HSP3M – Ch# 1 Introducing the Social Sciences & Ch #2 Anthropology, Human Beings and Culture Things to Study for the Quiz: Vocabulary: Social Sciences, Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Inquiry, Hypothesis, Case Study, Sample Surveys, Unstructured Observation, Structured Observation, Participant Observation, Physical Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Culture, Nature-Nurture Debate, Subcultures, Ethnocentrism, Cultural Relativism, Archaeology, Ethnology, Ethnography, Behavioural Psychology, Forensic Anthropology, Gerontology, Primatology, Cultural Sociology, Concepts: Research Methods in the Social Sciences The Social Science Inquiry Model – Stages 1-5 Steps to Analyzing Data – Steps 1 – 3 Drawing Conclusions Homo sapiens as a unique species Human Evolution Human Culture The 5 Major Types of Culture – Foraging, Horticultural, Agricultural, Pastoral, Industrial, Communication-based The Migration of Modern Humans – Basic migration pathways & dates on a world map Movie: The Real Eve The Importance of mitochondrial DNA in tracing human migration Why are there differences in skin colour? – Skin Deep Article Movie: Among the Wild Chimpanzees HSP3M – Ch# 1 Introducing the Social Sciences & Ch #2 Anthropology, Human Beings and Culture Things to Study for the Quiz: Vocabulary: Social Sciences, Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Inquiry, Hypothesis, Case Study, Sample Surveys, Unstructured Observation, Structured Observation, Participant Observation, Physical Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Culture, Nature-Nurture Debate, Subcultures, Ethnocentrism, Cultural Relativism, Archaeology, Ethnology, Ethnography, Behavioural Psychology, Forensic Anthropology, Gerontology, Primatology, Cultural Sociology, Concepts: Research Methods in the Social Sciences The Social Science Inquiry Model – Stages 1-5 Steps to Analyzing Data – Steps 1 – 3 Drawing Conclusions Homo sapiens as a unique species Human Evolution Human Culture The 5 Major Types of Culture – Foraging, Horticultural, Agricultural, Pastoral, Industrial, Communication-based The Migration of Modern Humans – Basic migration pathways & dates on a world map Movie: The Real Eve The Importance of mitochondrial DNA in tracing human migration Why are there differences in skin colour? – Skin Deep Article Movie: Among the Wild Chimpanzees