Advanced Subsidiary (AS) CHEMISTRY Course Handbook 2010-11 Student Name: _____________________ Student ID No.:_____________________ Contents Welcome 3 Some useful names 4 Course Structure & Qualification 5 Assessment 6 Specification structure and ‘How Science Works’ 7 What you can expect from us 9 What we expect from you 10 Resources 11 Progression 13 Your Notes 14 Health & Safety 15 A note on equality 16 Some useful information for your studies 17 Welcome to the Chemistry Department The Chemistry Laboratories are situated on the first floor of the Middlehaven building. This subject is part of the A level department which falls within the Directorate of Academic and Professional Studies. You will have 5 hours of lessons per week broken up into three sessions: one 2 hour session and two 1.5 hour sessions. In addition to this you should allow at least 2 hours for self directed study each week. This will include weekly homework and revision for regular topic tests. It is important to try to organise your time effectively. Most of you will be studying 4 AS levels, so try to balance your workload. You will also be attending Tutorial sessions every week. You will all have access to the College Virtual Learning software known as Blackboard that you can access through College or your home computer via the College Website You will be able to access all your subject areas, and will find a wealth of course information, topicspecific questions and power point presentations. Check the site regularly for announcements. You will be offered enrichment opportunities such as visiting speakers and visits such as Revision Conferences and Field Trips as appropriate and available. You will also be kept informed about University Open Days and ‘Discovery Days’ in relevant subject areas as well as national conferences such as “Medsix” for those intending to study Medicine. Merit Awards are given to students who show outstanding attendance and performance in this subject. Meet the Team Here are some names you may need to know: The Principal Mike Hopkins Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning: Marion Fitt Director of Academic & Professional Studies: Richard Ronksley Deputy Director of A & P Studies: Sue Brown Course Co-ordinator: Emma Griffiths Course Lecturers Emma Griffiths Laboratory Technicians Mike Ford Victoria Harper Michael Connelly COURSE STRUCTURE & QUALIFICATION Your course is AQA Chemistry. You will normally study towards the AS level in the first year and if successful, you can progress onto the full A2 level. The exam board's address is Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) Stag Hill House Guildford GU2 5XJ Website: Qualification Code Numbers: AS A2 Chemistry 1421 2421 The full 'A' level consists of six units as shown below. Unit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Unit name Foundation Chemistry Chemistry In Action Investigative and practical skills in AS Chemistry Kinetics, Equilibria and Organic Chemistry Energetics, Redox and Inorganic Chemistry Investigative and practical skills in A2 Chemistry Raw marks 70 100 50 UMS marks 100 140 60 100 120 100 120 50 60 AS + A2 = A level Important: Please be aware that progression to the A2 course is dependant upon a satisfactory pass grade at AS level (at least an E grade). As units A2 Units ASSESSMENT You will be assessed by written exams and internally assessed coursework. Written Exams (80%) There will be two written exams in the first year; one in January (Unit 1; foundation chemistry) and one in May/June (Unit 2; Chemistry in action). The first exam lasts for 1 hour and 15 minutes and consists of 4-6 short answer questions (this exam is worth 33% of total AS marks and 16% of the full A level). The second exam lasts for 1 hour and 45 minutes and consists of 6 - 8 short answer questions plus two longer questions (this exam is worth 46% of the total AS mark and 23% of the total A level). In the second year there are two more written exams; one in January (Unit 4; Kinetics, Equilibria and Organic Chemistry) and one in June (Unit 5; Energetics, Redox and Inorganic Chemistry). Both of these exams last one hour and 45 minutes and will have some synoptic content which will test your knowledge and understanding of AS material as well as A2 material. Each A2 written exam is worth 20% of the total marks for the final A level. Dates for these exams are published by AQA and details can be obtained from the AQA website: At the time of printing this document the exam dates for year 1 are as follows: Unit 1, Thursday 14th January (am) Unit 2, Monday 7th June (am) Note these are provisional dates Coursework (20%) Your investigative and practical skills will be assessed once at AS (Unit 3) and once again at A2 (Unit 6). These skills are marked by your teachers and moderated by the exam board. Each year there will two parts: PSA (Practical Skills Assessment) – maximum 12 marks Practical skills are assessed throughout the course on the basis of your abilities during practical work. There are three strands to consider: Ability to follow instructions, Selecting and using equipment and organisation and safety. ISA (Investigative Skills Assignment) – maximum 38 marks You will be given an Investigative Skills Assignment to carry out. This is set by the exam board and will include carrying out practical work, collecting and analysing data and completing a short written test on the investigation. The coursework in year one contributes 20% to your AS result (10% of the full A level), so it is essential that you spend time and take care in producing a good quality piece of work. Make sure you read all the guidance notes and mark schemes. Specification Structure The specification, which you will be issued with (and you can download from the AQA website), sets out exactly the knowledge and understanding that you will need in order to be successful in your exams. In addition to the theoretical chemistry, the specification contains twelve key aspects of ‘how science works.’ How Science Works How Science Works is an underpinning set of concepts and is the means whereby students come to understand how scientists investigate scientific phenomena in their attempts to explain the world about us. Moreover, How Science Works recognises the contribution scientists have made to their own disciplines and to the wider world. Further, it recognises that scientists may be influenced by their own beliefs and that these can affect the way in which they approach their work. Also, it acknowledges that scientists can and must contribute to debates about the uses to which their work is put and how their work influences decision making in society. In general terms, it can be used to promote students’ skills in solving scientific problems by developing an understanding of: The concepts, principles and theories that form the subject content The procedures associated with the valid testing of ideas and, in particular, the collection, interpretation and validation of evidence The role of the scientific community in validating evidence and also in resolving conflicting evidence. What you can expect from us Lessons You will have five hours of timetabled lessons. You will be taught using a variety of teaching and learning methods to meet the varied Learning Preferences of the students in the class. This will include lectures, worksheets, practical work, presentations, videos, models, posters, etc. Homework Homework will be set and marked on a weekly basis. Much of the work set will be in the form of past exam paper questions to help you improve exam technique. There may also be electronic tests set on Blackboard and occasionally you will be asked to research a topic. Monitoring Progress Homework and test marks will be recorded along with attendance. Your lecturer will review your progress regularly and will discuss this with you to set realistic targets. This will initially be based on your Value Added score (based on your GCSE grades) to give a baseline for achievement. In addition to this you will receive a written report on your performance twice during the year. Textbooks The LRC has a well-stocked Chemistry section with up to date textbooks, CD ROMS, videos and journals such as ‘New Scientist’. Documents You will receive a copy of the Specification. Keep this with your chemistry notes for constant reference when researching and revising. Support Your lecturers are there to help and support you in your learning and understanding of the chemistry topics. Please do not be afraid to ask for help if something is not clear. Always remember: If you don’t understand - ask for help. What we expect from you Entry Requirements To join the AS course you need to have at least 4 GCSE’s at grade C or above to include Maths and English as well as a grade B in Additional Science/Science Double Award. Attendance and Punctuality You are expected to attend 100% of timetabled lessons and to arrive on time. If you are genuinely unable to attend, or will be unavoidably late, please telephone or e mail your lecturer to let them know BEFORE the lesson. This is important because if you are absent from the lesson the college will telephone you to find out why, and if your attendance falls below 85% you will be charged a fee of approximately £15 per written exam. Stationery You are expected to have Ring binder, paper, pens, pencils and rulers at all lessons. You will occasionally need a simple calculator in the lessons and will definitely need one for the exams – you are advised to buy one at the start of the course (approx £2). Homework It is essential that you complete homework and hand it in on time so that we can continually monitor your performance. Late homework may not be marked and may be recorded as a zero in the mark books and you Personal Tutor will be informed. Blackboard (Bb) Check the Chemistry site regularly as there may be important announcements there. Browse the site to find useful extra notes, animations, power points and questions, as well as the AQA exam board mark schemes to correct answers to your homework. Revision You will be provided with summary ‘revision’ sheets at the end of each topic to aid your own revision but you are also advised to look through your notes at the end of each week and make sure you have understood the topic. This will make final revision for exams much easier. We will encourage this by setting regular topic tests. RESOURCES At A level you are expected to carry out extra study outside lesson time and you will develop your skills of independent learning. This will help to prepare you for University, where you are often left to your own devices and must rely on self motivation and a mature, organised approach to study. There is a wealth of information in chemistry to help you carry