with 10 years experience be made available to all the DISCOS to cover these aspects full time for at least the first six months of the PDEMFF project and that on a call off basis with local support those services are retained for the life of the PDEMFF loan. The newly appointed graduate environmental manager can then shadow the environmental specialist to improve awareness and hopefully provide independent quality control and oversight for the EMP implementation for the first 12 months. 137. In order to achieve good compliance with environmental assessment principles the graduate environmental manager for the project implementation team must be actively involved prior to the outset of the implementation design stage to ensure compliance with the statutory obligations under the PEPAct. It is also recommended that MEPCO Board allow direct reporting to Board level from the in-house Environmental and Social Unit (ESU). If the ESU requires resources for larger subprojects then environmental specialist consultants could be appointed through the project implementation unit to address all environmental aspects in the detailed design. It is recommended that the project management unit (PMU) should liaise directly with the ESU to address all environmental aspects in the detailed design and contracting stages. The graduate environmental manager will cover the implementation of environmental mitigation measures in the project packages. 138. Overall implementation of the EMP will become MEPCO’s responsibility. MEPCO and other parties to be involved in implementing the EMP are as follows: 139. Contractors: responsible for carrying out the contractual obligations, implementing all EMP measures required to mitigate environmental impacts during construction; 140. The MEPCO Board of Directors will be responsible to ensure that sufficient timely resources are allocated to process the environmental assessments and to monitor implementation of all construction and operational mitigation measures required to mitigate environmental impacts, and 141. Other government agencies such as the regional PEPA and state pollution authorities, Department of Forests, Department of Wildlife Services, who will be responsible for monitoring the Page 23 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment implementation of environmental conditions and compliance with statutory requirements in their respective areas and local land use groups at the local levels. 142. Considering that other government agencies that need to be involved in implementing the EMP, training or harmonization workshops should be conducted for all ESUs in all DISCOS every six months or twice each year, for the first 2 years (and annually thereafter) to share the monitoring report on the implementation of the EMP in each DISCO and to share lessons learned in the implementation and to achieve a consistent approach decide on remedial actions, if unexpected environmental impacts occur. 143. The monitoring plan (Appendix 5) was designed based on the project cycle. During the preconstruction period, the monitoring activities will focus on (i) checking the contractor’s bidding documents, particularly to ensure that all necessary environmental requirements have been included; and (ii) checking that the contract documents’ references to environmental mitigation measures requirements have been incorporated as part of contractor’s assignment and making sure that any advance works are carried out in good time. Where detailed design is required (e.g. for power distribution lines and avoidance of other resources) the inclusion and checking of designs must be carried out. During the construction period, the monitoring activities will focus on ensuring that environmental mitigation measures are implemented, and some performance indicators will be monitored to record the Subprojects environmental performance and to guide any remedial action to address unexpected impacts. 144. Monitoring activities during project operation will focus on recording environmental performance and proposing remedial actions to address unexpected impacts. The potential to use local community groups contacts for monitoring should be explored as part of the activities in setting up the Environmental and Social Unit which should have regular meetings with the NGOs as a matter of good practice and to discuss matters of mutual concern. 145. At this stage, due to the modest scale of the new power distribution projects and by generally keeping to non-sensitive and non-critical areas the construction and operational impacts will be manageable. No insurmountable impacts are predicted providing that the EMP is implemented to its full extent and required in the contract documents. However experience suggests that some contractors may not be familiar with this approach or may be reluctant to carry out some measures. In order that the contractors are fully aware of the implications of the EMP and to ensure compliance, it is recommended that environmental measures be costed separately in the tender documentation and that payment milestones are linked to environmental performance, vis a vis the carrying out of the EMP. 146. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the loan conditions and the executing agency must be prepared for this. In this regard the MEPCO (the IA) must be prepared to guide the design engineers and contractors on the environmental aspects. 499. Page 24 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS 20. PUBLIC CONSULTATION DISCLOSURE 20.1 Approach to Public Consultation Environmental Impact Assessment AND INFORMATION 147. The public consultation (PC) process with various stakeholders has been approached so as to involve public and other stakeholders from the earliest stages. Public consultation has taken place during the planning and design and viewpoints of the stakeholders have been taken into account and their concerns and suggestions for possible improvements have been included where appropriate. Much of the PC process to date has revolved around concerns for the mitigation of construction impacts and the possible side effects from the proximity of high voltage power lines and the DGS and its equipment. 148. There is also a requirement for ongoing consultation for land acquisition and resettlement (LARP) and the completion of the Resettlement Plan (RP) is documented separately. It is expected that this process will continue through all stages of the subproject in order to accommodate stakeholders' aspirations and to orient the stakeholders positively towards the project implementation and where possible to harness cooperation over access issues in order to facilitate timely completion. 20.2 Public Consultation Process 500. 149. The public consultation process has commenced in the initial feasibility stages (prior to construction) in order to disclose the project information to the stakeholders and record feedback regarding the proposed project and preferences. The stakeholders involved in the process were the population likely to be impacted along the route of the proposed power lines; the village leaders and school teachers. 150. Prior to the implementation of the consultation, feedback, etc. has been carried out to support this EIA and recorded. The focus of attention has been the population near the proposed TXL that may be affected by the Subproject conversion. The level of engagement varied from the stakeholder to stakeholder with some registering no major comment but it is noted that none registered any outright opposition to subproject. 151. The disclosure of the enhancement project in advance and subsequent consultation with stake holders has advantages in the environmental assessment and mitigation of impacts. Public consultation can also provide a conduit for the improvement of the project implementation to better serve the stakeholders. 152. The environmental assessment process under the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act only requires the disclosure to the public after the statutory EIA / EIA has been accepted by the relevant EPA to be in strict adherence to the rules. In this EIA the consultation process was performed to satisfy the ADB requirements. The locations of consultation and people consulted are listed in the full table of public consultation presented in Appendix 7. 501. 20.3 Results of Public Consultation 153. The consultations identified some potential environmental and social impacts and perceptions of the affected communities. The public consultation resulted in 34 responses in August 2008 (Appendix-7). The major concerns raised during the consultation included the adequacy and timeliness of compensation payments, as well as safety measures to be taken during the construction of the towers and stringing of the transmission lines. In response, MEPCO will make sure that the crop compensation amounts are assessed justly and paid to the households, at least fifteen days prior to temporary use of land before starting the civil works. The community generally supports the conversion of the DGS and construction of 2.61 km 132kV line TXL. The local poor people predominantly requested for unskilled and semi skilled jobs on priority basis with the contractors during implementation of the project they community also expect that design of the line should not be Page 25 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment changed, but if necessary at any stage houses and structures should be avoided, local norms should be honored and construction work should be completed in time. No land acquisition and resettlement is involved in this subproject. However, compensation will be paid to the concerned parties / owners of land under the towers and where the loss of some trees and for damage to crops is expected. 154. On the basis of the consultations so far, it appears that the project will have no insurmountable environmental and social impacts but MEPCO will have to make sure that compensation and assistance amounts are assessed justly and that skilled and unskilled employment should be preferentially given to the affected as far as is reasonably practicable. Page 26 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS 21. CONCLUSIONS 21.1 Findings and Recommendations Environmental Impact Assessment 155. This study was carried out at the planning stage of the project. Primary and secondary data were used to assess the environmental impacts. The potential environmental impacts were assessed in a comprehensive manner. The report has provided a picture of all potential environmental impacts associated with the Project, and recommended suitable mitigation measures. This study recommends that some further follow up studies are undertaken during project processing in order to meet the ADB requirements. 156. There are some further considerations for the planning stages such as obtaining clearance for the project under the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997) but environmental impacts from the power enhancements will mostly take place during the construction stage. There are also some noise impacts and waste management issues for the operational stage that must be addressed in the detailed design and through environmentally responsible procurement. At the detailed design stage the number of and exact locations for transmission tower enhancements may change subject to detailed surveys but the impacts are likely to be broadly similar at most locations and impacts have been reviewed in the environmental impact section of this EIA report. 157. There are a number of key actions required in the detailed design phase. Prior to construction the MEPCO must receive clearance certification from the PEPA and MEPCO must complete an EMP that will be accepted by the PEPA and agreed by the contractor prior to signing the contract. The information provided in this report can form the basis of any further submission to PEPA as required in future. 158. No land acquisition and resettlement is involved. However, damages to crops and trees will be compensated to the AP’s and concerned parties, if needed. However, provisions may be made in LARP, based on the proposed alignments these should not be difficult tasks and can be conducted as the detailed designs are worked out and to dovetail with the existing system and minimize adverse impacts and maximize benefits. A social impact assessment and resettlement action plan (LARP) has been completed in tandem with this EIA for the whole subproject. The study has: (xiii) Examined and assess the overall social and poverty profile of the project area on the basis of the primary and secondary data sources and preparation of a socio-economic profile of the project districts. (xiv) Prepared a social and poverty analysis, taking into account socio-economic and poverty status of the project area of influence, including the nature, extent and determinants of poverty in the project area including assessment. In addition, estimation of the likely socioeconomic and poverty reduction impacts of the project should be included. (xv) Held consultations with relevant officials from the government and other relevant officials, including consultation with affected communities to assess responses to the project and ascertain the nature and scope of local participation in project planning and implementation. (xvi) Identified, analyzed and, where appropriate, quantified the potential resettlement impacts (minimal) of the proposed Project on the area and the population. 159. Baseline monitoring activities should be carried out during project detailed design stage to establish the baseline of parameters for checking during the construction stage. The monitoring schedule (Attachment 3) recommends monitoring on two occasions at the site location. The results should be integrated with the contract documentation to establish performance action thresholds, pollution limits and contingency plans for the contractor’s performance. 160. During the commissioning phase noise monitoring should ensure that statutory requirements have been achieved. Monitoring activities during project operation will focus on periodic recording environmental performance and proposing remedial actions to address any unexpected impacts. 21.2 Summary and Conclusions 161. The conversion of 66kV Fatehpur DGS into 132kV DGS with associated 2.61 km 132kV line TXL is a feasible and sustainable option from the power transmission, engineering, environmental, and socioeconomic points of view. Implementation of the EMP is required and the environmental Page 27 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment impacts associated with the subproject need to be properly mitigated, and the existing institutional arrangements are available. Additional human and financial resources will be required by MEPCO to complete the designs and incorporate the recommendations effectively and efficiently in the contract documents, linked to payment milestones. The proposed mitigation and management plans are practicable but require additional resources. 162. This EIA, including the EMP, should be used as a basis for an environmental compliance program and be included as an Appendix to the contract. The EMP shall be reviewed at the detailed design stage. In addition, any subsequent conditions issued by PEPA as part of the environmental clearance should also be included in the environmental compliance program. Therefore, continued monitoring of the implementation of mitigation measures, the implementation of the environmental conditions for work and environmental clearance, and monitoring of the environmental impact related to the operation of the subproject should be properly carried out and reported at least twice per year as part of the project performance report. Page 28 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 502. Page 29 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental Impact Assessment APPENDIX-2 22. DISCO - MEPCO 23. Sub-project Name Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132 kv DGS with associated line DGSDate: 26 / 08 / 082008 Sub-station. Project Details Grid Reference(s) G/T survey sheet Scan of GT sheet Project description Sub-project Number / ref. XX (nearest if not an s/s subproject Located at Mouza Fatehpur tehsil Koror Lalisan district Layya Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132 kv DGS with associated line Components Replacement of a 10/13 66/11KV transformer by a 20/26MVA 132/11kV transformer, with allied equipment. All requisite equipments breakers etc. will be used Construction methods No appreciable civil works are involved, since the new transformer will use the existing foundation, cable trays etc. Work only requires removal of an existing transformer, and replacing it by a new transformer, along with the necessary cabling, and installation of equipment, etc. Access Karor Lalison road. Environmental Risk Consider IF catastrophic failure WHAT - Describe immediate surroundings of the transformer work site The SP should design and add a complete concrete slab in the existing foundation under the new transformer, to provide containment, and ensure prevent seepage of any accidental spills or leaks of oil from the transformer during installation, maintenance, repairs, or priming, if agreed, and if feasible. Complete concrete slab under DX / slab 24. 26. Foundation 25. 27. (made or not- saved where) The SP proposes conversion of 66kv Fatehpur DGS into 132kv DGS by an Increase in Transformer Capacity of the Fatehpur DGS, by replacing an existing 10/13 66/11KV transformer by a 20/26MVA 132/11kV power transformer, the existing 66KV line will be dismantled. Bunding / containment No containment or bunding at present under existing transformers. Describe capacity Drainage No formal storm water drainage from grid compound. Rain water on unpaved cobbled surfaces in grid compound seeps into ground, runs off to adjoining areas, or evaporates. How / where does rainwater go Risk to groundwater No groundwater contamination risk expected as water table is at 26 meters Waste disposal practices Presently there are no formal waste management procedures on site. A waste management and oil handling and containment plan should be developed in the design phase of the MFF Tranche 2 Appendix 3 - Page 1 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility 22. DISCO - MEPCO 24. 26. DGSDate: 26 / 08 / 082008 Sub-station. 23. Environmental Impact Assessment Sub-project Name Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132 kv DGS with associated line Sub-project Number / ref. XX (nearest if not an s/s subproject to assure environmentally acceptable disposal of any additional waste from new transformer installation and operation or disposal of redundant transformers and insulating oils. 25. 27. Sensitive Receivers Nearest village / habitation New habitation 49 Chak where DGS in local School : govt. primary school at 700m, govt. high school for boys at 1.5km, govt. high school for girls at 1.5km, middle school M.M road at 1.5km Religious site: Mosque in DGS, Jamia Mosque at 200m from Mosque in petrol pump land. Hospital : Civil Hospital at 800m private hospital (Dr. Salhe Hospital) 15-20 clinic/private hospital. Nearest river / irrigation channel : Indus river at 8 miles Others : water table at 5-7m but drinkable at 17m to 20m drikable. Scarp tubewell and motor+tanki bore of tubewell at 27m, motor at 27m to 33m Terrain / features North Vacant open space adjacent to DGS then sold plots East 7m wide road adjacent to east wall of DGS, then private high school for boys and private high school for girls across this road and some open land South Access to DGS on Karor Lalisan road, across this road is Razzaq colony, shops and petrol pump across the gate. West Cultivated land Locality Plan (sketch) Appendix 3 - Page 2 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility 22. DISCO - MEPCO 24. 26. DGSDate: 26 / 08 / 082008 Sub-station. Environmental Impact Assessment 23. Sub-project Name Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132 kv DGS with associated line 25. 27. Sub-project Number / ref. XX (nearest if not an s/s subproject Other information Completed by Signature Date Name Bushra Waheed Appendix 3 - Page 3 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental Impact Assessment Appendix - 4 Environmental Management Plan – Matrix July 2008 Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM 1. Social Impacts To ensure that the adverse impacts due to the property acquisition and resettlement are mitigated according to the LARP. 1. Social preparation completed (June 2008) . LARP etc in place IN CASE UNFORSEEN ADDITIONAL LAND IS REQUIRED 2. Acquisition of lands completed to minimize the uncertainty of people. 3. Completed implementation of LARP and LARCs to provide compensation and assistance to the APs. 4. MEPCO to select a site that will not affect any public in property or house such that no additional land is required.. 5. All the payments / entitlements are paid according to the Entitlement Matrix, prepared according to the LARP. 6. All the impacts identified by the EIA are incorporated in to the project as well as the LARP and relevant entitlements included into the Entitlement Matrix. Before the construction of the GSS and all the included structures, the APs to be given sufficient time with compensation money and to resettle satisfactorily. Affected Families will be compensated by MEPCO through the concerned District Revenue Department and Land Acquisition Collectors. MEPCO ESU / LACs MC and External Monitors 2. Hydrological Impacts To minimize hydrological and drainage impacts during constructions. 1. Hydrological flow in areas where it is sensitive, such as water courses or bridges and culverts. 2. Design of adequate major and minor culverts facilities will be completed If lines or substation are relocated near water courses, culverts or bridges in the design stage reports MEPCO ESU with the Design Consultant MEPCO 3. Noise barriers Ensure cumulative noise impacts are acceptable in construction and operational phase. 1. Conduct detailed acoustic assessment for all residential, school, (other sensitive structures) within 50m of DGS and line. 2. If noise at sensitive receiver exceeds the permissible limit, the construction activities should be mitigated, monitored and controlled. 3. If noise at sensitive receiver exceeds the permissible limit, the design to include acoustic mitigation (noise barrier or relocation of noisy equipment) and monitoring. Noise sensitive locations identified in the EIA/EIA/EMP or as required / approved by PEPA. MEPCO ESU with the design consultant MEPCO ESU and CSC (if any). 4. Waste disposal Ensure adequate disposal options for all waste including transformer oil, residually contaminated soils, scrap metal. 1. Create waste management policy and plan to identify sufficient locations for, storage and reuse of transformers and recycling of breaker oils and disposal of transformer oil, residually contaminated soils and scrap metal “cradle to grave”. 2. Include in contracts for unit rates for re-measurement for disposal. 3. Designate disposal sites in the contract and cost unit disposal rates accordingly. 1.Prior to detailed design stage no later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations 2. Include in contract. MEPCO ESU. Locations approved by EPA and MEPCO and local waste disposal authorities. MEPCO ESU and EPA with the design consultant. MEPCO ESU and CSC 5. Temporary drainage and erosion control Include mitigation in preliminary designs for erosion control and temporary drainage. 1. Identify locations where drainage or irrigation crossing RoW may be affected by works. 2. Include protection works in contract as a payment milestone(s). During designing stage no later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations. Locations based on drainage or irrigation crossing RoW near DGS. MEPCO ESU and design consultant. MEPCO ESU and CSC 6. Contract clauses Ensure requirements and recommendations of environmental Noise sensitive locations identified in the EIA/EIA/EMP or as required / approved by MEPCO ESU with the design consultant MEPCO ESU and CSC (if any). Environmental concern DESIGN STAGE 10. Include EMP Matrix in tender documentation and make contractors responsible to implement mitigation measures by reference to EIA/EIA in contract. 11. Include preparation of EMP review and method statement Before the commencement of construction activities/during design stage 1. During detailed design stage. No later than prequalification or tender negotiations. 2. Include acoustic specification in the contract. 10. During tender preparation. 11. No later Appendix 3 - Page 4 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental concern Mitigation Measures recommended Objectives assessment included in contracts. Environmental Impact Assessment are the WM plan, TD and EC Plan in contract as a payment milestone(s). 12. Require environmental accident checklist and a list of controlled chemicals / substances to be included in the contractor’s work method statement and tender documentation. Timing to implement MM than prequalification or tender negotiations 12. In bidding documents as evaluation criteria. Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM 1. Locations of each construction activity to be listed by the CSC engineer. 2. Special locations are identified on the site by the contractor to minimize disturbances. 3. A list of locations of irrigation channels / drains to be compiled and included in the contract. 1.Contractor supervised by CSC or to actively supervise and enforce. MEPCO ESU All staff members in all categories. Monthly induction and six month refresher course as necessary until contractor complies. MEPCO ESU, Contractor and the CSC and record details. MEPCO & CSC to observe and record success. Locations to implement MM PEPA. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 4. Hydrology And Drainage Aspects To ensure the proper implementation of any requirements mentioned in EPA conditions of approval letter in relation to Hydrology of the project. 1. Consideration of weather conditions when particular construction activities are undertaken. 2. Limitations on excavation depths in use of recharge areas for material exploitation or spoil disposal. 3. Use of landscaping as an integrated component of construction activity as an erosion control measure. 4. Minimizing the removal of vegetative cover as much as possible and providing for it s restoration where construction sites have been cleared of such areas. 1. MEPCO ESU environmental specialist to monitor and progress all environmental statutory and recommended obligations. 2. Orientation for Contractor, and Workers To ensure that the CSC contractor and workers understand and have the capacity to ensure the environmental requirements and implementation of mitigation measures. 2 Conduct special briefing for managers and / or on-site training for the contractors and workers on the environmental requirement of the project. Record attendance and achievement test for contractors site agents. 3. Agreement on critical areas to be considered and necessary mitigation measures, among all parties who are involved in project activities. 4. Continuous progress review and refresher sessions to be followed. 3. Water quality To prevent adverse Compile temporary drainage management plan one month before Prepare a thorough drainage management plan plan to be approved by CSC one month prior to a commencement of construction Proper timetable prepared in consideration with the climatic conditions of the area, the different construction activities mentioned here to be guided. Induction course for all site agents and above including all relevant MEPCO staff / new project staff before commencement of work. At early stages of construction for all construction employees as far as reasonably practicable. 