Underwriting Cycle—P&C COSO Component Cycle Transaction Process Control Objective Control Objective Control Type (CAVR) Control Objective Category (C/FR/O) Underwriting strategy has been clearly communicated Control Underwriting Underwriting to management and Activities Guidelines personnel responsible for underwriting decisions. V FR Underwriting strategy has been clearly documented to provide for the consistent Control Underwriting acceptance of submissions Underwriting Activities Guidelines that are consistent with the company's risk tolerance, pricing strategy and exposure aggregation. V FR 3/6/2016 Risk Point of Focus Control Type (CAVR) Point of Focus Underwriting guidelines have not been effectively Underwriting guidelines are effectively communicated to communicated and readily accessible by management and personnel personnel and management responsible for responsible for underwriting underwriting decision making decisions. Underwriting guidelines are clearly to document standard policies and procedures related to: * risk acceptance/decline (including loss history review, risk surveys/loss control Underwriting guidelines inspections) have not been formally * risk pricing (including experience and documented in sufficient schedule credit) detail to consistently ensure * risk aggregation appropriate underwriting * lines of authority and approval process decision with regards to risk * contract language and provisions acceptance, pricing and (coverage, exclusions, etc.) aggregation. * reinsurance (alignment with in-force treaties or placement of facultative) * transaction processing (recording policy issuance and subsequent activities as well as other necessary functions such as premium audits) V V Page 1 of 9 Underwriting Cycle—P&C COSO Component Cycle Transaction Process Control Objective Control Objective Control Type (CAVR) Control Objective Category (C/FR/O) Changes to underwriting strategy are properly updated in documented underwriting guidelines. V FR Management regularly Underwriting monitors compliance with Guidelines underwriting guidelines. V FR Underwriting decisions are Control Underwriting made by suitably qualified Underwriting Activities Guidelines and experienced underwriters. V FR Control Underwriting Underwriting Activities Guidelines Monitoring Underwriting 3/6/2016 Risk Point of Focus Control Type (CAVR) Point of Focus Underwriting guidelines are updated by a Underwriting guidelines are limited number of authorized individuals on a not regularly updated by timely basis to reflect changes in authorized personnel to underwriting strategy such as entry or reflect changes in departure from writing business based on underwriting strategy. geography, lines of business, class codes, exposure limits, industry, etc. Underwriting management performs regular self-audits of the book of business to ensure Underwriting decisions (new compliance with underwriting guidelines. business placement, policy The self-audits are risk based but also endorsements, renewals, provide for coverage for all underwriting etc.) are not consistent with personnel and lines of business. Note: New underwriting guidelines or system technology is available to automate by unauthorized personnel. underwriting decision-making ("expert underwriting") particularly for high volume, homogeneous lines of business. Underwriters have requisite experience with Underwriters have lines of business to be underwritten and insufficient experience to afforded appropriate lines of authority. assess complex or Management also encourages the specialist risks. obtainment of professional qualifications (e.g. CPCU, ARe, etc). V V V Page 2 of 9 Underwriting Cycle—P&C COSO Component Cycle Control Underwriting Activities Control Underwriting Activities Control Underwriting Activities Control Underwriting Activities 3/6/2016 Transaction Process Control Objective Control Objective Control Type (CAVR) Approval Process Management only accepts contracts introduced through an approved distribution network. Approval Process All policy submissions and subsequent activities (policy endorsements, renewals, etc.) are considered for approval on a timely basis. Approval Process Acceptance of policy submissions and subsequent activities is only granted upon receipt and C, A, V assessment of all underwriting and contract information. Approval Process Appropriate segregation of duties between the solicitation and acceptance of policy submissions and subsequent activities. V C V, R Control Objective Category (C/FR/O) Risk FR Contracts are accepted from unauthorized intermediaries (e.g. unappointed, unlicensed brokers and agents including MGAs). FR Acceptance of duplicate policy, incomplete processing or backlog of submissions