out the necessary research of all topics from a wide range of sources. Scientific Journals You can access a variety of journals such as New Scientist on the LRC site of Blackboard. Websites You will be provided with a comprehensive list of Chemistry Websites, but here are a few of the main sites. to access Blackboard (Bb) Other Useful Media Radio Try to keep up to date with current issues in science/chemistry through the media: There are many useful programmes on Radio 4 that discuss Science, Food and Health issues. Newspapers You can read the Science pages of a broadsheet newspaper such as the Guardian, Times, Independent or Telegraph which are available in the LRC, and look out for relevant television programmes such as Horizon. PROGRESSION Chemistry and the chemical sciences offer access to a varied range of careers. For those who study chemical science to a higher level, the challenges and rewards are significant. Research scientist Medicine Nursing Forensic Science Chemical engineering Teaching Dentistry Pharmacy Environmental scientist Food Science Agriculture Radiography Laboratory Technician Check University prospectuses for grades and preferred subject combinations necessary for these University Degrees. Better still, telephone universities and speak to the Admissions Tutors. UCAS Points Grade A B C D E AS 60 50 40 30 20 A2 120 100 80 60 40 NB These are not the same as UMS points awarded by AQA, but are used by Universities to make you an offer. YOUR NOTES Make a note here of: Your lecturer’s name: ___Angela Waldock_____________ Your lecturer’s e mail address: . Course Co-ordinator’s Name: _ Angela Waldock__ . Science Department phone number ________________ Record your Examination Dates and Results here: Module Title Date Grade and UMS mark Total UMS to date Final June session What marks do I need to achieve in the summer exam to reach my final target grade? To achieve a grade: A B C D E I need this many more UMS marks from units 2 and 3 HEALTH AND SAFETY Rules for students during science lessons in laboratories 1. You must not enter a laboratory unless instructed to do so by a teacher. 2. You must not do anything with equipment or materials unless told to do so by a teacher. Follow instructions carefully. 3. You must wear eye protection when told to do so and keep it on until told to take it off when all practical work including clearing away is finished. 4. When instructed to use a Bunsen burner, make sure that hair, scarves, ties etc. are tied back or tucked in to keep them well away from the flame. 5. When working with liquids, always stand up, never sit. Then you can move out of the way quickly if there is a spill. 6. Never taste anything or put anything in your mouth when in the laboratory. This includes sweets, fingers and pencils, which might have picked up poisonous chemicals from the bench. 7. If any chemicals get on your hands or any other part of the body, wash them off. Wash your hands after work with chemicals or with animal or vegetable matter. 8. Put waste solids in the right bin, never in the sink. 9. Reports any accident to the teacher. This includes chemicals in the mouth, the eyes or on the skin. Also any burns or cuts. 10. Keep your bench clean and tidy, with bags pushed out of the way underneath. Wipe up small splashes with a damp cloth and report bigger ones to the teacher. 11. Always walk slowly and watch where you are going and what your neighbours are doing. 12. You must wear laboratory coats for all practical work. A note on Equality Middlesbrough College is committed to race and gender equality and to providing opportunity and support for students with disabilities. Students are expected to adopt the same ethos and encouraged to welcome contact and friendship with those whose life experiences differ from their own. All the staff at Middlesbrough College, wish you success in your studies and an enjoyable time at our new state of the art facility. Some Useful information 1. Measurements and units you will meet in chemistry The following table identifies some of the more common SI units and their symbols Physical quantity Length Mass Time Temperature* Amount of substance Energy Pressure Name of SI Unit Metre Kilogram Second Kelvin Mole Symbol of SI Unit m kg s K mole or mol Joule Pascal J Pa * Although we still quote temperatures in degrees Celsius (°C), you will find modern reference books giving temperatures in Kelvin, K. We do not say degrees Kelvin but simply Kelvin. To convert from degrees centigrade to kelvin, use the simple formula: degrees Celsius + 273 = Kelvin This allows all temperatures to be given as positive figures since 0 Kelvin is absolute zero, the lowest temperature we ever need to refer to. 2. SI prefixes Prefixes allow us to use larger and smaller quantities of the base units without having to use very large and very small numbers. Some prefixes used in chemistry are given below. Multiple 10-2 10-3 10-6 10-9 103 106 SI prefix centi milli micro nano kilo mega Symbol c m n k M Example Centimetre (cm) Millilitre (ml) Micrometer (m) Nanometer (nm) Kilogram (kg) Megabyte (Mbyte) Essential underpinning mathematical requirements The AS and A2 Chemistry courses will require you to use your mathematical skills. Don’t worry if you’re a bit ‘rusty’; you will be given the opportunity to practice as the course progresses. The information here brings together the mathematical