August Board minutes

OPENING: The August 4th, 2012 Board meeting of the Pentwater Yacht Club was called to order by
Commodore Kathy Ribbens at 8:30 a.m
PRESENT: Commodore Kathy Ribbens, Vice-Commodore Chip Gwillim, Rear Commodore Marsha LaHaye,
Past Commodore David Nobles, and Treasurer Gigi Mitchell,
Board Members: Al Burmester, Paulette DeHommel, Jim Gillette, John Grant, Annette Hilton, and
Frode Maaseidvaag.
NOT PRESENT: Nancy Ceton, Dave Peterhans
A. Approval of Agenda: the agenda was unanimously approved after some changes were made to the
order of presentation.
B. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the July 2012 meeting were approved unanimously.
C. Secretary Report: none
D. Treasurer’s Report:
Gigi Mitchell advised that Skip Barnes noted the clothing revenue line originally was budgeted $6,000,
while present financials reflect a budget of $8,000. Discussion indicated that at a prior meeting the
amount might have been increased; conclusion no one was at fault, however, sales are fine, there is no
problem in leaving the original budget amount as $6,000. Gigi advised that the PYC $3,000 donation
check was sent to the Oceana Foundation for the dredging of the channel. Gigi stated the Thursday night
dinners are over the annual budgeted amount, but not by much; the income is nearly as budgeted, so
there may be a small loss. The Wednesday Night Basket Dinners are an extremely popular hit with the
membership; however, the popularity of these cheaper meals does affect the numbers of higher end
meals served on Friday and Saturday night.
A question from the floor about why the complete set of financial was not available was addressed with
the explanation that some of the financials were not available because the end of the month closing and
reconciliation process could not be finished due to the early date of the August Board meeting.
Gigi advised that the Finance Committee chaired by Skip Barnes had not yet met, but will meet prior to
the August Annual Meeting.
E. Commodore’s Report: Kathy Ribbens reported that last month was extremely successful. There were
35 - 40 boats for the Back From the Mac event; these boats successfully used the newly dredged
channel. The BFTM Party was over the top - Kathy highly complimented the Committee chairs, Mike and
Marsha LaHaye, plus all the committee and staff .
Kathy stated that the Standing Rules and Bylaws are now in a notebook placed in the club’s podium, and
recommended that the notebook should be relocated to a different, more secure, yet accessible location.
Discussion was held regarding the word “draft” still being on the Bylaws, which are posted on the PYC
website; Frode M. indicated that he would discuss this matter with Dave Roseman and get it corrected as
soon as possible.
Kathy stated per the last Board Meeting that she and Louise Gabbard, House Committee Chair, have
begun reassessing and detailing for job descriptions for the Treasurer, Secretary and The Chair
Of Membership. The results, while they may not be complete, should be available at the September
Board Meeting. Kathy asked that if anyone had suggestions and/or thoughts to please contact her or
Kathy stated that every possible means of notification has been used to insure that the membership is
aware of the Annual Meeting, which is scheduled for Saturday August 18, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.
Kathy apologized for cancelling the Boat Review; discussion resulted in the Boat Review being
rescheduled for Sunday, August 26th. Vice Commodore Chip asked if it would be possible to have the
review on Saturday but it remained on Sunday due to conflict with the racers.
Kathy gave a well deserved “thank you” to Andy Noble for his painting of our classic blue chairs.
F. Vice Commodore’s Report:
Chip Gwillim reported that there has been an increased number of member participation. Chip also
reported that there were two very successful Celebration of Life memorials in July.
The walk-in freezer is installed and operating. Originally, the PYC was advised that the freezer only
required some “shims,” but when Tony Sisson viewed the location, it was agreed that a full foundation
with pipes, cement and deck was required. Four members did a wonderful, very professional job of
building the foundation - Russ Murphy, Doug Crossman, Andy Noble and Bill Walker all were given a
round of applause.
There have been some modifications of prices - $.50 on drinks and some specials are a little higher in
order to bring revenues/expenses more in line with the budget. Chip explained that the staff is trying to
cut cost as much as possible without affecting quality. Chip has received many compliments from the
G. Rear Commodore Report
Marsha LaHaye reported that the Thursday Night Dinners have been very successful so far with high
membership participation. Regarding the Passport program, Marsha advised that the Wooden Boat Show
will be the last event. Her quick evaluation is that “it seems popular but people keep forgetting to bring
them for stamping!” Quick discussion concluded that more publicity “reminders” might be required next
The “thank you event” for volunteers “Desserts for the Deserving” is scheduled for Thursday, August 30 th
from 7 to 8 pm. Marsha indicated that while the event was approved in the previous Board Meeting,
there was no dollar amount approved for the cost of the desserts and small tokens (she indicated note
pads from Jack Pine). Marsha requested a $300 budget; Dave Nobles made a Motion that the $300 be
approved and Frode M. seconded it. The Motion was passed unanimously.
