Jewish Studies Congress Program

I-XIII Introduction
1-17 Division A: The Bible and Its World
18-56 Division B: History of the Jewish People
57-79 Division C: Rabbinic Literature and Jewish Law
80-93 Division C: Jewish Thought
94-154 Division D: Literatures, Languages, and Arts
155-183 Division E: Contemporary Jewish Society
184-217 Index of Lecturares
World Union of Jewish Studies
Justice (ret.) Prof. Menachem Elon
Executive Committee:
Prof. Tamar Alexander (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), Prof. Gershon
Bacon (Bar-Ilan University), Prof. Menahem Ben-Sasson (The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem), Prof. Itamar Grunwald (Tel-Aviv University), Prof.
Ora Limor (The Open University), Prof. Yeshayahu Maori (Haifa University),
Prof. Eliezer Schweid (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Prof. Judith
Baskin (President of the AJS), Prof. Rashid Kaplanov (President of the EAJS).
Congress Secretary:
Mr. Haim Weiss
Administrative Manager:
Mr. Noam Starik
Academic Committees:
Division A: (The Bible and Its World)
Prof. Ed Greenstein, Prof. Devora Dimant, Prof. Avraham Horowitz, Prof.
Zipora Talshir, Prof. Rimon Kasher, Prof. Yeshayahu Maori, Dr. Baruch J.
Schwartz, Prof. Lawrence H. Schiffman.
Division B: (History of the Jewish People)
Dr. Ram Ben-Shalom, Prof. Menahem Ben-Sasson, Prof. Gershon Bacon, Prof.
Ora Limor, Prof. Dina Porat.
Division C: (Rabbinic Literature, Jewish Law)
Prof. Menachem Elon, Prof. Yaakov Zussman, Prof. Gideon Libson, Prof.
Berachyahu Lifshitz, Prof. Chaim Milikowsky, Dr. Paul Mandel, Prof Eliav
Jewish Thought:
Prof. Moshe Idel, Prof. Itamar Gruenwald, Prof. Zeev Gries, Prof. Eliezer
Division D: (Literatures, Languages, and Arts)
Prof. Shulamit Elizur, Prof. Tamar Alexander, Prof. Dvora Bregman, Prof.
Galit Hasan-Rokem, Dr. Nathan Cohen, Prof. Dan Laor, Prof. Aharon Maman,
Prof. Edwin Seroussi, Prof. Ziva Amishai-Maisels, Prof. Mahya Fruchtman,
Prof. Fredie Rokem, Prof. Yigal Schwartz.
Division E: (Contemporary Jewish Society)
Prof. Sergio DellaPergola, Dr. Jonathan Cohen, Prof. Hagit Lavsky, Prof. Amia
Lieblich, Dr. Shalom Ratzabi.
Assistants to the Congress Secretary:
Yochi Kahana, Rivka Topf-Mazeh, Yael Frendales, Tali Melchior.
Graphic Designer:
Esti Cohen
The Congress Secretariat:
Fourteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Rabin World Center of Jewish Studies
POB 24020, Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem, 91240
Telephone: 972-2-5325841
Fax: 972-2-5325910
Web site:
The Fourteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies is
held under the auspices and with the support of:
· The Ministry of Culture & Sport – Culture Directorate
· The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
· The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
· Bar-Ilan University
· Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
· Haifa University
· The Open University of Israel
· Tel-Aviv University
· Hanadiv Charitable Foundation
· Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
· The Federmann Family and the Dan Hotels Corporation L.T.D
· The Friedberg Project for Genizah Research
· The Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion
· Yad Vashem – The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance
· Shalom-Aleichem House
· The Mandelbaum Trust
· The Jewish Agency for Israel
· Elul Foundation
The Program of the Fourteenth World Congress of
Jewish Studies
Below is a list of instructions for your convenience:
The program of the Congress is arranged according to the main Congress
divisions: The Bible and Its World, History of the Jewish People, Rabbinic
Literature, Jewish Law and Jewish Thought, Literatures, Languages and Arts,
and Contemporary Jewish Society. Some of the divisions have sub-divisions
(for example: Folklore is a subdivision of Division D – Literatures, Languages
and Arts).
The Plenary session of each division or subdivision appears at the top of the list
of sessions. The remaining sessions follow in order of presentation.
For the sake of simplicity, each session has been assigned a three-digit number.
The first number represents the division:
1 = The Bible and Its World (Division A)
2 = History of the Jewish People (Division B)
3 = Rabbinic Literature, Jewish Law and Jewish Thought (Division C)
4 and 5 = Literatures, Languages and Arts (Division D)
6 = Contemporary Jewish Society (Division E)
The last two digits represent the session relative to the remaining sessions of
the division.
A number of sessions pertain to more than one division, and these will be listed
in all divisions to which their topics relate. For example: the session on
“Holocaust Literature” will be listed in Division C (Literatures, Languages and
Arts) as well as in Division B (History of the Jewish People – Holocaust
The language of each lecture is indicated by a letter in brackets (after the
lecture title):
(H) Hebrew
(E) English
(Y) Yiddish
(S) Spanish
(R) Russian
(P) Portuguese
If the language is not indicated, the lecture will be in Hebrew.
Attached please find an alphabetically arranged index of speakers listing their
country of residence, the session number in which their lectures are
incorpordated, and the program page number where the session details are
The Congress Venue
All Congress discussions and scheduled cultural events will be held at the Mt.
Scopus campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Session rooms are
situated in four major locations:
· Blocks 5-8 in the Faculty of Humanities
· The Senate Building
· The Truman Building and Pre-academic school (Buber Auditorium and
rooms 104 and 105 in the Truman Building)
· The Rabin World Center for Jewish Studies
Bilingual signs (Hebrew and English) will be posted in the Congress area with
directions to the session rooms.
Registration Fees
Congress participants are required to pay a registration fee. Lecturers and
auditors alike must register before entering discussion rooms.
On the first day of the Congress, however, they will be allowed to enter the
rooms before they pay, in order to avoid crowding at the registration stands.
The price for weekly admission is US$150 (660 NIS)
The price for daily admission is US$30 (132 NIS)
The registration fee includes all Congress sessions and social and cultural
events (with the exception of the guided tours of Jerusalem on Tuesday), and
the Congress kit with two vouchers per day for coffee and cake.
Teachers, students, and senior citizens are eligible for a 50% discount on the
Soldiers may enter without paying a fee.
Accommodation in Jerusalem:
The Fourteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, in cooperation with the
Issta Lines Travel Agency, offers participants various lodging arrangements: at
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem dormitories On Mt. Scopus, at the
Maiersdorf Faculty Club, and at a number of Jerusalem’s leading hotels. For
more information, please contact Issta at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Mt. Scopus:
Telephone: 972-2-5358600
Fax: 972-2-6073901
A coffee shop will be set up for participants in the inner courtyard of the
Faculty of Humanities where the vouchers provided in the Congress kits can be
used to purchase coffee and cake. Lunch and supper can be purchased at the
following coffee shops:
· “Rachel’s” – Block 1 (Faculty of Humanities) – lunch and supper.
· The “Frank Sinatra” – (at the Frank Sinatra Building) – lunch only.
(Business meals available).
· Maiersdorf Faculty Club – lunch only, with discounts for Congress
· The Coffee Shop in the Faculty of Social Sciences – lunch only.
(Business meals available).
Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony will take place at the Atzmaut-Mexico Hall, on Sunday,
31.07.2005 in the presence of His Excellency Mr. Moshe Katsav, President of
the Sate of Israel, Justice (Ret.) Prof. Menachem Elon, President of the World
Union of Jewish Studies, and Prof. Menachem Megidor, President of the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Opening Ceremony 19:00
Reception in the foyer of the Atzmaut-Mexico Hall, hosted by the President of
the Congress and the President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Opening Session 20:00
Chairperson: Prof. Ora Limor, Vice President for Academic Affairs, the
Open University of Israel, and member of the Executive Committee of the
World Union of Jewish Studies
Opening Remarks:
Justice (Ret.) Prof. Menachem Elon, President of the World Union of Jewish
· His Excellency Mr. Moshe Katsav, President of the State of Israel
· Prof. Menachem Megidor, President of the Hebrew University of
· Prof. Ephraim Kanarfogel, Yeshiva University, Vice President of the
Association for Jewish Studies
· Prof. Rashid Kaplanov, President of the European Association for
Jewish Studies
Opening Lecture:
Prof. Menahem Ben-Sasson, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Member of
the Executive Committee of the World Union of Jewish Studies:
“Jewish Studies and Jewish Creativity – Past and Present”
Musical Interlude: The Efroni Choir- Emek Hefer, conducted by Yishai
Simultaneous translation, Hebrew to English, will be available during the entire
The General Assembly of the Members of the World Union of Jewish
Studies and the Union Council will take place on Monday, 1.8.2005, between
13:30-15:00 in the Dan Wassong Auditorium (Rabin building).
The Closing Session: The Place of the Institute of
Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem –
Past, Present, Future
The closing session of the Fourteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies will
take place on Thursday, 4.8.2005, at 17:30 in the Atzmaut-Mexico Hall on Mt.
Scopus, in celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the Mandel Institute of
Jewish Studies:
Chairperson: Prof. Sara Japhet, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Martin Goodman, Oxford University
Prof. Joshua Schwartz, Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University
Prof. David Berger, Brooklyn College
Prof. Yeshayahu Gaffni, Chair, Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Plenary Sessions by Congress Divisions
Division A: The Bible and Its World
100 Qumran Research at the Crossroads
101 How Do We Date the Bible?
102 Trends and Currents in Bible Scholarship
103 The Religion of Ancient Israel and Biblical Religion
Division B: History of the Jewish People
200 Historiography and Identity
201 Jews and Other Minorities: Legal Status and Mutual Reflections
202 The Structure and Organization of the Mishneh Torah (in Cooperation
with the Scholion: Interdisciplinary Research Center in Jewish-Studies)
270 Fifty Years after the Kastner Trial – A Public Discussion (in
Cooperation with the Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of
Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Racism, Tel-Aviv University)
Division C: Rabbinic Literature, Jewish-Law
300 Directions in Talmud Studies
301 Cha”zal: Philology, Language, History and Literature
302 A Treasury of Talmudic Manuscripts: A Catalogue of Manuscripts of
the Mishna, Tosefta, the Talmuds, and the [Rif] of the Israel Academy
of the Sciences and Humanities (in Cooperation with the Friedberg
Genizah Research Project and the Ben-Zvi Institute)
338 Mishpat Ivri- Whence and Whither? – Session A
339 Mishpat Ivri- Whence and Whither? – Session B
Jewish Thought
350 The Political Philosophy of Maimonides and Jewish Political
352 Teaching Mysticism in the Academy
353 Research in the Field of Magic and Its Academic Significance
354 The Friedberg Project for Genizah Research – Plans and Activities (in
Cooperation with the Friedberg Project for Genizah Research under the
Auspices of the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and the BenZvi Institute)
Division D: Literatures, Languages and Arts
400 Jewish Literature: Delineation
425 The Genizah Project for the Research of Hebrew Poetry of the Israel
Academy of the Sciences and Humanities (in Cooperation with the
Friedberg Genizah Research Project and the Ben-Zvi Institute)
450 Old Yiddish – New Aspects (in Cooperation with Beth Shalom
461 Plenary Session: Ladino Culture – Between Spanish Context and
Jewish Context (in Cooperation with the Moshe David Gaon Center for
Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Division E: Contemporary Jewish Society
600 The Creation of a National Narrative
Private Conferences and Academic events before and
during the Congress
The Twelfth Conference of the Society for the Study of Medieval JudeoArabic Culture on the subject “Maimonides and His World” will take
place between Monday-Thursday, July 25-28, 2005, at the Ben-Zvi Institute in
Jerusalem and Haifa University.
Pre-Congress Seminar of Latin-American Researchers on the Subject:
“Spaniards in America”
The seminar is under the auspices of the Institute of Contemporary Judaism,
and will take place on Thursday, 28.7.2005, beginning at 9:00 at the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus.
The Nineteenth Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic
Studies will take place on Sunday, 31.7.2005, at 9:00 in room 2713.
A symposium on “Introductions to Contemporary Jewish Theology of
World Religions” will be held in cooperation with The Elijah Interfaith
Institute for Research and Interfaith Dialogue. Participants include: Prof. Ruth
Langer, Prof. Allan Brill, Prof. David Berger, Prof. Yehudah Gelman, Dr. Avi
Elkayam, Prof. Menachem Kelner and Dr. Alon Goshen-Gottstein.
Sunday, 31.7.2005, 9:00-13:30, room 2718 of the Humanities Building, Mt.
Scopus campus.
The opening ceremony of the Latin American Studies Department will
take place on Sunday, 31.7.2005, at 17:00, in the Bronfman Auditorium (the
administration building).
The Seventh International Conference for the Study of Jewish Names, in
cooperation with Bar-Ilan University, will take place on Sunday and Monday,
31.7.2005-1.8.2005, in room 2720.
A special session of the Ephraim E. Urbach International Fellowship
Winners awarded by the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture will be
held at 15:00 on Monday, 1.8.2005, in the Dan Wassong Auditorium (Rabin
building), Mt. Scopus campus.
Conference for researchers participating in the Feminist and Gender
Studies Sector: Women’s Scholarship and Creativity.
Tuesday, 2.8.2005, at 13:30, in room 501, The Maiersdorf Faculty Club. The
conference is open to all researchers.
The documentary film "Adio Kerida” will be screened in cooperation with
the Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture of Ben Gurion University of
the Negev.
Tuesday, 2.8.2005, at 17:30, in the Senate Hall, Mt. Scopus campus.
Presentation of Festschrift to Prof. Josef Dan on Tuesday, 2.8.2005, at 17:00,
in room 405 of The Maiersdorf Faculty Club.
Special sessions of the Friedberg Genizah Research Project will take place
on Wednesday, 3.8.2005, 11:30, in the Dan Wassong Auditorium (Rabin
building), Mt. Scopus campus.
Presentation of the annual scholarship awards in memory of Prof. Shlomo
Wednesday, 3.8.2005, at 20:00, The Maiersdorf Faculty Club.
Special session on the publication of the 100th volume of the journal
“Peamim” on Wednesday, 3.8.2005, at 20:00, at Yad Ben-Zvi.
The special closing session marking the 80th anniversary of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem’s Institute of Jewish Studies will take place on
Thursday, 4.8.2005, at 17:00, in the Atzmaut-Mexico Hall.
Special Cultural Events at the Congress
All musical events are organized by the Jewish Music Research
Centre, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Opening Ceremony
Sunday, 31.7.2005, 19:00, at the Atzmaut-Mexico Hall.
Musical intermezzo with Assaf Shelleg
Monday, 1.8.2005, 14:15, in room 2715.
Piyyut Workshop
Same date and time, in room 2729.
Concert performance: “Jewish Music on the Stage – the Challenge of
An original production by the Jewish Music Research Centre in cooperation
with the Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben Gurion
University, Artistic Directors: Judit Frigyesi, Walter Zeev Feldman and EstiKeinan Ofri,@ Monday, 1.8.2005, at 20:30, Atzmaut-Mexico Hall.
Musical Intermezzo with Sharon Bernstein
Tuesday, 2.8.2005, 14:15, in room 2715.
Piyyut Workshop
Same date and time, room 2729.
The Enchanted City – Evening tours of Jerusalem in cooperation with the
Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi Center
Tuesday, 2.8.2005, leaving at 20:00 from the Mt. Scopus campus.
Musical Intermezzo with Ensemble Tafilalt (Yair Harel, Yonatan Niv, and
Nori Jacoby)
Wednesday, 3.8.2005, 14:15, in room 2715.
Piyyut Workshop
Same date and hour, room 2729.
A Guided Tour of Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'
Remembrance Authority
Wednesday, 3.8.2005, 20:30. Organized transportation will be provided from
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus campus at 20:00. The tour
will open with a lecture of the Director of Yad Vashem, Mr. Avner Shalev, and
then the participants will tour the museum.
Early registration to the tour is required.
“Judaism and Art”
An exhibit of posters designed by young researchers in Jewish Studies will be
on display throughout the Congress at the entrance to the Rabin Building.
Screening of Documentary Jewish Films
Documentary films dealing with Jewish topics will be screened during the
congress at the Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive (please use the elevator
at block 8 of the Humanities building).
Book Fair
A Book Fair attended by forty publishers from Israel and abroad will take place
in the corridors of the Humanities Department throughout the Congress.
Computers and the Internet
Throughout the Congress, a computer room connected to the internet will be
available to all Congress participants in the “language laboratories” of Block 3
in the Humanities Building.
Owners of lap-top computers with wireless internet connections may go online
in Blocks 3 and 8 of the Humanities Building.
Division A: The Bible and Its World
100 Qumran Research at the Crossroads (Plenary Session)
Chairperson: Lawrence H. Schiffman
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2713
Devorah Dimant (E)
The Aramaic Texts from Qumran and the History of the Yahad
Eibert J. C. Tigchelaar (E)
Why Is there Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls? A Survey
Gary A. Anderson (E)
Israel's Exile in Rewritten Biblical Narrative
Chazon Esther (E)
Shifting Perspectives on Jewish Prayer in the New Stage of Qumran
101 How Do We Date the Bible? (Plenary Session)
Chairperson: Avi Hurvitz
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2713
John A. Emerton (E)
The Problem of Criteria for Dating Biblical Books
David Talshir (E)
Phrases in Late Biblical Hebrew
Jan Joosten (E)
Historical Developments in Hebrew Syntax and the Dating of Biblical
Alexander Rofeh (E)
Not on Language Alone
102 Trends and Currents in Bible Scholarship (Plenary Session)
Chairperson: Ed Greenstein
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2713
Remon Kasher (H)
Old Testament Ethics in Recent Studies
Marvin A. Sweeney (E)
Reading Prophetic Books
Nahum Roselle (H)
The Impact of the Deuteronomistic School on the Book of Joshua
Sid Z. Leiman (E)
Torah, Prophets, and Writings: The Tripartite Biblical Canon ReExamined.
103 The Religion of Ancient Israel and Biblical Religion (Plenary
Chairperson: Baruch J. Schwartz
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2713
Benjamin Sommer (E)
Gods' Bodies, Gods' Selves: On Some Constructions of Divinity in
Ancient Israel and Its Environment
Israel Knohl (H)
Was Freud Wrong? The Origins of Biblical Religion
Jonathan Klawans (E)
Ritual Studies, Religious Reform, and the Study of Sacrifice
Victor Hurowitz (E)
Solomon's Temple and the "Big-Foot" Temple at Ain-Dara
104 The Bible and the Ancient East – Session A
Chairperson: Dalit Rom-Shiloni
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2714
Ada Yardeni and Bezalel Porten (E)
The Storehouse and Makkedah in the Idumean Ostraca
Laurence Kutler (E)
The Notion of Fate in Ugaritic Literature
Pnina Galpaz-Feller (H)
Symbolism of Hair in the Bible and Ancient Egyptian Culture
Gershon Galil (H)
The Rise and Fall of Two Regional Empires
105 The Ancient East – Session B
Chairperson: Gershon Galil
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 2714
Samuel Greengus (E)
The Quarrel Between Ishboshet and Abner in Samuel 3:7-11
Pamela Barmash (E)
Interpretation in Mesopotamian Legal, Belles-Lettristic and Omen
Sharon Keller (E)
Egypt Though Israel's Eyes
106 Ancient East – Session C
Chairperson: Pnina Galpaz-Feller
Monday @(1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2713
The Cult of Snakes in Ancient Canaan / Israel
Ahava (Amy) Birkan (E)
The Brazen Serpent, a Perplexing Remedy: An Analysis of Num 21:4-9 in
Light of Archeology, Near Eastern Serpent Emblems, and Inner-Biblical
Sol Cohen (E)
Rabbinic Parallels in Cuneiform Literature
204 Changes in Settlement and Culture in the Persian Period – Session
Chairperson: Aaron Demsky
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2720
Yigal Levin (E)
The Southern Frontier of Yehud and the Creation of Idumea
Ian Stern (E)
Idumea During the Persian Period
Hanan Eshel (E)
Hellenism in the Land of Israel from the 5th Century BCE to the 2nd
Century BCE in Light of Semitic Epigraphy
Lisbeth S. Fried (E)
From Optimism to Doubt in Jewish Encounters with the Other
Diana Edelman (E)
Land Tenure Systems in Persian Yehud
205 Changes in Settlement and Culture in the Persian Period – Session
Chairperson: Cynthia Edenburg
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2720
Avraham Faust
Demographic Processes in Judea from the End of the Iron Age to the
Hellenistic Period
Oded Lipschits (H)
The Importance of the Yehud Stamp Impressions for Understanding the
History of Judea During the Persian Period
Einat Ambar-Armon (H)
Relations Between the Greek World and the Land of Israel During the
Persian Period
Adi Erlich
The Persian Terracotta Figurines from Maresha: Local and Regional
206 The Yeho’ash Royal Building Inscription: A New Edition
Chairperson: Shalom Pawall
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2720
Chaim (Harold R.) Cohen (H)
In Anticipation of a New Edition of the Yeho'ash Royal Building
Inscription: Philological Aspects
Amnon Rosenfeld and Shimon Ilani (H)
In Anticipation of a New Edition of the Yeho'ash Royal Building
Inscription: Philological and Geological Aspects
107 Qumran
Chairperson: Gary A. Anderson
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2713
Lawrence H. Schiffman (E)
Temple, Sacrifice and Priesthood in the Epistle to the Hebrews and the
Dead Sea Scrolls
Rachel Elior (H)
Enoch, Son of Jared, in the Priestly Literature and in Polemical Traditions
in Relation to the Calendar
Hagi Sefer (H)
Spouter of Lies or Righteous High Priest?
Gabriel Barzilai (E)
Offhand Biblical Exegesis in the Dead Sea Scrolls
108 The Biblical World
Chairperson: Bezalel Porten
Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: 2714
Yoel Elitzur (H)
Geographical Terminology in the Bible: nhr, nhl, and nhl ytn
David Ben-Gad Hacohen (H)
"Yahweh From Sinai Came ": Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Avi Shemesh (H)
Henry Baker Tristram, Biblical Naturalist: Methods of Identifying and
Interpreting Flora and Fauna
109 Matriarchs and Patriarchs
Chairperson: Uriel Simon
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2713
Osnat Singer (H)
Judah's Speech (Genesis 44 vv.18-34)
Suzana Chwarts (E)
The Meaning of Walad in the Cycle of Abraham and Sarah
Yitzhak Peleg (H)
"I am the Lord Who brought you out from Ur of the Chaldeans…" – Who
Brought Abraham Out and from Where ?
Charlotte Katzoff (H)
The Story of Isaac and Jacob: Insights from Contemporary Analytic
111 The Giving of the Torah
Chairperson: Remon Kasher
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2713
Baruch J. Schwartz (H)
Jethro's Visit Preceded the Giving of the Torah
George Savran (H)
Elijah and Moses at Sinai
Hezi Cohen (H)
What Is the Difference Between G-d’s Direct Revelation to Man and Gd’s
Indirect Revelation in the Narrative of the Giving of the Torah
112 Prophets and Historiography
Chairperson: Shmuel Ahitov
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2713
Nili Whasana (H)
The Land that Yet Remains and the Promised Land (Jos.13:1-6)
Ahuva Ho (E)
Did Zephaniah Write the Song of Moses?
Dalit Rom-Shiloni (H)
Law Interpretation in Jeremiah: Exegetical Techniques and Ideological
Rony Goldstein (H)
Jeremiah's Prophecy on Nebuchadnezar's Conquest of Egypt
113 The Book of Ezekiel
Chairperson: Elie Asis
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2713
Yosefa Rachman (H)
The Prophetic Story about the Abandoned Baby and Her Father (Ezekiel
Tova Ganzel (H)
The Concept of Holiness in the Book of Ezekiel
Hanna Liss (E)
“The Lord is there”: The Temple Vision in the Book of Ezekiel and the
Question of Fictionality in the Hebrew Bible
Leonid Dreier (E)
The Temple of Ezekiel: Why Are Some Data Lacking?
114 The Five Megiloth
Chairperson: Yitzhak Peleg
Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: 2712
Shlomo Bahar (H)
The Meaning of the Oath:" the gazelles or the wild does…"(SOS 7)
Joshua Berman (H)
The Legal Scheme of the Book of Ruth
Elie Asis (H)
The Acrostic Form in Lamentations
Dmitri Slivniak (E)
The Book of Esther: Making and Unmaking of Jewish Identity
Linda Weinhouse (E)
The Purloined Esther – Hamichtav Haganuv
115 Religion and Ritual
Chairperson: Marvin A. Sweeney
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2712
Tamar Kamionkowski (E)
Shem Theology in the Holiness Writings
David Lambert (E)
Fasting As a Penitential Act, a Biblical Phenomenon?
Simeon Chavel (E)
The Second Passover in the Bible
Amitai Baruchi-Unna (H)
On the Various Perceptions of the Calf Cult in the Book of Kings
116 Biblical Morality and Thought
Chairperson: Yael Shemesh
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2713
Talia Sutskover-Stadler (H)
Biblical Narrative in the Light of the Theory of Semantic Fields
Tzemah Yoreh (H)
The So-Called Rape of Dinah and the Massacre of Shechem
Amichai Nachshon (H)
Military Pioneering and Volunteering to Save Lives According to Biblical
Amnon Shapira (H)
The Biblical Roots of Modern (Buberianic) Anarchism
117 Femaleness and Motherhood in the Bible
Chairperson: George Savran
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2714
Marzena Zawanowska (E)
Yefet ben Eli's Approach to Characterization in Biblical Narrative: The
Case of Competing Female Characters in the Story of Abraham
Yael Shemesh (H)
The Character of Rachel: From Beloved Wife to Mother of the Nation
Chaya Shraga Ben-Ayun (H)
Michal, Daughter of King Saul: A Further Look
Leila Leah Bronner (E)
"I am Mother, Hear me Roar": Maternal Power in the Hebrew Bible
118 The Status of Women in the Bible
Chairperson: Mayer Gruber
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2714
Esther Fuchs (E)
Recent "Reconstructions" of Biblical Women: Scholarship, History, and
the Question of Gender
Joseph Fleishman (E)
On the Right of a Daughter to Her Father's Household Property:
Inheritance of the Dowry
Cynthia Edenburg (H)
The World of Ideology versus Social Reality in Deuteronomic Family
Lorit Ramon (H)
Proverbs 7 and the Riddle of the Strange Woman
119 Biblical Narrative
Chairperson: Isaac Gottlieb
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2713
Malka Shaked (H)
Biblical Women in Modern Hebrew Poetry
Marc Zvi Brettler (E)
Cohesion in the Hebrew Bible
Hava Guy (H)
The Question of the “Second Bullock” in the Story of Gideon’s Struggle
Against the Cult of the Calf
Amos Frisch (H)
Comparisons with David As a Means of Evaluation in the Book of Kings
120 Language and Literature in the Bible
Chairperson: Amos Frisch
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2712
Isaac Gottlieb (H)
Genesis: Opening Expressions in the Bible
Job Y. Jindo (H)
Biblical Metaphor Reconsidered: Metaphor As a Mode of Orientation
Dorit Lemberger (H)
Psalms As Language Games
431 Biblical Hebrew
Chairperson: Richard Steiner
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2603
Tania Notarius (H)
Verbal Tenses in the Book of Amos As Linguistic Evidence of Its Judean
M. Patrizia Sciumbata (E)
Semantic Change in Late Biblical Hebrew: The Contribution of
Paradigmatical-Componential Analysis
Haim Dihi (H)
A Compilation of Lexical Innovations in the Book of Ben Sira
121 Law and Narrative in the Bible
Chairperson: Tzemah Yoreh
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 2712
Yael Ziegler (H)
The Oath As a Biblical Tool of Characterization:
David Elgavish (H)
Jael, Wife of Heber the Kenite, in Biblical Perspective
Assnat Bartor (H)
Reading Law As Narrative: A Study in the Casuistic Laws of the
122 Targum – Session A
Chairperson: Avigdor Shinan
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2712
Moshe J. Bernstein (E)
Reward, Punishment and Eschatology in the Aramaic Version of Psalms
Alberdina Houtman (E)
The Targumic Versions of the Martyrdom of Isaiah
Rafael B. Posen (H)
Prayer As Reflected in Targum Onkelos
123 Targum – Session B
Chairperson: Yeshayahu Maori
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2712
David Kroeze (E)
Developing a Description Method of Targum Manuscript
Kuty Renaud (E)
The Genitive Constructions in Targum Jonathan to Samuel
Julia Matushaskaja (E)
Anticuitates Judaicae As the Hellenistic Targum
Renaud Kuty (E)
The Genitive Constructions in Targum Jonathan to Samuel
124 The Bible in Jewish and Christian Traditions
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2712
Chananeal Mack (H)
Haftarot and Christianity
Lea Himmelfarb (H)
On the Relationship Between the Jewish-Christian Polemics and the
Masorah Notes in Rashi's Commentary to the Bible
Moshe Rachimi (H)
The Concealed Anti-Christian Polemic in Rav Ovadia Sforno’s
Commentary to the Pentateuch
Ari Geiger (H)
"Written Law" or "Oral Law" – How did Nicholas of Lyra Learn Jewish
125 Rashi and His Generation
Chairperson: Jonathan Jacobs
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2712
Yeshayahu Maori (H)
Divergent Aggadot in Rashi's Commentary to the Bible
Robert Harris (H)
The Understanding of Metaphor As a Device in Biblical Composition by
Twelfth Century Northern French Jewish Exegetes
Martin Lockshin (H)
Was Joseph Bekhor Shor a Peshat Exegete?
Ephraim Sand (H)
Did Rashi Support the Idea of Autonomic Morality?
