Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Forename Jethro David Steven Fraser David Stuart Paul Dave Al Andrew Eddie Markus Andrew Jeremy Ian Duncan Neil Duncan Lewis Greg George Benjamin Andrew Adrew Jennifer Martin Brian Paul Derek Craig Keith Andrew Ewan Gareth David Kyle Martin Alan Scott Alexander Gerard Philip Pete Thomas Russell Thomas Surname Lennox Knight Miller Cartmell Phee Kerr Sorrie Wright Hart Douglas Tonner Schlosser McGhee Tomlinson Stewart McGougan Deerey Scobie Millar Simpson Taylor Kemp Durham Neilson MacLean Canavan Mackie Hart Breen Ross Haining McLindn Jack Mayze Burgess Cowie O'Donnell Tait Martin Milne Scullion Williams Burbanks McCallum McCallum City Glasgow Perth Garelocjhead Stirling Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow East Lothian Penicuik Glasgow Ayrshire Fife Kilmarnock Fife Clackmannanshir Stirlingshire Glasgow Flakirk Perth Glasgow Edinburgh Fife Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Glasgow Dumfries East kilbride Dundee Ayrshire Dollar Edinburgh Anstruther Stirling Glasgow Glasgow Ayrshire Stirling Edinburgh Dunblane Edinburgh Dunfrmline Dunfermline RaceTime 01:11:45 01:12:43 01:12:54 01:13:05 01:13:20 01:13:35 01:14:28 01:15:22 01:15:34 01:15:46 01:17:02 01:18:05 01:18:17 01:18:20 01:18:25 01:18:27 01:18:28 01:18:37 01:18:46 01:19:02 01:19:12 01:19:40 01:19:51 01:20:04 01:20:11 01:20:19 01:20:28 01:20:33 01:20:35 01:20:39 01:20:42 01:20:48 01:20:49 01:21:04 01:21:11 01:21:31 01:21:37 01:22:04 01:22:24 01:22:27 01:22:36 01:22:44 01:22:48 01:23:01 01:23:05 Number Team Name 238 285 201 334 168 80 380 197 230 249 302 92 259 514 1101 525 503 332 394 210 507 267 308 370 1290 22 235 115 500 1112 105 1089 14 383 87 390 27 335 177 537 649 170 193 309 701 Shettleston Harriers Uni of Glasgow hares Ronhill Cambuslang Giffnock North Kirkintilloch Olypians Shettleston Harriers HBT The world Famous Fife AC JW Kilmarnock Fife AC Carnegie Harriers Carnegie Gifnock North AAC Dumfries RC Central AC Perth Road Runners Gifnock North Portobello Running Harmeny AC City of Edinburgh AC Springburn Harriers Dumfries Running Giffnock North Dundee Hawkhill JW Kilmarnock Hamilton Harriers Kirkintilloch Treviotdale Anster Haddies Stirling uni Giffnock North AAC Motherwell Ac JW Kilmarnock Central AC Portobello Central AC Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Forename David Tommy Darin Peter Angus Norman Mark Bill Alex Derek Jamie William Craig Benjamin Andy Derren John Danny Fiona Roger Douglas John Scott Mark Julian Hendrie Martin Srephen Janet Lee Richard Neil Brian David Helen Dennis Stephen Will Robert Steven jayne Lucy David Mark Neil Surname Lindsay Ingram Dougal Buchanan Gallie Galbraith Collins Smith Keenan Small Philip Bates Calderwood Hands Law Thomson Christy Lake Matheson Greenaway Philip Cairns Mitchell Ashby Rose Barbour Caldwell Allan Dunbar Holland Anderson Muir Silvester Watson Sharpe Howett Skene Hensman Summers Laurie Clark Colquhoun Morgan Picksley Prior City Stirling RaceTime 01:23:09 01:23:15 Peeblesshire 01:23:21 Edinburgh 01:23:21 West Lothian 01:23:23 Glasgow 01:23:37 Glasgow 01:23:38 Fife 01:23:40 Dunfermline 01:23:43 Edinburgh 01:23:58 West Lothian 01:23:59 Tullibody 01:24:10 Clydebank 01:24:12 Lanarkshire 01:24:18 Argyll 01:24:20 Glasgow 01:24:22 Edinburgh 01:24:24 Clackmannanshir 01:24:25 Falkirk 01:24:26 Stirling 01:24:41 Midlothian 01:24:51 Kilmaurs 01:25:08 Glasgow 01:25:22 Glasgow 01:25:25 Glasgow 01:25:26 Glasgow 01:25:37 Midlothian 01:25:53 Cumbernauld 01:25:56 Edinburgh 01:25:59 Fife 01:26:09 Dunoon 01:26:22 Perth 01:26:41 Glasgow 01:26:42 Preton 01:26:45 Fife 01:26:46 Carnock 01:26:53 Fife 01:26:57 Clackmannanshir 01:27:07 Dunfermline 01:27:10 Linlithgow 01:27:15 Fife 01:27:16 Midlothian 01:27:22 Glasgow 01:27:28 Falkirk 01:27:35 Dumbarton 01:27:37 Number Team Name 41 313 62 510 1032 320 48 350 253 692 164 393 47 591 1003 240 518 563 1552 1038 173 623 266 711 568 725 1110 169 1590 608 167 542 318 133 1350 585 575 106 33 186 1250 1639 709 671 743 Central Athletic Kilmarnock Harriers Moorfoots Portobello Running Linlithgow Harriers Giffnock North AAC Clydesdale Fife AC Edinburgh Tri Carnegie Harriers Clydesdale Motherwell AC Mid Argyll AC Giffnock North Corstophine AAC Falkirk Vics Central AD Lasswade AC JW Kilmarnock Glasgow University Victori Park, City of Giffnock North Corstorphine Portobello Perth Road Runners Preston Harriers Fife AC Carnegie Harriers Pitreavie AAC Central Athletics jog Scotland Lothian RC Pitreavie AAC City of Edinburgh Portobello Running Dumbarton AAC Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 Forename Connell Martin Graeme Neil Liam David David Kate Mark Alastair Alasdair Damien Ricky Robert John Charles Martin Claire David Martin Stephen Shona Andre Kenny Edward Hazel Robert Scott Ross Cameron David John Donald Colin Leslie James Ivan Craig Mark Richard Owen Robert David Katy Arnie Tam Barry Surname Drummond Quinn Croll Robbins McCabe Parkhouse Boyes McKinnon Foster Brown Murray Mead Fraser Mitchell Martin Clarke Couper McNab Ryan Ferguson McIntosh Reibig McDonald Crockett Dean Hendry Ferguson Clark Whyte Robertson Blair Houston Mathieson McDerment Field Stewart Hamilton Meade McIntyre Galloway Bell Anderson Mouat