July Board minutes - Pentwater Yacht Club

PYC Board Meeting - July 13th, 2013
OPENING: The July 13, 2013 Board Meeting of the Pentwater Yacht Club was held in the club and was
called to order by Commodore Harold “Chip” Gwillim at 8:30 a.m.
PRESENT: Commodore “Chip” Gwillim, Vice Commodore Marsha LaHaye, Rear Commodore
Albert“Skip” Barnes, Previous Commodore Kathy Ribbens, Treasurer Kathleen Hamilton and Secretary,
Nancy Ceton.
Board Members Present: Al Burmester, Doug Crossman, John Grant, Andy Noble, Frode
Maaseidvaag, Dave Peterhans and Valerie Bass.
Approval of Agenda: Motion made by Andy and seconded by Kathy Hamilton; agenda was approved
Approval of Minutes: John Grant made a motion to accept and approve the June PYC Minutes; motion
was seconded by Kathy Ribbens. A vote was taken and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Secretary’s Report: Nancy Ceton read The Village of Pentwater thank-you letter regarding PYC’s
donation to the Pentwater Memorial Tree Fund.
Treasurer’s Report: Kathleen Hamilton reported on the year to date comparison that membership is
definitely up. The restaurant sales are down minimally, however, liquor sales are up. While profits for
Events are a little up compared to last year, the Thursday night dinners are down minimally. Clothing
sales are up. In expenses, food is down minimally but there is a complication regarding timely receipts;
liquor purchases are up versus revenue. There was a change in wine vendors plus a higher grade of
wines. Wine is being sold by the bottle; this was requested by the Board in 2012. In the clothing store,
we are 200% over budget; budget was set at $7,500 but as of today $13, 641 has been spent in addition
to several outstanding invoices which have not been paid. Also, the budget for the flags/burgees was
set at $250.00 but $2,662 was spent; burgees fall under the Apparel Committee. Discussion followed.
Chip reminded the board that there was no burgees purchased last year. The club was totally out of
burgees this year; new members receive a burgee. The chairperson for the Apparel Committee was not
present but Chip explained that right before the 4th of July the store was almost out of clothing; at
present sales are just under $11,000. Discussion resulted in firm agreement that decisions for
expenditures over a committee’s budget is a function of the board . Further discussion emphasized the
need for the Commodore to notify Committee Chairpersons that any expenditure over their budget
must be brought to the board for discussion/decision. Chip stated that a discussion with the Apparel
chairperson, Janet Webber, was held and he would present the situation which basically was the store
had no stock and wanted merchandise for the busy season. The last two invoices were not paid.
Further discussion indicated that more often inventory counts should be held, not only for the clothing
store, but for the liquor inventory, both of which are proving to be high end items. For liquor, the staff
completes the inventory with the Committee chairperson (liquor falls under the House Committee).
Apparel merchandise would be inventoried by the Committee Chairperson. Suggestion was made that
higher end items in standard retail operations are inventoried on a weekly cycle. Also mentioned was
automated drink dispensers as a possible assistance in controlling shrinkage. Kathy further reported on
wages – the bartenders’s wages are up as are the cooks’; overtime has increased. Discussion indicated
there’s been an attempt for better scheduling to address the overtime. Marsha indicated one of the
reason for the increase in the bartending area is the decision for PYC’s Manager to “manage” versus
bartend as done in the past. A second reason is a commitment for having a bartender on duty when the
club was open whereas in the past the cooks were asked to serve drinks. Kathy continued her report by
advising the credit cards which were discussed in last month’s meeting have been received and
distributed. Kathy advised that at the next board meeting, scheduled for August 3rd . she would not
present the financials but would need to send them out after the meeting; it usually takes five days
after close of month to prepare the financials. Kathy concluded her report by mentioned some
difficulties in Membership; a late fee still has not been paid, nor has an assessment fee. Discussion
pointed to where if next year the items still were not paid, membership could not be processed.
