Santander Choice Experiment Elicitation of public preferences for climate change mitigation measures. Name of the Enumerator: _______________________ Date: _______________________________________ Time Started: ________________________________ Time Ended: _________________________________ Place: _________________________________ CE version (circle one): 1 2 My name is ….. , I am coming from X University/Institute and I am working for a project financed by the European Union. We are carrying out this survey to examine how people live on the coast in Santander and their views with regards to effects of climate change. Understanding people’s perceptions will provide useful insights to policy making towards the design of efficient and effective climate change mitigation programmes. We would be most grateful if you could take about 15 minutes to complete this questionnaire. Responses are strictly confidential and there are no correct or wrong answers; we just want your opinion. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Part 1: Warm-up questions: Climate change perceptions and actions taken 1. In your opinion, which of the following do you consider to be the most serious problems currently facing the world as a whole? Choose three and rank them from 1 to 3 according to their importance to you a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Global warming International terrorism Poverty, lack of food and drinking water The spread of an infectious disease A major global economic downturn The proliferation of nuclear weapons and armed conflicts The increasing world population Other (spontaneous - specify) __________ None No answer |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| 2. What are the three environmental risks that you find most worrying for Santander? Choose three and rank them from 1 to 3 according to their importance to you a) Flooding | b) Marine pollution c) An industrial accident __| |__| |__| d) e) f) g) h) i) Air or water pollution Forest fire A tsunami A storm Other (spontaneous - specify) __________ None |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| 3. How severely do you believe the following goods and services are nowadays threatened because of climate change and sea level rise in Santander? (On a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 indicating least perceived risk and 5 strong risk) Goods and Services Recreation from beach Wildlife in the coastal and marine ecosystem Tourism and local infrastructure Human health 1 2 3 4 5 DK/NA 4. Could you please tell us on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) what you think about the following statements? 1 The frequency and extend of flooding in Santander will increase... the next 5 years ... in the next 30 years ... in the next 60 years The frequency and extend of storms in Santander will increase... the next 5 years ... in the next 30 years ... in the next 60 years Unless action is taken the size of the beach will be significantly reduced... ... in the next 5 years ... in the next 30 years ... in the next 60 years 2 3 4 5 DK/NA 5. Imagine that you have just won a lottery. Please circle your preferred payoff option (A or B) under each payment alternative. Each alternative pays 500 euro in a month from today or 500 euro+X in twelve months from today with X varying in each choice: Payment Alternative 1 (pays amount below in 1 month) Payment Alternative 2 (pays amount below in 12 months) 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 510 520 550 570 600 650 700 750 800 1000 Annual Interest Rate 2.18% 4.36% 10.9% 15.27% 21.8% 32.73% 43.6% 54.54% 65.45% 109% Preferred Alternative (circle) A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B Part 2: Valuation task Scenario The Bay of Santander is the largest estuary on the North coast of Spain with nearly half of the population of the area, 250.0000 inhabitants, being gathered around it. The seaside ecosystem is of high ecological value while offering significant opportunities for recreation to locals and tourists. The bay and its intertidal area play an important role for migrating birds and invertebrates and opposite of the port there is a Natura 2000 area, where the shell fish is being caught. However, due to climate change and anthropic pressure, the morphology of the bay has suffered important changes in the last centuries. – – – – the Bay is severely affected by periodic flooding events resulting in important erosion processes and is highly vulnerable to climate change resulting in sea level rise the large urban areas around the Bay, the transportation and lifesupporting systems are severely endangered. health risks are present because of regular jellyfish outbreaks (medusa Carabela portuguesa ) the biodiversity will also be affected if the area for shell fishery is altered by climate change and not suitable for this type of fisheries anymore. At the moment work is going on to evaluate flooding risks and marine climate variability and design an efficient risk mitigation programme to protect the urban area of Santander and recover the seaside ecosystem. Specifically, the planned risk mitigation programme includes technologies aiming to improve the management of sediment stocks as well as technologies for nourishment, dredging and coastline stabilization. The implementation of the proposed programme is expected to influence the following characteristics: 1) Beach size: o Low: The four main beaches in Santander (Pedro please specify) will reduce from 3kn long that are now to pocket ones. Pocket beaches and beaches located at the flood prone Somo split will disappear due to erosion o Medium: Renurishment of the four main beaches in Santander will preserve their size. Pocket beaches and beaches located at the flood prone Somo split will be significantly reduced due to erosion o High: Renurishment of the main beaches in Santander and pocket beaches will preserve their size throughout the year. 2) Biodiversity (Wildlife): o Low: The area for shell fishery is altered by climate change and is not suitable for this type of fisheries anymore. The Bay of Santander is no longer a stop for migrating birds and invertebrates o Medium: The shell fishery is preserved but the Bay is no longer a stop for migrating birds and invertebrates o High: Current level of biodiversity is