
Republic of Indonesia
1/ Background Statistics
Human development index rank
108 1
GNI per capita (PPP in US$)
3,957 1
Life expectancy at birth (years)
71.5 1
Mean years of schooling (years)
5.7 1
Expected years of schooling (years)
12.7 1
Total population
239,871,000 2
2/ Disability Statistics
Population of persons with disabilities
3,063,000 (2006) 3
Proportion of persons with disabilities to
total population
1.38 per cent 3, a
Employment rate of persons with
Access to education
3/ Definitions
Definition of disability
Definition of persons with disabilities
Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4
concerning Disabled People (1997, art. 1)
“…someone who has physical and/or mental
abnormality, which could disturb or be seen as
obstacle and constraint in performing normal
activities, and consisted of (i) physically disabled,
(ii) mentally disabled, (iii) physically and mentally
Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4
concerning Disabled People (1997, art. 1)
Persons with disabilities can be classified into
three categories:
Persons with physical disability:
Categories of impairment
Physical disability (loose or lack of human
body function)
Persons with visually disability
Persons with hearing and speech disability
Example: A person with a chronicle
Persons with mental disability:
Republic of Indonesia
Persons with intellectual disability
Both physically and mentally impaired.”
4/ Commitment to International Instruments on Disability
Ratification or signatory of the Convention
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
(CRPD), and its Optional Protocol
Signed Convention on 30 March 2007 4
Ratification of ILO Convention 159
No 5
Ratification or signatory of the Convention
on Cluster Munitions
Signed Convention on 3 December 2008 6
Ratification or signatory of the Convention
on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling,
Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel
Mines and on their Destruction
Signed Convention on 4 December 1997;
Ratified Convention on 16 February 2007 7
5/ Legal Framework
Constitutional provisions
National Constitution (1945)
Disability-specific laws
Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4
concerning Disabled People (1997)
Cover: early detection, intervention and
education; training and employment; access to
built environments and transportation; information
and technology; social security and poverty
alleviation; general election at national and
provincial level
Disability-inclusive laws
6/ Policy Framework
Disability-specific policies
National Plan of Action for the Measure of Social
Welfare Enhancement for Indonesia’s People with
Disabilities (2004)
Presidential Decree No. 1/2010 on Accelerating
of Welfare Development
Presidential Decree No. 3/2010 on Justice for All
7/ Institutional Framework
The national coordination mechanism or
disability focal point
National Coordination Team of the Measure of
Social Welfare Enhancement for Persons with
Disabilities, under the Ministry of Social Affairs
1. United Nations Development Programme (2010). Human Development Report 2010 (New York,
2. United Nations (2011). World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, accessed from
http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/index.htm on 25 July 2011.
3. Indonesia (2006). “National Economic Census (Badan Pusat Statistik)”, cited in “Government
Achievement and Challenges regarding the Enhancement of ICT Accessibility for Persons with
Disabilities in Indonesia”, report presented at the ESCAP Regional Workshop on Enhancement of
ICT Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 29 September-2 October
2008, accessed from www.unescap.org/esid/meetings/ICT/Indonesia.pdf on 25 July 2011.
4. United Nations (2011). “Convention and Optional Protocol Signatures and Ratifications”, on the
United Nations Enable website, accessed from
www.un.org/disabilities/countries.asp?navid=12&pid=166 on 17 October 2011.
5. International Labour Organization (2011). “Convention No. C 159”, accessed
from www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/ratifce.pl?C159 on 17 October 2011.
6. Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) (2008). “Ratifications and Signatures”, accessed from
www.clusterconvention.org/ratifications-and-signatures on 17 October 2011.
7. Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel
Mines and on their Destruction (1997). “State Parties and Signatories”, accessed from
cument on 17 October 2011.
a. Based on 2006 National Economic Census estimate.
