JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual Hello! Thanks to use JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel! This customer manual will let you know the super function of this fire alarm control panel step by step. Our Stipulations In below descriptions: Words or chart symbol included in【】express press key,for example: 【 page key, reset key. 【Reset】expresses 】expresses upturn Each device which is connected with fire alarm control panel is arranged with one logic address. This address is expressed via sub number, zone number and location number. The sub number is this panel number or controller panel number. The combination of sub number, zone number and location number confirms one addressable device. Relevant device address assignment is referred to Appendix A. Device address expression format is SSZZNNN. SS expresses this panel number or controller panel number. ZZ expresses device zone number of this panel. NNN expresses location number. 1 General 1.1 Application Scope This panel is suitable to be used in normal industrial and residential buildings. 1.2 Standard Compliance BS EN 54 Part 2 1.3 Terminology 1.3.1 Supervise signal:control panel supervised other input signal excluding fire alarm and fault signal, such as, water level detection, intrusion detection, pressure, temperature, air conditioner and so on. 1.3.2 Fire alarm trigger device:smoke detector, heat detector, manual call point, hydrant call point, multi-sensor and other device. 1.3.3 Supervise signal input device: signal input module device which can acquire supervising signal. 1.3.4 Fire alarm control (associated control ) device:includes remote control module, external control output unit and audible and visible sounder control unit. 1.3.5 Bus device:fire alarm trigger device, supervise signal input device and remote control module for associated control application. 1.3.6 Start:fire alarm control panel sends out control signal to associated controlled device. 1.3.7 Response:feedback signal of associated control device 1.3.8 Analog value : bus equipment produced digital code which expresses sensitive 1 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual phenomenon value. For example, smoke detector analog value has relation with site smoke density (direct ratio), heat detector analog value has relation with site temperature (direct ratio). 1.4 Characteristics 2 Complete English information display. Black box record function. 2500 units intelligent bus device capacity 5 pieces manual external control units Alarm address information 2nd conversion-accurately positioning alarm address ( English input) Site programmable fire alarm control function Be able to send alarm information to fire repeater and CRT system Detector data quantification function Bus device type automatic recognition Closed-circuit wiring CAN bus networking function JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 2 Principle of operation Fire alarm control panel operation principle:when fire parameter exceeds one threshold value, fire alarm trigger device will be activated and send out alarm signal to fire alarm control panel. After fire alarm control panel confirms fire alarm signal, it will send out audible and visible alarm signal. It will display fire alarm position simultaneously and record fire alarm time. Based on pre-set program, it will send out control command to associated operation devices. Fire alarm control panel operation principle diagram is show in Fig.1. LCD Keyboard power switch unit LED main control unit control output contact Bell Printer Sound & Light siren Bus device Fire Alarm Repeater Fig.1 Fire alarm control panel schematic diagram 3 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 3 Technical Data Sheet 1 fire alarm control panel technical data Main power supply AC 220V (+10%~-15%) ,50HZ Back-up power supply DC 24V,12AH(built-in) work consumption Supervising status:≤30W;alarm status:≤50W(all 25 units fire detectors are in fire alarm status) Basic supervise capacity 10 loops,250 addressable points per loop; External control unit 5 pieces External control unit contact capacity DC 30V,1A. Polling cycle ≤10 seconds(single point continuous searching in abnormal situation) Signal transmission distance ≤1000 m(RVS-2×1.0mm2) ;≤1500 m(RVS-2×1.5mm2) ; Alarm line wiring method 2-wire bus Voltage in alarm bus 24V (18V~26V) Operation temperature 0℃~55℃ Relative humidity ≤95% Black box record number Be able to keep latest 999 pieces records, including opening machine, close machine, reset, fire alarm, supervising, associated operation and fault alarm). Associated operation programmable number 100 pieces, including OR1, OR2 & AND logic. Location conversion capacity 10×250 pieces, each can have 20 English characters. Fire alarm output relay 1 set(KA1、KA2), voltage free contact, close when there is fire alarm Fault output relay 1 set(YA1、YA2) ,voltage free contact, close when there is fault 4 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 4 External appearance、size、weight This fire alarm control panel adopts wall mounted structure. There is internal 12AH rechargeable battery. The structure is compact and beautiful. 4.1 External Appearance Fig.2 FACP External Drawing 5 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 4.2 Internal drawing Fig.3 FACP internal structure diagram 4.3 External Size H×W×T(mm3) :540×380×127。 6 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 4.4 Installation dimensional drawing R3 8 mounting hole 400 entrance hole 90 540 250 R 5 290 380 Fig.4 FACP installation dimensional drawing 4.5 Installation method This fire alarm control panel adopts wall mounted method. 