126 The Commentaries of Ibn Ezra
Chairperson: Ruth Ben-Meir
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2712
Uriel Simon (H)
R. Abraham Ibn Ezra and the Karaites: The Contribution of the Heretics
to the Faithful
Ayala Mishaly (H)
Halakhic Juxtaposition and Halakhic Contrast – Abraham Ibn Ezra's
Interpretation of Leviticus 19:3
Aharon Mondschein (H)
R. Abraham Ibn Ezra Between Peshat and Mysticism
127 Bible Commentary in Spain and the East
Chairperson: Jordan Penkower
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2712
Zohar Amar (H)
The Travels of the Children of Israel in the Sinai Desert According to Rav
Sa'adia Gaon and Maimonedes in the Light of Arab Literature
Mordechai Cohen (E)
Nahmanides' Literary Hermeneutic in Light of His Commentary on Gen
Michelle Levine (H)
Ramban's Insights on the Literary Role of Character Epithets in the Book
of Genesis
Jair Haas (H)
‘Repetition of Meaning in Different Words’ As a Poetic Ornament in
Spanish Bible Exegesis
128 Medieval Bible Commentary in Christian Lands
Chairperson: Nahem Ilan
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2712
Jordan Penkower (H)
The Pentateuch Text in Codices Written by Early Ashkenazi Scholars in
the 10th-12th Centuries
Yitzhak Berger (E)
Exegetical Innovation in the Commentary to Chronicles in MS Munich 5
Jonathan Jacobs (H)
"Retrospection" As an Exegetical Devise in Rashbam's Torah
129 Modern Bible Criticism
Chairperson: Mordechai Cohen
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2712
Baruch Alster (H)
The "Metzudot" Commentary on the Prophets and Writings with
Reference to Earlier Sources
Tmima Davidovitz (H)
Characteristic Features in Hanaziv's Exegesis According to His
Commentary on the Pentateuch
Michael Avioz (H)
The Da'at Mikra Commentary: Tradition and Criticism
130 Special Session – The Moshe Goshen-Gottstien Scholarship
Chairperson: James L. Kugel
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2712
Yair Zakovitch (H)
A "Biblical Dictionary" in the Bible
Itamar Kislev (H)
The Counting of Jacob's Descendants Coming to Egypt: Questions of
Text and Tradition
Itshak Sappir (H)
The Meaning of Expressions Determining the Direction of Prayer in
Rabbinic Literature
131 Land, Merit and the Problem of Divine Revelation
Chairperson: Daniel Maoz
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2713
Timothy Hegedus (E)
Midrash and the Letter of Barnabus
David Boossman (E)
Paul's Halachah on "Softies" and what is "Natural" in Social World
Jermay Penner (E)
Land, Merit and the Problem of Divine Revelation in Mekhilta Pisha 1
Special Sessions
The General Assembly of the Members of the World Union of Jewish
Studies and the Union Council
Monday, 1.8.2005, between 13:30-15:00 in the Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Ephraim E. Urbach International Fellowship Winners
Chairperson: Anita Shapira
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Elisheva Baumgarten (H)
Piety and Gender: Toward an Outline of the Spiritual Lives of Medieval
Jewish Women
Benjamin Brown (H)
Halakha and Religious Ethics: Creating a Conceptual Research Model
Manuela Consonni (H)
Deportation and Extermination: the Becoming and Representation of
Magda Teter (E)
Jewish Law and Canon Law: Dealing with the Other
Closing Ceremonies: The Institute of Jewish Studies and Its Role in the
Jewish Studies Department of the Hebrew University, Past and Present
(Special Session Marking the 80th Anniversary of the Institute of Jewish
Chairperson: Sara Japhet
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Atzmaut-Mexico Hall
Martin D. Goodman, Oxford University
Joshua Schwartz, Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University
David Berger, Brooklyn College
Yeshayahu Gaffni, Chair, Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Nineteenth Congress of the International of Masoretic
135 The Study of the Masorah – Session A
Chairperson: Aron Dotan
Sunday (31 July 2005) 09:00 - 11:10 Room: 2713
Aron Dotan
Opening Remarks
Mordechai Breuer (H)
The Meaning of the Differences Between the Babylonian and Tiberian
Ronit Shoshani (H)
The Chronological Development of the Accent Shin/segol
Nurith Reich (H)
The Names of the Accent Shalshelet
Yosef Ofer (H)
A Babylonian List of Petuhot and Setumot Connected to "Sefer Tagge"
136 The Study of the Masorah – Session B
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2713
Aron Dotan (H)
The Growth Processes of the Sets of Signs in the Palestinian System
Judy Weiss (E)
A Puzzling Masoretic Note: Seven-Word Verses With a Yod in Every
David \Yehuda Lyons
Research in the Cumulative Tiberian Masora: Achievements and Aims
Lea Himmelfarb (H)
The Place of Biblical Accentuation in Modern Bible Commentaries
137 The Study of the Masorah – Session C
Sunday (31 July 2005) 15:00 - 16:30 Room: 2713
Rachel Hitin-Mashiah (H)
The Accentuation of Particle-Following Combinations in the Prose Books
Israel Ben-David (H)
Incongruity in Bible Verses
Ephraim-Bezalel Halivni
Tippeha or Me'ayla: A Discussion of Two Verses
Division B: History of the Jewish People
200 Historiography and the Shaping of Identity (Plenary Session)
Chairperson: Gershon Bacon
Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Nadav Neheman (H)
The Past that Shapes the Present in Biblical Historiography
Chaim Milikowsky (H)
Jewish Historiography from the Closing of the Biblical Canon until
Chazal: Facts and Explanations
Reoven Bonefil (H)
The Role of Historical Memory in Political Nationalism: Heretical
Reflections on Guiding the Perplexed
Ya'akov Shavit (H)
Reconstructions of the Past As a Tool for Creating a Contemporary
Identity in Zionist Historiography
201 Jews and Other Minorities: Their Legal Status and Interrelation
(Planery Session)
Chairperson: Michael Heyd
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2715
Seth Schwartz (E)
Were Jews and Christians One Group in the Pre-Constantinian Era
Moshe-David Herr (H)
The Jews and their Relationships with Dominant and Minority Population
Groups From the Second Temple Era to the Talmudic Period
Yosef Hakker (H)
Social and Religious Links Between Jews, Protestants, Catholics and
Armenians in Istanbul in the Early Modern Period
Deborah Dash Moore (E)
Jewish American and African American Reflections on Otherness in
World War II
202 The Structure and Organization of the Mishneh Torah (Plenary
Session) (in Cooperation with the Scholion: Interdisciplinary Research
Center in Jewish-Studies)
Chairperson: Yaacov Blidstein
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Senate Hall
Aviezer Ravizki (H)
The Image of the Leader in the Thought of Maimonides
Menachem Ben-Sasson (H)
(The First Phases) The Canonization of Maimonides – Interrelationships
of Authority and Text
Haym Soloveitchik (E)
Mishneh Torah – Dimensions and Agendas
203 Current Trends in Historical Research
Chairperson: Ram Ben-Shalom
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Buber 200
Catherine Hezser (E)
Towards a Study of Popular Jewish Culture in Eretz Yisrael of the Roman
Shmuel Feiner (H)
The Current Study of Haskalah: An Historical Perspective on the Jewish
Jonathan D. Sarna (E)
New Trends in American Jewish History
204 Changes in Settlement and Culture in the Persian Period – Session
Chairperson: Aaron Demsky
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2720
Yigal Levin (E)
The Southern Frontier of Yehud and the Creation of Idumea
Ian Stern (E)
Idumea During the Persian Period
Hanan Eshel (E)
Hellenism in the Land of Israel from the 5th Century BCE to the 2nd
Century BCE in Light of Semitic Epigraphy
Lisbeth S. Fried (E)
From Optimism to Doubt in Jewish Encounters with the Other
Diana Edelman (E)
Land Tenure Systems in Persian Yehud
205 Changes in Settlement and Culture in the Persian Period – Session
Chairperson: Cynthia Edenburg
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2720
Avraham Faust
Demographic Processes in Judea from the End of the Iron Age to the
Hellenistic Period
Oded Lipschits (H)
The Importance of the Yehud Stamp Impressions for Understanding the
History of Judea During the Persian Period
Einat Ambar-Armon (H)
Relations Between the Greek World and the Land of Israel During the
Persian Period
Adi Erlich
The Persian Terracotta Figurines from Maresha: Local and Regional
206 The Yeho’ash Royal Building Inscription: A New Edition
Chairperson: Shalom Pawall
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2720
Chaim (Harold R.) Cohen (H)
In Anticipation of a New Edition of the Yeho'ash Royal Building
Inscription: Philological Aspects
Amnon Rosenfeld and Shimon Ilani (H)
In Anticipation of a New Edition of the Yeho'ash Royal Building
Inscription: Philological and Geological Aspects
104 The Bible and the Ancient East – Session A
Chairperson: Dalit Rom-Shiloni
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2714
Ada Yardeni (E)
(Porten Bezalel) The Storehouse and Makkedah in the Idumean Ostraca
Bezalel Porten (E)
(yardeni Ada)The Storehouse and Makkedah in the Idumean Ostraca
Laurence Kutler (E)
The Notion of Fate in Ugaritic Literature
Pnina Galpaz-Feller (H)
Symbolism of Hair in the Bible and Ancient Egyptian Culture
Gershon Galil (H)
The Rise and Fall of Two Regional Empires
105 The Ancient East – Session B
Chairperson: Gershon Galil
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 2714
Samuel Greengus (E)
The Quarrel Between Ishboshet and Abner in Samuel 3:7-11
Pamela Barmash (E)
Interpretation in Mesopotamian Legal, Belles-Lettristic and Omen
Sharon Keller (E)
Egypt Though Israel's Eyes
106 Ancient East – Session C
Chairperson: Pnina Galpaz-Feller
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2713
The Cult of Snakes in Ancient Canaan / Israel
Ahava (Amy) Birkan (E)
The Brazen Serpent, a Perplexing Remedy: An Analysis of Num 21:4-9 in
Light of Archeology, Near Eastern Serpent Emblems, and Inner-Biblical
Sol Cohen (E)
Rabbinic Parallels in Cuneiform Literature
207 Everyday Life in the Ancient World
Chairperson: Yaron Z. Eliav
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2720
Avi Sasson (H)
The Development of the Custom of Providing “Provisions for the Way”
(Drinking Apparatus and Planting Saplings) for Travelers in the Land of
Aharon Oppenheimer (H)
Trade with the Far East in the Talmudic Period
Susan Weingarten (E)
Food in the Babylonian Talmud: Memories of Sumer, Foretastes of
Yoel Fixler (H)
Gitin After the Bar-Kochva Revolt
208 Jews and Judaism in the Greek World
Chairperson: Moshe-David Herr
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2720
Noah Hacham (H)
On Parallels, 3 Maccabees and the Book of Esther
Azaria Baitner (H)
The Figure of God in the Zodiac and Jacob's Image
Emmanuelle Main
The concepts of Hellenismos and Ioudaismos in the II Maccabees and
Modern Historiography
Edward Dabrowa (E)
The Hasmonean Kingship in the Hellenistic Context
209 Jewish Identity in the Greco-Roman Era
Chairperson: Doron Mendels
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2720
Michael Satlow (E)
"A People of Philosophers": Jews, Greeks, and Self-Identity
Eyal Ben-Eliyahu (H)
The Names of the Land During the Second Temple and the RomanByzantine Periods
Pieter Van der Horst (E)
“The Most God-Fearing and the Most Abominable of All Nations:" A
Greek Philosopher on the Jews
Dorit Gordon (H)
Agatharchides, Mendele, Aristobulos2 and the Question of the Jewish
Sources of Josephus
210 Archaeological and Epigraphic Finds
Chairperson: Lee I. Levine
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2720
David Goodblatt (H)
Once Again on the Title "Nasi"
Ben-Zion Rosenfeld (H)
The Identity of "Rabbi" in Rabbinic Literature and Epigraphy, and Its
Implications for the History and Status of the Sages in Byzantine
Susan Sorek (E)
'Remembered for Good': Synagogue Inscriptions of Roman Palestine
Galit Noga-Banai (E)
Loca Sancta – Traditions and Roman Sarcophagi
211 Herod and His Age
Chairperson: Zeev Weiss
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2720
Joseph Patrich (H)
The Wall Street, the Eastern Stoa, the Location of the "Tetrapylon", and
the Halakhic Status of Caesarea (Commentary on Tosefta Ahilot
Samuel Rocca (H)
Herod and Augustus
Eyal Regev (H)
Herod's Jewish-Roman Ideology: Rhetoric and Evidence
212 Josephus and His Age
Chairperson: Joshua Schwartz
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Mordechai Gichon (H)
The Generalship of Josephus
Geoffrey Herman (H)
“Mithridates he captured alive and brought home mounted naked upon an
ass”: Persian Motifs in the Tragedy of Anilaeus and Asinaeus (Josephus,
Antiquities XVIII, 314-370)
Daniel Maoz (E)
The Torah in Josephus' Antiquities: Three Classifications of Alleged
Additions to Bereshit in Antiquities 1-2
Louis H. Feldman (E)
The Levites in Josephus
213 Eretz-Yisrael in the Age of the Tannaim and Amoraim
Chairperson: Noah Hacham
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Ze'ev Safrai (H)
The Halakhic Attitude Towards the Samaritans
Sigalit Ben-Zion (E)
Sages vs Priests: The Constitution of a New Social Order or a Mimicry of
Existing Hegemonic Representation?
Sacha Stern (E)
Rabbinic Court, City Councils and Control of the Calendar in Late
Antique Palestine
471 Ancient and Early Medieval Art
Chairperson: Ilia Rodov
Monday @(1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2716
Shulamit Laderman (E)
"Sitra-Achra in Creation: Dragon, Serpent and Eve in Jewish and
Christian Art
Pawel Szkolut (E)
The Prophet Daniel in the Lion’s Den and Its Iconography in Ancient
Jewish Art
Lihi Habas (E)
The Origin and Significance of the Children in the Depiction of the
“Crossing of the Red Sea” on Early Christian Sarcophagi
Daphna Ass (E)
Some Unexpected Sources in Decoding the Mystery of the Genesis Cycle
on the Hildesheim Bronze Doors
214 Jewish Art and the Jewish-Christian Polemic
Chairperson: Oded Irshai
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Zeev Weiss (H)
Biblical Iconography and Yearnings for the Temple Cult in Ancient
Synagogue Art
Talgam Rina (H)
The Bible and the Sanctuary in Church Ornamentation on Both Banks of
the Jordan
Lee I. Levine (H)
Jewish Art in Late Antiquity and Its Historical Contexts
215 Minority Culture Versus Majority Culture: The Case of Byzantine
Jews (in Cooperation with the Scholion: Interdisciplinary Research Center
in Jewish-Studies)
Chairperson: Oded Irshai
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Perry Micha (H)
The Transmission of Knowledge from Byzanteum to the West in the
Jewish Middle Ages
Roni Amir (H)
When Were the "Galilean" Synagogues Built: the Stylistic Perspective
Roly Zylbersztein (H)
Patriarch Photios and Byzantine Jews
Yossef Soffer (H)
Byzantine Jewry: A View from the East
216 The Catalogue of the Cairo Genizah and the Study of
Canonization: On the Publication of the Late Nehemiah Aloni’s "The
Jewish Library in the Middle Ages" (in Cooperation with the Scholion:
Interdisciplinary Research Center in Jewish-Studies)
Chairperson: Robert Brody
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Miriam Frenkel (H)
Booklists from the Cairo Geniza As Indicators of Canonization
Zeev Elkin
Booklists from the Cairo Genizah and Jewish Historical Literature from
the Geonic Period: Historiography within the Literary Canon and Canon
within Historiography
Zvi Stampfer (H)
The Canon that Disappeared: The Case of Rav Shmuel B. Hofni's
Canonical Status Revealed Exclusively in the Geniza
Moshe Lavee (H)
A Catalog of Books from the Canonical Literature: Aggadic Midrash in
the Catalog of Rabbi Joseph Rosh HaSeder
217 Genizah Research
Chairperson: Miriam Frenkel
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Moshe Sokolow (E)
A Geniza Digest of Torah Commentaries
Elinoar Bareket (H)
Hidden Messages within Biblical Verses in Geniza Letters
Avraham David (H)
Between Ashkenaz and the East in the 16th Century – Ashkenazic Jews
and Their Status in Eretz-Israel and Egypt As Reflected in the Cairo
218 Familiarity and Strangeness: Jews and Christians in Medieval
Chairperson: Alfred Haverkamp
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Alfred Haverkamp (E)
Rami Reiner (H)
The Convert – Is He Truly Your Brother?: The Converts in Ashkenaz and
France in the Middle ages
Jorg Muller (E)
Sexual Relationships Between Jews and Christians During the Middle
Ages According to Christian Sources
Rainer Barzen (E)
The Meaning of "Zedakah" for Jewish Self-Organization within a NonJewish Environment
Gerd Mentgen (E)
Christian-Jewish Relations in the Middle Ages: The Field of Science,
Especially Astrology, Astronomy and Alchemy
219 The Persecution and Expulsion of Jews in Late Antiquity and the
Middle Ages
Chairperson: Helmut Castritius
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Helmut Castritius (E)
The Expulsion of Jews in the Roman Empire – a Project?
Friedrich Lotter (E)
The Problem of Continuity and the Expulsions of Jews in Early Medieval
Europe (500-1000)
Markus J. Wenninger (E)
The Legal Basis for Expelling the Jews in the Reign of Friedrich III and
the Emperor Maximilian
220 Persecution, Expulsion and Discrimination: Jews in the Premodern
Holy Roman Empire
Chairperson: Friedrich Battenberg
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Gabriela Schlick (E)
Death in Frankfurt
Friedrich Battenberg (E)
The Fulda Turmoil: The Policies of the Imperial Administration against
the Jews in the Late 16th Century
Peter Rauscher (E)
New Approaches to the Expulsion of the Jews from Vienna and Lower
Austria in 1670
Barbara Staudinger (E)
Cases Concerning Ritual Murder in Early Modern Ashkenaz
221 Communal Life in Medieval Europe
Chairperson: Leon A Feldman
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Bernard Rosensweig (E)
The Emergence of the Professional Rabbinate in Ashkenazic Jewry in the
Aftermath of the Black Death and Its Impact on Communal Life in
Germany in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries
Nadezhda Koriakina (E)
The Courts of Berurim in the Provencal Jewish Community of the 13th14th Centuries
Shlomo Spitzer (H)
Torah Study in Hungary in the Middle Ages
222 Jewish Cultural Aspects in Medieval Europe
Chairperson: Yosef Hakker
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
David Rotman (H)
The Sambatyon and Beyond: A Medieval Mirabilia
Lucia Raspe (E)
Asher Halevi and the Foundation of Jewish Worms: Family and
Historiography in Medieval Ashkenaz
Rella Kushelevsky (H)
"The Crown of Thorns" in Mahzor Vitry: A Medieval Reading of a
Rabbinic Story
Michael Brocke (E)
The Concept of Eden As Reflected in the Headstones of the Holy
Community of Worms from the 11th-15th Centuries
223 Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages
Chairperson: Yaacov Guggenheim
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Lubov Chernin (E)
Agobard of Lyons and the Problem of the Forced Conversion of the Jews
Shulamit Furstenberg-Levi (H)
An Examination of the Cultural and Social History of the Jews in Late
Sixteenth Century Florence through the Case of the Convert Vitale
Jacques Halbronn (E)
French Anti-Judaism and the Avignon Problem on the Eve of Saint
224 Historical Images in the Middle Ages
Chairperson: Avraham David
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Orit Ramon (H)
One Hundred and Twenty Seven Provinces: The Habsburg Empire As
Reflected in Maharal's Commentary on the Book of Esther
Galina Zelenina (E)
Male and Female Royal Images in the Chronicles of the Generation of the
Spanish Exiles
Jurgita Verbickiene (E)
Knowledge about the Jews in the Great Duchy of Lithuania and the
Transmission of Stereotypes
225 The Sephardic Jews in the Middle Ages
Chairperson: Yosef Kaplan
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2503
Shimon Shtober (H)
The Re-shaping of Maimonides' Image in 16th-17th Century Jewish
Asuncion Blasco-Martinez (E)
Los Alazar De Zaragoza
Joseph Rapoport (H)
Economic Activities of the Jews in the Kingdom of Navarre before the
226 The Power of Women in the Ancient World and Traditional Society
(in Cooperation with the Feminist and Gender Studies Sector of the Israel
Historical Society)
Chairperson: Judith Hauptman
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: Buber 202
Naomi Graetz (E)
Does God Love Barren Women?
Shulamit Valler (H)
Women and Knowledge in the Talmudic period
Meir Bar-Ilan (H)
The Song of Songs As Feminine Folk Poetry
Miriam Guez-Avigal (H)
Learning Traditions about Sacred Oral Poetry Among the Women of
227 Learning and Creativity Among the Women of Italy (in
Cooperation with the Feminist and Gender Studies Sector of the Israel
Historical Society)
Chairperson: Sandra Stow
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Buber 202
Avraham Grossman (H)
The Atititude of Rabbi Gedalia ibn Yahia Towards Women
Ilan Fuchs (H)
Halakhic Aspects of Women’s Torah Study in Italy of the Middle Ages
Tali Berner (H)
Space, Gender and Knowledge: Women Teachers in the "Talmudey
Torah" [Religious Schools] of Italy
Marina Arbib (H)
Flora Randegger (1824-1910): A Woman of Letters, Vision, and Action
228 Biography and Autobiography (in Cooperation with the Feminist
and Gender Studies Sector of the Israel Historical Society)
Chairperson: Billie Melman
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Buber 202
Tamar Shechter (H)
Rachel Katzenelson-Shazar and Motherhood: Private Experience and
Public Expression
Ruth Kark (E)
"Not a Suffragist"? Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi on Women and Gender
Bat-Ami Zucker (H)
Rescue Operations: American Jewish Women, 1933-1945
Margalit Shilo (H)
Women's Gender Perception and the Affinity to the Land of Israel As
Seen through Their Autobiographies
229 The Representation of Women in the Early Modern Age and the
“Wisdom of Women” (in Cooperation with the Feminist and Gender
Studies Sector of the Israel Historical Society)
Chairperson: Penina Morag-Talmon
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Senate Hall
Yaron Ben Naeh (H)
Daily Life of Jewish Women in Ottoman Jerusalem During the 19th
Renee Levine Melammed (H)
The Partisan from Salonika: Creativity and Destruction in the 20th
Michal Held (H)
Expressions of Gender in the Personal Narratives of Judeo-Spanish
(Ladino) Speaking Women Storytellers
230 The Representation of Women in the Early Modern Period and the
Wisdom of Women (in Cooperation with the Feminist and Gender Studies
Sector of the Israel Historical Society)
Chairperson: Iris Parush
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: Buber 202
Shalhevet Dotan-Ophir (H)
The "Tsenah Urenah" and the "Melits Yosher": Their Respective
Readerships and the Differences Between Them
Moshe Rosman (H)
Early Hasidism on Women
Ada Rapoport-Albert (H)
"Something for the Female Sex": A Frankist Call for the Liberation of
Women, Prague c. 1800
Tova Hartmen and Brenda Socachevsky Bacon (H)
From Epstein's "Wisdom of Women" to Agnon's "Wisdom of Women":
Reality and Representation of Two Learned Women in Traditional
Eastern European Jewish Society
231 Education and Leadership (in Cooperation with the Feminist and
Gender Studies Sector of the Israel Historical Society)
Chairperson: Deborah Bernstein
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Buber 202
Iris Parush (H)
A Preference for Speaking Over Writing and the Advantage of Women’s
Marginality in Nineteenth Century East European Jewish Society
Michal Ben Ya'akov (H)
Teacher Training for Religious Zionist Women: the Path of Dr Judith
Berlin Lieberman and Prof. Nechama Leibowitz at the Mizrach Women's
Teachers College in Mandatory Jerusalem
Hagit Cohen (H)
Acculturation and Ethnicity: The Yiddish Reading Clubs of Eastern
European Jewish Women in the USA 1916-1939
Lilach Rosenberg (H)
Female Emissaries: A Feminine Creation?
232 Enlightened Women of the Haskalah (in Cooperation with the
Feminist and Gender Studies Sector of the Israel Historical Society and
the Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University
of the Negev)
Chairperson: Shmuel Feiner
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Buber 202
Natalie Goldberg (H)
Esther Gad, A Forgotten Writer from the Late Enlightenment
Tova Cohen (H)
Enlightened and Learned Women: 19th Century Hebrew Maskilot
Hamutal Tsamir (H)
From Rachel (Morpurgo) to Rachel (Bluvstein): the Absence of Hebrew
Women's Poetry from The 1860s to the 1920s
233 Women Creators (in Cooperation with the Feminist and Gender
Studies Sector of the Israel Historical Society)
Chairperson: Yaffah Berlovitz
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Buber 202
Michal Shahaf (H)
Inside/Outside Her Four Walls: Abigail Lindo, an Anglo-Jewish
Authoress of the Mid-Nineteenth Century
Yael Ohad-Karny (H)
A Room of One's Own – A Woman's Private Space: Anzia Yezierska's
Novels and Their Cinematic Representation
Nitza Keren (H)
The Torah Curtain Weaver Who Stands at the Podium: A New Feminist
Discourse As Presented by Michal Govrin
Yael Shenker (H)
Keeping the Readers Safe: Feminine Literature within the ReligiousOrthodox Community in Israel
Irit Koren (H)
The Voice of the Bride: How Religious Women Challenge the Wedding
234 Before the Fall? Poles, Jews and Others in the Early Modern
Period (in Cooperation with the Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for
Russian and East European Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Chairperson: Moshe Rosman
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
@Pawel Maciejko (E)
The Frankists and the Armenian Catholic Community of Lwow
Francois Guesnet (E)
Reassessing the Influence of German-Jewish Culture in the East European
Setting: The Case of Isaak Flatau, Founder of the First "Reformed" Prayer
House in Eastern Europe
Michael L. Miller (E)
R. David Oppenheimer on Trial: Halukkah and Loyalty to the State
Rachel Manekin (H)
Moses Mendelssohn, Austrian Law, and the Jews of Galicia: On the
Unrealized Initiative of Joseph II
235 East European Jewry in the Age of Empires: Poles, Jews and
Others under Russian and Habsburg Rule (in Cooperation with the
Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and East European Jewry,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Chairperson: David Assaf
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Dmitri Elyashevitch (R)
Iakov Brafman As a Censor of Jewish Writings
Louise Hecht (E)
The "National Character" of the Prague Haskalah? The Judisch-deutsche
Monatschrift (Prague, 1802) Reconsidered
Marcin Wodzinski (E)
How Did the Polish Government Learn about Hasidism? Beginnings of
the "Hasidic Question" in the Kingdom of Poland
Benjamin Lukin (H)
Jewish Collaborators in the Russian Empire According to Documents
from the Third Section (1825-55): The Case of Secret Agent Maria
236 As the Centuries Turn: Negotiating New Jewish Communities and
Identities (in Cooperation with the Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for
Russian and East European Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Chairperson: Francois Guesnet
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Agnieszka Jagodzinska (E)
Was Acculturation a Matter of Taste? Warsaw Jews in their Aesthetic
Ela Bauer (H)
From Haskalah to Intelligenstsia: The Attempts of the Polish-Jewish
Intelligentsia to Lead the Jewish Community of Warsaw in the 19th
Scott Ury (E)
On the Question of Influence: Poles, Jews and the Fate of Warsaw in the
Early Twentieth Century
Vladimir Levin (E)
Different Visions of Modernity in Confrontation: The Rabbinic
Conference of the Russian Empire in 1910
237 Great Expectations: Polish Jewry and the Abbreviated Twentieth
Century (in Cooperation with the Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for
Russian and East European Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Chairperson: Ezra Mendelson
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Kalman Weiser (E)
The Jewel in the Yiddish Crown: Who Will Occupy the Yiddish Chair at
the University of Vilnius?
Witold Medykowski (E)
Forced Labor of Jews in the General Government of 1939-1941
Kai Struve (E)
An Explosion of Violence: The Pogroms of Summer 1941 in Eastern
Poland and Lithuania
Joshua Zimmerman (E)
The Polish Home Army (AK) and the Jews During the Second World
238 The Political Times: The Jews of Late Tsarist Russia and Soviet
Jewry (in Cooperation with the Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for
Russian and East European Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Chairperson: Yaacov Ro'i
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Semion Goldin (H)
The "Jewish Question" and the Political Parties of Russia, 1914-1916
Sergei Baranovski (H)
The Shattered Hope of Coexistence: Jewish-Ukrainian National Relations
During the Central Rada Period (March 1917-April 1918)
Arkadi Zeltser (E)
Jews of Soviet Belorussia Faced with a Choice: Yiddish Russian or
Jonathan Dekel-Chen (E)
New Perspectives on Ethnic Accommodation from the Early Soviet
239 An Empire of their Own? Jewish Culture in the East European
Diasporas (in Cooperation with the Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for
Russian and East European Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Chairperson: Eli Lederhendler
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Shelly Zer-Zion (E)
The TAI (Eretz Israeli Theater): A Hebrew Theatre Between Moscow and
Zehavit Stern (H)
Between "Kol Nidrey" and the Cossak's Ballad: The Moral Melody of
Yiddish Film
Arieh Saposnik
The "Halbasien" in Asia: Images of Ostjuden, Visions of "the Orient" in
Zionist National Culture in Palestine, 1903-1914
Edward Portnoy (E)
Panim el Panim: Jewish and Polish Physiognomy in the Cartoons of the
Warsaw Yiddish Press
240 Between Jewish Text and East European Context: Reading East
European Jewish (in Cooperation with the Leonid Nevzlin Research
Center for Russian and East European Jewry, The Hebrew University of
Chairperson: Hamutal Bar-Yosef
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Amir Banbaji (H)
Mendele Mokher Sefarim: A Symbol of Modern Jewish Identity?
Philip Hollander (E)
Fluid Identity in Ariel's "Leor Havenus"
Joanna Lisek (E)
The Jewish and Polish Literary Environment: Relations Between theYung
Vilne Group and the Zagary group
Karin Neuburger (H)
The Metamorphosis from Other to Self: Uri Zvi Greenberg's Struggle
with the Modern World
241 Getting It Write: History, Memory and Faith Among the Jews of
Eastern Europe (in Cooperation with the Leonid Nevzlin Research Center
for Russian and East European Jewry, The Hebrew University of
Chairperson: Israel Bartal
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Yehuda Bitty (H)
The Baron Guenzburg Academy
Galina Eliasberg (E)
D. Pinsky's Reisebukh: Towards the Typology of Jewish Memoirs of
Leonid F. Katsis (E)
Nadezhda Mandelshtam’s "Memories" As Jewish and Non-Jewish
242 The Canon: Identity and Memory in Contemporary Jewish Culture
(in Cooperation with the Scholion: Interdisciplinary Research Center in
Jewish-Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Chairperson: Dana Shalev
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Christoph Schmidt (H)
Gnosis, Canon and Culture: The Crisis of Wissenschaft des Judentums
and the Paulinian Turning Point
Yoel Regev
Gershom Scholem and the Canon of Secular Jewish Culture
Maya Benish-Weisman (H)
Jewish Identity Among Immigrants from the Former USSR in the 90's
Amia Lieblich
Collective Memory and the Cannon: The Case of Kfar Etzion
243 Simon Dubnov (1860-1941): Historian and Public Figure
Chairperson: Yohnatan Frenkel
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Dan Haruv (H)
"Scientific Insight and the Books of the Bible": Simon Dubnov’s View of
Biblical Narrative
Anke Hilbrenner (E)
Simon Dubnow's Eastern European Approach to Jewish History
Avraham Greenbaum (E)
Associations, Institutions and Projects for Perpetuating the Memory of
Simon Dubnov
Shimon Krais (H)
Renewed Interest of Russian Jews in the Writings of Dubnov
Viktor E. Kelner (R)
S. Dubnov and M. Vinaver: Friends and Opponents
244 The Jews of North Africa
Chairperson: Dan Shapira
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2503
Nechama Grunhaus (H)
Inter-Communal Ties Amongst the Various Moroccan [Jewish]
Communities During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Belkacem Benzenine (E)
The Jewish Community of Algeria 1830-1900: A Social Anthropologist's
Orna Baziz (H)
The Agadir Hagadah
245 The Jews of the East in the Modern Age
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Daniel Schiffman (H)
Monetary Instability and the Evolution of Jewish Monetary Doctrine: The
Ottoman Empire, 1500-1700
Dan Shapira (H)
An Ottoman Jewish Community’s Adaptation to the Realities of Imperial
Europe at the Turn of the 19th Century: The Case of the Crimean Karaites
and Their Rabbis
Shalom Bar Asher (H)
Emancipation of the Moroccan Jewish Communal Organization in the
20th Centuty
246 The Jews of Yemen in the Modern Age
Chairperson: Carmella Abdar
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2503
Aviva Klein Franke (H)
The Jewish Cemetery in Aden (Yemen) Revisited
Bat-Zion Eraqi-Klorman (H)
Images and Temporal Needs Shaping Yemeni Jewish Historiography
Aharon Gaimani (H)
Rabbi Dowid Saddoq Halewi and His Immigration to Eretz Yisrael
Amnon Hever (H)
The Non-Jewish Courts of Law As a Place of Refuge for Women from
Tsana in the 18th and 19th Centuries according to the "Miswadah", the
Book of Protocols of the Tsana Ecclesiastical Court
506 The Jewish Women of Yemen
Chairperson: Bat-Zion Eraqi-Klorman
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Nitza Druyan (H)
Yemenite Women in Transition from the Periphery to the Mainstream
Carmella Abdar (H)
Body, Hierarchy and Boundaries in the Dress of Jewish Women from
Vered Madar (H)
Yemenite Women's Songs Between Death and Birth
247 The Sephardic Community of Amsterdam
Chairperson: Nechama Grunhaus
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2503
Yosef Kaplan (H)
Assimilation and Orthodoxy Among 18th Century Dutch Sephardim
Matt Goldish (E)
Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in the Sermons of Hakham Solomon Aailion
-Manor (H)
"Like the Phoenix": Image, Symbol and the Construction of Self Identity
in the Portuguese Jewish Community of Amsterdam in the Early Modern
Tirtsah Levie-Bernfeld (E)
Life on the Fringe: Deviance Among the Portuguese Poor of Amsterdam
in the Early Modern Period
248 Rabbis and "Crown Rabbis" in Russia
Chairperson: Avraham Greenbaum
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2503
Shaul Stampfer (H)
The Rabbis Who Were Not There in Eastern Europe
Tamar Kaplan-Appel (E)
Crown Rabbis and the "Rabbinic Question" in Late Imperial Russia
Marina Turkinies (H)
"Crown Rabbis" Helping Jewish Children
David Tal (H)
Yehudah Leib Kantor As Rabbi and Publicist
249 The Jews of Poland in the Modern Age
Chairperson: Joshua Zimmerman
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2503
Victoria Mochalova (E)
Jewish Participation in Polish-Muscovite Military Conflicts in the 17th
Agnieszka Friedrich (E)
Polish Positivists towards Jewish Assimilation
Konrad Zielinski (E)
Poles and Jews in the Local Authorities of the Kingdom of Poland During
the First World War
250 The Jews of Eastern Europe in the Modern Age
Chairperson: Ela Bauer
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2503
Elmantas Meilus (R)
The Jews of Lithuania During the Moscow Occupation (1655-1660)
Lilia Kalmina (E)
To Allow or to Forbid? Some Peculiarities of Siberian Jewish Legislation,
First Helf of the 19th Centurty
Mordechai Zalkin (H)
"Lithuanian Jewry" or "Polish-Lithuanian Jewry”
Deimantas Karvelis (E)
Jews in Private Estates of the Great Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th-17th
Centuries: the Birzh Dutchy of Radzivills (1547-1695)
251 The Jews of Lithuania in the Twentieth Century
Chairperson: Mordechai Zalkin
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2503
Saulius Kaubrys (E)
The Socio-Cultural Characteristics of the Kaunas Jewish Community in
Egle Bendikaite
The Zionist Movement in Lithuania Between the World Wars: From Left
to Right
Linas Tatarunas (E)
Some Remarks on Lithuanian-Jewish Relations in Soviet Lithuania
Simonas Strelcovas (E)
World War II Jewish Refugees in the Republic of Lithuania 1939-1940
252 Haskalah and Tradition
Chairperson: Rachel Manekin
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2503
Haim Gertner (H)
Who Is a Zealot? Images of the “Culture Wars” Between Maskilim and
Hassidim in Central Europe
Nahem Ilan (H)
An Introduction to the Research of the Literary Project of Rabbi Shlomo
Lucian-Zeev Herscovici (E)
A Moderate "Maskil" and Fighter for the Modernization of Jewish Life
and Emancipation
Yossef Charvit (H)
A Jewish Intellectual (Maskil): Rabbi Isaac Morali of Algeria (1867-
1952), Based on Unexplored Archive Material (Central Archive of Jewish
History, p. 55)
253 Jews and Christians in the Modern Age – Session A
Chairperson: Jonathan Yitzhak Helfand
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2503
Roman Marcinkowski (E)
Luigi Chiarini (1789-1832): Reformer of Judaism or Anti-Judaist?