Donaldson Davie City Ayr Clackmannanshir Glasgow Glasgow Stirling Alloa Clackmannanshir Dunfermline Edinburgh County Durham Kilmarnock Glasgow Midlothian Inverclyde Ayrshire Selkirk Clackmannanshir Glasgow Perth Scone Glasgow RaceTime 01:27:37 01:27:52 01:27:52 01:27:52 01:27:52 01:27:57 01:27:59 01:28:05 01:28:05 01:28:05 01:28:15 01:28:22 01:28:26 01:28:28 01:28:32 01:28:33 01:28:35 01:28:37 01:28:46 01:28:50 01:28:54 01:28:58 Clackmannanshir 01:28:59 Edinburgh 01:29:06 Dunblane 01:29:10 Edinburgh 01:29:15 Musselburgh 01:29:36 Stirlingshire 01:29:39 Aberdeen 01:29:39 Falkirk 01:29:45 East Lothian 01:29:50 Kirkcaldy 01:29:53 Fife 01:29:53 Ayrshire 01:30:00 East Kilbride 01:30:03 Angus 01:30:10 Ayrshire 01:30:15 01:30:16 Glasgow 01:30:17 Lanarkshire 01:30:17 West Lothian 01:30:17 Peebleshire 01:30:17 Aberdeenshire 01:30:24 Kirkcaldy 01:30:24 Fife 01:30:26 Number Team Name 166 657 613 544 552 391 189 1288 683 113 180 165 712 1047 509 1054 1286 1037 1100 1094 1338 96 191 386 1606 289 19 276 213 730 1079 66 1084 110 526 79 587 156 700 1351 571 1331 1066 75 85 Ayr Seaforth Wee County Harriers Giffnock North AAC Hamilton Harriers Central AC Carnegie Harriers kilmarnock Harriers Portbello Greenock Glenpark Troon Tortoises Gala Harriers Giffnock North Perth Road Runners Perth Road Runners Glasgow University Stirling Triathlon Club Carnegie Harriers Central AC Portobello Running Falkirk Victoria Portobello Fife Ac Kilmarnock Harriers Calderglen Forfar Road Runners Kilmarnock Harriers EH3 6LZ Strathclyde Fire & Lothian Running Club Gala Harriers Cosmic Hillbashers Fife AC Pitreavie AAC Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 Forename Duncan Rachel Jessie Crawford Hugh Andrew Simon Alan Robert Billy Colin James Michael Hugh David Eddie Richard Gavin Chris Erni Paul Barry Stephen Robert david Alan Robert Duncan David Derrick Johnston Nigel John Paul Andrew John Jillian Hilary Neil D Jeremy Mary Keith Tom Barry Graeme Surname Baker Fagen Miller Brown Kerr Mackie Brown Inglis Peterson Clark Watson Kelly Dobson Gallagher Logan Reynolds Connor Curran Blackwood hamilton Thomson Roberts Winter Steel Keye Swan Neilson McKerrell Ballantyne Ritchie Orr Reynolds Burns James Denholm Gorden Millar MacLachlan Armstrong Priest McCutcheon Tollerton Coughtrie Paterson Wilson City Edinburgh Roxburgh Motherwell Glasgow Stirling Clackmannanshir Edinburgh Roxburghshire Airth Glasgow RaceTime 01:30:28 01:30:35 01:30:43 01:30:48 01:30:52 01:30:52 01:30:52 01:31:10 01:31:22 01:31:24 01:31:24 Stirling 01:31:30 Edinburgh 01:31:36 Glasgow 01:31:40 Glasgow 01:31:41 01:31:42 Dalkeith 01:31:46 Kirkcaldy 01:31:51 Peebles 01:31:54 Perth 01:31:54 Clackmannanshir 01:31:54 Clackmannanshir 01:31:58 Glasgow 01:31:58 Glasgow 01:32:08 Clackmannanshir 01:32:24 Edinburgh 01:32:29 East Kilbride 01:32:30 Fife 01:32:31 Inverkip 01:32:33 Glasgow 01:32:33 Glasgow 01:32:33 Inchture 01:32:37 Lochgelly 01:32:42 Dunfermline 01:32:45 Larbert 01:32:47 Milnathort 01:32:51 Glasgow 01:32:55 Rosyth 01:32:58 EH49 6AG 01:33:02 Paisley 01:33:03 Renfrewshire 01:33:05 Edinburgh 01:33:08 Patna, Aryshire 01:33:09 01:33:15 Dunfermline 01:33:18 Number Team Name 597 1317 1685 155 670 273 363 12 264 626 694 76 114 1064 1059 704 328 192 217 1603 46 200 101 199 31 521 254 517 351 707 100 640 378 545 1081 1313 1596 107 715 99 1623 373 673 296 520 Hunters Bog Trotters Gala Harriers Motherwell Ac Kirkintilloch Central AC Teviotdale Harriers Mag 7 GN AAC Giffnock north Giffnock North AAC Lasswade AC Moorfoot Runners Perth Road Runners Central Athletic Greenock Glenpark Giffnock North Carnegie Harriers Falkirk Victoria Giffnock North AAC Pitreavie Giffnock North AAC Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 Forename Richard Sid Gordon Steve David Kris Martin Tim Jim Chris Colin Ronald W Christopher Joe Nathalie William Craig David Andrew David Jason Kenny Gordon Michael Charles Roddy Thomas Steven Barrie Morag Patrick Gordon Amanda Colin Sally Trevor Paul Thomson Brian Scott Ian Andrew Greig Roderick Neil Kenneth Surname Graveling Pask McPherson Paton Hordon Allison Myant Patterson Davis Smyth Brown Milne McKiddie Dewar Cooper Haining Reid Melvin Duncan Robertson Roberts Bowie Johnston Aird McColl Scott McChord Simpson Findlay McCracken Burns McNeil Henderson Reynolds Scott Andrews Christie McEwan Wardrope Hawkins Milne Glendinning Pugh Black Stewart City Clackmannanshir Dunblane By Dollar Edinburgh Falkirk Clackmannanshir Glasgow Perthshire Edinburgh Clackmannanshir Fife Angus Glasgow Edinburgh Edinburgh East Kilbride Stirling Perthshire St Andrews Edinburgh Galashiels Stirling Berwickshire Angus West Lothian Clackmannanshir Glsgow Berwickshire Clackmannanshir Dunfermline West Clackmannanshir Dalkeith Fife Edinburgh Clackmannanshir Alloa Stirling Alloa Cupar Fife Renfrewshire Kilmarnock Bathgate Edinburgh RaceTime 01:33:20 01:33:20 01:33:20 01:33:36 01:33:40 01:33:40 01:33:44 01:33:46 01:33:54 01:33:56 01:33:56 01:33:59 01:33:59 01:33:59 01:34:01 01:34:01 01:34:05 01:34:18 01:34:25 01:34:32 01:34:33 01:34:35 01:34:36 01:34:38 01:34:39 01:34:41 01:34:50 01:34:51 01:34:54 01:34:56 01:34:58 01:34:59 01:34:59 01:35:03 01:35:09 01:35:12 01:35:13 01:35:16 01:35:19 01:35:21 01:35:27 01:35:31 01:35:31 01:35:31 