The Nominating Committee met several times this month regarding the Treasurer’s position. The position
was offered but not accepted by six individuals. The Treasurer’s position will remain as an open position
on the Annual Meeting ballot. Marsha stated that it appears that the duties for the Treasurer are too
many. Marsha researched the position by calling several local yacht clubs:
Muskegon Yacht Club has a business manager who sends out the dues notices, collects dues, and
does the payroll, while they outsource the club’s taxes. St Jo Yacht Club has a volunteer Treasurer;
however, this person basically only signs checks for the club’s hired an accountant who does all the
reconciliation, sends out the dues notices, collects the dues, etc. The Saginaw Bay Yacht Club has an
elected Treasurer who does the financials at the end of each month, but the club has an office manager
who does the bills, taxes, sends notices for dues and collects the dues. Additionally, this club has a
General Manager who covers the food, moorings, and any seawall problems. Most clubs hire help.
Marsha stated the Nominating Committee cannot find candidates without being open and honest. The
Committee recommends an Ad Hoc committee to gather info for a true job description.
Commodore Kathy stated that she and Louise had already begun this process, not only for the
Treasurer’s position but other positions as well, and asked Marsha if she would join her and Louise.
Kathy further explained that it cannot be done “overnight” as it involves Rules changing, but could be
done in time for
the year 2013. John Grant recommend that Rita Grant also be a committee member; Rita is an
Accounting Professor at GVSU and had offered her help in the past. Kathy indicated another person might
be Nancy Hooper upon her return from Florida. The Ad Hoc Committee will report back to the Board in
Marsha read the slate for the Annual Meeting ballot:
Past Commodore, Kathy Ribbens, Commodore, Chip Gwillim, Vice Commodore, Marsha LaHaye, Rear
Commodore, Skip Barnes, Treasurer - open, Secretary, Nancy Ceton, and Board Members: John Grant,
Doug Crossman and Valerie Bass. Kathy asked what would happen if we came up with someone for the
Treasurer’s position in October - how would the board handle it? John Grant checked and found that the
appointment can be approved by the board.
Committee Reports
1. House Committee - Kathy Ribbens gave the House Committed report for Louise Gabbard.
The two old freezers were sold for a total of $800; they were removed Tuesday. Since the freezers are
gone, the storage room can be cleared and cleaned.
The new meat slicer is installed and operating; it’s cost was $1,100.
Hand sanitizers should be installed in the next few days near the entryways.
A sign has been ordered for the kitchen entryway stating “Employees/Flag Officers Only Beyond this
Point” In addition, a sign has been ordered for the deck stating “Please check in with staff” to avoid
people sitting at “reserved” deck tables and to ensure that the servers know that members are on the
deck waiting to be served.
Due to the increase in membership use of the club, it’s been difficult to keep the floors clean; the House
Committee is investigating using a service once a month to thoroughly clean the floors or the purchasing
of equipment to improve the cleanliness. More info will follow when available.
The Health Department made a surprise visit and PYC passed with flying colors -- this is wonderful.
There are no specials event requests this month.
The Standing Rules Point 10 regarding use of the club for a life celebration or memorial for a deceased
member is NOT an exclusive event as it is open to general membership. Input back from members found
indicated that the requirement for board approval of at least 10 days prior to the event simply did not
work for some situations.
This is the First Reading for Change in Standing Rules - Approval by Club Manager, Commodore, or Vice
Commodore allows the life celebrations or memorial events to be scheduled in a more timely manner
versus requiring board approval. The Motion to Change the Standing Rules as a First Reading to Amend
Point 10 was made by David Nobles and Seconded by Frode M. The motion was passed unanimously.
2. Stations Committee. Al Burmester advised that the committee has been actively trying to
resolve the process of taking the docks in and out each season. Using contractors has been
unsatisfactory. The decision was made to return to members taking the docks in and out rather than
contracting it out. The first problem is to provide the means for of lifting the heavy docks. There is a
‘used’ mobile crane (mounted on truck) available for purchase for $3,000; there is a repair issue that the
seller needs to address prior to the sale. Storage would be solved by Patterson Marine very generously
allowing the PYC to store, at no fee, the truck/crane while not in use. Another problem solved was the
designing and implementing of a way to attach the lifting hooks to the docks. Again, Jack Patterson
stepped forward and designed a lifting frame; he got quotes for a cost of $1500. The total for the
crane/truck and the lifting frame is $4500.00. The purchase of this equipment will allow trained
membership to save the $3,000 each year now paid to a contractor.
Frode M. stated the club is looking at the truck/crane in the same manner as it looked at the gin pole.
Only trained members will be able to use the equipment. Frode made a motion that the PYC proceed
with purchasing the equipment for a total of $4,500. Kathy seconded the Motion. Further discussion: Al
stated the money left in the Stations budget for a contractor to take the docks out will be put towards the
purchase of the truck/crane. John Grant had a question regarding repairs to the truck -- Mike LaHaye
explained that the truck is in good mechanical shape; however it did require a brake job and replacement
of one hydraulic hose. The truck will eliminate past issues with damage to the seawall. It has a 6 ton
capable, 31 foot crane. It was agreed that a maintenance schedule for the truck will be necessary.