4.6 Weight This fire alarm control panel weight is around 17.5Kg. 7 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 5 Installation, commission 5.1 External wiring terminal layout diagram T11+ T11+ T11- T11T12+ loop alarm bus 3 T12+ T12- T12- T21+ T21+ T21- T21T22+ loop alarm bus 4 T22+ T22- T22- T31+ T31+ loop alarm bus 5 T32+ T32- T32- T41+ T41+ loop alarm bus 9 T41- T41T42+ loop alarm bus 8 T31- T31T32+ loop alarm bus 7 loop alarm bus 6 T42+ loop alarm bus 10 T42- T42- Loop board 1 Loop board 2 Dig.5 FACP external wiring terminal layout diagram 8 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual The control panels and controllers can establish master-slave network via CAN Bus. When control panels and controllers are connecting with each other, the 2 panels CAN interface which is located in CAN bus terminals should connect 240Ω end of line resistor. 5.2 Installation Technical Requirement 5.3 Fire alarm control panel should have good earth protection. There is earth symbol inside the panel. Earth requirement should comply with the relevant requirement of BS EN 54 Part 2. Fire alarm control panel should be installed in the room or location where there is person in charge. The panel should be tightly fixed onto the wall with ancillary tight screw. The distance from the panel bottom side to the floor should be 1.5 meters. Both sides should have more than 0.5 meters space to make operation and maintenance as easy as possible. 24V power supply line adopts fire resistant multi-line plastic flexible cord 2 whose sectional area is no less than 2.5mm . When the transmit distance is 2 less than 1000 meters, the signal line adopts RVS-2×1.0mm twin-color twisted multi-stock plastic flexible cord. When the transmit distance is 2 less than 1500 meters, the signal line adopts RVS-2×1.5mm twin-color twisted multi-stock plastic flexible cord. Before commission, construction side should install bus devices into proper positions and connect them into alarm bus based on construction blueprint and various bus device operation manuals. Commission step 5.3.1 Wiring 1) Based on construction blueprint, check and make sure that all input output lead lines specifications which are connected to this panel will meet design drawing requirement. 2) Use 500V megameter to check all input output lead lines, whose earth resistor valve should be equal or great than 200MΩ. If the lead lines cannot meet this requirement, please ask construction person to eliminate the fault before move to next step operation. 3) Connect lead lines based on “external wiring terminal layout diagram”. 5.3.2 Open machine Open fire alarm control panel front shutter, simultaneously switch on main power supply and back-up power supply switch. After the control panel is initialized, indicator LEDs and sounders will go through self-testing and show stand by interface (Dig.6). The power supply LED flashes. At this time, push down 【menu】key and control panel enters commission status. Input correct password (Dig.7) and the operator will see commission menu (Dig.8). Attention, various front serial numbers in the commission menu does not express commission steps or turns. 9 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual Dig.6 FACP stand by interface Security Please entry supervisor password ★★★★ Dig.7 input password display interface Include blew 3 functions : 1. Device test 2.Type settings 3.Record select Test menu 1. Time 2. Register 3. Browse 4. Location 5. Program 6. System 7. Settings 8. Exchange 9. Customize 0. Exit Press number key to select function Dig.8 commission menu interface 5.3.3 Set up time In the commission menu, push down 【1】key to set up system time (Dig.9). Attention, wrong time will not be accepted by the system. If this control panel is master panel in the network system, after master panel time is setting, all controller time in the network system will be automatically setting. 10 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 1.Time 10/03/2007 10:37:00 ENTER-confirm,ESC-return Dig.9 Time setup interface 5.3.4 Register device All external devices, which include fire detectors, external control output unit connected device and fire repeater, should be first registered in the system before they can play respective roles. This register process is device registering. In commission menu, push down 【2】key to enter device register function (Dig.10), is able to register bus device (Dig.11) and other external devices (Dig.12). Notice, in Dig.12, only when this panel is master panel in the networking system, the No. 4 item “ controller” can be displayed in the LCD screen. 2. Register 1. Register bus device 2. Other device 0. Return Press number key to select function Dig.10 Equipment Registering Menu Dig.11 Register bus device interface 11 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual registered device numbers Register other device 1.Extl control unit 2.Fire Alarm Repeater panel 3.Printer 4.Slave 5 1 Yes 03 Dig.12 Register other external device interface 5.3.5 Browse registered information Browse system registered device situation, such as device number, register value, position information, total numbers and so on. In commission menu, push 【3】key to enter register browse function (Dig.13). device registered value device number device type device location information (pls refer to 5.3.6) 01L :225 3. Browse 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 27 28 27 28 27 28 27 SMOK room 1001 SMOK SMOK SMOK SMOK SMOK SMOK Loop 1 device total number UP DOWN-page,LEFT RIGHT-loop,ESC-return Dig.13 Browse registered information interface If the device has confirmed to be connected into the system, but in “register browse”, the operator cannot browse this device number. The operator can see this device operation status in “parameter test”. In commission menu (Dig.8) push 【7】 ->【1】 key to enter parameter test function (Dig.14). There are two display methods for parameter test function. One is digital display. Another is curve display. Push 【menu】key to be able to make conversion between these two display methods. device registered value Device test 01L loop number No: 001 RegValue: 27 CurValue: 11 27 Type: HEAT device current smoke value UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT- page MENU-linear mode,ESC-return - Fig.14 Device test interface 12 device current heat value JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual Each detector analogue value has 2: smoke value and heat value. Based on fire detector type, we can judge whether current value is smoke value or heat value. If the detector type is heat detector, the current value is referred to heat value. Other type devices are referred to smoke value. If fire detector current value is lower than 12, the detector will be not registered into the system. The detector should be replaced. External control output unit is assigned to No.11 zone. It takes the addresses from No.1 to No.5. It only has one value and does not matter with heat or smoke value. If detector actual type is not same as displayed type, the operator can enter “type settings” to modify detector type to actual type. In commission menu, push 7】key->【2】key to enter type setting function (Dig.15). number range which need to re set-up device type Type settings Range: 01L-008N-009N Type: SMOK MENU-type,ENTER-confirm,ESC-return Fig.15 type setup interface Notice: here type setup cannot do sub-division to output module. 5.3.6 Edit device position information Position information is detector installation position. If there is fire alarm, the operator will accurately find the alarm position. In commission menu (Dig.8) push 【4】 key to enter position information editing function/position description (Dig. 16). 4.Location Number: 01L-111N Location: ABCD ENTER-confirm,ESC-return Fig.16 Edit location information interface This function supports English and digits input. When input device number, if push 【menu】key, the LCD screen “number” behind will have one “*”symbol. At this time, if the operator push 【confirmation】key to confirm input numbers, the control panel will not assign out original position information. The panel will treat current position place information as this number’s position information. This 13 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual process is one very simple position information copy function. Copy previous one position information to this number to simplify the device position information editing which has been installed in the same place. In addition, we can use computer to set up device position information. In control panel close-down status, please use RS485/RS232 converter to connect MA and MB to computer serial port. Power on panel and enter into commissioning menu and push down 【8】key and come into “Exchange”function. At this time, we can use computer based special software to edit, upload and download device position information. 5.3.7 Associated operation programming Associated operation programming is used to set up: when fire alarm control panel receives fire alarm signal, if the system is under automatic status, how it should implement fire alarm control function, that is: under what kind of fire alarm signal, it should control what kind of fire associated operation devices. In commission menu (Dig.8), push 【5】key to enter associated operation programming function (Dig.17), the system supports 3 logic relations: “AND”, “OR1”, “OR2”. “AND”logic expresses:any one piece device alarms which has been set into Condition 1 range, and any one piece device also alarms which has been set into Condition 2 range, it will send out control signal to associated operation device which has been set into activation range. “OR1”logic expresses:any one piece device alarms which has been set into Condition 1 range, or any one piece device alarms which has been set into Condition 2 range, it will send out control signal to associated operation device which has been set into activation range. “OR2”logic expresses:any two pieces devices alarm which have been set into Condition 1 range, or any two pieces device alarm which have been set into Condition 2 range, it will send out control signal to associated operation device which has been set into activation range. After set up needed associated operation programming data, all data items in next page should be set as 0. If we set 5 pieces (one piece per page, start from Page 0) programming data, we need to set No.5 page data item as 0. Page 01 5.Program Logic : Condition1: Condition2: Associate: AND 01S-01L- 001N-010N 01S- 01L- 021N-022N 01S- 03L- 001N-001N MENU-logic,ENTER-save,ESC-return Fig.17 associated control programming interface In addition, we can use computer to set up associated operation programming information. In control panel close-down status, please use RS485/RS232 converter to connect MA and MB to computer serial port. Power on panel and enter into commissioning menu and push down 【8】key and come into “Exchange”function. At 14 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual this time, we can use computer based special software to edit, upload and download associated operation programming information. 5.3.8 Other parameters set Record select This control panel can record fire alarm, supervising, start, response, fault, event into black box. Beside fire alarm, all other types are optional items. It can make a choice between record and non-record. In commission menu, push 【7】key->【3】key to enter record select function (Fig.18). Each item has both “Yes” and “not necessary” 2 options. The users can do setting based on their own application requirement. Record select 01/05 Record supervisory signal Yes MENU-status,ENTER-save,ESC-return Fig.18 Record select function interface System management,in commission menu, push 【6】 key to enter system management function (Fig.19), there are several important operation parameters shown as below in the system management: 01/12 6.System Real-time print AlarmInfo Yes MENU-status ENTER-save,ESC-return Fig.19 system management function interface 1) Permit real-time printing: set whether it should print out alarm message in alarm situation. 