Commodore’s Report: Harold “Chip” reported another letter from Mr & Mrs Farnan (Mr. Farnan was
the member who had the situation in the Dining Room on Memorial Day and resigned) Chip explained
how he had notified the Farnans that the board had accepted their resignation but there would be no
refund made. The recent letter asked why they had not received the 2013 stickers for the membership
cards (which were turned in with their resignation) . Chip stated there was no problem with their not
having the stickers and that did not cause them not to be seated. John Grant made a motion that Chip
reply by stating “Thankyou, the PYC Board has discussed the situation and our position is unchanged”
Frode seconded the motion; a vote was taken and passed unanimously. Chip indicated that he would
notify the Farnans of the decision. The next letter brought to the board was from member, Norman
Booth, who basically was very concerned/upset regarding one of his photos which was taken from the
website and used on the PYC yearbook. There was no mention of his ownership and he indicated the
photo was copyrighted. Chip sent Norm an apology which he read. The apology explained that there
was no ill intent meant and because there was no distinguishing mark for being copyrighted perhaps
Norm would like to resubmit any photo with his name and copyright to insure this wouldn’t occur again.
Discussion followed where everyone agreed that proper credit should be given when website pictures
are used for the club. Also discussed was adding another line to the instructions for submitted picture
to the website – disclaimer where the club can use as see fit if submitted to the website. Chip read a
letter from a member who thoroughly appreciates the hard work done on “The Hatch”. Chip
continued his report by stating this year PYC is way up in membership and has had extremely high
participation. Building an inventory requires expenses which appear high in the start of the season.
Additionally, a goal this year was better service; this has been accomplished with more servers which
also increases expense.
Vice Commodore’s Report: Marsha LaHaye reported PYC had a busy month with high participation –
236 meals were served on July 3rd, a basket night, while on July 10th a total of 200 meals were served.
Other equally busy nights include many Friday and Saturday nights serving well over 150 meals. One
cook was replaced plus two more dishwashers were hired. Staff members are working very well
together; comment cards are all very positive. Marshal reported the July 8th Fashion Show was a “soldout” event. The meal was delicious, making the club a small profit of $390.00. PYC donated a total of n
$528.00 to Crystal Valley Care Fund. Marsha mentioned that there is an issue with the kitchen cleanup;
this will be addressed and she felt additional guidance should solve the issue. Marsha also reported that
there has been some issues with running out of paper products and said the issue would definitely be
addressed. In closing her report Marsha said she had had several enquiries regarding the PYC Cookbook.
Discussion indicated that cookbooks would be a good item to include in next year’s budget; the
cookbooks would be included in the Apparel Committee budget.
Rear Commodore’s Report: Skip reported that PYC has had four very successful Thursday night dinners
and each one “was in the black”. Skip brought up an issue with kitchen cleanup on Thursday; he’s
charged each committee to insure that all dishes are brought back to the kitchen, none left in the dining
room, only to learn that the dishwasher s failed to follow though as expected. There have been some
instances of dishes not being washed and food being left out. The situation has been addressed and
will require continued guidance/monitoring from Trudi. This week’s Thursday night is Tacos; the flyers
and notices have been sent out.
Committee Reports:
Apparel: Because Janet Webber was not present Chip gave the report. Chip explained that the
committee is comprised of eight people. The clothing inventory was ordered. Next additional items
were ordered, some tee shirts and items such as glasses and wine bags. This is when the budget wasn’t
adhered to. Before the 4th of JulyChip had called Kathy Hamilton to advise he’d approved a purchase
of sweatshirts because the committee’s cost was near the budget line; but after that had happened all
kinds of invoices started coming in which caused the doubling of the budget amount. While it is
obvious the items are high quality apparel and are selling quite well, the additional expenditure should
have gone before the board. Chip indicated he was going to notify the board but then Janet had paid
for the items and was requesting reimbursement, however, there was a question regarding even more
invoices arriving. Presently there are two bills which have not been paid, Adult and children’s tee shirts
and glasses for $1129.00. Then Julie submitted one for sweatshirts for $400 which Chip had approved .