preserved 3) Health Risks (risk of being hurt by harmful invasive species such as Medusa Portugessa): o Low: current risk estimated at being hurt once every year o Medium: risk of being hurt is once every month o High: risk of being hurt is as high as once in a week To cover the expenses of the relevant mitigation measures new municipal taxes on drinking water and waste water will be issued. The additional monthly cost to your household (minimum tax for water) for the next 5 years will be: 0 euros per month 2 euros per month 4 euros per month 5 euros per month 6 euros per month The additional funds collected will be managed by the municipality and will be exclusively used for implementing the risk mitigation project. The levels for all attributes correspond to the situation in Santander in: 5 years (SPLIT 1) 30 years(SPLIT 2) 60 years(SPLIT 3) In what follows, we will present you with a sequence of cards displaying alternative risk mitigation/management plans. In each of these cards we ask you to choose the one that is most preferred to you. Option C always corresponds to the continuation of the current management, under no new policy response and no new taxes to your household. Please keep in mind that in this kind of surveys people often tend to overstate their willingness to pay to contribute to the proposed project. You are kindly asked to consider the impact of the extra amount to your family budget and the reduction in your disposable income for other goods it implies before stating a choice. Choice Cards Choice Set 1 2 3 4 5 6 Option A Option B Option C Debriefing questions 1. On a scale from 1 to 4 how difficult did you find the choice between the cards? (with one meaning very easy and 4 meaning highly difficult) 1 2 3 4 5 don’t know 2. Do you trust that all additional funds you will pay will be used for reducing the climate change associated risks in Santander? Yes No 3. On a scale from 1 to 4 how efficient do you think a new risk mitigation strategy can be in tackling/halting the effects of climate change in the Santander Bay? (with one meaning least efficient and 4 meaning highly efficient) 1 2 3 4 5 don’t know 4. On a scale from 1 to 4 how realistic you think the description of the status quo (option C: situation in Santander in 10/30/60 years) (with one meaning totally unrealistic and 4 meaning very realistic) 1 2 3 4 5 don’t know 5. If you chose neither management programme (option C) in one of the choice sets above, could you please tell us why you are against any management strategy? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) I don’t believe that the flood reduction strategy would be successful I do not have the financial capability to pay higher taxes I would only pay higher taxes if other locals definitely do I do not care for the flooding issues in the area The government should pay Big Polluters (industry, corporations) exerting pressure to the Santander Bay should pay I do not think that the flood reduction strategy is necessary, there is no risk If flooding happens, I will move elsewhere The benefits of the measures are too distant/I don’t care for future generation Other (please specify) ______ I don t have enough information about the risk reduction measures Part 3: Socio-economic information 1. Age: ______ 2. Gender: Female Male 3. Nationality: ______ 4. a) I am a Permanent Resident b) I have a Summer House here c) I am a Tourist If a tourist: For what purpose have you visited Santander (can tick more than one) a) b) c) d) e) Cultural (museums, theatres, Castles, Churches) Recreational Swimming Natural parks Other (please specify) ______ 5. Occupation a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Full-time job Part-time job Unemployed Pensioner Student Farmer Housewife Other (please specify) ______ 6. Number of people living in the house: ___________ 7. Do you have children? Yes No 8. Which is the higher level of education you have completed or you are in process of completing? a) f) g) h) i) j) Less than primary school Primary school High school Technical school University Postgraduate 9. In which one of the following categories of income brackets does your monthly net household income lie? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 0-500€ 500-1000€ 1000-1500€ 1500-2000€ 2000-2500€ 2500-3000€ Over 3000€ 10. In political matters people talk of "the left" and "the right". How would you place your views on this scale? Left 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Right 10 Refusal/DK 12. Could you please tell us on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) what do you think about the following statements? Strongly disagree (1) Current generations should protect the environment to ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy the benefits of the goods it provides. Intergenerational equity should be an important consideration for policymaking. I would financially contribute to actions aiming to mitigate climate change even if benefits are to be received by future generations. Disagree (2) Neither agree nor disagree (3) Agree (4) Strongly agree (5) Don’t know I prefer enjoying the present and not spend a big part of my time worrying about the future Part 4: Risk perception 14. In your current house, do you feel threatened by flooding risk? a) b) c) d) e) Yes, seriously Yes a little bit No, not too much No, not at all No answer 15. Have been affected by flooding in the last 10 years? Yes No If yes, have you been compensated for the financial losses suffered? a) b) c) d) Yes, totally Yes, partially Yes, but only a few Not at all 16. Are you privately insured against damages due to floods? If NO, would you consider get insured in the future? Yes 17. Do you expect to be flooded within the next 30 years? Yes No No Yes No 18. In order to avoid or manage flooding risks who do you trust the most? (circle as appropriate) 1. The local government (Mayor etc) 2. Regional authorities 3. National authorities 4. Local NGOs 5. The European Union 6. Other (please specify) 7. No answer. 19 Do you remember of any floods in your area? If yes please tell us which…………….. Yes No Interview Protocol 1. Respondent’s cooperation Excellent Fair Average 2. Respondent s understanding of the choice task Bad Excellent Fair Average 3. Respondent being on a rush Very rushed Somewhat No rush Bad