requirements of the AS course. Information is included that will help you carry out specific types of calculation when they are met in the main course of study. You may prefer to refer to this section only when you need to apply/use each particular mathematical concept. Decimal and standard form You will be expected to express numbers in both decimal and standard form and interconvert between them. You are probably used to expressing figures in decimal form, for example: £5.25, 0.5 of an hour. However, in chemistry, figures can be much smaller than this, for example, 0.000005. It is more appropriate to quote figures like this in standard form (the number multiplied by a factor of ten): 0.000005 can be expressed as 5 x 10-6 0.000125 can be expressed as 1.25 x 10-4 Figures which are very large can also be better expressed in standard form, for example the Avogadro constant is written as 6.02 x 10 23 rather than 602 followed by 21 zeros! So in standard form we have a number x 10n, where n is the number of places the decimal point moves. When we use standard form the number in front of the x 10n should he between 1 and 10. So we write 0.00095 as 9.5 x 10-4, not 0.95 x 10-3, and 0.00101 would be written as 1.01 x 10-3, not 10.1 x 10-4 To put 3 x 104 in your calculator, put in 3 then press the EXP key, then press 4. To put 3 x 10-4 in your calculator put in 3, then press the EXP key, then press the +/- key, then press 4. (This will vary with different calculators). Significant figures As a general rule you are advised to quote answers to numerical calculations to the same number of significant figures as given in the question. This means that if values in a question are given to three significant figures, for example, 1.25 g or 3.50 mol dm-3, you should not quote an answer to any greater number of figures. This is because you are unable to be confident of the accuracy beyond this number of figures. For example, using these figures to calculate the volume of water in which 1.25 g of sodium hydroxide should be dissolved to give a solution of concentration 3.50 mol dm-3 gives an answer 8.9285714 cm3. This answer is quoted to eight significant figures but needs to be rounded off to just three figures. The correct expression of the answer would be 8.93 cm3. (The fourth significant figure here is ‘8’, so we add on one to the third significant figure to get 8.93. We would add one on when the fourth significant figure is 5 or greater than 5. If the fourth significant figure was 4 or less, say if we had 8.923517, then to 3 significant figures this would be 8.92). When calculations involve several stages it is good practice to give one more significant figure in your answer at each stage than the number of significant figures in the data. Then at the final stage, the answer is rounded off to the appropriate number of significant figures. Estimating answers Estimating is a useful skill. You should be able to estimate answers without the use of a calculator. This just means rounding everything off to nice convenient numbers. It’s a good habit to get into since it enables you to check that your answers are roughly correct. As an example, estimate: 117.5 41.9 3 .2 Choosing easy numbers, we get: 120 40 3 So that’s 4800 ÷ 3 = 1600 So the answer is roughly equal to 1600. The real answer is 1641.1, but the estimated answer is good enough to show us that the real answer is of the right order. If in a calculation we had 0.275 x 12.2 we could estimate this by saying 0.3 x 12 = 3.6. The real answer is 3.355, but the estimate confirms that the real answer is of the right order. Arithmetic means You will frequently need to calculate a mathematical average, especially during practical work involving experimental repeats. For example, the following titre values may he obtained: 14.85cm 3, 14.80cm3 and 14.75cm3. The average (mean) titre value can be calculated and is equal to: 14.85 14.80 14.75 14.80 cm3 3 Changing the subject of an equation You will frequently need to do this in calculations when you have been asked to find an unknown value. For example: a. Concentration = moles and so changing the subject of the equation: volume b. Moles = concentration volume And changing the subject of the equation once more c. Volume = moles concentration When you are changing the subject of the equation that value should appear on its own on one side of the equals sign. This can be achieved by multiplying or dividing both sides by the quantity which you wish to remove. For example in equation (a) above, both sides are multiplied by volume to arrive at equation (b). In equation (b) both sides are divided by concentration to arrive at equation (c). Straight-line graphs A straight-line graph can be expressed in the form y = mx + c. In this equation m is the gradient of the line, c is called the intercept; this is where the graph line crosses the y axis. y Gradient, m a b a b Intercept, c x The gradient shows us how much the y value is changing relative to the x value. To find the gradient draw a large triangle, then read off the graph the values to find a and b. In the graph above both m and c are positive values. y Here m has a positive value, but c is negative because it crosses the y axis below y = 0. x c y Here we have a straight line passing through: 0,0, so c = 0 This graph line is represented by y = mx + c x The gradient, m of this line has a negative