and subsequent activities. FR Acceptance of policy submissions and subsequent activities is granted based upon incomplete or inaccurate underwriting and contract information. FR Point of Focus Control Type (CAVR) Point of Focus A comprehensive list of approved brokers and agents, including MGA relationships, across all regions and lines of business is maintained by a limited number of authorized individuals. Submissions and subsequent contract activities are only accepted from intermediaries on the approved listing. All policy submissions and subsequent activities (via phone, email, hard mail, fax or EDI) are logged. Policy submissions are reviewed for enterprise-wide account clearance and status (Open, Bound, Declined) for each submission. V C Underwriting documentation requirements (e.g. applicant’s claim history, credit rating, any outstanding judgments, full details of the C, A, V risk to be insured, geographical location, etc.) are standardized as relevant to the respective line of business Appropriate segregation of duties exists Production goals (e.g. between the solicitation and acceptance of premium growth) and/or policy submissions and subsequent compensation models lead activities. Where direct segregation of such to fraudulent or responsibilities can't be implemented (e.g. inappropriate acceptance of marketing/territory representatives or "field policy submissions and underwriters"), there is an independent subsequent activities. review of the bound business. V, R Page 3 of 9 Underwriting Cycle—P&C COSO Component Cycle Control Underwriting Activities Transaction Process Control Objective Pricing Contract pricing accurately reflects the risk assumed and is consistent with the Company’s business objectives, reinsurance program and capacity to accept risk. Control Objective Control Type (CAVR) A Control Objective Category (C/FR/O) FR Monitoring Underwriting Pricing Management regularly monitors contract pricing. A FR Control Underwriting Activities Pricing Product pricing is adjusted to reflect product performance. A FR Pricing Product pricing complies with regulatory requirements. V FR Control Underwriting Activities 3/6/2016 Risk Point of Focus Control Type (CAVR) Point of Focus Contract pricing, including performed by third parties (MGAs, agents, brokers, insureds, Inappropriate pricing etc.), is determined by standardized rate (premium rates) is applied tables and/or pricing models and use of to contracts. experience or schedule credit facilities are appropriately used. Underwriting management performs regular self-audits of the book of business to ensure use of correct rate tables, pricing models and experience and schedule credit facilities including review of pricing performed by third parties (MGAs, agents, brokers, etc.). The self-audits are risk based but also provide for coverage for all underwriting personnel, distribution channels and lines of business. Pricing analysis is regularly performed of claims experience and loss ratios by line of business, intermediary and geographical Product pricing is not location and is incorporated into the adjusted to reflect actual Company's rate tables, pricing model and experience by line of guidance for experience and schedule credit business. facilities. Access to update rate tables and/or pricing models is restricted to a limited number of authorized personnel. Unauthorized premium Where required for particular jurisdictions or rates may result in punitive lines of business, regulatory approval is sanctions from regulatory obtained for pricing, including pricing bodies. changes. Inaccurate or unauthorized rate tables and pricing models and/or inappropriate use of experience and schedule credit facilities are used to determine contract pricing. A A A V Page 4 of 9 Underwriting Cycle—P&C COSO Component Cycle Control Underwriting Activities Control Underwriting Activities Transaction Process Control Objective Control Objective Control Type (CAVR) Policy Issuance Policy documents issued for all risks assumed. C, A FR Policy Issuance Appropriate segregation of duties between the solicitation and processing of policy submissions and subsequent activities. V, R FR Policy information recorded on the Company's Control Transaction Underwriting administrative system is Activities Recording restricted to authorized personnel. V, R Authorized contract information (including new business placement, policy Control Transaction Underwriting endorsements, renewals, C, A, V Activities Recording etc.) is recorded on the Company's administrative system on a timely basis. 