English VFL product descriptions and usage #4672P DNA Plus It is derived from salmon albino extract (DNA) and yeast extract (RNA), added with gama-amino butylic acid (GABA), multi-vitamins, minerals and prune juice to assist enhancing our health from the cells. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 1 small cup along with 1 bottle of DNA daily, which is 33ml #4578P HealthWise - Mel-up 1000 It contains 1000mg Royal Jelly and 1000mg Vitamin C, which can naturally boost our immune system. Ginkgo Biloba inside also improve our circulatory system, brigtening our skin and offering good complexion together with Vitamin C. Rcommended Dosage : Take 1 bottle daily #5495P Triple-up Collagen It contains 5000mg marine-derived collagen enables the skin to stay healthy and helps prevent the formation of fine lines and dry skin. The moisturizing ingredients in filtrate deep into the stratum corneum, enhancing the skin’s own power to restore its beauty and retain the skin’s moisture. Containing natural ingredients, antioxidants and multi-vitamins to provide effective measures against skin discoloration and dullness. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 1 bottle daily before or after meal #7449 Triplex Juice It contains Noni Juice, Gogi Juice and Mangosteen Juice into an exclusive formula that helps reduce the level of excessive waste and toxins built-up from daily life. Recommended Adult Dosage : Drink 33ml (6 teaspoons or 1 small cup along with 1 bottle of Triplex Juice) each time and 2 times daily. Shake before drinking and can be mixed with cold water or other fruit juice #7774 It contains two strains of healthy acid-resistant probiotics namely Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis into an exclusive formula. It helps your gastrointestinal tract to grow healthily, improves nutrients uptake and fortifies the digestive tract with healthy flora. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 1 capsule daily with food or follow the instruction with doctors Florify English VFL Products descriptions and usages - By Melaleuca of Asia Ltd. Co. #5511 NutriPhyll It contains Chlorella Powder, organic Spirulina Powder, and Chlorella Extract Powder into an exclusive formula that strongly prevents our cells to be attacked from free radicals, also it helps support well-balanced nutrition and the overall health. This is the green food in the 21st Century. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 5 tablets each time and 3 times daily or follow the instruction with Doctors. Tablets should be taken with meal and it helps vegetarians to replenish their daily insufficient nutrients. #6025P Cranbarrier It combines the natural cleansing powers of cranberry, bearberry and blueberry into and exclusive formula that helps promote urinary tract health. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 2 tablets daily. Tablets can be taken either with meals or on an empty stomach. #4625P It combines phytosterols and omega-3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA) to assist in the maintenance of good blood circulation Recommended Adult Dosage : Phytomega Take 4-6 softgels daily with food, or as directed by your health care practitioner. #3000P Provex CV It is an antioxidant and free radical scavenger. It contains Ginkgo Biloba, bilberry, grape seed which help maintain peripheral circulation. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 4-6 capsules daily, or as directed by a physician. #1408P Provex It is a powerful formula of bioflavonoids and proanthocyanidins providing antioxidant protection against the damaging effects of free radical activity. Contains grape skin, grape seed, ginkgo biloba and bilberry. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 1 capsules two times daily #2855P NutraView For the maintenance of healthy eyes, support healthy eye function with antioxidant properties Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 1 capsule daily, or as directed by a physician. English VFL Products descriptions and usages - By Melaleuca of Asia Ltd. Co. #3900P LiverWise It is an exceptional formulation combining herbs of scientifically proven benefits enhances liver health. Each softgel contains Milk Thistle to provide silymarine flavones which act as powerful antioxidant. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 2-3 softgels a day, or as directed by a Physician. #2390P EstrAval Many women have discovered a better way, using a natural nutritional approach for the changes that accompany change of life. If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a health care professional. Recommended Adult Dosage : Rake 1-3 capsules daily, or as directed by a physician. #2056N ProstAvan It helps maintain the normal function of mature men and improves the general well being, especially prostate health. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 1 capsule daily, or as directed by physician. #2562P Activate It boosts your natural immune system. Helps strengthen the body’s natural defenses. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 1-3 tablets daily, should take it before Influenza peak season only, and stop after taking 1 month continuously. Consult your personal physician. #3055P RestEZ It is a non-habit forming supplement that helps you relax and have a naturally restful sleep. It’s the only formula that combines standardized extract of valerian, and passion flower with hops and spearmint to promote relaxation and normal sleep patterns without day-after grogginess. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 2-4 capsules before resting. #5542 Grape Seed Oil : It contains extra phytosterol, which help reduce the absorption of Cholesterol in your meal. Contains OPC (antioxidants found in grape seed) and multi-vitamins (A,D,E,K) which are good for cardiovascular health and general well being. 