1. Definitions
a) Disability
b) Persons with disabilities
The Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 concerning Disabled People (1997) defines
persons with disabilities as “someone who has physical and/or mental abnormality, which could
disturb or be seen as obstacle and constraint in performing normal activities, and consisted of (i)
physically disabled, (ii) mentally disabled, (iii) physically and mentally disabled.” (Indonesia 1997,
art. 1)
c) Categories of impairment
According to the Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 concerning Disabled People
(1997), persons with disabilities can be classified into three categories:
Persons with physical disability:
Physical disability (loose or lack of human body function)
Persons with visually disability
Persons with hearing and speech disability
Example: A person with a chronicle disease
2. Persons with mental disability:
Persons with intellectual disability
Both physically and mentally impaired.” (Indonesia 1997, art. 1)
2. Legal framework
a) Constitutional provisions
National Constitution, 1945
[English] – [Bahasa Indonesia]
b) Disability-specific laws and regulations
i. Comprehensive disability-specific laws and regulations
Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 concerning Disabled People, 1997
[English] – [Bahasa Indonesia]
The Act No.4 (Indonesia 1997) is the main legal instrument for the social welfare of persons
with disabilities. The Act reiterates the equal rights and opportunities of persons with disabilities in
all aspects of life, including education, employment, participation, accessibility, rehabilitation and
social welfare.
Article 14 stipulates a quota system. Every Governmental agencies and institutions are
required to formulate their own policies, strategies and programmes to improve and promote the
welfare of persons with disabilities.
ii. Sectoral disability-specific laws and regulations
Sectoral disability-specific regulations are summarized in the table below.
Table 1. Sectoral disability-specific laws and regulations in Indonesia
Law No. 11 /2009 on Welfare.
Provisional Social Rehabilitation for people with
disabilities through institutional and noninstitutional system, including community based
rehabilitation and mobility rehabilitation unit.
Self-Help Organizations of Persons with Disabilities
Minister of Social Affairs Decree No.
Establish Association of Parents/ Family with
96/HK/SE/2005 on the Implementation of
children with disabilities and Self Help
National Plans of Action for People with
Organization at National, Provincial and District
Disabilities 2004-2013.
Minister Coordination of Welfare Decree No.
07/KEP/MENKO/KESRA/III/2005 on the
Coordination of the Implementation of National
plans of Action for People with Disabilities 20042013.
Women with Disabilities
Minister of Social Affairs Decree No.
Mainstreaming women with disabilities into
96/HK/SE/2005 on Implementation of National
Plans of Action for People with Disabilities 2004- Increasing awareness people towards women
with disabilities;
Increasing community resources for welfare of
women with disabilities.
Minister Coordination of Welfare Decree No.
07/KEP/MENKO/KESRA/III/2005 on the
Coordination of the Implementation of National
plans of Action for People with Disabilities 20042013.
Early Detection, Intervention and Education
Government Regulation No. 72/1991 on Special Stipulates the equal rights and access of
children/persons with disabilities to education
and defines guidelines on the establishment and
arrangement of special education at elementary,
junior and senior high school levels.
Minister of Education Decree No. 70/2009 on
Covers inclusive education for children with
Inclusive Education.
disabilities and children with special needs.
Minister of Education and Culture Decree No.
002/U/1986 on the Integrated Education for
Children with Disabilities.
Minister of Education and Culture Decree No.
Minister for Health Decree No. 104/1999 on
medical rehabilitation.
Provides for inclusive education for children with
Covers special education.
Regulates medical rehabilitation at the
Government medical facilities and communitybased efforts.
Minister of Social Affairs Decree No.
Provides for organization and administration of
Indonesian Braille Publisher.
Law No. 23/2002 on Child Protection.
Stipulates that children with disabilities should
receive specific protection.
Law No. 20/2004 on National Education System. Stipulates that people with disabilities have rights
to education system.
