SEA-RIVER SHIPPING CASE STUDY OF EFFICIENCY ON THE RHONE-SAONE CORRIDOR PRESENTATION ONLY Lopez Charlesa1 a Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, CNRS UMR n°5593 ; Université Lumière Lyon 2. Lyon, France, march 2006 ABSTRACT: The concept of sea-river shipping is simple: a single vessel sails both coastal and inland waters. Thus, seaport transhipment is avoided resulting in lower transport costs. However, this concept is limited to certain transport waterways. On the Rhône-Saône corridor, sea-river shipping can directly connect inland ports with Mediterranean seaports. The absence of transhipment raises the issue of the competition/complementarity between sea-river shipping and a transport chain associating inland and maritime transport. Sea-river vessels must abide by certain specifications, such as draught, height and length, all related to the navigational restrictions on rivers and canals. The question is: at what threshold, in terms of tonnage, are sea-river vessels more efficient than “barge+shortsea” transport service? After addressing this question, we determine, for different ports of the Rhône-Saône corridor, the competitive navigational area of sea-river shipping. KEYWORDS: multi-modal transport chain, sea-river/short sea shipping, production costs, Rhône-Saône corridor 1 Corresponding author: Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, Institut des Sciences de l’Homme 14, av Berthelot 69 363 Lyon cedex 07 France Tel: +33 (0)4 72 72 64 36 - Fax: +33 (0)4 72 72 64 48 E-mail address: 1 1 REFERENCES. - BAIN J [1956], Barriers to New Competition, Cambridge Mass., Harvard University Press. - CHARLIER J., FOHAL J. [2002], Le transport fluviomaritime à l’heure des autoroutes de la mer. L’exemple de l’avant-pays nautique des ports de Bruxelles, Duisbourg, Liège et Paris. 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