Kenan Spaho, M.A. Energoinvest, dd Sarajevo, Hamdije Čemerlića 2, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: 00387 33 703 388 Fax: 00387 33 616 395 Email address: MANAGING BY KNOWLEDGE, CASE STUDY OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ABSTRACT Managers are the most important people in any company or organization. They act wide set of different business activities in order to make their companies successful. Those activities are combined so it is not possible to make distinction between managerial functions. This paper is based on four managerial skills: strategy, leadership, communication and conflict management. The purpose of the paper was to find out attitude of Bosnian and Herzegovina managers to these elements. We started our research with hypothesis that Bosnian and Herzegovina managers have positive attitude to these elements. On the end our hypothesis was confirmed. Key words: Strategy, communication, leadership, conflict management 1. INTRODUCTION In this new age of fast changes and turbulence what has high impact on large companies, it is very important to know how to learn in order to adapt to business environment. In other words intellectual capital is very important factor in any company and in business sector in general. Managers of new age must be creative what means that they must be ready to adopt new knowledge nevertheless from their practical experiences or from some business researches done by scientists or consultants. Since the managers act wide set of different business activities it is logical that their knowledge must be wide. The focus of this paper is four important elements of management such as strategy, leadership, communication and conflict management. The purpose is to find out attitude of Bosnian and Herzegovina managers to these elements with hypothesis that managers have positive attitude to these elements. In further text we will present theoretical background of our research as well as methodology of this research and object of research. 2. MANAGING BY KNOWLEDGE – THEORETICAL APPROACH As we mentioned above intellectual capital is very important factor in business. By definition intellectual capital represents total capital of company including human capital, consumer capital and structure capital (Sajfert et al, 2006, 85). Other definition is that intellectual capital is something what is not possible to be materially defined but it can make you rich and give you competitive advantage (Sundać, 2009, 35). As it is visible from these definitions intellectual capital is something not visible but very important and very wide because of fact that managers do wide range of activities. As we mentioned above in this paper focus is on four important manager skills such as strategy, leadership, communication and conflict management. In further text we will present some theoretical aspects regarding these four elements. 2.1. Strategy Strategy is determination of basic long-term objectives of company, adoption of action directions as well as allocation of necessary resources for achieving these objectives (Weihrich, Koontz, 1993, 169). In this paper focus is on marketing strategies using Porter generic strategies as follows: Cost leadership means to be the cheapest producer in the market. This strategy can be risky if profit margins are pared too low (Harris, 1999, 241). Product differentiation strategy means creating consumer perception of difference between similar products (Harris, 1999, 241) Focus strategy (segmentation strategy) is concentrating on small segment of the market which others have neglected (Harris, 1999, 241). The relationship between these strategic alternatives is shown on Figure 1 and basic organizational characteristics for these alternatives are given in Table 1. In this paper we will see attitude of Bosnian and Herzegovina managers about these strategic alternatives. 2.2. Leadership Despite the fact that the term “leadership” is from English language this term become international and used in all languages as original. There are several definitions for leadership but here we will present three of them: Leadership is process of animating others to take activity in direction of common objective (Šehić, Penava, 2007, 3) Leadership is process where individuals make on group of individuals in order to achieve common objective (Šehić, Penava, 2007, 4) Leadership is process of influence on activities of organized group in their efforts to define and achieve the goal (Šehić, Penava, 2007, 4) Figure 1: Relationship between Porter’s generic strategies. Source: Adapted from (Šehić, 2002, 197) Table1: Organizational characteristics for Porter’s generic strategies. Strategy Cost leadership Differentiation Focus Necessary skills and resources Hard cost control Skills of process engineering Intensive supervision over employees Products designed for simple production Frequent and detail control reports Hard capability for marketing Hard coordination between functions Inclination to creativity Hard capability for basic research Company reputation in quality and technology leadership The combination of above defined alternatives directed to specific strategic objectives Source: Adapted from (Šehić, 2002, 197) Also there are several approaches to leader’s behavior. For the purpose of this paper we will focus on Likert’s four systems of leadership as follows (Šehić, Penava, 2007, 77): System 1 defined as exploitive – authoritative style where leader: Does not show confidence in subordinates Puts on decisions, no