Alexander Lvov (H)
Russian Judaisers Between the Bible and Jewish Tradition
Ekaterina Emeliantseva (E)
Situational Religiousness – Situational Identity: A New Approach to the
Social History of Warsaw and Prague Frankism
Olivier Rota (E)
The Roman Catholic Church and the Jewish Question in England (19121939)
254 Jews and Christians in the Modern Age – Session B
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2503
Lavi Shay (H)
Christians and Jews: The First Women's "NGO" in Mid-Nineteenth
Century Jerusalem
Martin Bray (E)
Protestant Responses to Political Zionism in the Period before the
Creation of the State of Israel
Gershon Nerel (H)
"Operation Mercy": The Evacuation of Messianic Jews from Eretz Israel
in 1948
255 The Jews of Europe in the Modern Age
Chairperson: Haim Gertner
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2503
Rashid Kaplanov (E)
Eighteenth Century Attempts to Set Up a Jewish Asylum Territory
Tamar Shimshi-Licht (H)
Jewish Domestics in Early Modern Germany: Service and Employment
Judith Bleich (E)
The Circumcision Controversy in Classical Reform in Historical Context
Mirjam Triendl (E)
Traveling to Carlsbad: On the Ambivalence of a Modern Sanctuary
Rachel Heuberger (E)
"Compact Memory": A Gateway to Jewish Periodicals and an Important
Research Tool for Modern Jewish Studies
256 Jewish Women in Europe in the Modern Age
Chairperson: Ada Rapoport-Albert
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2503
Tzvia Koren (H)
Religious and Learned Women in Frankfurt Au Main’s "Memorbuch": A
Jonathan Yitzhak Helfand (E)
"Cherchez la Femme": Integration and Gender Issues in Early 19th
Century France
Laura Schor (E)
Societe Pour L'etablissement des Jeunes Filles Israelites
Special Sessions
The general assembly of the members of the World Union of Jewish
Studies and the Union Council
Monday, 1.8.2005, between 13:30-15:00 in the Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Ephraim E. Urbach International Fellowship Winners
Chairperson: Anita Shapira
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Elisheva Baumgarten (H)
Piety and Gender: Toward an Outline of the Spiritual Lives of Medieval
Jewish Women
Benjamin Brown (H)
Halakha and Religious Ethics: Creating a Conceptual Research Model
Manuela Consonni (H)
Deportation and Extermination: the Becoming and Representation of
Magda Teter (E)
Jewish Law and Canon Law: Dealing with the Other
Closing Ceremonies: The Institute of Jewish Studies and Its Role in the
Jewish Studies Department of the Hebrew University, Past and Present
(Special Session Marking the 80th Anniversary of the Institute of Jewish
Chairperson: Sara Japhet
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Atzmaut-Mexico Hall
Martin D. Goodman, Oxford University
Joshua Schwartz, Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University
David Berger, Brooklyn College
Yeshayahu Gaffni, Chair, Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Holocaust Studies
270 Fifty Years after the Kastner Trial – A Public Debate (Plenary
Session) (in Cooperation with the Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of
Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Racism, Tel-Aviv University)
Chairperson: Dan Laor
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 6837 (Hendeles Zwig
Yechiam Viz (H)
The Position of Israel Kastner
Shlomo Aronson (H)
The Prosecution's Position
Dina Porat (H)
The Defence's Position
272 Poland Before and During the Holocaust
Chairperson: Malgorzata Melchior
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2715
Shimon Redlich (H)
Life in Transit: Jews and Jewish Life in Lodz, 1945-1950
Malgorzata Domagalska (E)
The Image of the Jews in the Anti-Semitic Popular Novel in Poland at the
Beginning of the 20th Century
Natalia Aleksiun (E)
Narratives Under Siege: Anti-Semitism in the Writings of Jewish
Historians in Interwar Poland
273 Jewish Diasporas in Response to Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust
Chairperson: Graciela Ben-Dror
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 2715
Silvina Schammah Gesser (E)
Images of "Sefarad" and "The Jews" in Spanish Fascism, 1923-1936
Yitzchak Kerem (E)
New Findings about Greek Jewish Heroism in the Holocaust
Gabriel E. Alexander (H)
In Days of Decline: Jewish Liberalism in Berlin before the Holocaust
274 The Holocaust and Haredi Jewry
Chairperson: Hava Eshkoli
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2505
Gershon Greenberg (E)
Kabbalah in the Land of Israel: Mordekhai Atiyah on Holocaust and
Chaim Shalem (H)
Rabbi Sadagora's Reaction upon Receipt of the News of the
Extermination of European Jewry, 1942-1943
Ruth Ebenstein (E)
"Believing Jews could never sell their souls to the devil": Reactions to the
Kapo Trials and the Kastner Affair in the Israeli Haredi Press
Michal Shaul (H)
Haredi Holocaust Survivors’ Testimonies: “Private” or “Public” Memory?
275 The Attitude of the Church towards the Jews (in Coopration with
the Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism
and Racism, Tel-Aviv University)
Chairperson: Roni Stauber
Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: 2715
Ely Ben-Gal (H)
The Exceptional Case of the Village "Le Chambon Sur Lignon" in the
Massif Central Mountains of France, where the Huguenot Protestant
Community Spontaneously Mobilized Itself to Hide and Save Thousands
of Jews During the Shoah Period
Shoshana Goldfinger (H)
Official Swiss Policy Re "Illegal" Rescue Activities in the Holocaust
Sergio Minerbi (H)
Pope John Paul II and the Jews
276 Religious Zionism in the Holocaust and After
Chairperson: Dan Michman
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2712
Mordechai Friedman (H)
The Religious Units in the Hagana and in the Palmah
Hava Eshkoli (H)
The Uniqueness of the Religious Zionist Response to the Holocaust in
Menachem Weinstein (H)
Religious Zionist Activity Among the Holocaust Survivors
Haim Genizi (H)
The Rehabilitation of the Religious Zionist Movement in Hungary After
the Holocaust, 1945-1949
277 Survivors’ Testimony – Session A
Chairperson: Robert Rozett
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2715
Sharon Kangisser-Cohen (E)
"Remembering for us" – Discussions by Holocaust Survivors in Australia
on the Future of Holocaust Commemoration
Hannah Kliger (E)
Texts of Trauma and Identity: The Legacy of Holocaust Survivor
Narratives in America
Malgorzata Melchior (E)
The Holocaust Survivors Who Passed As Non-Jews in Nazi Occupied
Poland and France: A Comparison of the Survivors’ Experience
278 Survivors’ Testimony – Session B
Chairperson: Irith Dublon-Knebel
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2715
Aviva Ufaz (H)
The Children's Kibbutz on a Journey from the Valley of Death to the
Yearned Land
Miriam Gillis-Carlebach (H)
Children and Their Holocaust Experience: A Multidisciplinary Approach
to Children's Testimonies
Chaya Ostrower (E)
What Made You Laugh During the Holocaust? A Feminine Point of View
279 Cultural and Literary Responses to the Holocaust
Chairperson: Jacob Allerhand
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2715
Laura Jockusch (E)
“Become historians yourselves! Record, take it down and collect!”
Towards the Writing of Jewish Contemporary History
Lev Hakak (E)
The Holocaust in The Poetry of Near Eastern Jews and Sephardim
Haya Gavish (H)
Zionism and the Holocaust As Reflected in Personal Stories Told by the
Jews of Zakho, Kurdistan
280 The Literary Response of Women to the Holocaust
Chairperson: Rochelle G. Saidel
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2505
Rochelle G. Saidel (E)
Literary Resistance in Ravensbruck by Dr. Kathe Leichter and Other
Jewish Prisoners
Sonja Hedgepeth (E)
Passing Sentence on the Third Reich: Else Lasker‘IchundIch’
Talila Kosh (E)
Remembering or Forgetting: Israeli Women Writers and the Memory of
the Holocaust
Myrna Goldenberg (E)
American Jewish Women Poets and the Holocaust
413 Holocaust Literature – Session A
Chairperson: Neima Barzel
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Buber 200
Iris Milner (H)
Primo Levi and K. Zetnick: On the Meaning of the “Grey Area”
Pascale Matisse Mermelstein (H)
Trauma and History in Liminal Poetics: The Boundaries of Literature and
the Incomprehensibility of History
Rina Dudai (H)
Kitsch and Trauma: The Doll House (Katzetnik) and the Story of
Menucha (Eliezer Shapira)
414 Holocaust Literature – Session B
Chairperson: Dina Porat
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Buber 200
Rivka Maoz (H)
"Don't You Have a Clock That Ticks Also Shudder" – The Survivors’
World in Shulamit Hareven Writing
Maayan Harel (H)
Illness in the Early Fiction of Aharon Appelfeld
Eugenia Prokop-Janiec (E)
The Theme of Shoa in the Literary Output of Maria Kann
415 Narratives of the Second and Third Generations of the Holocaust:
Structuring Memory and Identity
Chairperson: Efraim Sicher
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Buber 200
Annelies Schulte-Nordholt (E)
The Obsession with Places in Recent Second Generation French
Narrative: "Accident Nocturne" by Patrick Modiano
Caroline Schaumann (E)
Far Away, So Close: Barbara Honigmann's Border Crossing As a Jew and
a German Writer
Hannah Adelman-Komy
Representing the Third Generation in Second Generation Holocaust
Narratives: The Case of Thane Rosenbaum's “The Golems of Gotham”
Masha Itshaki
"Poland, a Green Country" by Aharon Appelfeld: An Analysis of Another
281 The Holocaust: Memorials and Commemoration
Chairperson: Ely Ben-Gal
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Boaz Cohen (H)
Meir (Marek) Dworezcki, the Man Who Refused to Forget: On the Role
of Holocaust Survivors in the Emergence of Holocaust Commemoration
and Research
Shelly Shenhav (H)
"This Whole Lie Is the Whole Truth": Exhibits, Memories and the Past in
the Museum of the Jewish Diaspora
Gilbert N. Kahn (E)
Our Grandparents Would Never Forgive Us": The Politics of Using and
Abusing the Holocaust
Yaffa Eliach (E)
Restoring The Vanished Past: The Shtetl - The Living History Museum of
the Jewish World
282 Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union
Chairperson: Yitzchak Arad
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2503
Yuriy M. Vasserman (E)
A Study in the Dynamics of Prejudice against Jews As a Consequence of
Modernization in Russia
Inna Gerasimova (E)
The Evacuation of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic Population
in the Earliest Days of the Fascist Invasion
Mordechai Altshuler (H)
The Response of Soviet Jewry to the Anti-Semitism of the 40s and 50s
(1944 – 1953)
Vygantas Vareikis (E)
Lithuanian Jewry, National Ideology and Anti-Semitism in Lithuania after
the Fall of Communism
604 Issues in the Study of Anti-Semitism: Psychology and Character (in
Cooperation with the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs) – Session A
Chairperson: Chaya Hershkovic
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2605
Charles Bahn (E)
Jewish Anti-Israelism: A Mutation of Jewish Self-Hate
Daphne Burdman (H)
Hatred of the Jews As a Psychological Phenomenon in Palestinian Society
Manfred Gerstenfeld (E)
The Total War on Israel: The Methodology of the Anti-Israel Forces
605 Issues in the Study of Anti-Semitism: (in Cooperation with the
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs) – Session B
Chairperson: Manfred Gerstenfeld
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2605
Gerald Steinberg (E)
NGOs and Israel
Shimon Samuels (E)
The Globalization of Post-Durban Antisemitism
Mike Whine (E)
International Conferences on Anti-Semitism and Human Rights Issues
606 Anti-Semitism and the Media (in Cooperation with the Jerusalem
Center for Public Affairs)
Chairperson: Manfred Gerstenfeld
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2605
Itamar Marcus (E)
Palestinian Schoolbooks and Media: A Window to Internal Palestinian
Trevor Asserson
The Pictures on the BBC: An Analysis of Bias
Tamar Sternthal (E)
The Portrayal of Israel in the American Media
607 Post-Holocaust Issues (in Cooperation with the Jerusalem Center
for Public Affairs)
Chairperson: Manfred Gerstenfeld
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2605
Michael Bazyler (E)
Post-Holocaust Restitution in Israel
Laurence Weinbaum (E)
The Contradictions Between War History and Memory in Romania
Susan Urban (E)
Minimizing the Holocaust and Demonizing a Country: Germany, Its Past
and Its Image of Israel 2000
Division C: Rabbinic Literature and Jewish Law
300 Directions in Talmud Studies (Plenary Session)
Chairperson: Menachem Kahana
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Yaakov Elman (H)
This Versus That: Reflections on Talmudic Scholarship in the Last
Richard Kalmin (H)
Recent Scholarship in the Babylonian Talmud
Leib Moscovitz (H)
Between Amoraim and Redactors: Methodological Reflections
Robert Brody (H)
The Anonymous Talmud and the Amoraim
301 Cha”zal: Philology, Language, History and Literature (Plenary
Chairperson: Yaakov Sussmann
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Menachem Kahana
Moshe Bar-Asher
Hillel Newman
Jonah Fraenkel
302 A Treasury of Talmudic Manuscripts: A Catalogue of Manuscripts
of the Mishna, Tosefta, the Talmuds, and the Rif of the Israel Academy of
the Sciences and Humanities (Plenary Session, in Cooperation with the
Friedberg Genizahh Research Project and the Ben-Zvi Institute)
Chairperson: David Rosenthal
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: The Dan Wassong
Auditorium (Rabin building)
Yaakov Sussmann (H)
The Talmudic Manuscripts Catalog
Yoav Rosenthal (H)
The Babylonian Talmud in the Genizah: On the Early Form of Sugyot
Ezra Chwat (H)
Alfasi in the Genizah
Roni Shweka (H)
The Talmudic Manuscripts Catalogue: Summary of Findings
303 The Early Tannaitic Halakhah
Chairperson: Leib Moscovitz
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 5817
Paul Mandel (H)
The Beit Midrash As a Public Institution of Instruction in the Tannaitic
Asher Finkel (E)
Two Approaches to the Determination of Pentecost: A Phenomenological
Arye Hayoun (H)
Halakhah that Precedes Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel: General Principles of
Reconstituting the Early Corpus of Pharisaic Halakhah
304 Mishnah and Toseftah – Session A
Chairperson: Vered Noam
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 5817
Avraham Walfish (H)
Reading Mishnah Intertextually
Paul Heger (H)
Where Slept the Priests? An Alternative Proposal on How to Read the
Opening Lemma of Mishnah Tamid 1:1
Mordechai Meir (H)
“The Six Orders of the Mishnah Vowelized and Annotated” by Hayyim
Nahman Bialik: Guidelines to Bialik’s Forgotten Enterprise, Marking
Seventy-Five Years since Its Publication
Moshe Koppel
Reconstructing Tractate Qinim
305 Mishnah and Toseftah – Session B
Chairperson: Avraham Walfish
Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: 5817
Judith Hauptman (H)
A Chapter in the History of the Editing of the Mishnah: A Reformulation
of the Aggadah of the Tosefta
Joshua Kulp (H)
Organizational Patterns in the Mishnah in Light of Their Toseftan
Binyamin Katzoff (H)
The Tosefta's Text-Tradition in Relation to the Baraitot in the Talmudim:
A New Analysis of Tractate Berachot
432 From Language to Language in the Second Temple Era
Chairperson: Yochanan Breuer
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2603
Richard Steiner (E)
Reading vs. Speaking in the Hebrew of the Roman Period: On the
Pronunciations of .et
Hyun Joon Choi (E)
Some Lingusitic Modifications of Adverbs in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Elisha Qimron (H)
Hebrew Between the First Revolt and the Bar Kokba Revolt 67-135 C.E
Stefan Schorch (E)
Unity and Discontinuity: A Hebraistic Version of the History of Ancient
433 Mishnaic Hebrew and Aramaic – Session A
Chairperson: Amos Dodi
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2603
Chaim E. Cohen (H)
The Participle of the Passive Conjugations in Mishnaic Hebrew
Natan Braverman (H)
Variation of Prepositions in Tannaitic Hebrew
Rivka Shemesh
Forms of Address in Mishna and Tosefta
Judith Hanshke (H)
Linguistic Aspects of the Cambridge Manuscript of the Mishnah
434 Mishnaic Hebrew and Aramaic – Session B
Chairperson: Judith Hanshke
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2603
Yochanan Breuer (H)
Early and Late in Mishnaic Hebrew: Temporal Expressions that Develop
into Causal Expressions
Ofra Tirosh-Becker (H)
Vowel Interchanges in Rabbinic Citations Embedded in Karaite
Michael Rezik (H)
The Livorno Edition of the Mishnah and the Popular Transmission of
Rabbinic Language Among Italian Jews
Moshe Morgenstern (E)
From Yemen to Babylonian in the Study of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic
207 Everyday Life in the Ancient World
Chairperson: Yaron Z. Eliav
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2720
Avi Sasson (H)
The Development of the Custom of Providing “Provisions for the Way”
(Drinking Apparatus and Planting Saplings) for Travelers in the Land of
Aharon Oppenheimer (H)
Trade with the Far East in the Talmudic Period
Susan Weingarten (E)
Food in the Babylonian Talmud: Memories of Sumer, Foretastes of
Yoel Fixler (H)
Gitin After the Bar-Kochva Revolt
208 Jews and Judaism in the Greek World
Chairperson: Moshe-David Herr
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2720
Noah Hacham (H)
On Parallels, 3 Maccabees and the Book of Esther
Azaria Baitner (H)
The Figure of God in the Zodiac and Jacob's Image
Emmanuelle Main
The concepts of Hellenismos and Ioudaismos in the II Maccabees and
Modern Historiography
Edward Dabrowa (E)
The Hasmonean Kingship in the Hellenistic Context
209 Jewish Identity in the Greco-Roman Era
Chairperson: Doron Mendels
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2720
Michael Satlow (E)
"A People of Philosophers": Jews, Greeks, and Self-Identity
Eyal Ben-Eliyahu (H)
The Names of the Land During the Second Temple and the RomanByzantine Periods
Pieter Van der Horst (E)
“The Most God-Fearing and the Most Abominable of All Nations:" A
Greek Philosopher on the Jews
Dorit Gordon (H)
Agatharchides, Mendele, Aristobulos2 and the Question of the Jewish
Sources of Josephus
210 Archaeological and Epigraphic Finds
Chairperson: Lee I. Levine
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2720
David Goodblatt (H)
Once Again on the Title "Nasi"
Ben-Zion Rosenfeld (H)
The Identity of "Rabbi" in Rabbinic Literature and Epigraphy, and Its
Implications for the History and Status of the Sages in Byzantine
Susan Sorek (E)
'Remembered for Good': Synagogue Inscriptions of Roman Palestine
Galit Noga-Banai (E)
Loca Sancta – Traditions and Roman Sarcophagi
211 Herod and His Age
Chairperson: Zeev Weiss
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2720
Joseph Patrich (H)
The Wall Street, the Eastern Stoa, the Location of the "Tetrapylon", and
the Halakhic Status of Caesarea (Commentary on Tosefta Ahilot
Samuel Rocca (H)
Herod and Augustus
Eyal Regev (H)
Herod's Jewish-Roman Ideology: Rhetoric and Evidence
212 Josephus and His Age
Chairperson: Joshua Schwartz
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Mordechai Gichon (H)
The Generalship of Josephus
Geoffrey Herman (H)
“Mithridates he captured alive and brought home mounted naked upon an
ass”: Persian Motifs in the Tragedy of Anilaeus and Asinaeus (Josephus,
Antiquities XVIII, 314-370)
Daniel Maoz (E)
The Torah in Josephus' Antiquities: Three Classifications of Alleged
Additions to Bereshit in Antiquities 1-2
Louis H. Feldman (E)
The Levites in Josephus
213 Eretz-Yisrael in the Age of the Tannaim and Amoraim
Chairperson: Noah Hacham
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Ze'ev Safrai (H)
The Halakhic Attitude Towards the Samaritans
Sigalit Ben-Zion (E)
Sages vs Priests: The Constitution of a New Social Order or a Mimicry of
Existing Hegemonic Representation?
Sacha Stern (E)
Rabbinic Court, City Councils and Control of the Calendar in Late
Antique Palestine
214 Jewish Art and the Jewish-Christian Polemic
Chairperson: Oded Irshai
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Zeev Weiss (H)
Biblical Iconography and Yearnings for the Temple Cult in Ancient
Synagogue Art
Talgam Rina (H)
The Bible and the Sanctuary in Church Ornamentation on Both Banks of
the Jordan
Lee I. Levine (H)
Jewish Art in Late Antiquity and Its Historical Contexts
306 The Tannaim Among the Amoraim
Chairperson: Robert Brody
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 5817
Mordechi Sabato (H)
"Unfit Witness": Exegesis of the Tannaitic Sources in Light of the Sugiot
in the Bavli
Izchak M. Schlesinger (H)
Tannaitic and Amoraic Texts – Differences in Interpretation Practices
Barak S. Cohen (H)
Rav Nahman and Rav Sheshet: Conflicting Methods of Exegesis of
Tannaitic Sources
Mor Sagit
Mishnaic Regulations in the Babylonian Talmud As a Tool for Examining
Amoraic Legal Procedures
307 Amoraic Literature
Chairperson: Yitzhak Schlesinger
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 5817
Moshe Asis (H)
Interpretation of a Vague Saying in the Yerushalmi
Harry Fox (leBeit Yoreh) (H)
Two (Oral) Presentations but One Meaning
Yinnon Leiter (H)
Does Fate Govern the People of Israel? Philosophy, Literature and Editing
Style in the Babylonian and Palestinian Talmuds
Menachem Katz (H)
Collection of Halakhah or Analytic Clarification?
308 The Babylonian Talmud
Chairperson: Shamma Friedman
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 5817
David Weiss Halivni (E)
On the “Maasaf” and the “Maavir”: A Phase in the Evolution of the
Aaron Amit (H)
The Two Textual Versions of the Chapter “Haya Koreh” [He Would
Read] from the Babylonian Talmud’s Tractate Berakhot [Blessings]
Avinoam Cohen (H)
Similar Literary Terms with Different Functions in the Talmuds
Simcha Goldsmith (H)
The Role of Amar Kra Midrashim in the Talmudic Sugiya
309 Editing
Chairperson: David Henshke
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 5817
Liora Elias (H)
The Editing of the Mekilta de Rabbi
Yachin Epstein (H)
Tracing the Origins of the Compilation of the Derekh Eretz [Behavioral]
Literature through an In-Depth Study of Tractate Kalah Rabati
Gila Vachman (H)
The Uniqueness of the Editing in Midrash Hadash on the Torah
Evyatar Marienberg (E)
The Baraita de-Niddah: Some Findings from a Forthcoming Critical
310 Between Blood and Blood
Chairperson: Yeshayahu Gaffni
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 5817
Shaye J.D. Cohen (E)
Dam Berit (the Blood of Circumcision)
Tirzah Meacham (LeBeit Yoreh) (H)
Purity, Power and Politics
Chaim Burgansky (H)
The History of the Laws of Ktamim
Bitkha Har-Shefi (H)
"The Student Who Died Before His Time" (Shabbat 13a): Textual
Tradition As Tradition of Halakhah and Custom
311 Halakhah and Halakhic Rulings
Chairperson: Harry Fox (leBeit Yoreh)
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 5817
Aharon Kapah (H)
A Religious Ruling Revoked for Many Centuries: To What Extent Does
the Rabbinical Sage Have the Authority to Restore It?
Ethan Tucker (H)
Regarding Literary Agendas and Legal Conclusions: The Case of
Hatikhah Atzmah Naa'aseit Neveilah
Avi Shveka (H)
Is the Court Emissary Allowed to Enter the Debtor's Home? A Study in
the History of Halakhah
Avinoam Rosenak (H)
Theory and Practice: Halakhic Rulings As Stage Instructions
312 Tales of the Sages – Session A
Chairperson: Paul Mandel
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 5817
Myron Lerner (H)
The Editors of PT versus Elisha ben Aviyya: An Examination of the
Tamar Meir (H)
A Tale of the Sages As a Pitra: The Early Biography of R. Eliezer b.
Hyrcanus As a Test Case (Bereishit Rabba, Chap.41[42])
David Lifshitz (H)
Ethical Problems in the World of the Talmudic Sages
313 Tales of the Sages – Session B (n Coopration with the Chaim
Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies, Tel-Aviv University)
Chairperson: Myron Lerner
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 5817
Inbar Raveh (H)
Between "Closure" and "Closeness" in the Tales of the Sages in Rabbinic
Tamas Turan (H)
The Destructive and Ruthless Observations of the Sages: The
Development of Aggaddic Motifs in Talmudic Literature
Boris Ostrer (H)
R. Johanan and Reish Lakish in a Gnostic Anecdote
503 Midrash and Folklore
Chairperson: Yehoshua Levinson
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Dina Stein (H)
Simeon the Righteous and the Nazirite: Perspectives on Introspection in
Talmudic Legends
Ruhama Weiss (H)
Tests of Kashrut: Sub-Groups of Repast-Assessment in the Talmud
Erik Alvstad (E)
“Transforming the Dream": Performative Speech in the Ritual of Hatavat
314 Early Rabbinic Literature
Chairperson: Shlomo Naeh
Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: 5818
David Henshke (H)
On the Sources of ''‫תרצע ימולשת‬
Vered Noam (H)
New Sabbath Laws from Qumran
Reuven Kimelman (E)
Why did Resurrection for the Dead Beat out Immortality for the Soul in
Rabbinic Judaism
Cana Werman (H)
The Wood Offering in Qumran and Tannatic Literature: Nature and
315 Literary Aspects of Rabbinic Literature
Chairperson: Tamar Kadari
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 5818
Haim Ovadia (E)
Psychological Manipulation and Hidden Characters in Midrash: The Case
of Abraham the Apostate and Korah the Pharisee
Tsafi Sebba-Elran (H)
King Solomon and Asmodeus, Or: The Story of the Nightmare (Balahot)
King – Agadic Anthologies and Their Role in the Development of
Judaism As a Culture
Tziona Grossmark (H)
The Inn As a Place of Violence and Danger in Rabbinic Literature
316 Tales of the Sages
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Rivka Raviv (H)
A Recreation of the Book of Daniel’s Prophecy of the Four Kingdoms
Culled from Rabbinic Literature
Alon Goshen-Gotshtein (H)
Polemicomania 2 – Examining the Two Powers
Shoshana Vinberger (H)
Zedekiah and the Rabbit (Nedarim 65 a) Aggada and Halakhah
317 Midrashim and Their Emendations – Session A
Chairperson: Yaakov Elboim
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 5817
Reuven Kiperwasser (H)
Kohelet Rabbah: Study in Redaction and Formation
Arnon Atzmon
Haggadat Megillat Esther (=Midrash Tanhuma to Esther)
Tamar Kadari (H)
Where Does Midrash "Shir HaShirim Rabbah" Begin?
Gilad Sasson (H)
"Solomon Asked to Admit the Ark of the Covenant to the Sanctuary":
The Editing of an Eretz Yisrael Legend in the Babylonian Talmud
318 Midrashim and Their Emendations – Session B
Chairperson: Jonah Fraenkel
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 5817
Yaakov Elboim (H)
Midrash and Emendation in Menachem b. Shlomo’s “Yalkut Sekhel Tov”
Amos Geula (H)
Lost Aggadic Midrashim Known from Ashkenazic Sources of the 13th
Century and Their Relationship to Cognate Compositions
Ezra Kehalani (H)
Creativity and Stylistic Innovation in the Midrash "Agadat Bereshit" [The
Legends of Genesis]
319 The Body and Its Perception in Rabbinic Literature
Chairperson: Dina Stein
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Ishay Rosen-Zvi (H)
The Priestly Ur-Body: Reading Mishna Bechorot 7
Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert (E)
The Semiotics of the Sexed Body in Rabbinic Literature
Jay Rovner (E)
A certain matronita solicited R. Tzadok”: Eros of Power, Eros of
Resistance, in a Babylonian Talmudic Narrative (bKid 40a)
320 Israel and the Nations
Chairperson: Margarete Schlueter
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: Buber 200
Herbert W. Basser (H)
Who is Like a "Donkey" (Gen. 22:5)?
Hermut Lohr (E)
The Concept of "Deuterosis" in Jewish-Christian Dialogue and
Yuval Shahar (H)
The Smeering, Spoiling Samaritan: The Literary Characteristics and
Historical Roots of the Talmudic Anti-Samaritan Motif
321 Prayer – Session A
Chairperson: Ruth Langer
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 5817
Jonah Fraenkel (H)
The Ritual of Northern France
Stefan C. Reif (H)
The Early History of the "Al Ha-Nissim" Prayer on Hanukah
Dalia Sara Marx (Zylbersztein) (H)
The Talmudic Early Morning Ritual: Reconstruction of the Mind and the
Body through Utterance of Birkhot Hashakhar (the Morning Blessings)
Ephraim-Bezalel Halivni (H)
“Now Everyone Says a Blessing Before and After the Torah Reading”:
Since When?
322 Prayer – Session B
Chairperson: Avigdor Shinan
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 5817
Ruth Langer (H)
The Birkat Haminim without Minim? The Aftermath of Christian
Uri Ehrlich (H)
An Early Palestinian Version of the Shmone Esre and Its Bearing on
Birkat Ha-Da'at
Yehezkel Luger (H)
“Bless Us, Our Father, All of Us”
Zvi Szubin H. (E)
Legal Terminology in Liturgy
323 Studies in Gaonic Literature
Chairperson: Moshe Asis
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 5818
Uziel Fuchs (H)
The Oral Nature of the Bavli in Geonic Times: Theory and Practice
Roni Shweka (H)
The "Tosfeta" in Halachot Gedolot: A Contribution to its textual study
Adiel Kadari (H)
Admitting the Other? Rereading Rav Zemah Gaon's Responsa Regarding
Eldad Ha-Dani
Jehoshua Horowitz (H)
R. Mordechai's Attitude to the Geonim and His Manner of Halakhic
324 The History of Halakhah – Session A
Chairperson: Bernard S. Jackson
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Eliezer Diamond (H)
The Second Rule in Maimonides’ "Sefer Mitzvot" [Book of
Commandments]: Maimonides’ Approach to the Concept of 613
[Mitzvot] and to Midrash Halakhah
Israel Gilhut (H)
Parents' Obligations Toward Their Children: The Meaning of
Maimonides' Divergence from Talmudic Rulings
Shalem Yahalom (H)
The Connection Between Nahmanides and Sefer Hahashlamah
325 The History of Halakhah – Session B
Chairperson: Eliezer Diamond
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Bernard S. Jackson (E)
History and Authority in Agunah Research
Yehudah Cohn (H)
Did the Inhabitants of Qumran Wear Rabbenu Tam's Tefillin?
Tamar Salmon (H)
What Did the Shu’m Regulation Really Say about Domestic Squabbles?
Kenneth Hanson (E)
Witness Requirement in Property Cases: Qumranic Evidence of Ancient
326 The History of Halakhah – Session C
Chairperson: Israel Gilhut
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Hanna Shchepetova (E)
Heresy and Apostasy Aa Legal Concepts of Rabbinic Law
Daniel Raviv (H)
Following the Majority: Biblical or Midrashic Text? An Example of the
Formation Process of Halakhic Rabbinic Exegesis
Yoel Kretzmer-Raziel (H)
Handling Vessels on the Sabbath
Meylekh Viswanath (E)
The Use of Real Estate for the Settlement of Claims in Jewish Babylonia
Moshe Samet (H)
Outlines to the biography of Rabbi Yhonathan Eybechuetz
327 Commentary and Methodology
Chairperson: Jeffrey R. Woolf
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2605
Margarete Schlueter (E)
Principle or Rule? The Transformation of the Maxim "There is no Earlier
and Later in the Torah" into a Middah, "by Means of Which the Torah Is
David Brodsky (E)
Exploring Rabbinic Methodologies: When Text, Law and Hermeneutics
Aviram Ravitsky (H)
Talmudic Methodology and Scholastic Logic:The Commentary of R.
Abraham Elijah Cohen to the Thirteen Exegetical Principles
328 Medieval Commentaries – Session A
Chairperson: Uziel Fuchs
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 – 11:00 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Simcha Emanuel (H)
The Biography and Teachings of Rabbi Yechiel of Paris
Jeffrey R. Woolf (H)
The Torah Commentary of R. Jacob Kanizel
Yehuda Galinski (H)
Revisions and Recensions in Medieval Halakhic Literature: The Case of
R. Jeruham’s Meisharim
329 Medieval Commentaries – Session B
Chairperson: Yehuda Galinski
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Ephraim Kanarfogel (H)
The Sources and Significance of the Ashkenazi Material in Ritva's
Talmudic Commentaries
Yoel Florsheim (H)
Nachmanides’ attitude to the T. Yerushalmi
Jonathan Milgram (H)
The Sources of the "Shittah Mekubezet" to Kodashim in the Geniza
Aaron Ahrend (H)
Commentaries on Rashi's Talmud Commentary
338 Mishpat Ivri- Whence and Whither? (Plenary Session) – Session A
Chairperson: Menachem Elon
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2718
Menachem Elon (H)
Misphat Ivri and the Shaping of the Legal System of Israel As a
Democratic Jewish State
Suzanne L. Stone (E)
New Directions for Jewish Law from the American Legal Academy
Amihai Radzyner (H)
"Jewish Law" and "Talmudic Research": The Case of Asher Gulak
Shamma Friedman (H)
Correlations Between the Talmud and Mishpat Ivri in Asher Gulak’s
339 Mishpat Ivri- Whence and Whither? (Plenary Session) – Session B
Chairperson: Elihav Shochetman
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2718
Gideon Libson (H)
Marking Forty Years of the Institute for Research in Jewish Law:
Projected Goals and Directions
Aviad Hacohen (H)
Unlawful Enrichment and Not in Jewish Law
Yuval Sinai (H)
Jewish Law in Israeli Courts: A Future Glimpse
340 Mishpat Ivri in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age
Chairperson: Aviad Hacohen
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2718
Michael Rosensweig (E)
The Impact of Increased Mobility on Halakhic Issues in the Medieval
Mediterranean World
Jay R. Berkovitz (E)
Civil Law and Justice in the Rabbinic Tribunales of 18th Century Metz
Hila Ben-Eliyahu (H)
Private International Law As Reflected in the Halakhic Responsa of the
16th Century
341 Mishpat Ivri and Modernity
Chairperson: Gideon Libson
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2718
Ron S. Kleinman (H)
Israeli Civil Law and the Halakhah: Do They Dwell in Peaceful Harmony
in the Rabbinical Ecclesiastical Courts?
