THE HON MARTIN FERGUSON AM MP· MINISTER FOR RESOURCES AND ENERGY MINISTER FOR TOURlSM PO BOX 6022 PARLIAMENT HOUSE CANBERRA ACT 2600 Mr Graeme Waters General Manager National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator Level 11, Alluvion Building . 58 Mounts Bay Road PERTH WA ·6000 Dear Mr Graeme I am writing to provide you with a Statement of Expectations for the newly established National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA). The Statement sets out my expectations in relation to the ·exercise by NOPTA of its functions and powers under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGS Act) and the associated resource management and administration regulations. . NOPTA's role under the OPGGS Act and regulations, have been reflected in the Statement of Expectations and it accords with the principles of best practice regulatory administration. Yours sincerely [Signature] Martin Ferguson NATIONAL OFFSHORE PETROLEUM TITLES ADMINISTRATOR STATEMENT OF EXPECTATIONS The-Statement of Expectations sets out my expectations, as the responsible Commonwealth Minister for the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (the OPGGSA.) as to the exercise by the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) of the functions and powers conferred on it under the OPGGSA and associated regulations. Guiding principles 1 Undertake petroleum and greenhouse gas storage titles administration and regulatory activities in accordance with the principles of best practice regulatory administration1. Ensure resource management risks are identified and managed in accordance with good oil-field-practice and ensure that petroleum development activities are carried out in accordance with the approved Field Development Plan. Ensure greenhouse gas storage processing and transport risks are identified and managed in accordance with good processing and transport practice-and ensure that greenhouse gas storage activities are carried out in accordance with the approved Site Development Plan. Pursue a consistent, cost effective approach to offshore resource management regulation in waters where NOPTA has jurisdiction. Have in place a well-documented, systematic risk management framework to assist in the identification, evaluation and mitigation of regulatory risks2. In accordance with this framework, ensure NOPTA resources are allocated appropriately to match identified priorities. Ensure approval and administrative processes for resource and data management activities are streamlined and timely, without compromise to best regulatory practice. Work cooperatively with Geoscience Australia and relevant state governmentagencies to support an effective geological data repository system and core library that is accessible to industry and research organisations. Have in place sound information management systems that record key aspects of decisions, including the rationale and supporting evidence for the decision. Australian National Audit Office: Administering Regulation, Better Practice Guide, March 2007 2 Regulatory risk is an actual or potential event or circumstance that interferes with the achievement of a regulation policy objective or administrative outcome, It can be categorised into two broad groups: risk that affects a regulator's ability to effectively administer regulation; and risk that decreases a regulated entity's ability or willingness to comply with regulatory requirements. Have in place effective communication mechanisms to facilitate dialogue and encourage information sharing and exchange between NOPTA and industry, other relevant regulators, the Commonwealth and state government agencies. Maintain appropriate staffing numbers with the necessary competency, technical proficiency, and resources to fulfil regulatory responsibilities. Perform functions in accordance with the National Legislative Compliance Framework. Provide guidance to industry on how to comply with the regulatory regime. Ensure titleholders/operators address areas of non-compliance. Undertake appropriate action in response to suspected non-compliance or evidence of non-compliance with the requirements of the Act or associated regulations, and report to the responsible Commonwealth Minister on action taken or recommended action where required. Maintain a publicly available register of petroleum titles with Geographic Information System (GIS) support. Maintain publicly available information on petroleum wells and surveys. Operate on a full cost recovery basis from industry levies and fees in accordance with the purposes of the NOPTA Special Account and the requirements of the Financial Management and Accountability Act1997. Assist the Commonwealth in the maintenance of the OPGGSA associated Acts, relevant regulations, policy and guidelines relating to offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas storage activities. Specifically, the NOPTA functions are to: Undertake the day to day management of resource management, data management and petroleum and greenhouse gas storage title administration and regulatory activities in Commonwealth waters (on behalf of the Joint Authority) in accordance with the Act and its applicable regulations. This includes monitoring and enforcing compliance of titleholder and operators activities in accordance with the Act, applicable regulations, directions and approved plans. .Provide advice to the Joint Authority on key petroleum title decisions and to the responsible Commonwealth Minister for greenhouse gas storage title decisions in accordance with the Act, and its applicable regulations. In a timely fashion encourage and facilitate responsible exploration, development and exploitation of petroleum resources and greenhouse gas storage reservoirs in Commonwealth offshore areas. Consult with the Upstream Petroleum and Offshore Mining (UPOM) members to encourage consistency of legislation and regulatory standards across all Australian jurisdictions. Consult with the UPOM in preparation of Protocols and Guidelines. Work cooperatively with the Offshore Resources Branch of the Commonwealth Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, and state and Northern Territory resources departments to ensure the responsible Commonwealth Minister and relevant State Minister are kept appropriately informed of: regulatory activities as required under the Act; and the occurrence of significant incidents (e.g. any relevant issue likely to be picked-up by the media and/or which the State/Territory responsible Minister is to be informed of, including an activity-with significant resource management implications or shut-in of production that may have an, energy security implication), doing so in a timely-manner (as soon as reasonably possible) given the nature of the incident. Undertake the functions conferred on it by or under a state Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act (PSLA) or territory PSLA in relation to offshore petroleum, mining or offshore greenhouse gas storage operations in the designated coastal waters of that state or territory.