makes delegation of authority Makes motivations by threats Makes a little communication and does not work in team System 2 defined as benevolent – authoritative style where a leader: Shows superficially and polite confidence in subordinates Puts on decisions, no makes delegation of authority Motivates by prizes Sometimes includes subordinates in solving the problems. System 3 defined as participative style where a leader: Does not trust completely in subordinates Listen to subordinates but control making decisions Motivates by prizes and sometimes including subordinates In constructive way uses ideas and opinions of subordinates System 4 defined as democratic style where a leader: Completely trusts in subordinates Lets them to make decision by their own Motivates subordinates by prizes for all goals which they set up Shares ideas and opinions In this paper we will see attitude of Bosnian and Herzegovina managers about these styles of leadership. 2.3. Communication Business communication can be inside the organization (internal communication) and outside of the organization (external communication) (Fox, 2006, 16). Internal communication is process where all employees take part unlike external communication where only some employees take part (Fox, 2006, 16). For the purpose of this paper we will focus on internal communication or as it is called in some literature sources organizational communication. There are free methods of organizational communication: written communication, oral communication and nonverbal communiction (Rouse, Rouse, 2005, 46). Written communication is official and formal communication through written information and directions (Miljković, Rijavec, 2008, 103). Communication media are the official forms defined by the company in accordance with the Quality Management System. These forms are different from official memos and fax forms because it is for internal communication. On the other hand oral communication can be formal and informal (Weihrich, Koontz, 1993). Formal communication works through official meetings in the company unlike informal communication which can have can have official and unofficial character. Official character is represented in conversations among employees and telephone network among employees in order to make business faster (Miljković, Rijavec, 2008, 104). Unofficial character of informal communication is so called “hearsay” communication. There are four types of “hearsay” communication as it is illustrated in Figure 2 (Davis, 1993, 177): The single–strand chain. In this chain one person transfers a message to another that forwards the same to the third person, and that person transfers it to the fourth person etc. This makes an endless communication chain. The gossip chain. An individual transfers a message to everybody that he/she meets, and everybody can, does not mean they will, transfer this message further. The probability chain. In this chain an individual communicates randomly to other persons. The cluster chain. In this chain a person transfers the information only to defined persons selected by him/her. One or more persons will forward the message again to a group of selected persons. Informal communication sometimes has its bad sides because of rumor spreading which can be dangerous especially in critical situations. In this case the labor union has the key role to calm the situation down and inform the employees about the situation (Adapted from Jolić, 2003, 19). Figure 2: Types of “hearsay” informal communication Source: Davis, 1993, 178 The above mentioned methods of communication are considered to be verbal communication. There is also nonverbal communication which is defined as all intentional and not intentional messages which are not written or oral communication (Rouse, Rouse, 2005, 47). In other words nonverbal communication includes elements such as face expression, look, gestures, dressing, lookout, distance between collocutors and voice ton. On the end it is necessary to emphasize that every message has three componets (Rouse, Rouse, 2005, 48): Verbal which is related to words Sound which is related to tone in which words are said Expression which is related to face expression or body speech which accompany words In Figure 3 it is presented impact of all these components. Figure 3: Impact of communication components Source: Adapted from Rouse, Rouse, 2005, 49 The purpose of this paper is to find out if managers prefer written or oral communication as well as to see their attitude to nonverbal communication. 2.4. Conflict management A lot of factors prevent employees from direct and open communication and result of that is high risk for conflict situations. If managers apply direct communication on time, the conflict could be avoided or its impact would be minimal. There are several definitions of conflict but for the purpose of this paper we define conflict as process of social interaction and social situation where interests and activities of participants (individual or group) really or apparently confronting, blocking and disabling realization of their objectives (Jambrek, Penić, 2008, 1199). Conflict can have positive and negative effects in organization (Bahtijarević, 1993, 57): Positive effects initiate necessary social changes, development of creative ideas and innovations, presenting important problems, quality decisions and solving problems, organization reengineering, development of solidarity and group cohesion. Negative effects are something like bad cooperation and coordination in organization and it takes more time which can be used in more productive manner. Practical experiences shoe that managers can have active or passive approach to conflict management. The purpose of this paper is to see the approach of Bosnian and Herzegovina managers. 