
Initiative to develop the concept of Mobile Government System in Pakistan: Proposed
Implementing Framework, Challenges and Advantages
Muhammad Akram Malik
MS (Student)
Department of Management Sciences Al - Khair University. AJK, Pakistan
Mrs. Sana Akram Malik
Instructor Computer/Information Technology (Microsoft Academies)
TEVTA, Government of Punjab, Pakistan
Dr. Muhammad I Ramay
Dean Management Sciences
Department of Management Sciences Al - Khair University . AJK, Pakistan
Corresponding Author: akrammalik2009@hotmail.com
Mobile Government (M-Government) system has been experienced as successfully
demonstrated in some of the developed and developing countries. It is used to facilitate the
stake holders as well as government officials to perform their responsibilities with true spirit to
enhance transparency. The major objectives of the m-government are to improve accountability,
to deliver required services to people, fast processing of documents and matters, and low-cost
output, saving efforts and revenue. The aim of M-Government is to improve the government
operations, make them paperless, and provide better services to the citizens and business
community. To use the modern technology like m-government system, it is necessary to make
many government’s operations easy and more accurate. By using of mobile government
system, it enables citizens to interact with government directly. While implementing MGovernment system, efforts and men hours would ultimately be reduced. Citizens and business
community feel comfortable to have their many tasks done by using mobile telephones.
Key words: Mobile government in Pakistan: Mobile government framework in Pakistan: Mobile
government issues and advantages in Pakistan
Mobile telephone is a main component of fast growing telecom sector, which has been
penetrated like a virus in the society and has become the need of every body and got
tremendous success during recent years in the world as well as Pakistan too. It’s now, the part
of every body and is being used as a basic need of life. It is used as person to person Intract,
person to business interact, business to business interact and can be used in all life matters as
a whole. The concept of mobile government has been derived from such basic need and has
been practiced as successfully demonstrated in some of the developed and developing
countries and implemented as sucessful system in those countries. Mobile Government (MGovernment) is a complete system which is based on latest technology that is used to deliver
the updated information services to the society with regard to their personal lives as well as their
businesses and their official maters. Mobile Government is an indispensible part of Electronic
Government and broadly speaking it is developed form of Electronic Government to mobile
strategies. The aim of using wireless internet infrastructure and devices like mobile phones,
laptop computers, smart phones, tablet PCs, personal digital assistants and other associated
devices which are useful, feasible and applicable for tactical use and for relative functions to
provide government updated information services to the society and all stake holders timely.
To fulfill the requirement of the society, through mobile government services, the mobile
technology is used to experience within government management to deliver public services and
information to the society and organizations according to their needs and their requirements.
Mobile government is a new and rapidly rising periphery of services and setting the trend of
updated information and services delivery to the society and converting government by making
updated services reachable to the society. The governments in developed and developing
countries which are practicing mobile government systems in their countries have their objective
to provide more access to updated information and services to the society, business community,
public and private employees. It is used to enhance the transparency to facilitate the stake
holders as well as government officials to perform their responsibilities with ease and possess.
While considering the objectives of the M-Government, it is used to enhance accountability
process, to deliver required services to the people, fast processing of documents, low-cost
output, saving efforts and revenue.
Mobile Government may be defined as a strategy and its implementation involving the utilization
of all kinds of wireless and mobile technology, services, applications and devices for improving
benefits to the parties involved in e-government including citizens, businesses and all
government units (Kushchu,2003).
The ICTs (Information and communication technologies) are being applied to increase the
efficiency of the public sector with claimed benefits including lower costs and reduced response
times, as well as the effectiveness of government through improved diversity and accessibility of
services and increased involvement of citizens in the government process (Burn and Robins
2003; Carter and Belanger 2005).
We can use new digital channels to deliver better quality services to the citizen – available 24
hours each day, faster, more convenient and more personalized. By doing so, we will also
stimulate the market for e commerce, by encouraging the widespread adoption of technologies
and creating new business opportunities. (Blair T, 2000)
M-Government is an emerging discipline concerning the rise of advanced mobile and wireless
communication technologies that would improve the QoS (Quality of Services) that government
services offer to citizens. Lack of standards and optimized data exchange protocols in mobile
and wireless environments inhibit the potential of m-government (Arazyan, 2002).