01:35:34 Number Team Name 231 1076 1097 50 621 216 1058 549 1005 51 674 1088 362 720 1361 1072 139 195 314 72 372 222 61 34 261 530 1017 21 130 1348 516 633 1309 294 1280 1044 341 558 5 562 152 255 1028 301 714 Wee County Harriers Wee County Harriers Wee County Harriers Fife AC Forfar Road Runners Bellahouston Road City of Edinburgh Colchester Harriers Stirling University St Andrews University Gala Harriers Norham Kirkintilloch Norham Hunters Bog Trotters Milburn Harriers Wee County Harriers Portobello Running Carnegie Harriers Portobello Running Wee County Harriers Wee County Harriers Wee County Harriers Fife AC Fife AC Bellahouston Road J W Kilmarnock Corstorphine Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 Forename John Norman Jim Andrew Kate Carole Derrick Alan Marie Stewart Paul Billy Donald Robert Eddie John Alasdair Craig Chris Paddy David Alexander J Susan Des Iain David Jennifer Peter Moray Martyn Jim Frank Mark Richard Johanna David Chris Graham David Charles Annmarie Judith Iain Jonathan David Surname Murray MacSween Broughton Johns Ives Fortune Brydon Aitchison McChord Ferguson Arnott Wait Sandeman Brown Petrie Coull McKinnon Ireland Welch Mcdonald Lawrence Gnanapragasam Addison McKeown Mitchell Young Fitzgerald Rogan Borthwick Tunstall Alexander McGuiness Gordon Lazzari Paananen Sloan Pratt Capper Norrie Oliver McCaffrey Dobson Shaw Richards Wilson City Glasgow Dundee Edinburgh Saline Kinross Edinburgh Melrose Edinburgh Glasgow Kilmarnock Dunfermline Bathgate Edinburgh Stirling Bathgate Edinburgh Dunfermline West Lothian Dalgety Bay Edinburgh Edinburgh St Andrews Cumbernauld Cumbernauld Shotts Clackmannanshir Balloch Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh West Lothian Glasgow West Lothian Galashields Fife Motherwell Lochgelly, Fife Berwickshire Perth Clackmannanshir Coatbridge Kinross Edinburgh Stirling West Lothian RaceTime 01:35:35 01:35:38 01:35:38 01:35:39 01:35:40 01:35:42 01:35:44 01:35:46 01:35:51 01:36:01 01:36:01 01:36:01 01:36:01 01:36:07 01:36:15 01:36:25 01:36:26 01:36:30 01:36:31 01:36:33 01:36:35 01:36:35 01:36:35 01:36:35 01:36:35 01:36:35 01:36:45 01:36:52 01:36:52 01:36:52 01:36:59 01:37:01 01:37:04 01:37:07 01:37:12 01:37:16 01:37:18 01:37:20 01:37:24 01:37:26 01:37:27 01:37:34 01:37:36 01:37:48 01:37:50 Number Team Name 244 151 324 148 1293 1617 184 30 1544 13 382 1067 1063 36 247 505 116 144 286 1117 741 307 1580 77 312 15 1272 643 369 603 672 1104 176 196 1608 531 81 1009 1018 1045 1532 1527 546 676 636 Garscube Harriers Kinross Road Runners Kinross Road Runners Gala Harriers Portobello Running Kirkintilloch Kilmarnock Harriers & Carnegie Harriers Lothian & Borders fire Central athletics Club Carnegie Harriers University of St Kirkintilloch Kirkintilloch S.P.S.A.A.C Helensburgh Corstorphine AAC Lothian R C Gala harriers Fife AC Kinross Road Runners Gala Harriers Perth Roard Runners Kirkintilloch Kinross Road Runners Ferranti AAC Beelahouston Road Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 Forename Paul George Caroline Neil Judith Lees Gail Matthew Grant Ryan Iain Peter Helena David Dean Lianne Alan Stephen David David Euan Douglas David David Richard Allan Alex Lynn Tony Alastair James Frank Marina Stuart Dominic Steven Caroline Stewart Hugh Malcolm Moira Gordon Andy Douglas Ian Stuart Steven Surname Edwards Balfour Wood Munro Turner George Murdoch Dodds Keith Mckenzie Crombie Wilson Sim Shepherd Black Logan Grieve Shaw Barrett Crumley Lamont MacKay White Harker Gall Pettigrew Henderson Harte Thomson Felstead Coyle McCullum Jackson Jackson McDonald Rogers McConnell Clark Murray Kerr Stewart Brodie McFarlane McElroy Murray City Edinburgh Angus Aberdeen Dundee Clackmannanshir Fife Dunfermline Galston, Ayrshire Dundee Dunfermline Midlothian Troon Fife Fife Falkirk Edinburgh Clackmannanshir Lanark Balloch Glasgow Clackmannanshir Falkirk St Andrews Clackmannanshir Kilmarnock By Arbroath Glasgow Glasgow Edinburgh Fife Clydebank West Lothian Aberdeen Broxburn Edinburgh Port Seton Clackmannanshir Dunblane Glasgow Glasgow Dunblane Clackmannanshir Stirling Stirling RaceTime 01:37:58 01:38:02 01:38:02 01:38:02 01:38:06 01:38:10 01:38:19 01:38:22 01:38:27 01:38:31 01:38:33 01:38:37 01:38:39 01:38:40 01:38:43 01:38:43 01:38:47 01:38:47 01:38:51 01:39:01 01:39:05 01:39:08 01:39:14 01:39:17 01:39:22 01:39:25 01:39:27 01:39:27 01:39:27 01:39:31 01:39:31 01:39:37 01:39:40 01:39:40 01:39:45 01:39:45 01:39:45 01:39:45 01:39:49 01:39:52 01:39:53 01:39:53 01:39:53 01:40:05 01:40:06 Number Team Name 120 1078 1614 73 1295 578 1554 1068 149 395 118 555 1582 612 326 1263 680 284 698 290 1106 287 39 349 1006 1046 1318 693 606 2 1023 1598 109 270 617 1369 74 304 1620 687 1011 666 713 124 322 Portobello running club Forfar Road Runners Carnegie Harriers Pitreavie Carnegie Harriers Kilmarnock Harriers Carnegie Harriers Harmony Pentland Carnegie Harriers Fife AC City of Edinburgh Jakesters Running Helensburgh AAC Bellahouston Road St Andrews University Central Athletics Kilmarnock Harriers Arbroath Footers Carnegie Harriers Kirkintilloch Corstorphine AAC Clydesdale harriers Musselburgh City of Edinburgh Wee County Harriers Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 Forename Jason Bernt Mary Derek