Benny Shmueli (H)
Law, Morality and Loving Your Neighbor: The Essence of the Proverb
"Love Your Neighbor As Yourself" in Jewish Law and Israeli Law
Floriane Chinsky (H)
Jewish Law: Flexible or Rigid? A Brief Review of Social Representations
of Halakhah for Modern-Day French Jews
Michael Corinaldi (H)
Conversion Procedures According to Jewish Law (Halakah) and Israeli
342 Mishpat Ivri and Gender
Chairperson: Michael Corinaldi
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 2718
Neal Hendel (H)
Radical Feminism, Mishpat Ivri and the Israeli Legal System
Ronit Irshay (H)
Fertillity, Gender and Halakhah
Ranon Katzoff
Rabbinic Law in P.Yadin 21-22: A Widow's Rights to Self-Help
343 Family Law
Chairperson: Yaakov Bazak
Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: 2718
Yehiel Kaplan (H)
Marriage Agreements in Jewish Law
Elimelech Westreich (H)
The Wife's Income from Labor in Jewish Law and Its Application in
Israeli Law
Elihav Shochetman (H)
A Husband’s Infidelity As a Basis for Divorce
344 Issues in Jewish Law – Session A
Chairperson: Moshe Drori
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2718
Richard L. Claman (E)
Can A "Jewish and Democratic State" Qualify As a Rawlsian "Decent"
Yossi David (H)
For and Against Legal Analogies in Pre-Maimonidean Halakhic Thought
Ya'acov Habba (H)
[Complete] Testimony but not Partial Testimony: A Chapter in the Laws
of Evidence
J. David Bleich (E)
Medical Malpractice and Jewish Law
345 Issues in Jewish Law – Session B
Chairperson: Ya'acov Habba
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2718
Yaakov Bazak (H)
An Unsuccessful Attempt to Commit an Offence
Avishalom Westreich (H)
Trends in Talmudic Tort Law: A Study in the Law of the "Tooth" in the
Public Domain
Moshe Drori (H)
Causality in the Law of Damages ("Gerama" [Indirect Causation] and
"Mevatel Kiso Shel Haveiro" [Causing the Future Loss Profits]) in
Mishpat Ivri: The Implementation of Principles and Their Application to
the Israeli Public and Legal System
Ya'akov Shapira (H)
The Social Order versus Religious – Ethical Law: A Study of Two
Halakhot Concerning Theft
Special Sessions
The general assembly of the members of the World Union of Jewish
Studies and the Union Council
Monday, 1.8.2005, between 13:30-15:00 in the Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Ephraim E. Urbach International Fellowship Winners
Chairperson: Anita Shapira
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Elisheva Baumgarten (H)
Piety and Gender: Toward an Outline of the Spiritual Lives of Medieval
Jewish Women
Benjamin Brown (H)
Halakha and Religious Ethics: Creating a Conceptual Research Model
Manuela Consonni (H)
Deportation and Extermination: the Becoming and Representation of
Magda Teter (E)
Jewish Law and Canon Law: Dealing with the Other
Closing Ceremonies: The Institute of Jewish Studies and Its Role in the
Jewish Studies Department of the Hebrew University, Past and Present
(Special Session Marking the 80th Anniversary of the Institute of Jewish
Chairperson: Sara Japhet
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Atzmaut-Mexico Hall
Martin D. Goodman, Oxford University
Joshua Schwartz, Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University
David Berger, Brooklyn College
Yeshayahu Gaffni, Chair, Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jewish Thought
350 The Political Philosophy of Maimonides and Jewish Political
Philosophy (Plenary Session)
Chairperson: Aviezer Ravizki
Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: Senate Hall
Eliezer Schweid (H)
The Perennial Jewish Philosophy of Enlightenment in Relation to
Yosef Turner (H)
The Maimonedean Influence in Rabbi Haim Hirschenssohn's Political
Shalom Ratzabi (H)
The Political Teachings of Rabbi Mordechai Kaplan and the Political
Teachings of Maimonides
Jonathan Cohen (H)
Interpreting Maimonides’ Political Thought: The Contemporary
Relevance of the Strauss-Guttmann Debate
352 Teaching Mysticism in the Academy (Plenary Session)
Chairperson: Ron Margolin
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)@
Avraham Elqayam (H)
New Approaches to Teaching Kabbalah in the Academy
Boaz Hoss (H)
The Construction of Jewish Mysticism and the Politics of Its Study
Ithamar Gruenwald (H)
The Mystical Text and the Mysticism of the Text
Moshe Idel (H)
The Culturo-Sociological Aspects of Research in Jewish Mysticism
353 Research in Magic and Its Academic Significance (Plenary Session)
Chairperson: Boaz Hoss
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Gideon Bohak (H)
Prolegomena to the Study of the Jewish Magical Tradition
Yuval Harari (H)
Power in Context: Community, Gender and Nation in Magical Struggles
in Israel
J.H. Chajes (H)
Jewish Magic and the Anxiety of Influence
354 The Friedberg Project for Genizah Research – Plans and Activities
(Plenary Session in Conjunction with the Friedberg Project for Genizah
Research under the Auspices of the University of Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada, and the Ben-Zvi Institute)
Chairperson: James A. Diamond
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: The Dan Wassong
Auditorium (Rabin building)
Aharon Maman
Philology in the Genizah: Current Research in the Friedberg Project
Sarah Stroumsa
Intellectual Encounter in the Genizah: The Cataloguing of Philosophical,
Theological and Polemical Fragments
David Sklare
From the Work of the Center for the Study of Judaeo-Arabic Culture:
Biblical Quaestionae
Haggai Ben-Shammai (H)
The Karaite Library in Jerusalem: Its Creation in the 10th and 11th
Centuries and Reconstruction in the 21st Century Friedberg Genizah
355 Philo of Alexandria
Chairperson: Daniel Maoz
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2717
Naomi G. Cohen (E)
Proverbs 8:22-23 in Philo and in Gen. Rabbah
Yochanan Cohen-Yashar (H)
The Meaning of the Word Ether in the Works of Philo Alexandrinus: The
Cosmological Background of Biblical Exegesis
Arkady Kovelman (E)
Jer. 9:22-23 in Philo and Paul
Mireille Hadas-Lebel (H)
Philo's Universalistic Interpretation of Biblical Laws
Katell Berthelot (E)
Philo of Alexandria and the Conquest of Canaan
356 Maimonides and His Thought – Session A
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Buber 200
Josef Stern (E)
Maimonides and Hume
Gabriel Danzig (E)
Why Did Maimonides Write the Mishneh Torah?
James A. Diamond (E)
Maimonides on the Sabbath: From Divine Will to Natural Order
357 Maimonides and His Thought – Session B
Chairperson: Eliezer Schweid
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: Buber 200
Yair Lorberbaum (H)
From Commentary to the Mishnah to The Guide of the Perplexed:
Transformation in Maimonides' Approach to Aggadah
Esty Eisenman (H)
The Sinaitic Revelation in Maimonides’ Thought
Amira Eran (H)
Elisha Ben Abuya As a Model of the Attitude of Modern Judaism to the
Feminine Alternative
Alfred L. Ivry (H)
Shim'on Rawidowicz and the Rambam
358 Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages – Session A
Chairperson: Ze'ev Harvey
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2717
Rebecca Kneller (H)
Creation or the Eternity of the World: An Original Compromise by Rabbi
Shmuel Ibn Tibbon
Yossi Marciano (H)
Rabbi Isaac from Shatabiah and "Shir HaShirim" [The Song of Songs] As
a Philosophical Dialogue
Mordecai Ostwald (H)
The "Hermeticist" Teachings of Rabbi Judan Moscato
Dror Erlich (H)
Julius Guttmann and the Study of R. Joseph Albo's Thought
359 Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages – Session B
Chairperson: Ephraim Kanarfogel
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2717
Brian Ogren (E)
Isaac Abarbanel, Neoplatonism and Gilgul Neshamot
Yair Shiffman (H)
Some Issues in the Political Ideology of Moshe Narboni According to His
Commentary on Ibn Tufail's Hayy ibn Yakdhan
Luis Cortest (E)
Athens and Jerusalem in Moshe Almosnino's Regimiento de la vida
Francesca Albertini-Yardenit (E)
The Influences of Alfarabi on Moses Maimonides' Theory of Kingship in
Sefer Shoftim
360 Issues in Kabbalah
Chairperson: Gedalyah Nigal
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2717
Sandra Valabregue-Perry (H)
Isaac of Acre's Conception of God’s Unity
Allan Brill (E)
Ascent of Light and Space in the Prayer Intention of Moses Cordovero
Assaf Navaro (H)
The Integration of Kabbalah into Liturgy in the 17th Century
Wilke Carsten (H)
"The Soul Is a Foreign Woman": Otherness and Psychological Allegory
in Biblical Exegesis from the Zohar to Hasidism
Moti Benmelech (H)
Messianism and History: A New Messianism in the Early 16th Century
361 The Latin Translation of “A Guide for the Perplexed” and Its
Influence on European Thought in the Late Middle Ages and the
Chairperson: Menachem Ben-Sasson
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2717
George K. Hasselhoff (E)
Some Remarks on the Latin Translation of the Guide of the Perplexed
Yossef Schwartz (E)
Maimonides' Interpretation of Divine Names in Christian Thought
Bernd Roling (E)
Maimonides in the Christian Cabbala
362 Jesus and Christianity As Reflected in Jewish Thought
Chairperson: Allan Brill
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: Buber 200
Daniel J. Lasker (H)
Baruch Spinoza and the Jewish-Christian Debate
Yitzhak Melamed (H)
Spinoza'a Bitter Love Affair with Jesus
Andreas Lehnardt (E)
Christianity in Nachman Krochmal’s Philosophy of History
Martin Jacobs (E)
Ibn Adret against the 'Madman': A Jewish Polemic against Islam and Its
Christian Background
363 Issues in Hassidic Studies – Session A
Chairperson: Shmuel Wygoda
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: Buber 200
David Assaf (H)
“Sentenced to lashings”: Solving the Impenetrable Hassidic Custom that
Appears in the Memoirs of Solomon Maimon
Gedalyah Nigal (H)
The Influence of the "Lomdim" on the Weltanschauung of Early Hasidism
Menahem Yaglom (H)
"Laughter that is Between Speech and Silence": Studies of R. Nachman
of Breslav and His Disciples.
Tzvi Mark (H)
The Megillat Setarim of R. Nahman of Bratzlav
364 Issues in Hassidic Studies – Session B
Chairperson: Tzvi Mark
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Buber 200
Natasha-Esther Zabolotnaya (H)
Man and Creation in R. Menahem Mendel of Vitebsk: Kabbalah and
Mystical Experience
Aviezer Cohen (H)
Self-Consciousness in the Mei Ha-Shiloah As the Nexus Between God
and Man
Ron Wacks (H)
Techniques of Guided Imagination in the Teachings of Rabbi Kalonymus
Kalmish Shapira of Piaseczno
365 Issues in Hassidic Studies – Session C
Chairperson: Yitzhak Kraus
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Buber 200
Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern (E)
Love and Hatred: The Satiric Origins of Neo-Hasidism
Naftali Loewenthal (E)
Did Maimonides Influence 20th Century Habad?
Igor Turov (H)
The Zaddiq Doctrine of R. Abraham Malakh
David Starr (E)
Love and Hatred: The Satiric Origins of Neo-Hasidism
366 Modern Jewish Thought – Session A
Chairperson: Yehoyada Amir
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2717
Allan Lazaroff (E)
Individualism and Relational Religion
Ilya Dvorkin (H)
From Berlin to Moscow: Hermann Cohen’s Impact on the Philosophy of
Dialogue in Russia – Thoy Kagan, Michael Bahtin, and Vladimir Bibler.
Hagai Dagan (H)
Good Monotheism and Bad Monotheism: Hermann Cohen and Micah
Joseph Berdishevsky on Monotheism
367 Modern Jewish Thought – Session B
Chairperson: Avriel Bar-Levav
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2717
Raphael Shuchat (H)
Rabbinic Attitudes to Scientific Cosmogony and Evolution in the 19th
and Early 20th Cenury
Naomi Fugelman-Goldfeld (H)
"Hayarden" [The Jordan] in Zurich: Literature and Philosophy of Jewish
Youth in the 20th Century.
Hanoch Ben-Pazi (H)
The Religious Thought of Leibowitz As a Post-Holocaust “Radical
Barbara U. Meyer (H)
Traces of Levinas and Leibowitz in the Christian Theology of FriedrichWilheim Marquardt
368 Modern Jewish Thought – Session C
Chairperson: Michael Brocke
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2717
Adam Shear (E)
Canonicity and the Authority of Works of Jewish Thought in Early
Modern Jewish Culture
Shmuel Wygoda (H)
Maimonodean Motifs in the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas
Ausrele-Kristina Pazeraite (E)
The Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas and the Rabbinic Thought of
Lithuania: R.Hayim from Volozhin and Israel Salanter
369 Philosophy in the Writing of Ha-Rav Kook
Chairperson: Chana Kehat
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: Buber 200
Ruvin Ferber (E)
Common Elements in the Mystical Existentialism of Avraham Kook and
Martin Buber
Smadar Sherlo (H)
Rav Kook's Esoteric Mission and Mystical Experience
Uriel Barak (H)
Disclosing Kabbalistic Secrets in the Age of Redemption: A Disputed
Point Between Rabbi A.I. Kook and Rabbi Ya'akov Moshe Harlap
370 Halakhah and Society in the Writing of Ha-Rav Kook
Chairperson: Smadar Sherlo
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Buber 200
Chana Kehat (H)
The Influence of Rav Kook’s Philosophy on Torah Learning in Modern
Zionist Yeshivas
Yehudah Mirsky (H)
Rav Kook and Maimonides, Revisited
Neria Gutel (H)
The Halakhic Approach of Rabbi Kook to the "Bsamim Rosh"
626 Israeli Society and Attitudes to Jewish Culture
Chairperson: Allon Gal
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Sharon Lev-Tzur (E)
Factors Affecting the Decision of Non-Religious Israelis to Prefer
Alternative Marriage Ceremonies to the State Rabbinate
Rina Hevlin (H)
Jewish Cultural Literacy in Israel in the Last Decade: Just an Intellectual
Gideon Katz (H)
Jewish Culture and Israeli Anti-Utopianism
Gad Ufaz (H)
Between the Appraoches of the "Canaanite"'s and "Shdemot Circle" to the
Jewish Sources
371 The Philosophy of A.Y Heschel
Chairperson: Moshe Idel
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2717
Avraham Shapira (H)
A.Y Heschel's Zioniest Faith
Alexander Even-Chen (H)
On Prayer and Symbolism in the Philosophy of Abraham Joshua Heschel
Ze'ev Harvey (H)
Heschel on Jews and Arabs in the Land of Israel
Einat Ramon (H)
The Influence of Zionist Thinkers: Secularists on the Philosophy of Rabbi
Abraham Joshua Heschel
372 The Philosophy of Julius Guttmann
Chairperson: Haim Kreisel
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 2717
Yehoyada Amir (H)
The Bible and the Fundamentals of Judaism in the Philosophy of Isaac
Julius Guttmann
Steven Harvey (E)
The Value of Julius Guttmann's "Philosophies of Judaism" Today
Arthur Hyman (E)
Guttmann's Controversy with Leo Strauss
Reiner Munk (E)
Julius Guttmann's Relation to General Philosophy
373 Kabbalah and Mysticism in Life and Research
Chairperson: Zeev Gries
@Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2714
Ron Margolin (H)
Academic Research and Jewish Spirituality
Yoni Garb (H)
Research of the Kabbalah and Involvement in the Kabbalah: Possibilities
and Dangers
Tsippi Kauffman (H)
Researching Mysticism in Spiritual Life: Reflections on the Symbiotic
374 The Mystical Experience (In Coopration with the Chaim
Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies, Tel-Aviv University)
Chairperson: Ronit Meroz
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Mor Altshuler (H)
The Concept of Prophecy in the Teachings of R. Joseph Karo
David Patterson (E)
The Mystical Model of the Soul
Nathan Ophir-Offenbacher (H)
The State of Devekut Consciousness in the Light of Neuro-Theological
Shalom Rosenberg (H)
Reflections on Anthropomorphism in Jewish Thought
115 Religion and Ritual
Chairperson: Marvin A. Sweeney
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2712
Tamar Kamionkowski (E)
Shem Theology in the Holiness Writings
David Lambert (E)
Fasting As a Penitential Act, a Biblical Phenomenon?
Simeon Chavel (E)
The Second Passover in the Bible
Amitai Baruchi-Unna (H)
On the Various Perceptions of the Calf Cult in the Book of Kings
375 The "Death of God" in Jewish Thought
Chairperson: Dan Diner
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2714
Ofer Nordheimer Nur (E)
The Death of God, Aesthetics of Anarchism and the Tragic Vision of the
World in the Early Hashomer Hatzair Youth Movement
Benjamin Lazier
The Hidden God in the Works of Gershom Scholem, Leo Strauss and
Hans Jonas
Yotam Hotam
Gnosis in Modern Jewish Interpretations
376 Kaballah and Mysticism
Chairperson: Yoni Garb
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2713
Ephrat Habas (Rubin) (H)
The Messiah’s Sense of Smell: On Justice, the Holy Spirit, the End of
Days and the Image of the Scion of David
Tzahi Weiss (H)
The Perception of the Letter As an Independent Unit in Late Antique
Jewish Literature: Semiotic Aspects
Oded Israeli (H)
The Book of the Zohar As a Midrash: Continuity and Change
Elchanan Shilo (H)
The Use and Literary Function of Kabbalah in the Works of S.Y. Agnon
377 Is the Study of Jewish Rhetoric Relevant?
Chairperson: Sam Edelman
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2718
Sam Edelman (E)
Three Thousand Years of Jewish Rhetorical Practice
Yehoshua Gitay
Issues of Jewish Preaching from Prophetic Rhetoric to Contemporary
Rabbinic Sermons
Peter J. Haas (E)
What Makes a Piece of Jewish Rhetoric Jewish?
Marc Saperstein (E)
The Rhetoric of Jewish Preaching in Times of War: 1800-1918
378 The Study of Modern Jewish Political Thought: Trends and
Chairperson: Abraham Melamed
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2712
Michael Rony (H)
Jewish Medieval Philosophical Commentaries on the Story of the Tower
of Babel
Menachem Ratson (H)
Political and Social Principles in the Thought of R. Abraham Ibn Ezra
Vasileios Syros (E)
Jewish Apologetics in 16th Century – Venice and David de Pomis'
Portrait of the Ideal Prince
Moshe Hellinger (H)
The Theology of the Covenant in the Teachings of Rabbi Hirschensohn
and Rabbi Soloveitchik: Two Types of Dialogue Between Judaism and
Liberal Democracy
379 Jewish Thought in Russia
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2713
Mikhail Gissin (R)
Kabbalah Studies in Post-Soviet Russia
Arkady Levin (R)
Kabbalah Studies in Post-Soviet Russia
Igor Kaufman (E)
Reception of Modern Jewish Thought in the Russian-Jewish Intellectual
Tradition: The Study of the Reception of Spinozism As a Test Case
Konstantin Burmistrov (E)
Russian Philosophy and Kabbalah: The Problem of Sources
Special Sessions
The general assembly of the members of the World Union of Jewish
Studies and the Union Council
Monday, 1.8.2005, between 13:30-15:00 in the Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Ephraim E. Urbach International Fellowship Winners
Chairperson: Anita Shapira
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Elisheva Baumgarten (H)
Piety and Gender: Toward an Outline of the Spiritual Lives of Medieval
Jewish Women
Benjamin Brown (H)
Halakha and Religious Ethics: Creating a Conceptual Research Model
Manuela Consonni (H)
Deportation and Extermination: the Becoming and Representation of
Magda Teter (E)
Jewish Law and Canon Law: Dealing with the Other
Closing Ceremonies: The Institute of Jewish Studies and Its Role in the
Jewish Studies Department of the Hebrew University, Past and Present
(Special Session Marking the 80th Anniversary of the Institute of Jewish
Chairperson: Sara Japhet
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Atzmaut-Mexico Hall
Martin D. Goodman, Oxford University
Joshua Schwartz, Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University
David Berger, Brooklyn College
Yeshayahu Gaffni, Chair, Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Division D: Literatures, Languages, and Arts
Hebrew Literature
400 Jewish Literature: Delineation (Plenary Session)
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Buber 202
Gershon Shaked (H)
What is Identity: Jewish Literature in Non-Jewish Languages
Henry Wassermann (H)
The Bibliography of the Yekkes: A German Linguistic Island in the Land
of Israel
Chaya Shacham (H)
Between Madness and Poetry: The Image of Elsa Lasker-Shiller in
Hebrew Verse
600 The Creation of a National Narrative (Plenary session)
Chairperson: Haim Guri
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Senate Hall
Anita Shapira (H)
The Role of Literature in Formulating the Zionist Narrative
Dan Laor (H)
“The Silver Tray”: Narrative and Counter Narrative
Ze'ev Tzahor (H)
Politics, Ideology and Historical Research: Their Role in Shaping the
Narrative of the Foundation of the State of Israel
401 Modern Hebrew Poetry
Chairperson: Hamutal Tsamir
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2712
Dror Eydar (H)
“Between the Two Magnets": Yosef Zvi Rimon in the Generation of
Bialikin, the Early 20th Century
Shira Stav (H)
I Saw You See Me: The Father-Daughter Gazing Game
Neta Stahl (H)
Why Have You Forsaken Me? Avot Yeshurun and Jesus of Krasnitaw
402 Reading S.Y. Agnon
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2505
Judith Zwick (H)
Agnon's Narrator As an Old Man
Yael Levine (H)
On the Source of "About Those Who Take Part in Gatherings of Jesting
and Levity" by S.Y. Agnon
Aryeh Wineman (H)
"The Small Council House": Stories of the Non-Jewish Milieu in S. Y.
Agnon's "A City and the Fullness Thereof"
Roman Katsman (H)
The Poetics of Gesture in Agnon's Stories
403 Jewish Literature in America
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2505
Laurence Roth (E)
Drawing Contacts: Will Eisner's American Jewish Graphic Novels
Naomi B. Sokoloff (E)
Reading for the Plot? Philip Roth's "The Plot Against America"
Yoel Finkelman (E)
On the Social Function of Contemporary Haredi Popular Literature
404 Bialik and Brenner
Chairperson: Malka Shaked
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 2505
Orit Meital (H)
On Bialik's Poem "Zohar"
Ezra Spicehandler (H)
What Is Symbolic Realist Writing According to Brenner
Sara Feinstein (H)
The Importance of Being Bialik
406 Contemporary Israeli Literature
Chairperson: Chaya Shacham
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2505
Miri Kubovy (H)
Yoel Hofmann's Novels: Exiles in the Homeland
Tal Frankel-Alroy (H)
Hyper-tropy: Language Outbursts in the Work of Yoel Hoffmann
Sarah Halperin (H)
Fictional Apocalypse: A Comparative Study of Savyon Liebrecht’s “A
Good Place for the Night” and Conan Doyle’s “The Poison Belt”
Tikva Maroz-Aharoni (H)
The Violation of Taboos in the Writing of Leah Eini
444 Literary Language
Chairperson: Matti Huss
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2603
Aaron Bar-Adon (H)
The Development of Hebrew During the [British] Mandate Period As
Reflected in Agnon’s “Shirah”: From a Language of Immigrants to a
Language of Sabras
Noga Ilani (H)
Morphological and Syntactic Aspects in Two Translations of “The Slave”
by Bashevis-Singer
Brakha Fischler (H)
The Reincorporation of the Hebrew Component in the Language of
Hazaz's “Beyishuv Shel Ya'ar”
Tamar Wolf-Monzon (H)
Towards an Encyclopedia of Reflexive Collocation in Uri Zvi Grinberg's
Poetic and Publicistic Work
407 Literature, Identity and Autobiography
Chairperson: Dalia Ofer
Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: 2717
Ido Bassok (H)
The Autobiographies of Weinreich's Collection: Historical Source or
Literary Fiction?
Arielle Rein (H)
Youthful Diaries versus Late Autobiography: The Life Narratives of
Benzion Dinur
Batya Shimony (H)
David Schutz’ "The Sand and the Grass" As Mythical Autobiography
408 Biography, Identity and Gender
Chairperson: Margalit Shilo
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2718
Maria Diemling (E)
Body Images in Early Modern Jewish Autobiographies
Talia Pfefferman (H)
Gender Blurring True or False?
Tamar Hess (H)
“Through your sufferings you shall live”: The Memoirs of Henya
Magdalena Tarnowska (E)
The Legacy of Gela Seksztajn (1907-1943) in the Ringelblum Archive:
Her Life and Art
228 Biography and Autobiography (in Cooperation with the Feminist
and Gender Studies Sector of the Israel Historical Society)
Chairperson: Billie Melman
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Buber 202
Tamar Shechter (H)
Rachel Katzenelson-Shazar and Motherhood: Private Experience and
Public Expression
Ruth Kark (E)
"Not a Suffragist"? Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi on Women and Gender
Bat-Ami Zucker (H)
Rescue Operations: American Jewish Women, 1933-1945
Margalit Shilo (H)
Women's Gender Perception and the Affinity to the Land of Israel As
Seen through Their Autobiographies
502 The Dream and Its Dissolution: Longing, Crisis and Dissent in the
Autobiographical Literature of Israel
Chairperson: Shalom Sabar
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Yaffah Berlovitz (H)
Manufacturing MemoryAs a Folk-Tale: A Study of Zorach Barnett's
Memoirs (1843-1935)
Nili Aryeh-Sapir (H)
"Esther Put On Her Royal Apparel": The Personal Narrative of Zipora
Zabari, Queen Esther of an Early Tel-Aviv Purim Carnival
Hagit Rappel (H)
Between Collective and Autobiographical Memory: Kibbutz YadMordechai – A Case Study
Ilana Rosen (H)
Construction and Constructs in the Narrative of Immigrants and Settlers
from the South of Israel
409 Jewish Authors and World Literature
Chairperson: Chaya Shacham
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2505
Rina Lapidus (H)
Russian Influences on Hebrew Literature: Bialik, Bershadsky, Berkowitz,
Pen and Hazaz
Kevin S. Larsen (E)
Cervantes and the Hebrew Scriptures: The Jacob and Joseph Stories in
Don Quijote
Monique Balbuena (E)
A Symbolist Kinah? Laments and Modernism in the Maghreb
Lilian Dabby-Joury (H)
Samir Nakash: Choice, Designation and the End of the Utopian Dream
410 Haskalah Literature – Session A
Chairperson: Shmuel Verses
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2505
Yehuda Friedlander (H)
The Controversy Between I.L. Gordon and Rabbi J.Z. Stern
Naomi Zohar (H)
Megillath America: The Story of a Manuscript
Ahuva Shaler (H)
Avraham Uri Kovner: The Beginning of Modern Criticism in Hebrew
Moshe Pelli (H)
An Unknown, Unpublished Me'asef, Emulating the Journal Hame'asef
411 Haskalah Literature – Session B
Chairperson: Moshe Pelli
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2505
Helena Rimon (H)
The Language of Mirrors and the Mirrors of Language: The Poetics of
Maskilic Hebrew Fiction
Ruth Adler (E)
Revisiting the Complexities of Y.L. Peretz
Juliette Hassine (H)
“The Three Gifts” by Y.L. Peretz and Early Christian Analogies
Yahil Zaban (H)
Mapu's Kitchen: Women and Kosher Food in "Ayit Tsavu`a"
232 Enlightened Women of the Haskalah (in Cooperation with the
Feminist and Gender Studies Sector of the Israel Historical Society and
the Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University
of the Negev)
Chairperson: Shmuel Feiner
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Buber 202
Natalie Goldberg (H)
Esther Gad, A Forgotten Writer from the Late Enlightenment
Tova Cohen (H)
Enlightened and Learned Women: 19th Century Hebrew Maskilot
Hamutal Tsamir (H)
From Rachel (Morpurgo) to Rachel (Bluvstein): the Absence of Hebrew
Women's Poetry from The 1860s to the 1920s
233 Women Creators (in Cooperation with the Feminist and Gender
Studies Sector of the Israel Historical Society)
Chairperson: Yaffah Berlovitz
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Buber 202
Michal Shahaf (H)
Inside/Outside Her Four Walls: Abigail Lindo, an Anglo-Jewish
Authoress of the Mid-Nineteenth Century
Yael Ohad-Karny (H)
A Room of One's Own – A Woman's Private Space: Anzia Yezierska's
Novels and Their Cinematic Representation
Nitza Keren (H)
The Torah Curtain Weaver Who Stands at the Podium: A New Feminist
Discourse As Presented by Michal Govrin
Yael Shenker (H)
Keeping the Readers Safe: Feminine Literature within the ReligiousOrthodox Community in Israel
Irit Koren (H)
The Voice of the Bride: How Religious Women Challenge the Wedding
240 Between Jewish Text and East European Context: Reading East
European Jewish (in Cooperation with the Leonid Nevzlin Research
Center for Russian and East European Jewry, The Hebrew University of
Chairperson: Hamutal Bar-Yosef
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Amir Banbaji (H)
Mendele Mokher Sefarim: A Symbol of Modern Jewish Identity?
Philip Hollander (E)
Fluid Identity in Ariel's "Leor Havenus"
Joanna Lisek (E)
The Jewish and Polish Literary Environment: Relations Between theYung
Vilne Group and the Zagary group
Karin Neuburger (H)
The Metamorphosis from Other to Self: Uri Zvi Greenberg's Struggle
with the Modern World
412 Joseph Perl and His Archives (in Cooperation with the Center for
Research on the History and Culture of the Polish Jews)
Chairperson: Yehuda Friedlander
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2718
Shmuel Verses (H)
Stages in the Textual Development of "Megale Temirin" by Joseph Perl
Jonatan Meir (H)
Midrash Shemoth and “Bokhen Tzaddik”
Israel Bartal (H)
Women in Haskalah Literature: From Perl to Y. L.Gordon
413 Holocaust Literature – Session A
Chairperson: Neima Barzel
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Buber 200
Iris Milner (H)
Primo Levi and K. Zetnick: On the Meaning of the “Grey Area”
Pascale Matisse Mermelstein (H)
Trauma and History in Liminal Poetics: The Boundaries of Literature and
the Incomprehensibility of History
Rina Dudai (H)
Kitsch and Trauma: The Doll House (Katzetnik) and the Story of
Menucha (Eliezer Shapira)
414 Holocaust Literature – Session B
Chairperson: Dina Porat
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Buber 200
Rivka Maoz (H)
"Don't You Have a Clock That Ticks Horror": The Survivors’ World in
Hareven's Work
Maayan Harel (H)
Illness in the Early Fiction of Aharon Appelfeld
Eugenia Prokop-Janiec (E)
The Theme of Shoa in the Literary Output of Maria Kann
415 Narratives of the Second and Third Generations of the Holocaust:
Structuring Memory and Identity
Chairperson: Efraim Sicher
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Buber 200
Annelies Schulte-Nordholt (E)
The Obsession with Places in Recent Second Generation French
Narrative: "Accident Nocturne" by Patrick Modiano
Caroline Schaumann (E)
Far Away, So Close: Barbara Honigmann's Border Crossing As a Jew and
a German Writer
Hannah Adelman-Komy
Representing the Third Generation in Second Generation Holocaust
Narratives: The Case of Thane Rosenbaum's “The Golems of Gotham”
Masha Itshaki
"Poland, a Green Country" by Aharon Appelfeld: An Analysis of Another
279 Cultural and Literary Responses to the Holocaust
Chairperson: Jacob Allerhand
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2715
Laura Jockusch (E)
“Become historians yourselves! Record, take it down and collect!”
Towards the Writing of Jewish Contemporary History
Lev Hakak (E)
The Holocaust in the Poetry of Near Eastern Jews and Sephardim
Haya Gavish (H)
Zionism and the Holocaust As Reflected in Personal Stories Told by the
Jews of Zakho, Kurdistan
416 Using Electronic Devices in the Research and Teaching of the
Different Phases of S.Y. Agnon’s Writings
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2505
Dafna Rogel (H)
The Origins of the Custom of Collecting Charity for a Bridal Dowry
Yossef Abraham (H)
Intertextuality in Agnon's Work
Boris Kotlerman (H)
Historical Time and Space in S.Y Agnon's "Poland Stories"
Hillel Weiss (H)
The Theory and Application of the Dynamic-Attentive Study of Classic
Texts (in the Works of Agnon)
417 The Poetics of Dan Pagis
Chairperson: Haviva Ishay
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2505
Tamar Yacobi (H)
A Black and White Destiny: A Recurring Figure in the Poetics of Dan
Michele Horovitz (E)
Possible World Theory and "Ha-betsa She-hithapsah"
Chanita Goodblatt (H)
"Men-Clock" and Interactive Metaphor
420 Aharon Appelfeld: Between the Languages
Chairperson: Batya Shimony
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2505
Lily Rattok (H)
Kafka's Influence on Aharon Appelfeld
Anna Birkenhauer (H)
The Search for the Exact Word: Specific Issues of Appelfeld's Translation
into German
Michele Tauber (H)
Yiddish, the Language of Memory in the Works of Aharon Appelfeld
421 Hebrew Literature for Children
Chairperson: Yael Darr
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Buber 200
Basmat Even-Zohar (H)
The Beginnings of Hebrew Children’s Literature in Palestine: An
Enterpreneurial Project
Chana Livnat (H)
Heroes and Adventures: Hebrew Literature for Children and Youth in
Israel Between 1930 and 1945
Rima Shichmentar (H)
The Children’s Press During Israel’s First Decade
117 Femaleness and Motherhood in the Bible
Chairperson: George Savran
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2714
Marzena Zawanowska (E)
Yefet ben Eli's Approach to Characterization in Biblical Narrative: The
Case of Competing Female Characters in the Story of Abraham
Yael Shemesh (H)
The Character of Rachel: From Beloved Wife to Mother of the Nation
Chaya Shraga Ben-Ayun (H)
Michal, Daughter of King Saul: A Further Look
Leila Leah Bronner (E)
"I am Mother, Hear me Roar": Maternal Power in the Hebrew Bible
118 The Status of Women in the Bible
Chairperson: Mayer Gruber
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2714
Esther Fuchs (E)
Recent "Reconstructions" of Biblical Women: Scholarship, History, and
the Question of Gender
Joseph Fleishman (E)
On the Right of a Daughter to Her Father's Household Property:
Inheritance of the Dowry
Cynthia Edenburg (H)
The World of Ideology versus Social Reality in Deuteronomic Family
Lorit Ramon (H)
Proverbs 7 and the Riddle of the Strange Woman
119 Biblical Narrative
Chairperson: Isaac Gottlieb
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2713
Malka Shaked (H)
Biblical Women in Modern Hebrew Poetry
Marc Zvi Brettler (E)
Cohesion in the Hebrew Bible
Hava Guy (H)
The Question of the “Second Bullock” in the Story of Gideon’s Struggle
Against the Cult of the Calf
Amos Frisch (H)
Comparisons with David As a Means of Evaluation in the Book of Kings
120 Language and Literature in the Bible
Chairperson: Amos Frisch
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2712
Isaac Gottlieb (H)
Genesis: Opening Expressions in the Bible
Job Y. Jindo (H)
Biblical Metaphor Reconsidered: Metaphor As a Mode of Orientation
Dorit Lemberger (H)
Psalms As Language Games
121 Law and Narrative in the Bible
Chairperson: Tzemah Yoreh
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 2712
Yael Ziegler (H)
The Oath As a Biblical Tool of Characterization:
David Elgavish (H)
Jael, Wife of Heber the Kenite, in Biblical Perspective
Assnat Bartor (H)
Reading Law As Narrative: A Study in the Casuistic Laws of the
422 The Influence of the New Testament on Hebrew Literature
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Buber 202
Yehuda Liebes (H)
A Zoharic Blessing with a Christian background
Haim Be'er (H)
The Attraction to Christianity from the Narrator Point of View
Ruth Kartun-Blum (H)
The Dialogue of Zach Poetry with the New-Testament
423 Literature and Nationalism
Chairperson: Michal Arbell
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2718
Ayelet Cohen (H)
Protest poetry As Text and Performance: Shabtai's "Libi" and the Second
David Jacobson (H)
Politics and Literature: The Occupation in Israeli Fiction
Dror Mishani (H)
“The Detached” and “The Wanderer” Meet in the Street
Motti Neiger
Protest Poetry As Text and Performance: Shabtai's "Libi" and the Second
Ranen Omer-Sherman (E)
The Desert and the Old-New Jewish Nation
424 Old Traditions and New Concepts
Chairperson: Israel Bartal
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2717
Menakhem Perry (H)
“The Cruelty of the Man Slayed the Misery of the Child”: The Poetics of
David Vogel and the Language of Chinok
Hamutal Bar-Yosef (H)
Death As a Mystical Experience in Modern Hebrew Literature
Shachar Pinsker (H)
To Write in a Silent Language? Yiddish As a Double Cultural Agent in
Israeli Literature and Culture
Michal Arbell (H)
Mendele Mocher Sforim: The Problem with His Novel and the Problem
with His Ending
Special Sessions
The general assembly of the members of the World Union of Jewish
Studies and the Union Council
Monday, 1.8.2005, between 13:30-15:00 in the Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Ephraim E. Urbach International Fellowship Winners
Chairperson: Anita Shapira
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Elisheva Baumgarten (H)
Piety and Gender: Toward an Outline of the Spiritual Lives of Medieval
Jewish Women
Benjamin Brown (H)
Halakha and Religious Ethics: Creating a Conceptual Research Model
Manuela Consonni (H)
Deportation and Extermination: the Becoming and Representation of
Magda Teter (E)
Jewish Law and Canon Law: Dealing with the Other
Closing Ceremonies: The Institute of Jewish Studies and Its Role in the
Jewish Studies Department of the Hebrew University, Past and Present
(Special Session Marking the 80th Anniversary of the Institute of Jewish
Chairperson: Sara Japhet
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Atzmaut-Mexico Hall
Martin D. Goodman, Oxford University
Joshua Schwartz, Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University
David Berger, Brooklyn College
Yeshayahu Gaffni, Chair, Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
425 The Genizah Project for the Research of Hebrew Poetry of the
Israel Academy of the Sciences and Humanities (Plenary Session in
Cooperation with the Friedberg Genizah Research Project and the BenZvi Institute)
Chairperson: Haggai Ben-Shammai
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: The Dan Wassong
Auditorium (Rabin building)
Eden HaCohen (H)
"Shall these fragments give voice? "On the contribution of the Genizah
Project to the Reconstruction of Early Hebrew Liturgical Poetry
Yehoshua Granat (H)
Wisdom Poetry within realms of Massorah and Kabbalah: A newly
identified introductory section of Sa'id Ben Babshad's Proverbs and its
peculiar transmission
Shulamit Elizur (H)
The Experience of Working in the Genizah Project: Hesitations,
Discoveries and Thoughts for the Future
Ezra Fleischer (H)
Research on the Literary Genizah: Dimensions of Height and Breadth
426 Studies in the Early Piyyut of Eretz Yisrael
Chairperson: Shulamit Elizur
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
-Manor (H)
Allegoria non Grata? On the Status of Allegory in the Hebrew liturgical
Poetry of Late Antiquity
Israel Rozenson (H)
Rabbi Yannay’s Ideologico-Religious World
Avi Shmidman (H)
The Liturgical Function of Theopoetic Forms of the Grace After Meals
from the Cairo Geniza
Tova Beeri (H)
Between East and West: The Poetic Ouvre of Yehezkel ha-Cohen ben Eli
427 Piyyut and Its Interpretation
Chairperson: Dvora Bregman
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2605
Benjamin Bar-Tikva (H)
The Characteristics of Paytanic Systems in Provencal and Catalonian
Meyer Nezrit (H)
The Poetic Declaration Recited After Completing a Tractate of the
Talmud: A Relatively New Genre in Hebrew Liturgical Poetry
Elisabeth Hollender (E)
Preparing an Index of Piyyut-Commentary in Manuscript: Some First
Paltiel Giyat (H)
The Emergence of the "Piyyut" Liturgy in Yemen: The Commentary of R.
