SPANISH 201 Intermediate Spanish I Otoño del 2009 Course

Intermediate Spanish I
Otoño del 2009
Course website:
Instructor: Lily Anne Goetz
Phone: (434) 395-2158
Office: Grainger 320
Office hours: MW 1:30-4:00
and by appointment, but not the hour before class
Descripción del curso:
Course Description (From Longwood catalog): A course designed to help students develop
skills in speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing in Spanish, and apply these
skills in a context that recognizes and explores the particularities of Spanish and Latin American
cultures. Prerequisite: Spanish 102 or an appropriate placement test score. Followed by
Spanish 202. 3 credits.
Objetivos del curso:
Course objectives:
General Objectives for all Spanish 201 courses, including this one:
(This course satisfies General Education Goal 10 Foreign Language. GE course criteria numbers
refer to the General Education Requirement criteria that this course satisfies.)
Students will demonstrate an ability to:
Learn progressively and employ cumulatively certain grammatical, syntactical, and
phonetic structures of the language. (GE criteria 1, 6)
Acquire a vocabulary appropriate for performing certain tasks in Spanish, such as asking
or inviting someone to do something, responding to an invitation, expressing a judgment about
something (GE course criteria 3), expressing agreement or disagreement, indicating personal
preference, asking someone's opinion, proposing to do something, accepting or rejecting a
suggestion. (GE criteria 1, 2, 3, 6, 9)
Communicate in Spanish by speaking Spanish, understanding spoken Spanish, and
writing in Spanish at the ACTFL intermediate level (GE course criteria 6,7), view and
comprehend videos that inform them of or represent the perspectives, practices, and products of
Spanish and Spanish American culture. (GE criteria 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9)
Identify and describe various aspects of Spanish and Spanish American culture, such as
food, music, celebrations, social customs, landmarks, art, political and historical events. (GE
course criteria 2, 5, 8)
Identify and interpret, through extensive use of internet, satellite TV, videos, and other
electronic means, the connection of Spanish with other disciplines and and a means to acquire
information. (GE course criteria 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9)
Describe the nature of language and culture by making comparisons of Spanish with the
students' native language and by making comparisons of Spanish-speaking cultures with the
students' own. (GE course criteria 1, 5, 9)
Participate in Spanish-speaking communities at home and around the world, through the
use of electronic communication and attendance at planned college and local Hispanic cultural
activities. (GE course criteria 1, 6, 8, 9)
Texts and Materials Required:
Textos y Materiales:
Hershberger, et. al. Plazas: Lugar de encuentros, 3rd edition. Boston: Thomson Heinle,
ISBN 978-1-4282-0504-8
Text Audio CDs (free with Student Text)
QUIA Online Workbook/Lab Manual
A medium-sized 3-ring notebook cuaderno de anillos.
A stapler grapadora for your homework.
Horario de Clases:
Class Schedule:
Semana 1 Discusión para conocernos, Repaso de gramática y de pronunciación.
Deberes para el miércoles:
1. Completa la hoja "Foreign Language Learning Autobiography"
2. Imprime el sílabo en la página web y léelo; prepárate para una prueba sobre el contenido el
3. Mira el formato del libro de texto; (look through the chapters of your textbook and become
familiar with how each chapter is set up. We will be using Chapters 11-14 this semester.
4. Crea tu cuenta para QUIA. (Set up your QUIA account; your course code is: ____________)
5. ¡Habla español! Con tus amigos, con los árboles, con los muebles, en el baño, en todas
Deberes para el viernes:
1. Texto: Repaso...
2. Estudiar el sílabo: ¡prueba el viernes!
Semanas 2, 3, 4: Lección 11
Semanas 5, 6, 7: Lección 12
Semanas 8, 9, 10, 11: Lección 13
Semanas 12, 13, 14: Lección 14
Semana 15: Repaso y Actividades
Semana 16 Examen Final:
SPAN 201-01: 9 de diciembre, 8:00-10:30am
SPAN 201-02: 9 de diciembre, 11:30-2:00pm
SPAN 201-05: 7 de diciembre, 8:00-10:30am
Requisitos del curso:
Course Requirements:
Participación en la clase
Deberes Diarios (ejercicios del libro de texto, hojas para periódicos/revistas, otros deberes)
Deberes del Laboratorio (ejercicios de QUIA, videos y películas, programas de televisión,
Ensayos y Proyectos
Pruebas y Presentaciones Orales
Examen Final
15% Participación.
You are expected to actively participate in class activities. It is
recognized that there are many different kinds of personalities represented among students in a
class, and that some are more outgoing than others. People who normally speak a lot find it easy
to participate in these activities, while more quiet personalities sometimes hesitate to join in.
This is quite natural and you are not expected to try to change your particular comportment.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to make every effort to join in the activities, and you will find that
the more you do so, the easier it becomes to speak Spanish, and as Spanish begins to become
easier to speak, the more you will want to join in. There will be a lot of partner and group
conversation activities; you will not be asked to get up in front of the class until everyone is
comfortable with one another; you will do a few short (2-3 min.) presentations on various topics.