Ewan Colin Gordon Peter Eileen Ian Scott Peter Knudsen Hazel Jason Fiona John Elaine David Fiona Grant Liam Mary Derek Peter Campbell David Margot Patrick Robert Cameron John Alan Chris Joseph James George Louise sandy David Gordon Elsbeth Paul Caroline Gerald Kate Surname Neil Cederstrom Hunter Keir Moffat Thomson Somerville Ritchie Nicol Cuthbert Gillanders 30/05/59 Porter Kaushal Dixon Wright Boyle Webster Angus Laycock Murray kerr Ireland Douglas Wilson Watson Crosbie Lambie Burns Rochette Ferguson Stewart Elliott Goldie Small Haining Brown Ferguson Bunyan Reid Luke Sherry Mutch Hartley Todd City South Dunfermline Edinburgh Falkirk Stirling Grangemouth Fife Blairgowrie Galashields Perth Clackmannanshir Glasgow Fife Croftamie Edinburgh Selkirkshire Dunbartonshire Angus Perth Glenrothes Bonnybridge Stirling Edinburgh Kilmarnock Ayrshire Lanark Galashiels Edinburgh Edinburgh Fife Stirling East Kilbride Angus Dumbarton Glenrothes East Kilbride Glasgow Arbroath Falkirk Stirling Glasgow East Kilbride Prestwick Coatbridge Kilmarnock RaceTime 01:40:07 01:40:09 01:40:14 01:40:18 01:40:20 01:40:25 01:40:27 01:40:29 01:40:30 01:40:32 01:40:32 01:40:32 01:40:36 01:40:39 01:40:40 01:40:43 01:40:43 01:40:43 01:40:46 01:40:48 01:40:50 01:40:50 01:40:50 01:40:50 01:40:50 01:40:58 01:41:04 01:41:06 01:41:06 01:41:07 01:41:11 01:41:12 01:41:13 01:41:15 01:41:15 01:41:15 01:41:15 01:41:15 01:41:19 01:41:19 01:41:26 01:41:26 01:41:26 01:41:36 01:41:36 Number 53 524 1520 381 556 650 1091 559 1660 1073 321 625 1312 658 1346 161 1579 182 1584 543 283 1644 589 103 605 122 1725 629 639 374 675 1102 234 269 656 655 1328 396 1080 63 1255 1103 1322 202 1713 Team Name Perth RR Portobello Running Carnegie Harriers Perth Road Runners Gala Harriers Motherwell Athletic Westerlands CCC City of Edinburgh Gala Harriers Dumbarton AAC Forfar Road Runners Perth Road Runners Fife Athletic Standard Life Kilmanrnock Harriers City of Edinburgh St Andrews Cross Giffnock North sal calderglen Harriers Dundee hawkhill Falkirk Victoria Girvan AAC Motherwell AC Kilmarnock Harriers Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 Forename Isobel Carole David Susan Andrew Hugh John John Victor Darren William Gavan Robert Stephen Hazel Ada Ian Claire Grant DARREN David Tommy Phil Peter Grant Victoria Mark Francis Chris Kenneth Neil Gordon Sheila Jim Ronnie Mark Robert Kenneth Ian David Hans George Jim Catriona Steven Surname Pollard Munro McDonald Lennon Fraser Daly Salmons Scroggie MacBeath Neilson Lawson Mooney Annand Reynolds Small Stewart Smith Frulloni Matheson Yorston Michell Lawlor Burnside Robertson Baxter Knott Asher Wood Cunnane Wison Anderson Thyne Brown McLaren Ritchie Candlish Owen Rodden Shield Drewette Grupping McAleer Taylor Taylor Lorimer City Edinburgh Motherwell Edinburgh Dunfermline Edinburgh Perthshire Stirling Dundee Stirling Fife Perth Clackmannanshir Fife Stirling Edinburgh Glasgow EH13 9PJ Perth Falkirk Ayrshire Clackmannanshir Lanarkshire Dundee Clackmannanshir Fife Stirling West Lothian Edinburgh Glasgow Glasgow Inverkeithing West Lothian Falkirk By Leslie Fife Wishaw Edinburgh Fife Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Falkirk Glenrothes Dunfermline Ayrshire RaceTime 01:41:36 01:41:36 01:41:42 01:41:42 01:41:42 01:41:49 01:41:50 01:41:54 01:41:54 01:41:54 01:42:00 01:42:06 01:42:09 01:42:11 01:42:23 01:42:23 01:42:27 01:42:27 01:42:27 01:42:27 01:42:27 01:42:33 01:42:33 01:42:38 01:42:41 01:42:49 01:42:52 01:42:56 01:42:56 01:43:02 01:43:09 01:43:10 01:43:15 01:43:20 01:43:25 01:43:27 01:43:30 01:43:44 01:43:45 01:43:52 01:44:02 01:44:02 01:44:02 01:44:06 01:44:11 Number Team Name 1724 1616 1041 1530 691 533 528 678 1020 194 664 70 616 303 1625 1543 669 1680 746 1370 594 1049 389 150 384 1359 154 1529 6 40 131 728 1341 737 593 58 45 315 1055 7 565 637 615 1349 250 Middle Meadow Milers Motherwell AC SPS Athletics Club Perth RR Portobello Perth road Runners Fife AC Kirkintilloch Olypians Perth Road Runners Falkirk Vics Kilmarnock Harriers St Andrews University Jog Scotland Polmont Joggers Pitreavie AAC Motherwell Athletics Anster Haddies Stirling Tri Fife AC Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 Forename Robert Scott Maggie Innes William Duncan Malcolm Carol Michael Adam Iain Kathryn Alan James Garry William David Stewart Stephen Jacqui Roisin Andrew Kevin Beryl Robbie Felix Julie Mark Wilson Iain John Andrew Christopher Douglas John Lorna Philip Anne John Neil Findlay Craig Frank James Karen Martin Surname Wilson Johnstone Hendry Bracegirdle Nairns King Kelly Martin Collin Hughes Wallace Scott McCuish Stewart Taylor Martin Nicholson Fairbairn Oneill Woods Fulton Harper Gough Junnier McKenzie Lobkowicz McLean Gourlay Quinn Robertson Oldfield Ravey Young Sharkey Dewar Pratt Noble Smith Anderson Bruce Scott Ovens Mochrie Pass Gregory City Ayrshire Glasgow Cumbernauld Fife Clackmannanshir Perthshire Lenzie Glasgow Fife Stirling Falkirk Clydebank Cumbernauld Glasgow Clackmannanshir RaceTime 01:44:13 01:44:14 01:44:17 01:44:19 01:44:19 01:44:23 01:44:23 01:44:25 01:44:25 01:44:32 01:44:34 01:44:37 01:44:37 01:44:39 01:44:43 01:44:47 01:44:47 01:44:56 Glasgow 01:45:02 Kirkintilloch 01:45:02 Larbert 01:45:06 Fife 01:45:07 Uddingston 01:45:10 