Exam Review - kyoussef-mci

Grade 11 Pre-AP Biology
Exam Review – Topics and Lessons worth Reviewing
Unit 1: Genetic Processes
Cell & Cell Organelles: Doing Life’s Work (Powerpoint)
o Cell organelles and their functions
o Order or organelles involved in protein synthesis starting from DNA in nucleus
Bozeman Biology: What is DNA? (Worksheet from YouTube clip)
o Structure of DNA, antiparallel nature of DNA
Mitosis (photocopy from textbook – you highlighted)
o Know each stage, be able to identify stages given a diagram
DNA Replication (Powerpoint)
o Leading vs. Lagging strand, role and limitations of DNA Polymerase I and II
o During which stage of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?
Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles (Powerpoint)
o All terminology
o Know each stage of Meiosis, be able to identify stages given a diagram
o Sources of genetic variability (mutations, independent assortment, crossing over, random
Mutations (Worksheet)
o Types of mutations (gene vs. chromosome)
 Gene mutations = substitution (missense, silent, nonsense) and frameshift (insertion and
 Chromosome mutations = deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation
o Be able to identify type of mutation given strand of normal DNA vs. mutated DNA and be able to
predict effect (if there is an effect) on organism
Mendel and the Gene Idea
o Law of Segregation and Monohybrid Crosses & Dihybrid Crosses and the Law of
Independent Assortment (Powerpoints)
o Spongebob Genetics Worksheets
o Punnett squares, let statements, determining probabilities
Beyond Mendelian Genetics (Powerpoint)
o ABO Blood Type Worksheet, Genetics Practice 2: Beyond the Basics Worksheet
o Complete, Incomplete, Codominance (Spectrum of Dominance)
o Lethal dominant, lethal recessive, ABO blood types, Sex-linked
o Punnett squares, let statements, determining probabilities
Chapter 15: Chromosomes and Hereditary (Assignment)
o Developing Conclusions about Different Modes of Inheritance & Pedigree Analysis
o Patterns of Inheritance: autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant, X-linked
o Nondisjunction
LAB: Virtual Fly Lab, Chi Square Analysis – M&M Statistics
o Be able to complete a chi-squared problem and interpret results
Unit 2: Evolution
Evidence of Evolution by Natural Selection (Powerpoint)
o Postulates of Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
 variation in populations, overproduction of offspring, struggle for existence – competition,
differential survival and reproduction (fitness), emergence of new species
o Homologous Structures vs. Analogous Structures – what they are and what do they say about
evolution? (convergent vs. divergent evolution)
Evolution of Populations (Powerpoint)
o Agents of evolutionary change (mutations, gene flow, non-random mating, genetic drift and
natural selection)
o Modes of selection (directional, disruptive, stabilizing, sexual)
Measuring Evolution in Populations (Powerpoint)
o Population Genetics and the Hardy-Weinberg Law Worksheet
o Hardy-Weinberg Equation
 Frequency of Individuals (Genotype Frequencies): homozygous dominant (p2) ,
homozygous recessive (q2), heterozygous (2pq) VS. Allele frequencies: dominant
alleles (p), recessive alleles (q)
 Compare a population over many generations and decide if there is evidence of
Chapter 24: Origin of Species
o Biological species concept
o Barriers that cause isolation: pre-zygotic (habitat isolation, behavioural isolation, temporal
isolation, mechanical isolation, gamete isolation) and post-zygotic (hybrid inviability, hybrid
o Allopatric vs. sympatric speciation
LAB: Examining the Parameters of the Hardy-Weinberg Equation using an Excel Spreadsheet
(Deme 1.0) & Deme 1.0 Population Genetics Assessment
o Effect of population size on the degree of influence of genetic drift on a population
o Relationship between allele frequency and the distribution of phenotypes on a population
o Effect of selection against homozygous dominant, homozygous recessive and heterozygous
individuals on both allele and genotype frequencies.
o Effect of selection for dominant and recessive allele on both allele and genotype frequencies.
Unit 3: Diversity of Life
Viruses “Scavenger Hunt” Worksheet
o Characteristics of a virus
o Viral reproduction: temperate vs. virulent phage
 Temperate phage reproduction (lysogenic cycle) – know diagram
 The immune system of bacteria: restriction endonucleases (restriction enzymes)
Importance of Bilateral Symmetry in Animals
LAB 21: Evolution and Classification (Phylogeny of Caminalcules) & Gel Electrophoresis: The
Case of the Crown Jewels Activity
o Phylogenetic Trees (degree of relatedness of different species – the more closely related the
more recent their common ancestor)
o Gel Electrophoresis – be able to read one
Unit 4: Internal Systems
The Cell Membrane and Transport (Powerpoint)
o Cellular Transport Worksheets
o Hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic
o Endocytosis vs. Exocytosis
o Osmosis
Day 3 – The Mammalian Heart (Powerpoint) & The Mammalian Cardiovascular System –
Overview (Worksheet)
o Anatomy of the heart (chambers and valves)
o Direction of blood flow through the heart
o Cardiac Cycle and valves
o Pacemaker of the heart – sinoatrial node
Efficient Gas Exchange (Powerpoint)
o Negative Pressure Breathing – know pressure and volume changes when inhale and exhale
o How breathing is controlled – medulla and pons – effect of CO2
Steps of Respiration/Gas Exchange (Powerpoint)
o Gas Exchange Review Worksheet
o O2 dissociation curves for hemoglobin (effect of temperature and pH on hemoglobin)
Digestive System – Textbook chapter photocopy
o Anatomy and function of each part
o Peristalsis
Immune/Lymphatic System (Powerpoint)
o Innate Immunity: First and Second Lines of Defense
3rd Line: Acquired Immunity
o Immune System Review Worksheet
o B cell immune response and primary (1°) and secondary (2°) response to disease
o T cell immune response
LAB: Determining the Molar Concentration of Potato Cores using Osmosis
LAB: Lung Capacity Lab
o Effect of exercise (long term vs. short term) on TV and VC.
Unit 5: Plants
Evolution and Classification of Plants (Powerpoint)
o Alternations of generations in the four different types of plants
o Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms (monocot vs. dicot)
Microviewer Assignment: Anatomy and Growth of Vascular Plants
o Leaf cross section parts and functions, photosynthesis
o Vascular tissue (Xylem and Phloem)
Transport in Plants (Powerpoint)
o Water and minerals, Sugars and Gas Exchange
o Water potential, Adhesion, Cohesion, hydrogen bonding
LAB: Transpiration in Vascular Plants
Plant Responses to Internal and External Signals
o Tropisms (+ and -), Important plant hormones (all)