1.Contractor Appendix 3 - Page 5 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental concern 4. Air quality 5. Ground Vibration Environmental Impact Assessment Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended water quality impacts due to negligence and ensure unavoidable impacts are managed effectively. Ensure adverse impacts on water quality caused by construction activities are minimized. commencement of works. 1. Proper installation of temporary drainage and erosion control before works within 50m of water bodies. 2. Proper maintenance and management construction of TD and EC measures, including training of operators and other workers to avoid pollution of water bodies by the considerate operation of construction machinery and equipment. 3. Storage of lubricants, fuels and other hydrocarbons in selfcontained dedicated enclosures >50m away from water bodies. 4. Proper disposal of solid waste from construction activities. 5. Cover the construction material and spoil stockpiles with a suitable material to reduce material loss and sedimentation and avoid stockpiling near to water bodies. 6. Topsoil stripped material shall not be stored where natural drainage will be disrupted. 7. Borrow sites (if required) should not be close to sources of drinking water. CONTROL ALL DUSTY MATERIALS AT SOURCE. 1. All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fitted in full compliance with the national and local regulations.(Relevant regulations are in the Motor vehicles fitness rules and Highway Act). 2. Stockpiled soil and sand shall be slightly wetted before loading, particularly in windy conditions. 3. Fuel-efficient and well-maintained haulage trucks shall be employed to minimize exhaust emissions. 4. Vehicles transporting soil, sand and other construction materials shall be covered. Limitations to speeds of such vehicles necessary. Transport through densely populated area should be avoided. 5. To plan to minimize the dust within the vicinity of orchards and fruit farms. 6. Spraying of bare areas with water. 7. Concrete plants. to be controlled in line with statutory requirements should not be close to sensitive receptors. To minimize dust effectively and avoid complaints due to the airborne particulate matter released to the atmosphere. To minimize ground vibrations during construction. 1. Review requirements for piling and use of powered mechanical equipment within 100m of SRs. 2. Review conditions of buildings and conduct public consultation with SRs to establish less sensitive time for works involving piling and schedule works accordingly. 3. Non-percussive piling methods to be used wherever practicable. 4. Percussive piling shall be conducted in daylight hours. 5. Hammer- type percussive pile driving operations shall not be allowed at night time. Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM (MEPCO ESU & CSC to enforce). 1 month prior to construction. 1. 50m from water bodies 2. Relevant locations to be determined in the detailed project design. 2. Contractor has to check water quality and report to MEPCO. MEPCO review results 3. CSC supervises implementati on activities. During construction. all 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 1 month prior to construction. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. Contractor should maintain acceptable standard CSC to supervise activities. Contractor should maintain the acceptable standards MEPCO ESU / CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC CSC to supervise relevant Appendix 3 - Page 6 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental concern Objectives Environmental Impact Assessment Mitigation Measures recommended Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM activities. 6. Noise To minimize noise increases during construction. Prevent adverse water quality impacts due to negligence and ensure unavoidable impacts are managed effectively. 7. Soil Erosion / Surface Run-off To minimize soil erosion due to the construction activities of towers, stringing of conductors and creation of access tracks for project vehicles. 1. Review requirements for use of powered mechanical equipment within 100m of SRs. 2. Conduct public consultation with SRs to establish less sensitive time for works and schedule works accordingly. 3. All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fitted in full compliance with the national and local regulations and with effective silencing apparatus to minimize noise. 4. Heavy equipment shall be operated only in daylight hours. 5. Construction equipment, which generates excessive noise, shall be enclosed or fitted with effective silencing apparatus to minimize noise. 7. Well-maintained haulage trucks will be used with speed controls. 8. Contractor shall take adequate measures to minimize noise nuisance in the vicinity of construction sites by way of adopting available acoustic methods. SCHEDULE WORKS IN SENSITIVE AREAS (e.g. NEAR RIVERS) FOR DRY SEASON 1. In the short-term, temporary drainage and erosion control plan to be presented with tender. Temporary drainage and erosion control plan one month before commencement of works to protect all areas susceptible to erosion. (Permanent drainage works shall be in the final design). 2. Installation of TD and EC before works construction within 50m of water bodies. 3. Clearing of green surface cover to be minimized during site preparation. 5. Meaningful water quality monitoring up and downstream at any tower site during construction within a river or stream bed. Rapid reporting and feedback to CSC. 5. Back-fill should be compacted properly in accordance with MEPCO design standards and graded to original contours where possible. 6. Cut areas should be treated against flow acceleration while filled areas should be carefully designed to avoid improper drainage. 7. Stockpiles should not be formed within such distances behind excavated or natural slopes that would reduce the stability of the slopes or cause slippage. 8. Measures shall be taken to prevent ponds of surface water and scouring of slopes. Newly eroded channels shall be backfilled and restored to natural contours. 9. Contractor should arrange to monitor and adjust working and adopt suitable measures to minimize soil erosion during the construction period. Contractor’s TD and EC plan should be 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 1 month prior to construction. 1 month prior to construction because the area can be subject to unseasonal heavy rain Plan before and during construction (cut and fill, land reclamation etc.) while considering the climatic conditions. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. Contractor should maintain the acceptable standards MEPCO ESU / CSC CSC to supervise relevant activities. 1. Locations based on history of flooding problems indicated by local authorities . 2. A list of sensitive areas during construction to be prepared by the detail design consultant in consideration with the cut and fill, land reclamation, borrow areas etc. Contractor and CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC 3. Locations of all rivers, streams, culverts, irrigation channels, roads and highways. Appendix 3 - Page 7 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental concern 8. Exploitation, Handling, Transportation and Storage of Construction materials 9.Construction Waste Disposal Objectives To minimize disruption and contamination of the surroundings, minimize and or avoid adverse environmental impacts arising out of construction material exploitation, handling, transportation and storage by using sources that comply with EPA license conditions Minimize the impacts from the disposal of construction waste. Environmental Impact Assessment Mitigation Measures recommended endorsed and monitored byt CSC after consulting with concerned. authorities. 10. Replanting trees to be done before the site is vacated and handed back to MEPCO with appropriate trees (other vegetation cover as appropriate) to ensure interception of rainwater and the deceleration of surface run-off. (consider also for future trances if civil works) 1. Use only EPA licensed sites for raw materials in order to minimize adverse environmental impacts. 2. Measures to be taken in line with any EPA license conditions, recommendations and approval to be applied to the subproject activities using the licensed source including: (xix) Conditions that apply for selecting sites for material exploitation. (xx) Conditions that apply to timing and use of roads for material transport. (xxi) Conditions that apply for maintenance of vehicles used in material transport or construction. (xxii) Conditions that apply for selection of sites for material storage. (xxiii) Conditions that apply for aggregate production. (xxiv) Conditions that apply for handling hazardous or dangerous materials such as oil, lubricants and toxic chemicals. 1. Waste management plan to be submitted to the CSC and approved by MEPCO ESU one month prior to starting of works. WMP shall estimate the amounts and types of construction waste to be generated by the project. 2. Investigating whether the waste can be reused in the project or by other interested parties without any residual environmental impact. 3 Identifying potential safe disposal sites close to the project, or those designated sites in the contract. 4 Investigating the environmental conditions of the disposal sites and recommendation of most suitable and safest sites. 5. Piling up of loose material should be done in segregated areas to arrest washing out of soil. Debris shall not be left where it may be carried by water to down stream flood plains, dams, lagoons or other water bodies. 6. Used oil and lubricants shall be recovered and reused or removed from the site in full compliance with the national and local regulations. 7. Oily wastes must not be burned. Disposal location to be agreed with local authorities/EPA. Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM month prior to starting of works. Update monthly. 1. List of borrow areas to be prepared with tender stage contractors method statement and updated one month prior to construction. 2.List of routes of transport of construction material is to be prepared for the contract and agreed one month prior to construction. 3. Map of locations of storage is prepared by the contractor. Contractor and CSC to agree format of reporting MEPCO ESU / CSC 1.Contractor 2-11. CSC and MEPCO ESU should supervise and take action to ensure that contractor’s complete relevant activities according to EIA / EIA / EMP requirement & NEQS. MEPCO/ CSC One month prior to starting of works. Update monthly One month prior to starting of works. Update monthly 1.Dumping: A list of temporary stockpiling areas and more permanent dumping areas to be prepared at the contract stage for agreement A list of temporary stockpiling areas and more permanent dumping areas to be prepared at the contract stage for agreement (in W M Plan) Appendix 3 - Page 8 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental concern Objectives 10. Work Camp Operation and Location (if required) To ensure that the operation of work camps does not adversely affect the surrounding environment and residents in the area. 11. Loss of Trees and Vegetation Cover of the Areas for Towers and Temporary Work-space To avoid negative impacts due to removing of landmark, sentinel and specimen trees as well as green vegetation and surface cover. Environmental Impact Assessment Mitigation Measures recommended 8. Waste breaker insulating oil to be recycled, reconditioned, or reused at DISCO’s facility. 9. Machinery should be properly maintained to minimize oil spill during the construction. 10. Machinery should be maintained in a dedicated area over drip trays to avoid soil contamination from residual oil spill during maintenance. 11 Solid waste should be disposed at an approved solid waste facility and not by open burning which is illegal and contrary to good environmental practice. 1. Identify location of work camps in consultation with local authorities. The location shall be subject to approval by the MEPCO. If possible, camps shall not be located near settlements or near drinking water supply intakes. 2. Cutting of trees shall not b permitted and removal of vegetation shall be minimized. 3. Water and sanitary facilities (at least pit latrines) shall be provided for employees. Worker camp and latrine sites to be backfilled and marked upon vacation of the sites. 4. Solid waste and sewage shall be managed according to the national and local regulations. As a rule, solid waste must not be dumped, buried or burned at or near the project site, but shall be disposed of to the nearest sanitary landfill or site having complied with the necessary permits of local authority permission. 5. The Contractor shall organize and maintain a waste separation, collection and transport system. 6. The Contractor shall document that all liquid and solid hazardous and non-hazardous waste are separated, collected and disposed of according to the given requirements and regulations. 7. At the conclusion of the project, all debris and waste shall be removed. All temporary structures, including office buildings, shelters and toilets shall be removed. 8 Exposed areas shall be planted with suitable vegetation. 9.MEPCO and Construction Supervising Consultant shall inspect and report that the camp has been vacated and restored to preproject conditions. 31. Tree location and condition survey to be completed one month before tender. 32. The route for the distribution line should be selected so as to prevent the loss or damage to any orchard trees or other trees. Use of higher towers to be preferred to avoid trees cutting. 33. Clearing of green surface vegetation cover for construction, borrow of soil for development, cutting trees and other important vegetation during construction should be minimized by careful Resp mon MM Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM UPDATE Once a month Location Map is prepared by the Contractor. Contractor MEPCO ESU / CSC Route design and site identification (1 & 2) during design stage and other matters during construction of relevant activities Tree survey to be completed one month before tender at relevant Locations with a Map to be compiled prior to tender by the design consultant / MEPCO ESU during detailed design and Design consultant, Contractor and CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC Resp Imp MM Appendix 3 - Page 9 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental concern 12. Safety Precautions for the Workers 13. Traffic Condition 15.Social Impacts 16. Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building Objectives To ensure safety of workers Environmental Impact Assessment Mitigation Measures recommended alignment. Written technical Justification for tree felling included in tree survey. 34. At completion all debris and waste shall be removed and not burned. 35. The contractor’s staff and labour will be strictly directed not to damage any vegetation such as trees or bushes outside immediate work areas. Trees shall not be cut for fuel or works timber. 36. Land holders will be paid compensation for their standing trees in accordance with prevailing market rates (LARP). The land holders will be allowed to salvage the wood of the affected trees. 37. The contractor will plant three (3) suitable new trees outside the 30 meter corridor of the transmission line in lieu of one (1) tree removed. 38. Landscaping and road verges to be re-installed on completion. 39. Compensatory planting of trees/shrubs/ornamental plants (at a rate of 3:1) in line with best international practice. 40. After work completion all temporary structures, including office buildings, shelters and toilets shall be removed. 7. Providing induction safety training for all staff adequate warning signs in health and safety matters, and require the workers to use the provided safety equipment. 8. Providing workers with skull guard or hard hat and hard toe shoes. Minimize disturbance of vehicular traffic and 7. Submit temporary haul and access routes plan one month pedestrians during prior to start of works. haulage of 8. Routes in vicinity of schools and hospitals to be avoided. construction materials and equipment. 10. Potential for spread of vector borne and communicable diseases from labour camps shall be avoided (worker awareness To ensure minimum orientation and appropriate sanitation should be maintained). impacts from 11. Complaints of the people on construction nuisance / construction labour damage close to ROW to be considered and responded to force. on public promptly. health. 12. Contractor should make alternative arrangements to avoid local community impacts. To ensure that Capacity building activities were taken by Environmental Officer in MEPCO officials are Tranche 1. Environmental Management Unit (EMU) was setup with trained to understand in MEPCO under Director Operations in Tranche 1. Development and to appreciate of strengthening plan for the EMU should be taken up with EMP resources. Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM CSC to necessary. update Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM as Prior to commencement and during construction Location to be identified by the CSC with contractor. Contractor and CSC MEPCO/ CSC Prior to throughout construction. The most important locations to be identified and listed. Relevant plans of the Contractor on traffic arrangements to be made available. Contractor and CSC MEPCO ESU / CSC Complaints of public to be solved as soon as possible All subprojects tranches Contractor and the CSC MEPCO/ CSC Initiate preconstruction and continue beyond project completion. Awareness training for all management and senior staff in MEPCO at senior engineer and above in PMU and related units. MEPCO ESU MEPCO & ADB and the all Appendix 3 - Page 10 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental concern Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended Environmental Impact Assessment Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Resp Imp MM Resp mon MM OPERATIONAL STAGE Minimize air quality No significant Impacts Tranche 1.Monitor designs and plans for all all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO Operational phase impacts future tranches. tranches ESU Minimize noise No significant Impacts Tranche 1. Acoustic designs checking and Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO 2.Noise impacts plan for all future tranches. tranches ESU Minimize improper Continue waste management arrangements in operational phase Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO 3. Waste disposal waste disposal of all subprojects and MEPCO activities. tranches ESU 3. Compensatory Maintain survival of Employ landscaping contractor to monitor, water and feed Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO tree planting trees planted replacement saplings and replace dead specimens as necessary. tranches ESU Avoid landslips and Operational phase MEPCO MEPCO 4.Land slides and No significant Impacts in Tranche 1. Review designs checking and all subprojects in future loss of productive ESU soil erosion plan for all future tranches. tranches land Minimize water No significant Impacts in Tranche 2. Review designs checking and Operational phase all subprojects in future MEPCO MEPCO 5. Water quality quality impacts plan for all future tranches. tranches ESU Monitor impacts from Operational phase MEPCO MEPCO 6 Crops and maintaining tree all subprojects in future ESU Track growth of large trees under the conductors. vegetation clearance under tranches transmission lines Ensure no Operational phase MEPCO encroachments / ESU Necessary signboards with limits of height clearances to be placed 7. Social safety construction under all subprojects in future all along the line. MEPCO Impacts the transmission line. tranches Identify and prevent any illegal encroachments under the TXL s.. No violation of clearance spaces. LARP = Land acquisition and resettlement plan. AP = Affected Persons. LAC = Local Authority Council. TD = Temporary drainage. EC = Erosion control. WM = waste management. CSC = Construction supervision consultant or equivalent. TXL = Transmission line. GSS = Grid substation NEQS = National Environmental Quality Standards. 1. Air Quality Appendix 3 - Page 11 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental Impact Assessment Attachment 5 Monitoring Plan for Performance Indicators Environmental concern Performance indicator (PI) Frequency to monitor Timing to check PI Locations to implement PI Responsible to implement PI Cost of Implementation Resp PI supervision Cost of Supervision Initially DISCO’S Cell / later Contractor cost DISCO’S, ESIC cell / ADB* ESIC cell staff cost DISCO’S Cell staff cost DISCO’S /ADB* ESIC cell staff cost DISCO’S & ESIC cell / ADB* ESIC cell staff cost DISCO’S ESIC cell / ADB*. DISCO’S staff cost ESIC cell ESIC cell DISCO’S Contractor cost DISCO’S / /ADB* DISCO’S staff cost ESIGN and RECONSTRUC ION STAGE . Review of EMAP Environmental Management Action Plan (EMAP) is reviewed . Social Impacts and Resettlement Inventory of losses, Property acquisition, compensation and resettlement completed to RP requirements. . Project disclosure Design changes notified . Environmentally Responsible Procurement. (ERP) Contract follows ADB Guidelines on ERP. Performance bond. Deposited Contractual clauses include implementation of environmental mitigation measures tied to a performance bond. Waste disposal Disposal options for all waste transformer oil, residually contaminated soils, scrap metal agreed with DISCO’S and local authority.. . Noise and air quality Design changes included in EIA (supplementary) & EMAP approved by During detailed design (later monthly by Contractor to cover any unidentified impacts) Completed prior to commencement of construction During detailed design by Contractor to cover any access roads and alignment changes, additional Villages. Once, before Contract is signed. Monthly or as required in waste management plan to identify sufficient locations for, storage and reuse of transformers and recycling of breaker oils and disposal of transformer oil, residually contaminated soils and scrap metal “cradle to grave”. 2. Include in contracts for unit rates for remeasurement for disposal. 3. After agreement with local authority, designate disposal sites in the contract and cost unit disposal rates accordingly. During detailed design by Contractor. By completion of detailed design. All project alignment Contractor Before removal of houses and structures. APs according to RP & LAFC. DISCO’S Cell Completion of detailed design. All project alignment. Contractor Contractor cost Before Contract is signed. Method Statements include resources for mitigation measures. DISCO’S Project Cell. Contractor cost 1.Prior to detailed design stage no later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations 2. Include in contract. Locations approved by local waste disposal authorities. DISCO’S cell with the design consultant. Completion of detailed design. As defined in EIA (supplementary) & DISCO’S Cell / Contractor Cell Cell Appendix 3 - Page 12 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental concern mitigation in design. Performance indicator (PI) Frequency to monitor Environmental Impact Assessment Timing to check PI MOEST. Locations to implement PI Responsible to implement PI Cost of Implementation Resp PI supervision Contractor Contractor cost DISCO’S / and DISCO’S Project Cell. DISCO’S staff cost Contractor. Contractor cost DISCO’S / and DISCO’S Project Cell. DISCO’S Cell staff cost Contractor DISCO’S Cell facilitates. Contractor cost DISCO’S / and DISCO’S Project Cell. DISCO’S Cell staff cost Contractor Contractor cost DISCO’S / and DISCO’S Project Cell. DISCO’S Cell staff cost DISCO’S Cell staff cost DISCO’S / and /ADB*. /ADB cost of IES & support for 1 month US$25,000 DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell EMAP. Considered locations to be as identified in the Detailed Drainage Report. All stream and river crossings and where slopes indicate erosion will be a problem. Locations agreed DISCO’S cell in consultation with community and the Contractor. Locations agreed with DISCO’S cell in consultation with community and the Contractor. . Hydrological Impacts Temporary Drainage Management plan. During detailed design by Contractor and monthly to cover any unidentified impacts . Temporary drainage and erosion control Erosion Control and Temporary Drainage completed. During detailed design updated by Contractor monthly to cover any unidentified impacts. One month before construction commences. 0. Planning construction camps Use of land agreed with surrounding residents & Villages. During detailed design updated by Contractor monthly to cover any unidentified impacts. One month before construction commences. Temporary Pedestrian and Traffic Management Plan agreed. During detailed design updated by Contractor monthly to cover any unidentified impacts. One month before construction commences. 1. Once, 2. Once 3. Ongoing 4. Ongoing 1. As soon as practicable 2, 3, 4. No later than one month before Contract award. Throughout the project DISCO’S Project Cell. 1. Once 2. Ongoing 3. Ongoing 1. Before contract is signed 2. Before construction areas are opened up 3. Every six months All BOT staff members in all categories. monthly induction and six month refresher course Contractor with IES assistance and record details. Contractor cost DISCO’S and DISCO’S to observe and record success Deliverable in final form to DISCO’S cell one month before construction commences for any given stretch. One month before construction commences. All of DISCO’S alignment. Contractor Contractor cost DISCO’S Project Cell. 3.Traffic Condition 1. Strengthening plan agreed for DISCO’S cell. 5. Institutional 2. International environment specialist (IES) rengthening and 3. Increase staffing of DISCO’S Cell. apacity building 4. Train DISCO’S Cell officials. Cost of Supervision One month before commencement of construction Cell ONSTRUCTION TAGE Orientation for ontractor, and orkers Plans to control nvironmental mpacts 1. Contractor agreed to provide training to professional staff and workers. 2. Special briefing and training for Contractor completed. 3. Periodic progress review sessions. 1. Drainage Management plan 2. Temp. Pedestrian & Traffic Management plan, 3. Erosion Control & Temp. Drainage plan 4. Materials Management plan, 5. Waste Management plan; 6. Noise and Dust Control plan, 7. Safety Plan 8. Agreed schedule of costs for environmental Appendix 3 - Page 13 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental concern Performance indicator (PI) Frequency to monitor Environmental Impact Assessment Timing to check PI Locations to implement PI Responsible to implement PI Cost of Implementation Resp PI supervision Cost of Supervision Contractor cost DISCO’S / DISCO’S Cell. DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S staff cost DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell mitigation.{N.B. Forest Clearance and Compensatory Planting plan is prepared by DISCO’S cell} Water quality Water esources Spoil disposal nd construction aste disposal 0. Noise 1. Air quality 3..Soil ontamination 4. Work Camp ocation and peration 9. Safety ecautions for orkers 0. Social Impacts 1. Enhancements Meaningful water quality monitoring up and downstream during construction within 100m of rivers. Rapid reporting and feedback by DISCO’S. 1. Availability of water acceptable to community. No complaints. 