Course: Arabic Year Group: Year Two Length of Unit: 1-10 weeks Unit Topic: Free Time Unit Aim / Principal Focus: this unit focuses on developing the knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable students to discuss Free Time. Students acquire vocabulary, expressions and language structures within the context. Student activities relate to learn about and learn to statements and form the basis of the unit of work. Students listen, read and respond to texts and learn to incorporate modelled linguistic structures in order to produce a series of linked sentences. Outcomes A student : 1.UL.1: recognises and responds to words, phrases and simple sentences in spoken Arabic. 1.UL.2: identifies and responds to features of written Arabic. 1.UL.3: uses known words in Arabic to interact in everyday activities. 1.UL.4: demonstrates developing writing skills by recognising and copying Arabic. 1.MLC.1: recognises the diversity of language systems. 1.MLC.2: explores ways in which meaning is conveyed in Arabic. 1.MBC.2: identifies cultural practices in Arabic-speaking communities. Language: identifying different types of hobbies, جمع الطوابع، الرسم، الركبي،السباحة – كرة القدم – الركض – كرة السلة enquiring and telling about spare time أين ذهبت في عطلة نهاية األسبوع؟ ذهبت في نزهة الى شاطئ البحر – الى الحديقة العامة enquiring and expressing preferences, likes and dislikes about spare time activities and hobbies ما هي هوايتك المفضلة؟ أنا أحب السباحة – أنا ال أحب الركض Identifying days of the week in Arabic الجمعة- السبت – األحد – االثنين – الثالثاء – األربعاء – الخميس Assessment : - Oral assessment: the students will try to read letters and types of sport using flash cards. - Portfolio work samples: students will match letters and words to pictures, copy the Arabic letters. - Design days of the week poster in Arabic and list down activities students do during free time Outcomes Knowledge & Understanding Student learn about: Skills Students learn to: Teaching / Learning Strategies The teacher presents new vocabulary, using flashcards of hobbies pictures, and models pronunciation Resources Flash cards Pictures 1.UL.4 1.UL.2 ways of organising and presenting information in context different ways of showing comprehension develop writing skills in context, eg matching words with pictures, labelling objects, completing speech bubbles, writing key words in a greeting card demonstrate comprehension, eg by answering questions, matching words to pictures, actions Students label different pictures Students define the word hobby and explain the benefits of free time ،السباحة – كرة القدم – الركض – كرة السلة جمع الطوابع، الرسم،الركبي Students read text the hobbies اليوم الرياضيand discuss key features of the text, identifying the purpose and overall meaning Students book Annotation Outcomes 1.UL.3 Knowledge & Understanding Student learn about: working in teams to communicate effectively with others 1.UL.2 1.UL.4 different ways of showing comprehension symbol formation when writing words and phrases Skills Students learn to: Teaching / Learning Strategies use Arabic in classroom activities, eg songs, games, role-plays Read, choose and write the correct picture. Students have to select the correct picture for that they will circle the image that matches the reading. Then they have to write the correct sentence on the line. Match each word to the correct picture. Students have to join with a line each word to the correct picture. demonstrate comprehension, eg by answering questions, matching words to pictures, actions reproduce symbols, words and phrases by tracing, copying and colouring in Game with the dice. Students have to cut out a dice, following the instructions indicated in the worksheet. Then they have to throw it, look what picture it is and say what he/she or they are doing. Resources Dice Pictures Activity book Work sheets Annotation Outcomes Knowledge & Understanding Student learn about: 1.UL.3 1.UL.1 working in teams to communicate effectively with others Skills Students learn to: the variety of contexts in which familiar words can be identified use Arabic in classroom activities, eg songs, games, role-plays Teaching / Learning Strategies Flash cards Memmory game. Put different flashcards of hobbies upside down on the floor, they have to be repeated (two equal flashcards of the same hobby). Students, one by one, choose a flashcard, put it face up and say the word. Then they choose another flashcard and say that word. The teacher asks, “are they the same or different?” If these two flashcards are the same, children get that pair. If they are different, they are put upside down in the same place. Days of the Week identify and respond to key words and phrases in context, eg