2) Fire repeater broken line fault: whether to permit poll fire repeater, if yes, when there is communication fault between the panel and fire repeater, it will send out fault information. 3) This panel number:to be used to set up this panel number. 4) Linkage activation only in automatic status: we use associated operation device response signal as associated operation condition logic relation. It is called as linkage activation. In normal situation, linkage activation is not restricted by fire alarm control panel automatic and manual status. That is, it can be implemented in manual status. But due to safety concern, it can also be implemented in automatic status, same as other alarm signals. 15 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual Here, if we set “yes”, concerned linkage activation only can be implemented in automatic status. 5) Send alarm information to CRT:whether to send alarm information to CRT or not. 6) Communicate with Center Panel: set up”yes”, activate the communication function with central control panel;if several JB-QB-5EiX control panels want to use CAN bus to establish networking system, this item should be set as “no”. 7) This panel capacity:each loop can connect 250 addressable bus devices. But due to customer consideration, maybe we will reduce the addressable device points for each loop to meet specific project addressable points requirement. The panel loop capacity is fixed in our factory and the user cannot modify the capacity by themselves. 8) Z102:if this control panel is JB-QB-5EiX closed-loop fire alarm control panel, please set this item as “NO”. Password setup The control panel can be set up as different level password to distinguish user authorization level. There are three sub items in “Test Menu>>Customize>> Password settings”: “Distributor Password”,“Client Password”,“Operator Password”. These items can be used to set up distributor password, client password and operator password. The distributor password can use all control panel functions. But it cannot change distributor password. The client password can use all control panel functions. But it cannot change distributor password and client password. The operator password functions are limited to silence, reset, browse historical record, disable equipment and set up time. There are 10 pieces operator passwords at maximum. After set various parameters, the panel returns to stand by interface. The system will move to normal supervising status. 16 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 6 Use、operation 6.1 information display and inquiry This control panel has fire alarm (refer to 6.2), supervising alarm (refer to 6.3), fire alarm control (associated operation control) (refer to 6.4), fault alarm (refer to 6.5) and disable functions (refer to 6.6). When control panel is under these statuses, the LCD display screen will have relevant display to indicate various status detailed information. The screen has been divided into 6 parts to display these statuses. These 6 parts are: basic information display zone (take 1 line), fire alarm information display zone (take 2 lines), supervising information display zone (take 2 lines), associated operation information display zone (take 2 lines), fault information display zone (take 2 lines), disable information display zone (take 1 line). Interface shown these information is called as information interface (Fig.20). Fig.20 Information display interface Basic information display zone:display control panel model, current time, first fire alarm zone number and alarm time, audible and visible sounder status (activated, fault and disabled) and so on. When there is fire alarm or audible and visible sounder status, it will not show this panel model. Basic information display zone displayed content is shown in Fig.21 and Fig.22. Fig.21 basic information display zone content(1) Fig.22 basic information display zone content (2) 17 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual Fire alarm information display zone:display fire alarm total, current fire alarm number, fire alarm zone number, alarm time, device type and device position information. When fire alarm number is more than 1 piece, the fire alarm information will be automatically shown circulated. Fire alarm information display zone displayed content is shown as Dig.23. Dig. 23 fire alarm message display zone content Supervising information display zone:display supervisory alarm total, current page, supervised device zone position number, alarm time, device type and device position information. Supervising information display zone displayed content is show in Dig.24. Dig.24 monitoring information display zone content Associated information display zone:display associated operation total, activated total (in current associated operation information, how many devices are in the activated status), response total ( in current associated operation information, how many devices are in the response status), current page number, associated operation device zone position number, activated time, response time, device type or device position information. Associated information display zone displayed content is show as Fig.25. Fig.25 associated control information display zone content 18 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual Fault information display zone: display fault total, current page number, fault device zone position number, alarm time, device type and device position information. Fault information display zone displayed content is shown in Fig.26. Fig.26 fault information display zone content Disabled information display zone:display disabled total, current page number, disabled device zone position number, device type and device position information. Disabled information display zone displayed content is show in Fig.27. Fig. 27 shield information display zone content Each display zone just displays one piece corresponding information. When information amount is more than 1 piece and focal point is located in this display zone, the operator can use 【 】 or 【 】key to browse other information in this display zone. Push【 】or【 】to switch display focal point, display other corresponding status information outside the basic information display zone. If the display zone has display focal point, it will have “>>”symbol before the information content display. Only the display zone which has display focal point can use page-turn function to browse this display zone other information. 