2. Guidelines established to minimize the water wastage during construction operations and at worker camps. 1. Use of land agreed with surrounding residents & Villages. 2. Waste Management Plan implemented. 3 No open burning Noise mitigation measures implemented in line with guidelines for noise reduction from ISO/TR11688-1:1995(E) Noise and dust control plan implemented. Contractors workforce to instructed and train handling of chemicals 1. Use of land agreed with surrounding residents & Villages. 2. Waste Management Plan implemented. 3 No open burning Safety Plan submitted 1. Local labour is used and workforce 2. Local educated people for office work. 3. Complaints on construction nuisance damages close to ROW are responded to promptly by the Contractor. 4. Quarterly meetings with local VILLAGE for liaison purposes to monitor complaints. Contractor has included for some Once (line item when opening up construction near water bodies). During detailed design by Contractor and update to cover any unidentified impacts. Locations to be provided with the detailed designs including all bridges during construction within 100m of rivers 1. Monthly 2. Monthly Prior to submission of progress reports. All local water supply resources and rivers. Contractor Contractor cost DISCO’S and DISCO’S Cell Monthly (line item when opening up construction). Prior to construction. Update monthly. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor Contractor cost DISCO’S and DISCO’S Cell Monthly (line item when opening up construction). Maximum allowable noise levels are 70dB(A)LEQ. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor should maintain the accepted standards Contractor cost Monthly (line item when opening up construction). Monthly (line item when opening up construction). Prior to construction. Update monthly. Prior to construction. Update monthly. All DISCO’S alignment. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor Contractor cost Contractor Contractor cost Monthly (line item when opening up construction). Prior to construction. Update monthly. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor Contractor cost Once (update monthly as necessary) One month before construction and update quarterly. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor. Contractor cost Monthly (line item when opening up construction). During construction. Update monthly. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor Contractor cost DISCO’S and DISCO’S Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell Once (update monthly as One month before All DISCO’S Contractor. Contractor cost DISCO’S / DISCO’S Cell Independent experienced laboratory. DISCO’S / DISCO’S Project Cell will monitor sample activities. DISCO’S and DISCO’S Cell DISCO’S and DISCO’S Cell DISCO’S and DISCO’S Cell DISCO’S / (ESIC cell to actively supervise and enforce. Cell Appendix 3 - Page 14 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental concern Performance indicator (PI) enhancements in detailed designs Including planting of trees in addition to bioengineering such as in median Frequency to monitor necessary) Environmental Impact Assessment Timing to check PI construction and update quarterly. Locations to implement PI Responsible to implement PI Cost of Implementation alignment. Resp PI supervision (DISCO’S Cell to actively supervise and enforce. PERATIONAL TAGE Air Quality crops and egetation 1. Roadworthiness of vehicles on DISCO’S. 2. Monitor NO2 and PM10 as indicators. 1. Follow up on Tree Clearance and Compensatory Planting Plan. 2. Records on survival of planted trees. 3. The compensatory planting maintained 4. Audited report by ESIC cell for on site and off-site compensatory planting. 1. Roadworthiness of vehicles on DISCO’S Daily during operations 2. Yearly intervals for 3 years after opening for reassurance. 1) Quarterly 2) Quarterly 3) Quarterly 4) Quarterly During operation. 5 locations on DISCO’S alignment nearest settlements. Contractor Contractor cost 1) Throughout project 2) Each of three years after initial planting. 3) Continuous for three years after project completion 4) For four years after initial clearance of the forest. All DISCO’S alignment. Contractor ESIC Cell Cost of Supervision staff cost DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S / and ESIC Cell DISCO’S staff cost Cell DISCO’S MOFSC and DISCO’S Cell staff cost. Note: LAFC = Land Acquisition Compensation Fixation Committee. DDS=Detailed design stage. Based on EIA/EIA reports to be revised at DDS, RAP, SIA and other engineering considerations may change, EIA=environmental impact Assessment. EMP=, environmental management action plan = environmental management plan, EPA= Environmental Protection Agency,. TD = Temporary drainage. EC = Erosion control. NGO = non government organization. ADB * = ADB checks that processes have been completed and signed off by DISCO’S before moving to construction stage. Appendix 3 - Page 15 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental Impact Assessment Appendix 3 - Page 16 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental Impact Assessment Attachment 3: Monitoring Plan 7. DISCO’S have established the Environmental and Social Impacts Cell (ESIC) The DISCO’S instructional arrangement with respect to social and environmental monitoring and implementation is presented as follows: 27.1 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 2. The institutional arrangements of planning and management of the Power Distribution Enhancement Program (or the ADB-funded Power Distribution Enhancement MFF Project) are described as follows (see also Figure overleaf): Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) 27.2 3. The Project Management Unit (PMU), PEPCO is the focal organization based in Lahore responsible for the Power Distribution Enhancement Program, for keeping liaison with the Government of Pakistan and Asian Development Bank (ADB) on behalf of all the DISCOs, and taking care of disbursement of funds (including ADB loan) and technical assistance through Consultants to, and coordination of the Program planning and management activities of the DISCOs. 27.2.1 Distribution Companies (DISCOs) 4. The DISCOs included in the ADB-funded MFF Project (the Program) are: (9) PESCO: Peshawar Electric Supply Company, Peshawar, NWFP; (10) IESCO: Islamabad Electric Supply Company, Islamabad; (11) GEPCO: Gujranwala Electric Power Company, Gujranwala, Punjab; (12) LESCO: Multan Electric Power Company, Lahore, Punjab; (13) FESCO: Faisalabad Electric Supply Company, Faisalabad, Punjab; (14) MEPCO: Multan Electric Power Company, Multan, Punjab; (15) QESCO: Quetta Electric Supply Company, Quetta, Baluchistan; and, (16) HESCO: Hyderabad Electric Supply Company, Hyderabad, Sindh. 27.2.2 Technical Assistance (Consultants) 5. PMU, PEPCO provides technical assistance to all the eight DISCOs through the following Consultants, based in Lahore: (4) PPTA: Project Preparation Technical Assistance was hired by PEPCO in 2007 and since then it has so far assisted the DISCOs in preparing Tranche 1 & 2 Subprojects. The PPTA Resettlement Experts have thus far assisted the DISCOs in the preparation of LARPs and DDRs for the Subprojects included in Tranches 1 and 2. (5) PIC: Project Implementation Consultant is expected to be hired and mobilized by PEPCO by end-2009, to provide technical assistance to DISCOs in updating and implementation of the approved Subprojects. The PIC Resettlement Experts will assist the DISCOs in updation, revision and implementation of the LARPs and DDRs. (6) EMC: External Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant is expected to be hired and mobilized by PEPCO by end-2009, to independently monitor and evaluate the implementation of approved LARPs on the Tranche 1 and 2 Subprojects of all the DISCOs, and report directly to ADB with copy to the respective DISCOs. Figure: Organization for LARP Planning, Implementation and Monitoring Appendix 3 - Page 17 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental Impact Assessment PEPCO Project Management Unit (PMU) (Project Coordination) Chief Executive DISCO Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) Chief Engineer Development (HESCO Subprojects) PPTA Consultants External LARP Monitoring Consultant (EMC) Project Director (PD, GSC) (Grid System Construction) Project Implementation Unit (PIU) (Engineers & Patwaris) Deputy Manager, ESIC (Environmental and Social Impact Cell) Province Board of Revenue District LAC Staff / Patwaris 27.3 DISCO LAC Assistant Manager (Social/Resettlement) Assistant Manager (Environment) Field Patwaris Distribution Companies (DISCOs) 6. DISCO as the implementing agency (IA) bears the overall responsibility for the preparation, implementation and financing of all tasks set out in this LARP, as well as inter-agency coordination required for the implementation of the Subprojects. As such, it takes care of the preparation/updating and implementation Appendix 3 - Page 18 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility Environmental Impact Assessment of the LARPs and DDRs, and internal monitoring and evaluation activities (see also Chapter 10: Monitoring and Evaluation). Institutionally, DISCO typically have three functional divisions, namely, the Planning, Projects and Grid System Construction divisions. 27.3.1 5.2.1 Planning Division 7. The Planning Division is responsible for preparation of PC-1s, for preparation of load forecasts and feeder analysis. The division is responsible for preparation of the Energy Loss Reduction (ELR) work orders. Formerly subproject preparation and keeping liaison with the Government of Pakistan and Asian Development Bank (ADB), as the donor of this MFF Project had also been the responsibility of this division. But lately the activity has been shifted to the Office of Chief Engineer Development. 27.3.2 5.2.2 Chief Engineer Development 8. The former Projects Division has now been named as the Office of Chief Engineer Development (OCED), is responsible for the overall planning, management and coordination of the approved Subprojects. The OCED is currently being assisted by the PPTA Consultants 20 (including the Resettlement Experts responsible for LARP/DDR preparation), in preparing the identified Subprojects in line with the ADB Policies, and obtaining approval from the donor ADB. Its major functions include keeping regular liaison with ADB and relevant departments of the federal, provincial and district governments, preparation, updating and implementation of the LARPs and the related monitoring and evaluation activities. 9. The OCED contains a specially created cell to take care of the safeguards related activities, namely, the Environmental and Social Impacts Cell (ESIC), headed by a Deputy Manager, and assisted by two Assistant Managers, Environment and Social, respectively. The Assistant Manager Social is responsible for the preparation/updating, implementation and internal monitoring of the Subproject LARPs, with assistance from DISCO LAC and PIC Resettlement Expert. 10. The Scope of Work to be handled by the ESIC far exceeds the physical and professional ability and capabilities of the incumbents. To support the ESIC, to carry out its responsibilities, a Monitoring Consultant is being hired. In addition, a Project Implementation Consultant (IC) 21 will also be hired who will also have social and environmental experts to assist HESCO in revising and updating the LARP as and when required, and then in implementation of the LARP. The Consultants will be provided full logistic support (including office space and field transport) by the DISCO. 27.3.3 Grid System Construction (GSC) Division 11. . The Grid System Construction (GSC) Division is responsible for implementing the approved Subprojects, including construction/improvement of grid stations and transmission lines. This office is headed by the Project Director (GSC), and it will establish Project Implementation Units (PIUs), comprising Engineers and Patwaris, at the respective towns of each Subproject. The PD GSC has an in-house Land Acquisition Collector (LAC) to take care of the land acquisition and resettlement activities. 12. The DISCO LAC, along with field Patwaris, in addition to implementation of the LARP activities, will provide in-field assistance to the Resettlement Experts of ESIC and PIC in updating, revision and internal monitoring of the LARPs. He normally works as an independent entity, but in case of local needs like price updating, grievance redress, etc., may involve the local Union Councils and other leaders at the local levels, and/or the District LACs and Province Board of Revenue for addressing broader level matters and resolving permanent Land Acquisition issues (not applicable to this Subproject). He will be provided technical assistance by the Resettlement Experts included in both ESIC and PIC teams. 20 British Power International (BPI), a UK Based Power Consultant firm. 21 Terms of Reference for Implementation Consultant’s Resettlement Expert are provided in Appendix 4. Appendix 3 - Page 19 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility 27.4 Environmental Impact Assessment District Government 13. The district government have jurisdiction for land administration, valuation and acquisition. At the provincial level these functions rest on the Province Board of Revenue while at the district level they rest on the District Land Acquisition Collector (District LAC). Within LAC office the Patwari (land records clerk), carry out specific roles such as titles identification and verification required by the HESCO LAC. 27.5 Responsibility for Internal and External Monitoring 14. Land acquisition and resettlement tasks under the Program will be subjected to both internal and external monitoring. Internal monitoring will be conducted by ESIC, assisted by DISCO LAC and PIC Resettlement Expert. The external monitoring responsibilities will be assigned to an External Monitoring Consultant (EMC) to be engaged by PMU, PEPCO according to the Terms of Reference (TOR) that have been approved by ADB. Appendix 3 - Page 20 of 310 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 8. The scope of work to be handled by the ESIC cell far exceeds the physical and professional ability and capabilities of the incumbents. To support the ESIC cell, to carry out it’s responsibilities monitoring consultants (MC) are being hired (these are also required as per ADB loan covenants. 27.5.1 Terms of Reference of the monitoring consultants (MC) as follows: Environmental monitoring 9. An environment evaluation expert(s) for a period of four (4) person-month (on as and when required basis) who will undertake monitoring of EIAs and also other environmental issues related to design, construction and commissioning of the sub-projects according to the relevant reports already prepared and approved by DISCO’S/ADB. The expected completion time of these projects is one years. (A) Design Phase (IX) (X) Monitor final site selection process and final alignment selection process and its environmental compliance with EMP. Review the implementation of the land acquisition plan and expropriation, including considerations concerning vulnerable groups among land-owners, farmers, and farm workers. (XI) Monitor contractor’s detailed project design to ensure relevant environmental mitigation measures in EMP have been included. (XII) Monitor the detailed environmental guidelines for construction works, including procurement, management, works, closing operations etc in the light of EIA and EMP. (XIII) Review the management plan for mineral construction materials and waste management. (XIV) Audit detailed designs of facilities and installations to ensure standard environmental safeguards/ mitigation measures (as identified in EMP) have been included. (XV) Review landscape design plan, including compensatory planting. (XVI) Monitor the performance of environmental training and briefings for the creation of environmental awareness of project staff and DISCO’S. (B) Construction phase (III) Regular monitoring and reporting of contractor’s compliance with contractual environmental mitigation measures in light of EIA and EMP. (IV) Monitoring of the implementation of the landscape design plan. (C) Operation and Maintenance phase (III) (IV) Monitoring of routine maintenance of facilities and transmission line in light of mitigation measures specified in EMP. Monitoring of the implementation of the landscape design plan. 10. The MC will mainly assist the ESIC cell in the monitoring functions. DISCO’S is also in the process of hiring management consultants, who will assist the Project Management Unit (PMU) of DISCO’S in amongst other matters relating to the implementation of the EIA/LARP including updating of LARP s (price updating) and updating of EIA and EMPs when ever major changes are made to the approved sub projects. Page 1 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 27.5.2 Terms of reference for Project Implementation (Management) Consultants 11. Terms of Reference (related to social and environmental aspects) of the Project Implementation (Management) Consultants are Specifically, the PMC shall ensure that: Page 2 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 28. ALL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, FRAMEWORK, AND PLANS FOR ALL THE SUBPROJECTS SHOULD BE CONDUCTED AND IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADB’S ENVIRONMENT POLICY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES, AND PAKISTAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES. 29. ALL LAND ACQUISITION, AND RESETTLEMENT FRAMEWORK AND PLAN ARE IMPLEMENTED PROMPTLY AND EFFICIENTLY ACCORDING TO ITS TERMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE PAKISTAN LAWS, AND ADB’S POLICY ON INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT. 30. PMU WILL GUARANTEE THAT ALL SUBPROJECTS AFFECTING ETHNIC MINORITIES ARE CONSTRUCTED AND OPERATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ADB’S POLICY ON INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND APPLICABLE PAKISTAN RULES AND REGULATIONS. 31. PMU WILL FOLLOW THE PRINCIPLES OF THE ADB’S POLICY ON GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT AND USE APPROPRIATE PAKISTAN LAWS DURING EACH SUBPROJECT IMPLEMENTATION. 32. ENSURE THAT SUBPROJECT SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION MEASURES ARE INCORPORATED INTO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 33. SUPERVISE AND EVALUATE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION AD MONITORING MEASURES AS SPECIFIED IN THE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLANS (EMP). 34. UPDATE THE EMP AS NECESSARY, INCLUDING CARRYING OUT SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL SUBPROJECTS APPRAISED AFTER LOAN APPROVAL. Page 3 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS 35. B Environmental Impact Assessment SUPERVISE SOCIAL SAFEGUARD’S RELATED REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND ENSURE ITS TIMELY SUBMISSION. THE REPORTING DOCUMENTS INCLUDE LARP’S UPDATING, PROGRESS AND COMPLETION REPORTS. 36. MONITOR AND SUPERVISE RESETTLEMENT AND OTHER SOCIAL IMPACT MITIGATION ACTIVITIES, AS DEFINED IN THE APPROVED AND FINAL LARP’S. 37. ENSURE NO CIVIL WORKS TO BE DONE UNLESS THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE LARP ARE, INCLUDING IN PARTICULAR THE TIMELY DELIVERY OF COMPENSATION TO AFFECTED FAMILIES HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH. 38. ESTABLISH A GRIEVANCE MECHANISM PROCEDURE FOR THE SUBPROJECTS. 39. CONDUCT AND DEVELOP INTERNAL MONITORING AND EVALUATING REPORTING SYSTEM OF THE LARPS AND EMPS IMPLEMENTATIONS. THE REPORT WILL ALSO INCLUDE ANY CHANGE IN THE IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE, PROBLEMS OR DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED AND WORK TO BE CARRIED OUT IN THE NEXT PERIOD IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROCEDURES AND DETAILS ACCEPTABLE TO ADB. THE MONITORING REPORTS WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT TO BE SUBMITTED TO ADB. PROJECT MONITORING ACTIVITIES DURING THE PROJECT CYCLE: 12. The Activities at various stages of the project cycle have been summarized in the terms of reference for consultants as presented in Table AX3.1. Table AX3.1 Monitoring Program for Tranche 3 Monitoring Parameter Monitoring Timing Responsibility Page 4 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Locations DESIGN PHASE Audit project bidding documents to ensure 7. EIA and EMP is included Monitor that the selection process and final 8. alignment selection process and its environmental compliance with EMP Monitor contractor’s detail project design to 9. ensure relevant environmental mitigation measures in EMP have been included Monitor through implementation of detail environmental guidelines for construction 10. works including procurement management, works and closing operation - - 11. Review the mineral, construction materials and waste management - 12. Audit detail design of facilities installation to ensure standard - and Prior to issue of biding documents Prior to DISCO’S approval of contractor’s detail alignment survey Prior to DISCO’S approval of contractor’s detail alignment survey DISCO’S through project implementation unit. DISCO’S with the assistance of and external environmental consultants Prior to DISCO’S approval of contractor’s detail design DISCO’S with the assistance of and external environmental consultants Prior to DISCO’S approval of contractor’s detail design Prior to DISCO’S approval of contractor’s detail design DISCO’S with the assistance of and external environmental consultants DISCO’S with the assistance of project implementation unit DISCO’S with the assistance of project implementation unit Table AX3.1 Monitoring Program for Tranche 3 (continued) CONSTRUCTION PHASE Monitoring Parameter 1 Observation of soil erosion 2 3 4 Water quality Water consumption Checks for any damage to water course, groundwater wells 5 Ambient air quality 6 Checks for exhaust emissions Checks for dust emissions 7 Noise Monitoring Locations Construction sites, campsites At wells and surface water bodies near grid station and construction campsites Selected local wells Selected locations at nearby surface water bodies Construction sites, campsite Timing During routine monitoring Responsibility PMU Before mobilization Contractor/PMU Monthly Contractor/PMU Monthly Contractor/PMU Daily Contractor/PMU Construction sites During routine monitoring PMU Construction sites, campsites Construction sites, campsites Construction sites, campsites Before mobilization Once every two months Contractor/PMU Contractor/PMU During routine monitoring Contractor/PMU Construction sites, campsites, project roads During routine monitoring Contractor/PMU At nearby communities Fortnightly or during the construction activities causing noise. Contractor/PMU Page 5 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS 8 Public concerns Environmental Impact Assessment At nearby communities Throughout the field activities. Table AX3.1 Monitoring Program for Tranche 3 (continued) OPERATIONAL PHASE Monitoring Parameter Monitoring Locations Timing Selected sites for plantation 1 Compensatory tree planting After construction phase of trees Land under the transmission 2 Crops and vegetation During routine maintenance line Population along 3 Social safety Impacts During routine maintenance transmission line PMU Responsibility DISCO’S DISCO’S DISCO’S Complete record of sampling and analysis should be maintained and documented. PMU = Project Monitoring Unit, DISCO’S = Distribution Companies Page 6 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS C Environmental Impact Assessment SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED COSTS FOR EMP Table AX3.2 Implementation for Tranche 2 Pak. Rs. Staffing, audit and monitoring Monitoring activities Mitigation measures US $ 1 person for 3 years 1,800,0001 22,500 As detailed under EMP 7,000,0002 87,500 10,000,0003 125,000 1,502,2504 18,780 609,000 7,613 20,912,250 261,443 As prescribed under EMP and EIA Transport 1 dedicated vehicle 3 years Contingency 3% contingency Total I US$ = 80 Pak. Rupees 1 @ P.Rs. 50,000/month: Laboratory charges for: testing of construction materials; water quality teats; ambient air tests; emissions measurements; and noise measurements. 3 Includes: Compensatory tree plantation under supervision of forest department; and training on counterpart staff. 4 @ P.Rs. 25000 per month rental charges and Rs. 550.0 per day fuel and operating cost 2 Page 7 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Page 8 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Page 2 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Appendix - 7 SUMMARY OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION 66 KV Fatehpur DGS Sr. No. Participant Name Participant Profession Address Date Proposed Measure Issues Raised/Concerns expressed/ Suggestions & Requests Action Taken / Proposed Man Group: Dera Muhammad Shafi (Chak 115 ML) MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay Compensation compensation of should be paid crops and trees fairly adequately and and timely at least 15 timely days before civil works Skilled and MEPCO should unskilled labor employ Skilled and should be unskilled labor from preferred from the the area area MEPCO should pay Compensation compensation of should be paid crops and trees fairly adequately and and timely at least 15 timely days before civil works 127. Muhammad Shoqat Landowner Chak 115ML 30/08/2008 Compensation Crop and tree compensation should be paid should be fair and timely adequately and timely 128. Muhammad Jabar Landowner Chak 115ML 30/08/2008 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 129. Maqbool Ali Labour Chak 115ML 30/08/2008 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible 130. Muhammad Shafi Landowner Chak 115ML 30/08/2008 Crop and tree compensation should be fair and timely 30/08/2008 Design of the line should not Construction work MEPCO be changed, but if necessary should be complete at any stage houses and completed in time timely structures should be avoided. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. 131. Ehsan Elahi Shopkeeper Chak 115ML all should work Woman Group: Dera Muhammad Shafi (Chak 115 ML) 132. Shamim Khaton House-Wife Chak 115ML 30/08/2008 Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance; she hoped the upgradation DGS will improve the situation. 133. Shakiran Bibi House-Wife Chak 115ML 30/08/2008 Local norms honored. should Line should pass over houses of colony. Line should be pass over houses of Page 1 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 134. Kaniz Fatima House Girl Chak 115ML 30/08/2008 135. Hajiran Khatoon Student Chak 115ML 30/08/2008 136. Rahela Khatoon House Girl Chak 115ML 30/08/2008 colony. Line should not MEPCO should avoid Local norms should be pass over the distribution lines to honored. houses of the pass over the houses. colony. Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance and effect our studies; she hoped the up gradation of DGS will improve the situation. Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance; she hoped the up gradation of DGS will improve the situation. Man Group: (Chak 107 ML) 137. Ansar Gulshair Landowner Chak 107 ML 30/08/2008 138. Shahid Iqbal Shopkeeper Chak 107 ML 30/08/2008 139. Fransis Masih Sharecropper Chak 107 ML 30/08/2008 140. Shahjahan Landowner Chak 107 ML 30/08/2008 141. Shana Labour Chak 107 ML 30/08/2008 142. Hashim Khan Landowner Chak 107 ML 30/08/2008 Compensation Crop and tree compensation should be paid should be fair and timely adequately and timely MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works Design of the line should not Construction work MEPCO should be changed, but if necessary should be complete all work at any stage houses and completed in time timely structures should be avoided. MEPCO should pay Compensation compensation of Crop and tree compensation should be paid crops and trees fairly should be fair and timely adequately and and timely at least 15 timely days before civil works MEPCO should pay Compensation compensation of Crop and tree compensation should be paid crops and trees fairly should be fair and timely adequately and and timely at least 15 timely days before civil works Skilled and MEPCO should Local skilled and unskilled unskilled labor employ Skilled and labor should be used should be unskilled labor from wherever possible preferred from the the area area Crop and tree compensation Compensation MEPCO should pay Page 2 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment should be fair and timely 143. Khurshid Muhammad Landowner Chak 107 ML 30/08/2008 should be adequately timely paid compensation of and crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay Compensation compensation of Crop and tree compensation should be paid crops and trees fairly should be fair and timely adequately and and timely at least 15 timely days before civil works Woman Group: (Chak 107 ML) 144. Bashiran Bibi House-Wife Chak 107 ML 30/08/2008 145. Nadea Bibi House Girl Chak 107 ML 30/08/2008 146. Sajida Bibi House-Wife Chak 107 ML 30/08/2008 147. Balqis Bibi Service Chak 107 ML 30/08/2008 148. Zarina Bibi Student Chak 107 ML 30/08/2008 MEPCO should bound Contractor should the contractor to respect the local respect the local norms. norms. MEPCO should bound Contractor should Local norms should be the contractor to respect the local honored. respect the local norms. norms. Line should not MEPCO should avoid Houses should be avoided. pass over the distribution lines to houses. pass over the houses. She expect stable supply in the region with lesser complaints. Prolonged load shedding in the summer is a nuisance and effect our studies; she hoped the up gradation of DGS will improve the situation. Local norms honored. should be Man Group: Dera Muhammad Aslam (Chak 251 TDA) 149. Ali Ahmad Landowner Chak 251 TDA 30/08/2008 150. Muhammad Aslam Teacher+ LO Chak 251 TDA 30/08/2008 MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay Compensation compensation of Crop and tree compensation should be paid crops and trees fairly should be fair and timely adequately and and timely at least 15 timely days before civil Compensation Crop and tree compensation should be paid should be fair and timely adequately and timely Page 3 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. Muhammad Zubair Muhammad Navid Muhammad Afzal Akbar Khan Ghulam Muhammad Landowner Landowner Sharecropper Labour Shopkeeper Chak 251 TDA Chak 251 TDA Chak 251 TDA Chak 251 TDA Chak 251 TDA Environmental Impact Assessment 30/08/2008 Compensation Crop and tree compensation should be paid should be fair and timely adequately and timely 30/08/2008 Compensation Crop and tree compensation should be paid should be fair and timely adequately and timely 30/08/2008 Compensation Crop and tree compensation should be paid should be fair and timely adequately and timely 30/08/2008 Skilled and Local skilled and unskilled unskilled labor labor should be used should be wherever possible preferred from the area 30/08/2008 Compensation Crop and tree compensation should be paid should be fair and timely adequately and timely Woman Group: Dera Muhammad Aslam (Chak 251 TDA) 156. Rashidan Bibi House-Wife Chak 251 TDA 30/08/2008 157. Sadia Bibi House-Wife Chak 251 TDA 30/08/2008 158. Marian Khaton House-Wife Chak 251 TDA 30/08/2008 Prolonged load shedding in the summer cause skin diseases and restlessness; she hoped the up gradation of DGS will improve the situation. Design of the line should not be changed, but if necessary at any stage houses and structures should be avoided. Design of the line should not be changed, but if necessary at any stage houses and Line should pass over houses of colony. Line should pass over houses of works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works MEPCO should employ Skilled and unskilled labor from the area MEPCO should pay compensation of crops and trees fairly and timely at least 15 days before civil works 30/08/2008 - not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. not MEPCO should avoid the distribution lines to the pass over the houses. Page 4 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment 159. Zahida Kosar House-Wife Chak 251 TDA 30/08/2008 160. Amina Bibi House-Wife Chak 251 TDA 30/08/2008 structures should be avoided. colony. Prolonged load shedding in the summer is causing restlessness and sleeplessness Children cannot sleep at night due to load shedding in the summer. - - Page 5 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2 MEPCO Conversion of 66KV Fatehpur DGS into 132KV DGS Environmental Impact Assessment Appendix-8 Project: Fatehpur 66KV DGS Trees & Infrastructure Likely to be Affected by 30 m RoW No. TOWER From-To DISTANCE HOUSE SHOPS TREES 66 KV TL CNG/PP MASQUE IN METER /FACTORY HOSPITAL TUBE WELL WATER COURSE K/ ROAD/P ROAD CANAL 1 GS - 1 50.00 3 1 2 houses 60 m - - - - - K Road - 2 1-2 245.00 5 1 1 house 75m - - - - 2 K Road - 3 2-3 245.00 2 1 - - - - - 2 K Road - 4 3-4 250.00 35 1 - - 1 at 30m - - 5 6 4-5 5-6 300.00 280.00 6 11 1 1 - - - 1 at 25m 1 - - - 7 6-7 280.00 31 1 - - - - - K Road - 8 7-8 280.00 8 1 - - - - - 2 K Road - 9 10 8-9 9 - 10 280.00 280.00 57 11 1 1 - - - - 1 2 K Road - 1 - 11 10 - 11 195.00 9 1 - - - 1 at 40m 1 - - 3 houses 40m 3 houses 60m 4 houses 80 m 1 mosque 1 at 35m 50m Page 6 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment APPENDIX-9: Type and Number of Affected Trees in 66kV Fatehpur DGS Sub-project (Within 30m Wide Corridor - Right of Way) TL Reach (Tower Nos.) From To Affected Fruit Trees Compact Area (m2) Mango Affected Wood Trees (No.) Shisham (Sisso) Kikar (Acacia) Poplar / Eucalypts Shareen/ Neem* Total (W) Total Affected Trees (No.) Fatehpur 132kV D/C Transmission Line A - Chak 107 ML GS 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 Sub-total (A): B - Chak 115 ML 8 9 9 10 10 11 Sub-total (B): TOTAL: Percentage: 503. - - 3 5 2 28 38 - 35 6 6 7 54 5 24 8 25 62 3 5 2 35 6 11 31 8 53 154 3 5 2 35 6 11 31 8 53 154 - 4 4 3 4 7 1 1 - 7 5 12 11 9 20 4 11 9 24 - 4 2.25 45 1 54 74 174 178 25.28 0.56 30.34 41.57 97.75 100.00 i Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Pakistan: Power Distribution Enhancement MFF Project Tranche 2 (Loan 2178 SF-PAK) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station into 132 kV DGS Submitted to: Asian Development Bank May, 2009 Multan Electric Power Company Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan ii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Background 3 1.3 Scope of the EIA Study and Personnel 1.4 Policy and Statutory Requirements in Pakistan Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.4.1 Statutory Framework 4 1.4.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 4 1.4.3 Pakistan EPA Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 2000 4 1.4.4 National Environmental Quality Standards 5 1.4.5 Other Relevant Laws 5 1.5 Structure of Report Error! Bookmark not defined. 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 7 2.1 Type of Project 7 2.2 Categorization of the Project 7 2.3 Need for the Project 7 2.4 Location and Scale of Project 8 2.5 Alternatives 2.6 Proposed Schedule for Implementation Error! Bookmark not defined. 11 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 12 3.1 Project Area 3.1.1 General Characteristics of Project Area 3.1.2 Affected Administrative Units 12 12 12 3.2 Physical Resources 3.2.1 Topography, Geography, Geology, and Soils 3.2.2 Climate and Hydrology 3.2.3 Groundwater and Water Supply 3.2.4 Surface water 3.2.5 Air Quality 3.2.6 Noise and Vibration 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 3.3 Ecological Resources 3.3.1 Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquatic Biology 3.3.2 Terrestrial Habitats, Forests and Protected Species 3.3.3 Protected areas / National sanctuaries 14 14 14 15 3.4 Economic Development 3.4.1 Agriculture, Industries, and Tourism 3.4.2 Transportation 3.4.3 Energy Sources 15 15 15 15 3.5 Social and Cultural Resources 3.5.1 Population Communities and Employment 3.5.2 Education and Literacy 3.5.3 Health Facilities 3.5.4 Cultural Heritage and Community Structure 16 16 16 16 16 iii Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 4. SCREENING POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 18 4.1 Project Location 18 4.1.1 Impact Assessment and Mitigation 18 4.1.2 General Approach to Mitigation 18 4.1.3 Cultural Heritage, Temples, Religious Sites Social Infrastructure 18 4.1.4 Cut and fill Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2 Potential Environmental Impacts Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.1 Encroachment, Landscape and Physical Disfiguration Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.2 Trees, Ecology and Protected Areas Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.3 Hydrology, Sedimentation, Soil Erosion Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.4 Air Pollution from earthworks and transport Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.5 Noise, Vibration and Blasting Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.6 Air pollution and noise from the enhanced operations Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.7 Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal, Communicable DiseasesError! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.8 Disease Vectors Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.9 Pollution from oily run-off, fuel spills and dangerous goodsError! Bookmark not defined. 5. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 24 6. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 27 6.1 Approach to Public Consultation 27 6.2 Public Consultation Process 27 6.3 Results of Public Consultation 27 7. CONCLUSIONS 28 7.1 Findings and Recommendations 28 7.2 Summary and Conclusions 28 iv Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Figures and Maps Figure 1.1 Tranche 2 Subprojects and National Transmission Lines of Pakistan Figure 1.2 Plan for Noor Sar Grid Station Attachments Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 Pakistan EIA Process. Environmental Management Plan (matrix) Monitoring Plan (matrix) Summary of Public Consultation Preliminary program for design, construction and commissioning Implementation Schedule Prepared by Name S Bushra Waheed Authorised by Javed Rashid Initials MEPCO v Date Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment ABBREVIATIONS ADB Noor Sar COI CSP DoF DFO DIZ EA EARF EIA EMP GDP GOP GIS LARP Leq MPL NEQS NGO PC PEPA PEPAct PPMS REA SIA S-P SR TOR TXL Asian Development Bank Noor Sar132kv grid substation and transmission line subproject Corridor of Influence Country Strategy Program Department of Forests Divisional Forest Officer Direct Impact Zone Environmental Assessment Environment Assessment Review Framework Environment Impact Assessment Environmental Management Plan Gross Domestic Product Government of Pakistan Gas Insulated Switchgear Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan equivalent sound pressure level maximum permissible level National Environmental Quality Standards Non Governmental Organization public consultation Punjab Environmental Protection Agency Pakistan Environment Protection Act 1997 (as regulated and amended) Project Performance Monitoring System Rapid Environmental Assessment Social Impact Assessment subproject Sensitive Receiver Terms of Reference transmission line Rupee, PKR Unit of Pakistan currency. $US approx R62 vi Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 40. INTRODUCTION 40.1 Overview 504. This document is the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Tranche 2 Conversion of Noor Sar Grid station and Transmission line (as associated subproject) substation and proposed by Multan Electricity Supply Company; MEPCO] [Fig1.1 and1.2] , Power Distribution and Enhancement Multitranche Finance Facility (PDEMFF) proposed by Multan Electricity Power Company [MEPCO] [FIG1.1andFig1.2] under the Asian Development Bank [ADB ]subproject Power distribution and Enhancement Multitrache Finance Facility [PDEMFF] Under the ADB Guidelines. 505. Government of Pakistan (GoP) has requested ADB to provide the PDEMFF to facilitate investments in power distribution and development of networks of eight independent distribution companies (DISCOs) that distribute power to end user consumers. The funding from ADB is expected to be released in stages (tranches). The Power Distribution Enhancement (PDE) Investment Program is part of the GoP long term energy security strategy. The proposed ADB intervention will finance new investments in PDE and assist capacity building of sector related agencies. The investment program will cover necessary PDE development activities in secondary transmission / distribution networks of eight DISCOs. The PDEMFF activities include extension (additional transformers) and augmentation (replacement of transformers with higher capacity) distribution line extensions, new and replacement distribution lines, additional substations, transformer protection and other non network activities such as automatic meter reading, construction equipment and computerized accounting. New distribution lines to and from various network facilities and some of the above activities will also be included in the later trenches. The proposed PDEMFF facility has been designed to address both investment and institutional aspects in the electrical power sector. 506. This EIA presents the results and conclusions of environmental assessment for the conversion of 66Kv NoorSar substation into132kV subproject proposed by MEPCO, and are submitted by Pakistan Power Company (PEPCO) on behalf of MEPCO. PEPCO has been nominated by Ministry of Water and Power (MOWP) to act as the Executing Agency (EA) with each DISCO being the Implementing Agency (IA) for work in its own area. PEPCO’s role in the processing and implementation of the investment program is that of a coordinator of such activities as preparation of PC-1s and PFRs, monitoring implementation activities; that includes submission of environmental assessments for all subprojects in all trenches of the PDEMFF under ADB operating procedures. An EIA has been carried out to fulfill the requirements of ADB Guidelines (May 2003). This EIA study report is used to complete the Summary Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) for disclosure by ADB if necessary. 507. The environmental assessment requirements of the GoP for grid stations and power distribution subprojects are different to those of ADB. Under GoP regulations, the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (2000) categorizes development subprojects into two schedules according to their potential environmental impact. The proponents of subprojects that have reasonably foreseeable impacts are required to submit an EIA for their respective subprojects (Schedule I). The proponents of subprojects that have more adverse environmental impacts (Schedule II) are required to submit an environmental impact assessment (EIA). Distribution lines and substations are included under energy subprojects and EIA is required for sub transmission / distribution lines of 11kV and less and large distribution subprojects (Schedule-I). EIA is required by GoP for all subprojects involving sub transmission / distribution lines of 11kV and above and for Grid Station [DGS] substations (Schedule II). 22 22 Initial subproject classification was carried out in 2009 and the Category is ‘B’. Most of the construction impacts will take place with only local impacts and there are no potential significant environmental impacts associated with the T2 (tranche two) sub-subproject construction. Initial environmental reconnaissance and REA carried out by consultants under ADB guidelines in August 2008 indicated that all the T2 sub-subprojects will be Category B. Environmental Assessment Guidelines (ADB May 2003). 22 Category A subprojects that are deemed by ADB's chief compliance officer to be environmentally sensitive for the purposes of (i) the 120 day rule, and (ii) the environmental management plan requirement could involve subprojects that are near or in environmentally sensitive areas. At this stage no component of the T1 sub-subprojects under consideration is actually within a critical area and therefore the MFF tranche as a whole is Category B. Page 1 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Page 2 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 508. Clarification has been sought from Pakistan EPA on the requirements for environmental assessment for certain energy subprojects and for sub transmission / distribution lines. A Framework of Environmental Assessment (FEA) on power extensions and augmentation subprojects was prepared by consultants and submitted to the Pakistan EPA, after hearings with provincial EPAs. In response to the FEA submitted by MEPCO to the Pakistan EPA23 it has been clarified that all proponents must follow section 12 of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act for all subprojects. Pakistan EPA has also assumed that all proponents will consult with the relevant provincial EPAs (PEPA) and follow their advice. In 2006 Punjab EPA requested disclosure of the scope and extent of each subproject in order that the Director General of PEPA can determine if additional land is required and the need for EIA or EIA. A review of the need for EIA/EIA for submission to GoP is therefore required by the relevant environmental protection agency, in this case the Punjab Environmental Protection Agency. 40.2 Scope of the EIA Study and Personnel 509. The Study Area included the identification of irrigation facilities, water supply, habitable structures, schools, health facilities, hospitals, religious places and sites of heritage or archaeological importance and critical areas (if any) within about 100m of the DGS boundary. The works are generally envisaged to involve construction of the DGS, Construction of the bases, foundation pads and towers to support the distribution line will be carried out also under the same subproject by MEPCO and supervised by the MEPCO management. 510. The field studies were undertaken by the subproject’s environment team with experience of environmental assessment for power subprojects in Pakistan. Mrs. Syeda Bushra Waheed conducted preliminary scoping, survey and assessment activities, coordinated the field sampling and analysis, and were also responsible to supervise collation of information and co-ordinate the various public consultation activities. The team conducted preliminary scoping, survey and assessment activities, and carried out the report writing. Dr David Green (International Environmental Consultant of BPI) provided leadership and guidance in planning the field work and in finalization of the report. The environmental team also benefited from technical support and other information on the impacts of the proposed power works provided in feasibility summaries prepared with MEPCO by expert consultants of BPI dealing with engineering, power distribution, socio-economic, re-settlement and institutional aspects. 511. A scoping and field reconnaissance was conducted on the subproject site, during which a Rapid Environmental Assessment was carried out to establish the potential impacts and categorization of subproject activities. The methodology of the EIA study was then elaborated in order to address all interests. Subsequently primary and secondary baseline environmental data was collected from possible sources, and the intensity and likely location of impacts were identified with relation the sensitive receivers; based on the work expected to be carried out. The significance of impacts from construction of the DGS was then assessed and, for those impacts requiring mitigation, measures were proposed to reduce impacts to within acceptable limits. 512. Public consultation (PC) was carried out in March 2009, in line with ADB guidelines. Under ADB requirements the environmental assessment process must also include meaningful public consultation during the completion of the draft EIA. In this EIA the PC process included verbal disclosure of the sub-subproject works as a vehicle for discussion. Consultations were conducted with local families and communities around and 66KV substation Noor Sar site and staff of the subproject management. The responses from correspondents have been included in Attachment 7 and summarized in Section 6 of this EIA. Letter dated 29th June 2007 – Ref 2(1)2004-W/KCP-DD from Pak EPA Sajjad Hussein Talpur, Dy Director (EIA/Mont) to MEPCO, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Subproject Director PPTA, MEPCO, WAPDA House, Lahore. 23 Page 3 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 41. POLICY AND STATUARY REQUIREMENTS IN PAKISTAN 513. Direct legislation on environmental protection is contained in several statutes, namely the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997) the Forest Act (1927) the Punjab Wildlife Act (1974). In addition the Land Acquisition Act (1894) also provides powers in respect of land acquisition for public purposes. There are also several other items of legislation and regulations which have an indirect bearing on the subproject or general environmental measures. 41.1 Statutory Framework 514. The Constitution of Pakistan distributes legislative powers between the federal and the provincial governments through two ‘lists’ attached to the Constitution as Schedules. The Federal List covers the subjects over which the federal government has exclusive legislative power, while the Concurrent List contains subjects regarding which both the federal and provincial governments can enact laws. “Environmental pollution and ecology” is included in the concurrent list, hence both the federal and the provincial governments can enact laws on this subject. However, to date, only the federal government has enacted laws on environment, and the provincial environmental institutions derive their power from the federal law. The Punjab Environmental Protection Act 1996 is now superseded by the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997). The key environmental laws affecting this subproject are discussed below. 41.1.1 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 515. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 is the basic legislative tool empowering the government to frame regulations for the protection of the environment. The act is applicable to a wide range of issues and extends to air, water, soil, marine, and noise pollution, as well as to the handling of hazardous wastes. The key features of the law that have a direct bearing on the proposed subproject relate to the requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and environmental impact assessment (EIA) for development subprojects. Section 12(1) requires that: “No proponent of a subproject shall commence construction or operation unless he has filed with the Federal Agency an Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] or, where the subproject is likely to cause an adverse environmental effect, an environmental impact assessment [EIA], and has obtained from the Federal Agency approval in respect thereof.” The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency has delegated the power of review and approval of environmental assessments to the provincial environmental protection agencies, in this case the Punjab EPA. (Fig 1.1) 41.1.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 2000 516. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 (PEP Act) provides for two types of environmental assessments: Environmental Impact Assessment s (EIA) and environment impact assessments (EIA). EIAs are carried out for subprojects that have a potentially ‘significant’ environmental impact, whereas EIAs are conducted for relatively smaller subprojects with a relatively less significant impact. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of EIA and EIA Regulations, 20024 (the ‘Regulations’), prepared by the Pak-EPA under the powers conferred upon it by the PEP Act, categorizes subprojects for EIA and EIA. Schedules I and II, attached to the Regulations, list the subprojects that require EIA and EIA, respectively. 517. The Regulations also provide the necessary details on the preparation, submission, and review of EIAs and EIAs. The following is a brief step-wise description of the approval process (see also Attachment 1): (liii) A subproject is categorized as requiring an EIA or EIA using the two schedules attached to the Regulations. (liv) An EIA or EIA is conducted as per the requirement and following the Pak-EPA guidelines. (lv) The EIA or EIA is submitted to the concerned provincial EPA if it is located in the provinces or the Pak-EPA if it is located in Islamabad and federally administrated areas. The Fee (depending on the cost of the subproject and the type of the report) is submitted along with the document. 24 The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2000 Page 4 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment (lvi) The EIA/EIA is also accompanied by an application in the format prescribed in Schedule IV of the Regulations. (lvii) The EPA conducts a preliminary scrutiny and replies within 10 days of the submittal of a report, a) confirming completeness, or b) asking for additional information, if needed, or c) returning the report requiring additional studies, if necessary. (lviii) The EPA is required to make every effort to complete the EIA and EIA review process within 45 and 90 days, respectively, of the issue of confirmation of completeness. (lix) Then the EPA accords their approval subject to certain conditions: (lx) Before commencing construction of the subproject, the proponent is required to submit an undertaking accepting the conditions. (lxi) Before commencing operation of the subproject, the proponent is required to obtain from the EPA a written confirmation of compliance with the approval conditions and requirements of the EIA. (lxii) An EMP is to be submitted with a request for obtaining confirmation of compliance. (lxiii) The EPAs are required to issue confirmation of compliance within 15 days of the receipt of request and complete documentation. (lxiv) The EIA/EIA approval is valid for three years from the date of accord. (lxv) A monitoring report is to be submitted to the EPA after completion of construction, followed by annual monitoring reports during operation. 518. Distribution lines and grid substations of 11 kV and above are included under energy subprojects in Schedule II, under which rules EIA is required by GoP. Initial environment examination (EIA) is required for distribution lines less than 11 kV and large distribution subprojects (Schedule I). A review of the need for EIA/ EIA submission is therefore required by the relevant EPA, in this case the Punjab Environment Protection Agency (EPA) as the proposed subproject will be located in Punjab. 