songs, rhymes, dance, actions and games Resources The lesson will start with a song Cd to introduce the days of the week. The students will listen to the song. أغنية أيام األسبوع سبعة Annotation Outcomes 1.UL.2 Knowledge & Understanding Student learn about: the relationship between printed text and corresponding sounds and meanings 1.UL.1 appropriate ways to respond using language and gesture Skills Students learn to: Teaching / Learning Strategies recognise symbols, words and phrases of the language in print, eg as labels, captions and in charts respond to greetings, questions, commands in verbal/nonverbal ways in familiar social interactions such as games, role-plays, classroom instructions appropriate expressions used in social interaction participate in social exchanges with teacher and peers, eg greetings, introducing self and others, Handout Monthly calendar Using a current monthly calendar, point to each of the days of the week asking for responses from the class. (Draw a calendar on the board if necessary.) Explain the vocabulary word “today”. يوم Ask the students, “What day is today?” Have them give answers orally and ask them to put a check mark next to the day on Handout: Days of the Week أيام األسبوع. Ask each student and have him/her respond orally. 1.UL.3 Give students Handout: Days of the Week to refer to. Explain that there are seven (7) days in a week. Write the days of the week in sequence on the board or flip chart and read each day to the students. Repeat the above exercise except this time, ask for individual responses. Resources Handout Annotation Outcomes Knowledge & Understanding Student learn about: 1.UL.4 1.UL.4 1.UL.1 ways of organising and presenting information in context Skills Students learn to: produce texts, eg greeting cards, posters, using a range of media identify and respond to key words and phrases in context, eg songs, rhymes, dance, actions and games features and functions of multimedia used to access and produce text the variety of contexts in which familiar words can be identified develop writing skills in context, eg matching words with pictures, labelling objects, completing speech bubbles, writing key words in a greeting card Teaching / Learning Strategies Ask the students, “What day(s) do we have class?” Have students circle the day(s) that you have class on Handout: Days of the Week. Give students Handout: Writing the Days of the Week. This exercise gives students the opportunity to write the days of the week. Review orally. Students design days of the week poster and display it in class Listening activity: students listen to a dialogue on the smart board then answer comprehension questions in Arabic متى تذهب الى النادي الرياضي؟ أذهب الى النادي الرياضي يوم الجمعة Resources Poster Smart board CD Annotation Outcomes Knowledge & Understanding Student learn about: 1.MLC.2 1.UL.4 1.UL.3 Skills Students learn to: features of the written language symbol formation when writing words and phrases appropriate expressions used in social interaction recognise features of the written language as representations of sound, eg print written from right to left, script, accents, changing shape of a letter in the word Teaching / Learning Strategies Write the Arabic letters of the week with long and short vowels from right to left paying attention on letter formation and changing shape of a letter in the word األربعاء- غ – غرفة – صغير – نابغ الجمعة- ع – عم – جوعان – راع Separate the words into letters reproduce symbols, words and phrases by tracing, copying and colouring in Students identify action words associated with hobbies and activities and write them down Cards List of action verbs أسبح – ألعب – أصلي – أرسم – أركض – أحب appropriate expressions used in social interaction Resources Students survey each other to see how many students play soccer during the weekdays and how many students play soccer during the weekend using the language متى تلعب كرة القدم؟ ألعب كرة القدم يوم او في عطلة نهاية األسبوع، السبت Survey paper Annotation Outcomes Knowledge & Understanding Student learn about: 1.MBC.1 Skills Students learn to: characteristics that all people share as well as some of the differences Teaching / Learning Strategies 1.UL.1 the importance of listening and observing Annotation recognise ways in which Discussion: students discuss people express their sport games people play in culture, eg music, dance, Australian and games in the food, games Arabic countries الركبي – الغولف Resources listen actively to aid comprehension CD Listening activity: students listen to a dialogue then circle the Smart Board correct answer This document was produced by the staff at Al Faisal College with funds from the Commonwealth Government through the School Languages Program.