100% pure grape seed oil with high boiling point and suitable for different cooking methods. Recommended Usage : Put suitable amount when cooking different foods English VFL Products descriptions and usages - By Melaleuca of Asia Ltd. Co. #9202/#9203 Attain Shake 1 serving contains 13g band A soy protein, 4.5g fiber, 13 vitamins and 9 minerals. Its protein got the highest band from PDCASS, which has 97% availability in human. It is low sweet with only 120Kcal. Recommended Usage: Put 2 scoops of Attain powder into 250ml water inside Melaleuca's shaker, shake 20 seconds before drinking it. #1414/#550 Herbal Tea Variety / It contains a variety of natural herbal and tea leaves, there are 5 flavors to suit your different needs. Ginseng (Orange) – To freshen or reinvigorate ourselves, drink in the morning before work Herbal Tea (Single Flavor) #4353/#4354/#3835N FiberWise Bar/FiberWise Drink It contains the best soluble fiber - Psyllium husk, together with vitamins A,C,E and many herbal extracts, which help improve out metabolism rate. It is low in fat, calories, sodium and suitable for meat-lover, overweight people, those with poor digestive functions or cardiovascular functions. Recommended Usage : Take a Fiberwise bar anytime and drink enough water after it Put one scoop into 250ml cold water, shake well and drink immediately #8120/#8315/#8316/#83178 It naturally blocks the energy-sapping effects of adenosine, turns fat into fuel, gives you greater endurance with less Access Bar/Access Drink: fatigue and help muscle use less sugar and more stored fat for energy. Recommended Dosage: Eat an Access Bar / a cup of Access Drink on an empty stomach 15 minutes before exercising. Apple Tea (Red) – For the wellness of digestion, drink when you feel too full Lemon Tea (Yellow) – For the wellness of digestion, drink when you feel too full Herbal Tea (Green) – For adjusting the pH of our body by reducing the acidity, thus promoting general well being Night Tea (Blue) – For relaxing and offer a restful sleep, Drink before rest. Recommended Usage : Put the tea bag into hot water for 2-3 minutes before drinking it. English VFL Products descriptions and usages - By Melaleuca of Asia Ltd. Co. #8436 Sustain Sport Lemon It is the first low calorie, performance hydration drink that includes four electrolytes and vitamins C,E, and B12 to help you maximize your performance. Hydration – Replenishing your body before, during and after your workout with water, electrolytes, and essential vitamins helps you maximize your workout. Endurance – The nutrients in Sustain Sport help protect your body from early fatigue and muscle cramping, allowing you to continue your exercise and daily activities better than water alone. Low Calorie – Sustain Sport is low in calories. It contains only 15 calories per 8fl.oz. Recommended Dosage: Empty 1 packet into 16fl.oz of water. Mix well or shake. If needed, take a sip from your water bottle to make some space before adding the Sustain Sport packet. #7773P Vitality Mineral Complex with Calcium It contains 4 kinds of “Best Calcium” together with Magnesium and vitamin D, which naturally help calcium absorption. We specially use “Fructose Compounding technology” to enhance the absorption of minerals. Fructose compounding is designed to pre-bind a fructose molecule to calcium to help keep the mineral from binding with other nutrients in your digestive tract. Fructose-compounded minerals are designed to be absorbed into your bloodstream and delivered to your cells and ultimately to your tissues, organs, and the rest of your body. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 4 tablets daily #9179 Profulin #1691P Replenex It adopts a special patented extraction method, extracting Lanostanes from FuLing. Lanostanes can enhance immunity of cells, enhance the activity of Lymph cells, which can promote good immunity. Recommended Dosage : Take 1 capsule daily for children above 6. Take 2 capsules daily for adults. It contains Glucosamine. Glucosamine is a naturally occurring nutrient in the body and basic building block of key connective tissue components. Clinical studies have shown that glucosamine supplement can help increase joint mobility. Replenex also contains Green Tea, which is a powerful antioxidants. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 3-5 tablets daily, or as directed by a physician. Tablets can be taken either with meals or on an empty stomach. English VFL Products descriptions and usages - By Melaleuca of Asia Ltd. Co. #8625 ProStolic #8991/#8992 Attain with CraveBlocker It is our proprietary heart supplement with natural heart-healthy ingredients to help maintain healthy blood pressure. Suitable for those who need to look after his blood pressure. Recommended Adult Dosage : Take 2-3 tablets daily with food. This Attain powered by patent-pending CraveBlocker,™ addresses the root cause of failure—hunger cravings—and fights them naturally, helping you control your appetite. Help fight hunger cravings with CraveBlocker—found exclusively in Attain. Suitable for those who need weight management. Recommended Dosage: Take before meal or substitute 1 meal with Attain + veggies / fruits. Put 1 scoop of Attain powder into 250ml water inside Melaleuca's shaker, shake 20 seconds and drink immediately. #8408 Children Nutraview It contains natural herbal extract - Lutein, blueberry and bilberry with added multi-vitamins which good for children’s eye health for those above 3 years old. Recommended Dosage : Take 2 tablets daily English VFL Products descriptions and usages - By Melaleuca of Asia Ltd. Co.