It was asked if the necklaces which were brought to the Fashion Show were included in the $1129.00
total. John Grant suggested that the club reimburse Janet at the end of the year when all the invoices
and inventories are completed. Concern was made regarding “carte blanche”. But Kathleen Hamilton
confirmed that she firmly stated she would not prepay the bill for tee shirts and that it was necessary for
Janet to bring the matter to the board but the chairperson decided to pay the invoice herself and look
for reimbursement later; Janet sent email to Chip confirming this. For tracking purposes Kathleen
indicated that a member, Nancy, on the Apparel committee had intended on keeping a spread sheet for
inventory/profit tracking purposes. Kathleen emails an itemized list of what has been sold(info taken
from POS system) to Nancy. After much discussion it was decided to ask the committee to please
provide a current inventory. Dave Peterhans stated the situation sounded like there weren’t processes
in place; while board members should willingly assist the committee, the actual set up and detailing of
processes would be the committee’s responsibility.
By Laws Committee: Dave Roseman began his report by acknowledging John Grant as his co-chair. Dave
complimented the club, said it was in great shape, food, service excellent. John Grant explained that
the committee noticed some inconsistencies and addressed them accordingly. John stated that there
is no classification of Junior Members; basically an Intermediate member is one old enough to buy
liquor, 21 to 25 years of age; a Junior member would be tweaked to show up to 21 years of age. Dave
Roseman stated that the Bylaws Committee reports directly to membership and that any changes would
need to be presented at the Annual Meeting for voting/approval.
Proposed Changes to the PYC Bylaws
Article 4 – Membership Page 24: Article 4:B
The Membership Committee shall post a copy of each application in the clubhouse for seven days during
the time the club is open. The applicant shall be deemed to be accepted as a member of the club upon
receipt of his or her membership card.
Proposed Change: upon receipt a membership Application shall be placed in a designated notebook
that is placed in a prominent position at the front of the club. All Membership Applications shall remain
in the notebook for the season unless the application is not accepted. Applicants shall be deemed to be
accepted as a member of the club upon payment of required dues/fees and receipt of a letter of
acceptance from the Membership Committee.
Page 24: Article 4:C2
Intermediate members: Children or wards of current members of the Club, up to the age of 25.
Proposed Change: Intermediate members: Children or wards of members in good standing who are
ages 21 through 25 years.
Page 25: Article 4: C4
Distinguished members: These shall have continuously been members of the Club for thirty-five years
and be seventy years of age or more.
Proposed Change: DELETE “and be seventy years of age or more”.
1. MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE: a MEMBER MAY REQUEST A Leave of Absence for medical
reasons prior to March 1st of the year in question. The request will be taken to the Board at the
March Board meeting for approval. If approved, the member’s dues will be excused but capital
assessments must be paid in full. A Medical Leave of Absence may be requested for a second
year following the same procedures. After two years, the membership will be considered
terminated if all dues/fees are not paid for the following year. If the application is not approved
by the board, a late fee will NOT be assessed if all dues/fees are paid by April 30th.
NON-MEDICAL SABBATICAL; A member may request a Non-Medical Sabbatical prior to March
1st of the year in question. The request will be taken to the Board at the March Board meeting
for approval. If approved, the member’s dues will be reduced by ½ but capital assessments
must be paid in full. A Non-medical Sabbatical may be requested for a second year following the
same procedures. After two years, the membership will be considered terminated if all
dues/fees are not paid for the following year. If the application is not approved by the board, a
late fee will NOT be assessed if all dues/fees are paid by April 30th.
John also felt it good practice to work out a process whereby any changes to the PYC Standing Rules
would be monitored and sent to proper committees; John indicated he would work closely with the
Secretary to implement a process.
