Fast Plant Lab Report Rubric

Mrs. Wolodkowicz
Biology 1H
Fast Plant Lab Report
Due: __________________________________________
Directions: Using the following format, create a lab report 2 pages typed. Please note: the lab
must be written in the third person. Instead of using the word “I”, use “the student”.
Purpose: A statement explaining why the student is performing the lab (sentence
form). Ex: The purpose of the following lab is to determine the affects of sunlight
and total darkness on the growth of a plant.
Materials: List all the materials used in the experiment. Ex: Seeds, light, water,
pipettes, etc. (does not need to be in sentence form).
Procedure: Step-by-step directions to the lab (sentence form). Ex:
1. Obtain cubical.
2. Add felt strip to cubical.
3. Fill cubical ¾ filled with moistened dirt, etc.
Results: The student is to include his/her growth chart typed neatly in the report,
and a labeled graph comparing the growth of the plant vs. day, and a picture of your
plant labeled.
Growth of Plant vs. Days
Growth in
Discussion: This is the student’s opportunity to discuss their results. The student is
to explain: why they conducted the experiment, what happened during the
experiment, and what the student has learned from the experiment. This should be
the bulk of the paper (at least ½ page)