This research study is based on the scale of proposing the implementing framework of MGovernment system for Pakistan, categorize and discuss some of the issues, challenges and as
well as the advantages which are necessary to enhance government performance through
implementing this system in the country.
M-Government can be described in simple words that the services available at everywhere and
available all the times when required, and this system is subdivision or extended form of
Electronic Government in which M-Government is not substitute or descendant. Mobile
government system is broadly speaking, improved form of electronic government services by
means of mobile technologies which has intention to keep same features of electronic
government services but with wireless infrastructure.
It is noticed that Mobile subscribers worldwide have been reached 6.48 billion by the end of
2012, and would be 6.93 billion by the end of 2013 and expected to be 8 billion by the end of
2016. (Source: Portio Research, Mobile Fact book, 2012)
Imported from mobile fact book, 2012
According to Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) mobile subscriptions in Pakistan
have now been reached to 121.94 million in the end of 2012 and Pakistan mobile user
percentage is 68.6 % out of 176.7 million populations (World Bank population statics report
2012 & PTA, September, 2012). This mobile user percentage is gradually increasing day by
day, which causes the increase in revenue for the government as well as shown the growth in
accessibility and convenience for the people of Pakistan.
Annual Cellular Subscribers of Pakistan (PTA)
Source: Pakistan Telecommunication Authority website (Last Accessed on 30 March,2013)
The basic services delivery model of mobile government is:
i) M-Government to M-Government (G2G) and M-Government to M-Employee (G2E)
ii) M-Government to M-Business (G2B)
iii) M-Government to M-Citizen (G2C) or M-Government to M-Customer (G2C)
This basic model of mobile government provides related information and services to the society
at their door step. Mobile government is multidimensional approach for professional application
of all wireless and mobile devices, which means to provide immediate delivery of services and
information to the stake holders.
G2G (G2E)
Like official
Like Tenders and
Public Procurements
Like Duty, Excise and
Tax Compliance
Like sharing
Like M- Coordination
and Information
Like Price
Like sharing
Like M-Coordination
and Information
Like Public Auction
M-Government Matrix (Concept and stake holder’s interaction view)
Objectives of the Research:
The main objectives of this research study are to prepare the proposed implementing mobile
government framework and dig into different issues and advantage with regard to implementing
this system in Pakistan. Following are the research questions that, this consideration may lead
1. What is the proposed frame work for m- government?
2. What may be the issues and challenges of m -government?
3. What could be the advantages of m-government?
Literature Review:
Mobile Government Implementation Framework:
It is fact that M-Government is based on latest wireless technology and still in developing phase,
and is in process of day to day modifications which are required to establish a proper system
which would understandable for government and society as a whole. There is need to develop
an appropriate and specified framework which will serve and will compatible for both high and
low tech countries. Its framework and implementation depends on demographic, nature, literacy
and technology awareness for particular country.
Antovski and Gusev (2005) suggested the m-government framework. It is based on five
principles of interoperability, security, openness, flexibility and scalability. According to them, the
development of m-government standard unites innovation of architecture, technology, feasibility
and citizen’s education and awareness.
Another prospective of M-Government by Jennie Carroll (2006) given below:
Extract from Jennie Carroll (2006)
Pakistan is a developing country and its culture, literacy and technology awareness plays an
important role to buildup mutual understating between citizens and government and established
its framework. There are different wireless technologies which are being used as mobile
strategies in Pakistan. There are two languages that are understandable for the people of
Pakistan and mostly people interact with each others in English and Urdu being business and
national language. In our proposed framework, we have indicated some issues and
opportunities as well as indicating demographic indicators which can effect directly and
indirectly to implementing M-Government system. We have proposed implementing framework
as below:
Out comes
Security Setup
Security Setup
Legal Issues
Legal Issues
Ethical Matters
Ethical Matters
Out Comes
End Result
Feed Back
Proposed Framework for Mobile Government System in Pakistan
Our Proposed Framework is divided into four sections,
i) Inputs section,
ii) Processing section,
iii) Output and
iv) End results section.
Inputs section: The inputs section indicates the demographic of one country or society which
needs to be implemented with the M-Government, the key elements of input are political set up,
organization/ management set up, technological set up, security setup, legal matters, ethical
matters and few others. There are few elements with regard to issues and opportunities also the
part of input section.
Processing section: Processing section consists of objectives of the main (M-Government)
project which includes planning, infrastructure, training, implementation, management and
outcomes of the project.