Yishaq Wannah on the "Selihot" Prayers
428 Hebrew Poetry in Spain and Its Peripheries
Chairperson: Joseph Yahalom
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2605
Wout van Bekkum (E)
Praise and Protest: Qualities of Hebrew Poets in the East (12th-13th
Matti Huss (H)
Lamenting Women: Moses ibn Ezra and Judah Halevy
Haviva Ishay (H)
Textualizing the Poetic Experience: The Case of Medieval Poetry from
429 Maqama, Poetry and Piyyut in the Diaspora
Chairperson: Wout van Bekkum
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2605
Joseph Yahalom (H)
Hebrew and Arabic As the Literary Media of Allharizi
Dvora Bregman (H)
"You shall be a stone upon my home" :Gravestones and the Lametations
of R. Moshe Zekhut
Tamar Lavi (H)
Image-Pictures in Words in the Lamentations of Rabbi Raphael Aaron
Ayelet Oettinger (H)
"Adopting His Meter and Rhyme, We Berated Him, Time After Time":
Categories and Applications of Parody in "The Book of Tahkemoni" by
Judah al-Harizi
Uri Melammed (H)
R. Zechariah al-Dhahiri's Sefer Ha-Anak: Content and Context
Hebrew Language
431 Biblical Hebrew
Chairperson: Richard Steiner
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2603
Tania Notarius (H)
Verbal Tenses in the Book of Amos As Linguistic Evidence of Its Judean
M. Patrizia Sciumbata (E)
Semantic Change in Late Biblical Hebrew: The Contribution of
Paradigmatical-Componential Analysis
Haim Dihi (H)
A Compilation of Lexical Innovations in the Book of Ben Sira
432 From Language to Language in the Second Temple Era
Chairperson: Yochanan Breuer
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2603
Richard Steiner (E)
Reading vs. Speaking in the Hebrew of the Roman Period: On the
Pronunciations of .et
Hyun Joon Choi (E)
Some Lingusitic Modifications of Adverbs in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Elisha Qimron (H)
Hebrew Between the First Revolt and the Bar Kokba Revolt 67-135 C.E
Stefan Schorch (E)
Unity and Discontinuity: A Hebraistic Version of the History of Ancient
433 Mishnaic Hebrew and Aramaic – Session A
Chairperson: Amos Dodi
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2603
Chaim E. Cohen (H)
The Participle of the Passive Conjugations in Mishnaic Hebrew
Natan Braverman (H)
Variation of Prepositions in Tannaitic Hebrew
Rivka Shemesh
Forms of Address in Mishna and Tosefta
Judith Hanshke (H)
Linguistic Aspects of the Cambridge Manuscript of the Mishnah
434 Mishnaic Hebrew and Aramaic – Session B
Chairperson: Judith Hanshke
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2603
Yochanan Breuer (H)
Early and Late in Mishnaic Hebrew: Temporal Expressions that Develop
into Causal Expressions
Ofra Tirosh-Becker (H)
Vowel Interchanges in Rabbinic Citations Embedded in Karaite
Michael Rezik (H)
The Livorno Edition of the Mishnah and the Popular Transmission of
Rabbinic Language Among Italian Jews
Moshe Morgenstern (E)
From Yemen to Babylonian in the Study of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic
354 The Friedberg Project for Genizah Research – Plans and Activities
(Plenary Session in Conjunction with the Friedberg Project for Genizah
Research under the Auspices of the University of Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada, and the Ben-Zvi Institute)
Chairperson: James A. Diamond
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: The Dan Wassong
Auditorium (Rabin building)
Aharon Maman
Philology in the Genizah: Current Research in the Friedberg Project
Sarah Stroumsa
Intellectual Encounter in the Genizah: The Cataloguing of Philosophical,
Theological and Polemical Fragments
David Sklare
From the Work of the Center for the Study of Judaeo-Arabic Culture:
Biblical Quaestionae
Haggai Ben-Shammai (H)
The Karaite Library in Jerusalem: Its Creation in the 10th and 11th
Centuries and Reconstruction in the 21st Century Friedberg Genizah
435 Language and Grammar in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern
Chairperson: Aharon Maman
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2603
Sophie Kessler-Mesguich (H)
The Study of Post-Biblical Hebrew in Europe in the 16th and 17th
Nasir Basel (H)
"Kitab al-Kafi" and Its Contribution to the Philological Commentary of
the Bible in the Middle Ages
Gregor Schwarb (H)
Arabic into Greek in Karaite Hebrew of the 11th Century
Ronela Merdler (H)
Topics of Syntax of the Verb According to Rashbam
436 Semantics and Pragmatics
Chairperson: Chaim E. Cohen
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2603
Rivka Halevy (H)
The Pragmatics of the Infinitival Construction in Contemporary Hebrew
Eyal Wolfine (H)
Linguistic-Stylistic Patterns of the Simile in Biblical Hebrew and Its
Contribution to Biblical Interpretation
Azzan Yadin (H)
The Legacy of Biblical Hebrew and the Language of the Sages: Different
Concepts of Secularization in the Semantics of Modern Hebrew
Michal Ephratt (H)
Someone To Be Silent With and Someone To Be Silent Towards
437 Linguistic Traditions
Chairperson: Ofra Tirosh-Becker
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2603
Joseph Tedghi (H)
Hebrew Neologisms in the Judaeo-Arabic of Gardaia (Algeria)
Simone Mrejen-O'hana (H)
Names for Functions in the Jewish Communities of Avignon and Comtat
Venaissin: A Linguistic and Thematic Analysis
Amos Dodi (H)
Linguistic Tradition and Features in Old Catalonian Mahzorim
Shlomo Elkayam (H)
"Not As I am written am I pronounced": An Old Reading of the Name of
God According to "Kaf Naki" from R.Kalifa Ben-Malca
438 Jewish Languages – Session A
Chairperson: Yitzhak Avishur
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2603
Yitzhak Avishur (H)
The New Iraqi Judeo-Arabic Dictionary: A Record of the Various
Dialects Culled from Written Sources and from Oral Traditions
Tsuguya Sasaki (H)
Toward a Common Format for Databases of the Hebrew-Aramaic
Component in Jewish Languages
George Jochnowitz (E)
The Absence of Northern Features in the Judeo-Italian of Northern Italy
439 Jewish Languages – Session B
Chairperson: Joseph Tedghi
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2603
Georges Drettas (E)
The Meaning of the Constantinople Pentateuch (1947) for Judeo-Greek
Studies and Greek Dialectology
Judith Rosenhouse and Hans Moonen (E)
“m‘awda ‘ala hitlir l-xnzir”: Analysis of an Anonymous Story in
Moroccan Judeo-Arabic
Dina Dahbany-Miraglia (E)
"What's the Story": The First Yemenite Jewish MA XABAR Samarin
Eliana Langer (H)
Jewish Language Identity – The "Bagito"
440 Syntax – Session A
Chairperson: Menahem-Zevi Kaddari
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2603
Adina Abadi (H)
Conditional Sentences in the "Laws of the State of Israel" in Comparison
with Those in the Mishnah
Galia Hatav (H)
Absolute and Relative Tense in Hebrew
Sigal Shlomo (H)
The Generic Sentence As Rhetorical Device
Rivka Bliboim (H)
"Be'iqvot Meshicha Chutspa Yisge": A Linguistic Point of View
441 Syntax – Session B
Chairperson: Gad Sarfaty
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2603
Nissan Netzer (H)
Ellipsis in "Popular" Hebrew
Sol Azuelos-Atias (H)
The Function of the Tense System in Hebrew Legal Discourse
Ada Wertheimer (H)
Pseudo-Double Genitive Constructions in Semitic Languages
Qeren Dubnov (H)
The Impersonal Function of the Adjective in Early Modern Hebrew
442 Rules of Pronunciation and Phonetics
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2603
Asher Laufer (H)
How to Transcribe Speech
Einat Gonen (H)
The Inflection of Nouns in Spoken Hebrew: Aspects of Vocalic
Alexey (Eliyahu) Yuditsky (H)
Articulation of the Guttural Consonants in Origen's Transliterations
443 Morphology
Chairperson: Asher Laufer
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2603
Adina Moshavi (H)
“And on the Seventh Day you shall rest”: Preposed Temporal Adverbials
in Biblical Hebrew
Merav Tubul (H)
Nouns with Double Forms in the Bible
Nemrod Shatil (H)
The Number of Different Inflexions of the Hebrew Noun from a
Cognitive and Structural Perspective
444 Literary Language
Chairperson: Matti Huss
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2603
Aaron Bar-Adon (H)
The Development of Hebrew During the [British] Mandate Period As
Reflected in Agnon’s “Shirah”: From a Language of Immigrants to a
Language of Sabras
Noga Ilani (H)
Morphological and Syntactic Aspects in Two Translations of “The Slave”
by Bashevis-Singer
Brakha Fischler (H)
The Reincorporation of the Hebrew Component in the Language of
Hazaz's “Beyishuv Shel Ya'ar”
Tamar Wolf-Monzon (H)
Towards an Encyclopedia of Reflexive Collocation in Uri Zvi Grinberg's
Poetic and Publicistic Work
450 Old Yiddish – New Aspects (in Cooperation with Beth Shalom
Chairperson: Israel Bartal
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Erika Timm (G)
Early Yiddish Prayers for Travelers: On the Migration of Yiddish
Customs from Southern Germany to Northern Italy
Noga Rubin (H)
Prague 1620, A Yiddish Ethical Book: Innovation and Conservatism
Claudia Rosenzweig (E)
From the "Bovo d'Antona" to the "Bobe-mayse": Transformation of a
Chivalric Poem in Old Yiddish
Simon Neuberg (Y)
A Bunch of Romance Words
451 Old Yiddish Literature (in Cooperation with Beth Shalom
Chairperson: Marion Aptroot
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2505
Yossi Bamberger (H)
The Lesson of the Prophet Jeremiah: The Evolution of a Story from the
Praise Cycle of Hassidei Ashkenaz
Astrid Starck-Adler (E)
The Mayse-Bukh (Basel 1602), Women and Yiddish
Moshe Faierstein (E)
The Influence of Kabbalah on Yiddish Religious Literature Prior to 1648
Chava Turniansky (Y)
Glickl and Haim: A 17th Century Jewish Couple
452 Literary Cross-Linguistic Contact (in Cooperation with Beth
Shalom Aleichem)
Chairperson: Simon Neuberg
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2714
Roland Gruschka (E)
Mendl Lefin's Yiddish Bible Translations: Innovation and Conflicting
Principles of Translation
Szonja Rahel Komoroczy (Y)
Yiddish As a Barrier: The Case of Akiva Joseph Schlesinger’s Amud hayira
Lev Gorodetsky (E)
Ossip Mandelstam and the Yiddish Language
Rakhmiel Peltz (E)
The Yiddish Culture of the Pre-war Family: Holocaust Survivors
453 Yiddish in the Netherlands (in Cooperation with Beth Shalom
Chairperson: Chava Turniansky
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2714
Bart Wallet (E)
Menahem Man ben Shlomo Amelander and His Yiddish History Book
She'eris Yisro'el (1743)
Hilde Pach (E)
The Short-lived Blossoming of the Yiddish Press in the Netherlands
Marion Aptroot (E)
Humorous Texts from Amstedam, around 1800: Jewish Humor and
"Goyishe Nakhes"
455 Yiddish and Folklore (in Cooperation with Beth Shalom Aleichem)
Chairperson: Avraham Novershtern
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2714
Vladislav Sokolovskiy
The Meeting of Cultural Worlds in Sholem Aleichem’s “Train Stories”
Nina Stepanskaya (E)
Yiddish Song in the Belarussian Region As Based on Materials from the
Research Expeditions of the 20th Century: The Problem of Genre
Miriam Udel-Lambert (E)
Hammer and Iron: Discerning a Theory of Rhetoric in the Fables of
Eliezer Shteynbarg
Ester Whine-Kamenetzki (E)
Leo Kenig's “Bukh fun Lesterungen” (Book of Blasphemies)
456 Yiddish Culture in the Twentieth Century (in Cooperation with
Beth Shalom Aleichem)
Chairperson: Nathan Cohen
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2505
Eric L. Goldstein (E)
A Taste of Freedom: American Yiddish Publications in the Russian
Adina Bar-El (H)
Between Poland and Argentina: Yiddish Children's Literature
Magdalena Ruta (E)
Yiddish Literature and Communism in Postwar Poland: The Poetry of
Kalman Segal, Moshe Shklar and Paltiel Tsibulski
424 Old Traditions and New Concepts
Chairperson: Israel Bartal
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2717
Menakhem Perry (H)
“The Cruelty of the Man Slayed the Misery of the Child”: The Poetics of
David Vogel and the Language of Chinok
Hamutal Bar-Yosef (H)
Death As a Mystical Experience in Modern Hebrew Literature
Shachar Pinsker (H)
To Write in a Silent Language? Yiddish As a Double Cultural Agent in
Israeli Literature and Culture
Michal Arbell (H)
Mendele Mocher Sforim: The Problem with His Novel and the Problem
with His Ending
458 Music and Poetry (in Cooperation with the Moshe David Gaon
Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Chairperson: Shmuel Rafael
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: Senate Hall
Rivka Havassy
Piyyutim in Ladino, Coplas in Hebrew: Remmants of Ladino Paraliturgical
Poetry in Hebrew Manuscripts
Revital Yeffet (H)
The Romance Influences in Zarko's "Sefer Lehem Yehuda" (Rhodes, 16th
Levana Dinerman (H)
The Me am Loez’s View of Music
Avner Peretz (H)
Shlomo Ibn Gabirol – Moshe David Gaon: A Romantic Dialogue
Between Two Poets
229 The Representation of Women in the Early Modern Age and the
“Wisdom of Women” (in Cooperation with the Feminist and Gender
Studies Sector of the Israel Historical Society)
Chairperson: Penina Morag-Talmon
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Senate Hall
Yaron Ben Naeh (H)
Daily Life of Jewish Women in Ottoman Jerusalem During the 19th
Renee Levine Melammed (H)
The Partisan from Salonika: Creativity and Destruction in the 20th
Michal Held (H)
Expressions of Gender in the Personal Narratives of Judeo-Spanish
(Ladino) Speaking Women Storytellers
460 Judeo-Spanish: Linguistic Aspects (in Cooperation with the Moshe
David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the
Chairperson: Moshe Bar-Asher
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Senate Hall
Aldina Quintana (H)
Was the Judeo-Spanish of Eretz-Yisrael Created in 16th Century Safed?
Ora Schwarzwald
Lexical Variations in the Ladino Translations of the Haggadah
Yaakov Bentolila (H)
Hebrew and Judeo-Spanish in a North-African Treatise on Religious
Practice from the Early 19th Century
461 Plenary Session: Ladino Culture in Its Spanish and Jewish
Contexts (in Cooperation with the Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino
Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Chairperson: Tamar Alexander, Director of Moshe David Gaon Center for
Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Senate Hall
Opening Remarks:
Yitzhak Navon, The Fifth President of the State of Israel, Chairman of
the National Authority for Ladino Culture, The President of The Moshe
David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University
udaldo Mirapeix, The Ambassador of Spain in Israel (E)
Benjamin D. Gaon, Chairperson of The Moshe David Gaon Center for
Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University (H)
Karen Gerson-Sarhon
Musical Interlude
Moshe Lazar (E)
Post Expulsion "Sephardic Writers" in Spain and Amsterdam in the 17th
Ruth Baher (E)
In Search of Our Lost Spain and Other Sephardic Reflections
462 The Sephardic Diaspora (in Cooperation with the Moshe David
Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Chairperson: Harvey Hames
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: Senate Hall
Moshe Orpali (H)
The Story of the Kings of Otamnalis
Alisa Meyuhas-Ginio (H)
Dr. ֱngel Pulido Fern‫ב‬ndez and the Sephardic Diaspora
Gila Hadar (H)
Engraved in Stone: The Female Voice on the Tombstones of Jewish
Cemeteries in Istanbul and Salonika
463 Poems and Romances (in Cooperation with the Moshe David Gaon
Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Chairperson: Michal Held
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Senate Hall
John Zemke (E)
An Unnoticed Medieval Spanish Poem in Hebrew Characters, Vaticana
Ebraici 377
Maria Artigas (E)
A Study of "Conjectural" Ideas that Make Up a Curious Bouquet of
Flowers, Collected by Joseph Penso de la Vega
Messod Salama (E)
Hispanic Traditions and Jewish Creativity in the Judeo-Spanish Biblical
Romances of Female Victimization
Michael Halevy (E)
Sefardic Printing in Bulgaria
464 Lexicography and Bibliography (in Cooperation with the Moshe
David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the
Chairperson: Moshe Shaul, Vice Chairperson of the National Authority for
Ladino Culture
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Senate Hall
Dov Hacohen (H)
Ladino Prototypes from the Cairo Geniza
Nivi Gomel (H)
Books in Judeo-Spanish for “Teaching the Hebrew Language in Salonika”
Matilda Koen-Sarano (H)
Composition of a Hebrew-Ladino-Ladino-Hebrew Dictionary: How and
Klara Perahya (S)
Kompozision del meuvo diksyonaryo – Judeo Espanyol/Turko
465 "Adio Kerida": A Documantary Film on the Sephardic
Community in Cuba (in Cooperation with the Moshe David Gaon Center
for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Chairperson: Mordechai Arbell
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 17:30 Room: Senate Hall
In the presence of the film creator, Ruth Baher
466 Generos de la literature Sefardi (in Cooperation with the Moshe
David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the
Chairperson: Aldina Quintana
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: Senate Hall
Ayala Amor (S)
La Historiografia Sefardi: apuntes sobre un genero literario olvidado
Muhamed Nezirovic (S)
El refranero judeoespanol de Bosnia-Herzegovina y sus recopiladores
Krinka Vidacovic Petrov
Ladino Folkloric Texts from Newspaper Sources in the Former
Judith R. Cohen (E)
"That's Pae, not Padre!": Ladino and Emerging Identities in Spain and
467 Communities East and West (in Cooperation with the Moshe David
Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Chairperson: Yaakov Bentolila
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Senate Hall
Nina Pinto-Abecasis (H)
Humor in Nicknames Among the Haketiya-Speaking Jews of Tetuan
Daniel Florentin (H)
The Immigration of Ladino Speaking Jews from the Ottman Empire to
New York in the Early 20th Century
Schulamith C. Halevy (E)
From "Judaismo" to "Sefardismo": Dialectics of Fear in Northern Mexico
Karen Gerson-Sarhon (E)
When Did an Awareness of and Interest in Ladino Start Among Turkish
Jewry: Reasons and Analysis
468 Balanicia Sefardica (in Cooperation with the Moshe David Gaon
Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Chairperson: Eliezer Papo
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Senate Hall
vana Burdelez (E)
Ladino Documents from Dubrovnik As a Source of Jewish History and
Ana Stulic-Etchevers (E)
The Modernization of Judeo-Spanish in Belgrade: Characteristics of the
Periodistic Style at the End of the 19th
Ivana Vucina (S)
‫ם‬sticas en la comunidad sefard ‫ם‬de Belgrado
Jasminka Namiceva (E)
Genesis of the Jewish Communities in Macedonia
469 From Oral to Aural Literature (Plenary Session in Cooperation
with the Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev)
Chairperson: Moshe Orpali
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Senate Hall
Yehoshua Salti, Foaunder of the Naime & Yehoshua Salti Center for
Ladino Studies
Opening Remarks
Tamar Alexander (H)
Proverbs and Riddles Among Speakers of Judeo-Spanish
Shmuel Rafael (H)
Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) Holocaust Poetry: Primary Generic Classification
Eliezer Papo (H)
Judeo-Spanish Parodies on the Paschal Haggadah: Survey and
Judith R. Cohen
Musical performance
Jewish Art
470 Iconography
Chairperson: Avigdor W. G. Poseq
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2716
Yaffa Englard (E)
The Depiction of the Sixth Day of Creation in Art
Harris R. Lenowitz (E)
The Woodcut of the "Judenshul" in Munster's Cosmographia
Shalom Sabar (E)
The Simchat Torah Flag: Religiosity and Nationality
Ziva Amishai-Maisels (E)
New Light on the Wandering Jew
214 Jewish Art and the Jewish-Christian Polemic
Chairperson: Oded Irshai
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Zeev Weiss (H)
Biblical Iconography and Yearnings for the Temple Cult in Ancient
Synagogue Art
Talgam Rina (H)
The Bible and the Sanctuary in Church Ornamentation on Both Banks of
the Jordan
Lee I. Levine (H)
Jewish Art in Late Antiquity and Its Historical Contexts
471 Ancient and Early Medieval Art
Chairperson: Ilia Rodov
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2716
Shulamit Laderman (E)
"Sitra-Achra in Creation: Dragon, Serpent and Eve in Jewish and
Christian Art
Pawel Szkolut (E)
The Prophet Daniel in the Lion’s Den and Its Iconography in Ancient
Jewish Art
Lihi Habas (E)
The Origin and Significance of the Children in the Depiction of the
“Crossing of the Red Sea” on Early Christian Sarcophagi
Daphna Ass (E)
Some Unexpected Sources in Decoding the Mystery of the Genesis Cycle
on the Hildesheim Bronze Doors
472 Medieval Manuscripts
Chairperson: Bracha Yaniv
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2716
Suzy Sitbon (E)
The Crossroads Between Artistic Creation and Cosmology in Spanish
Mati Meyer (E)
Eve's Nudity: A Sign of Shame or a Precursor of Christological Economy
Sarit Salev-Eyni (E)
Birds, Animals and R. Meir of Rothenburg in Ashkenazic Illuminated
Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th Centuries
Katrin Kogman-Appel (E)
The Scale in the Leipzig Mahzor: Penance and Eschatology in Early
Fourteenth Century Germany
473 Late Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Chairperson: Katrin Kogman-Appel
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2716
Colum Hoyrihane (E)
Pontius Pilate un the Medieval Art: not exactly the Bad Guy
Michael Reuveni (H)
Yochanan Alemno Invites You to an Exibition
David Wachtel (E)
I Dated a Rothschild: Confessions of a Rare Books Librarian
Evelyn M. Cohen (E)
Elia da Vigevano's Illuminated Prayer Books
474 Ritual Objects
Chairperson: Shulamit Laderman
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2716
Ilia Rodov (E)
The Synagogue Ark As a Metaphor of a Stronghold of Faith
Bracha Yaniv (E)
The Torah Ark in Eastern European Synagogues: The Influence of the
Church Altar and the Depiction of the Forbidden
Vivian B. Mann (E)
New Evidence for the Medieval Tik of the Torah Scroll
Iwona Brzewska (E)
“Shivvitti” As a Reminder of God: Objects in Polish Museum Collections
Ester Juhasz
"Memento Mori" and the Representation of God in the "Shiviti-Menorah"
475 19th Century Jewish Art
Chairperson: Milly Heyd
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2716
Batsheva Goldman Ida (H)
Illustrated Hasidic Manuscripts
Irit Miller (E)
Chivalry, Nationality and Anglo-Jewish Identity in the Work of Solomon
Joseph Solomon
Ruth E. Iskin (E)
Lautrec, Alphonse de Rothschild, and Anti-Semitism in the 1890s
476 Early 20th Century Jewish Art – Session A
Chairperson: Ziva Amishai-Maisels
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2716
Mirjam Rajner (E)
"Be Fruitful and Multiply": Love, Sex, Marriage and Childbirth in the
Early Works of Chagall
Igor Dukhan (E)
El Lissitzky and the Jewish – German – Russian Avant-Garde
Milly Heyd (E)
Tristan Tzara / Shmuel Rosenstock: Questions of Identity
477 Early 20th Century Jewish Art – Session B
Chairperson: Lola Kantor-Kazovski
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2716
Avigdor W. G. Poseq (E)
Jacques Lipchitz: More about the Jewish Aspects of His Work
Vilma Gradinskaite (E)
The First Exhibitions of Jewish Artists in Kaunas (1920-1940) from the
Critical Point of View
Samantha Baskind (E)
Midrash, Modernity, and the Recollection of Ancient Archetypes: A Reinterpretation
of Jack Levine's "Planning Solomon's Temple"
478 Soviet and Post Soviet Jewish Art
Chairperson: Mirjam Rajner
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2716
Tatiana Goriacheva (E)
The Jewish Artist in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia
Swetlana Czerwonnaja (E)
The Jewish Artists in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia
Lola Kantor-Kazovski (E)
Vladimir Yakovlev: A Portrait of the Artist As a Blind Man
Bogdana Kozachenko (E)
Private Collections of Judaica in Ukraine: The Collection of I. Dychenko
in Kiev
479 Israeli Art
Chairperson: Ruth E. Iskin
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2716
Aviv Livnat (H)
The "Golden Peacock" in the Metal Work of Arieh Merzer
Ronit Steinberg (E)
The Sculpture of Micha Ullman
Batya Brutin (E)
Victim/Agressor Duality in Second Generation Israeli Artwork
480 Architecture and Interior Design – Session A
Chairperson: David M. Cassuto
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2716
Marija Rupeikiene (E)
Wooden Synagogues in Lithuania
Rudolf Klien (E)
The Typology of the 19th Century Synagogue in Historical Hungary
Alla Sokolova (E)
Innovations in the Building Activity of the Late 19th Early 20th Century
and Their Influence on the Architecture of the Shtetls of Podolia
700 Architecture and Interior Design – Session B
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:00 Room: 2716
David M. Cassuto
The Existing Palermo “Miqve” as Mentioned in Rabbi Ovadia MeBartenura Letter
Eugeny Kotlyar
Yakov Gewirtz: Vision and Practice of "Jewish Architecture" in Early
20th Century Russia
Vera Kuznetsova (E)
Synagogues beyond the Pale of Settlement: Jewish Neo-Romanticism in
Jewish Music
481 Dialogue and Confrontation with the Musical Past: Jewish
Chairperson: Judah M. Cohen
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2715
Edwin Seroussi (E)
Opening Remarks
Frank Alvarez-Pereyre (E)
Jewish Music: Changing Patterns in an Anthropological Perspective
Francesco Spagnolo (E)
Recordings Without Field: Reconstructing the Italian Jewish
Ethnomusicological Past
Gila Flam (E)
Research, Archives and Performance: The Case of the Yiddish Song
Lyudmila Sholokhova (E)
Yiddish Folksongs of Religious and National Content from the
Collections of the Vernadsky Library in Kiev
482 The Singing Mirror: Exploring Jewish Musical Historiography
(Special Panel Coordinated by the Jewish Music Forum of the American
Society for Jewish Music)
Chairperson: Edwin Seroussi
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2715
Judah M. Cohen (E)
Re-Sounding with Great Echoes: Judaism, Tradition and Music
Scholarship in an American Context
James Loeffler (E)
Between Wissenschaft and Etnografiia: The Russian Jewish Search for a
Musical Science
Mark Kligman (E)
Beyond Ashkenaz: New Studies from the Jewish Musical Mediterranean
Edwin Seroussi (E)
483 Afternoon Intermezzo – A
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 14:15 - 15:00 Room: 2715
Assaf Shelleg
Contemporary Piano Music of Jewish Inspiration
484 Piyyutim Workshop – "Singing Communities Project" – A
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 14:15 - 15:00 Room: 2729
485 Panel: Sephardi Hazzanut from East and West on the Threshold of
the 21th Century
Chairperson: Essica Marks
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2715
Essica Marks
Maimon Cohen – Moroccan Tradition
Daniel Halfon – Spanish-Portuguese Tradition
Ezra Barnea – Sephardi-Jerusalem Tradition
486 Creating a New Musical Culture: The Israeli Song in Historical
Chairperson: Jehoash Hirshberg
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2729
Shai Burstyn (H)
Cultural Indoctrination in the Early Hebrew “Zemer”
Talila Eliram (H)
The Melody that Made Aliya
Yaakov Mazor (H)
Hasidic Origins of Israeli Folk Songs
Joseph Goldenberg (H)
Old Oriental "Songs of the Land of Israel" and Oriental Songs since the
1970s: Relations and Differences
Nathan Shahar (H)
Bialik’s Poems in Hebrew Folk Song
487 Special Pre-Concert Panel
Chairperson: Judit Frigyesi
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 18:30 - 19:30 Room: 2715
Judit Frigyesi
Andre Hajdu
488 Source and Resources of Jewish Music
Chairperson: Gila Flam
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 10:00 Room: 2715
Avigdor Herzog (H)
Archaic Stratum in Jewish Traditional Music
Judith S. Pinnolis (E)
An Update Concerning Some Library and Archival Holdings and Access
to Jewish Music in the United States
489 Jewish Music in the Italian Renaissance
Chairperson: Francesco Spagnolo
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 10:00 - 11:00 Room: 2715
Shoshana Liessmann (E)
Jewish Perspectives on Music in 16th Century Italy
Don Harran (H)
Final Thoughts of Rabbi Leon Modena on the Essence of Music
490 Jews and Jewish Identities in Contemporary Music – Session A
Chairperson: Michal Grover-Friedlander
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2729
Jacobo Kaufmann (E)
Isaac Offenbach and His Son Jacques
Rita Flomenboim (H)
Jewish and Universal in the Music of Lazare Saminsky
Assaf Shelleg (E)
Castelnuovo-Tedesco's "Jewish Cycle": Some Introductory Remarks
491 Jews and Jewish Identities in Contemporary Music – Session B
Chairperson: Andre Hajdu
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2729
Michal Grover-Friedlander (E)
Singing and Disappearing: The Angelic in Seter's Tikkun Chatzot
Kamile Rupeikaite-Mariniuk (E)
Reflection of Biblical heritage in music of Anatolijus Senderovas
Talia Pecker-Berio (E)
Ha-Maqom: Space, Sound and the Idea of An ‘Elsewhere’ in Luciano
Berio’s Cronaca Del Luogo
Julia Kreinin (E)
Requiem by Gyorgy Ligeti: The Testimony of a Holocaust Survivor
492 Identity and Piyyut
Chairperson: Avigdor Herzog
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2715
Kumiko Yayama (H)
Let's Sit Together: Socio-Cultural Aspects of the World of Singing of
Bakashot in Jerusalem
Merav Rosenfeld-Hadad
The Modern Paraliturgical Song of the Israeli Arab Jews
Mayer Gruber (H)
Penina Moise: An American Jewish Hymn Writer
Max Stern (H)
Psalms and Songs of Praise
493 Afternoon Intermezzo – B
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 14:15 - 15:00 Room: 2715
Sharon Bernstein
Yiddish Treasures: Rare Songs from the Collection of Meir Noy
494 Piyyutim Workshop – "Singing Communities Project" – B
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 14:15 - 15:00 Room: 2729
495 Sounds of Ashkenaz – A: The Synagogue Modes
Chairperson: James Loeffler
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2715
Eliyahu Schleifer (E)
Hazzan, Bass, Zinger'l: The Eighteenth-Century Trio Style As Preserved
in Later Synagogue Music for Cantor and Choir
Boaz Tarsi (E)
Tonal and Modal Constructs in Manuscripts of Eastern and Western
European Origins and in American Practice
Amalia Kedem (E)
Musical and Social Factors at Work in the Israeli Ashkenazi Synagogue
496 Sounds of Ashkenaz – B: Contexts and Influences
Chairperson: Eliyahu Schleifer
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2715
Naomi Cohen Zentner (H)
Sephardic Influences in the Liturgy of the Ashkenazi Orthodox Jews of
Rafi Ben-Moshe (H)
New Aspects in the Analysis of Chabad Nigunim
Abigail Wood (E)
"Images Turning Into Jewels": Yiddish Songbooks and the Shaping of
Collective Memory
497 Afternoon Intermezzo – C
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 14:15 - 15:00 Room: 2715
Tafilalt Ensemble
498 Piyyutim Workshop – "Singing Communities Project" – C
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 14:15 - 15:00 Room: 2729
500 Jewish Folklore in Eastern Europe
Chairperson: Harvi Golgberg
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2718
Rita Genzeleva (E)
The Uncensored Satire of Soviet Jews: Purimspeils of the 1980s
Itzchak Ganuz (H)
The Maggid of Dubna's Preachings: Between Parable and Folklore
Maria Kaspina (E)
Jewish and Slavic Folk Remedies in the Popular Medicine of Eastern
Andrey Moroz (E)
The Representation of Jews and Evangelical Events in the Modern
Northern Russian Folk Tradition
Laima Anglickiene (E)
A Stranger but Quite Well-Known: The Image of the Jews in Lithuanian
455 Yiddish and Folklore (in Cooperation with Beth Shalom Aleichem)
Chairperson: Avraham Novershtern
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2714
Vladislav Sokolovskiy
The Meeting of Cultural Worlds in Sholem Aleichem’s “Train Stories”
Nina Stepanskaya (E)
Yiddish Song in the Belarussian Region As Based on Materials from the
Research Expeditions of the 20th Century: The Problem of Genre
Miriam Udel-Lambert (E)
Hammer and Iron: Discerning a Theory of Rhetoric in the Fables of
Eliezer Shteynbarg
Ester Whine-Kamenetzki (E)
Leo Kenig's “Bukh fun Lesterungen” (Book of Blasphemies)
501 Orientals, Orientalism and Oriental Culture
Chairperson: Yotam Hotam
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2718
Dalia Cohen-Vital
The Representation of the Mizrahi [Oriental Jew] in the Canonical
Theatrical Repertoire
Dalya Markovich (H)