6.2 Fire alarm In normal supervising status, the panel polls each registered detector, closely supervises each detector current smoke density or heat value. Make calculation and recognition for this parameter based on algorithm. If it meets fire alarm establishing condition, it will immediately move to fire alarm status. At this time, the control panel will implement below steps: 1) Send out fire alarm sound, panel front fire alarm LEDs will be illuminating. 2) LCD screen fire alarm display zone displays current fire alarm detailed information, updating fire alarm total and so on. 19 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 3) Printer(when printer is installed and under real-time printing option) prints out fire alarm address and fire alarm time. 4) Control panel fire alarm voltage free output contacts KA1 and KA2 are closed. 5) Activate audible and visible sounder. 6) If the associated operation is under automatic status, based on pre-set logic relation, the panel will send out control signal to associated control devices. 7) Write alarm records into black box. 8) Send out fire alarm information to fire repeater and CRT(if it is permitted to send out the information). The control panel fire alarm status can only be eliminated by manual reset operation. 6.3 Supervising alarm Supervising signal is input signal connected into control panel. But these signals are not fire alarm system internal signals. These signals include water level detection, intrusion detection, pressure, temperature, air conditioner and other various signals. When control panel receives these input signals, it will move to supervising alarm status, at this time, the control panel will implement below steps: 1) Send out supervising alarm sound, illuminating panel front supervising LEDs. 2) LCD screen supervising display zone displays current supervising detailed information, updated supervising total and so on. 3) Printer (install this ancillary product and permit real-time printing optional function) prints out supervised device address and alarm time. 4) If the associated operation is under automatic status, based on pre-set logic relation, the control panel will send out control signal to associated operation devices. 5) Write alarm records into black box(if it is permitted to write ). 6) Send out fire alarm information to fire repeater and CRT(if it is permitted to send out the information). The control panel supervising alarm status can only be eliminated by manual reset operation. 6.4 fire alarm control(associated operation control) When audible and visible sounder or other fire associated operation devices are activated, the control panel will implement below steps: 1) Send out associated operation sound, illuminating panel front associated operation LEDs. 2) LCD screen associated operation display zone displays current associated operation detailed information, updated associated operation total, response total and so on. 3) Printer (install this ancillary product and permit real-time printing optional function) prints out associated operation device address and activated time. 20 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 4) When it receives activated device response signal, based on pre-set logic relation, it will send out control signal to associated operation device. That is linkage activation (under manual status whether it can do linkage activation based on “system management” “only in automatic status linkage activation”setting). 5) Write associated operation records into black box(if it is permitted to write ). 6) Send out associated operation information to fire repeater and CRT(if it is permitted to send out the information). 6.5 Fault alarm When there are below situation, the control panel will send out fault alarm signal: 1) Control panel to fire detection supervising abnormal due to control panel to fire detector link line broken, short circuit, detector to base link line broken and detector self-damaged. 2) Wiring line between control panel and fire repeater broken and short circuit, which make communication unusual. 3) Wiring line between control panel and AV sounder or fire associated operation device broken and short circuit, which make supervising unusual. 4) Main power supply (AC220V power supply) voltage is lower than 187V, including power failure. 5) Back-up power supply (control panel internal back-up power supply) power failure or internal 24V output is lower than 21.8V, back-up power supply battery does not charge. For above 1) 、2) 、3)faults, the control panel will implement below steps: 1) Send out fault warning sound, illuminating panel front fault LEDS. 2) LCD screen fault display zone displays current fault detailed information, updating fault total and so on. 3) Printer (install this ancillary product and permit real-time printing optional function) prints out fault device address and activated time. 4) Control panel fault voltage free contacts YA1 and YA2 are closed. 5) Write fault records into black box(if it is permitted to write ). 6) Send out associated operation information to fire repeater and CRT(if it is permitted to send out the information). For above 4) 、5)faults, the control panel will implement below steps: 1) Send out fault sound, illuminating corresponding main and back-up power supply fault LEDs. 2) Printer (install this ancillary product and permit real-time printing optional function) prints out fault device address and activated time. 3) Control panel fault voltage free contacts YA1 and YA2 are closed. 