SAMPLE LETTER TO SENATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Supporting Senate Bill 1538 Pennsylvania Care of Students with Diabetes Legislation (Letter may be modified for other legislators) DATE The Honorable ______________________ ADDRESS CITY, Pennsylvania ZIP Dear Senator ____________________, I am writing to you today because of the position you hold as a member of the Senate Education Committee. Currently, this committee is considering Senate Bill 1538, legislation concerning the care of students with diabetes in Pennsylvania schools. This legislation, sponsored by Senator Jane Orie, is very important to me - I would like to tell you why. ADD PERSONAL STORY ABOUT WHY YOU SUPPORT SB 1538 HERE: Health Care Provider, Parent of Child with Diabetes, Etc. Senator Orie is to be commended for recognizing that diabetes is a serious chronic disease that requires constant attention to avoid life threatening acute and long term complications. She understands that children with diabetes cannot stop performing the tasks necessary to manage their diabetes when they leave for school in the morning. Currently, in Pennsylvania, the needs of children with diabetes are not being met while at school and school related activities. Please speak out in support of SB1538 to ensure that students with diabetes are medically safe in Pennsylvania schools and that they have the same access to education, as do other children. Thank you for your time and consideration. I would appreciate hearing back from you as to where you stand on this important legislation. I may be reached at the address and telephone number listed below. Sincerely, YOUR NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER