Permit Reviewer:

14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro MD 20772.
Permit Reviewer:
Seth Jessee
Telephone Number: (301) 952-5217
Fax Number: (301) 952-4141
October 23, 2003
The following comments were generated from permit review. Any questions or concerns regarding the
following should be directed to the reviewer at the phone number provided above. Further comments
may be generated when the appropriate information has been submitted.
Permit Approved, SMJ, 2/3/04
1. Per Subdivision Section – Hold, submit site plan showing parcel F in its entirety with bearings and
distances. For further information contact Brenda Otto at 301-952-5243. 12/4/03, OK per revised
plans. –SMJ
2. This site currently exists as an integrated shopping center. Will the shopping center continue to
exist? The site plan submitted appears to be showing proposed parking where the current shopping
center exists. 12/4/03, The main shopping center building is shown to be demolished however,
the existing freestanding McDonald’s and bank are shown to remain. The McDonald’s is a
fast-food restaurant, which is required to be part of an integrated shopping center unless a
Special Exception is obtained. This permit will be making the McDonald’s a non-conforming
use since a Special Exception has not been obtained. The applicant must apply for the
certification of a non-conforming use for the McDonald’s or apply for a Special Exception for
the McDonald’s. Contact Mary Hampton at 301-952-5411 for further information on
obtaining the certification of a non-conforming use. Contact Ulysses Jones at 301-952-3215
for further information on obtaining a Special Exception. 2/3/04, OK per revised plans which
show two future retail area.
3. The location, gross floor area, dimensions, height and setbacks of all existing and proposed
buildings and other structures for the entire parcel, not just the limits of disturbance, should be
shown on the site plan. 12/4/03, The above information for the freestanding buildings should
also be shown on the site plan. -SMJ
4. A parking schedule must be provided on the site plan which includes all the proposed uses of the
parcel, gross floor area for each use, the methodology for calculating the required parking, the
number of parking spaces required and the number and types of parking spaces provided. 12/4/03,
The freestanding buildings that will remain should also be included as part of parking
schedule. A fast-food restaurant should be calculated at one space for every three seats plus
one space for every 50 square feet of gross floor area (excluding any area used exclusively for
storage or patron seating. -SMJ
5. The methodology for calculating required parking for an integrated shopping center with 400,000
square feet of GLA is one required space for every 200 square feet of GLA. The methodology for
calculation required parking for retail stores not included as part of the integrated shopping center
is one required space for every 150 square feet of gross floor area for the first 3,000 square feet and
one required spaces for every 200 square feet of gross floor area above the first 3,000 square feet.
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro MD 20772.
6. A loading schedule should be shown on the site plan which includes the methodology for
calculating loading spaces, the number of loading spaces required and the number and dimensions
of loading spaces provided. 12/4/03, Loading spaces must also be provided for the remaining
buildings. -SMJ
7. The location of the loading spaces should be clearly shown on the site plan. 12/4/03, The layout
for loading and parking spaces for the remain buildings must be shown on the site plan. SMJ
8. An exit porch appears to encroach into the driveway aisle along the western side of the building.
The minimum driveway aisle for a 90-degree angle of parking is 22 feet. The site plan must
demonstrate that the driveway is a minimum of 22 feet in the area of the exit porch. 12/4/03, OK
per revised plans. -SMJ
9. Will the parking lot be used at night? If yes, adequate lighting must be provided. If no, a note
should be shown on the site plan stating that the parking lot will not be used at night. 12/4/03, This
comments still applies. Adequate lighting must be shown on the site plan if the parking lot
will be used at night. -SMJ
10. What is the proposed use of the future lease area? This building should be included in the parking
calculations. 12/4/03, The future lease area exists has a shopping center, but will be
demolished. -SMJ
11. The landscape plan must be revised to demonstrate compliance with the entire parcel, not just the
limits of disturbance. 12/4/03, This site is subject only to Section 4.7 (for the entire parcel)
since the shopping center is being demolished and the proposed Walmart will not be
increasing the GFA by more than 10 percent if the shopping center GFA is subtracted.
12. The parking lot landscaped strip for Section 4.3(a) of the Landscape Manual requires 10 shrubs for
every 35 linear feet of frontage. The landscape schedule for Section 4.3(a) shows no shrubs as
being provided. Revise the landscape plan. 12/4/03, OK. -SMJ
13. It appears that a portion of the bufferyard provided for Section 4.7 of the Landscape Manual is not
a minimum of 40 feet in width in the area close to Webster Street. The entire bufferyard must be a
minimum of 40 feet of Alternative Compliance must be approved. Contact Don Townsend at 301952-4688 for further information on obtaining Alternative Compliance. 12/4/03, The entire parcel
will be subject to Section 4.7 per the applicability of 1.1(g). The proposed Walmart is closer
to an adjacent property in a less intense use category. -SMJ
Seth Jessee called applicant and faxed comments
Seth Jessee called applicant and faxed comments
The AC committee has come to the conclusion to not subject the site to Section 4.7, but
will be subject if the future development increases the GFA by more than 10%.
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro MD 20772.