519. There are no formal provisions for the environmental assessment of expanding existing distribution lines and grid substations but Punjab EPA have requested disclosure of the scope and extent of each subproject in order that their Director General can determine if additional land is required and the need for statutory environmental assessment1. The details of this subproject will be forwarded to the Punjab EPA, in order to commence the local statutory environmental assessment process. 41.1.3 National Environmental Quality Standards 520. The National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) were first promulgated in 1993 and have been amended in 1995 and 2000. The following standards that are specified in the NEQS may be relevant to the Tranche 2 subprojects: 521. Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants (32 parameters) in municipal and liquid industrial effluents discharged to inland waters, sewage treatment facilities, and the sea (three separate sets of numbers) 522. Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants (2 parameters) in gaseous emissions from vehicle exhaust and noise emission from vehicles. 41.1.4 Other Relevant Laws 523. There are a number of other federal and provincial laws that are important in the context of environmental management. The main laws potentially affecting subprojects in this MFF are listed below. 524. The Punjab Wildlife Protection Ordinance, 1972 empowers the government to declare certain areas reserved for the protection of wildlife and control activities within in these areas. It also provides protection to endangered species of wildlife. As no activities are planned in these areas, no provision of this law is applicable to the proposed subproject. 525. The Forestry Act, 1927 empowers the government to declare certain areas reserved forest. As no reserved forest exists in the vicinity of the proposed subproject, this law will not affect to the proposed subproject. Page 5 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 526. The Antiquities Act of 1975 ensures the protection of Pakistan’s cultural resources. The Act defines ‘antiquities’ as ancient products of human activity, historical sites, or sites of anthropological or cultural interest, national monuments, etc. The Act is designed to protect these antiquities from destruction, theft, negligence, unlawful excavation, trade, and export. The law prohibits new construction in the proximity of a protected antiquity and empowers the Government of Pakistan to prohibit excavation in any area that may contain articles of archaeological significance. Under the Act, the subproject proponents are obligated to ensure that no activity is undertaken in the proximity of a protected antiquity, report to the Department of Archaeology, Government of Pakistan, any archaeological discovery made during the course of the subproject. 41.2 Structure of Report 527. This EIA reviews information on existing environmental attributes of the Study Area. Geological, hydrological and ecological features, air quality, noise, water quality, soils, social and economic aspects and cultural resources are included. The report predicts the probable impacts on the environment due to the proposed subproject enhancement and expansion. This EIA also proposes various environmental management measures. Details of all background environmental quality, environmental impact / pollutant generating activities, pollution sources, predicted environmental quality and related aspects have been provided in this report. References are presented as footnotes throughout the text. Following this introduction the report follows ADB guidelines and includes: Description of the Subproject Description of Environmental and Social Conditions Assessment of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental Monitoring Plan Public Consultation Recommendations and Conclusions Page 6 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 42. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 42.1 Type of Project 528. MEPCO is providing electricity to Noorsar and nearby towns through 66 kV Noorsar grid station. In last few years local domestic, commercial and industrial power demand of the area is increasing rapidly. Due to the increased power demand of the area the power supply has become insufficient and existing grid station has become overloaded. So there is need to improve the power supply of the area. For this purpose MEPCO is planning to convert the existing Noorsar grid station from 66kV to 132 kV. The whole construction and conversion activity of the grid station will be done within the boundary wall of the existing grid station, and there is no transmission line involved in this subproject. For this subproject no private land is required. 529. This grid station is owned by MEPCO and is in MEPCO/ WAPDA possession for more then twenty five years. Noor Sar Grid station is located in Mauza Abdullah Tar and Nanak Chand on Chistian- Noor Sar Road eight kilo meter away from Noor Sar town near Madrasa village tehsil and district Bahawalnagar (Punjab). This grid will be taped by 132 kV Bahawalnagar Chishtian transmission line at tower number 104. This line is under construction with the funding of World Bank. So there is no private land required for this subproject. There is neither any structure nor any tree being affected by this subproject. There is no social effect of this substation on any person at all. 42.2 Categorization of the Project 530. Categorization is based on the most environmentally sensitive component of a sub project. The aspects of the subproject with potential of significant environmental impacts need to be assessed in detail and this environmental assessment has therefore focused on the significant impacts possible from the construction activities of the subproject. 531. The Noor Sar subproject is categorized as a Category ‘B’ sub-project and this EIA report is based on that assumption. 42.3 1.3 under ADB requirements Need for the Project 532. The standards and conditions of the power transmission system in Pakistan are inadequate to meet rapidly growing demand for electrical power. This situation limits national development and economic growth. To cope with the constraints, the existing power transmission infrastructure has to be improved and upgraded. The overall contribution of power infrastructure also requires institutional arrangements and capacity that support strategic management of the sector, and planning and management of investments. Overall the proposed PDEMFF facility has been designed to address both investment and institutional aspects in the electrical power sector 533. MEPCO is providing electricity to Noor Sar and nearby towns through 66 kV Noor Sar grid station. In last few years local domestic, commercial and industrial power demand of the area is increasing rapidly. Due to the increased power demand of the area the power supply has become insufficient and existing grid station has become overloaded. So there is need to improve the power supply of the area. For this purpose MEPCO is planning to convert the existing Noor Sar grid station from 66kV to 132 kV. The whole construction and conversion activity of the grid station will be done with in the boundary wall of the existing grid station, and there is no transmission line involved in this subproject. For this subproject no private land is required. Figure 2.1: Jurisdiction Map of MEPCO Page 7 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 42.4 Location and scale of project 534. The EIA has included field reconnaissance of site and surroundings of Noor Sar DGS and TXL .The Noor Sar DGS s located within MEPCO Jurisdiction Fig2.2 presents the location of substation. 535. The Noor Sar subproject will involve the conversion of 66kV substation into 132 kV .The proposed location route to the nearest 132 line appears to be environmentally feasible and technically appropriate and DGS will be tapped by an existing Bahawalpur-Chishtian132kV line at tower No104.This line already under construction with World Bank funding. Figure 2.2: Location Noor Sar Substation Page 8 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 536. This EIA has been conducted based on the assumptions available in March 2009 when the preliminary designs for the DGS and TXL were completed and the overall requirements for installation of the equipment had been identified (Attachment-1). The detailed designs are currently being progressed by MEPCO. At this stage, the construction activities under the SP are expected to include the usual localized civil works such as extension of the main yard, including excavation and concreting of foundations for the new transformers, capacitor banks, cable trays and terminal tower (within the DGS compound), installation of the transformers, equipment and fittings, erection of the towers, cabling, construction of the control rooms and installation of allied equipment, and construction of the offices and residences. Impacts from conversion of the Noor Sar DGS from 66kVto 132kV subproject are envisaged to be minor, since no additional land needs to be acquired for conversion of the DGS and TXL, the works for the conversion of DGS will be on the land owned by MEPCO. 537. The connecting line from Noor Sar to the network will not involve erection of any tower that will be strung with the new DGS. The designs for the Tranche 2 (T2) subprojects will be developed under the subproject support component of the MFF. This EIA , however, is based on detailed line route surveys (which includes alternative routes and the route which minimizes the social impacts is chosen) . The line route is then submitted to the design formation which determines the line profiles and tower locations, these towers are then located on ground . The EIA is , therefore based on line design which is final (baring any unforeseen occurrence ) and only is changed at implementation stage if so warranted by new developments .The line design is based on the following parameters . Page 9 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Permissible Conductor Clearances at 650C Clearance m Sr. No.Description 1 Cultivated land traversed by vehicles 2 Roads and Streets 3 Communication and power lines power lines up to 66 kV power lines up to 33 kV 4 Highways 5 Railroads 6 Electrified railroads trolley wire 7 River at high flood 8 places accessible to pedestrians only 9 Building roofs not accessible to people 10 Tops of trees (Orchards) 11 Canals 6.7 7.9 2.7 2.7 7.9 7.9 3.85 9.1 7.9 5.2 5 9.1 Proposed Schedule for Implementation 538. Designs power transmission arrangements, access, review of environmental management and construction processes could take several months. When the detailed designs are completed, tendering and award of contract will take place over about three to six months. The construction period will follow and best estimates indicate about eighteen months to two years.(Attachment6 presents the sub project implementation schedule) , the tranche implementation schedule is presented as follow TIME SCHEDULE - TRANCHE 2 - DISTRIBUTION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Responsibility 1 2 Loan Processing Loan negotiation Tranche 2 Approval Loan Effectivity Bidding Documents Bidding Documents Preparation Evaluation Contract Awards Construction Delivery of equipment Construction & Installation Testing & Commissioning Loan Closing ADB ADB EAD EAD EAD ADB PEPCO PEPCO PEPCO DISCOs DISCOs DISCOs Contractor Contractor Contractor ADB PEPCO I Year 2009 II III IV I Year 2010 II III IV I Year 2011 II III IV I Year 2012 II III IV I Year 2013 II III IV I Year 2014 II III IV I Year 2015 II III IV I Year 2016 II III IV Page 10 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 43. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 43.1 Project Area 43.1.1 General Characteristics of Project Area 539. MEPCO is planning to convert the existing grid station from 66kV to 132 kV. The whole construction and conversion activity of the grid station will be done within the boundary wall of the existing grid station, and there is no transmission line involved in this subproject. For this subproject no private land is required. There is neither any land nor any structure nor any tree acquisition involved in this subproject. 540. This grid station is owned by MEPCO and is in MEPCO/WAPDA possession for more then twenty five years.It is located on Noor Sar-Chishtian road in Chak Madrasa (8 kilometer from Noor sar)Tehsil and District Bahawalnagar.The land of this grid belongs to mauza Abdullah Tar and Nanak Chand On the South is abadi basti Majeed kar) ,adjacent to DGS wall, On the North 1acre open land then abadi Marassa Adda, On the West open land and cultivated fields ,and on the East access to the DGS on Noor Sar road and open cultivated land across the road, NoorSar grid will be taped by 132 kV Bahawalnagar Chishtian transmission line at tower number 104. This line is under construction with the funding of World Bank. So there is no private land required for this subproject. There is neither any structure nor any tree being affected by this subproject. There is no social effect of this substation on any person at all. . 43.1.2 Affected Administrative Units 541. The Noor Sar subproject will indirectly affect only and Madrasa village authorities DGS, in tehsil and district Bahawalnagar, Province of Punjab (Figure 1.2). For the purpose of this study the Noor Sar subproject has been assumed to affect Madrasa village and interviews have been conducted with the public from all along the DGS site TXL corridor. 43.2 Physical Resources . 43.2.1 Topography, Geography, Geology, and Soils 542. Bahawalnagar district is geographically divided into three strips running east to west and parallel to each other throughout the whole length of the district these strips are: The alluvial tract formed by the action of the rivers locally known as Hithar, Central tract considerably higher than the valleys of the adjoining rivers locally called Uttar, Pure desert, known as Rohi or Cholistan. 543. The three cultivated zones of soil run parallel to one another. These are: Cholistan desert, the second Nehri which was a part of the Cholistan and has been irrigated now and the third one is Daryai or riverine area which at some places is called as Bet. 544. Bahawalnagar town is 130 m above the sea level. Its slope is one meter per 4.4 km from northeast to south-west. Topographically the district can be classified into three zones: Daryai (Riverine) or Hithar, Uttar (Nehri), and Cholistan. 545. Geologically the district can be divided into: (a) Active flood plain is the narrow belt along the Satluj River. The parent soil material consists of salty and river alluvium. (b) Abandoned or recent flood plain, the area is slightly higher than the active flood plain. The soil is generally homogenized to a depth of 15 to 20 cm from the surface. (c) Covered or sub-recent flood plain Sand plain or old desert remains. It consists of fine grained alluvium and sheet flooding has converted it into level plain. (d) The sand plain forms the south-western edge of the district. Sandy deposits are Aeolian in nature and derived from the deposits of lower Indus plains. The northern part of Cholistan is clay alluvium derived from Himalayas which is composed of calcareous sand and clay. The central part is sandy alluvium deposited by river Hakra (Ghagra). Page 11 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 43.2.2 Climate and Hydrology 546. There is little variation of altitude above sea level in the land along the alignment. The small change and short length of the transmission line means no variation between the climates of the project area. The climate at Madrasa (Bahawalnagar) is typical of that of the south Punjab. 547. The maximum temperature in summer reaches 50oC. In winter the minimum is 5oC. The mean maximum and minimum temperatures in summer are 41oC and 25oC; and in winter 25oC and 5oC respectively. The summer season starts from April and continues till October. May, June and July are the hottest months. The winter season on the other hand starts from November and continues till March, December, January and February are the coldest months. 548. The rainy season starts in July and ends in September. Annual rainfall is 119.4 millimeter. More rains occur in July and August than any other months. Most of the winter rains are received in the months of January, February and March. 43.2.3 Groundwater and Water Supply 549. Irrigation is largely dependent on the canals, but tube wells have also been sunk in the areas where water is fit for irrigation. The chemical quality of ground water in the district varies area wise and depth wise. The tube wells have been installed to make up the deficiencies. The strata near the Noor Sar and Madrasa towns are water bearing and alluvial deposits, giving groundwater potential throughout the project area and the water table is fairly near the surface i.e 5-7m.. The water table is not seasonal and dug wells do not generally run dry. Groundwater sources exist in the area and there are tube wells within 500m of the proposed TXL towers but the wells are generally well away from the proposed transmission lines. There is piped water supply in most areas Madrasa town. Elsewhere the local population is generally reliant on supply from hand pumps.. There should be no impact on these sources of water during the construction. 550. Around 30 percent of the housing units are using piped water, most of which has that facility in their own houses. A majority is using hand pump for potable water representing 57.7 percent housing units. Still 1.6 percent households are using potable water taken out from wells. Such facility is mostly being availed in rural areas where their percentage share is around 2. 43.2.4 Surface water Rivers and Tributaries Rivers 551. River Satluj passes along 12/8 km the north-western boundary of the district no other river or nullah passes through the district. Lake 552. Dhand Mahiwali in Minchinabad Tehsil of this district is the only note worthily lake. It is circular in shape and is 8 km in length and half to 01 km n width. The fisheries department has very recently got a scheme approved for developing this lake as a tourist resort and s a fish farm. 553. Irrigation: Barani cultivation is not possible in this district due to scanty rainfall and high temperature. So agriculture depends upon irrigation from wells, tube wells, canals, uplifts and jhallars. The Persian wheel has been used for a long time for irrigation. Before the completion of Satluj valley project in 1933-34, all the canals were in undation canals, which were used for irrigation. These were ford wah Murad Wah, Grey Wah, Sotri Excape, Kotor Wah and Daulat Wah. The district is irrigated by two main canals viz Sadiqia (perennial) and Ford wah (non-perennial) which take off from Sulemanki head works. Out of total cropped area of 1,566,874 acres about 89,149 acres (i.e. 5.68%) is supplemented by the tube wells and other sources of irrigation, whereas 32,943 acres i.e. 1.88% of the cropped are is rain fed. Page 12 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 43.2.5 Air Quality 554. Air quality in most of the project area appears good based on observation during the study period. Emissions should be controlled at source under the EMP. There will be a few items of powered mechanical equipment to be used in the construction of the transmission line works that may give rise to many complaints about dust and other emissions, however there should be well dissipated. The major sources of complaint will likely be any necessary earthworks and local soil compaction. In comparison domestic sources of air pollution, such as emissions from wood and kerosene burning stoves as well as small diesel standby generators in some households, are minor. 555. Industrial pollution sources are not present in the vicinity of Noor Sar subproject. The project area is distant from major sources of air pollution like industries or urban type traffic, domestic sources such as burning of wood and kerosene stoves, etc. or fugitive sources such as burning of solid wastes. Air quality in the project area appeared very good during the study period . Air quality measurements in major urban centers , carried out by Pak-EPA , revealed that CO, SO2 and NO levels were in excess of the acceptable levels in some areas but the average levels were found below WHO standards . Air quality testing by DISCOs (average values are : TSP 1.09 mg/m3 , CO 634 ppb , SO 2 24.34 ppb, NO2 23.73 ppb ) through various consultants has reveled that most substations have NO2, CO2 and CO values below international standards although TSP levels at some locations was higher than international standards . 556. There should be no source of atmospheric pollution from the project. In the operational phase the industrial facilities with fuel powered mechanical equipment will be the main polluters. All such emissions will be very well dissipated in the open terrain and there will be no cumulative effect from the project. 557. The other major source of air pollution is dust arising from construction and other ground or soil disturbance. Near the access roads, when vehicles pass, dust levels will increase. Dust levels are elevated when vehicles pass intermittently over the roads based on field observations and may be high enough to obscure vision significantly based on observations in August and September 2006. 43.2.6 Noise and Vibration 558. Noise from vehicles and other powered mechanical equipment is intermittent. There are also the occasional calls to prayer from the PA systems at the local mosques but there are no significant disturbances to the quiet rural setting. However the construction from the proposed power expansion will use powered mechanical equipment. Subjective observations were made of background noise and also of individual vehicle pass by events. Based on professional experience background daytime noise levels are probably well below 55dB (A) L90. DISCOs have carried out noise level measurements at various substations and transmission line locations within the system .These analyzed to calculate Leq values have resulted in Leq values much below the 85 dBA limit prescribed under the NEQs established by the EPA or the 75 dBA used by DISCOs/NTDC/PEPCO in the equipment specifications . Typical values were : average 46.21 dBA ; high 63.14 dBA ; and low 34.35 dBA . 43.3 Ecological Resources 43.3.1 Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquatic Biology 559. Various kinds of animals are found in the district according to environmental conditions. Terrestrial and arboreal forms in the northern side while terrestrial and burrowing forms are mostly found in the southern deserted areas. The mammals found in swampy riveine area are: pig, hog-deer (Pahra), otter (Ludhar), jackal, fox, wolf and dugong or Bullan. The wolf or Nahr or Bhagyar is found generally in pairs in the Rohi or Cholistan. Various kinds of birds such as pea-cock (More), storks, purple moorhen (Jal-kukar), common Teel, water fowl (Murghabi), Maheed or magpie, Babblers, Kal-chir (Dicrurus Matrocarcus) and weaving birds are found. Other lower animals or reptiles found in this area are snakes, tortoises, crocodiles, frogs and toads. These are cold-blooded (Poikilothermal) vertebrates with scaly skin. The mammals found in the arid desert of Cholistan are Chinkara deer, blue bull (Neelgae), ravine deer(Heran), wild-ass, wild cat (Caracal), desert rat (Gerbille), desert hedge-hog, porcupine, hare, fox, jackal, Hyaena, wolf and desert mongoose,among the birds Houbara bustard, sand grouse, Tilyar, partridge and falcon are common.Among migratory birds are game birds, like Page 13 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Houbara bustard, eagle, partridge and Tilyar etc. some aquatic birds like water fowl, storks teal, Morhan, king fisher and pea-cocks are found in the riverine and water logged areas. 560. Various species of Falcon, Eagle, Owlsare found, and many kinds of snakes and lizards Goh (Varanus monitor) Sahna(Uromastix hardwicklii), Girgat or Chameleon (Chamaeleon vulgaris), Common wall lizard (Chhapkalie (Geeko qeeko), desert lizard (Hemideetylus species). 561. Common fishes found are Dambia or Rohu (Laheo rehita), Thaila Mori, Mirgal or Murakhi (Cirrhina mrigala), Jhalli, Singhari, (Macronous aor) Butti or Pari (Nutopterus kapirat), Dehi (Labeo calbasu), Tirkanda (Ritp rita), Malli (Wallago attu), Dhungna (Pseudutropius oprua), Malli, Sap-machhi (Mastacembalus armatus), Shahingar tiger-fish or Kinger (Mysetus vitatus). 43.3.2 Terrestrial Habitats, Forests and Protected Species Vegetation cover and trees 562. The project area, which is not dry, is dominated by urban suburbs and with various productive fields of monocultures that now dominate the agro-ecosystems present in the project area. Common floral species with rooted vegetation are also present in most of the water bodies of the area. 563. There is no vegetation at the DGS site and in the RoW. Just either side of the transmission line alignment no vegetation exists. There are a number of indigenous and exotic flowering plants in the district. The indigenous and cultivated trees found in the district Jand or Jandi (Prosopia sicigera), Karinch, Kari, Karil or Karir (Capparia aphylla), Jal or Van (Salvadora obeides), red Lei or Philchhi (Tamarix qellica) and Kallar Lei (Tamarix species), Okanh, Pilchhi or Favuro (Tamarix dioica, Roxb), babuli or Bavali (Acacia eburna), Kikar, Babul (Acacia Arabica), Shisham or Tahli (Dalbergia sissoo), Beri (Zizyphus jujube, Uamk), Siria, Sirin, Sars or Sharinh (Albizzia lebbek Benth), Dharek or Bakein (Melia azedarach, Linn), Nim (Melis indica or Azadirachta indica, Juss) and Sohanjna (Moring ptorygosperma), Lasura (Teccoma undulate), Bohar or Bor (Ficus indica), Piple (Ficus religiosa), Jaman, (Engenia jombolana) and Harnali are also grown. 564. There is no wild growth of any bush near the area of works but natural forest cover in the district has been significantly reduced in the past but some of the older stands of trees are well established could be considered as semi-naturalized to some extent. 565. The majority of the land adjacent to the substation is agriculture rural area The construction activity will be within the existing grid station boundary on vacant space, where there in no vegetation. 43.3.3 Protected and Religious Trees 566. There is no tree within the proposed DGS boundary and along the RoW. In general permission should be sought from the local tree owners for the felling of any trees. The LARP may make provision for compensation of local people for the loss of trees, if needed after detailed study. The works must deal with trees that need to be lopped or removed for safety reasons with the necessary permissions. 43.3.4 Protected areas / National sanctuaries 567. In Pakistan there are several areas of land devoted to the preservation of biodiversity through the dedication of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. There are no protected areas near the near proposed DGS and transmission alignment. 43.4 Economic Development 43.4.1 Agriculture, Industries, and Tourism 568. Agriculture: The main crops in the subproject area during winter are wheat, rape-seed and mustard, lentil (Masoor), Gram and gardens and Cotton, rice, sugarcane, maize, jawar, bajra, mung and mash are the summer crops. Page 14 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 569. Horticulture: Fruits play an important role in the economy and health of a nation. Fruit growing is more profitable than agriculturist. Fruits produced in the district are mangoes, date, citrus, guava and Ber. Besides fruits vegetables are also grown in the district 570. Industry: Due to this revolution cotton weaving, shoe making and pottery cottage industries were affected greatly .but carpet industry has developed. According to the small industries corporation embroidery, carpets and rug, iron work, carving in wood, mud pottery, ban making, gold and silver ornaments, hand made shoes, musales and baskets, light engineering, Hukka making, sport goods, bangle making, glass, printing of bed sheets, Sarkanda products and cotton wears are produced by the local cottage industry. 