Matters of Memory: On Contemporary Israeli Mizrahy Identity in Modern
Ktzia Alon (H)
Father-Daughter Conflict in Mizrahi Poetry: Miri ben Shimhon and Vicky
502 The Dream and Its Dissolution: Longing, Crisis and Dissent in the
Autobiographical Literature of Israel
Chairperson: Shalom Sabar
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Yaffah Berlovitz (H)
Manufacturing MemoryAs a Folk-Tale: A Study of Zorach Barnett's
Memoirs (1843-1935)
Nili Aryeh-Sapir (H)
"Esther Put On Her Royal Apparel": The Personal Narrative of Zipora
Zabari, Queen Esther of an Early Tel-Aviv Purim Carnival
Hagit Rappel (H)
Between Collective and Autobiographical Memory: Kibbutz YadMordechai – A Case Study
Ilana Rosen (H)
Construction and Constructs in the Narrative of Immigrants and Settlers
from the South of Israel
503 Midrash and Folklore
Chairperson: Yehoshua Levinson
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Dina Stein (H)
Simeon the Righteous and the Nazirite: Perspectives on Introspection in
Talmudic Legends
Ruhama Weiss (H)
Tests of Kashrut: Sub-Groups of Repast-Assessment in the Talmud
Erik Alvstad (E)
“Transforming the Dream": Performative Speech in the Ritual of Hatavat
504 The 40th Anniversary of the Folk-Tale Archives in Israel
Chairperson: Haya Bar-Itzhak
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Edit Pintel-Ginsburg (H)
Studying Legends and Folk-Tales in a Digital Environment
Aliza Shenhar (H)
Studying Folklore in a Multicultural Society
Dan Ben-Amos (H)
The Tales of IFA in Historical Perspectives
Dov Noy
505 Local Folklore
Chairperson: Nili Aryeh-Sapir
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Shoshana Sitton (H)
The Tel Aviv Central Bus Station (Old and New) As Representative of
the Meeting Between East and West in Popular Culture
Sarah Lipetz (H)
The Biting Pen Proverb
Amar Dahamshe (H)
Seeking the Names of the Villages: Name, Dimension and Character in
the Popular Literature of the Galilean Arabs
506 The Jewish Women of Yemen
Chairperson: Bat-Zion Eraqi-Klorman
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Nitza Druyan (H)
Yemenite Women in Transition from the Periphery to the Mainstream
Carmella Abdar (H)
Body, Hierarchy and Boundaries in the Dress of Jewish Women from
Vered Madar (H)
Yemenite Women's Songs Between Death and Birth
507 The Jerusalem Syndrome: Fantasy and Reality
Chairperson: Tamar Alexander
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Buber 202
Eliezer Witztum and Moshe Kalian (H)
The "Jerusalem Syndrome" – Fantasy and Reality – Historical Survey
Sarina Chen (H)
The Temple Mount: From Absolute Prohibition ("Karet") to Positive
Moti Inbari (H)
Religious Zionism and the Temple Dilemma: Major Trends
Maria Lepp‫ה‬kari
Drunken by Jerusaelm
474 Ritual Objects
Chairperson: Shulamit Laderman
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2716
Ilia Rodov (E)
The Synagogue Ark As a Metaphor of a Stronghold of Faith
Bracha Yaniv (E)
The Torah Ark in Eastern European Synagogues: The Influence of the
Church Altar and the Depiction of the Forbidden
Vivian B. Mann (E)
New Evidence for the Medieval Tik of the Torah Scroll
Iwona Brzewska (E)
“Shivvitti” As a Reminder of God: Objects in Polish Museum Collections
Ester Juhasz
"Memento Mori" and the Representation of God in the "Shiviti-Menorah"
508 The Old and the New – Story-Tellers in Israel
Chairperson: Ilana Rosen
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Yoel Shalom Perez (H)
The Typological Model of the Storytelling Art As a Research Tool for the
Study of Traditional and Modern Jewish Storytellers
Zila Zan-Bar-Zur (H)
Between Genotype and Phenotype: Masculine Metaphors in the World of
Female Jewish Storytellers from Afghanistan
Ariela Krasney (H)
The Art of the Jewish 'Badkhn': Convention and Improvisation
510 The Works of Hanoch Levin
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2715
Zahava Caspi (H)
The Clich ‫י‬and the Historical: The Relationship Between Media Images
and Authentic Memory in "The Boy Dreams" by Hanoch Levin
Nurith Yaari (H)
Epiphany in the Theatre of Hanoch Levin
Erella Brown (H)
Jewish and Christian Funeral Rites As a Window to the “Real” World of
Hanoch Levin
511 Politics and Identity in Israeli Theater
Chairperson: Nurith Yaari
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2720
Ben-Ami Feingold (H)
Figure and Fiction:Nathan Alterman's Play "Pythagoras' Theorem"
Edna Nahshon (H)
The Mock Trial of Habima's 1936 Production of "The Merchant of
Yerushalmi Dorit (H)
Mask Plays in Jewish Theatre: Shmuel Bunim Directs the Works of Itzik
Ofir Maman (H)
Telem' Theatre for Ma'abarot and the Jewish Theme on the Israeli Stage:
From East to East
512 Jewish Themes in the Theater
Chairperson: Edna Nahshon
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2720
Asnat Bar-On (H)
“Abel’s Sacrifice” by Noah Ben Shimon Melissa
Dalia Cohen-Knohl (H)
The Representaion of Religion and Observant Jews in Israeli Theatre
Sarit Cofman-Simhon (H)
"Ma'amarot": Metaphysics-in-Action
Orna Ben-Meir (H)
From Religious Gesture to Theatrical Image
The Seventh International Conference for the Study of Jewish
Names (in Cooperation with the Bar-Ilan University)
520 Antiquity
Chairperson: Yigal Levin
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2720
Yael Avrahami (E)
Giving Names to the Newborn in the Hebrew Bible
Siam Bhayro (E)
The Angel Name Shemihazah
Joel S. Burnett (E)
Divine Absence in Biblical Personal Names
Chananeal Mack (H)
“Mehetav`el, daughter of Matred, daughter of Me-zahav” (Genesis, 36: 39
[Note: verse 19 in the Original is a mistake])
521 Toponyms
Chairperson: Yoel Elitzur
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 2720
Yehuda Ziv (H)
Mailman's Principle
Lea Mazor (H)
"Might" and "Strength" in Israeli Place Names During the First Years of
Statehood – Biblical and Ideological Aspects
Ronny Reich (H)
On the Names "Gihon" and "Shiloah"
Yossi Spanier (H)
“From the Sole of the Foot unto the Head…": Body Parts in Geographic
Descriptions in the Bible
522 Hebrew Literature
Chairperson: Boris Kotlerman
Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: 2720
Ephraim Hazan (H)
The Name As a Linguistic and Stylistic Factor in [Jewish Medieval]
Spanish Poetry
Juliette Hassine (H)
Sol-Hatsadique: Onomastic Characteristics in the Construction of a
Cultural Heroine
Lea Garfinkel (H)
The Artist As Creator: Endowing Names in Literary Work
Sara Friedman (H)
Names and Naming in Hebrew Literary Translation
523 Between East and West
Chairperson: Avraham Greenbaum
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2720
Chana Tolmas (E)
Occupations of Bukharan Jews at the End of the 19th Century (Based on
Nicknames and Family Names)
Zofia Abramowicz (E)
Jewish Names in Bialystok
Ruven Enoch (H)
Hebrew Names in the Speech of Georgian Jews
Bracha Yaniv (E)
"Perlstecker" and "Golgstecker": Some Specialist Surnames in Tailoring
524 The Modern Age
Chairperson: Meir Bar-Ilan
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2720
Jean-Pierre Stroweis (E)
Name Changes During the British Mandate
Michael Falk (E)
The Days of the Week As Jewish Surnames
Ofra Malka Birenbaum (H)
Jewish Israeli Identity in Proper Names of Settlers in Samaria
Aviel Kranzler (H)
Israeliness and Jewishness – Israeli Names versus Jewish Names
525 The Last Millennium
Chairperson: Refael Yankelevitch
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2720
Israel Rozenson (H)
Geographic Names in Jewish Sources from the Period of the Crusades
Elinoar Bareket (H)
Jewish Personal Names in Fatimid Egypt During the 11th Century
Yaakov Lattes (H)
Social Stratification and Topography According to the Names Contained
in the Register of the Jewish Community of Rome
Yosef Rivlin (H)
Double Given-Names Among Ashkenazic Jewry
526 The Essence of Jewish Names and Panel Discussion: Onomastics
and Jewish Studies
Chairperson: Aaron Demsky
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 6837 (Hendeles Zwig
Aharon Appelfeld (H)
My Family Names
Ariel Toaff
James L. Kugel (E)
Shalom Rosenberg (E)
The Hebrew Book, Libraries and Archives
530 The History of Jewish Publishing – Session A
Chairperson: Zeev Gries
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2605
Denis Levy-Willard (E)
The Hebrew Book Trade in the Middle Ages
Ruthie Kalman (H)
What Is the Goddess Venus Doing in the 1547-1575 Edition of
Maimonides’ "Mishneh Torah"?
Gila Prebor (H)
"Sepher Ha-Ziquq" by Domenico Yerushalmi (1555-1621) and Its
Influence on Hebrew Printing
Anat Gueta (H)
The Development of New Reading Habits Following the Introduction of
Hebrew Printing to the Lives of 16th Century Jews
531 The History of Jewish Publishing – Session B
Chairperson: Anat Gueta
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 2605
Zeev Gries (H)
Jewish Print in Poland, from the Beginning to the End of the 18th Century
Avriel Bar-Levav (H)
Printers As Cultural Agents: Jewish Printing in Amsterdadm in the 17th
and 18th Centuries
Maxim Zaveriaev (E)
The Chain of Elites and the Creation of the Publishing House of the
Karaite Community of the Crimea
Gideon Kouts (H)
The Hebrew-Language Popular Press in Europe and Its Founders (18761886)
302 A Treasury of Talmudic Manuscripts: A Catalogue of Manuscripts
of the Mishna, Tosefta, the Talmuds, and the Rif of the Israel Academy of
the Sciences and Humanities (Plenary Session, in Cooperation with the
Friedberg Genizahh Research Project and the Ben-Zvi Institute)
Chairperson: David Rosenthal
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: The Dan Wassong
Auditorium (Rabin building)
Yaakov Sussmann (H)
The Talmudic Manuscripts Catalog
Yoav Rosenthal (H)
The Babylonian Talmud in the Genizah: On the Early Form of Sugyot
Ezra Chwat (H)
Alfasi in the Genizah
Roni Shweka (H)
The Talmudic Manuscripts Catalogue: Summary of Findings
354 The Friedberg Project for Genizah Research – Plans and Activities
(Plenary Session, in Conjunction with the Friedberg Project for Genizah
Research under the Auspices of the University of Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada, and the Ben-Zvi Institute)
Chairperson: James A. Diamond
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: The Dan Wassong
Auditorium (Rabin building)
Aharon Maman
Philology in the Genizah: Current Research in the Friedberg Project
Sarah Stroumsa
Intellectual Encounter in the Genizah: The Cataloguing of Philosophical,
Theological and Polemical Fragments
David Sklare
From the Work of the Center for the Study of Judaeo-Arabic Culture:
Biblical Quaestionae
Haggai Ben-Shammai (H)
The Karaite Library in Jerusalem: Its Creation in the 10th and 11th
Centuries and Reconstruction in the 21st Century Friedberg Genizah
532 The Karaite Project: An Illuminated Bibliography Edited by Dov
(Barry) Walfish (in Cooperation with the Karaite Project of the Ben-Zvi
Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East)
Chairperson: David Sklare
Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: 2605
Alfred Eidlisz (E)
Censorship in 19th Century Karaite Books
Haggai Ben-Shammai (H)
The Karaite Project
Mikhail Kizilov (E)
Karaite Printing in Eastern Europe in Modern Times: Development, Main
Tendencies, Problems and Perspectives
Barry Walfish (E)
The Karaite Bibliography
216 The Catalogue of the Cairo Genizah and the Study of
Canonization: On the Publication of the Late Nehemiah Aloni’s "The
Jewish Library in the Middle Ages" (in Cooperation with the Scholion:
Interdisciplinary Research Center in Jewish-Studies)
Chairperson: Robert Brody
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)
Miriam Frenkel (H)
Booklists from the Cairo Geniza As Indicators of Canonization
Zeev Elkin
Booklists from the Cairo Genizah and Jewish Historical Literature from
the Geonic Period: Historiography within the Literary Canon and Canon
within Historiography
Zvi Stampfer (H)
The Canon that Disappeared: The Case of Rav Shmuel B. Hofni's
Canonical Status Revealed Exclusively in the Geniza
Moshe Lavee (H)
A Catalog of Books from the Canonical Literature: Aggadic Midrash in
the Catalog of Rabbi Joseph Rosh HaSeder
217 Genizah Research
Chairperson: Miriam Frenkel
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 105 (Truman Building)
Moshe Sokolow (E)
A Geniza Digest of Torah Commentaries
Elinoar Bareket (H)
Hidden Messages within Biblical Verses in Geniza Letters
Avraham David (H)
Between Ashkenaz and the East in the 16th Century – Ashkenazic Jews
and Their Status in Eretz-Israel and Egypt As Reflected in the Cairo
533 Judaica Librarianship: Collections, Projects and Issues – Session A
Chairperson: Yael Penkower
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2729
Elhanan Adler (H)
Digitilization of Judaica Source Materials and Its Impact on Research in
Jewish Studies
Chaim Seymour
Self-publishing by the Ultra-Orthodox in Israel
Meira Harroch
The Ephemera Collection in the Jewish National and University Library
in Jerusalem
534 Judaica Librarianship: Collections, Projects and Issues – Session B
Chairperson: Ya'akov Aronson
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2729
Bella Hass Weinberg (E)
The Legitimacy of the Sheva Merahef and Its Implications for the
Romanization of Hebrew
Michlean J. Amir (E)
After the Destruction: Documenting the History of Jewish Life in Eastern
Europe vs. Books Written about German Jewish Communities
Ilana Tahan (E)
Jewish and Hebrew Books from India and the Inventory of British Library
535 Hebrew Unicums from the Libraries of the Jewish Theological
Seminary and the National Library and Their Contribution to Research
Chairperson: Yoram Tsafrir
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 19:30 - 21:45 Room: Schocken Library (Balfur 6,
Sara Jacqueline Fraenkel (H)
A Challenge for the Librarian and the Collector; How to Find, Iidentify
and Publish Unicums
David Kraemer (H)
On the Unicum in the Collection of the Library of the Jewish Theological
An Illuminated Spanish Mishneh Torah of the 15th Century (ms. R1618)
Shmuel Glick (H)
Kuntress on Shabbat Chatuna (in Pisa): A Unicom from the Schocken
Library in Jerusalem
Shimon Iakerson (H)
The Uniqueness of the Jewish Theological Seminary’s Incunabula
Division E: Contemporary Jewish Society
600 The Creation of a National Narrative (Plenary session)
Chairperson: Haim Guri
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Senate Hall
Anita Shapira (H)
The Role of Literature in Formulating the Zionist Narrative
Dan Laor (H)
“The Silver Tray”: Narrative and Counter Narrative
Ze'ev Tzahor (H)
Politics, Ideology and Historical Research: Their Role in Shaping the
Narrative of the Foundation of the State of Israel
270 Fifty Years after the Kastner Trial – A Public Debate (Plenary
Session) (in Cooperation with the Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of
Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Racism, Tel-Aviv University)
Chairperson: Dan Laor
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 6837 (Hendeles Zwig
Yechiam Viz (H)
The Position of Israel Kastner
Shlomo Aronson (H)
The Prosecution's Position
Dina Porat (H)
The Defence's Position
338 Mishpat Ivri- Whence and Whither? (Plenary Session) – Session A
Chairperson: Menachem Elon
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2718
Menachem Elon (H)
Misphat Ivri and the Shaping of the Legal System of Israel As a
Democratic Jewish State
Suzanne L. Stone (E)
New Directions for Jewish Law from the American Legal Academy
Amihai Radzyner (H)
"Jewish Law" and "Talmudic Research": The Case of Asher Gulak
Shamma Friedman (H)
Correlations Between the Talmud and Mishpat Ivri in Asher Gulak’s
339 Mishpat Ivri- Whence and Whither? (Plenary Session ) – Session B
Chairperson: Elihav Shochetman
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2718
Gideon Libson (H)
Marking Forty Years of the Institute for Research in Jewish Law:
Projected Goals and Directions
Aviad Hacohen (H)
Unlawful Enrichment and Not in Jewish Law
Yuval Sinai (H)
Jewish Law in Israeli Courts: A Future Glimpse
601 "Brith Shalom" and the Hebrew University (in Cooperation with
the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History)
Chairperson: Steven Aschheim
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Buber 200
Hedva Ben-Israel (H)
Dr. Magnes and "Brith Shalom"
Alek D. Epstein (H)
From "Brith Shalom" to "Hug 77": Political Movements Led by Hebrew
University Professors Before and After the Foundation of the State of
Noam Zadoff (H)
The Pilegesh Circle: Friendship and Satire at the Hebrew University
602 The Associates of Brith Shalom (in Cooperation with the Richard
Koebner Minerva Center for German History)
Chairperson: Moshe Zimmermann
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Buber 200
Aharon Kedar (H)
Ruppin's Contribution to "Brith Shalom": From Essential to Marginal
Anja Siegemund (E)
Not Just a "Spectator": Robert Weltsch As Representative of the Concept
of "Verstaendigung" Between Jews and Arabs
Dimitry Shumsky (H)
Czecho-German Jewry and the Origins of Bi-nationalism: The Case of
Hugo Bergmann
Adi Gordon (H)
Hans Kohn and the Limits of Brith Shalom
603 "Brith Shalom": Politics and Philosophy (in Cooperation with the
Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History)
Chairperson: Paul Mendes-Flohr
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Buber 200
Hermann Tamar (H)
The Politics of the Inevitable: Bi-nationalism in Israel\Palestine, Past and
Sara Strassburg-Dayan (H)
Zion: Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of Israel? Between "Brith
Shalom" and "Brith Ha-Biryonim".
Zohar Maor (H)
The Mystical Roots of "Brith-Shalom": Berlin and Prague After the First
World War
604 Issues in the Study of Anti-Semitism: Psychology and Character (in
Cooperation with the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs) – Session A
Chairperson: Chaya Hershkovic
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2605
Charles Bahn (E)
Jewish Anti-Israelism: A Mutation of Jewish Self-Hate
Daphne Burdman (H)
Hatred of the Jews As a Psychological Phenomenon in Palestinian Society
Manfred Gerstenfeld (E)
The Total War on Israel: The Methodology of the Anti-Israel Forces
605 Issues in the Study of Anti-Semitism: (in Cooperation with the
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs) – Session B
Chairperson: Manfred Gerstenfeld
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2605
Gerald Steinberg (E)
NGOs and Israel
Shimon Samuels (E)
The Globalization of Post-Durban Antisemitism
Mike Whine (E)
International Conferences on Anti-Semitism and Human Rights Issues
606 Anti-Semitism and the Media (in Cooperation with the Jerusalem
Center for Public Affairs)
Chairperson: Manfred Gerstenfeld
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2605
Itamar Marcus (E)
Palestinian Schoolbooks and Media: A Window to Internal Palestinian
Trevor Asserson
The Pictures on the BBC: An Analysis of Bias
Tamar Sternthal (E)
The Portrayal of Israel in the American Media
607 Post-Holocaust Issues (in Cooperation with the Jerusalem Center
for Public Affairs)
Chairperson: Manfred Gerstenfeld
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2605
Michael Bazyler (E)
Post-Holocaust Restitution in Israel
Laurence Weinbaum (E)
The Contradictions Between War History and Memory in Romania
Susan Urban (E)
Minimizing the Holocaust and Demonizing a Country: Germany, Its Past
and Its Image of Israel 2000
608 Changing Situations in the American Jewish Community (in
Cooperation with the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs)
Chairperson: Manfred Gerstenfeld
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2605
Chaim I. Waxman (E)
Denominational Shifts in American Jewry
Rela Mintz Geffen (E)
The Status of Jewish Women in American Jewish Religious and
Communal Life
Howard Weisband
New Direction for Communal Leadership
609 Jewish Community Issues (in Cooperation with the Jerusalem
Center for Public Affairs)
Chairperson: Manfred Gerstenfeld
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2605
Yossi Shain
The Jews As a Paradimatic Case of Diaspora-Homeland Relations
Avi Beker (H)
The Jewish Refugees from Arab Lands
George Gruen
Changing Situations of the Jewish Community of Turkey
610 Jewish and Israeli Foreign Policy (in Cooperation with the
Jerusalem Center for Public Policy)
Chairperson: Ben Mollov
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2605
Shmuel Sandler (H)
Is there a Jewish Approach to World Politics?
Itzhak Mualem (H)
Israel's Foreign Policy: Arms Aid and the Aid for Jewish Diasporas in
Distress, Odd Couple?
Stuart Cohen (H)
"Unlicensed War" in the Jewish Political Tradition
611 Issues in Jewish Political Thought and Policy (in Coooperation with
the Jerusalem Center for Public Policy)
Chairperson: Shmuel Sandler
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2605
Dov Paris (H)
Orthodox Attitudes to Women’s Learning: Towards a Possible
Compromise Based on Classical Sources
Joel Fishman (E)
Alexis de Tocqueville's Recognition of the Jewish Idea of Equality
Aharon Kompinsky (H)
The Changing Emphasis of the Israeli Army Rabbinate
Ben Mollov (E)
Dan Elazar's Approach to Federalism As Based on the Idea of "Brit"
612 70 Years of Youth Aliyah (in Cooperation with the Jewish Agency
for Israel)
Chairperson: Dalia Dorner
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2716
Dvora Hacohen (H)
The Beginning of Youth Aliya: Problems and Conflicts
Michael M. Laskier
The Saga of Youth Aliyah from Morocco, 1956-1967
Eli Amir (H)
Youth Aliyah: A Personal Point of View
613 Aliyah and Absorption: New Olim and Veteran Olim – Session A
(in Cooperation with the Jewish Agency for Israel)
Chairperson: Dvora Hacohen
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 13:30 Room: 2716
Rachel Cohen-Fridheim (H)
The Absorption of Olim from Arab Countries in Kibbutzim 1948-1954
David Nimrod-Cymrot (H)
The Children of the Ma`abarot [Transit Camps] During the Youth Aliyah
Tamar Horowitz (H)
Russian Educational Networks: Integration versus Segregation
614 Aliyah and Absorption: New Olim and Veteran Olim – Session B
(in Cooperation with the Jewish Agency for Israel)
Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: 2716
Zion Zohar (E)
Orientalism and Anti-Orientalism Among Early Zionists in Palestine and
Israel and the Consequences for the Absorption of Mizrachi Jews
Eraz Tzfadia (H)
FSU immigrants in Israeli Development Towns: Policy and Protest
Nir Kedar (H)
Equality and Participation in Ben-Gurion's Political Outlook in the 1950s
and 1960s
615 Against All Odds: The Historical Foundations of Israeli Democracy
– Session A
Chairperson: Moshe Hellinger
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2716
Haim Shapira (H)
Democratic Elements in the Jewish Political Tradition: Majority Rule
Gershon Bacon (H)
Nalewki Street in Tel-Aviv? On the Political Heritage of East European
Penina Morag-Talmon (H)
Democracy-Values and Activities Amongst the Elite of the Sefardi Ethnic
Group and other Oriental Ethnic Groups
616 Against All Odds: The Historical Foundations of Israeli Democracy
– Session B
Chairperson: Ofer Shiff
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2716
Yossi Goldstein
Between Herzl and Ben-Gurion: Development of Democratic Processes in
the Zionist Movement, 1897-1948
Moshe Lissak (H)
Between a Group of Communities and "Voluntary Regimentation": The
Development of Yishuv Democracy
Allon Gal (H)
From Negation of the Exile to Activation of the Diaspora: Zionist
Diplomacy in the Liberal-Democratic Countries
618 Leaders and Institution in the 20th Century
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2714
Victoria Khiterer (E)
Max Mandelshtam, Palestinophile and Zionist Leader
Michael Beizer (H)
New Light on the Murder of Professor Israel Friedlander and Rabbi
Bernard Cantor
Alexander Cornescu-Coren (H)
The End of the Schonau Refugee Camp in Austria in Light of New
Documents Released by the British Records Office
Carole Fink (E)
The World Jewish Congress and World Diplomacy, 1936-1939
619 Abba Hillel Silver: The Unpublished Autobiography
Chairperson: Gary P. Zola
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2714
Amos Goldberg
Black Mirror: Jewish Autobiographical Writings after the Holocaust
Zohar Segev
The Zionism of Abba Hillel Silver from an American Perspective
Ofer Shiff (H)
The "Jewish" Autobiography of Abba Hillel Silver
620 Historiography and Documentation in the Zionist Movement
Chairperson: Meir Pail
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2717
Dov Levitan (H)
Help Given by Scandinavian Governments and Individuals towards the
Founding of the State of Israel
Alec Mishory (E)
A Mythical Connection: Ghetto Heroism and the War of Independence
Suzanne D. Rutland (E)
Seeking 'Treasure Island': Manpower and Arms from Australia and the
South Pacific, 1948-1950
Neima Barzel (H)
The Attitude to "War" As a Characteristic of Two Collective Biographies:
"Fighters Talk” – the ‘67 Group, and the Founders of "Gush Emunim"
Ariel Feldestein (H)
Filming War: The Image of "the Other" in the 1948 War Films
421 Hebrew Literature for Children
Chairperson: Yael Darr
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: Buber 200
Basmat Even-Zohar (H)
The Beginnings of Hebrew Children’s Literature in Palestine: An
Enterpreneurial Project
Chana Livnat (H)
Heroes and Adventures: Hebrew Literature for Children and Youth in
Israel Between 1930 and 1945
Rima Shichmentar (H)
The Children’s Press During Israel’s First Decade
423 Literature and Nationalism
Chairperson: Michal Arbell
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2718
Ayelet Cohen (H)
Protest poetry As Text and Performance: Shabtai's "Libi" and the Second
David Jacobson (H)
Politics and Literature: The Occupation in Israeli Fiction
Dror Mishani (H)
“The Detached” and “The Wanderer” Meet in the Street
Motti Neiger
Protest Poetry As Text and Performance: Shabtai's "Libi" and the Second
Ranen Omer-Sherman (E)
The Desert and the Old-New Jewish Nation
621 Aspects of the Political Discourse of the Second Aliyah (The Chaim
Weizmann Institute for the Study of Zionism and Israel, Tel-Aviv
Chairperson: Paula Caballo
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 5818
Avi Bareli (H)
The Political Dimension in the Philosophy and Work of Berl Katzenelson
Gilat Gofer (H)
Women in Politics and Women's Politics During the Second Aliyah
Meir Chazan (H)
Federation H'achoresh: The Beginnig of Public Political Life in the Labor
622 Gender and the Labor Movement
Chairperson: Ofer Shiff
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2715
Mira Yungman (E)
The Transfer by Hadassah of American Models in Health and Welfare to
the Yishuv and the Young State of Israel
Rachel Sharaby (H)
The Private that Is Public: The Blurring of Gender Labor Divisions
Esther Carmel-Hakim (H)
Zionist Feminism from Theory to Practice – WIZO and Rebecca Sieff:
Walking Untrodden Paths
233 Women Creators (in Cooperation with the Feminist and Gender
Studies Sector of the Israel Historical Society)
Chairperson: Yaffah Berlovitz
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Buber 202
Michal Shahaf (H)
Inside/Outside Her Four Walls: Abigail Lindo, an Anglo-Jewish
Authoress of the Mid-Nineteenth Century
Yael Ohad-Karny (H)
A Room of One's Own – A Woman's Private Space: Anzia Yezierska's
Novels and Their Cinematic Representation
Nitza Keren (H)
The Torah Curtain Weaver Who Stands at the Podium: A New Feminist
Discourse As Presented by Michal Govrin
Yael Shenker (H)
Keeping the Readers Safe: Feminine Literature within the ReligiousOrthodox Community in Israel
Irit Koren (H)
The Voice of the Bride: How Religious Women Challenge the Wedding
623 The Mandate Period and the Early Years of the State of Israel
Chairperson: Haim Genizi
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 5817
Nimrod Hagiladi (H)
Israeli Society and the Black Market: From World War II to the First Year
of the State of Israel
Orit Rozin (H)
The Austerity Policy and the Rule of Law: Relations Between the
Government and the Public in the Early Days of the State of Israel
Tamir Goren (H)
The Judaizing of Haifa During the British Mandate Period
Isaiah Friedman (H)
How Trans-Jordan was Severed from the Territory of the Jewish National
624 From Yishuv to State (The Chaim Weizmann Institute for the
Study of Zionism and Israel, Tel-Aviv University)
Chairperson: Moshe Lissak
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 5818
Zvi Zameret (H)
A Critical Look at the Opponents of the “Melting Pot”
Aviva Halamish (H)
The Zionist Left in the First Years of Statehood
Yosef Gorny (H)
From Ideological Autonomism to Yishuv Autonomism
Moshe Lissak (H)
625 Judaism and Zionism in Israel and the Diaspora
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Julien Bauer (E)
Rabbinical Seminaries, Yeshivot and the Training of Rabbis for a Public
Theodore Sasson (E)
One People Divided Under God: American and Israeli Jews' Discourse
Regarding Religious Rights and Equality in Israel
Alla Zakharchenko (E)
In Search of the Effective External Mediation: Israel's Position toward the
US and EU Priorities in the Resolution of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Herbert M. Druks (E)
Joseph P. Kennedy, His Sons, the Jewish People and Israel
626 Israeli Society and Attitudes to Jewish Culture
Chairperson: Allon Gal
Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Sharon Lev-Tzur (E)
Factors Affecting the Decision of Non-Religious Israelis to Prefer
Alternative Marriage Ceremonies to the State Rabbinate
Rina Hevlin (H)
Jewish Cultural Literacy in Israel in the Last Decade: Just an Intellectual
Gideon Katz (H)
Jewish Culture and Israeli Anti-Utopianism
Gad Ufaz (H)
Between the Appraoches of the "Canaanite"'s and "Shdemot Circle" to the
Jewish Sources
507 The Jerusalem Syndrome: Fantasy and Reality
Chairperson: Tamar Alexander
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Buber 202
Eliezer Witztum and Moshe Kalian (H)
The "Jerusalem Syndrome" – Fantasy and Reality – Historical Survey
Sarina Chen (H)
The Temple Mount: From Absolute Prohibition ("Karet") to Positive
Moti Inbari (H)
Religious Zionism and the Temple Dilemma: Major Trends
Maria Lepp‫ה‬kari
Drunken by Jerusaelm
501 Orientals, Orientalism and Oriental Culture
Chairperson: Yotam Hotam
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2718
Dalia Cohen-Vital
The Representation of the Mizrahi [Oriental Jew] in the Canonical
Theatrical Repertoire
Dalya Markovich (H)
Matters of Memory: On Contemporary Israeli Mizrahy Identity in Modern
Ktzia Alon (H)
Father-Daughter Conflict in Mizrahi Poetry: Miri ben Shimhon and Vicky
627 Characteristics of Haredi Society in Israel
Chairperson: Kimmy Caplan
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2605
Sima Zalcberg
Shaving the Head Among Women in the Ultra-Hasidic Sector: The
Significance Women Attribute to It and How They Deal with It
M. Avrum Ehrlich (E)
The Future of Ultra-Orthodoxy in Israel: From Stagnation to Eminence
Roberta Sands (E)
The Spiritual Transformational Processes of Baalei Teshuvah
Yitzhak Kraus (H)
The Transformation of the Myth of Satan in the Zionist Ethos
628 Haredi Education in Israel
Chairperson: Benjamin Lau
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2605
Nurit Meyrav (H)
Literacy Studies in a Habad Girls' Elementary School: Different Worlds
Come Together
Kimmy Caplan (H)
History Books in Israeli Haredi Ashkenazi Society, 1944-1970
Mati Dombrowsky (H)
Educational Aspects of Separation and Seclusion in Contemporary
Religious Zionism
Anat Feldman (H)
Women’s Ultra-Orthodox Vocational Education: The Case of the Shas
274 The Holocaust and Haredi Jewry
Chairperson: Hava Eshkoli
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2505
Gershon Greenberg (E)
Kabbalah in the Land of Israel: Mordekhai Atiyah on Holocaust and
Chaim Shalem (H)
Rabbi Sadagora's Reaction upon Receipt of the News of the
Extermination of European Jewry, 1942-1943
Ruth Ebenstein (E)
"Believing Jews could never sell their souls to the devil": Reactions to the
Kapo Trials and the Kastner Affair in the Israeli Haredi Press
Michal Shaul (H)
Haredi Holocaust Survivors’ Testimonies: “Private” or “Public” Memory?