4) Write fault records into black box(if it is permitted to write). 21 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual After fault is eliminated, all fault signal can be reset by automatic way or manual way. 6.6 Disable function Disable is: when there is unusual situation for some system components in the engineering commission, or due to temporarily change environmental application purpose, it needs to close one or several devices functions via fire alarm control panel. In “disable setting”, it can do device disable or disable release operation. In supervising status, push 【menu】key, the LCD screen will make indication to input password (Fig.28). After input correct password, enter function menu (Fig.29), in the function menu, there are three function items which include disable setting (Fig.30), history record and time setting. Push 【1】 and enter disable setting function. Security Please entry supervisor password ★★★★ Fig.28 password validation interface when enter the function menu Function menu 1. Disabled settings 2. History record 3. Time settings 4. Test Menu 0. Exit Press number key to select function Fig. 29 function menu interface Disabled settings Number: 01S-00L-000N ENTER-disable,ESC-enable,RESET-return Fig.30 shield setup function interface 22 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual The control panel can disable below devices: bus devices, alarm bus, control output contacts, fire audible and visible sounders and so on. When there is device which has been disabled, the control panel front disable LEDs will be illuminating. The disabled information will be displayed in disable display zone. The latest disable information will always be displayed in most front place. 6.7 History record History record is black box record. The control panel can record latest 999 pieces relevant information. Even after the control panel power failure, the information can be kept for ten years. Based on these records, the user can make judge of control panel, fire detector and other external devices operation status. The control panel can record below information type which includes fire alarm, supervising, associated operation (including start and response), fault, event (such as machine open, close down) and so on. Besides fire alarm record is one must-do record, other type records are optional. Detailed information is referred to “record selection” function. In function menu, push 【2】to enter history record browse function. Its interface is shown in Fig.31. Fig.31 History record browse interface In addition, all historical record information of fire alarm control panel can be uploaded to the computer. The uploaded information can be stored in the computer. Please use RS485/RS232 converter to connect MA and MB to the computer serial port. Power on panel and enter into commissioning menu and push down 【8】key and come into “Exchange”function. At this time, we can use computer based special software to read historical record information of control panel and store the information into the computer. 6.8 Sound The control panel can send out 3 different sounds to make difference for different alarm status. When there is fire alarm or fire alarm control signal output, the control panel will send out fire brigade wagon sound. When there is fault alarm, the control panel will send out ambulance sound. When there is supervising alarm, the control panel will send out police vehicle sound. 23 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual When there is new alarm information coming, based on the control panel current status, the panel will decide whether it will send out corresponding alarm sound or not. The control panel alarm status is arranged from high to low as: fire alarm, supervising alarm, fire alarm control and fault alarm. If the control panel is sending out high level alarm sound, when the low level alarm information is coming, the control panel will not send out this low level alarm sound. If the control panel is in silence situation, when there is any level alarm information coming, the control panel will send out this level alarm sound. Alarm sound can be manually eliminated by pushing 【silence】key. At this time, the panel front silence LEDs will be illuminating. If the control panel is in sounding status or non-alarm supervising status, control panel front silence LEDs will be extinguished. 6.9 Reset When there is fire alarm, supervising, fire alarm control and fault information, in information interface or stand by information (main power or back-up power supply fault does not need to be indicated by LEDs, it is not displayed in the information interface), push 【reset】key to manually eliminate these information. But if these alarm signals are still existent, the control panel will quickly establish these information. Disable information can only be done through disable release operation. It cannot be eliminated by reset. When the system is reset, its interface is shown as Fig.32. system reset… Fig.32 system reset interface 6.10 Self-testing function In information interface or stand by interface, push 【self-testing】key to make testing to LCD display screen, panel front LEDS and sounders. After self-testing, it will automatically come back to polling status. When the system is in self-testing, its interface is show in Fig.33. 