Training and Employment, including Self-employment
Government Regulation No. 43/1998 on the
Aimed at providing social welfare for persons
Promotion of Welfare of Persons with
with disabilities. The regulation covers type of
disabilities, accessibility, medical rehabilitation,
education, vocational training, placement and
coordinating board in promoting the welfare of
persons with disabilities. The regulation provides
that companies must follow a quota system by
employing 1 person with disability for every 100
Presidential Decree No. 83/1999 on Coordinating Signed to support the enforcement of
Agency in Social Welfare Efforts for the Welfare Government Regulation Number 43/1998, the
of Persons with Disabilities.
Decree covers the role and function of the
Agency for Coordination and Control in
Generating Social Welfare for Persons with
Ministerial of Social Affairs of Republic of
Provides for implementation of social
Indonesia Decree No. 55/HUK/KEP/XI/79 –
rehabilitation services for persons with
Ministerial of Social Affairs of Republic of
Provides for institutional rehabilitation for
Indonesia Decree No.12/1981.
persons with disabilities carried out by Social
Agreement of Minister of Education and Culture Provides for assistance for indigent child,
of , Minister of Social Affairs of , Minister of
children with disabilities, and children in isolated
Internal Affairs of No. 0318/P/1984, No. 45/1984. areas in application of compulsory education.
Joint Statement between Minister for Social
Joint commitment in supporting job opportunities
Affairs, Minister for Manpower, Minister for Home for persons with disabilities.
Affairs and Association of Employers of
Surakarta, 23 January 1989.
Minister of Health Decree No.
Covers medical rehabilitation.
Minister for Manpower Decree No. Kep-205/1999 This Ministerial Decree is the enabling regulation
on Vocational Training and Job Placement for
of the Act No. 4 Concerning Disabled Persons
Persons with Disabilities.
(1997) in the vocational training and placement
aspects of persons with disabilities. Article 4
stipulates the compulsory responsibility of
employer with more than 100 employees, to
provide job opportunity for at least 1 worker with
disabilities. Articles 5, 6 and 7 stipulate the
requirements to provide sufficient vocational
training to people with disabilities, and to provide
the training certificate. Article 8 stipulates that
vocational rehabilitation has to be provided, right
after the medical, social and educational
Access to Built Environment and Public Transportation
Governor of Jakarta Decree No. 66/1981 on
Guidelines for accessibility for persons with
Accessibility to Public Facilities.
disabilities to public buildings and housing.
Law No. 10/2009 on Tourism.
Article 21 stipulates that travellers whom have
physical limitations have the right to have
specific facilities in accordance with their needs.
Governor of Jakarta Regulation No. 17/1991 on Provides for penalties regarding the application
Requirements on Accessibility and Equipment for of guidelines on accessibility.
Persons with Disabilities.
Public Act No. 13/1992 on Train Transportation Stipulates special accessibility provisions for
(amended with Law No. 23 /2007 on train
passengers with disabilities.
Public Act No. 14/1992 (amended with Law No.
22/2009 on Traffic and land transportation).
Law No. 17 /2008 on Shipping.
Law No.1/2009 on Airplane Transportation.
Minister of Public Works Decree No. 468/1998 Provides for accessibility standards in buildings
on the Technical Accessibility Requirement for for persons with disabilities and elderly.
Public Building and Its Environment.
Minister of Public Work Decree No. 468/1998 on Covers technical conditions for accessibility of
the Technical Accessibility Requirement for
public building and environment. Covers
Public Building and Its Environment (amended technical conditions for accessibility of public
with Minister of Public Work Decree No.30
building and environment
Minister of Transportation Decree No. 71/1999. Provides for accessibility for persons with
disabilities and ill people in facilities and
infrastructure of transportation.
Governor of Jakarta Decree No. 140/2001 on
Establishment of Team for the Promotion of
Accessibility Team.
Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in the
Jakarta province.
Law No. 28/2002 on Buildings.
Stipulates technical standards for accessible
buildings for disabled persons and it is obligatory
to provide accessible building for persons with
Access to Information and Communication
Law No. 32/2002 on Broadcasting.
Article 39 stipulates that Broadcasting agencies
may provide sign language for deaf people.