276 Religious Zionism in the Holocaust and After
Chairperson: Dan Michman
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2712
Mordechai Friedman (H)
The Religious Units in the Hagana and in the Palmah
Hava Eshkoli (H)
The Uniqueness of the Religious Zionist Response to the Holocaust in
Menachem Weinstein (H)
Religious Zionist Activity Among the Holocaust Survivors
Haim Genizi (H)
The Rehabilitation of the Religious Zionist Movement in Hungary After
the Holocaust, 1945-1949
629 Jews and Non-Jews in a Changing Quebec: Conflict and
Chairperson: Julien Bauer
Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Morton Weinfeld (E)
Anti-Semitism in Quebec Today
Ira Robinson (E)
Jewish Studies in French Canada
Pierre Anctil (E)
The Image of French Canada in the Works of Montreal's Yiddish Writers
630 American Jewish Women: The Perspective of Three Generations
Chairperson: Carole S Kessner
Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Sara R. Horowitz (E)
Keeping Secrets: Mothers, Daughters and Shoah Memories
Janet Burstein (E)
Uncertain Jew, Committed Feminist: Carolyn Heilbrun on Autonomy
Carole S Kessner (E)
Marie Syrkin: The Formation of an Exemplary Life
Special Sessions
The general assembly of the members of the World Union of Jewish
Studies and the Union Council
Monday, 1.8.2005, between 13:30-15:00 in the Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Ephraim E. Urbach International Fellowship Winners
Chairperson: Anita Shapira
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: The Dan Wassong Auditorium
(Rabin building)
Elisheva Baumgarten (H)
Piety and Gender: Toward an Outline of the Spiritual Lives of Medieval
Jewish Women
Benjamin Brown (H)
Halakha and Religious Ethics: Creating a Conceptual Research Model
Manuela Consonni (H)
Deportation and Extermination: the Becoming and Representation of
Magda Teter (E)
Jewish Law and Canon Law: Dealing with the Other
Closing Ceremonies: The Institute of Jewish Studies and Its Role in the
Jewish Studies Department of the Hebrew University, Past and Present
(Special Session Marking the 80th Anniversary of the Institute of Jewish
Chairperson: Sara Japhet
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: Atzmaut-Mexico Hall
Martin D. Goodman, Oxford University
Joshua Schwartz, Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University
David Berger, Brooklyn College
Yeshayahu Gaffni, Chair, Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
640 Social Research on American Jewry
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2714
Lilach Lev Ari (H)
Israeli Immigrants to the U.S: Absorption and Identity
Gerald Cromer (E)
Intermarriage Handbooks
Allen Glicksman (E)
The Lives of Holocaust Survivors in Very Old Age
641 The Process of Social Change in American Haredi Communities
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2714
Barry Trachtenberg (E)
Mixed Blessing: Insularity and Accommodation in Kiryas Joel
David N. Myers (E)
Between Segregation and Integration: An Historical Prespective on
Kiryas Joel
Roberta Farber-Rosenberg (E)
The Changing Response to Wife Abuse within American Ultra-Orthodox
Jewish Communities
642 Contemporary American Orthodoxy: Sociological and Historical
Chairperson: Judy Tydor-Baumel
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2714
Samuel Heilman (E)
"Go See What the People Do": How Orthodox Rabbis Gauge Community
Adam Ferziger (E)
Charles S. Liebman's American Orthodoxy: A Reexamination After Forty
Ailene Cohen-Nusbacher (E)
The Religious and Spiritual Life of Orthodox Jewish Women in America
Chaim I. Waxman
Changing Perspectives on the United States Among American Haredim
643 Aspects of Identity in American Jewish Society
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2714
Mervin Verbit (E)
Communal Correlates of Individual Religiosity
Carmel Chiswick (E)
Jewish and General Education
Gail Glicksman (E)
Physical Health Status and Jewish Communal and Ritual Life
Barry Kosmin and Ariela Keysar (E)
The Rise in Attachment to Israel Since 2000 Among a Cohort of North
American College Students
644 The Former Soviet Union: Demographic Aspects
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2717
Mark Tolts
Demographic Trends Among the Jews in the Three Post-Soviet Slavic
Natalia Daragan (E)
Jewish Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union to North RhineWestphalia
Barry Chiswick (E)
Soviet Jews in the United States Labor Market, 1980-2000
645 Demographic Aspects of European Jewry
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2717
Dieter Josef Hecht (E)
"Mutterland-Vatersprache": A Documentary about Jews from Austria in
Yaakov Lattes (H)
Assimilation and Marginal Groups in the Italian Jewish Community
Yosef Govrin (H)
The Jewish Community in Austria at the End of the 20th Century
Doris Bensimon (E)
Juifs Dans L'union Europeenne
646 Israeli Society: Demographic Aspects
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2717
Ephraim Tabory (E)
Factors Affecting the Decision of Non-Religious Israelis to Prefer
Alternative Marriage Ceremonies to the State Rabbinate
Sergio DellaPergola (H)
First Data on Jewish Attitudes towards Family Size in Israel 2004
Shlomit Levy (H)
Changes Over Time in the Jewish Identity of Israeli Jews
Erik Cohen
Visits to Israel As an Indicator of Jewish Identification
Jewish Education
650 Historical Issues in Jewish Education
Chairperson: Marla Frenkel
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Asya Waisman (E)
Jewish Traditional Education and Family Relationship in the Memoirs of
G. Bogrov and P. Vengerova
Meir Hildesheimer (H)
Religious Education in Changing Times: Orthodox Schools for Religious
Instruction in the Nineteenth Century
Dan Porat (E)
The Nation Revised: Teaching the Jewish Past in the Zionist Present
Martin Wein (H)
The Czecho-Jews: A Double Portrait
Marc Silverman (E)
Janush Korczak's Implicit Religiosity: Its place in His Educational
Approch and Its Relevance to Education Today
651 New Developments in Contemporary Jewish Education
Chairperson: Zeev Mankowitz
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Joseph S. Lukinsky (E)
Bibliodrama, Its Relation to the Psychodrama of Jacob Levy Moreno and
Relevant Issues in Its Widespread Popularity in Jewish Education
Howard Dietcher
Where is God? A Missing Link in Teaching Bible in Israeli National
Reina Rutlinger-Reiner (H)
Theatrical Initiatives in the Israeli Orthodox Community: Implications
and Complications
Alick Isaacs (E)
A Hermeneutic Approach to Teaching Religious Tolerance
652 Jewish Studies in Israeli Education: The Teachers’ Dilemmas
Chairperson: Jonathan Cohen
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Asher Shkedi (H)
The Teacher As an Agent of the Jewish Tradition: Bible Studies and
Teachers Methodologico-Pedagogical Conceptions of the Hermeneutic
Michael Gillis (H)
Rabbi Akiva’s Beginnings: From Research to Curriculum Planning
Inbar Galili Schechter (H)
Rabbi Akiva’s Beginnings: From Research to Curriculum Planning
Inbar Galili Schechter (H)
Understanding and Meaning: Hermenuetic and Pedagogical Aspects
653 Jewish Education in the Diaspora
Chairperson: Howard Dietcher
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 104 (Truman Building)
Erik H. Cohen (H)
Towards a Typology of Education Intervention in a Global Youth
Organization: The Case of Bnei Akiva
Alex Pomson (E)
Ideology and Idiosyncrasy in Jewish Day School Choice
Randal F. Schnoor (E)
Schools Are Not Only for Children: The Impact of Day Schools on the
Jewish Identities of Parents
Katka Hadar Reszke (E)
Alternative Identities and the Challenge of Authenticity: Young Jewish
Adults in Contemporary Poland
628 Haredi Education in Israel
Chairperson: Benjamin Lau
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2605
Nurit Meyrav (H)
Literacy Studies in a Habad Girls' Elementary School: Different Worlds
Come Together
Kimmy Caplan (H)
History Books in Israeli Haredi Ashkenazi Society, 1944-1970
Mati Dombrowsky (H)
Educational Aspects of Separation and Seclusion in Contemporary
Religious Zionism
Anat Feldman (H)
Women’s Ultra-Orthodox Vocational Education: The Case of the Shas
Latin-America Jewry
(Latin America, Israel and the Catholic Church)
Chairperson: Haim Avni
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 5818
Mario Sznajder (S)
Identidades cambiantes: Israel y el escape de la Argentina en los '70
Raanan Rein (S)
El retorno de Per‫ף‬n en la prensa hebrea 1973-1974 (The Return of Peron
in the Hebrew Press, 1973-1974)
Graciela Ben-Dror (S)
Los cambios de la iglesia cat‫ף‬lica hacia los jud‫ם‬os y el juda‫ם‬smo desde el
Concilio Vaticano II. El caso de Brasil, 1962-2000
Tullo Vigevani (S)
Las relaciones entre Israel y Brazil en el siglo XXI y la comunidad judeobrasile‫ס‬a
661 Identities and Citizenship
Chairperson: Helena Lewin
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 5818
Leonardo Senkman (S)
Ciudadan‫ם‬a e identidad: la comunidad jud‫ם‬a organizada en la esfera
p‫ת‬blica argentina, 1973-1995
Judit Bokser Liwerant (S)
Etnicidad, ciudadan‫ם‬a e identidad: la comunidad jud‫ם‬a de M‫י‬xico frente a
las transformaciones contempor‫ב‬neas del espacio p‫ת‬blico (1975-2000(
Yossi (Jorge) Goldstein (S)
Lugares de la memoria: pautas y dilemas en la conformaci‫ף‬n de la
memoria colectiva del juda‫ם‬smo argentino en la‫ ת‬ltima d‫י‬cada del siglo
Isaac Caro (S)
Un estudio contempor‫ב‬neo de movimientos, comunidades e identidades
jud‫ם‬os en Am‫י‬rica Latina (Toward a Contemporary Study of Jewish
Movements, Communities and Identities in Latin America)
662 Sephardic History and Culture
Chairperson: Maritza Corrales Capestany
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 5818
Abraham Gross (E)
The Phoenix and the Internet: The Return of "Bnei Anusim" to Judaism in
the 21th Century
Mario Cohen (S)
Sionismo sefard ‫ם‬en Buenos Aires, 1925-1926
Jos ‫י‬Menasce (S(
Agon‫ם‬a y supervivencia del judeo espa‫ס‬ol en Argentina
Anita Novinsky (E)
The Jews and the Redemption of the World in the Eyes of a Catholic
Priest: Father Antonio Vieira
663 From the Colonial Period to Independence
Chairperson: Nancy Rozenchan
Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 5818
Mordechai Arbell (E)
The" Fusion" Between Dominicans and Sephardi Jews
Maritza Corrales Capestany (S)
De libertades y exilios. Referentes jud‫ם‬os en la obra martiana y los
hebreos cubanos: el camino de una identidad
Libia Nancy Vel‫ב‬squez (E(
Colombian Liberalism and Romanticism As Paradigms: Rewriting of
"National" Identity in Jorge Isaacs' "The Land of Cordoba"
Tania Kaufman (P)
O passado judaico presente em Pernambuco. Dimens‫ד‬o antropol‫ף‬gica da
664 LOS JUDIOS EN LA ECONOMIA (Jews in the Economy)
Chairperson: Tullo Vigevani
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 5818
Yehuda Levin (S)
Justicia y arbitraje en los albores de la colonizaci‫ף‬n jud‫ם‬a en la Argentina
Amaro Braga (S)
Los profesionales liberales jud‫ם‬os en Pernanbuco
Susana Brauner Rodgers (S)
Los jud‫ם‬os de origen Sirio y el cooperativismo de cr‫י‬dito en Buenos Aires
Daniela Tonello-Levy (P)
Uma liberdade frustrada: Judeus e Crist‫ד‬os novos no Brasil holand‫ך‬s
665 The Image of Jewish Women in Latin America
Chairperson: Judit Bokser Liwerant
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 5818
Haim Avni (E)
Argentina, the Country of Jewish Prostitution: the Image and some
quantitative data referring to the phenomenon in Buenos Aires
Marie Weinberg (P)
Hist‫ף‬rias Invis‫ם‬veis: Imigrantes Judias e Empreendedoras em S‫ד‬o Paulo,
Paulette Kershenovich (E)
Stepping O ut of Bounds: Syrian-Jewish Women's Community
Roles in Mexico City
666 The Jews and Communism
Chairperson: Abraham Milgram
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 5818
Esther Kuperman (P)
“Roite idn”: os judeos comunistas do Rio de Janeiro e suas institui‫חץ‬es
Alberto Kleinas (P)
Judeus progressistas paulistanos numa encruzilhada: a cria‫חד‬ao do Estado
de Israel e o XX Congresso do PCUS
Silvia Schenkolewski-Kroll (S)
Las relaciones entre el Joint e instituciones comunistas y no sionistas en
Argentina, en el marco de la ayuda a las v‫ם‬ctimas de la Segunda Guerra
Margalit Bejarano (S)
Entre la revoluci‫ף‬n y la comunidad jud‫ם‬a: la legaci‫ף‬n de Israel en La
667 COMUNIDADES (Communities)
Chairperson: Jooseph Rozen
Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 5818
Alicia Gojman de Backal (S)
Jud‫ם‬os estadounidenses en M‫י‬xico. La creaci‫ף‬n del "Yugent Gueselshaft"
y su revista "Nuestra Palabra"
Deby Babis (S)
De sinagoga ortodoxa a centro comunitario conservador – Cambios en la
organizaci‫ף‬n comunitaria de los jud‫ם‬os en Buenos Aires
Shulamit Goldsmit (S)
Intentos de rescate del ‫ם‬dish en la comunidad ashkenaz ‫ם‬de M‫י‬xico
Helena Lewin (P)
Judeus portugueses no Brasil: a outra cara do sefaradismo ib‫י‬rico
668 Latin America and the Holocaust
Chairperson: Alicia Gojman de Backal
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 5818
Efraim Zadoff (S)
Intentos de salvaci‫ף‬n de jud‫ם‬os en la Sho ‫ב‬con pasaportes ecuatorianos - la
actuaci‫ף‬n desde Estocolmo del C‫ף‬nsul Dr. Manuel Antonio Mu‫ס‬oz
Borrero y del Rabino
Moshe Nes-El (S)
Marcos Chamudes: periodista y diputado jud‫ם‬o chileno comunista en
1937-1940, periodista anticomunista desde 1945
Rosalie Sitman (S)
"Sur" y "Babel": dos estrategias para enfrentar el auge del fascismo en
Europa y Am‫י‬rica Latina
Silvia Facal-Santiago (S)
Refugiados jud‫ם‬os alemanes en Uruguay 1933-1941
669 Zionism and Identity
Chairperson: Silvia Schenkolewski-Kroll
Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 5818
Irene Stoliar (S)
Los shomrim de los Andes. Historia del movimiento Kidma-Hashomer en
Deborah Roitman (S)
Identidad colectiva y consenso cultural: el caso de los jud‫ם‬os de M‫י‬xico
Anita Weinstein (S)
La comunidad jud‫ם‬a en la Argentina: efectos de la crisis y desaf‫ם‬os futuros
Iafa Rovner (S)
Disyuntivas ideol‫ף‬gicas e identitarias de militantes de Poalei Zion de
izquierda en la Argentina entre los a‫ס‬os '20 y '40
670 Writing and Identity – Session A
Chairperson: Edna Aizenberg
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 5818
Debora Sipin (S)
Asimilaci‫ף‬n y desesperaci‫ף‬n: Las mujeres sefaraditas uruguayas de
Teresa Porzecanski
Ariana Huberman (E)
Can time be translated? Writing and Memory in Lenta Biograf‫ם‬a by
Sergio Chejfec
Giorgia Delvecchio (S)
Los lugares invisibles en la poes‫ם‬a de Eliahu Toker
671 Writing and Identity – Session B
Chairperson: Berta Waldman
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 5818
Silvia Hansman (S)
La construcci‫ף‬n de personajes femeninos en el teatro en ‫ם‬dish en
Argentina durante la primera mitad del siglo XX
Leopoldo Oliveira (P)
Literatura brasileira e imigra‫חד‬o judaica: Construindo identidades atrav‫י‬s
da mem‫ף‬ria
Nancy Rozenchan (P)
Sexualidade e Juda‫ם‬smo tais como expressos pela escritora brasileira
Cintia Moscovich
672 Shoah: History and Writing
Chairperson: Ruth Fein
Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 5818
Edna Aizenberg (E)
Revisiting Borges's Deutsches Requiem: Changing Fortunes of a Major
Nazi-Era Tale
Florinda F. Goldberg (S)
La palabra que (no) salva: Jo‫ד‬o Guimar‫ד‬es Rosa y el Holocausto
David Schidlowsky (S)
Pablo Neruda y Gabriela mistral: dos respuestas al antisemitismo en Chile
Berta Waldman (P)
Literatura brasileira e Sho :‫ב‬uma pequenha gram‫ב‬tica
Lecturer Country Session Page
Abadi Adina Israel 440 118
Abdar Carmella Israel 506 42, 143
Abraham Yossef Israel 416 104
Abramowicz Zofia Poland 523 148
Adelman-Komy Hannah Israel 415 54, 103
Adler Elhanan Israel 533 153
Adler Ruth USA 411 100
Ahrend Aaron Israel 329 75
Aizenberg Edna USA 672 183
Germany 359 83
Aleksiun Natalia USA 272 49
Alexander Gabriel E. Israel 273 49
Alexander Tamar Israel 469 129
Alon Ktzia Israel 501 141, 168
Alster Baruch Israel 129 14
Altshuler Mor Israel 374 90
Altshuler Mordechai Israel 282 55
Alvarez-Pereyre Frank France 481 135
Alvstad Erik Sweden 503 69, 142
Amar Zohar Israel 127 13
Ambar-Armon Einat Israel 205 4, 20
Amir Eli Israel 612 160
Amir Michlean J. USA 534 153
Amir Roni Israel 215 27
Amir Yehoyada Israel 372 89
Amishai-Maisels Ziva Israel 470 130
Amit Aaron Israel 308 66
Amor Ayala Germany 466 128
Anctil Pierre Canada 629 170
Anderson Gary A. USA 100 1
Anglickiene Laima Lithuania 500 140
Appelfeld Aharon Israel 526 149
Aptroot Marion Germany 453 121
Arbell Michal Israel 424 108, 123
Arbell Mordechai Israel 663 179
Arbib Marina Israel 227 32
Lecturer Country Session Page
Aronson Shlomo Israel 270 49, 155
Artigas Maria USA 463 126
Aryeh-Sapir Nili Israel 502 98, 141
Asis Elie Israel 114 7
Asis Moshe Israel 307 65
Assaf David Israel 363 85
Asserson Trevor 606 56, 158
Atzmon Arnon Israel 317 70
Avioz Michael Israel 129 14
Avishur Yitzhak Israel 438 117
Avni Haim Israel 665 180
Avrahami Yael Israel 520 147
Azuelos-Atias Sol Israel 441 118
Babis Deby Israel 667 181
Bacon Gershon Israel 615 161
Bahar Shlomo Israel 114 7
Baher Ruth USA 461 125, 127
Bahn Charles USA 604 55, 158
Baitner Azaria Israel 208 23, 62
Balbuena Monique USA 409 99
Bamberger Yossi Israel 451 120
Banbaji Amir Israel 240 39
Bar Asher Shalom Israel 245 41
Bar-Adon Aaron USA 444 96, 119
Barak Uriel Israel 369 87
Baranovski Sergei Israel 238 38
Bar-Asher Moshe Israel 301 57
Bareket Elinoar Israel 217 28, 153
Bareket Elinoar Israel 525 149
Bar-El Adina Israel 456 122
Bareli Avi Israel 621 164
Bar-Ilan Meir Israel 226 32
Bar-Levav Avriel Israel 531 150
Barmash Pamela USA 105 3, 21
Barnea Ezra Israel 485 136
Bar-On Asnat Israel 512 146
Bartal Israel Israel 412 102
Lecturer Country Session Page
Bar-Tikva Benjamin Israel 427 111
Bartor Assnat Israel 121 10, 107
Baruchi-Unna Amitai Israel 115 8, 90
Bar-Yosef Hamutal Israel 424 108, 123
Barzel Neima Israel 620 163
Barzen Rainer Germany 218 28
Barzilai Gabriel Israel 107 5
Basel Nasir Israel 435 115
Baskind Samantha USA 477 133
Basser Herbert W. Canada 320 71
Bassok Ido Israel 407 97
Battenberg Friedrich Germany 220 29
Bauer Ela Israel 236 37
Bauer Julien Canada 625 167
Baumgarten Elisheva Israel Urbach
15, 48, 79, 93,
109, 171
Bazak Yaakov Israel 345 78
Baziz Orna Israel 244 41
Bazyler Michael USA 607 56, 159
Be'er Haim Israel 422 107
Beeri Tova Israel 426 110
Beizer Michael Israel 618 162
Bejarano Margalit Israel 666 181
Beker Avi Israel 609 159
Ben Naeh Yaron Israel 229 33, 124
Ben Ya'akov Michal Israel 231 34
Ben-Amos Dan USA 504 142
Ben-David Israel Israel 137 17
Bendikaite Egle Lithuania 251 45
Ben-Dror Graciela Israel 660 178
Ben-Eliyahu Eyal Israel 209 23, 62
Ben-Eliyahu Hila Israel 340 76
Ben-Gad Hacohen David Israel 108 5
Ben-Gal Ely Israel 275 50
Benish-Weisman Maya Israel 242 40
Ben-Israel Hedva Israel 601 156
Ben-Meir Orna Israel 512 146
Benmelech Moti Israel 360 84
Lecturer Country Session Page
Ben-Moshe Rafi Israel 496 139
Ben-Pazi Hanoch Israel 367 87
Ben-Sasson Menachem Israel 202 19
Ben-Shammai Haggai Israel 354 81, 115
Ben-Shammai Haggai Israel 532 152
Bensimon Doris France 645 173
Bentolila Yaakov Israel 460 125
Benzenine Belkacem France 244 41
Ben-Zion Sigalit Israel 213 25, 64
Berger David USA Closing
15, 48, 79, 93,
109, 171
Berger Yitzhak USA 128 13
Berkovitz Jay R. USA 340 76
Berlovitz Yaffah Israel 502 98, 141
Berman Joshua Israel 114 7
Berner Tali Israel 227 32
Bernstein Moshe J. USA 122 10
Bernstein Sharon Israel 493 138
Berthelot Katell France 355 82
Bhayro Siam 520 147
Birenbaum Ofra Malka Israel 524 148
Birkan Ahava (Amy) Canada 106 3, 22
Birkenhauer Anna Israel 420 104
Biton Haim Israel
Bitty Yehuda Israel 241 39
Blasco-Martinez Asuncion Spain 225 31
Bleich J. David USA 344 78
Bleich Judith USA 255 47
Bliboim Rivka USA 440 118
Bohak Gideon Israel 353 81
Bokser Liwerant Judit 661 178
Bonefil Reoven Israel 200 18
Boossman David USA 131 14
Braga Amaro Brasil 664 180
Brauner Rodgers Susana Argentina 664 180
Braverman Natan Israel 433 60, 114
Bray Martin France 254 46
Bregman Dvora Israel 429 112
Brettler Marc Zvi USA 119 9, 106
Lecturer Country Session Page
Breuer Mordechai Israel 135 16
Breuer Yochanan Israel 434 61, 114
Brill Allan USA 360 84
Brocke Michael Germany 222 30
Brodsky David USA 327 74
Brody Robert Israel 300 57
Bronner Leila Leah USA 117 8, 105
Brown Benjamin USA Urbach
15, 48, 79, 93,
109, 171
Brown Erella USA 510 145
Brutin Batya Israel 479 134
Brzewska Iwona Poland 474 132, 143
Burdelez Ivana Croatia 468 129
Burdman Daphne Israel 604 55, 158
Burgansky Chaim Israel 310 67
Burmistrov Konstantin Russia 379 92
Burnett Joel S. USA 520 147
Burstein Janet USA 630 170
Burstyn Shai Israel 486 136
Caplan Kimmy Israel 628 169, 177
Carmel-Hakim Esther Israel 622 165
Caro Isaac Chile 661 178
Carsten Wilke Mexico 360 84
Caspi Zahava Israel 510 145
Cassuto David M. Israel 700 134
Castritius Helmut Germany 219 29
Chajes J.H. Israel 353 81
Charvit Yossef Israel 252 45
Chavel Simeon Israel 115 8, 90
Chazan Meir Israel 621 164
Chen Sarina Israel 507 143, 168
Chernin Lubov Russia 223 31
Chinsky Floriane Israel 341 77
Chiswick Barry USA 644 173
Chiswick Carmel USA 643 173
Choi Hyun Joon Israel 432 60, 113
Lecturer Country Session Page
Chwarts Suzana Brasil 109 6
Chwat Ezra Israel 302 58, 151
Claman Richard L. USA 344 78
Cofman-Simhon Sarit Israel 512 146
Cohen Aviezer Israel 364 86
Cohen Avinoam Israel 308 66
Cohen Ayelet Israel 423 107, 164
Cohen Barak S. Israel 306 65
Cohen Boaz Israel 281 54
Cohen Chaim (Harold R.) Israel 206 5, 21
Cohen Chaim E. Israel 433 60, 114
Cohen Erik Israel 646 174
Cohen Erik H. Israel 653 176
Cohen Evelyn M. USA 473 132
Cohen Hagit Israel 231 34
Cohen Hezi Israel 111 6
Cohen Jonathan Israel 350 80
Cohen Judah M. USA 482 135
Cohen Judith R. Canada 466 128
Cohen Judith R. Canada 469 129
Cohen Maimon Israel 485 136
Cohen Mario Argentina 662 179
Cohen Mordechai USA 127 13
Cohen Naomi G. Israel 355 82
Cohen Shaye J.D. USA 310 67
Cohen Sol USA 106 3, 22
Cohen Stuart Israel 610 160
Cohen Tova Israel 232 35, 100
Cohen Zentner Naomi Israel 496 139
Cohen-Fridheim Rachel Israel 613 161
Cohen-Knohl Dalia Israel 512 146
Cohen-Nusbacher Ailene USA 642 172
Cohen-Vital Dalia Israel 501 141, 168
Cohen-Yashar Yochanan Israel 355 82
Cohn Yehudah USA 325 73
Consonni Manuela Israel Urbach
15, 48, 79, 93,
109, 171
Corinaldi Michael Israel 341 77
Lecturer Country Session Page
Israel 618 162
Corrales Capestany
Israel 663 179
Cortest Luis USA 359 83
Cromer Gerald Israel 640 172
Czerwonnaja Swetlana Russia 478 133
Dabby-Joury Lilian UK 409 99
Dabrowa Edward Poland 208 23, 62
Dagan Hagai Israel 366 86
Dahamshe Amar Israel 505 142
Dahbany-Miraglia Dina USA 439 117
Danzig Gabriel Israel 356 82
Daragan Natalia Israel 644 173
Dash Moore Deborah USA 201 18
David Avraham Israel 217 28, 153
David Yossi Israel 344 78
Davidovitz Tmima Israel 129 14
Dekel-Chen Jonathan Israel 238 38
DellaPergola Sergio Israel 646 174
Delvecchio Giorgia Italy 670 183
Diamond Eliezer USA 324 73
Diamond James A. Canada 356 82
Diemling Maria UK 408 97
Dietcher Howard Israel 651 175
Dihi Haim Israel 431 10, 113
Dimant Devorah Israel 100 1
Dinerman Levana Israel 458 124
Dodi Amos Israel 437 116
Domagalska Malgorzata Poland 272 49
Dombrowsky Mati Israel 628 169, 177
Dorit Yerushalmi Israel 511 145
Dotan Aron Israel 135 16
Dotan Aron Israel 136 16
Dotan-Ophir Shalhevet Israel 230 34
Dreier Leonid Russia 113 7
Drettas Georges France 439 117
Lecturer Country Session Page
Drori Moshe Israel 345 78
Druks Herbert M. USA 625 167
Druyan Nitza USA 506 42, 143
Dubnov Qeren Israel 441 118
Dudai Rina Israel 413 53, 102
Dukhan Igor Belarus 476 133
Dvorkin Ilya Israel 366 86
Ebenstein Ruth Israel 274 50, 169
Edelman Diana UK 204 4, 20
Edelman Sam USA 377 91
Edenburg Cynthia Israel 118 9, 106
Ehrlich M. Avrum China 627 168
Ehrlich Uri Israel 322 72
Eidlisz Alfred USA 532 152
Eisenman Esty Israel 357 82
Elboim Yaakov Israel 318 70
Elgavish David Israel 121 10, 107
Eliach Yaffa USA 281 54
Elias Liora Israel 309 66
Eliasberg Galina 241 39
Elior Rachel Israel 107 5
Eliram Talila Israel 486 136
Elitzur Yoel Israel 108 5
Elizur Shulamit Israel 425 110
Elkayam Shlomo Israel 437 116
Elkin Zeev Israel 216 27, 152
Elman Yaakov USA 300 57
Elon Menachem Israel 338 75, 156
Elqayam Avraham Israel 352 80
Elyashevitch Dmitri Russia 235 36
Emanuel Simcha Israel 328 75
Emeliantseva Ekaterina Switzerland 253 46
Emerton John A. UK 101 1
Englard Yaffa Israel 470 130
Enoch Ruven Israel 523 148
Ephratt Michal Israel 436 116
Epstein Alek D. Israel 601 156
Lecturer Country Session Page
Epstein Yachin Israel 309 66
Eran Amira Israel 357 82
Eraqi-Klorman Bat-Zion Israel 246 42
Erlich Adi Israel 205 4, 20
Erlich Dror Israel 358 83
Eshel Hanan Israel 204 4, 20
Eshkoli Hava Israel 276 51, 170
Esther Chazon Israel 100 1
Even-Chen Alexander Israel 371 88
Even-Zohar Basmat Israel 421 105, 163
Eydar Dror Israel 401 94
Facal-Santiago Silvia Uruguay 668 182
Faierstein Moshe USA 451 120
Falk Michael Canada 524 148
USA 641 172
Faust Avraham Israel 205 4, 20
Feiner Shmuel Israel 203 19
Feingold Ben-Ami Israel 511 145
Feinstein Sara USA 404 95
Feldestein Ariel Israel 620 163
Feldman Anat Israel 628 169, 177
Feldman Louis H. USA 212 25, 64
Ferber Ruvin Latvia 369 87
Ferziger Adam Israel 642 172
Fink Carole USA 618 162
Finkel Asher USA 303 58
Finkelman Yoel Israel 403 95
Fischler Brakha Israel 444 96, 119
Fishman Joel Israel 611 160
Fixler Yoel Israel 207 22, 61
Flam Gila Israel 481 135
Fleischer Ezra Israel 425 110
Fleishman Joseph Israel 118 9, 106
Flomenboim Rita Israel 490 137
Florentin Daniel Israel 467 128
Florsheim Yoel Israel 329 75
Lecturer Country Session Page
Fonrobert Charlotte
USA 319 71
Fox (leBeit Yoreh) Harry Canada 307 65
Fraenkel Jonah Israel 301 57
Fraenkel Jonah Israel 321 71
Fraenkel Sara Jacqueline Israel 535 154
Frankel-Alroy Tal Israel 406 96
Frenkel Miriam Israel 216 27, 152
Fried Lisbeth S. USA 204 4, 20
Friedlander Yehuda Israel 410 99
Friedman Isaiah Israel 623 166
Friedman Mordechai Israel 276 51, 170
Friedman Sara Israel 522 148
Friedman Shamma Israel 338 75, 156
Friedrich Agnieszka Poland 249 44
Frigyesi Judit Israel 487 137
Frisch Amos Israel 119 9, 106
Fuchs Esther USA 118 9, 106
Fuchs Ilan Israel 227 32
Fuchs Uziel Israel 323 72
Israel 367 87
Italy 223 31
Gaffni Yeshayahu Israel Closing
15, 48, 79, 93,
109, 171
Gaimani Aharon Israel 246 42
Gal Allon Israel 616 162
Galil Gershon Israel 104 3, 21
Galili Schechter Inbar Israel 652 176
Galinski Yehuda Israel 328 75
Galpaz-Feller Pnina Israel 104 3, 21
Gambetti Sandra USA
Ganuz Itzchak Israel 500 140
Ganzel Tova Israel 113 7