value; this means that y values are decreasing as x values increase a b 3. Glossary The following is a collection of terms that you may come across during your studies (in both AS and A2 parts of the ‘A’ level). This is not to be learned by heart, rather it is to provide an accessible reference when required. You are also encouraged to add to this list as you come across new words and terminology. Activation energy The minimum energy required for a reaction to occur Acylation Substitution of a hydrogen atom by an acyl group Addition reaction A reaction in which two substances react together to form a single substance Alkylation Substitution of a hydrogen atom by an alkyl group Allotropes Two different forms of the same element Anion A negatively charged ion Anode A positively charged electrode Atomic number The number of protons in an atom; this determines its position in the Periodic Table Avogadro constant The number of atoms in exactly 12 g of carbon-12 (equivalent to 6 x1O23 atoms) Bond energy The enthalpy change when a covalent bond is broken to give atoms in the gaseous state Born-Haber cycle A special type of enthalpy cycle which enables Hess’s law to be applied to the standard enthalpy changes which occur when an ionic crystal is formed Brominatlon Substitution of a hydrogen atom by a bromine atom Bronsted-Lowry theory A Brønsted-Lowry acid is a substance which donates a proton to another substance. A Brønsted-Lowry base is a substance which accepts a proton from another substance Buffer solution A solution which resists change of pH when a small amount of acid or alkali is added Carbonium ion or carbocation A species in which a carbon atom carries a positive charge Catalyst A substance which alters the rate of a chemical reaction Cathode A negatively charged electrode Cation A positively charged ion Chemical shift The value of the applied field that will cause a proton in a particular chemical environment to resonate Chiral centre A central carbon atom which has four different groups attached to it. The central carbon atom represents an asymmetric centre Chromophore The structural feature responsible for the absorption of ultraviolet/visible radiation Complex ion A central transition metal ion surrounded by ligands Condensation reaction A reaction between two organic compounds to form a larger compound and a small molecule, such as water or hydrogen chloride Conjugate acid The resulting substance or ion when a base has accepted a proton from another substance Conjugate base The resulting substance or ion when an acid has donated a proton to another substance Covalent bond A shared electron pair Datlve covalent bond A covalent bond where both electrons are provided by one atom Derivatives of carboxylic acids Acid chlorides, amides and esters, which can be produced from carboxylic acids Disproportlonatlon reaction A reaction in which a species is simultaneously oxidised and reduced Electrochemical series A list of elements placed in order of their standard electrode potentials Electrolysis Decomposition of a substance caused by electricity Electrolyte A substance decomposed by electricity Electronegativity Power of an atom to withdraw electron density from a covalent bond Electrophiles Electron pair acceptors Elimination reaction A reaction involving the removal of small molecule from a larger organic molecule Empirical formula The simplest whole number ratio of atoms in a compound Enantiomer One optical isomer Enthalpy change Heat energy change at constant pressure in a reaction Enthalpy change of atomisation The enthalpy change when one mole of isolated gaseous atoms is formed from the element in its standard state Enthalpy change of combustion The enthalpy change when one mole of a substance is completely burned in oxygen Enthalpy change of formation The enthalpy change when one mole of a substance is formed from its elements in their standard states Enthalpy change of hydration The enthalpy change when one mole of gaseous ions are hydrated Enthalpy change of neutralisation The enthalpy change when an acid and a base react to form one mole of water Enthalpy change of solution The enthalpy change when one mole of an ionic solid dissolves in water to form an infinitely dilute solution Esterification The reaction between carboxylic acids or acid chlorides with alcohols to produce esters First electron affinity The energy required to add 1 electron to I mole of gaseous atoms to produce 1 mole of singly negative charged gaseous ions First ionisation energy The energy required to remove 1 electron from each atom in I mole of gaseous atoms, to produce 1 mole of gaseous uni-positive ions Free radicals Species which contain an unpaired electron Full structural formula A formula showing the arrangement of atoms in a molecule and the bonds between them FunctionaI group The structural feature responsible for the reactions a molecule undergoes Geometric (cis-trans) isomerism A type of isomerism found in alkenes which results from the restricted rotation about the carbon—carbon double bond HaIf-life The time taken for a reaction to go to half-completion; the time taken for the concentration to fall to half its original value Hess’s law If a reaction can proceed by more than more than one route the enthalpy change is the same whichever route is followed Heterogeneous equilibrium Equilibrium in which there is more than one