A trained team of members will be the only ones authorized to use the equipment. Mike LaHaye will be
the Team Captain; Mike will be responsible for both training and scheduling.
One item not yet resolved is the insurance. Kathy indicated that she has spoken with PYC agent, Don
Blaylock, and there is need for further discussion. More information will be submitted as soon as
A bubbler system was also discussed, but due to the surges and the club’s direct line with Lake Michigan,
this type of system is not a viable alternative.
Dave Nobles reminded everyone that there will be some additional Stations expenses in that three floats
need replacement.
The motion to purchase the truck/crane was unanimously passed.
Frode M. again pointed out Jack Patterson’s generosity in the free storage of the truck/crane plus his
superb design for the safe lifting frame.
3. Membership Committee. Frode M. gave Marilyn M’s Membership Committee report.
Marilyn has submitted a job description to the Ad Hoc Committee looking into the job descriptions for
Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Chair. There are three new members: Gail & Al Nelson, Al Graham
and Rosemarie Ward and John & Mary Roseborough. New members are showing interest in some of the
committees and this should be followed up on. There is now a waiting list of 12 people. A reminder that
reciprocal cards are given out upon request.
4. Planning Committee: Frode M gave the report as Dave Peterhans was not present. Frode
advised the next Planning Committee meeting will be on August 11th at 8:30 a.m. In June a meeting was
held during which Marilyn M presented an overview of the Membership Chair’s duties and Nick Stoyanoff
gave a report on marketing the club. In August there will be a review of the reports generated. The
Committee is reacting to the need of our young families need for an updated, energized Junior Room.
Gail Zink, Janet Webber and Julie Burdick are members of an Ad Hoc Committee within the Planning
Committee looking at short term and long term goals An Ad Hoc committee was formed to look at
redefining membership and making suggestions for changes in the Membership By Laws and includes
John Grant as Chair, Dave Roseman, Marilyn M. and Jack Patterson. A club brochure is being developed
with the a goal of presentation at the September board meeting.
5. Regatta Committee: Mike LaHaye reported that the sailing season is going strong. The
Offshore boats had two races with one cancellation due to weather and the Ensign racing schedule is
going steady and strong. Mike stated that he is working on trophies for the awards dinner which is
scheduled for October 12, 2012.
6. Wooden Boat Show Frode M. advised that the Wooden Boat Show is scheduled for August
25th with fifteen registrations to-date. Some of the registrations are new entries. Also new are some
volunteers; there will be a meeting for the event volunteers as soon as Dave Peterhans is back in
7. Yearbook: Dick Toner reported that he has taken approximately 250 member pictures so far
for the yearbook, which means he’s photographed approximately one half of the members. Dick will
continue to schedule sittings whenever possible.
8. Boater Safety Classes: Don VanZile stated the safety classes were very successful this
year with a wide variety of ages in the attendees. 2013 classes will be held on July 1st and 2nd,and August
5th & 6th. It’s a great, no cost class which results in the graduating attendee receiving a Boater Safety
Certificate that may be a requirement in many states in the future. Don would like to see more PYC
members attend the classes. Don has publicized the classes in local newspapers and magazines, but it
was agreed the club itself needs to emphasize this very worthwhile class. Everyone gave a hearty “thank
you” to Don for all of his efforts.
9. Unfinished Business: none
10. New Business : Kathy R. gave Julie Burdick and Gail Zink’s report. The Junior Room
committee encouraged junior members to participate in giving feedback re the club and the junior room.
It needs to updated and energized with color and be an inviting area for our young families. Short term
goals can be accomplished for little or no money while longer term goals will require some additional
Materials Requested and Action Items:
Bulletin Board
Renaming the room
Materials to relabel cabinets
Remove items that don’t belong in room
Hook up TV games properly
Email a notice to membership asking for donation of games
Suspend colorful spinnaker to ceiling
Long Term $500 - Area rug 8’ round for puzzle playing etc
Beanbag chairs
Wall graphics -- educational posters, sails, boating terms, etc
Window treatment
Knot Board - Dave Nobles said that he would donate a knot board and pieces of rope to practice with.
An attractive room might bring young families to participate in championing youth races, etc. The
Committee realizes that it’s not just a room for one purpose and that other events will use it for overflow,
but young members do need a welcoming area that is their space.
Dave Nobles made a motion to allot $500 to be used to outfit the Junior Room; Frode M. seconded it.
There was some discussion as to whether the project should wait until next year, but the vote was taken
and the motion passed, with Kathy Ribbens and Marsha LaHaye voting no.
11. Member Concerns: Joan VanZile reminded everyone that she needs articles for the
newsletter. She suggested that maybe tidbits from the board meetings could be forwarded to her. An
example: “standing rules are in the club’s podium.” Kathy agreed that she would start sending when
12. Adjournment Marsha made the motion to adjourn, the motion was seconded by David
Nobles. There was no discussion; the motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Ceton, Secretary.