Stirling 01:45:11 Clackmannanshir 01:45:11 01:45:11 Dunblane 01:45:11 Dundee 01:45:11 Clackmannanshir 01:45:11 Edinburgh 01:45:13 Stirling 01:45:14 Stirling 01:45:16 Edinburgh 01:45:16 Cleland 01:45:17 01:45:26 Carlisle 01:45:28 Ayr 01:45:31 Fife 01:45:37 Auchterarder 01:45:45 Edinburgh 01:45:48 KY5 8BH 01:45:48 Edinburgh 01:45:48 Renton 01:45:48 Crieff 01:46:03 Angus 01:46:16 Number 251 211 1701 1712 183 224 582 1684 317 205 348 1652 17 35 595 1114 745 1116 387 1512 1333 653 519 1508 705 399 1577 642 243 212 731 359 1092 727 1666 388 1522 647 515 1105 54 1086 576 1664 225 Team Name Kirkintilloch Fife AC Ochil Hill Runners Garscube Clydesdale Harriers Carnegie Harriers Kirkintilloch Standardlife Wee County Hariers Carnegie Harriers Dundee Road Portobello RC Falkirk Victoria Troon Tortoiss Milburn Harriers Strathearn Harriers Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 Forename Gary Christina Ian Fraser Philippa Kenneth Andrew Kenna Colin Russell Edward Andrew Stuart Fiona John Stuart Andrew Roger Stephen Hilary Drew Robert Donna Sybil Stephen James Tony Eric Tracey Patrick Isobel Joanne Iain Brian Stuart Stuart Bob Steve Brian John Ewan Arlene Angela Allan Peter Surname Wilson Hussell Hill Smart Ascough Stewart Sim Smith Liddell Steedman Black Barton Aitken Manson Keenlyside McWhinie Paton Stark Rogers Richie Irvine Clafferty Kostlin Lang Wrightson Torkington Masterson Sidebottom Martin Inglis Joiner Ewan MacDonald Martin Keys Twaddle Hanson Gray Walls Allison Barnfather Dunlop Wallace Wilson Thomson City Falkirk Edinburgh Dunfermline Kilsyth Fife Perth Fife Clackmannanshir Musellburgh Falkirk Fife Birmingham Clackmannanshir Perth Fife Dunblane Glasgow Kinross Helensburgh By Cupar Glasgow Stirling Falkirk StirlingFK8 2JH Cupar Stirlingfk7 9jx Cumbernauld Perthshire Dunfermline Clackmannanshir Edinburgh Edinburgh Dundee Falkirk Stirling Paisley Stirling Angus Clackmannanshir RaceTime 01:46:16 01:46:16 01:46:16 01:46:36 01:46:40 01:46:42 01:46:42 01:46:50 01:46:52 01:46:56 01:46:59 01:47:01 01:47:05 01:47:05 01:47:05 01:47:14 01:47:17 01:47:19 01:47:24 01:47:27 01:47:31 01:47:34 01:47:34 01:47:37 01:47:40 01:47:40 01:47:40 01:47:40 01:47:40 01:47:40 01:47:49 01:47:53 01:47:53 01:47:53 01:47:53 01:47:58 01:48:07 01:48:09 01:48:12 01:48:16 01:48:26 Barassie 01:48:36 Clackmannanshir 01:48:37 01:48:41 Falkirk 01:48:43 Number 241 1668 580 188 1343 1070 108 1518 540 646 554 385 1069 1593 1010 360 717 1907 143 1558 226 352 1327 1690 1042 340 78 1908 1503 641 1326 1297 577 280 336 157 564 361 620 703 263 1569 1728 739 1051 Team Name Portobello Jog Scotland Kirkintilloch Fife AC Perth Road Runners Carnegie Harriers Wee Couty Harriers Perth Road Runners Fife AC Kinross Road Runners Fife AC Carron 3 Stirling Triathlon Club Arbroath Footers Strathaven Striders SA09814 Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 Forename Andrew Isabella James Pat Pamela Margaret Ian Pamela Tracey Richard John Barry Wayne Neil Mark Tony Robert Jim Jim Colin David Andrew Paul James Avryl Gordon Samantha Andrew William David Christopher Ausrine James Kenneth Alan Paul Alistair Jamie Elizabeth Paul Claire Louise Gerard Brain Stuart Surname Crawford Carmichael Hall Finnigan Stewart Deas Salmond Thomson Adamson Webb Munro Keenan Stephens Young Bryson McCluskey Hutchison Paterson Jack Sinclair Heeps Hutchison Lim Pettigrew Cornfofth Wishart Newington Abbess Kelly Henderson McBrier Ward Adamson Collins Wardell Thompson Grieve Brown Nicoll Freeman Alexander Dallas McManus Wands Lindsay City Dunfermline Fife Stirlingshire Hamilton Edinburgh Glasgow Stirling Edinburgh Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Stirling Fife Kilsyth South lanarkshire Edinburgh Keith Clackmannanshir Livingston Stirling Falkirk Falkirk Falkirk Glasgow Kilmarnock Glasgow Durham Stirling Glasgow Sauchie Stirling Glasgow Clackmannanshir Falkirk Edinburgh Edinburgh Linlithgow Clackmannanshir Forfar RaceTime 01:48:43 01:48:48 01:48:59 01:49:04 01:49:23 01:49:23 01:49:30 01:49:33 01:49:34 01:49:34 01:49:34 01:49:45 01:49:45 01:49:52 01:50:01 01:50:06 01:50:10 01:50:13 01:50:13 01:50:17 01:50:17 01:50:23 01:50:28 01:50:28 01:50:34 01:50:34 01:50:34 01:50:42 01:50:49 01:50:50 01:50:52 01:50:52 01:50:52 01:50:52 01:50:58 01:50:58 01:50:58 01:50:58 01:51:03 01:51:03 Glasgow 01:51:03 Dunfermline 01:51:03 Bellshill 01:51:03 Clackmannanshir 01:51:03 Clackmannanshir 01:51:03 Number Team Name 511 1714 215 618 1319 1726 68 1323 1282 89 645 258 11 271 366 138 1050 1098 734 523 688 279 581 538 1541 1053 1342 677 342 9 316 1325 20 345 630 557 652 37 1651 379 1260 1324 592 331 599 Carnegie Harriers Kinross Road Runners Scottish Veteran Wee County Harriers Hamilton Harriers Footworks Central AC Carron 3 Carron 3 Kilmarnock Harriers Harmeny StirlingTriathlon Club Forfar Road Runners Pitreavie AAC Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 Forename Joseph Peter Carrie Lisa Paul Alan Frances Susan Mark Sandra Craig Julie Nick John John William Colin Thomas Alan Angela Brian Neil Tom Gordon Chris Craig John Paul Gillian Anne Ken Alistair Lynne Fiona Dawn David David Pamela Robin Jack Philippa Lynne Simon Gerry Mark Laura Surname Sweeney Dugan Ruxton Irving Black Boyd Findlay Lindsay Hutchison