Salvete, Parentes et Discipuli!
Below you will find a description of the Latin II course. Please read through this carefully and sign the included form verifying that you understand the information provided.
to acquire competent reading and translating skills
to gain knowledge and understanding of Roman culture
to master and correctly utilize complex grammatical concepts, especially those that are connected to English
to develop a love and appreciation for the Roman culture and Latin language
Treat each other and me with kindness and respect.
Follow the class contract, which will be drawn up and signed by all students.
Come to class prepared with required supplies.
Domina Lanzillotta
Latin II
CHARGED laptop
Wheelock’s Latin Textbook – either hard copy or online
Binder, section in binder, or folder
Lined paper
Composition book (kept in class)
Averages will be calculated according to the following percentages:
30% (See below for detail)
Quizzes: 25%
Tests: 30%
The “Proficiency” portion is based on daily observations of your behavior, participation, and preparedness, as well as grades on classwork assignments.
It is the expectation that you check the Parent Portal to track your grade, missing assignments, etc. Please address any issues with me in a timely manner.
Any quiz or test can be retaken and will be averaged twice against the original.
If absent, you will have the same number of days missed to complete work for full credit, in accordance with the Student Handbook.
Late homework/classwork can be turned in for up to 80% credit. If we correct the assignment in class, I will provide an alternate assignment for those who wish to make it up.
Parents, if you have any questions about the above information, feel free to contact me! PLEASE SEE THE
REVERSE SIDE to view the daily classwork grade rubric, as well!
Ms. Lanzillotta
Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Always prepared with necessary materials and textbook.
Usually prepared with necessary materials and textbook.
Lacks materials and
/or text frequently.
Sometimes arrives unprepared.
Rarely has materials and/or textbook; consistently arrives unprepared.
Effort Applies maximum effort in and out of class, and seeks extra help if needed.
Applies good effort in and out of class, and sometimes seeks extra help if needed.
Applies some effort but generally does not seek extra help or put forth consistent effort.
Does not apply the necessary effort to succeed in class, and does not seek extra help.
Behavior in
Is consistently focused and on task;
Is usually focused and on task;
Is focused but occasionally is off-task;
Is generally unfocused and off-task; listens carefully and pays attention; is respectful of others. usually listens and pays attention; generally listens and pays attention; is usually respectful of others. occasionally is not respectful of others.
rarely listens or pays attention; generally is not respectful of others.
Volunteering Routinely volunteers to answer questions and poses questions consistently
Frequently volunteers to answer questions and poses questions regularly.
Volunteers to answer questions and poses questions some of the time.
Rarely or never volunteers, answers, or initiates questions.
Name: ___________________________
Raw Score: ________________________
Adjusted Score: _____________________