43.4.2 Transportation 571. Noor Sar (Bahawalnagar) is linked with the rest of the country by rail and road. 572. There is a complete network of roads in the district. All major villages are connected with the district headquarters through metalled roads. There are 855.41 km metalled roads in Bahawalnagar district and its virtual length comes out 872 km,. 573. Bahawalnagar is connected with the main railway line Peshawar to Karachi via Samma Satta. It is also connected with Haroonabad and Fort Abbas on one side and on the other with Minchinabad and Amruka. There is only one train service daily which comes and goes back to Samma-Sata.Ther is no direct train link between Bahawalnagar and the provincial capital. To travel to Lahore by train via Samma Satta takes about 14 hours whereas the distance of about 230 km can be covered by bus within 6 hours. Thus Bahawalnagar Samma Satta section is seldom used by people proceeding to central Punjab and beyond. 574. Tourism: There are many places of interest those attract tourists and promote tourisms e.g. Fort Abbas, Fort of Sardar Garh, Phulra Fort, Mirgarh Fort, Jam Garh Fort, Marrot Fort and Shahr Farid. 43.4.3 Energy Sources 575. The transmission lines for electrical power run to a main grid substation at. The existing 132 kV Grid Station owned by MEPCO, transmits power to the load centers. 576. Reserves of fossil fuels the main sources of energy in Pakistan others are derived from hydropower. In the study area there is no source of hydropower and other energy sources are progressively more common further away from the major towns. The biomass sourcing is concentrated on home garden production of fuel wood, the extraction of wood from forests, woodland, crop plantations and agricultural residues. The other significant energy sources in the area are kerosene and LPG. There are numerous petrol stations and LPG dealers in the district. 577. More than three-fifths of housing units are using wood i.e. 68.4 percent, as cooking fuel in their houses while 2.2 percent are using gas for this purpose and 1.6 percent is using kerosene oil as a source of cooking fuel in their houses. Regarding urban and rural differential wood is mainly used, representing 66.7 percent, in rural areas and 76.2 percent in urban areas as cooking fuel, followed by kerosene oil in rural areas and gas in urban areas representing 0.7 and 10.6 percent housing units respectively. 43.5 Social and Cultural Resources 43.5.1 Population Communities and Employment 578. The total population of Bahawalnagar district, tehsil, patwar circle Sadiq Nagar and village Madrasa was 2,061,447, 541,553, 6229 and 481 persons respectively as enumerated in March 1998 As emerged from 1998 census the population of district is predominantly Muslims i.e. 99.1 percent. The next higher percentage is of Christians with 0.6 percent followed by Ahmadis 0.2 percent. While other minorities like Hindu (Jati). Scheduled castes etc. are very small in number. The proportion of population of Muslims is higher in urban areas. 98.5 percent as compared to their counterparts in rural areas, 80.4 percent. Christians are mostly living in urban areas representing 1.0 percent as compared to just 0.4 percent in rural areas. Ahmadis are also more in urban area as compared to their proportion Page 15 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment in rural areas. Punjabi is the predominant language being spoken in the district, representing 94.6 percent 0of the population, followed by Urdu spoken by 3.7 percent, Siraiki 1.2 percent each and Pushto 0.3 percent while others speak Sindhi, Balochi, Bravi, Dari etc. leaving aside the rural area which is influenced by the local people, the proportion of Punjabi speaking represents 96.8 percent, Urdu 1.4 percent, Siraiki 1.3 percent and Pushto 0.3 percent. While remaining people speak Sindhi, Balochi, Bravi, Dari etc. 579. Of the total economically active population 93.6 percent were registered as employed in 1998. Only 5.9 percent were government employees, 70.3 percent self employed and 14.4 percent private employees. Un-paid family helpers were recorded as 6.4 percent. The difference in proportions of employed population was significant between the genders and urban and rural residences. 43.5.2 Education and Literacy 580. The literacy ratio in Bahawalnagar district has increased from 19.5 percent in 1981, to 35.1 percent in 1998. The literacy ratio for males is 45.5 percent as against 23.8 percent for females. The ratio is much higher in urban when compared with rural areas both for male and female. There are primary, middle and high schools for boys and girls in city at 1 km .There is a school girls at 350m and a and a high school for boys at 200m from DGS 581. Number of educational institutions and their enrolment 1997-98 is given in the table below:Table 3.1 Level Primary Middle Secondary Higher secondary (class l-Xlll) Intermediate and degree colleges Mosque schools TOTAL Educational Institutions by Level of Education, 1997-98 Institution Male Female 1103 917 125 153 107 53 Enrolment Male Female 75000 42000 24000 19000 49000 25000 Teaching Staff Male Female 3270 2126 1358 1409 2297 1027 3 3 3450 2633 196 112 5 5 3922 2352 176 69 398 1741 1131 10122 165494 90985 794 8091 4743 Source: Punjab Development Statistics, Bureau of Statistics Punjab, 1999. 43.5.3 Health Facilities 582. There are 01 district headquarter hospital, 04 tehsil headquarter hospitals, 10 rural health centers, 101 basic health units, 34 sub health centers, 10 civil dispensaries, 03 T.B dispensaries/Clinics, 47 Rural Dispensaries, 07 M.C H. Centers.Thereis Rural Health Centre adjacent to girls school at 200M from DGS. 43.5.4 Cultural Heritage and Community Structure 583. There are no official heritage sites or historic, religious or archeologically important sites located in the Subproject works areas. There is no major historic or archaeological feature of note but there a few places of worship a mosque in the DGS within about 500m of the works. 584. The major tribes inhabited in the area are Syeds (Mashadi,Kirmani,Bukhari) Qureshi, (Abbasi,Saddiqi,FarooqiAlvi) Chishtis, Ar-Rais or Arains, Rajputs, Bhattis, Punwars, Muhammadan Labanas, Chuhans, Kharals, Lunan, Ber and Wisul, Wattoos, Chhinas, Pathan, Chotias, Butts, Dhuddi, Tihars, Kambohs, Bukharis, Baluch, Hotis, Khokhar and Jat. Page 16 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 44. SCREENING POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 44.1 Project Location 44.1.1 Impact Assessment and Mitigation 585. This Tranche 2 subproject will involve the conversion of 66kVDGS into 132 kV transmission Line Bahawalnagar- Chistian is under construction just along the boundary wall of the grid station with the funding of World Bank. Noor Sar Grid station will be tapped by this Bahawalnagar- Chistian 132 kV transmission line from tower no. 104. See Figure 1.1 which presents the line rout. Conversion of 66kV DGS into 132kV implying an expansion of both outside and within the existing boundaries of Noor Sar grid station (DGS will be constructed on land previously owned by MEPCO. There are no sensitive receivers close to the DGS which could be possibly affected by certain activities of the SP works. The TXL will not cross roads, highway, and canal and could not require the removal of trees but there is no other sensitive receiver on its routs, which could be affected by the works. 586. The location and scale of the works are very important in predicting the environmental impacts. This process of impact prediction is the core of the EIA process and it is critical that the recommendations and mitigation measures are carried out according to with reference to the conditions on the ground in the affected areas (Figure 1.2 show TXL route) in the spirit of the environmental assessments process. In this section the potential environmental impacts are reviewed. Where impacts are significant enough to exceed accepted environmental standards, mitigation is proposed in order to reduce residual impact to acceptable levels and achieve the expected outcomes of the project being implemented. Therefore, it is essential that a proper analysis is carried out during the project planning period. In this regard, the impact prediction plays a vital role as these predictions are used for developing mitigation measures and any alternative options, if appropriate. When the detailed designs are completed the impacts and mitigation measures will need to be further reviewed to take account of how the contracts are set up and in the light of any fine tuning of the Subproject proposals. 587. The environmental management plan (Section 5 and EMP matrix Attachment 2) has been reviewed based on the EMP and shall be reviewed in due course at project inception and through construction in order to feed back any significant unpredicted impacts. It is based on the analysis of impacts, primarily to document key environmental issues likely to arise from Subproject project implementation, to prescribe mitigation measures to be integrated in the project design, to design monitoring and evaluation schedules to be implemented during Subproject project construction and operation, and to estimate costs required for implementing Subproject mitigation measures. The EMP plan must be reviewed in the Subproject inception by the project management and approved before any construction activity is initiated, to take account of any subsequent changes and fine tuning of the proposals. 44.1.2 General Approach to Mitigation 588. Based on experience on some projects contractors have put emphasis on the financial compensation for nuisances. This may be acceptable for some social impacts where evacuation is necessary or where houses have been accidentally damaged, however it is not best international practice to accept payment for environmental impacts. An approach whereby the subproject contractor pays money for nuisances rather than control impacts at source will not be acceptable. This practice should not be allowed and financial compensation shall not be allowed as mitigation for environmental impacts or environmental nuisance. 589. During the preparation for the Subproject construction phase the future contractors must be notified and prepared to co-operate with the executing agency, project management, supervising consultants and local population in the mitigation of impacts. Furthermore the contractor must be primed through bidding stages and the contract documentation to implement the EMP in full and be ready to engage trained environmental management staff to audit the effectiveness and review mitigation measures as the project proceeds. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the loan conditions and the executing agency (MEPCO) must be prepared for this. In this regard the MEPCO must fulfill the requirements of the law and guidance prepared by FEPA on the environmental aspects of power projects and the recommendations already made for Subproject in this EIA and under Pakistan’s PEP Act law. Page 17 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 590. The location of the residences, mosques, schools, hospitals and civic, cultural and other heritage sites has been reviewed in Section 3. Residences or schools are not close enough [at100m] to the subproject on which there could not be some potential impacts in the construction stage from disturbance and significant noise and dust. This is because the TXL is very short (only142m), and the alignment is with in DGS boundary and has no human settlements and structures .as the development of the colony is under progress. 591. Work on the tower sites could cause some generation of air borne dust, but any nuisance from this is likely to be very localized and temporary. Other project activities, e.g. movement of heavy vehicles on unpaved tracks during the works, could generate considerable dust. Water is available in the study area, although surplus water may not always be available to suppress dust at vulnerable locations in the dry season. Therefore as a general approach it is recommended that where works are within 15m of any residential sensitive receivers, the contractor should install segregation between the works and the edge of the sensitive receivers. The segregation should be easily erectable 2.5m high tarpaulin sheet and designed to retain dust and provide a temporary visual barrier to the works. Where dust is the major consideration the barrier can take the form of tarpaulins strung between two poles mounted on a concrete base. These can be moved along from tower base to tower base as the work proceeds. 592. Noise from the construction of the towers should not be a major consideration unless very close to schools or hospitals where construction should be avoided at sensitive times. In addition to the physical effect of mitigating dust and noise with barriers installation of such measures should be discussed with the local population and serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage to assist in public relations. 44.1.3 Cultural Heritage, Mosques, Religious Sites, and Social Infrastructure 593. The location of mosques and other cultural and other heritage SR sites has been reviewed in Section 3. There are no mosques or other religious sites close to the DGS site. The new line will also not affect or disturb any such site. (Attachment 8). 594. The nearest clinic / hospital is more than 50m from the edge of the Subproject or TXL route, but the nearest school is at 100m from the DGS in front of the Subproject, and the nearest houses at about100mm from the DGS. The TXL will not cross some road. Apart from these features, there will be sufficient buffer distance between the works and any other SRs, so that no significant impacts should be expected. Public consultation should be undertaken at the implementation stage to ensure nuisances are not allowed to escalate for the SRs close to the DGS sites. 44.2 Potential Environmental Impacts in construction 44.2.1 Encroachment, Landscape and Physical Disfiguration 595. The extent of the proposed power expansion is moderate and should not extend beyond the power corridor (RoW) created by the subproject. No significant landscape impacts are expected from conversion of 66kV Noor Sar DGS into 132kV. 44.2.2 Cut and fill and waste disposal 596. Disposal of surplus materials must also be negotiated through local authority approvals prior to the commencement of construction. The Subproject work should not involve any significant cutting and filling but minor excavations (down to 4m) and piling may be required to create the foundations for the new transformers and for some towers (if required). It is envisaged (depending on the mode of contract) that the surface under the towers will need to be scrabbled to remove unstable materials, or to stockpile topsoil. 597. Mitigation measures must focus on the minimization of impacts. In order to allow the proper functioning of the settlement sites (access to villages) during construction it is recommended that consideration be given to erect temporary hoardings immediately adjacent to the nearest houses and shops if they are within 15m of the power distribution line tower construction. Page 18 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 598. If surplus materials arise from the removal of the existing surfaces from specific areas, these should be used elsewhere on the subproject before additional soil, rock, gravel or sand is brought in. The use of immediately available material will generally minimize the need for additional rock based materials extraction from outside. 599. The subproject detailed designers have so far estimated that no substantial additional materials will be required subject to confirmation at the detailed design stage. 600. At this stage no areas require removal of woodland. However if specimen trees of religious plantations are affected the owners should be given the resources and opportunity to reinstate the woodland long term and a plantation compensation plan should be drawn up to replant the woodland/trees. In the event that the land is not suitable for plantation then other areas should be identified to replace the cut trees and sufficient areas should be identified to allow plantation of trees at a rate of say 3:1. The replacement ratio should allow for a high mortality rate among the newly planted trees in the dry environment or otherwise as based on advice from the forest authority. 601. Contractual clauses should be included to require each contractor to produce a materials management plan (one month before construction commences) to identify all sources of cement and aggregates and to balance cut and fill. The plan should clearly state the methods to be employed prior to and during the extraction of materials and all the mitigation measures to be employed to mitigate nuisances to local residents. Financial compensation shall not be allowed as mitigation for environmental impacts or environmental nuisance. Mitigation measures shall seek to control the impacts at source in the first place. The engineer shall be responsible to update the subproject cut and fill estimates and create Materials Master Plan to facilitate materials exchange between the different contract areas along the power line and sub-contractors on the power line and to provide an overall balance for materials and minimize impacts on local resources. 44.2.3 Trees, Ecology and Protected Areas 602. There are no Reserved or Protected Forests or trees near the DGS site or TXL alignment. 132 kV transmission Line Bahawalnagar- Chistian is under construction just along the boundary wall of the grid station with the funding of World Bank. Noor Sar Grid station will be tapped by this BahawalnagarChistian 132 kV transmission line from tower no. 104. See Figure 1.1 which presents the line route. by MEPCO (April 2009) will not affect any tree .In case removal all the trees on private or forest land during the works, written permission should be sought. 603. If for some unforeseen reason or change of alignment, any trees with religious significance or other trees need to be removed, written permission should be obtained from the forest authority and the owner after written justification by MEPCO. Trees shall be planted to replace the lost trees with three trees planted to replace every cut tree (3:1) or more as agreed with the authority. 604. A requirement shall be inserted in the contracts that no trees are to be cut on the Noor Sar DGS and TXL site or outside, without the written permission from the supervising consultant who may permit the removal of trees if unavoidable on safety / technical / engineering grounds after written justification by MEPCO and to the satisfaction of the forest authority and the owner. 44.2.4 Hydrology, Sedimentation, Soil Erosion 605. The drainage streams en-route of the subproject should not be impeded by the works. The scale of the works does not warrant hydrological monitoring. 44.2.5 Air Pollution from earthworks and transport 606. The material (cement, sand and aggregate) requirement of a typical 132 kV substation (about 150 cu m) and a 132 kV transmission tower (4.8 cu m, or 40 bags of cement per tower) are not large. In transmission line construction sand and aggregate are delivered directly to the tower location from the quarry / source, there is no intermediate or bulk storage of these materials .Similarly construction materials for the substation are stored within the substation site are scheduled as per the work progress (which is staggered as the buildings which require bulk of the construction materials are built in phases over 6 to 12 months period ) , which means that at any given point in time the amount of construction material stored is not significant .The quantities of construction material required for a Page 19 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment typical substation or transmission tower are not so larger that they potentially represent a traffic hazard , these requirements are time dispersed in case of substations and time and space dispersed in case of transmission lines . The contractor will be , however, required to provide a traffic management plan before commencement of work at site .Field observations indicate that ambient air quality is generally acceptable and that emissions from traffic and other powered mechanical equipment in the area are rapidly dispersed. There will be a few items of powered mechanical equipment to be used in the construction of the distribution line works that may give rise gaseous emissions. However these should be well dissipated. The major sources of complaint will likely be any necessary earthworks and local soil compaction. 607. Earthworks will contribute to increasing dust, and the foundation earthworks for the transformers and the line poles will generate dust and the following mitigation measures are needed: 608. Dust suppression facilities (water sprayers / hosepipe) shall be available where earth and cement works are required. 609. Areas of construction (especially where the works are within 50m of the SRs) shall be maintained damp by watering the construction area. 610. Construction materials (sand, gravel, and rocks) and spoil materials will be transported trucks covered with tarpaulins. 611. Storage piles will be at least 30m downwind of the nearest human settlements. 612. All vehicles (e.g., trucks, equipment, and other vehicles that support construction works) shall be well maintained and not emit dark, smoky or other emissions in excess of the limits described in the NEQS. 613. The need for large stockpiles should be minimized by careful planning of the supply of materials from controlled sources. Stockpiles should not be located within 50m of schools, hospitals or other public amenities such as wells and pumps and should be covered with tarpaulins when not in use and at the end of the working day to enclose dust. 44.2.6 Noise, Vibration and Blasting 614. It is anticipated that powered mechanical equipment and some local labor with hand tool methods will be used to construct the subproject works. No blasting is anticipated. Powered mechanical equipment can generate significant noise and vibration. The cumulative effects from several machines can be significant. To minimize such impacts, the contractor for subproject should be requested by the construction supervision consultants (engineer) to provide evidence and certification that all equipment to be used for construction is fitted with the necessary air pollution and noise dampening devices to meet EPA requirements. 615. A criterion of 70dB (A)Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. Any noisy equipment should be located within DGS as far from SRs as possible to prevent nuisances to dwellings and other structures from operation. 616. Noise from construction of the power distribution lines and improvements to substations is not covered under any regulations however in order to keep in line with best international practice it is recommended that no construction should be allowed during nighttime (9 PM to 6 AM) and 70dB(A)Leq should be the criterion at other times during the day measured at the boundaries of land from which construction noise is emitted. A criterion of 70dB (A)Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. Any noisy equipment should be located within DGS or as far from SRs as possible to prevent nuisances to dwellings and other structures from operation. 617. Vibration from construction of piles to support pads may be required for some tower construction and may be a significant impact but this should be short duration. Where vibration could be come a major consideration (within say 100m of schools, religious premises, hospitals or residences) a building condition survey should take place prior to construction. The physical effect of piling should be assessed prior to construction and measures should be discussed with the local population as well as timing of the works to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and Page 20 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment to assist in public relations. At nearby schools, the contractor shall discuss with the school principals the agreed time for operating these machines and completely avoid machine use near schools during examination times, if such a need arises. 44.2.7 Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal, Communicable Diseases 618. The main issues of concern are uncontrolled or unmanaged disposal of solid and liquid wastes into watercourses and natural drains, improper disposal of storm water and black water and open defecation by construction workers. 619. In order to maintain proper sanitation around construction sites, access to the nearby DGS lavatories should be allowed provision of temporary toilets should be made. Construction worker camps will not be necessary, based on the scale of the works needed. If for some unforeseen reason a larger workforce is needed any construction camp should not be located in settlement areas or near sensitive water resources and portable lavatories or at least pit latrines should be provided. 620. Wherever water is allowed to accumulate, in temporary drainage facilities, due to improper storm water management, or improper disposal of wastewater generated from the site, it can offer a breeding site for mosquitoes and other insects. Vectors such as mosquitoes may be encountered if open water is allowed to accumulate at the Noor Sar site. Temporary and permanent drainage facilities should therefore be designed to facilitate the rapid removal of surface water from all areas and prevent the accumulation of surface water ponds. 44.3 Potential Environmental Impacts in operation 44.3.1 Air pollution and noise from the enhanced operations 621. The subproject works will extend the power distribution lines but no houses, mosques or schools will be close to the new TXL in the operational phase. Nevertheless some houses, a school, a hospital and a hostel are close to the DGS. The DGS will be constructed at already functioning Petrol pump in the locality on G.T road, and the extended level of operation of the facility is not likely to cause any appreciable increase in the noise level already generated by the existing equipment. However, it is recommended that an acoustical check be made on the detailed design to determine of any noise barriers are required. There should be no source of atmospheric pollution from the subproject. In the operational phase any nearby industrial facilities with fuel powered mechanical equipment will be the main polluters. All such emissions will be very well dissipated in the open terrain and there will be no cumulative effect from the subproject. 