Colamartino Maitland Maitland Bradbury Coll Mumford Lumsden Bain Middlemiss Butcher Gannon Sewwll Martin Jolly Mair Johnston Spreadbury McGinley Lopez Wilson Daniels Scott Warden Moffat McFarlane Martin Batty Horn Wombill Drummond Ivison Bennet Nash O'Hear henderson McDermott City Dalry Livingstone Fife Fife Dunfermline Ayrshire Edinburgh Clackmannanshir Coatbridge Edinburgh Glasgow Glasgow Edinburgh Glasgow Clackmannanshir Carlops Glasgow Edinburgh Denny Edinburgh Kirkintilloch Stirling Stirling Perthshire Falkirk Aberdeen Glasgow Kinross Milnathort Inverkeithing Gargunnock Perthshire Stirling Forfar Dunblane West Lothian Forfar Perth Stirling Edinburgh Kinross-shire Stirling Coatbridge Glasgow Glasgow RaceTime 01:51:10 01:51:10 01:51:10 01:51:16 01:51:17 01:51:19 01:51:22 01:51:25 01:51:28 01:51:35 01:51:40 01:51:40 01:51:40 01:51:40 01:51:45 01:51:45 01:51:45 01:51:52 01:51:55 01:51:57 01:52:01 01:52:12 01:52:12 01:52:17 01:52:17 01:52:20 01:52:22 01:52:23 01:52:27 01:52:29 01:52:29 01:52:38 01:52:42 01:52:43 01:52:51 01:52:53 01:52:54 01:52:55 01:52:56 01:52:58 01:53:02 01:53:05 01:53:09 01:53:12 01:53:14 Number 135 690 1568 1292 368 275 1576 1633 375 1626 104 1284 220 365 43 1000 278 171 1027 1550 710 347 353 572 134 179 95 1566 1709 1910 28 1329 624 1674 644 1030 1298 1077 1093 1252 1525 560 232 245 1358 Team Name Fife AC Beacon Running Club George Heriots School Airdrie Harriers Lasswade Stirling Tri Kinross Road Runners Kinross Road Runners Carnegie Harriers Paradigm Perth Road Runners Stirling Triathlon Club Forfar Road Runners Forfar Road Runners Perth Road Runners Carnegie Harriers Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 Forename Kevin Colin Allan Zoe Craig Alan William Mandy Kate Elaine Kathryn Robert Jim Linda Pamela Sandi Lynsey John Charles Clare Brian Jim Edward Douglas Charles Christopher Colin Alan Nicola Norma Pamela Duncan Chris Christine Nigel Jill John Andrew Jutta Gordon Gordon Fraser Leona Iain Mark Keith Surname Cnningham Gray Stratford Richards Chisolm Campbell Andrews Kerr Bebb McGilchrist Kerby Bocking Shaw James Parker Bomphray Stewart Deffenbaugh Mathieson Barr McEwan Drummond Quinn Smith Murphy Campbell McEwan Clark Hogg Bird Brandie Leask Rae Duncanson Grant Mcguire Broadley Preston Klocke Hunter Ferrie Knox MacMillan McDonald Scott City Renfrewshire Dumbarton Edinburgh Stirling Boness Edinburgh Edinburgh Falkirk Falkirk Clackmannanshir Edinburgh Dunfermline Cumbernauld Edinburgh Pitlochry Glasgow Angus Lanark Clackmannanshir Perthshire Glasgow Edinburgh Glasgow Dundee Clackmannanshir Falkirk Clackmannanshir Angus Arbroath Stirling Clackmannanshir Clydebank Clackmannanshi Edinburgh Clackmannashire Clackmannashire Aberdeen Clackmannanshir East Kilbride Clackmannanshir N Lanarkshire Renfrewshire Edinburgh RaceTime 01:53:14 01:53:22 01:53:22 01:53:22 01:53:42 01:53:50 01:53:55 01:54:07 01:54:07 01:54:10 01:54:15 01:54:17 01:54:17 01:54:32 01:54:39 01:54:52 01:54:54 01:54:58 01:55:05 01:55:07 01:55:09 01:55:22 01:55:22 01:55:25 01:55:27 01:55:31 01:55:50 01:56:02 01:56:05 01:56:07 01:56:10 01:56:10 01:56:10 01:56:17 01:56:18 01:56:23 01:56:23 01:56:38 01:56:38 01:56:38 01:56:42 01:56:48 01:56:49 01:56:51 01:56:53 Number 346 371 59 1500 18 634 1061 1538 1285 1281 1561 722 1902 1548 1517 1592 1251 1021 1029 1516 627 1007 174 16 175 112 178 1014 1549 1718 1622 4 236 1632 679 1371 397 398 1321 532 686 1270 94 288 588 Team Name Clydesdale Stirling Triathlon Club Middle Meadow Milers Ferranti AAC Carnegie Harriers Kirkintilloch Portobello Running Forfar Road Runners Motherwell Central AC Arbroath Footers Arbroath Footers Clydesdale Harriers Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 Forename Ailsa Gary Mandy Tracy Elaine Alistair Robert David Richard Allan Karen Bryan Lindsey James Stephen David Steven Adam Bridget Martin Donald Robert Susan Mhairi Rebecca Elizabeth Susan Lindsay Jacqueline Fiona Douglas Steve Mike Iain Scott Lindsay Jane Morag David Sharon Robert Richard Fiona Trevor Kenneth Surname Hall Sleigh Calder Chalmers Carstairs Calder Pollock Kiddell Birch Dewar Murray Galloway Wilson McKenzie Blance Richards Robertson McKenzie Halewood Grogan Gemmell Johnstone Moffat Steven Ricketts Sloan Nicol Urquhart Fritchley-Simpson Mayfield MacLeod Hopton Devlin McMillan McGregor Huthersall Binnie Hunter Shaw Cobain Devlin Cadberry Scott Gillott Laidlaw City Fife Falkirk Edinburgh Leven St Andrews West lothian Falkirk Falkirk Polmont Edinburgh Falkirk Clackmannanshir Stirling Dumbartonshire Fife Bridge of Allan Clackmannanshir Greenock Argyll Clackmannanshir Dunblane Renfrewshire Cupar East Kilbride Glasgow Glasgow Stirling Fife Dumfries Edinburgh Johnstone Fife Glasgow North lanarkshire Stirling Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Perth Anstruther Coatbridge Clackmannanshir Sirling Perthshire Perth RaceTime 01:56:54 01:57:01 01:57:02 01:57:08 01:57:10 01:57:15 01:57:17 01:57:19 01:57:20 01:57:23 01:57:24 01:57:26 01:57:31 01:57:31 01:57:39 01:57:44 01:57:44 01:57:48 01:57:50 01:57:50 01:57:50 01:57:57 01:57:57 01:58:06 01:58:12 01:58:15 01:58:17 01:58:17 01:58:17 01:58:25 01:58:33 01:58:40 01:58:48 01:58:51 01:59:05 01:59:05 01:59:05 01:59:05 01:59:13 01:59:13 01:59:15 01:59:19 01:59:19 