Poverty Alleviation through Capacity-building,
Social Security and Sustainable Livelihood Programmes
Presidential Decision Number 39/1983
Coordinates social welfare for persons with
on Coordination of Social Welfare for Disabled disabilities.
Presidential Decree No. 1/2010 on Accelerating Covers the priority targets of beneficiaries of
Welfare Development.
welfare development for those with severe
disabilities trough Social Security.
Source: International Labour Organization (ILO no date). “The Status of Training and Employment
Policies and Practices for People with Disabilities in Indonesia”, accessed from
2 on 29 June 2009.
c) Disability-inclusive laws and regulations
3. Policies and plans
a) Disability-specific policies and plans
i. Comprehensive disability-specific policies and plans
National Plan of Action for Indonesian People with Disabilities 2004 - 2013
[English] – [Bahasa Indonesia]
The National Plan of Action 2004-2013 (Indonesia 2004) aims to steer political support from
stakeholders, improving social services of persons with disabilities, protection and social security,
and strengthen social organizations that provide social services for persons with disabilities. In
accordance to the Biwako Millennium Framework to which Indonesia is a signatory, the priorities of
the Plan are as follows:
Self-supporting organizations of people with disabilities and association for family and
parents of people with disabilities;
Women with disabilities;
Early detection, early intervention and education;
Training and job placement, including entrepreneurship;
Accessibility to built environment and public transportation;
Accessibility to communication and information, including information technology,
communication and assistive devices;
Poverty alleviation through improvement of social security and continuity life programme
International cooperation.
ii. Sectoral disability-specific policies and plans
Social rehabilitation and services are provided, both institutional-based and non-institutional
based. Also included are community–based rehabilitation and mobility unit rehabilitation and social
rehabilitation based on families. Also provided are social assistance and maintaining of welfare by
social security assurance for those who are severely disabled.
b) Disability-inclusive policies and plans
4. Institutional framework and Government focal point
Ministry of Social Affairs
The General Directorate of Social Rehabilitation and Services of the Ministry of Social Affairs
is responsible for disability issues.
Coordinating Agency for the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities
The Coordinating Agency is established at the national, provincial and district levels. The National
Coordinating Board is chaired by the Minister for Social Affairs, with membership from various
Ministries, including health, education, manpower and some representatives of professionals and
persons with disabilities. The Coordination Board convenes regular meetings to monitor the
development of the medical, social and vocational rehabilitation efforts.
The Ministry of Social Affairs can be contacted at the following:
Ministry of Social Affairs
General Directorate of Social Rehabilitation and Services
Jl. Salemba Raya no. 28 Jakarta 10430, Indonesia,
Tel: + 62 (21) 3100438, + 62 (816) 931046
Fax: + 62 (21) 3100438, 3103613
5. Useful links
Mitra Netra Foundation (MNF)
6. References
International Labour Organization (ILO no date). “The Status of Training and Employment Policies
and Practices for People with Disabilities in Indonesia”, accessed from
2 on 29 June 2009.
Indonesia (1945). The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, accessed from
www.concourt.am/armenian/legal_resources/world_constitutions/constit/indones/indnes-e.htm on
25 July 2011.
Indonesia (1997). Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4, of 1997, Concerning Disabled
People, accessed from
www.ilo.org/public/english/region/asro/bangkok/ability/download/indonesiadisact1997.pdf on 25
July 2011.
_______ (2004). National Plan of Action for Indonesian People with Disabilities 2004 - 2013.
_______ (2006). “National Economic Census (Badan Pusat Statistik)”, cited in “Government
Achievement and Challenges regarding the Enhancement of ICT Accessibility for Persons with
Disabilities in Indonesia”, report presented at the ESCAP Regional Workshop on Enhancement of
ICT Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 29 September-2
October 2008, accessed from www.unescap.org/esid/meetings/ICT/Indonesia.pdf on 25 July 2011.
Last updated: 17 October 2011.