24 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual System testing Fig33. system self-testing interface 6.11 Manual control function The control panel has 5 sets control output contacts, which are used to control fire associated operation devices. There is corresponding manual direct control button for each control output. The button is located in control panel front side. It is indicated by Control 1, Control 2, Control 3, Control 4 and Control 5. The button is self-locking type button. When the operator pushes down the button, the button is self-locked. The corresponding red LED in the button is flashing. The output contact is closed. When push down the button once again, the button springs back and red LED is extinguished. The output contact is separated. If the corresponding controlled device response signal is coming, whether the button is pushed down or spring back, the LED in the button is illuminating. There is one evacuate button on the control panel. When we push down this button, all addressable AV sounders in the bus loop will be activated. When we push down the button once again, all addressable AV sounders in the bus loop will be silenced. The system cannot automatically identify addressable AV sounders. So we need go through Test Menu>>Customize>>AV Sounder range and manually set up which devices are addressable AV sounders. The silence button of the control panel can eliminate control panel internal speaker alarm sounder. In addition, in automatic mode, it can silence activated addressable AV sounders. When we push down silence button once again, it can enable the a/v sounders which were activated during automatic mode. It is different from evacuate button. When we push down silence button, it just silence activated AV sounders. It is not eliminated from associated control buffer. 6.12 Auto/Manual(hand) Switch In automatic status, when there is fire alarm, based on associated operation programming setting logic relation, the control panel will send out control signal to associated operation devices. In manual/hand status, there is no this kind of automatic activation. In information interface or stand by interface, push 【manual/auto】key, input correct password, it will do auto/manual status switching. If the control panel is in auto status, the control panel front auto/manual LEDs will be illuminating. When the control panel is in manual status, the LEDs will be extinguished. Input password and do auto/manual switch interface is shown in Fig.34. 25 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual Security Please entry Auto/Hand switch password ★★★★ Fig.34 input password to do auto/manual switch interface 6.13 Lock key/ lock release There is one indicated “lock key” and “lock release” key switch. When the key is turned to “locking key” position, the control panel keyboard is locked. In this condition, the operator just can do “silence” operation. When the lock is turned to “locking release” position, all keyboard functions are open. 6.14 networking function Several sets JB-QB-5EiX control panel can establish network alarm system via CAN bus. Notice: this alarm system is master-slave network rather than equal system. In the network system, there must have one panel to be used as master panel. If in “commissioning menu>> system management” menu, set “this panel number” equivalent as “ master panel number”, this control panel will be automatically become the master panel in the network. The total number of panels in the network system should be less than 30 sets panels. Master panel has following functions: 1)receive controller alarm information and display it; 2)control controller’s output module; 3)adjust various controller’s time setting of network system; 4)eliminate controller alarm sounder; 5)reset controller alarm information; 6)when there is communication fault between master panel and controller, the master panel will send out “controller fault” information. But it should first register controller in the master panel.“register” method is referred to “register device”. Notice: 1.if you want to use CAN bus to establish networking system, you should forbid “Communicate with Center Panel”function. 2.if the control panel is not in the network system, please set “master panel number” as 0. 26 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 7 Fault analysis and elimination Sheet 2 fault and elimination method fault phenomenon Reason analysis Elimination method When the panel is open, it does not do self-testing, there is on any response from the control panel whether the main power supply and back-up power supply work as normal check power back-up work as When the panel is open and do self-testing, the LEDs flashing is slow and the sound is not strong Programming chip is not installed tightly Fix the chip tightly once again When the panel is open, the LCD displays clobber characters Library chip or programming chip is broken or does not fixed tightly Replace or fix the chips tightly once again When the panel is open, control panel LEDs and sounder self-testing is ok, but the LCD screen does not have back-light and display LCD screen contrast gradient is too small to see its display content Adjust main board contrast gradient potentiometer When the panel is open, the left top side of LCD screen displays “verification and wrong!” 1. control panel main power supply and back-up power supply voltage is low; 2. chip which keeps data is broken. Close down the power supply and open the panel once again, if it still cannot solve the issue, please contact the product manufacturer. When the panel is open, the left top side of LCD screen displays “ main power supply and back-up power supply voltage is lower!” Main power supply and back-up power supply voltage is low and the system cannot work as normal. Check whether the 220V main power supply is normal or not. whether main supply and power supply normal 27 remark Individual detector makes fault alarm Detector in one sub-line makes fault alarm JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 1. the connection 1.check whether this line between fire detector base 24V is detector and working as normal; control panel is 2. If the line is normal short circuited or and detector base broken; voltage is normal, 2. fire detector please replace the falls off; detector. 3. fire detector is damaged; 1. the connection line between this sub-line and main line is short circuited or broken; 2. one detector fault in sub-line makes isolator activated. 