01:59:19 01:59:19 Number Team Name 1523 512 1572 1320 1567 25 102 661 1001 306 1624 344 1615 696 325 502 268 172 1679 330 1071 1065 1594 1332 1299 1609 1604 1039 1611 1553 260 566 1036 163 237 88 1723 1521 207 1560 1082 708 1681 1043 123 Fife AC City of Edinburgh Anster Haddies Milburn Harriers Stirling Triathlon Club Oban Athletics Fife AC Kirkintilloch Jog Scotland Fife AC Portobello RC Wee County Harriers Wee County Harriers Fife Ac PSOF Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 Forename Julie Caroline Elizabeth Robin Steven Benn Fraser Ross Duncan Kevin David Geraldine Stephanie kate Stevie Alison David Brian Victoria Adam Elaine Morag Brian Dickson Jackie David Hilda Donald Geoff Lorraine Stuart Philip Steven Mandy Charlie Harry Robert Caroline Melanie Tracey Carol Andrew Robert David Daniel Surname King Dewar Martin Lee Grieve Drummond Campbell Hendry Clarkson Bathgate Seaton Currie Clough Pether-Smith McIntyre Ryan Rennie McVean Charlton Graham MacLennan Adam Hodge Telfer Murray Abernthy Paton Rodger Bilton Maxwell Legge Moore Verrecchia Black Francis Adamson McMaster Hogan Murray McInally Currie Currie Abercromby Hogg Johnson City Perth East Kilbride Braidwood Bo'ness Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Edinburgh East Lothian Falkirk Forfar Fife Clackmannanshir Glasgow Glasgow Stirling St Andrews Whitburn Perth Stirlingshire Stirling Falkirk Leven Edinburgh Dunfermline Strling Kinross Edinburgh Aberdeen Dunblane Dalkeith Edinburgh Glenrothes Glasgow Stirling Clackmannanshir Stirling Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Cumbernauld Chryston RaceTime 01:59:19 01:59:26 01:59:28 01:59:30 01:59:30 01:59:30 01:59:30 01:59:30 01:59:30 01:59:30 01:59:39 01:59:43 01:59:45 01:59:50 01:59:50 01:59:54 01:59:54 01:59:54 02:00:10 02:00:11 02:00:15 02:00:15 02:00:21 02:00:30 02:00:33 02:00:33 02:00:34 02:00:36 02:00:37 02:00:37 02:00:44 02:00:47 02:00:48 02:01:00 02:01:02 02:01:07 02:01:25 02:01:34 02:01:58 02:02:07 02:02:07 02:02:07 02:02:07 02:02:07 02:02:27 Number Team Name 1669 1658 1692 23 136 233 137 323 84 227 729 1276 1279 1688 187 1682 333 622 1647 392 1589 1526 553 297 1630 1087 1678 181 1035 1602 229 601 223 1578 541 1075 733 1289 1264 1278 1573 91 305 376 699 Perth Road Runners Forfar Road Runners Fife AC Perth Road Runners Central Athletics Central AC Anster Haddies Wee County Harriers Kinross Road Runners Jog Scotland Fife Athletics Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 Forename Brian William Neil Grahame Emily Shona Laura Nikki Euan Ian Stuart Paul Anne Roy Anne Paul Craig Mark Alison Sara Jane Beverly Louise Mark David Peter Jake Pauline Karen Lesley Rebecca Louise Andrea Paul Kirsteen Nigel Angus Kirsty Stephen Denise Malcolm Isabel Elizabeth Jacqueline Mary Caroline Surname Morton Logan Slavin Park Carr Daly Stewart MacLean Hunter Grant Hay Anderson Lake Lake Sutherland Sinclair White English Crooks Clelland Dodgson Kay Bell Newlands Rogers Carter Cairns Walters Cairns Jones Geddes McKay McCormick Barr-Kearsey Devlin Irvine McKay Tucker Tracey Quinn Clelland Paterson Scott McGlynn Hutchison City Clackmannanshir FK7 8 LN Lanarkshire Stirling Glasgow Edinburgh Edinburgh Dollar Kirkintilloch Glasgow Edinburgh Dunblane Falkirk Falkirk Grangemouth Glasgow Ayr Clackmannashire Dumfries Powmill West lothian Edinburgh Cumbernauld Aberdeen Glasgow Clackmannanshir Glasgow Perth West Lothian Edinburgh Edinburgh Clackmannanshir Uddingston Stirling Larbert Fife Clackmannanshir Angus West Lothian Haddington Powmill Airdrie West Lothian Glasgow Stirling RaceTime 02:02:27 02:02:27 02:02:32 02:02:50 02:02:53 02:03:09 02:03:21 02:03:30 02:03:34 02:03:34 02:03:34 02:03:50 02:03:50 02:03:50 02:03:55 02:04:00 02:04:05 02:04:05 02:04:17 02:04:39 02:04:40 02:04:43 02:04:50 02:04:57 02:05:00 02:05:02 02:05:11 02:05:13 02:05:15 02:05:22 02:05:22 02:05:22 02:05:22 02:05:33 02:05:34 02:05:37 02:05:39 02:05:42 02:05:45 02:05:50 02:05:56 02:05:59 02:06:02 02:06:03 02:06:09 Number 716 747 574 570 1347 1559 1631 1636 1912 1062 534 1002 1671 697 1802 744 162 748 1306 1334 1502 1621 356 1107 185 600 1689 1634 1710 1551 1514 1277 98 1265 579 83 1283 583 1540 619 1659 1266 1629 1546 1355 Team Name Carnegie Harriers Shettleston NHS Ayrshire and Harmeny Portobello Running Team Jakey Giffnock North AAC Perth Road Runners Bellshill Sharks ASC Help Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 Forename HELEN Alistair Tracy Sandra Annette Beverley Carole Andrew Robert Gordon Susanna Scott Tom Christina Lois Andrew Alistair Carol Brenda Arlene Fiona Edward Robert James Ashley lorna Norman Stewart Alison Allison Jayne Alastair Neil Carl Philip Sam Helen Monica John Janis Mary Lesley Matthew Laura Catherine Fiona Scott Debbie Stephen Surname Finch McLeod Kennedy Cain Irvine Hill Wood Scott McCulloch Donnachie Burrows McBrier Burton Finn Simpson Simpson Syme Hamilton Fleming Speirs Bellomo Kinnaird Rowsome Thomson McPherson Wood Armstrong Simpson Afseth Campbell Grieve Sonnemann Connelly Robertson Robertson Graham Mitchell Baker Ferguson MacKay Webster Marshall Farquharson Kerr Beveridge City Clackmannanshir Glasgow Stirling Stirling Edinburgh Glasgow Edinburgh East Calder Cumbernauld Lochgelly Fife Stirling Doune St