Output section: The output section consists of two elements which are modification and new
End result section: The end result section consists of advantages and threats which can be the
results of implementation of M-Government.
M Government Challenges and Issues:
While providing Mobile services to facilitate the society, there is need to cater for the different
challenges which can cause deliberately high impact on services delivery to the society, those
challenges are:
(i) Different mobile technologies and infrastructure complexity issues
(ii) To deliver dependable services, there is need to generate protected network
(iii) Categorize the type of information and services that may be simply provided through
mobile network and devices to the society.
Lanwin (2002) states some of the challenges with regard to M-Government implementation.
Among of them, we will visit those which are most relevant to M-Government including
infrastructure development, privacy and security, legal issues, mobile penetration rate, and
When we consider Pakistan, we will face following challenges and issues while implementing
mobile government system. These issues and challenges are based on author’s expectations.
Political Issues:
Political official do not understand and do not recognize the M-Government systems due to their
limited exposure and vision. Political Leadership failures result in patchy and slow progress to
develop m- government system. The political leadership of any government system which is
based on democracy that probably hold the key of important technological and skilled
infrastructures of the government. Due to lack of interest of senior government officials, the
progress speed of government project become slow and slow and does not complete on time. It
is necessary to convince the government official and political leadership about the benefits of
mobile government, which is also beneficial for them, like:
i) Check the updated status of election campaign and election victory
ii) Timely respond to the threats of non-state actors,
iii) Government fund status and get the access in their own hands
iv) All resources with regards to government boundaries should be in their control
Financial and Management Issues:
The major challenges of mobile government implementations are funding for project and
management of the project. Mobile government must be managed and funded by government
resources or through semi government resources. M-government is not only required deep
commitment from top management but huge capital investment and operational expenditure are
mandatory for the successful project. The delay factor always occurs in completion of projects
due to financial limitations and bureaucratic procedures. The management will face following
issues like (i) system integration (ii) existing e- government system management (iii) mobile
government system management. The financial management issues like (i) cost of
implementation of m services (ii) to analyze the impact of prevailing budget for m services (iii) to
analyze the impact of government procurements and funds.
Mobile Technology Issue:
There are different technological and non-technological issues for M-Government which create
hindrances for implementing the project. While considering mobile networks, wireless and
associated infrastructure, one of the main challenges is mobile network infrastructure gap
between developed (high-tech) and developing (low-tech) countries. Developed countries have
not been able to assist the developing countries to overcome the mobile infrastructure gap issue
because the technology itself is rapidly growing and changing, and they are busy in developing
and improving their systems while developing countries have yet started to develop their
systems. High-tech countries do not appreciate extent of technological deficiencies and
challenges faced by low-tech countries, therefore they always ignored them.
Moving forward towards adopting the mobile services, there might be some forces in the form of
technological /non technological issues which directly affect the current mobile government
efforts. These issues are:
a) Latest mobile device penetration in Pakistan and due to penetration of latest mobile devices,
there is need to address mobile network infrastructure in Pakistan.
b) The change in technologies and standards towards faster and more sophisticated mobile
applications there is needed to develop of mobile internet protocols.
c) Mobile internet applications and services should be friendly use and implemented for stake
holders, business use and for government employees as well.
Switching over from E-Services to M-Services:
Mobile government is a developed form of electronic government, there are some issues
associated to the switching over from E- services to mobile strategies:
(i) Latest technological advancement in the fields of wireless, Internet and World Wide Web.
(ii) People expectations are increasing for the society to get better and suitable government
(iii) The objective of mobile government is to analyze and segregate the services of electronic
government and those services and applications must be feasible and easy to operate by using
wireless infrastructure and on mobile devices.
Security Issues:
a) Passwords and personal Identification Number (PINs):
The use of Passwords and personal Identification Number (PINs) normally falls in low risk
category but the use of PINs are inadequate and inconvenient for highly confidential maters and
communication that pass through wireless devices. Pass words and PINs can be hacked or can
be break easily. Sometimes user forgets password or sometime share passwords and PINs that
result, sometimes loss of money and sometimes loss of important and valued data.
b) Security issues with regard to current country law and order situation:
Mobile phone in Pakistan now has become good master and bad servant in current country
situation. The official observed in these words, “Pakistani Interior Minister has said that mobile
phones are “bombs on foot” (One Pakistan News 21 November, 2012).