622. Noise impacts from the operation of the DGS equipment should be reviewed at the detailed design stage. There are/not national noise standards in Pakistan for power distribution noise emissions that would apply in the operational stages. A criterion of 70Db (A) Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous EIA studies. It is recommended that a check be made on the likely acoustical performance based on makers specifications of the installed equipment at the detained design stage 44.3.2 Pollution from oily run-off, fuel spills and dangerous goods 623. No significant impacts from oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants are expected to arise in this subproject. However control measures will be needed for oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants in the case of accidental or unexpected release. Transformer oil is supplied in drums from an imported source and tap tanks are topped up as necessary on site. There are facilities in some subproject DGS maintenance yards for recycling (dehydrating) oil from breakers. However the areas upon which these recycling facilities are located have no dedicated drainage which can capture run-off. Oily residues and fuel and any contaminated soil residues should be captured at source and refueling and maintenance should take place in dedicated areas away from surface water resources. Contaminated residues and waste oily residues should be disposed at a site agreed with the local authority. No significant impacts from oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants are expected to arise in this subproject. However control measures will be needed for oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants in the case of accidental or unexpected release. Transformer oil is supplied in drums from an imported source and tap tanks are topped up as necessary on site. There are facilities in some subproject DGS maintenance yards for recycling (dehydrating) oil from breakers. Page 21 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment However the areas upon which these recycling facilities are located have no dedicated drainage which can capture run-off. Oily residues and fuel and any contaminated soil residues should be captured at source by installing bunds (Appendix 6) and refueling and maintenance should take place in dedicated areas away from surface water resources. Contaminated residues and waste oily residues should be disposed at a site agreed with the local authority . DISCOs are served by the Technical Services Group (TSG) , TSG prepare a detailed routine maintenance schedule for each piece of hardware .TSG also supervise and monitors the implementation of this schedule by Grid System Operation (GSO) .Transformer oil has a long life (typically over 15 years, which depends upon the level of load the transformer serves ) .Oil spills are very rare and are preempted by routine maintenance .TSG and GSO have a written down procedure to deal with oil spills . 624. The DISCO procedures for handling PCB need to be strengthened the maintenance of transformers need to be based on the manufactures instructions. There need to be performance evaluation procedure prescribed and followed for each power transformer. In working areas where PCBs are handled, it is necessary to monitor the levels of chlorinated solvents. In case of emergencies the first step is to attempt to control the spread of the liquid, this is especially relevant during transportation. In case of spills emergency measures need to be taken by personal specially trained and wearing protective clothes. Oil absorptive materials are a useful tool and needs to be spread over the spill. All equipment and surfaces exposed to the spill need to be washed with solvent. The best international procedures and guidelines need be followed; one such guideline is the UNEP PCB transformers and capacitors – Form Management to Reclassification and disposal, May 2002. This however, is not relevant as this EIA is related to the development and construction if a new substation and PEPCO/DISCOs have already banned the use of any equipment that uses PCB. 625. MEPCO already prohibits use of PCBs in new power transformers, there is however need to prepare an inventory of any PCB carrying equipment in the system and all such equipment be replaced. The maintenance instructions prepared by the Technical Services Group needs to be reviewed and revised to add PCB based equipment maintenance and a procedure for handling any PCB spills. The Kot Lakhpat and Shalimar workshops already follow. Such procedures, however, these need to be reviewed and upgraded in light of best international practice. This would include provision of special clothing availability of oil absorptive solvents, availability of steel containers. Training to staff on oil spills and special care during transportation of equipment using PCB’s. TSG ensure that the maintenance schedule of each piece of hardware is adhered to . DISCOs have also established a safety unit, which among other tasks , investigates all accidents .Frequency of accidents, on average is about 1 per DISCO per year (based on last 4 years record), about 60 % of these are non-fatal .Most accidents occur due to staff and supervision negligence .Detailed report of each accident is prepared . 44.4 Enhancement 626. Environmental enhancements are not a major consideration within the Noor Sar subproject site. However it is noted that it is common practice at many such sites to create some local hard and soft landscaping and successful planting of fruit trees and shrubs has been accomplished in many sites. This practice should be encouraged as far as practicable. Other opportunities for enhancements can be assessed prior to construction and proposed enhancements should be discussed with the local population to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and to assist in public relations. Trees removed for construction purposes should be replaced as compensation in line with best practice at ratio of three replaced for one removed however additional trees should be planted as enhancements where there is space in the DGS and along the TXL. Page 22 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 45. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 627. In this section, the mitigation measures that are required for the Noor Sar subproject Tranche 2 subproject, to reduce residual impact to acceptable levels and achieve the expected outcomes of the project, are discussed. The Environmental Management Plan is based on the type, extent and duration of the identified environmental impacts for the Noor Sar subproject Tranche 2 subproject. The EMP has been prepared following best practice and by reference to the ADB Environmental Assessment Guidelines 2003. 628. It is important that the recommendations and mitigation measures are carried out according to the spirit of the environmental assessment process and in line with the guidelines. The EMP matrix is presented as Attachment 4. The impact prediction (Section 4) has played a vital role in reconfirming typical mitigation measures and in identifying any different approaches based on the feasibility and detailed design assumptions and any alternatives available at this stage. 629. Prior to implementation and construction of the subprojects the EMP shall be amended and reviewed by the MEPCO in due course after detailed designs are complete. Such a review shall be based on reconfirmation and additional information on the assumptions made at this feasibility stage on positioning, alignment, location scale and expected operating conditions of the subprojects. For example, in this case if there are any additional transmission lines or extension of the substation boundaries to be included, the designs may be amended and then the performance and evaluation schedules to be implemented during project construction and operation can be updated and costs estimates can be revised. The EIA and EMP should than be revised on a subproject by subproject basis. 630. The EIA and EMP plan must be reviewed by the project management and approved by the PEPA before any construction activity is initiated. This is also an ADB requirement in order to take account of any sub-sequent changes and fine tuning of the proposals. It is recommended that, before the works contract is worked out in detail and before pre-qualification of contractors, a full extent of the environmental requirements of the project (EIA/EIA and EMP) are included in the bidding documents. Professional experience indicates that past environmental performance of contractors and their awareness of environmentally responsible procurement should also be used as indicator criteria for the prequalification of contractors. 631. In order to facilitate the implementation of the EMP, during the preparation for the construction phase the MEPCO must prepare the future contractors to co-operate with all stakeholders in the mitigation of impacts. Furthermore the contractor must be primed through the contract documentation and ready to implement all the mitigation measures. MEPCO will need to engage at least one trained environmental management staff and the staff should audit the effectiveness and review mitigation measures as the subprojects are rolled out. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the mid term review of loan conditions and the executing agency must prepare for this at the inception stage. 632. The details of EMP given in the Attachment 2 are for the Noor Sar subproject. The EMP matrix will have much in common for many other future (Tranche 2) substation and line projects that have a similar scale of works and types of location but will be different for more complicated substation and line projects that involve impacts to land outside the existing substations and for lines traversing more sensitive land. In all cases separate dedicated EIAs must be prepared. 633. The impacts have been classified into those relevant to the design/preparation stage, construction stage and operation and maintenance stage. The matrix provides details of the mitigation measures recommended for each of the identified impacts, time span of the implementation of mitigation measures, an analysis of the associated costs and the responsibility of the institution. The institutional responsibility has been specified for the purpose of the implementation and the supervision. The matrix is supplemented with a monitoring plan (Attachment-3) for the performance indicators. An estimation of the associated costs for the monitoring is given with the plan. The EMP has been prepared following best practice and the ADB environmental assessment guidelines 2003. Page 23 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 634. Prior to implementation of the subproject the MEPCO needs to comply with several environmental requirements, such as submitting and EIA/EIA to PEPA and obtaining PEPA clearance (“No Objection Certificate” compiling acceptable EMP and Clearance Certificate) under PEPAct (guidelines and regulations 2000) and any other permissions required from other authorities. MEPCO will also need to confirm that contractors and their suppliers have complied with all statutory requirements and have appropriate and valid licenses and permits for all powered mechanical equipment and to operate in line with local authority conditions. 635. The EMP (Attachment 4) was prepared taking into account the limited capacity of MEPCO to conduct environmental assessments of the subprojects. MEPCO has appointed 01 environmental manager and 01 social impact manager with support staff. MEPCO ESU is fully functional. However, an environmental manager will be required. It is envisaged that experience in this field should therefore develop in the near future. However it is also strongly recommended that for subprojects in future Tranches that the MEPCO be prepared to engage more support where necessary (e.g. senior environmental specialist with at least 3 years experience in environmental management one years site experience in environmental monitoring and auditing) to guide the subsequent formal assessment and submission process under the PEPAct and monitor compliance with the EMP. As of August 2007, the MEPCO has demonstrated only limited commitment to developing in-house environmental and social capability. 636. The appointed environmental manager has to have a good level of awareness and will be responsible for addressing environmental concerns for subprojects potentially involving hundreds kilometers of distribution lines and DGS. Whereas some of their work may in future be delegated to consultants they will need more training and resources if they are effectively provide quality control and oversight for the EMP implementation. They will require robust support from senior management staff members and the management consultant if they are to address all environmental concerns for the subprojects effectively. Specific areas for immediate attention are in EMP auditing, environmentally responsible procurement, air, water and noise pollution management and ecological impact mitigation. It is recommended that an environmental specialist consultant with 10 years experience be made available to all the DISCOS to cover these aspects full time for at least the first six months of the PDEMFF project and that on a call off basis with local support those services are retained for the life of the PDEMFF loan. The newly appointed graduate environmental manager can then shadow the environmental specialist to improve awareness and hopefully provide independent quality control and oversight for the EMP implementation for the first 12 months. 637. In order to achieve good compliance with environmental assessment principles the graduate environmental manager for the project implementation team must be actively involved prior to the outset of the implementation design stage to ensure compliance with the statutory obligations under the PEP Act. It is also recommended that MEPCO Board allow direct reporting to Board level from the in-house Environmental and Social Unit (ESU). If the ESU requires resources for larger subprojects then environmental specialist consultants could be appointed through the project implementation unit to address all environmental aspects in the detailed design. It is recommended that the project management unit (PMU) should liaise directly with the ESU to address all environmental aspects in the detailed design and contracting stages. The graduate environmental manager will cover the implementation of environmental mitigation measures in the project packages. 638. Overall implementation of the EMP will become MEPCO’s responsibility. MEPCO and other parties to be involved in implementing the EMP are as follows: 639. Contractors: responsible for carrying out the contractual obligations, implementing all EMP measures required to mitigate environmental impacts during construction; 640. The MEPCO Board of Directors will be responsible to ensure that sufficient timely resources are allocated to process the environmental assessments and to monitor implementation of all construction and operational mitigation measures required to mitigate environmental impacts, and 641. Other government agencies such as the regional PEPA and state pollution authorities, Department of Forests, Department of Wildlife Services, who will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of environmental conditions and compliance with statutory requirements in their respective areas and local land use groups at the local levels. Page 24 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 642. Considering that other government agencies that need to be involved in implementing the EMP, training or harmonization workshops should be conducted for all ESUs in all DISCOS every six months or twice each year, for the first 2 years (and annually thereafter) to share the monitoring report on the implementation of the EMP in each DISCO and to share lessons learned in the implementation and to achieve a consistent approach decide on remedial actions, if unexpected environmental impacts occur. 643. The monitoring plan (Attachment-3) was designed based on the project cycle. During the preconstruction period, the monitoring activities will focus on (i) checking the contractor’s bidding documents, particularly to ensure that all necessary environmental requirements have been included; and (ii) checking that the contract documents’ references to environmental mitigation measures requirements have been incorporated as part of contractor’s assignment and making sure that any advance works are carried out in good time. Where detailed design is required (e.g. for power distribution lines and avoidance of other resources) the inclusion and checking of designs must be carried out. During the construction period, the monitoring activities will focus on ensuring that environmental mitigation measures are implemented, and some performance indicators will be monitored to record the Subprojects environmental performance and to guide any remedial action to address unexpected impacts. 644. Monitoring activities during project operation will focus on recording environmental performance and proposing remedial actions to address unexpected impacts. The potential to use local community groups contacts for monitoring should be explored as part of the activities in setting up the Environmental and Social Unit which should have regular meetings with the NGOs as a matter of good practice and to discuss matters of mutual concern. 645. At this stage, due to the modest scale of the new power distribution projects and by generally keeping to non-sensitive and non-critical areas the construction and operational impacts will be manageable. No insurmountable impacts are predicted providing that the EMP is implemented to its full extent and required in the contract documents. However experience suggests that some contractors may not be familiar with this approach or may be reluctant to carry out some measures. In order that the contractors are fully aware of the implications of the EMP and to ensure compliance, it is recommended that environmental measures be coasted separately in the tender documentation and that payment milestones are linked to environmental performance, vis a vis the carrying out of the EMP. 646. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the loan conditions and the executing agency must be prepared for this. In this regard the MEPCO (the IA) must be prepared to guide the design engineers and contractors on the environmental aspects. Page 25 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 46. 46.1 PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE Approach to Public Consultation 647. The public consultation (PC) process with various stakeholders has been approached so as to involve public and other stakeholders from the earliest stages. Public consultation has taken place during the planning and design and viewpoints of the stakeholders have been taken into account and their concerns and suggestions for possible improvements have been included where appropriate. Much of the PC process to date has revolved around concerns for the mitigation of construction impacts and the possible side effects from the proximity of high voltage power lines and the DGS and its equipment. 648. There is also a requirement for ongoing consultation for land acquisition and resettlement (LARP) and the completion of the Resettlement Plan (RP) is documented separately. It is expected that this process will continue through all stages of the subproject in order to accommodate stakeholders' aspirations and to orient the stakeholders positively towards the project implementation and where possible to harness cooperation over access issues in order to facilitate timely completion. 46.2 Public Consultation Process 649. The public consultation process has commenced in the initial feasibility stages (prior to construction) in order to disclose the project information to the stakeholders and record feedback regarding the proposed project and preferences. The stakeholders involved in the process were the population likely to be impacted along the route of the proposed power lines; the village leaders and school teachers. 650. Prior to the implementation of the consultation, feedback, etc. has been carried out to support this EIA and recorded. The focus of attention has been the population near the proposed TXL that may be affected by the Subproject expansion. The level of engagement varied from the stakeholder to stakeholder with some registering no major comment but it is noted that none registered any outright opposition to subproject. 651. The disclosure of the enhancement project in advance and subsequent consultation with stake holders has advantages in the environmental assessment and mitigation of impacts. Public consultation can also provide a conduit for the improvement of the project implementation to better serve the stakeholders. 652. The environmental assessment process under the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act only requires the disclosure to the public after the statutory EIA / EIA has been accepted by the relevant EPA to be in strict adherence to the rules. In this EIA the consultation process was performed to satisfy the ADB requirements. The locations of consultation and people consulted are listed in the full table of public consultation presented in Attachment 4. 46.3 Results of Public Consultation 653. The consultations identified some potential environmental and social impacts and perceptions of the affected communities. The public consultation resulted in 12 responses in April 2009 (Attachment4). The community generally supports the construction of the DGS. The local poor people predominantly requested for unskilled and semi skilled jobs on priority basis with the contractors during implementation of the project. Women requested that safety precaution should be taken during construction.aNo land acquisition and resettlement is involved in this subproject. Grid Staff requested to change the name of grid station. from Noor Sar to Madrassa as Noor Sar is located at 8 km from DGS which is located in Madrssa Post man usually deliver their letters in NoorSar. 654. On the basis of the consultations so far, it appears that the project will have no insurmountable environmental and social impacts but MEPCO will have to make sure that compensation and assistance amounts are assessed justly and that skilled and unskilled employment should be preferentially given to the AP as far as is reasonably practicable. Page 26 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment 47. 47.1 CONCLUSIONS Findings and Recommendations 655. This study was carried out at the planning stage of the project. Primary and secondary data were used to assess the environmental impacts. The potential environmental impacts were assessed in a comprehensive manner. The report has provided a picture of all potential environmental impacts associated with the Project, and recommended suitable mitigation measures. This study recommends that some further follow up studies are undertaken during project processing in order to meet the ADB requirements. 656. There are some further considerations for the planning stages such as obtaining clearance for the project under the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997) but environmental impacts from the power enhancements will mostly take place during the construction stage. There are also some noise impacts and waste management issues for the operational stage that must be addressed in the detailed design and through environmentally responsible procurement. At the detailed design stage the number of and exact locations for transmission tower enhancements may change subject to detailed surveys but the impacts are likely to be broadly similar at most locations and impacts have been reviewed in the environmental impact section of this EIA report. 657. There are a number of key actions required in the detailed design phase. Prior to construction the MEPCO must receive clearance certification from the PEPA and MEPCO must complete an EMP that will be accepted by the PEPA and agreed by the contractor prior to signing the contract. The information provided in this report can form the basis of any further submission to PEPA as required in future. 658. No land acquisition, compensation and resettlement is involved. However, some trees will be compensated to the concerned parties, if needed. However, provisions may be made in LARP, based on the proposed alignments these should not be difficult tasks and can be conducted as the detailed designs are worked out and to dovetail with the existing system and minimize adverse impacts and maximize benefits. A social impact assessment and resettlement action plan (LARP) has been completed in tandem with this EIA for the whole subproject. The study has: (xvii) (xviii) (xix) (xx) Examined and assess the overall social and poverty profile of the project area on the basis of the primary and secondary data sources and preparation of a socio-economic profile of the project districts. Prepared a social and poverty analysis, taking into account socio-economic and poverty status of the project area of influence, including the nature, extent and determinants of poverty in the project area including assessment. In addition, estimation of the likely socioeconomic and poverty reduction impacts of the project should be included. Held consultations with relevant officials from the government and other relevant officials, including consultation with affected communities to assess responses to the project and ascertain the nature and scope of local participation in project planning and implementation. Identified, analyzed and, where appropriate, quantified the potential resettlement impacts (minimal) of the proposed Project on the area and the population. 659. Baseline monitoring activities should be carried out during project detailed design stage to establish the baseline of parameters for checking during the construction stage. The monitoring schedule (Attachment-3) recommends monitoring on two occasions at the site location. The results should be integrated with the contract documentation to establish performance action thresholds, pollution limits and contingency plans for the contractor’s performance. 660. During the commissioning phase noise monitoring should ensure that statutory requirements have been achieved. Monitoring activities during project operation will focus on periodic recording environmental performance and proposing remedial actions to address any unexpected impacts. 47.2 Summary and Conclusions 661. The conversion of 66kV Noor Sar DGS into 132kV is a feasible and sustainable option from the power transmission, engineering, environmental, and socioeconomic points of view. Implementation of the EMP is required and the environmental impacts associated with the subproject need to be properly Page 27 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment mitigated, and the existing institutional arrangements are available. Additional human and financial resources will be required by MEPCO to complete the designs and incorporate the recommendations effectively and efficiently in the contract documents, linked to payment milestones. The proposed mitigation and management plans are practicable but require additional resources. 662. This EIA, including the EMP, should be used as a basis for an environmental compliance program and be included as an Attachment to the contract. The EMP shall be reviewed at the detailed design stage. In addition, any subsequent conditions issued by PEPA as part of the environmental clearance should also be included in the environmental compliance program. Therefore, continued monitoring of the implementation of mitigation measures, the implementation of the environmental conditions for work and environmental clearance, and monitoring of the environmental impact related to the operation of the subproject should be properly carried out and reported at least twice per year as part of the project performance report. Page 28 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Page 29 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment ATTACHMENT-2 Environmental Management Plan – Matrix July 2008 Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM o ensure that the dverse impacts due the property cquisition and settlement are itigated according to e LARP. 1. Social preparation completed (June 2008) . LARP etc in place IN CASE UNFORSEEN ADDITIONAL LAND IS REQUIRED 2. Acquisition of lands completed to minimize the uncertainty of people. 