NAME ____________________________________ PER. _____ MY PYRAMID COMPUTER LAB DIRECTIONS 1. Get on the internet. Log on to 2. On the Home Page, look at the blue bar on the left. Select “Inside the Pyramid”. 3. Click on the orange band. Fill in the following spaces. Grains: Make ________ your grains ____________. Click on “Learn More”. Scroll down. List 3 of your favorite foods from the grain group. ________________, _________________, _____________________ Click on “View Grains Food Gallery”. Click on next to view the pictures of the foods. 4. Close the food gallery and go back and click on the green band. Fill in the following spaces. Vegetables: ______________ your veggies. Click on “Learn More”. Scroll down. List 3 of your favorite foods from the vegetable group. ________________, _________________, _____________________ Click on “View Vegetables Food Gallery”. Click on next to view the pictures of the foods. 5. Go back and click on the red band. Fill in the following spaces. Fruits: _______________on fruits. Click on “Learn More”. Scroll down. List 3 of your favorite foods from the fruit group. ________________, _________________, _____________________ Click on “View Fruits Food Gallery”. Click on next to view the pictures of the foods. 6. Go back and click on the blue band. Fill in the following spaces. Milk: Get your _________________-rich foods. Click on “Learn More”. Scroll down. List 3 of your favorite foods from the milk group. ________________, _________________, _____________________ Click on “View Milk Food Gallery”. Click on next to view the pictures of the foods. 7. Go back and click on the purple band. Fill in the following spaces. Meat and Beans: Go lean on ______________. Click on “Learn More”. Scroll down. List 3 of your favorite foods from the meat and beans group. ________________, _________________, _____________________ Click on “View Meat and Beans Food Gallery”. Click on next to view the pictures of the foods. 8. Go back and click on the yellow band. Fill in the following spaces. Oils: Know your _______________. Click on “Learn More”. Scroll down. List one type of oil ______________________. List one food naturally high in oil __________________. List one common solid fat _______________________. 9. The food groups are color-coded. List the name of each food group. Orange is for ___________________________. Green is for ___________________________. Red is for ___________________________. Blue is for ____________________________. Purple is for ____________________________. Yellow is for ____________________________. To answer these questions, you will have to THINK. You can’t just copy them from the website!! Why are some colored bands on the pyramid wider than the others? ________________________________________________________ The person climbing the steps on the side of the pyramid is supposed to remind us to _____________________ everyday. 10. Go back to the home page. Look to the left and scroll down to find “My Pyramid Plan”. 11. Enter your age ____ (write it here too.) Select your sex: circle male / female Enter your weight _____ pounds (write it here too.) Enter your height ____ feet, ____ inches (write it here too.) Select your physical activity: circle Less than 30 minutes 30 to 60 minutes More than 60 minutes Click “submit”. 12. Does a message appear that starts with “Please Note…”? ____ If no, copy your requirements below in step 13. If yes, does it say your weight is lower / higher (circle one) than may be healthy for your age and height? Click at the right to see your food plan. 13. Look above the colored chart in the small black writing and fill in the blank in this statement: “This plan is a ________ calorie food pattern.” How much food from each food group does the chart say you should have each day? Grains _____________ oz. Vegetables _________ cups Fruits _____________ cups Milk _______________ cups Meat & Beans _______ oz. Below the chart are your goals for the different types of grains and vegetables to eat. Look at the yellow band for Oils and Discretionary Calories. Look for the small black writing. Fill in the blank to complete this statement: “Limit your extras (extra fats and sugars) to __________ Calories.” 14. Look at the blue bar on the left. Select “Menu Planner”. Fill in the fields asking for name, age, gender, weight, height, physical activity. Submit. 15. Look at the top of the blue chart to see how many calories you should eat in a day. Also look to see how many cups and ounces of each food group you should eat in a day. Notice the colored food groups that will become a bar graph. 16. At the top left, find the “Start Menu Planning” box. Type in the name of a food and hit search. When a list comes up, select the food. Choose the amount and serving size. Choose the meal. Hit “add.” Watch what happens to the bar graph and which food group is affected. Below the bar graph notice the calories line graph moves. The computer also keeps track of the list of foods you have typed in your day’s menu. 17. Add more foods and watch what happens. 18. Go to the home page. Scroll down. Click on the icon that says “My Foodapedia”. Type the name of a food in the bar and hit search. Select a food from the list. Look at the serving size. See how many calories the food has. Change the serving size and see how the number of calories changes. Click on “compare two foods”. Select a different food and see it shown on the screen and how it compares to your first food. IF YOU HAVE EXTRA TIME, look around in the mypyramid website or go to the home page, click on the “Kids 6-11y” on the blue bar at the left. Play the “Mypyramid Blast-off” game (Click on the purple picture of the astronaut.) CONGRATULATIONS! You are well on your way to knowing all about My Pyramid! You could spend more time in the website to find out even more…BUT WAIT!!! By now, you should have learned: The name of each food group and its color in the pyramid. Some common foods in each group. Approximately how many calories YOU need each day to maintain your present weight. How much food from each food group you need each day. How many discretionary Calories you can have each day. Why the pyramid picture has a person walking up the stairs. …and much more! FACS-M-NW-1-NUTRITION, M-NW-2-FOOD AND WELLNESS ISSUES