We will concentrate mostly on speaking and listening in our class activities, reserving reading
and writing activities for homework assignments. Attendance is of utmost importance if you are
to be able to participate. If you are not in class, you can not participate, and you make
participation extremely difficult after returning from an absence. Attend class every day!
15% «Deberes Diarios».
(ejercicios del libro de texto, hojas para periódicos o
revistas, otros deberes).
15% «Deberes del Laboratorio» (ejercicios de QUIA, videos y
películas, programas de televisión, etc).
These two "deberes" portions of your grade are based primarily on assignments you do
outside of class. To achieve a satisfactory grade in any college-level class, one should expect to
spend at least two hours outside of class for every hour spent in class. Therefore, you should
expect to dedicate six hours per week outside of class in homework and other activities for this
Spanish class. The following are the components which make up these parts of your grade. All
of the necessary worksheets are available here for you to print out. You will not receive these in
class. Please staple any multiple sheets together before handing them in. Your lowest
"homework" grade in each category will be dropped--so if you get a zero it can be dropped, but
no more than one grade in each category will be dropped. Late homework will be accepted no
later than one class period after it is due, and the grade will be lowered one letter grade.
Homework later than one class period after it is due will not be accepted. Remember also that if
you do not have your homework on time, you can't very well participate and your grade will
suffer. Keep up with all assignments. Check with classmates to make sure you have the
assignments for every class.
A. Deberes diarios (15%): You will have textbook activities as well as some newspaper or
magazine reading assignments. At times there may be other kinds of homework assignments.
All assignments will be explained clearly, but if you do not understand the instructions, please
ask for clarification. The assignment and explanation will be made near the end of every class
period, and will usually be written on the board. In addition to specific assignments, you should
spend time in vocabulary practice for the current topic. Homework will usually be "gone over"
in class, although there won't be time to "go over" all of it. Many assignments will also be
collected for a grade. Be prepared with your homework done or you will not be able to
participate (see Participación above). Remember to staple multiple sheets together and bring to
class ready to hand in -- don't expect to staple things once you are in class. Please do not ask me
if I have a stapler. There are no staplers in the classroom.
Revistas y periódicos: The library subscribes to several Spanish language magazines, which are
found in the Periodical room on the first floor of the library, and are shelved in alphabetical
order. The most recent ones are in the reading area, in alphabetical order on display shelves.
You will fill out a revista worksheet for each article you read. Longwood's library receives
Geomundo, Muy Interesante, Clío (Revista de Historia) and El País. If you have trouble finding
a magazine, please ask for help. You may read them in the library or photocopy articles to read
at your leisure, and you may choose articles from any magazine, as long as it is in Spanish. If
you have been asked to read a magazine article, it must be a paper article, not from the internet.
However, at other times you will be asked to choose an article from a Spanish newspaper on the
internet instead of a magazine, so that you can get the most up-to-date information on a
particular topic, and so that you have a greater range of cultural content.
B. «Deberes del Laboratorio» (15%):
You will have assignments from your QUIA online Workbook and Lab Manual. This will be
explained clearly in class. Using this program, you will have a chance to listen to authentic
Spanish conversations and to complete activities to practice grammatical structures and
vocabulary usage. You should complete and correct all exercises for each lesson. Grading will
be based upon completion and quality.
Video, Televisión, Películas: Now and then you will watch a video segment from the
"Mosaico Cultural" series, or a movie or TV show in Spanish, sometimes in class, but usually in
the Language Lab, and will complete accompanying information sheets. You will receive the
Mosaico Cultural worksheets in class, but you will get the TV-show sheets and movie sheets
from this website and print them out to take to the lab. The Language Lab has a satellite which
receives programming from all over the world. Choose a channel and a program by going to the
Dish TV site and following instructions.
15% Ensayos y Proyectos.
You will compose some projects or essays during
the semester; you will receive detailed instructions and in some cases will be able to make
revisions before receiving the grade for the assignment. You must use Microsoft Word in
Spanish [with spell-check and thesaurus in Spanish], which is available in the Language Lab and
if you have Windows 98 or later, on your own computer. You will receive a copy of the
keyboard layout. Ask for help if you need it. Try doing your homework on the computer, too, if
you like--you will learn to use the correct accent marks, and all of the other diacritical marks
[¡¿ñÑáéíóúü])--and just think what you can do with the thesaurus. Assignments that have not
been "spell-checked" will not be accepted--don't forget this important step! Remember to use
your stapler too! Late Proyectos will NOT be accepted. They must be completed on time or
they will receive a grade of zero. No Proyecto or Ensayo grades will be dropped.
25% Pruebas y presentaciones orales.