3. Completed implementation of LARP and LARCs to provide compensation and assistance to the APs. 4. MEPCO to select a site that will not affect any public in property or house such that no additional land is required.. 5. All the payments / entitlements are paid according to the Entitlement Matrix, prepared according to the LARP. 6. All the impacts identified by the EIA are incorporated in to the project as well as the LARP and relevant entitlements included into the Entitlement Matrix. Before the construction of the GSS and all the included structures, the APs to be given sufficient time with compensation money and to resettle satisfactorily. Affected Families will be compensated by MEPCO through the concerned District Revenue Department and Land Acquisition Collectors. MEP ESU o minimize ydrological and ainage impacts uring constructions. 1. Hydrological flow in areas where it is sensitive, such as water courses or bridges and culverts. 2. Design of adequate major and minor culverts facilities will be completed If lines or substation are relocated near water courses, culverts or bridges in the design stage reports MEP ESU Desig Cons nsure cumulative oise impacts are cceptable in onstruction and perational phase. 1. Conduct detailed acoustic assessment for all residential, school, (other sensitive structures) within 50m of DGS and line. 2. If noise at sensitive receiver exceeds the permissible limit, the construction activities should be mitigated, monitored and controlled. 3. If noise at sensitive receiver exceeds the permissible limit, the design to include acoustic mitigation (noise barrier or relocation of noisy equipment) and monitoring. Noise sensitive locations identified in the EIA/EIA/EMP or as required / approved by PEPA. MEP ESU desig consu nsure adequate sposal options for all aste including ansformer oil, sidually contaminated ils, scrap metal. 1. Create waste management policy and plan to identify sufficient locations for, storage and reuse of transformers and recycling of breaker oils and disposal of transformer oil, residually contaminated soils and scrap metal “cradle to grave”. 2. Include in contracts for unit rates for re-measurement for disposal. 3. Designate disposal sites in the contract and cost unit disposal rates accordingly. 1.Prior to detailed design stage no later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations 2. Include in contract. MEPCO ESU. Locations approved by EPA and MEPCO and local waste disposal authorities. MEPC and E the consu clude mitigation in eliminary designs for osion control and mporary drainage. 1. Identify locations where drainage or irrigation crossing RoW may be affected by works. 2. Include protection works in contract as a payment milestone(s). During designing stage no later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations. Locations based on drainage or irrigation crossing RoW near DGS. MEPC and consu Noise sensitive locations identified in the EIA/EIA/EMP or as required / approved by PEPA. MEP ESU desig consu 1. Locations of each construction activity to be listed by the CSC engineer. 2. Special locations are identified on the site by the contractor to minimize disturbances. 3. A list of locations of 1.Con supe by CS active supe and e Before the commencement of construction activities/during design stage 1. During detailed design stage. No later than prequalification or tender negotiations. 2. Include acoustic specification in the contract. 13. 13. nsure requirements nd commendations of nvironmental ssessment are cluded in the ontracts. Include EMP Matrix in tender documentation and make contractors responsible to implement mitigation measures by reference to EIA/EIA in contract. 14. Include preparation of EMP review and method statement WM plan, TD and EC Plan in contract as a payment milestone(s). 15. Require environmental accident checklist and a list of controlled chemicals / substances to be included in the contractor’s work method statement and tender documentation. o ensure the proper mplementation of any quirements entioned in EPA onditions of approval tter in relation to ydrology of the oject. 1. Consideration of weather conditions when particular construction activities are undertaken. 2. Limitations on excavation depths in use of recharge areas for material exploitation or spoil disposal. 3. Use of landscaping as an integrated component of construction activity as an erosion control measure. 4. Minimizing the removal of vegetative cover as much as possible and providing for it s restoration where construction sites have been cleared of such areas. During tender preparation. 14. No later than prequalification or tender negotiations 15. In bidding documents as evaluation criteria. Res M Prepare a thorough drainage management plan plan to be approved by CSC one month prior to a commencement of construction Page 1 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Objectives o ensure that the SC contractor and orkers understand nd have the capacity ensure the nvironmental quirements and mplementation of itigation measures. o prevent adverse ater quality impacts ue to negligence nd ensure navoidable impacts e managed fectively. Ensure dverse impacts on ater quality caused y construction ctivities are inimized. o minimize dust fectively and avoid omplaints due to the rborne particulate atter released to the mosphere. o minimize ground brations during onstruction. Mitigation Measures recommended 1. MEPCO ESU environmental specialist to monitor and progress all environmental statutory and recommended obligations. 2 Conduct special briefing for managers and / or on-site training for the contractors and workers on the environmental requirement of the project. Record attendance and achievement test for contractors site agents. 3. Agreement on critical areas to be considered and necessary mitigation measures, among all parties who are involved in project activities. 4. Continuous progress review and refresher sessions to be followed. Compile temporary drainage management plan one month before commencement of works. 1. Proper installation of temporary drainage and erosion control before works within 50m of water bodies. 2. Proper maintenance and management construction of TD and EC measures, including training of operators and other workers to avoid pollution of water bodies by the considerate operation of construction machinery and equipment. 3. Storage of lubricants, fuels and other hydrocarbons in selfcontained dedicated enclosures >50m away from water bodies. 4. Proper disposal of solid waste from construction activities. 5. Cover the construction material and spoil stockpiles with a suitable material to reduce material loss and sedimentation and avoid stockpiling near to water bodies. 6. Topsoil stripped material shall not be stored where natural drainage will be disrupted. 7. Borrow sites (if required) should not be close to sources of drinking water. CONTROL ALL DUSTY MATERIALS AT SOURCE. 1. All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fitted in full compliance with the national and local regulations.(Relevant regulations are in the Motor vehicles fitness rules and Highway Act). 2. Stockpiled soil and sand shall be slightly wetted before loading, particularly in windy conditions. 3. Fuel-efficient and well-maintained haulage trucks shall be employed to minimize exhaust emissions. 4. Vehicles transporting soil, sand and other construction materials shall be covered. Limitations to speeds of such vehicles necessary. Transport through densely populated area should be avoided. 5. To plan to minimize the dust within the vicinity of orchards and fruit farms. 6. Spraying of bare areas with water. 7. Concrete plants. to be controlled in line with statutory requirements should not be close to sensitive receptors. 1. Review requirements for piling and use of powered mechanical equipment within 100m of SRs. 2. Review conditions of buildings and conduct public consultation with SRs to establish less sensitive time for works involving piling Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Proper timetable prepared in consideration with the climatic conditions of the area, the different construction activities mentioned here to be guided. Induction course for all site agents and above including all relevant MEPCO staff / new project staff before commencement of work. irrigation channels / drains to be compiled and included in the contract. At early stages of construction for all construction employees as far as reasonably practicable. All staff members in all categories. Monthly induction and six month refresher course as necessary until contractor complies. Res M MEP ESU, Contr and t and detai 1.Con (MEP ESU to en 1 month prior to construction. During construction. all 1 month prior to construction. 1. 50m from water bodies 2. Relevant locations to be determined in the detailed project design. 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. Page 2 of 28 2. Co has t water and r MEP 3. supe imple on ac Contr shou main accep stand CSC supe activi Contr shou main accep Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Objectives o minimize noise creases during onstruction. revent adverse ater quality impacts ue to negligence nd ensure navoidable impacts e managed fectively. o minimize soil osion due to the onstruction activities towers, stringing of onductors and eation of access acks for project ehicles. o minimize sruption and ontamination of the urroundings, inimize and or avoid dverse environental impacts ising out of Mitigation Measures recommended Timing to implement MM and schedule works accordingly. 3. Non-percussive piling methods to be used wherever practicable. 4. Percussive piling shall be conducted in daylight hours. 5. Hammer- type percussive pile driving operations shall not be allowed at night time. 1. Review requirements for use of powered mechanical equipment within 100m of SRs. 2. Conduct public consultation with SRs to establish less sensitive time for works and schedule works accordingly. 3. All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fitted in full compliance with the national and local regulations and with effective silencing apparatus to minimize noise. 4. Heavy equipment shall be operated only in daylight hours. 5. Construction equipment, which generates excessive noise, shall be enclosed or fitted with effective silencing apparatus to minimize noise. 7. Well-maintained haulage trucks will be used with speed controls. 8. Contractor shall take adequate measures to minimize noise nuisance in the vicinity of construction sites by way of adopting available acoustic methods. SCHEDULE WORKS IN SENSITIVE AREAS (e.g. NEAR RIVERS) FOR DRY SEASON 1. In the short-term, temporary drainage and erosion control plan to be presented with tender. Temporary drainage and erosion control plan one month before commencement of works to protect all areas susceptible to erosion. (Permanent drainage works shall be in the final design). 2. Installation of TD and EC before works construction within 50m of water bodies. 3. Clearing of green surface cover to be minimized during site preparation. 5. Meaningful water quality monitoring up and downstream at any tower site during construction within a river or stream bed. Rapid reporting and feedback to CSC. 5. Back-fill should be compacted properly in accordance with MEPCO design standards and graded to original contours where possible. 6. Cut areas should be treated against flow acceleration while filled areas should be carefully designed to avoid improper drainage. 7. Stockpiles should not be formed within such distances behind excavated or natural slopes that would reduce the stability of the slopes or cause slippage. 8. Measures shall be taken to prevent ponds of surface water and scouring of slopes. Newly eroded channels shall be backfilled and restored to natural contours. 9. Contractor should arrange to monitor and adjust working and adopt suitable measures to minimize soil erosion during the construction period. Contractor’s TD and EC plan should be endorsed and monitored byt CSC after consulting with concerned. authorities. 10. Replanting trees to be done before the site is vacated and handed back to MEPCO with appropriate trees (other vegetation cover as appropriate) to ensure interception of rainwater and the deceleration of surface run-off. (consider also for future trances if civil works) 1. Use only EPA licensed sites for raw materials in order to minimize adverse environmental impacts. 2. Measures to be taken in line with any EPA license conditions, recommendations and approval to be applied to the subproject activities using the licensed source including: (xxv) Conditions that apply for selecting sites for material exploitation. Locations to implement MM 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. 1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 1 month prior to construction. 1 month prior to construction because the area can be subject to unseasonal heavy rain Plan before and during construction (cut and fill, land reclamation etc.) while considering the climatic conditions. month prior to starting of works. Update monthly. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works. Res M stand CSC supe relev activi Contr shou main accep stand CSC supe relev activi 1. Locations based on history of flooding problems indicated by local authorities . 2. A list of sensitive areas during construction to be prepared by the detail design consultant in consideration with the cut and fill, land reclamation, borrow areas etc. Contr and C 3. Locations of all rivers, streams, culverts, irrigation channels, roads and highways. 1. List of borrow areas to be prepared with tender stage contractors method statement and updated one month prior to construction. 2.List of routes of transport of construction Page 3 of 28 Contr and agree of rep Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended onstruction material xploitation, handling, ansportation and orage by using ources that comply th EPA license onditions (xxvi) Conditions that apply to timing and use of roads for material transport. (xxvii) Conditions that apply for maintenance of vehicles used in material transport or construction. (xxviii) Conditions that apply for selection of sites for material storage. (xxix) Conditions that apply for aggregate production. (xxx) Conditions that apply for handling hazardous or dangerous materials such as oil, lubricants and toxic chemicals. 1. Waste management plan to be submitted to the CSC and approved by MEPCO ESU one month prior to starting of works. WMP shall estimate the amounts and types of construction waste to be generated by the project. 2. Investigating whether the waste can be reused in the project or by other interested parties without any residual environmental impact. 3 Identifying potential safe disposal sites close to the project, or those designated sites in the contract. 4 Investigating the environmental conditions of the disposal sites and recommendation of most suitable and safest sites. 5. Piling up of loose material should be done in segregated areas to arrest washing out of soil. Debris shall not be left where it may be carried by water to down stream flood plains, dams, lagoons or other water bodies. 6. Used oil and lubricants shall be recovered and reused or removed from the site in full compliance with the national and local regulations. 7. Oily wastes must not be burned. Disposal location to be agreed with local authorities/EPA. 8. Waste breaker insulating oil to be recycled, reconditioned, or reused at DISCO’s facility. 9. Machinery should be properly maintained to minimize oil spill during the construction. 10. Machinery should be maintained in a dedicated area over drip trays to avoid soil contamination from residual oil spill during maintenance. 11 Solid waste should be disposed at an approved solid waste facility and not by open burning which is illegal and contrary to good environmental practice. 1. Identify location of work camps in consultation with local authorities. The location shall be subject to approval by the MEPCO. If possible, camps shall not be located near settlements or near drinking water supply intakes. 2. Cutting of trees shall not b permitted and removal of vegetation shall be minimized. 3. Water and sanitary facilities (at least pit latrines) shall be provided for employees. Worker camp and latrine sites to be backfilled and marked upon vacation of the sites. 4. Solid waste and sewage shall be managed according to the national and local regulations. As a rule, solid waste must not be dumped, buried or burned at or near the project site, but shall be disposed of to the nearest sanitary landfill or site having complied with the necessary permits of local authority permission. 5. The Contractor shall organize and maintain a waste separation, collection and transport system. 6. The Contractor shall document that all liquid and solid hazardous and non-hazardous waste are separated, collected and disposed of according to the given requirements and regulations. 7. At the conclusion of the project, all debris and waste shall be removed. All temporary structures, including office buildings, shelters and toilets shall be removed. 8 Exposed areas shall be planted with suitable vegetation. 9.MEPCO and Construction Supervising Consultant shall inspect inimize the impacts om the disposal of onstruction waste. o ensure that the peration of work amps does not dversely affect the urrounding nvironment and sidents in the area. Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Res M material is to be prepared for the contract and agreed one month prior to construction. 3. Map of locations of storage is prepared by the contractor. One month prior to starting of works. Update monthly 1.Dumping: A list of temporary stockpiling areas and more permanent dumping areas to be prepared at the contract stage for agreement One month prior to starting of works. Update monthly A list of temporary stockpiling areas and more permanent dumping areas to be prepared at the contract stage for agreement (in W M Plan) UPDATE Once a month Location Map is prepared by the Contractor. Page 4 of 28 1.Con 2-11. and ESU supe and action ensu contr comp relev activi accor EIA / EMP requi & NE Contr Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Objectives o avoid negative mpacts due to moving of ndmark, sentinel nd specimen trees s well as green egetation and urface cover. o ensure safety of orkers Mitigation Measures recommended and report that the camp has been vacated and restored to preproject conditions. 41. Tree location and condition survey to be completed one month before tender. 42. The route for the distribution line should be selected so as to prevent the loss or damage to any orchard trees or other trees. Use of higher towers to be preferred to avoid trees cutting. 43. Clearing of green surface vegetation cover for construction, borrow of soil for development, cutting trees and other important vegetation during construction should be minimized by careful alignment. Written technical Justification for tree felling included in tree survey. 44. At completion all debris and waste shall be removed and not burned. 45. The contractor’s staff and labour will be strictly directed not to damage any vegetation such as trees or bushes outside immediate work areas. Trees shall not be cut for fuel or works timber. 46. Land holders will be paid compensation for their standing trees in accordance with prevailing market rates (LARP). The land holders will be allowed to salvage the wood of the affected trees. 47. The contractor will plant three (3) suitable new trees outside the 30 meter corridor of the transmission line in lieu of one (1) tree removed. 48. Landscaping and road verges to be re-installed on completion. 49. Compensatory planting of trees/shrubs/ornamental plants (at a rate of 3:1) in line with best international practice. 50. After work completion all temporary structures, including office buildings, shelters and toilets shall be removed. 9. Providing induction safety training for all staff adequate warning signs in health and safety matters, and require the workers to use the provided safety equipment. 10. Providing workers with skull guard or hard hat and hard toe shoes. inimize disturbance vehicular traffic and 9. Submit temporary haul and access routes plan one month edestrians during prior to start of works. aulage of 10. Routes in vicinity of schools and hospitals to be avoided. onstruction materials nd equipment. 13. Potential for spread of vector borne and communicable diseases from labour camps shall be avoided (worker awareness o ensure minimum orientation and appropriate sanitation should be maintained). mpacts from 14. Complaints of the people on construction nuisance / onstruction labour damage close to ROW to be considered and responded to rce. on public promptly. ealth. 15. Contractor should make alternative arrangements to avoid local community impacts. o ensure that Capacity building activities were taken by Environmental Officer in EPCO officials are Tranche 1. Environmental Management Unit (EMU) was setup with ained to understand in MEPCO under Director Operations in Tranche 1. Development nd to appreciate of strengthening plan for the EMU should be taken up with MP resources. inimize air quality mpacts inimize noise mpacts inimize improper aste disposal aintain survival of No significant Impacts Tranche 1.Monitor designs and plans for all future tranches. No significant Impacts Tranche 1. Acoustic designs checking and plan for all future tranches. Continue waste management arrangements in operational phase of all subprojects and MEPCO activities. Employ landscaping contractor to monitor, water and feed Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM Res M Route design and site identification (1 & 2) during design stage and other matters during construction of relevant activities Tree survey to be completed one month before tender at relevant Locations with a Map to be compiled prior to tender by the design consultant / MEPCO ESU during detailed design and CSC to update as necessary. Desig consu Contr and C Prior to commencement and during construction Location to be identified by the CSC with contractor. Contr and C Prior to throughout construction. The most important locations to be identified and listed. Relevant plans of the Contractor on traffic arrangements to be made available. Contr and C Complaints of public to be solved as soon as possible All subprojects tranches Contr and t Initiate preconstruction and continue beyond project completion. Awareness training for all management and senior staff in MEPCO at senior engineer and above in PMU and related units. and the Operational phase Operational phase Operational phase Operational phase all subprojects tranches all subprojects tranches all subprojects tranches all subprojects all MEP ESU in future MEP in future MEP in future MEP in future MEP Page 5 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended Timing to implement MM Locations to implement MM ees planted replacement saplings and replace dead specimens as necessary. tranches void landslips and Operational phase No significant Impacts in Tranche 1. Review designs checking and all subprojects in future ss of productive plan for all future tranches. tranches nd inimize water No significant Impacts in Tranche 1. Review designs checking and Operational phase all subprojects in future uality impacts plan for all future tranches. tranches onitor impacts from Operational phase aintaining tree all subprojects in future Track growth of large trees under the conductors. earance under tranches ansmission lines nsure no Operational phase ncroachments / Necessary signboards with limits of height clearances to be placed onstruction under all subprojects in future all along the line. e transmission line. tranches Identify and prevent any illegal encroachments under the DXLs.. o violation of earance spaces. LARP = Land acquisition and resettlement plan. AP = Affected Persons. LAC = Local Authority Council. TD = Temporary drainage. EC = Erosion control. WM = waste management. CSC = Construction supervision consultant or equivalent. TXL = Transmission line. GSS = Grid substation NEQS = National Environmental Quality Standards Page 6 of 28 Res M MEP MEP MEP MEP Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment ATTACHMENT-4 SUMMARY OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION 66Kv Noor Sar Grid Station Sr. No. Participant Name Participant Profession Address Date Issues Raised/Concerns expressed/ Suggestions & Requests Propo Measu Man Group: Madrisa 161. Qazi Imran Land Owner Madrisa April 2009 162. Muhammad Khalid Land Owner Madrisa April 2009 163. Waqar Hussain Shopkeeper Madrisa April 2009 164. Ahmad Hussan Teacher Madrisa April 2009 165. Ghulam Muhammad Shopkeeper Madrisa April 2009 166. Ali Hussan Student Madrisa April 2009 167. Mukhtar Ahmad I have already compensated by MEPCO. I have already compensated by MEPCO. Design of the line should not be changed, but if necessary at any stage houses and structures should be avoided No Comments Design of the line should not be changed, but if necessary at any stage houses and structures should be avoided Load shedding in the summer is disturbing our study; he hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. - Constructi work sho completed Constructi work sho completed Skilled unskilled should preferred the area Labour Madrisa April 2009 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible Housewife Madrisa April 2009 Safety pre cautions to be taken during project works Safety pre should be during wor Skilled unskilled should preferred the area Women Group: Madrisa 168. Ghulam Ruqaia 169. Balqees Bibi Housewife Madrisa April 2009 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible 170. Naheed Housewife Madrisa April 2009 Safety pre cautions to be taken during project works Safety pre should be during wor April 2009 Local skilled and unskilled labor should be used wherever possible Skilled unskilled should preferred the area April 2009 Load shedding in the summer is disturbing our study; she hoped the new DGS will improve the situation. - 171. 172. Sajida Kanza LHV Student Madrisa Madrisa Page 7 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Attachment 6 : Photographs Picture 1: Incoming 66 kV Transmission line at Noorsar Grid station Picture 2: Open space at Noorsar grid station yard Page 8 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Picture 3: Existing Transformer at Noorsar 66 kV grid station Page 9 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Picture 4: Existing 11 kV feeders at Noorsar Grid station Page 10 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Picture 5: Foundation of under construction 132 kV Chistian Bahawlnagar TXL (Connecting point) Page 11 of 28 Power Distribution Enhancement Multitranche Financing Facility – Tranche 2- Conversion of 66kV Noor Sar Grid Station to 132 kV Environmental Impact Assessment Picture 6: Available open space out side the yard Page 12 of 28