Gaon Benjamin D. Israel 461 125
Garb Yoni Israel 373 89
Lecturer Country Session Page
Garfinkel Lea Israel 522 148
Gavish Haya Israel 279 52, 103
Geiger Ari Israel 124 11
Genizi Haim Israel 276 51, 170
Genzeleva Rita Israel 500 140
Gerasimova Inna Belarus 282 55
Gerson-Sarhon Karen Turkey 461 125
Gerson-Sarhon Karen Turkey 467 128
Gerstenfeld Manfred Israel 604 55, 158
Gertner Haim Israel 252 45
Geula Amos Israel 318 70
Gichon Mordechai Israel 212 25, 64
Gilhut Israel Israel 324 73
Gillis Michael Israel 652 176
Gillis-Carlebach Miriam Israel 278 52
Gissin Mikhail Russia 379 92
Gitay Yehoshua South Africa 377 91
Giyat Paltiel Israel 427 111
Glick Shmuel Israel 535 154
Glicksman Allen USA 640 172
Glicksman Gail USA 643 173
Gofer Gilat Israel 621 164
Gojman de Backal Alicia Mexico 667 181
Goldberg Amos Israel 619 162
Goldberg Florinda F. Israel 672 183
Goldberg Natalie Israel 232 35, 100
Goldenberg Joseph Israel 486 136
Goldenberg Myrna USA 280 52
Goldfinger Shoshana Israel 275 50
Goldin Semion Israel 238 38
Goldish Matt USA 247 43
Goldman Ida Batsheva Israel 475 132
Goldsmit Shulamit Mexico 667 181
Goldsmith Simcha Israel 308 66
Goldstein Eric L. USA 456 122
Goldstein Rony Israel 112 6
Goldstein Yossi Israel 616 162
Goldstein Yossi (Jorge) Israel 661 178
Gomel Nivi Israel 464 127
Lecturer Country Session Page
Gonen Einat Israel 442 118
Goodblatt Chanita Israel 417 104
Goodblatt David USA 210 24, 63
Goodman Martin D. UK Closing
15, 48, 79, 93,
109, 171
Gordon Adi Israel 602 157
Gordon Dorit Israel 209 23, 62
Goren Tamir Israel 623 166
Goriacheva Tatiana Russia 478 133
Gorny Yosef Israel 624 166
Gorodetsky Lev Russia 452 121
Goshen-Gotshtein Alon Israel 316 70
Gottlieb Isaac Israel 120 9, 106
Govrin Yosef Israel 645 173
Gradinskaite Vilma Lithuania 477 133
Graetz Naomi Israel 226 32
Granat Yehoshua Israel 425 110
Greenbaum Avraham Israel 243 40
Greenberg Gershon USA 274 50, 169
Greengus Samuel USA 105 3, 21
Gries Zeev Israel 531 150
Gross Abraham Israel 662 179
Grossman Avraham Israel 227 32
Grossmark Tziona Israel 315 69
USA 491 138
Gruber Mayer Israel 492 138
Gruen George USA 609 159
Gruenwald Ithamar Israel 352 80
Grunhaus Nechama Israel 244 41
Gruschka Roland Germany 452 121
Guesnet Francois Germany 234 36
Gueta Anat Israel 530 150
Guez-Avigal Miriam Israel 226 32
Gutel Neria Israel 370 88
Guy Hava Israel 119 9, 106
Haas Jair Israel 127 13
Lecturer Country Session Page
Haas Peter J. USA 377 91
Habas (Rubin) Ephrat Israel 376 91
Habas Lihi Israel 471 26, 131
Habba Ya'acov Israel 344 78
Hacham Noah Israel 208 23, 62
Hacohen Aviad Israel 339 76, 156
Hacohen Dov Israel 464 127
Hacohen Dvora Israel 612 160
HaCohen Eden Israel 425 110
Hadar Gila Israel 462 126
Hadas-Lebel Mireille France 355 82
Hagiladi Nimrod Israel 623 166
Hajdu Andre Israel 487 137
Hakak Lev USA 279 52, 103
Hakker Yosef Israel 201 18
Halamish Aviva Israel 624 166
Halbronn Jacques France 223 31
Halevy Michael Germany 463 126
Halevy Rivka Israel 436 116
Halevy Schulamith C. Israel 467 128
Halfon Daniel Israel 485 136
Halivni Ephraim-Bezalel Israel 137 17
Halivni Ephraim-Bezalel Israel 321 71
Halperin Sarah Israel 406 96
Hanshke Judith Israel 433 60, 114
Hansman Silvia 671 183
Hanson Kenneth USA 325 73
Harari Yuval Israel 353 81
Harel Maayan Israel 414 53, 102
Harel Yair (Tafilalt
Israel 497 139
Harran Don Israel 489 137
Harris Robert USA 125 12
Harroch Meira Israel 533 153
Har-Shefi Bitkha Israel 310 67
Hartmen Tova Israel 230 34
Haruv Dan Israel 243 40
Harvey Steven Israel 372 89
Harvey Ze'ev Israel 371 88
Lecturer Country Session Page
Hasselhoff George K. Germany 361 84
Hassine Juliette Israel 411 100
Hassine Juliette Israel 522 148
Hatav Galia USA 440 118
Hauptman Judith USA 305 59
Havassy Rivka Israel 458 124
Haverkamp Alfred Germany 218 28
Hayoun Arye Israel 303 58
Hazan Ephraim Israel 522 148
Hecht Dieter Josef Austria 645 173
Hecht Louise Israel 235 36
Hedgepeth Sonja USA 280 52
Hegedus Timothy Canada 131 14
Heger Paul Canada 304 59
Heilman Samuel USA 642 172
Held Michal Israel 229 33, 124
Helfand Jonathan Yitzhak USA 256 47
Hellinger Moshe Israel 378 92
Hendel Neal Israel 342 77
Henshke David Israel 314 69
Herman Geoffrey Israel 212 25, 64
Herr Moshe-David Israel 201 18
Herscovici Lucian-Zeev Israel 252 45
Herzog Avigdor Israel 488 137
Hess Tamar Israel 408 97
Heuberger Rachel Germany 255 47
Hever Amnon Israel 246 42
Hevlin Rina Israel 626 88, 167
Heyd Milly Israel 476 133
Hezser Catherine Ireland 203 19
Hilbrenner Anke Germany 243 40
Hildesheimer Meir Israel 650 175
Himmelfarb Lea Israel 124 11
Himmelfarb Lea Israel 136 16
Hitin-Mashiah Rachel Israel 137 17
Ho Ahuva USA 112 6
Hollander Philip USA 240 39
Hollender Elisabeth Germany 427 111
Horovitz Michele Israel 417 104
Lecturer Country Session Page
Horowitz Jehoshua Israel 323 72
Horowitz Sara R. Canada 630 170
Horowitz Tamar Israel 613 161
Hoss Boaz Israel 352 80
Hotam Yotam Israel 375 90
Houtman Alberdina Netherlands 122 10
Huberman Ariana USA 670 183
Hurowitz Victor Israel 103 2
Huss Matti Israel 428 111
Hyman Arthur USA 372 89
Iakerson Shimon Russia 535 154
Idel Moshe Israel 352 80
Ilan Nahem Israel 252 45
Ilani Noga Israel 444 96, 119
Ilani Shimon Israel 206 5, 21
Inbari Moti Israel 507 143, 168
Irshay Ronit Israel 342 77
Isaacs Alick Israel 651 175
Ishay Haviva Israel 428 111
Ish-Ran Roni Israel
Iskin Ruth E. Israel 475 132
Israeli Oded Israel 376 91
Itshaki Masha France 415 54, 103
Ivry Alfred L. USA 357 82
Jackson Bernard S. UK 325 73
Jacobs Jonathan Israel 128 13
Jacobs Martin USA 362 85
Jacoby Nuri (Tafilalt
Jacobson David USA 423 107, 164
Jagodzinska Agnieszka Poland 236 37
Jindo Job Y. USA 120 9, 106
Jochnowitz George USA 438 117
Jockusch Laura Israel 279 52, 103
Joosten Jan France 101 1
Lecturer Country Session Page
Juhasz Ester Israel 474 132, 143
Kadari Adiel Israel 323 72
Kadari Tamar Israel 317 70
Kahana Menachem Israel 301 57
Kahn Gilbert N. USA 281 54
Kalian Moshe Israel 507 143, 168
Kalman Ruthie Israel 530 150
Kalmin Richard USA 300 57
Kalmina Lilia Russia 250 44
Kamionkowski Tamar USA 115 8, 90
Kanarfogel Ephraim USA 329 75
Kangisser-Cohen Sharon Australia 277 51
Kantor-Kazovski Lola Israel 478 133
Kapah Aharon Israel 311 67
Kaplan Yosef Israel 247 43
Kaplan Yehiel Israel 343 77
Kaplan-Appel Tamar USA 248 43
Kaplanov Rashid Russia 255 47
Kark Ruth Israel 228 33, 98
Kartun-Blum Ruth Israel 422 107
Karvelis Deimantas Lithuania 250 44
Kasher Remon Israel 102 2
Kaspina Maria Russia 500 140
Katsis Leonid F. Russia 241 39
Katsman Roman Israel 402 95
Katz Gideon Israel 626 88, 167
Katz Menachem Israel 307 65
Katzoff Binyamin Israel 305 59
Katzoff Charlotte Israel 109 6
Katzoff Ranon Israel 342 77
Kaubrys Saulius Lithuania 251 45
Kauffman Tsippi Israel 373 89
Kaufman Igor Russia 379 92
Kaufman Tania Brasil 663 179
Kaufmann Jacobo Israel 490 137
Kedar Aharon Israel 602 157
Kedar Nir Israel 614 161
Lecturer Country Session Page
Kedem Amalia Israel 495 139
Kehalani Ezra Israel 318 70
Kehat Chana Israel 370 88
Keller Sharon USA 105 3, 21
Kelner Viktor E. Russia 243 40
Kerem Yitzchak Israel 273 49
Keren Nitza Israel 233 35, 101, 165
Kershenovich Paulette Israel 665 180
Kessler-Mesguich Sophie France 435 115
Kessner Carole S USA 630 170
Keysar Ariela USA 643 173
Khiterer Victoria USA 618 162
Kimelman Reuven USA 314 69
Kiperwasser Reuven Israel 317 70
Kislev Itamar Israel 130 14
Kizilov Mikhail UK 532 152
Klawans Jonathan USA 103 2
Klein Franke Aviva Germany 246 42
Kleinas Alberto Brasil 666 181
Kleinman Ron S. Israel 341 77
Klien Rudolf 480 134
Kliger Hannah USA 277 51
Kligman Mark USA 482 135
Kneller Rebecca Israel 358 83
Knohl Israel Israel 103 2
Koen-Sarano Matilda Israel 464 127
Kogman-Appel Katrin Israel 472 131
Komoroczy Szonja Rahel Hungary 452 121
Kompinsky Aharon Israel 611 160
Koppel Moshe Israel 304 59
Koren Irit Israel 233 35, 101, 165
Koren Tzvia Israel 256 47
Koriakina Nadezhda Russia 221 30
Kosh Talila Israel 280 52
Kosmin Barry UK 643 173
Kotlerman Boris Israel 416 104
Kotlyar Eugeny Ukraine 700 134
Kouts Gideon France 531 150
Kovelman Arkady Russia 355 82
Lecturer Country Session Page
Kozachenko Bogdana Poland 478 133
Kraemer David USA 535 154
Krais Shimon Israel 243 40
Kranzler Aviel Israel 524 148
Krasney Ariela Israel 508 144
Kraus Yitzhak Israel 627 168
Kreinin Julia Israel 491 138
Kretzmer-Raziel Yoel Israel 326 74
Kroeze David Netherland 123 11
Kubovy Miri USA 406 96
Kugel James L. USA 526 149
Kulp Joshua Israel 305 59
Kuperman Esther Brasil 666 181
Kushelevsky Rella Israel 222 30
Kutler Laurence USA 104 3, 21
Kuty Renaud Netherland 123 11
Kuznetsova Vera Russia 700 134
Laderman Shulamit Israel 471 26, 131
Lambert David USA 115 8, 90
Langer Eliana Brasil 439 117
Langer Ruth USA 322 72
Laor Dan Israel 600 94, 155
Lapidus Rina Israel 409 99
Larsen Kevin S. USA 409 99
Lasker Daniel J. Israel 362 85
Laskier Michael M. Israel 612 160
Lattes Yaakov Israel 525 149
Lattes Yaakov Israel 645 173
Laufer Asher Israel 442 118
Lavee Moshe UK 216 27, 152
Lavi Tamar Israel 429 112
Lazar Moshe USA 461 125
Lazaroff Allan USA 366 86
Lazier Benjamin USA 375 90
Lehnardt Andreas Germany 362 85
Leiman Sid Z. USA 102 2
Leiter Yinnon Israel 307 65
Lecturer Country Session Page
Lemberger Dorit Israel 120 9, 106
Lenowitz Harris R. USA 470 130
Lepp‫ה‬kari Maria Finland 507 143, 168
Lerner Myron Israel 312 68
Lev Ari Lilach Israel 640 172
Levie-Bernfeld Tirtsah Netherland 247 43
Levin Arkady Russia 379 92
Levin Vladimir Israel 236 37
Levin Yehuda Israel 664 180
Levin Yigal Israel 204 4, 20
Levine Lee I. Israel 214 26, 64, 130
Levine Melammed Renee Israel 229 33, 124
Levine Michelle USA 127 13
Levine Yael Israel 402 95
Levitan Dov Israel 620 163
Lev-Tzur Sharon Israel 626 88, 167
Levy Shlomit Israel 646 174
Levy-Willard Denis France 530 150
Lewin Helena Brazil 667 181
Libson Gideon Israel 339 76, 156
Liebes Yehuda Israel 422 107
Lieblich Amia Israel 242 40
Liessmann Shoshana Israel 489 137
Lifshitz David Israel 312 68
Lipetz Sarah Israel 505 142
Lipschits Oded Israel 205 4, 20
Lisek Joanna Poland 240 39
Liss Hanna Germany 113 7
Lissak Moshe Israel 616 162
Lissak Moshe Israel 624 166
Livnat Aviv Israel 479 134
Livnat Chana Israel 421 105, 163
Livnat Zohar Israel
Lockshin Martin Canada 125 12
Loeffler James USA 482 135
Loewenthal Naftali UK 365 86
Lohr Hermut Germany 320 71
Lorberbaum Yair Israel 357 82
Lotter Friedrich Germany 219 29
Lecturer Country Session Page
Luger Yehezkel Israel 322 72
Lukin Benjamin Israel 235 36
Lukinsky Joseph S. Israel 651 175
Lvov Alexander Russia 253 46
Lyons David \Yehuda Israel 136 16
Maciejko Pawel USA 234 36
Mack Chananeal Israel 124 11
Mack Chananeal Israel 520 147
Madar Vered Israel 506 42, 143
Maman Aharon Israel 354 81, 115
Maman Ofir Israel 511 145
Mandel Paul Israel 303 58
Manekin Rachel Israel 234 36
Mann Vivian B. USA 474 132, 143
Maor Zohar Israel 603 157
Maori Yeshayahu Israel 125 12
Maoz Daniel Canada 212 25, 64
Maoz Rivka Israel 414 53, 102
Marciano Yossi Israel 358 83
Marcinkowski Roman Poland 253 46
Marcus Itamar Israel 606 56, 158
Margolin Ron Israel 373 89
Marienberg Evyatar Israel 309 66
Mark Tzvi Israel 363 85
Markovich Dalya Israel 501 141, 168
Marks Essica Israel 485 136
Maroz-Aharoni Tikva Israel 406 96
Marx (Zylbersztein) Dalia
Israel 321 71
Matisse Mermelstein
Israel 413 53, 102
Matushaskaja Julia Russia 123 11
Mazor Lea Israel 521 147
Mazor Yaakov Israel 486 136
Meacham (LeBeit Yoreh)
Canada 310 67
Medykowski Witold Israel 237 37
Lecturer Country Session Page
Meilus Elmantas Lithuania 250 44
Meir Jonatan Israel 412 102
Meir Mordechai Israel 304 59
Meir Tamar Israel 312 68
Meital Orit Israel 404 95
Melamed Yitzhak USA 362 85
Melammed Uri Israel 429 112
Melchior Malgorzata Poland 277 51
Menasce Jos ‫י‬Argentina 662 179
Mentgen Gerd Germany 218 28
Merdler Ronela Israel 435 115
Meyer Barbara U. Israel 367 87
Meyer Mati Israel 472 131
Meyrav Nurit Israel 628 169, 177
Meyuhas-Ginio Alisa Israel 462 126
Micha Perry Israel 215 27
Milgram Jonathan USA 329 75
Milikowsky Chaim Israel 200 18
Miller Irit Israel 475 132
Miller Michael L. Hungary 234 36
Milner Iris Israel 413 53, 102
Minerbi Sergio Israel 275 50
Mintz Geffen Rela USA 608 159
Mirapeix Eudaldo Spain 461 125
Mirsky Yehudah Israel 370 88
Mishaly Ayala Israel 126 12
Mishani Dror Israel 423 107, 164
Mishory Alec Israel 620 163
Mochalova Victoria Russia 249 44
Mollov Ben Israel 611 160
Mondschein Aharon Israel 126 12
Morag-Talmon Penina Israel 615 161
Morgenstern Moshe Israel 434 61, 114
Moroz Andrey Russia 500 140
Moscovitz Leib Israel 300 57
Moshavi Adina Israel 443 119
Mrejen-O'hana Simone France 437 116
Mualem Itzhak Israel 610 160
Muller Jorg Germany 218 28
Lecturer Country Session Page
Munk Reiner Netherlands 372 89
Poland 106 3, 22
-Manor Limor Israel 247 43
-Manor Ophir Israel 426 110
Myers David N. USA 641 172
Nachshon Amichai Israel 116 8
Nahshon Edna USA 511 145
Namiceva Jasminka Macedonia 468 129
Navaro Assaf Israel 360 84
Navon Yitzhak Israel 461 125
Neheman Nadav Israel 200 18
Neiger Motti Israel 423 107, 164
Nerel Gershon Israel 254 46
Nes-El Moshe Israel 668 182
Netzer Nissan Israel 441 118
Neuberg Simon Germany 450 120
Neuburger Karin Israel 240 39
Newman Hillel Israel 301 57
Nezirovic Muhamed Bosnia 466 128
Nezrit Meyer Israel 427 111
Nigal Gedalyah Israel 363 85
Nimrod- Cymrot David Israel 613 161
Niv Yonathan (Tafilalt
Israel 497 139
Noam Vered Israel 314 69
Noga-Banai Galit Germany 210 24, 63
Nordheimer Nur Ofer France 375 90
Notarius Tania Israel 431 10, 113
Novinsky Anita Brazil 662 179
Noy Dov Israel 504 142
Oettinger Ayelet Israel 429 112
Ofer Yosef Israel 135 16
Ogren Brian Israel 359 83
Ohad-Karny Yael Israel 233 35, 101, 165
Oliveira Leopoldo Brasil 671 183
Lecturer Country Session Page
Omer-Sherman Ranen USA 423 107, 164
Israel 374 90
Oppenheimer Aharon Israel 207 22, 61
Orpali Moshe Israel 462 126
Ostrer Boris USA 313 68
Ostrower Chaya Israel 278 52
Ostwald Mordecai Israel 358 83
Ovadia Haim USA 315 69
Pach Hilde Netherland 453 121
Papo Eliezer Israel 469 129
Paris Dov Israel 611 160
Parush Iris Israel 231 34
Patrich Joseph Israel 211 24, 63
Patterson David USA 374 90
Pazeraite Ausrele-Kristina Lithuania 368 87
Pecker-Berio Talia Italy 491 138
Peleg Yitzhak Israel 109 6
Pelli Moshe USA 410 99
Peltz Rakhmiel USA 452 121
Penkower Jordan Israel 128 13
Penner Jermay Canada 131 14
Perahya Klara Turkey 464 127
Peretz Avner Israel 458 124
Perez Yoel Shalom Israel 508 144
Perry Menakhem Israel 424 108, 123
Petrovsky-Shtern Yohanan USA 365 86
Pfefferman Talia Israel 408 97
Pinnolis Judith S. USA 488 137
Pinsker Shachar USA 424 108, 123
Pintel-Ginsburg Edit Israel 504 142
Pinto-Abecasis Nina Israel 467 128
Pomson Alex Israel 653 176
Porat Dan Israel 650 175
Porat Dina Israel 270 49, 155
Porten Bezalel Israel 104 3, 21
Portnoy Edward USA 239 38
Lecturer Country Session Page
Posen Rafael B. Israel 122 10
Poseq Avigdor W. G. Israel 477 133
Prebor Gila Israel 530 150
Prokop-Janiec Eugenia Poland 414 53, 102
Qimron Elisha Israel 432 60, 113
Quintana Aldina Israel 460 125
Rachimi Moshe Israel 124 11
Rachman Yosefa Israel 113 7
Radzyner Amihai Israel 338 75, 156
Rafael Shmuel Israel 469 129
Rajner Mirjam Israel 476 133
Ramon Einat Israel 371 88
Ramon Lorit Israel 118 9, 106
Ramon Orit Israel 224 31
Rapoport Joseph Israel 225 31
Rapoport-Albert Ada UK 230 34
Rappel Hagit Israel 502 98, 141
Raspe Lucia Germany 222 30
Ratson Menachem Israel 378 92
Rattok Lily Israel 420 104
Ratzabi Shalom Israel 350 80
Rauscher Peter 220 29
Raveh Inbar Israel 313 68
Ravitsky Aviram Israel 327 74
Raviv Daniel Israel 326 74
Raviv Rivka Israel 316 70
Ravizki Aviezer Israel 202 19
Redlich Shimon Israel 272 49
Regev Eyal Israel 211 24, 63
Regev Yoel Israel 242 40
Reich Nurith Israel 135 16
Reich Ronny Israel 521 147
Reif Stefan C. England 321 71
Rein Arielle Israel 407 97
Rein Raanan Israel 660 178
Lecturer Country Session Page
Reiner Rami Israel 218 28
Renaud Kuty Netherland 123 11
Reszke Katka Hadar Israel 653 176
Reuveni Michael USA 473 132
Rezik Michael Israel 434 61, 114
Rimon Helena Israel 411 100
Rina Talgam Israel 214 26, 64, 130
Rivlin Yosef Israel 525 149
Robinson Ira Canada 629 170
Rocca Samuel Israel 211 24, 63
Rodov Ilia Israel 474 132, 143
Rofeh Alexander Israel 101 1
Rogel Dafna Israel 416 104
Roitman Deborah Mexico 669 182
Roling Bernd Germany 361 84
Rom-Shiloni Dalit Israel 112 6
Rony Michael Israel 378 92
Roselle Nahum Israel 102 2
Rosen Ilana Israel 502 98, 141
Rosenak Avinoam Israel 311 67
Rosenberg Lilach Israel 231 34
Rosenberg Shalom Israel 374 90
Rosenberg Shalom Israel 526 149
Rosenfeld Amnon Israel 206 5, 21
Rosenfeld Ben-Zion Israel 210 24, 63
Rosenfeld-Hadad Merav UK 492 138
Rosenhouse Judith Israel 439 117
Rosensweig Bernard USA 221 30
Rosensweig Michael USA 340 76
Rosenthal Yoav Israel 302 58, 151
Rosen-Zvi Ishay Israel 319 71
Rosenzweig Claudia Israel 450 120
Rosman Moshe Israel 230 34
Rota Olivier France 253 46
Roth Laurence USA 403 95
Rotman David Israel 222 30
Rovner Iafa Argentina 669 182
Rovner Jay USA 319 71
Rozenchan Nancy Brazil 671 183
Lecturer Country Session Page
Rozenson Israel Israel 426 110
Rozenson Israel Israel 525 149
Rozin Orit Israel 623 166
Rubin Noga Israel 450 120
Lithuania 491 138
Rupeikiene Marija Lithuania 480 134
Ruta Magdalena Poland 456 122
Rutland Suzanne D. Australia 620 163
Rutlinger-Reiner Reina Israel 651 175
Sabar Shalom Israel 470 130
Sabato Mordechi Israel 306 65
Safrai Ze'ev Israel 213 25, 64
Sagit Mor Israel 306 65
Saidel Rochelle G. Israel 280 52
Salama Messod Canada 463 126
Salev-Eyni Sarit Israel 472 131
Salmon Tamar Israel 325 74
Samet Moshe Israel 326 74
Samsonowicz Henryk Poland
Samuels Shimon France 605 55, 158
Sand Ephraim Israel 125 12
Sandler Shmuel Israel 610 160
Sands Roberta USA 627 168
Saperstein Marc USA 377 91
Saposnik Arieh Israel 239 38
Sappir Itshak Israel 130 14
Sarna Jonathan D. USA 203 19
Sasaki Tsuguya Israel 438 117
Sasson Avi Israel 207 22, 61
Sasson Gilad Israel 317 70
Sasson Theodore USA 625 167
Satlow Michael USA 209 23, 62
Savran George Israel 111 6
Schammah Gesser Silvina Israel 273 49
Schaumann Caroline USA 415 54, 103
Schenkolewski-Kroll Israel 666 181
Lecturer Country Session Page
Schiffman Daniel Israel 245 41
Schiffman Lawrence H. USA 107 5
Schleifer Eliyahu Israel 495 139
Schlesinger Izchak M. Israel 306 65
Schlick Gabriela Germany 220 29
Schlueter Margarete Germany 327 74
Schmidt Christoph Israel 242 40
Schnoor Randal F. Canada 653 176
Schor Laura USA 256 47
Schorch Stefan Germany 432 60, 113
Schulte-Nordholt Annelies Netherland 415 54, 103
Schwarb Gregor UK 435 115
Schwartz Baruch J. Israel 111 6
Schwartz Joshua Israel Closing
15, 48, 79, 93,
109, 171
Schwartz Seth USA 201 18
Schwartz Yossef Israel 361 84
Schwarzwald Ora Israel 460 125
Schweid Eliezer Israel 350 80
Sciumbata M. Patrizia Italy 431 10, 113
Sebba-Elran Tsafi Israel 315 69
Sefer Hagi Israel 107 5
Segev Zohar Israel 619 162
Senkman Leonardo Israel 661 178
Seroussi Edwin Israel 481 135
Seroussi Edwin Israel 482 135
Seymour Chaim Israel 533 153
Shacham Chaya Israel 400 94
Shahaf Michal Israel 233 35, 101, 165
Shahar Nathan Israel 486 136
Shahar Yuval Israel 320 71
Shain Yossi Israel 609 159
Shaked Gershon Israel 400 94
Shaked Malka Israel 119 9, 106
Shalem Chaim Israel 274 50, 169
Shaler Ahuva Israel 410 99
Shapira Amnon Israel 116 8
Shapira Anita Israel 600 94, 155
Lecturer Country Session Page
Shapira Avraham Israel 371 88
Shapira Dan Israel 245 41
Shapira Haim Israel 615 161
Shapira Ya'akov Israel 345 78
Sharaby Rachel Israel 622 165
Shatil Nemrod Israel 443 119
Shaul Michal Israel 274 50, 169
Shavit Ya'akov Israel 200 18
Shay Lavi Israel 254 46
Shchepetova Hanna Russia 326 74
Shear Adam USA 368 87
Shechter Tamar Israel 228 33, 98
Shelleg Assaf Israel 483 136
Shelleg Assaf Israel 490 137
Shemesh Avi Israel 108 5
Shemesh Rivka Israel 433 60, 114
Shemesh Yael Israel 117 8, 105
Shenhar Aliza Israel 504 142
Shenhav Shelly Israel 281 54
Shenker Yael Israel 233 35, 101, 165
Sherlo Smadar Israel 369 87
Shichmentar Rima Israel 421 105, 163
Shiff Ofer Israel 619 162
Shiffman Yair Israel 359 83
Shilo Elchanan Israel 376 91
Shilo Margalit Israel 228 33, 98
Shimony Batya Israel 407 97
Shimshi-Licht Tamar Israel 255 47
Shkedi Asher Israel 652 176
Shlomo Sigal Israel 440 118
Shmidman Avi Israel 426 110
Shmueli Benny Israel 341 77
Shochetman Elihav Israel 343 77
Sholokhova Lyudmila USA 481 135
Shoshani Ronit Israel 135 16
Shraga Ben-Ayun Chaya Israel 117 8, 105
Shtober Shimon Israel 225 31
Shuchat Raphael Israel 367 87
Shumsky Dimitry Israel 602 157
Lecturer Country Session Page
Shveka Avi Israel 311 67
Shweka Roni Israel 302 58, 151
Shweka Roni Israel 323 72
Siegemund Anja Israel 602 157
Silverman Marc Israel 650 175
Simon Uriel Israel 126 12
Sinai Yuval Israel 339 76, 156
Singer Osnat Israel 109 6
Sipin Debora USA 670 183
Sitbon Suzy France 472 131
Sitman Rosalie Israel 668 182
Sitton Shoshana Israel 505 142
Sklare David Israel 354 81, 115
Slivniak Dmitri Israel 114 7
Socachevsky Bacon
Israel 230 34
Soffer Yossef Israel 215 27
Sokoloff Naomi B. USA 403 95
Sokolova Alla Russia 480 134
Sokolovskiy Vladislav Israel 455 122, 140
Sokolow Moshe USA 217 28, 153
Soloveitchik Haym USA 202 19
Sommer Benjamin USA 103 2
Sorek Susan UK 210 24, 63
Spagnolo Francesco USA 481 135
Spanier Yossi Israel 521 147
Spicehandler Ezra USA 404 95
Spitzer Shlomo Israel 221 30
Stahl Neta USA 401 94
Stampfer Shaul Israel 248 43
Stampfer Zvi Israel 216 27, 152
Starck-Adler Astrid France 451 120
Starr David USA 365 86
Staudinger Barbara Austria 220 29
Stav Shira Israel 401 94
Stein Dina USA 503 69, 142
Steinberg Gerald Israel 605 55, 158
Steinberg Ronit Israel 479 134
Steiner Richard USA 432 60, 113
Lecturer Country Session Page
Stepanskaya Nina Belarus 455 122, 140
Stern Ian Israel 204 4, 20
Stern Josef USA 356 82
Stern Max Israel 492 138
Stern Sacha UK 213 25, 64
Stern Zehavit Israel 239 38
Sternthal Tamar Israel 606 56, 158
Stoliar Irene Israel 669 182
Stone Suzanne L. USA 338 75, 156
Strassburg-Dayan Sara Israel 603 157
Strelcovas Simonas Lithuania 251 45
Stroumsa Sarah Israel 354 81, 115
Stroweis Jean-Pierre Israel 524 148
Struve Kai Germany 237 37
Stulic-Etchevers Ana France 468 129
Sussmann Yaakov Israel 302 58, 151
Sutskover-Stadler Talia Israel 116 8
Sweeney Marvin A. USA 102 2
Syros Vasileios Finland 378 92
Szkolut Pawel Poland 471 26, 131
Sznajder Mario 660 178
Szubin H. Zvi USA 322 72
Tabory Ephraim Israel 646 174
Tahan Ilana UK 534 153
Tal David Israel 248 43
Talshir David Israel 101 1
Tamar Hermann Israel 603 157
Tarnowska Magdalena Poland 408 97
Tarsi Boaz USA 495 139
Tatarunas Linas Lithuania 251 45
Tauber Michele France 420 104
Tedghi Joseph France 437 116
Teter Magda USA Urbach
15, 48, 79, 93,
109, 171
Tigchelaar Eibert J. C. Netherland 100 1
Timm Erika Germany 450 120
Lecturer Country Session Page
Tirosh-Becker Ofra Israel 434 61, 114
Toaff Ariel Israel 526 149
Tolmas Chana Israel 523 148
Tolts Mark Israel 644 173
Tonello-Levy Daniela Brasil 664 180
Trachtenberg Barry USA 641 172
Triendl Mirjam Germany 255 47
Tsamir Hamutal Israel 232 35, 100
Tubul Merav Israel 443 119
Tucker Ethan Israel 311 67
Turan Tamas Israel 313 68
Turkinies Marina Israel 248 43
Turner Yosef Israel 350 80
Turniansky Chava Israel 451 120
Turov Igor Ukraine 365 86
Tzahor Ze'ev Israel 600 94, 155
Tzfadia Eraz Israel 614 161
Udel-Lambert Miriam USA 455 122, 140
Ufaz Aviva Israel 278 52
Ufaz Gad Israel 626 88, 167
Urban Susan Germany 607 56, 159
Ury Scott Israel 236 37
Vachman Gila Israel 309 66
Valabregue-Perry Sandra Israel 360 84
Valler Shulamit Israel 226 32
Van Bekkum Wout Netherlands 428 111
Van der Horst Pieter Netherlands 209 23, 62
Vareikis Vygantas Lithuania 282 55
Vasserman Yuriy M. Russia 282 55
Vel‫ב‬squez Libia Nancy Israel 663 179
Verbickiene Jurgita Lithuania 224 31
Verbit Mervin USA 643 173
Verses Shmuel Israel 412 102
Vidacovic Petrov Krinka Spain 466 128
Vigevani Tullo Brazil 660 178
Lecturer Country Session Page
Vinberger Shoshana Israel 316 70
Viswanath Meylekh USA 326 74
Viz Yechiam Israel 270 49, 155
Wachtel David USA 473 132
Wacks Ron Israel 364 86
Waisman Asya Russia 650 175
Waldman Berta Brazil 672 183
Walfish Avraham Israel 304 59
Walfish Barry Canada 532 152
Wallet Bart Netherland 453 121
Wassermann Henry Israel 400 94
Waxman Chaim I. Israel 608 159
Waxman Chaim I. Israel 642 172
Wein Martin Israel 650 175
Weinbaum Laurence Israel 607 56, 159
Weinberg Bella Hass USA 534 153
Weinberg Marie 665 180
Weinfeld Morton Canada 629 170
Weingarten Susan Israel 207 22, 61
Weinhouse Linda USA 114 7
Weinstein Anita Argentina 669 182
Weinstein Menachem Israel 276 51, 170
Weisband Howard Israel 608 159
Weiser Kalman Canada 237 37
Weiss Halivni David USA 308 66
Weiss Hillel Israel 416 104
Weiss Judy USA 136 16
Weiss Ruhama Israel 503 69, 142
Weiss Tzahi Israel 376 91
Weiss Zeev Israel 214 26, 64, 130
Wenninger Markus J. Austria 219 29
Werman Cana Israel 314 69
Wertheimer Ada Israel 441 118
Westreich Avishalom Israel 345 78
Westreich Elimelech Israel 343 77
Whasana Nili Israel 112 6
Whine Mike UK 605 55, 158
Lecturer Country Session Page
Whine-Kamenetzki Ester UK 455 122, 140
Wineman Aryeh USA 402 95
Witztum Eliezer Israel 507 143, 168
Wodzinski Marcin Poland 235 36
Wolfine Eyal Israel 436 116
Wolf-Monzon Tamar Israel 444 96, 119
Wood Abigail UK 496 139
Woolf Jeffrey R. Israel 328 75
Wygoda Shmuel Israel 368 87
Yaari Nurith Israel 510 145
Yacobi Tamar Israel 417 104
Yadin Azzan USA 436 116
Yaglom Menahem Israel 363 85
Yahalom Joseph Israel 429 112
Yahalom Shalem Israel 324 73
Yaniv Bracha Israel 474 132, 143
Yaniv Bracha Israel 523 148
Yardeni Ada Israel 104 3, 21
Yayama Kumiko Japan 492 138
Yeffet Revital Israel 458 124
Yoreh Tzemah Israel 116 8
Yuditsky Alexey (Eliyahu) Israel 442 118
Yungman Mira Israel 622 165
Zaban Yahil Israel 411 100
Zabolotnaya NatashaEsther
Israel 364 86
Zadoff Efraim Israel 668 182
Zadoff Noam Israel 601 156
Zakharchenko Alla Ukraine 625 167
Zakovitch Yair Israel 130 14
Zalcberg Sima Israel 627 168
Zalkin Mordechai Israel 250 44
Zameret Zvi Israel 624 166
Zan-Bar-Zur Zila Israel 508 144
Zaveriaev Maxim Russia 531 150
Lecturer Country Session Page
Zawanowska Marzena Poland 117 8, 105
Zelenina Galina Russia 224 31
Zeltser Arkadi Israel 238 38
Zemke John USA 463 126
Zer-Zion Shelly Israel 239 38
Ziegler Yael Israel 121 10, 107
Zielinski Konrad Poland 249 44
Zimmerman Joshua USA 237 37
Ziv Yehuda Israel 521 147
Zohar Naomi Israel 410 99
Zohar Zion USA 614 161
Zucker Bat-Ami Israel 228 33, 98
Zwick Judith Israel 402 95
Zylbersztein Roly Israel 215 27