Legal Issues:
Addressing the matters of legal issues with regard to data and information practices is still a big
question mark for many countries which have yet not been adopted legislation rules in their
countries. The rights of citizen (country) and responsibilities of government data holder
departments matter have yet not been catered for its proper legislation. Sometimes legislative
rule does not acknowledge the mobile documentation and transit data. In such situation, citizen
always withdraws case and go to back foot and sometimes face defenseless situation because
his / her data and information related to bank accounts and family information can be used for
illegal purpose because all information stored in central server of the government department.
Ethical Issues:
M-Government systems must ensure that individual rights are respected, information systems
should be protected. People have common fear that their mobile telephone can be traced, when
they will enter into some transaction or when they have been asked some opinion about the
policies of the government or inquiries about the government. It is the responsibilities of the
government departments to create the trust worthy system at their own end and give confidence
to the mobile users that their privacy must be protected and their information and data would not
provide to third party in any case. Government also assures to the citizens that the information
flow is secured and pass through reliable channels and smooth network.
Mobile Marketing and Advertising:
Mobile phones are used as source of marketing and advertisement for companies and products
through SMS and cold calls.
Cost effective information:
Heavy expenditure are required for paper based communication purpose to all stake holders
and lot of stationary, printers and computer used for conveying messages and documents to all
related stake holders on daily basis. The wireless network devices, internet and mobile phones
are the pace setter for cheaper and saving values money communication method for
government to adopt.
Management information:
There is need to keep the citizen more informative about the new and updated developments of
government and get the feedback from the citizen on important management related decisions.
Through this way of communication, the citizen will feel his/her proactive role for public decision
making process.
New and updated Information:
A SMS provides a new, additional point of contact for the growing part of the population that
uses the mobile phone; wireless internet and wireless devices can generally introduce new way
of doing things, or new services altogether.
Simplify information:
It’s the rule of democracy, that citizen should participate in the government decision making
process, and mobile phone and wireless devices can be used as greatly and simplifying the
process of information and through mobile and wireless devices government and citizen can
built a concrete structure of democratic government. The more democratic government will be
more responsible government.
Transparency Information:
It is determined that all government process must be transparent, when government enters into
mobile strategies. All stake holders’ information must be updated through mobile interaction and
communication. The stake holders can see their updated information all the times when they
need. The information of concern citizen should not be leaked out.
Accountability Information:
The democratic government is always accountable to the citizen, because the political
leadership has responsibility to be responsible to show their progress of works they did in their
tenure. Transparent government atomically comes under the accountability process during
election process. An account able government must be a responsible government.
Flexibility Information:
The information and data have greater flexibility and convenience on mobile devices while
dealing online access of services with government departments.
Provide Immediate Information:
The wireless communication through mobile telephone makes the life easier and fast. It reduced
the time taken in normal communication and data transferring. The mobile telephones are easy
to carry all the times and provide all necessary information, when required, for example
1. SMS for deaf people
2. SMS for important notifications
3. SMS for personnel information related to government departments
4. SMS for floods warning system and weather notifications
5. SMS for Income support for widows and poor families
6. SMS about diseases in rainy season and viral diseases
7. Prayer time
8. Medicine taking time
Collection of Rapid information:
The use of mobile network, wireless devices all the times according to requirement, there is
convenience for citizen and government employees to share the information with each others on
important matters related to government and society and flow of information must be speedier.
There must have facility to down load the necessary information on mobile devices and
applicable for real time accessed for all the stake holders. For example
1. Bomb Blast Information
2. Firefighting information
3. Search for missing children / citizens and criminals
4. Motorways and road accidents
5. School, college and university results
6. Get appointment from government officials and medical specialists.
Mobile transactions:
Funds Transactions, fund transfer, data transaction and information transferring are necessary
parts of the business today. Now days, many companies are discovering the possibilities of
adopting mobile commerce in their daily transactions. Some government organizations have
already taken the initiative to utilize this opportunity in their business.
1. Tax declaration
2. Fund transferring
Exchange of speedy information:
In many cases the exchange of speedy information is important but not crucial. To facilitate the
users, these applications are seen as:
1. Mobile hospital staff
2. Mobile child care for workers
3. Occasional congratulation
Report against suspicious:
To generate the reporting culture against suspicious in society which is helpful to fight better
against crime, the law enforcement agencies need citizens’ cooperation to provide necessary
information against the criminals and suspicious. Such report can be delivering through mobile
telephone as an initial report from citizens side, can increase the chance for police to arrest
suspects and criminals, find missing people, and pave the way for better investigation of the
1. Reporting crimes and suspects
2. Driving License Verification
3. National ID card verification
Research Methodology:
It is fact that M-Government is based on latest wireless technology and still in improvement
phase, and also is in process of day to day modifications which are required to launch a proper
system which would understandable for government and society. In our research, we combine
one or two research methods to reach on conclusion. It is fact that, when no appropriate theory
can be found as a basis for research, it is necessary to undertake exploratory research. Such
kind of research involves open ended study, unguided by theory and intended to provide a new
body of empirical knowledge from which theories might be able to be hypothesized.
Empirical Analysis:
Keeping in view, the progress tendency of this fast growing telecom sector and its penetration
ratio in Pakistan, our research is based on personal observations, experiments and experience
which will indicate the importance of M-Government system for this developing country. In this
paper, empirical analysis has been undertaken with a view to high light the implementing
framework of M Government system as well as to highlight the advantages, issues and also
high light the cross sectional relationship and interaction of stake holders of M Government
system. M-Government system usefulness, advantages, challenges, issues and competences
have been analyzed and evaluated through observation and personal experience. This study
has been carried out with the help of year wise secondary data available with Pakistan
Telecommunication Authority, Mobile Fact book, 2012 and World Bank data and other internet
We found from this study, that there are few elements need to be addressed and there much
work is required to do for implementation of M-Government system.
The literacy rate in the country has witnessed one per cent improvement during this fiscal
year and reached 58 per cent which was 57 per cent two years ago. (The Nation: June
21, 2012).
1. There is need to increase in literacy rate of the country as well as create awareness about
technology, language, and other associated parameters.
2. There is need to convince the political and management leadership for implanting such a
reliable and useful system in the country.
3. There is need to address the issue of temporary suspended mobile services in different parts
of the country without prior intimation.
4. There is need to establish secure, reliable infrastructure for the smooth operation of MGovernment in the country.
5. There is need to allocate the funds for implementation and operation of reliable MGovernment system.
6. There is need to implement the sincere efforts from government official to reply the queries
when required and there availability must be with mobile phones and related wireless devices all
the times and everywhere.
The overall literacy rate of Pakistan is 58% (The Nation: June 21, 2012) including those who
could sign their names on paper. Government has to upgrade the IT education system and
latest technology awareness program for government officials as well as to do work to improve
the overall literacy of the country. These latest technology programs have to be matched, not
only for the urban occupants but for the rural areas as well. There is need to enhance the
technical education and built up the reliable and understandable system for the masses of the
country. Better link between the citizens and the government administration needs to be built, so
that many citizens could avail the wireless, mobile and online facilities of government operations
very easily. This paper introduces a implementing and management framework for MGovernment system. M-Government framework shows the demographic nature of one country,
inputs applying to get the objective results and after the process of objectives, there are two
elements of output have been declared, and end results can be used as feedback to input
section for further enhancement of the system. There is a close relationship between the end
results and inputs which enables constant revision and modification of the initial aims.
Recommendations and Future Directions:
This paper has presented the first stage in proposing the study of implementing mobile
government system in Pakistan. Mobile government services, its usefulness, advantages,
issues, challenges and competencies have been discussed in details. It describes the
implementing management framework and conceptual model of mobile government system,
stakeholders’ iteration that has been formulated and analyzed the mobile government
requirements necessary to ensure satisfaction with the mobile services in Pakistan. Satisfaction
with regard to implementation, mobile government system ball is in the court of government that
is considered the gateway to increase the mobile service usage which is a key element in
measuring the effectiveness of mobile government project’s rationality. The management
framework based on input, process, output and end results sections, which have indicated its
completeness and applicability to the government management and that government
management, will assist in predicting opportunities and calculating threats which could result
from any innovation or appropriate change. There is a close association between the inputs
section and end result section which enable constant revision and modification of the initial
objectives of M- Government system. Further research will emphasis on the application of this
proposed implementing framework, issues and challenges, performance measurement,
efficiency, advantages, its effectiveness, innovation and expected change as well as risk
management of M- Government efforts by federal or provincial governments within the borders
of this framework, must be further considered in future research.
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