physical state Heterolytic fission Breakage of a covalent bond where both of the two shared electrons go to one atom Hofmann reaction The reaction of amides with bromine and sodium hydroxide to produce primary amines with one less carbon atom than the original amide Homogeneous equilibrium Equilibrium in which there is only one physical state Homologous series Compounds which have the same general formula and contain the same functional group Homolytic fission The breakage of a covalent bond where one of the two shared electrons goes to each atom Hydrocarbons Molecules containing only carbon and hydrogen Hydrogen bonds An attractive force between a hydrogen atom and a lone pair of electrons on an electronegative atom Hydrolysis A reaction involving water Inductive effect An effect in organic molecules whereby neighbouring alkyl groups slightly donate electrons through sigma bonds to adjacent carbonium ions Integration ratio The relative numbers of each type of proton in a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum Ionic bond An electrostatic force between oppositely charged ions Ionic product of water, Kw The product of the hydrogen ion concentration and the hydroxide ion concentration = 1.0 x 10-14 mol2 dm-6 at 25 °C Isotopes Atoms with the same atomic number and different mass numbers Lattice enthalpy The enthalpy change when one mole of a solid crystal is formed from its component ions in the gaseous state Ligand A molecule or negative ion which carries a lone pair of electrons Mass number The number of protons + number of neutrons in an atom (also sometimes called the nucleon number) Mole The amount of substance which contains the same number of elementary entities as there are atoms in exactly 12 g of carbon-12 Molecular formula The actual number of each type of atom in one molecule of a compound Nitration Substitution of a hydrogen atom by a nitro group Nucleophiles Electron pair donors Optical isomerism A type of isomerism which involves molecules existing in two different forms, which have differing effects on the plane of polarised light Optical isomers Two different forms of the same molecule: one form will rotate the plane of polarised light to the right and the other form will rotate the plane to the left Optically active The ability of a molecule to rotate the plane of polarised light Orbital The region which encloses most of an electron-charge cloud Order of reaction With respect to a reagent this is the power to which the concentration of that reactant is raised in the rate equation Overall order of reaction The sum of the powers of the concentration terms in the rate equation Oxidation number The number assigned to an atom or ion to describe its relative state of oxidation or reduction Partial pressure In a mixture of gases the partial pressure of gas A is given by the expression: Number moles of A total pressure Total number of moles Periodicity Repeating patterns within the Periodic Table Permanent dipole A permanent displacement of charge within a covalent bond pH The negative logarithm to the base ten of the hydrogen ion concentration: pH = -log10[H+] Polyamide A polymer formed by the linking together of diamine molecules with either carboxylic acid or acid chloride molecules Polyester A polymer formed by the linking together of carboxylic acid and alcohol molecules Quantum shell The energy level within an atom Racemic mixture (racemate) A 50/50 mixture of two enantiomers Rate-determining step The slowest reaction step which determines the overall rate of a reaction Reaction condition A necessary requirement for a reaction to occur Redox reaction A reaction in which one substance is oxidised and another is reduced Relative atomic mass The average mass of one atom of an element divided by 1/12 the mass of one atom of carbon-12 Relative Isotopic mass For a particular isotope: the mass of a single atom compared with an atom of carbon-12 Relative molecular mass The mass of one molecule divided by 1/12 the mass of one atom of carbon-12 Second electron affinIty The energy required to add one electron to one mole of singly charged gaseous ions Second lonlsation energy The energy required to remove 1 electron from each unipositive ion in 1 mole of gaseous ions to produce 1 mole of gaseous dipositive ions Standard electrode potential The potential difference which develops when a metal is placed in a solution of its ions of concentration 1.00 mol dm -3, at 25 °C and 1 atmosphere pressure Strong acid / Strong alkali An acid or alkali which is totally ionised in water Structural Isomers Compounds that have the same molecular formulae but different structural formulae Substitution reaction A reaction in which one atom, or group of atoms, is replaced by another Titration curves Graphs of pH against the volume of alkali added to a given volume of acid Titration A practical operation for reacting two solutions and determining the volume of one which reacts with a fixed volume of the other Transition metals D-block elements which form one or more stable ions which have incompletely filled d orbitals Transition state theory A way of explaining reaction rates in terms of what happens when reactants are about to change into products Van der Waals forces Weak induced dipole-induced dipole attractions Weak acid / Weak alkali An acid or alkali which is only partially ionised in water Zwitterions Dipolar ions