STROKE CLINIC QUESTIONNAIRE PLEASE COMPLETE AND BRING WITH YOU TO YOUR APPOINTMENT Name: _______________________________________ Date: ___________ If you are seeing one of our physicians for the first time, we would appreciate you answering the following questions. This will give us a clear picture of your overall health, and allow your doctor to help you better with your neurological problem. REASON FOR VISIT What is the complaint or problem you are having? ________________________________________________ When did this problem begin? _________________ Is this a NEW or OLD problem? ____________________ Were you hospitalized? If YES, when and where were you hospitalized? ______________________________ Have you seen any doctors for this problem? _______ If YES, who did you see? ________________________ Did a doctor refer you to see us? If yes, who referred you? ________________________________________ Primary care doctor: Name ________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Other providers: Specialty ___________________ Name___________________ Phone__________________ Other providers: Specialty ___________________ Name___________________ Phone__________________ Pharmacy: _______________________________ Phone __________________ Location _______________ PERSONAL/SOCIAL HISTORY DOB __________ Height _________ Are you currently employed? Yes/No Highest Level of Education_______________ Occupation ___________________________ Wt ____________ Marital Status Single Married Divorced Widowed Diet and Exercise History How many SERVINGS of fruit and vegetables do you eat daily?_____________________ Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug History Do you smoke tobacco? Yes/No Smoke in past? Yes/No Quit when?___ If YES, how many years? ___________ If YES, how many packs/day? _______ Do you drink alcohol? Yes/No If YES, how often? ________________ If YES, how many drinks/day? _______ How many DAYS per week do you exercise for Do you do drugs? Yes/No at least 30 minutes? ___________________ If YES, how often? ________________ If YES, which drugs? ______________ MEDICATIONS (Please list all medications you are currently taking including over the counter medications; and/or bring all of your medication bottles with you) Please list any allergies to medications ________________________________________________________ Name______________________________ Dosage_____________ Times per day_____________ Name______________________________ Dosage_____________ Times per day_____________ Name______________________________ Dosage_____________ Times per day_____________ Name______________________________ Dosage_____________ Times per day_____________ Name______________________________ Dosage_____________ Times per day_____________ Name______________________________ Dosage_____________ Times per day_____________ Name______________________________ Dosage_____________ Times per day_____________ PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: (Do you currently have, or were told you had any of the following problems?) TIA (Transient ischemic attack) Yes/No Stroke Yes/No High blood pressure (Hypertension) Yes/No High cholesterol Yes/No Diabetes (Elevated blood sugar) Yes/No Myocardial infarction (Heart attack) Yes/No Blockage in Carotid artery (stenosis) Yes/No Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) Yes/No Atrial fibrillation Yes/No Congestive heart failure Yes/No Arterial dissection (tear in the artery) Yes/No Sickle Cell disease Yes/No Moyamoya disease Yes/No Autoimmune disorder (Lupus) Yes/No Clotting Disorder Yes/No Genetic Disorder Yes/No FAMILY HISTORY Member Alive? Mother Y/N ________ Medical Problems or Cause of Death ________________________________________________________ Father Y/N ________ ________________________________________________________ Siblings Y/N ________ ________________________________________________________ Age Now or at Death REVIEW OF SYSTEMS/GENERAL MEDICAL PROBLEMS: (Do you currently have any of the following problems? Check all problems below.) General Problems Weight loss or gain Fatigue Fever or chills Weakness Trouble sleeping Skin Problems Rashes Itching Dryness Color changes Head and Neck Headache Head injury Neck Pain Ears/Eye Problems Decreased hearing Ringing in ears Vision Loss/Changes Glasses or contacts Blurry or double vision Flashing lights Glaucoma Cataracts Breast Problems Lumps Pain Respiratory Problems Cough Sputum Coughing up blood Shortness of breath Wheezing Painful breathing Cardiovascular Problems Chest pain or discomfort Tightness Palpitations Shortness of breath with activity Difficulty breathing lying down Swelling in legs Sudden awakening from sleep with shortness of breath Gastrointestinal Problems Swallowing difficulties Heartburn Nausea Change in bowel habits Rectal bleeding Constipation Diarrhea Urinary Problems Frequency Urgency Burning or pain Blood in urine Incontinence Vascular Problems Calf pain with walking Leg cramping Musculoskeletal Problems Muscle or joint pain Stiffness Back pain Redness of joints Swelling of joints Trauma Blood Problems Ease of bruising Ease of bleeding Endocrine Problems Head or cold intolerance Sweating Frequent urination Thirst Change in appetite Neurologic Problems Migraine Dizziness Fainting Seizures Weakness Numbness Tingling Tremor Poor coordination Slurred speech Loss of sensation Problems speaking Problems walking Abnormal movements Psychiatric Problems Nervousness Stress Depression Memory loss Signature _____________________________________ Date__________________________