3/6/2016 Control Objective Category (C/FR/O) FR FR Risk Point of Focus Control Type (CAVR) Point of Focus The number/value of policies and subsequent activities issued is reconciled to the listing of approved transactions and the Policyholders are not issued confirmation of mailing. For automated contracts on a timely basis. policy issuance, the reconciliation may include the use of batch headers and hash totals. Appropriate segregation of duties exists Production goals (e.g. between the solicitation and processing of premium growth) and/or policy submissions and subsequent compensation models lead activities. Where direct segregation of such to fraudulent or responsibilities can't be implemented (e.g. inappropriate recording of marketing/territory representatives or "field policy submissions and underwriters"), there is an independent subsequent activities. review of the bound business. Policy details and terms are Access to the Company's administrative recorded in the Company's system is restricted to authorized personnel administrative systems by through programmed authority levels. unauthorized personnel. Incomplete processing or backlog of submissions and subsequent activities in the Company's administrative systems. C, A V, R V, R All policy submissions and subsequent activities (via phone, email, hard mail, fax or EDI) are logged and reviewed for evidence of underwriting approval prior to input into the C, A, V policy administration system. Logs are regularly reviewed for confirmation of processing and review of stale submissions (i.e. quoted but not bound). Page 5 of 9 Underwriting Cycle—P&C COSO Component Cycle Transaction Process Control Objective Transactions (including new business placement, policy Control Transaction Underwriting endorsements, renewals, Activities Recording etc.) are only recorded against valid policies. All transactions are Control Transaction completely and accurately Underwriting Activities Recording recorded in the Company's administrative system. Control Objective Control Type (CAVR) A, V V Control Objective Category (C/FR/O) Risk FR The underwriting administration system misrepresents in-force polices. FR Inaccurate recording of underwriting data due to incorrect/invalid data entry resulting in the misclassification of policy administration and financial records. Management monitors completeness and accuracy Control Transaction Underwriting of data input into the Activities Recording Company's administrative system C, A FR Management is unable to identify significant data entry problems in the recording of underwriting transactions. The Company’s records Control Transaction support al. transactions Underwriting Activities Recording entered into the Company's administrative system. V FR Insufficient documentation is retained to evidence underwriting transactions 3/6/2016 Point of Focus Control Type (CAVR) Point of Focus System checks are in operation to prevent duplicate policy inputs. Sequential policy numbers are used with programmed controls ensure that only transactions with a valid policy number can be entered into the policy administration system and spoiled policy documents accounted for. The Company's administrative system performs edits and validations on the policy input and a quality assurance program has been implemented for independent review of policy input. Rejected policy data is isolated, analysed and corrected on a timely basis through programmed controls, batch headers and suspense accounts. Management reviews resulting exception reports. Management reviews policy information to critically analyze premium activity, including current and historical premiums trends, new and renewal business, premiums by lines of business, intermediary and insured. The underwriting file clearly evidences review by an appropriate official to confirm that all required underwriting procedures have been performed and documented and appropriately entered into the Company's administrative system. A, V V C, A V Page 6 of 9 Underwriting Cycle—P&C COSO Component Cycle Transaction Process Control Objective Control Objective Control Type (CAVR) Management monitors and Transaction C, A, V, Monitoring Underwriting tests the internal control Recording R environment. Control Objective Category (C/FR/O) FR Control Transaction Underwriting Activities Recording Premium transactions are accurately reflected and classified in the financial ledgers C, A, V FR Control Transaction Underwriting Activities Recording Premiums are correctly stated in the reporting currency. A FR Control Transaction Underwriting Activities Recording Tax information derived from premium activities is accurately and promptly reported. C, A FR 3/6/2016 Risk Point of Focus Point of Focus Control Type (CAVR) Internal control weaknesses Internal Audit reviews are conducted over underwriting activities periodically to determine whether data