Andrews Stirling Stirling Fife Falkirk Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Kilmarnock Ednburgh Rosyth Clackmannanshir Edinburgh Clackmannanshi Stirling Edinburgh Perth Stirling St Andrews Forfar Dunfermline Dunfermline West Lothian Fife Clackmannanshir Kilmarnock Glasgow Edinburgh Glasgow Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir RaceTime 02:06:13 02:06:13 02:06:13 02:06:20 02:06:25 02:07:17 02:07:17 02:07:24 02:07:35 02:07:40 02:08:00 02:08:05 02:08:09 02:08:09 02:08:09 02:08:14 02:08:14 02:08:20 02:08:24 02:08:25 02:08:35 02:08:35 02:08:42 02:08:42 02:08:46 02:08:53 02:08:53 02:09:04 02:09:07 02:09:07 02:09:07 02:09:07 02:09:13 02:09:13 02:09:23 02:09:23 02:09:28 02:09:30 02:09:33 02:09:39 02:09:44 02:09:47 02:09:50 02:09:50 02:09:50 Number 1259 551 1693 1694 1649 1565 1535 527 357 718 1305 651 1033 1302 1501 506 724 1504 1610 1300 1026 29 1057 1316 1336 1034 1506 1655 1627 128 129 248 1911 1656 274 1715 1700 1368 1015 1366 1717 1727 310 1344 44 Team Name Jog Scotland Kinroos Road Runners Jog Scotland Carnegie Harriers Jog Scotland Forfar road runners Harmeny AC Fife AC J W Kilmarnock Portobello Giffnock North Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 Forename Catriona Sarah Tony David Heather Chris Patricia Claire Kay Sandra Audrey Sarah Margo Kirsty Lee Yvonne Isobel Katrina Lachlan Jo Fiona James Adele Andrew Moira Fiona Robert Michelle Ceri Elspeth Sharon Elaine Jim Andrew John Lesanne Roger Brian Mhairi Christine Deborah Rayment Samantha Elizabeth June Surname Reynolds Hedley Baker Neill Manson O'Rourke Morris Thompson MacFarlane Mitchell McIntosh Gerrard Gardner Sinclair Fisher McBlain Wilson Stanislaw Thomson McKay Fleming Smith Innes Stewart Sweeney Speirs Fallon Gregory Leslie McLean Cameron Doyle McGuckin Liddle Hughes Cherry Phillips Cook Mackechnie Garvie mcCartney Neale Bathgate McPartlin Anderson City Perth Dalkeith Edinburgh Denny Airdrie Stirling Glasgow Glasgow Clackmannanshir Fife Glasgow Stirling Falkirk Clackmannanshir Bo'ness Bo'ness Livingston Fife Clackmannanshir Falkirk Glasgow Lochgelly Clackmannanshir Stirling Glasgow Hamilton Edinburgh West Lothian Sauchie Edinburgh Edinburgh RaceTime 02:09:55 02:09:55 02:10:05 02:10:05 02:10:05 02:10:05 02:10:05 02:10:13 02:10:17 02:10:19 02:10:31 02:10:31 02:10:44 02:10:57 02:11:20 02:11:20 02:11:42 02:11:42 02:11:51 02:11:55 02:12:02 02:12:02 02:12:02 02:12:17 02:12:21 02:12:23 02:12:30 02:12:32 02:13:11 02:13:39 02:14:03 02:14:49 Stirlingshire 02:15:00 Bathgate 02:15:35 east Kilbride 02:16:05 Motherwell 02:16:39 East Lothian 02:17:01 Kinross 02:17:14 Clackmannanshir 02:17:34 Dunfermline 02:17:34 Fife 02:18:04 Carlisle 02:18:09 02:18:09 Clackmannanshir 02:18:13 Fife 02:18:19 Number 1563 1365 1913 663 1601 153 1613 1360 1581 1511 1583 1364 1354 1307 97 1648 1588 1314 665 1562 1686 684 1303 256 1703 1600 726 1262 203 1721 1542 1670 508 300 685 1534 1905 1022 1315 1716 1339 1109 1352 1711 1676 Team Name Bellahouston Road Fife AC Glasgow jogging Jog Scotland Milburn Harriers Kinross Road Runners Pitreavie Aac Jog Scotland Scotland runners Jog Scotland Alloa Half Marathon 2007 Result List Position 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 Forename Francine John David Ailsa Ian Steven John Lindsay Anne Peter Graeme Shonagh Joyce David Raymond Paul Cameron Gregor Gavin Mary Roger Alison Marion Louise karen Claire Alison Debbie Janine Alan Marie Kenny Fiona Alison Kirsty Colin James Marie Hazel Charles Yvonne Morag Carolanne Tommy Jane Surname Abercrombie Meharry McLean Malcolm Gilchrist Paterson Durward Whiteford Whitham Campbell McKie McCartney Adam Goldie Grant Baillie Ballie Paterson Marshall McAdoo Boyes Gillies Harris Donoghue Ross Bodie Jackson Young Rankin Beattie McIntyre Morrison Somerville McGarvie Armitage Roberston Morgan Millar McGuigan McMahon Thomson Watson Armstrong McGuigan City Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Edinburgh Fife Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Fife Edinburgh North Clackmannanshir Glenrothes Kilmarnock Edinburgh Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Glasgow Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Angus Alloa Clackmannanshir Glasgow Fife Perth Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Stirling Clackmannanshir Perth Alexandria Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Dumbarton Glasgow Edinburgh Denny Clackmannanshir Clackmannanshir Fife Greenock Denny RaceTime 02:18:25 02:18:37 02:18:39 02:18:45 02:18:45 02:18:45 02:19:35 02:19:37 02:20:10 02:20:10 02:20:10 02:20:32 02:21:12 02:21:27 02:21:43 02:21:43 02:21:43 02:22:00 02:22:03 02:22:20 02:23:10 02:23:11 02:23:23 02:23:28 02:23:31 02:23:34 02:23:57 02:24:13 02:24:30 02:24:30 02:25:27 02:25:42 02:26:43 02:27:06 02:27:30 02:27:39 02:27:52 02:31:09 02:31:35 02:31:35 02:36:21 02:41:00 02:48:28 02:48:28 Number 1507 598 1115 1570 69 311 1539 1510 635 614 1337 1687 740 228 291 338 337 339 1722 277 1310 1291 1515 1547 1340 1311 1287 1294 214 1719 57 1657 1665 1353 32 1915 1691 1557 190 1367 1571 1675 1914 1618 Team Name Fife AC Fife AC Musselburgh Forfar Road Runners Central Athletic Perth Road Runners Wee County Harriers Perth Road Runners Milburn Harriers Milburn Harriers Jog Scotland