Finance Committee: Rita began her report by emphasizing the need for current receipts to give a
clear picture of the Club’s finances. The committee decided to go for zero based budgeting and
would need the committees to submit their budget proposals prioritizing how much and the “why”
for each listing. This information would allow Finance to build a very realistic budget for next year. It
would also give a clearer picture, one which may point in the direction of higher dues for such
projects as dredging, or improvements to an aging building such as a new roof or improved parking
House Committee: Chip announced that a new Chairperson for the committee is Kathy Ribbens.
Kathy reported that the previously discussed inventory for liquor will be taken on by the committee
at their next meeting. Kathy felt confident that the “bugs” in the POS system were eradicated!
Kathy reported to cut down on wait in the bar a wine bar is being used in the busy times/events.
Kathy reported that an ongoing concern regarding purchasing additional tables will be researched
further by herself and Marsha. Kathy indicated that 96% of the comment cards are positive;
downside of the cards is that not many of them are being submitted. Discussion indicated that
many times the cards are not in the “book” and that there are many servers that “remind”
members to complete them. Kathy stated she will cover both issues with the staff. Kathy
reported that the committee would be looking at one problem and that is the reservations on the
deck. Kathy advised that for Special Events the club has a request from the Pentwater Arts Council
for Breast Cancer ; Kathy believed it was discussed but not approved pending paperwork. It is
scheduled for Sunday, October 6th with member sponsors Janet Nelson and Judy Pazel; the re will be
100 people, it is for a non-profit organization and the $75.00 fee has been received for the liquor
license and insurance. A Motion to approve the event was made by Kathy Hamilton and seconded
by Annette Hilton; a vote was taken and passed unanimously. Kathy ended her report by
encouraging everyone to register their guests in the book provided .
Membership: Because Tish Stoyanoff was not present the report was given by Kathleen Hamilton.
Kathy advised there are 573 paid members, and there are two who haven’t paid as yet. An
intermediate member progressed to full membership and submitted a check, however, the
completed application hasn’t been received.
Planning Committee: Dave Peterhans reported that last month’s primary function was to look at
leaves of absence and medical leaves as detailed in our Standing Rules. Dave gave thanks to Kathy
Ribbens for her research regarding the matters. Kathy presented the following:
Guests must be accompanied by a member in good standing at all Club functions who shall sign in such
guest, as required by the Club, in a book provided for that purpose.
1.a. Guests must be accompanied at all Club functions by a member in good standing. It is the duty of
each member to sign in his/her guest(s) in the Guest Book provided for that purpose. Guests may
attend functions at the PYC no more than four times in the course of a season.
1.b. House guests of a member in good standing may attend all Club functions during their visit, but
they must be accompanied by a member.
Motion was made by Skip to accept changes; seconded by Valerie. Vote taken passed unanimously.
Recording guest visits: The Manager of the Club wioll compile the guest lists each week, recording the
visitor’s names, sponsor’s name, the dates that they visited the Club and if they were house guests.
Each week the Manager will compile the data into a spread sheet and give it to the Membership Chair
and the Commodore to manage appropriately. If the guest has made the allotted number of visits, the
Membership Chairperson will send them a letter stating that they have reached the maximum number
of allotted visits as a guest and are invited to apply for membership.
Motion was made by Andy to accept change; seconded by Annette. Vote taken passed unanimously.
Page 13: I.E . RESERVATIONS I.E.2, I.E.3 AND I.E.4
Flag Officer’s Ball Dinner Dance reservations will be handled as follows: In order to insure that
Members have first reservation opportunity before guests, MEMBERS ONLY reservations will be
accepted until two weeks before the party. After that date, reservations for Members and their
guests will be accepted.
Thursday Dinner tickets may be purchased by members, for members only, on a “first come,
first served” basis beginning the Thursday before the subject date. If tickets are still available,
guest tickets may be purchased by members starting the Monday before the Thursday Dinner.
Tickets may be purchased at the club with cash, check, Visa or MasterCard and the presentation
of a valid membership card.