C, A, V, are not identified and recorded in the policy administration system R resolved on a timely basis. is accurate. Inaccurate data input results in the misclassification of The financial sub ledgers are reconciled to policy data and financial the general ledger. Reconciliations are C, A, V records and the reviewed and approved by financial miscalculation of ADIAL due management. to inaccurate premium data. Misstatement of premium Translation of foreign currency written and related income due to premiums is calculated using prevailing A inaccurate or incomplete exchange rates at the date of policy foreign currency translation. inception. Documented procedures for developing, summarizing, and reporting required tax information. Review of major transactions or Erroneous data may be major classes of transactions by individuals used in tax computations who are knowledgeable about tax C, A and result in overpayments requirements. Programmed sub ledger or underpayments of taxes. coding facilitates the automated classification, summarization, and retrieval of required tax information. Page 7 of 9 Underwriting Cycle—P&C COSO Component Cycle Transaction Process Control Objective Control Objective Control Type (CAVR) Relevant disclosure data is Control Transaction gathered completely, Underwriting C, A, V Activities Recording accurately and on a timely basis. Adjustments Control Underwriting and Ledger Activities Maintenance Adjustments Control Underwriting and Ledger Activities Maintenance Prevention or detection of incorrect entries to policyholder accounts, agents' balances and reinsurance data. Appropriate segregation of duties between the entry and approval of journal entries (related to underwriting transactions not recorded in the Company's administrative systems). Adjustments Polices and procedures Control Underwriting and Ledger exist for processing journal Activities Maintenance entries. 3/6/2016 R R A, V Control Objective Category (C/FR/O) FR Risk Point of Focus Control Type (CAVR) Point of Focus Recorded transactions capture and aggregate required account disclosures including: - gross and net written premiums Required GAAP/ MD&A/ 10- earned premium (including changes in K disclosures are unearned premium) incomplete or inaccurate for - allowance for bad debts presentation in the financial - insurance balances receivable statements - appropriate segmental and geographical analysis - associated cash flows - material legal proceedings FR Unauthorized adjustments are made to the financial sub ledgers. Access to ledger journal entries is restricted to appropriate finance personal through programmed authority levels. R FR Unauthorized adjustments are made to the financial sub ledgers. Appropriate segregation of duties exists between the entry and approval of journal entries R FR Incorrect/ inconsistent treatment of manual adjustments between sub ledgers. A chart of accounts is maintained and updated on a timely basis, establishing procedures and account mappings for processing journal entries to sub ledgers. A, V Page 8 of 9 Underwriting Cycle—P&C COSO Component Cycle Transaction Process Control Objective Sub ledger journal entries Adjustments Control represent valid adjustments Underwriting and Ledger Activities to the Company’s financial Maintenance records. Adjustments Sub ledger journal entries Control Underwriting and Ledger are recorded on a timely Activities Maintenance basis. Prevention or detection of Adjustments incorrect entries to Control Underwriting and Ledger policyholder accounts, Activities Maintenance agents' balances and reinsurance data. Sub ledgers are reconciled Adjustments Control to policy administration, Underwriting and Ledger Activities billing and reinsurance Maintenance systems. 3/6/2016 Control Objective Control Type (CAVR) Control Objective Category (C/FR/O) Risk Point of Focus Point of Focus Control Type (CAVR) V FR Incorrect of fraudulent journal entries are recorded. All journal vouchers are approved by management and attached to supporting documentation. V V FR C, A FR C, A FR Ledger maintenance Manual adjustments are reviewed by an activities are not recorded in appropriate official to ensure accuracy of cutthe correct financial period. off. The financial sub ledgers do The financial sub ledgers are reconciled to not accurately reflect the underlying policy administration, actuarial current policy data, and reinsurance systems. Reconciliations reinsurance terms and are reviewed and approved by financial billings. management. Unreconciled suspense Suspense accounts are reconciled and accounts exist and are not reviewed by an appropriate official to identify cleared on a timely basis. and clear unusual or aged balances. V C, A C, A Page 9 of 9