1. check whether this sub-line voltage is normal or not; 2. check whether sub-line isolator is activated or not. If it is activated, we can confirm that there is one fault detector behind this isolator. Please open the panel once again and enter “parameter testing” function to browse this sub-line detectors operation status to find fault fire detector. There is fire or smoke cause factor in the fire detector testing zone, but the fire detector makes fire alarm There is dust or damage in the fire detector. Replace fire detector Main power supply fault LEDs is illuminating Main power supply voltage is lower than 187V Check whether main power supply is working as normal Back-up power supply fault LEDs is illuminating Back-up power supply is power failure or internal 24V output is lower than 21.8V. Check whether power supply is as normal and the internal expired. 28 back-up working whether battery JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 8 Maintenance、repair Fire alarm control panel is specialized fire device. The operator should be trained by our company. After the operator has passed our internal training, the person can do the normal operation. The panel should be located in the rooms where there is person in charge. It should have do regular management and maintenance. The panel should be regularly checked to see whether it is working as normal and do duty record. When there is fault for the panel operation, the operator should eliminate the fault in time. If the operator cannot solve the panel issue by himself, he should invite professional persons or manufacturer to help him do panel repair work. When the main power supply is power cut and the system uses back-up power supply, if the control panel sends out back-up battery fault alarm signal, it indicates that panel internal back-up battery voltage is lower, at this time, the operator should take other compensation measures to avoid control internal back-up battery excessively discharges which can damage the battery. 9 Open panel package and checking After open panel package, check whether panel external appearance is complete and whether control panel model is same as package box model indication. In package box, there are below items: 1) One set control panel; 2) One set control panel operation manual; 3) one set certificate of approval; 4) two sets keys(total 4 keys) ,locking key and control panel front key; 5) three pieces screws; 6) eight pieces fuse(2A 2 pieces,3A 2 pieces,5A 4 pieces) 。 10 Others 10.1 Service promise Concerning any produced provided by our company, our company and our sales office & after-sale service department will provide the customers with relevant technical data and technical support. We help the customer do system commission and after-sale service, such as system and product maintenance and repair work. Our company has established specific customer files and use computer to manage these files and make quality tracking and we try our best to provide our customers with best service. 10.2 Quality guarantee The system device guarantee time is 12 months. In this guarantee period, if our product quality has made the system product faulted or damaged, our company will make free repair or replacement. 29 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual 10.3 Contact method WUXI BRIGHTSKY ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD LUOSHE TOWN, WUXI CITY, JIANGSU PROVINCE,214187, P.R.CHINA Telephone +86-510-83340037 Fax +86-510-83340037 Email coo@bsky.cn 30 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual Annex.A Device address assignment sheet Zone number Position number Device 1 1~250 Correspond to the devices in loop 1 alarm bus, position number is corresponding to bus device code 2 1~250 Correspond to the devices in loop 2 alarm bus, position number is corresponding to bus device code 3 1~250 Correspond to the devices in loop 3 alarm bus, position number is corresponding to bus device code 4 1~250 Correspond to the devices in loop 4 alarm bus, position number is corresponding to bus device code 5 1~250 Correspond to the devices in loop 5 alarm bus, position number is corresponding to bus device code 6 1~250 Correspond to the devices in loop 6 alarm bus, position number is corresponding to bus device code 7 1~250 Correspond to the devices in loop 7 alarm bus, position number is corresponding to bus device code 8 1~250 Correspond to the devices in loop 8 alarm bus, position number is corresponding to bus device code 9 1~250 Correspond to the devices in loop 9 alarm bus, position number is corresponding to bus device code 10 1~250 Correspond to the devices in loop 10 alarm bus, position number is corresponding to bus device code 11 1 Control output unit 1 11 2 Control output unit 2 11 3 Control output unit 3 11 4 Control output unit 4 11 5 Control output unit 5 11 11 Audible and visible sounder 11 12 Loop 1 alarm bus short circuited 11 13 Loop 1 alarm bus broken 11 15 Loop 2 alarm bus short circuited 11 16 Loop 2 alarm bus broken 11 18 No.1 fire repeater 11 19 No.2 fire repeater 11 20 No.3 fire repeater 11 21 No.4 fire repeater 11 22 No.5 fire repeater 11 23 Main power supply 11 24 Back-up power supply 11 25 Power on 11 26 Shut down 31 11 27 JB-QB-5EiX Fire Alarm Control Panel Operation Manual Lock key 11 28 UnLock key 11 29 Reset 11 30 Auto 11 31 Manual 11 32 Test 11 33 System fault 11 34 Settings mode 11 35 Running mode 11 36 Loop 1 alarm bus 11 37 Loop 2 alarm bus 11 38 Printer 11 40 1 loop T+ line broken 11 41 1 loop T- line broken 11 42 2 loop T+ line broken 11 43 2 loop T- line broken 11 44 Loop 1 fault 11 45 Loop 2 fault 11 46 Loop 3 fault 11 47 Loop 4 fault 11 48 Loop 5 fault 11 49 Loop 6 fault 11 50 Loop 7 fault 11 51 Loop 8 fault 11 52 Loop 9 fault 11 53 Loop 10 fault 11 54 Loop board 1 fault 11 55 Loop board 2 fault 11 56 Loop board 1 checksum 11 57 Loop board 2 checksum 32