4. Annual Dinner Meeting tickets must be purchased at the Club by noon on the preceding
Wednesday. The annual Meeting is for MEMBERS ONLY.
A Motion was made by Al to accept the changes; seconded by Valerie. Vote taken passed unanimously.
Those members who have been continuous members for 50 years will be considered Honorary
members. All new Honorary Members will be recognized at the Annual Meeting.
PROPOSED CHANGES: CHANGE “Honorary Members” in both places to “Life Members”
A Motion was made by Andy to accept the changes; seconded by Annette. Vote taken passed
The membership shall not exceed 550 members unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors.
Discussion was held; a Motion/seconding/vote to increase membership to 575 was already completed.
Kathy stated it hadn’t been changed in the Standing Rules and needed to be updated.
Junior members are children/wards of current members from age 10 up to 21 years.
PROPOSED CHANGE: Junior Members are children/wards of current members who are less than 21
years of age.
Motion made by Al B. that this change be accepted but contingent on passing of the Change to Bylaws
re Junior classification at Annual Meeting; seconded by Marsha. Vote taken, passed unanimously.
Junior members may not bring guests.
A Motion was made by Doug to accept the change; it was seconded by Marsha. Vote taken passed
Junior members must be age 10 up to 21 years of age
A Motion was made by Al B. to accept the change; it was seconded by Annette. Vote taken passed
Dave Roseman stated that updating our Standing Rules has historically been a problem. Dave stated we
need a mechanism to track changes to the Standing Rules. Dave suggested that either the Planning
Committee or the Communications committee be an appropriate group to solve the problem of showing
updated rules and a list of all changes made. At some point a whole new file may be required.
Dave Peterhans resumed his portion of the Planning report by advising the committee would formalize
the club’s philophy regarding donated funds and a list where donations would be appreciated. Dave
indicated that hopefully by the end of this year a questionnaire would be submitted to membership
regarding “members wish list”. Dave stated that job descriptions and procedures are being worked
upon. In conclusion Dave listed ongoing consideration is given to parking, size, marine operations,
kitchen upgrades, year round operation and facility enhancement.
Regatta Committee: Andy advised that he investigated the ongoing costs which will be incurred by PYC
for the very generous offer, by Dave Roseman, of a boat which the club would use as a committee boat.
The boat would be leased to PYC for $1.00 per year. Andy investigated the storage, insurance,
estimated gas usage and other expenses. Our insurance agent, Smith and Eddy, could add a Regatta
liability rider for any and all racing/regatta issues for a yearly $350.00 premium; the rider would also
cover “borrowed boat” liability for it’s use as a committee boat during the Ensign Annual Regatta. For
winterization by Charlies I have an estimate of $250.00, shrink wrapping would run $250.00 annually;
storage would not cost the club anything as Jack Patterson has offered winter storage in his building.