There will be many short 5-, 10-, or
15-minute quizzes. Most of these are not "pop" quizzes; they will all be announced, except for
some quizzes on Fridays, which may be "pop" quizzes. So don't miss class on Fridays! Some
quizzes will be written, dealing with grammar, a few will be vocabulary quizzes, some will be
speaking quizzes (you will speak to a partner, not in front of the class), and some will be quizzes
on the content of what we are studying (cultural aspects of Hispanic countries, etc.). There may
also be a few longer quizzes (I prefer not to call them tests; but they may cover more than one
topic or grammatical item from a chapter). Oral presentations during the semester will count the
same as quiz grades. Your lowest quiz grade will be dropped (if you miss a quiz while absent,
that will be the one dropped--there are no "make-up" quizzes; quizzes missed after that will
receive a zero). Please do not ask when you can make up a quiz.
15% Examen Final.
The final exam will contain a communicative test of the skills
of reading, writing, listening and speaking, as well as culture, and will have the same format as
many of the quizzes, so by the time you take it, you are familiar with how you will be tested. If
you are keeping up with homework, activities, and participation, you should not need to "study"
for the final. We are building skills, not accumulating memorized knowledge, so it is important
to keep pace with your assignments. We will review before the final exam and discuss the
format of the test. The date and time of the final exam is listed in the class schedule above.
According to Longwood policy, if you have 3 exams on one day, you may ask to have one of
them on another day. If you choose this exam to request a change, please keep in mind that we
usually involve listening segments and speaking segments so it is very difficult to change it.
When requesting, you must have proof of your schedule, and you must request the change at
least 2 weeks prior to the exam date.
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
59 F
Attendance Policy: The attendance policy for this course is the same as the college policy in
the Longwood University Catalog and the Student Handbook. To clarify some of the points in
the policy, please note:
There are 41 class meetings. If a student misses 10 classes, whether excused or unexcused,
he/she will have missed 25% of the scheduled class meeting times, and will receive an F in this
If a student misses 4 classes for unexcused reasons, his/her final course grade will be lowered
one letter grade. In addition, please note that if a student is not in class, he/she can not
participate in class activities, which will affect the "participation grade." Please note what
constitutes "excused absences" as defined in the university policy. I will require, in most cases,
written documentation to excuse an absence. Please note examples of unexcused absences:
oversleeping, alarm clock malfunction, doing work for another class, hours of employment
during classtime, meeting with another teacher or administrator, athletic practices, fraternity,
sorority, or club functions, routine medical/dental appointments, taking a friend/roommate
somewhere, even to the hospital, ride leaving, etc.
*** If you discover that you must miss a class, you may e-mail me or call my office number
(2158). However, if you do not have extenuating circumstances or documentation, please do not
ask if you can make up missed quizzes or tests. Please do not feel the necessity of explaining the
details of your absence. Please present your documentation or circumstances to me outside of
class, not in the few minutes before or after a class. You can understand the reason for this.
If you miss a class, never ask if you missed anything--if we had class, you missed a lot. A good
practice is to make sure you have other students' phone numbers so that you can find out what
the assignments are and have them ready when you come back to class. Missing a class does not
mean you can show up unprepared--you will take whatever quiz is planned and will turn in
whatever assignment is due, or you will receive a zero for the assignment. If you missed a quiz
while absent, you will receive a zero--there are no "make-up" quizzes. Remember that we drop
the lowest quiz grade.
Your best chance for success is through 100% attendance:
¡Por favor! ¡Asistid a clase!
Código de Honor:
Honor Code: Students are expected to live by the Longwood University Honor Code. All
work done for this class must be pledged: "Yo, ___________________, juro que no he dado ni
recibido ayuda en este trabajo ni he notado ninguna infracción del Código de Honor." If you
would like to abbreviate this, you may write, "Juramento," and sign your name.
A word about internet translators and other electronic translators: Please don't use electronic
translators--if you have been using them, you have seen that they do not function well in
producing understandable, correct Spanish. The translations don't make any sense and you don't
learn much by using them. For the same reasons, please don't use friends to help you write your
assignments--many times even if they are very good Spanish speakers, they may not understand
the assignment and their usage doesn't conform to the context. And, obviously, you are not
getting much out of the assignment if someone else does it. And, just as obviously, you are
violating the honor code if you don't do your own work. It is NOT a violation of the honor code
to work together with other students from the class, as long as both of you are doing your own
work. It is a good idea to check each other's work and offer suggestions, and make changes
incorporating those suggestions. This is collaborative learning and can be helpful. But be sure to
do your own work. Gracias.
Where to get help
Tutors are provided through the Learning Center in the library. Tutoring is free. Consult the
Learning Center website for hours and procedures, or visit the Learning Center in the
Greenwood Library at the back of the Information Center (the large room to your left after you
enter the Library).
If you have a disability and require accommodations, please meet with me early in the semester
to discuss your learning needs. If you wish to request reasonable accommodations (note taking
support, extended time for tests, etc.), you will need to register with the Office of Disability
Services (Graham building, 395-2391). The office will require appropriate documentation of the
disability. All information will be kept confidential.
Comunicación por correo electrónico:
I will often communicate very important information with you by e-mail. Please check your
e-mail often to see if I have sent you an assignment or a correction to an assignment. If
Longwood closes for inclement weather or for other reasons, check your e-mail for assignments.
You will be responsible for completing them for the next class. So please check e-mail every