3. METHODOLOGY This paper is based on case study method and survey method by questionnaire. The questionnaire is organized in fourth parts with one or two closed questions. Presentation of research results is done by graphic method with comment of results. The objects of research are managers in Bosnia and Herzegovina companies. The questionnaire was sent to 100 managers and 35 of them took part in research. As we mentioned above the subjects of research are four important management skills, strategy, leadership, communication and conflict management. We started this research with hypothesis that managers have positive attitude to these elements. Also we defined four auxiliary hypotheses as follows: AH1: The managers are more oriented to quality of product then on costs AH2: The managers are more democratic oriented then autocratic AH3: The managers give significance to nonverbal communication AH4: The managers have active approach to conflict management 4. RESEARCH RESULTS As we mentioned above questionnaire was sent to 100 managers. Out of 100 managers 35 (35%) of them showed interest to take part in this research. Out 35 managers, 3 (8,6%) of them are managers from middle level unlike 32 (91,4%) of them who are first line managers. No top managers showed interest to take part in this research. 4.1. Strategy Out of 35 managers 17 (48,6%) declared for cost leadership strategy unlike 18 (51,4%) who declared for differentiation strategy. 27 managers (77,1%) declared for focus strategy unlike 8 (22,9%) managers who declared for presence on market from all over the world without difference. This result shows that our first auxiliary hypothesis, that Bosnian and Herzegovina managers are more oriented to quality of product then on costs, confirmed. 4.2. Leadership Out of 35 managers no one declared for System 1 and System 2. 17 (48,6%) managers declared for System 3 unlike 18 (51,4%) who declared for System 4. This result shows that our second auxiliary hypothesis, that Bosnian and Herzegovina managers are more democratic oriented, confirmed. 4.3. Communication In giving working orders out of 35 managers 19 (54,3%) prefer oral communication with employees, 7 (20%) prefer written communication and 9 (25,7%) prefer combination of these two methods. Regarding the attitude to nonverbal communication 11 (31,4%) mangers declared only for verbal communication what means that they do not recognize nonverbal communication. Unlike these 11 managers 5 (14,3%) declared for importance of tone in communication and 19 (54,3%) of them declared for importance of face expression or body speech in communication. These results are illustrated on Figure 4. Figure 4: Verbal versus nonverbal communication Source: Done by author on a base of research As it is visible there are some differences from Figure 4 because Bosnian and Herzegovina managers give higher importance to verbal communication then it is presented in literature. Also importance of tone in communication is low but importance of body speech is higher then it is presented in literature. So in general we can consider that our third auxiliary hypothesis, that Bosnian and Herzegovina managers give significance to nonverbal communication, is confirmed. 4.4. Conflict management In conflict management out of 35 managers 33 (94,3%) declared for active approach unlike 2 (5,7%) managers who declared for passive approach. This result shows that our fourth hypothesis, that Bosnian and Herzegovina managers have active approach in conflict management, confirmed. 5. CONCLUSION This paper was focused on four important managerial skills: strategy, leadership, communication and conflict management. The purpose of this paper was not to see if managers knew definitions of these elements but to see their attitude to these elements. The research was focused on managers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and out of 100 managers 35 of them took part in this research. We started this research with hypothesis that managers have positive attitude to above mentioned elements and in order to prove it we defined four auxiliary hypotheses. Since all auxiliary hypotheses are confirmed it means that our main hypothesis is confirmed that managers in Bosnia and Herzegovina has positive attitude to strategy, leadership, communication and conflict management. What is important to emphasize is that managers are more oriented on differentiation strategy unlike cost leadership strategy. It means that they are ready for EU process because new member countries in EU will be forced to offer something new on EU market in order to deal with competitors in EU. Also it is encouraging that managers are more democratic oriented what is in accordance with trends in German and Germany is considered as leading country in EU business. Business environment is turbulent and every day we deal with new problems, nevertheless small or big problems. Fastness and quality of solving these problems have great influence on company effectiveness. Every new idea can make better marketing, sales etc. Definitely there is no new idea without new knowledge what means that managers must learn every day in order to improve their knowledge and with knowledge their effectiveness. 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