Gas has been estimated at $100 to $150.00 per year. Andy stated The Ensign group had a meeting; they
collect annual dues and it was voted and approved by the ensign owners that $500 per year be
contributed to offset expenses of the committee boat. Andy further stated that if the offshore fleet
intends on using the committee boat they will be expected to also contributed to the expenses. As of
now the Offshore Fleet does not collect dues, has no treasurer, and is currently not interested in having
a committee boat for their races. For docking the boat we would keep it at PYC in the end slip in the
South Basin by the boathouse against the the wall which is unusable (not rentable) for other boats due
to the width. Kathy Hamilton asked if this matter shouldn’t first go to Finance. It was agreed that the
boat would be an increase to the Regatta Budget. The Regatta budget is $3500 with expenditures so far
of $2488 leaving $1,000 but there is the upcoming expense of the off shore marks and awards. While
not proposing the same this year, Andy did explain that last year the Ensign Fleet paid for their awards
from their own treasury. Andy further explained that a decision was made not to have trophies
awarded. Dave Roseman stated that PYC will definitely require a committee boat for next year’s Ensign
Nationals plus it’d be a good idea to have one just to practice this year. Dave indicated that he would
definitely work with the Club regarding the boat; also if it made more sense for the Club to “borrow”
the boat versus leasing it would be acceptable to Dave. Dave requested a written agreement between
the club and himself and would discuss with John Grant. John stated that the concept of the boat is that
we’d do a formal proposal, with all the expense information and submit it (use email) to the Finance
Committee who would come back with the final number at our August meeting. The August meeting
was questioned by Andy who felt we were running out of time to actually use the boat. Discussion
ended whereby Andy was to submit a formal proposal to the Finance Committee with all the listed
estimates for the committee boat plus include all the estimated forthcoming expenses for the Regatta
Committee; it was hoped that after the Finance Committee received the necessary information a
recommendation could be given, perhaps by email, within 10 days to 2 weeks. Dave Roseman stated he
would definitely be open to selling the boat outright to the Club for just what he had into it and also
mentioned that there is a great deal of fishing equipment which would go along with the boat. Dave
mentioned the need for “whips” to be installed on the boat to avoid being tossed about in the proposed
slip area; the whips should be a part of the detailed expenses to Finance.
Social Committee: Kathy Ribbens started her report by thanking Trish Davidson, co chairperson, for all
her help. Kathy reported that the Venetian Night was cancelled for this year but it’s on track for next
summer. The Murder Mystery dinner was a great success, everyone who attended seemed to have a
fun time. The new members Tea was very nice and was thoroughly enjoyed especially how the Flag
Officers all explained their duties. The new members Cocktail Party was well attended and also very
enjoyable. Kathy gave special thanks to Joan Noble for her assistance, plus thanks to Carol Barnes and
Nancy Ceton for their help. Kathy further reported that the July 3rd Ice Cream Social made a lot of
children (and adults!) very happy! Kathy proposed a new event, Trivia, for Sunday August 25th from 2
to 5 p.m. (after the Wooden Boat Show) $10.00 entry fee, cash bar with snacks on the tables. The
game would be table versus table and there would be a cash prize (taken from the entry fees). The
event would require a $30.00 outlay for purchase of the recommended Trivia kit. Kathy’s proposal was
seconded by Al B. A vote was taken and passed unanimously. Later discussion resulted in Kathy stating
she’d check into the possible need for a raffle license.
Stations Committee: Doug Crossman, Chairman, advised that member, Gary Nicholson, has requested a
refund for rental of his slip; he was unable to use his slip and PYC , at Gary’s written request, subleased
the slip out. After much discussion and review of Standing Rules it was agreed that a refund would be
sent to Gary. Doug made a Motion that PYC allow the Regatta committee to use the previously
discussed slip for the proposed committee boat and use it without any fee; Marsha seconded the
motion. A vote was taken and passed unanimously. Doug stated the committee had work to do
including reducing the sunfish dock and to build more dinghy racks (dry storage); he indicated at the end
of the year additional dock floats would need to be purchased. Doug thanked Kathy Hamilton for the
committee credit card
MPT Report: Frode stated he had sent out a proposed presentation but acknowledged, with apologies,
that he hadn’t followed procedure for a capital expenditure be submitted first to the Finance
Committee. Frode explained that the presentation only had one bid for the PYC seawall , which has been
an ongoing problem. Frode emphasized the project needed immediate attention; it’s completion is
imperative prior to the Wooden Boat Show. Frode stated he would submit it to the Finance
Committee and ask for either an electronic vote (email) or submit at the next board meeting scheduled
for August 3, 2013. Valerie voiced her concern to Frode regarding the “hole” in the asphalt by the entry
ramp; Frode gave one remedy of screwing a sheet of plywood down and gave assurance the problem
would be addressed. Rita Grant, Finance, stated they could review then email recommendation to the
board in several pieces as some items are critical for the Wooden Boat Show. Then allow more time to
review the boardwalk plus the aforementioned hole at the ramp. Frode agreed and thanked Rita. Dave
Peterhans stated the Planning Committee will try to assist in the ongoing problem of drainage in the PYC
parking lot; Dave felt the price Frode obtained is exceedingly reasonable for the parking lot problem
that’s plagued the club. Further discussion resulted in Frode agreeing to obtain a second bid from
Halleck’s for comparison only; everyone was completely confident in Adams but felt it a responsible
procedure to have two bids.
Dave Roseman spoke on Channel conditions – good news Juanita Pierman, for the Village of Pentwater,
did authorize dredging of the channel. Dave explained that the problem will undoubtedly continue to be
an ongoing concern for PYC and the Village. Private funds will again be necessary. The Township of
Pentwater will not participate in the dredging effort. Dave reported that Adams has bought a hydraulic
dredge; Adams continues to be a great company to deal with in that they understand the urgency for
the Back From the Mac Party. Dave was given a well deserved round of applause for all his efforts.
Further discussion regarding a possible PYC donation to the dredging fund (including another
breakfast)was tabled for the next board meeting.
Junior Room Committee: Chairperson, Julie reported there is a scheduled Christening Party for “The
Hatch” on July 20th from 4:30 to 6:00; the celebration will include cake and punch and will easily be
covered in budget provided. Julie asked the PYC Webmaster, Dave Roseman, if there could be a Junior
Page added to the site; Dave responded positively by asking Julie to email him whatever she would like
and they could discuss at that time. Julie indicated that a page on the website was much preferred over
facebook. The committee would appreciate a “Lifejacket sign/hook” be placed on the deck to remind
parents to borrow one while kids are on the dock. A large, very visual display would be helpful, perhaps
one with a lifejacket firmly attached with a sign “Lifejackets are located in The Hatch cupboards – feel
free to borrow one for your child”. Room clean up has been added to the duties of staff. Julie discussed
with Trudi and asked if the staff couldn’t add the Junior Room to the daily start-up duty roster for
sweeping floors, wiping window ledges plus pick up any toys that were left out. Although parents were,
and will continued to be asked to monitor their kids, there still seems to be toys left out. Trudi was
receptive to the request and the process has been started. Julie brought up “Date Night” an idea
where 14 year olds would be hired, privately, to babysit four children at a time, from 5:30 to 8:30 on
Friday nights so the parents could come down and enjoy the Club without worrying over their children.
The children would have to stay within the Junior Room; any child over five years of age could be taken
to the Green for game playing, ex: duck duck goose, etc. The babysitters would be paid by the parents
direct. The committee got a lot of positive feedback from members with young children. The
discussion that followed brought up several legitimate concerns such as liability, legal issue re day care,
insurance, responsibility if program is set up under Junior Committee for monitoring and/or furnishing
names of sitters, etc. Result was there would be no program set up through Junior Committee. If
parents wish to hire a sitter for their children while dining at the club it would not be any concern or
legal responsibility of PYC. Julie indicated the committee would perhaps consider doing a “project” like
“face painting” and discuss further for possible implementation next year.
Board Member Concerns: Doug Crossman emphasized how confidant he is in Ken Adams as a
contractor; Doug has used Ken Adams repeatedly for personal projects enjoying the quality
workmanship yet at a reasonable cost.
Unfinished Business: John Grant wanted to thank Marsha and everyone else who works with the PYC
restaurant; it’s a great operation, good food and service and we sometimes forget how it compares so
favorably to professionally run restaurants. Marsha received a round of applause.
New Business: Don VanZile gave a brief report on the recent Boating Safety Class; it was attended by
40 people! There was a wide assortment of ages attending. The next class is scheduled on August 5th
and 6th and already there are 13 enrollees.
Member concerns: information was clarified regarding dredging and the upcoming Lake Improvement
monthly meeting.
Adjournment: A Motion to adjourn was made by Annette; it was seconded by Marsha. A vote taken
passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 11:20.
Respectfully submitted by Secretary Nancy Ceton.