What is transferred into EZClaim?

Overview ........................................................................................................1
Initial EZClaim Setup .......................................................................................1
Tools > Import/Export Utility ........................................................................1
Tools > Options > Provider Information ........................................................1
Payer Library Setup (optional) ......................................................................2
Physician/Facility Library (optional) ...............................................................2
Preventing Duplicate Patient Data .................................................................2
Importing data into EZClaim ............................................................................4
Frequently Asked Questions .........................................................................4
Modifier Information .................................................................................5
Export from Amazing Charts First .................................................................5
Opening the Import/Export Utility .................................................................5
Advanced Options ........................................................................................9
What is transferred into EZClaim? .................................................................. 10
This document refers to Version 7.11 and higher of the Import Export Wizard.
Control-Click to View a tutorial of Amazing Charts integration.
The goal of EZClaim’s import utility is to reduce the amount of data entry.
Amazing Charts contains both patient and claim data but may not contain all
data necessary to produce valid claims. Additional EZClaim data entry may be
required before submitting claims.
Initial EZClaim Setup
Enable Import/Export Utility – Ctrl+Alt+I (Enables and Disables the
Import/Export Utility program in Advanced 8)
Tools > Import/Export Utility
This screen should be filled in before any data is imported from Amazing Charts.
Tools > Options > Provider Information
This screen should be filled in before any data is imported from Amazing Charts.
This information is used to set the billing information (box 33) for the
patient records. (Amazing Charts does not export this data for EZClaim)
Payer Library Setup (optional)
The import process attempts to match the payer name with a name already in
EZClaim’s payer library, if no match is found, the import program will add an
entry by filling in the payer name only (leaving you to fill in the remainder of the
Add entries into EZClaim’s Payer Library (Tools menu). Make sure the payer
name field matches the payer name in the Amazing Charts program. If the
payer names do not match, incorrect Provider ID (PIN) numbers may be
Physician/Facility Library (optional)
The import process attempts to match the doctor’s name with a name already in
EZClaim’s physician/facility library, if no match is found, the import program will
add an entry by filling in the full name only (leaving you to fill in the remainder of
the information).
Add entries into EZClaim’s Physician/Facility Library (Tools menu). Make sure
the Full Name field matches the name format in the Amazing Charts data file.
Amazing Charts Screen:
EZClaim’s Physician/Facility Library screen:
Make sure the Additional ID area in the library contains the correct entries for
each of the payer names. Attempts to find the correct PIN# in the physician
library based on the payer name. If no PIN is found, the program will use the
default PIN in the Tools > Options > Provider Information screen.
Preventing Duplicate Patient Data
During the import process, EZClaim checks to
see if the patient has already been imported into
the group selected on the Advanced Options
tab. If the ‘Search All Groups for Existing
Patients’ is selected, the process will check
every group for an existing patient.
The program uses the AC ‘Patient ID’ and
searches EZClaim’s ‘External ID’ to find a match.
You can find the Patient ID in Amazing Charts on the Patient’s Demographic
screen and the External ID is on the Payers/Other Info > Misc Patient Data tab in
If you are experiencing duplicate patient data, one of the following reasons are
the cause:
The ‘Search All Groups for Existing Patients’ is unchecked. The program
is only searching a single group for an existing patient and if the patient
doesn’t exist, a new patient record is created even though the patient
exists in a different group.
The Amazing Charts ‘Patient ID’ number has changed for the patient.
This can be caused by a corrupt Amazing Charts database or the patient
was deleted and re-entered into Amazing Charts. Both of these scenarios
would cause a different ‘Patient ID’ to be searched in EZClaim.
Importing data into EZClaim
Frequently Asked Questions
Do not use a semi-colon (;) in any Amazing Charts data entry field because
they will cause the exported file to be incorrect and not import into EZClaim
Do not use the Enter key when typing into “Note” fields (Demographics tab),
you will receive a Data Type error when importing into EZClaim.
Insured’s Name is transferred exactly like it’s typed into Amazing Charts, if
you want the LAST FIRST MI format, be sure to type it into Amazing Charts
that way. Do not use a ‘,’ between the last and first names. If you do, the AC
export will transpose the names. The insured’s name is entered into Amazing
Charts on the Patient Demographics tab in the Guarantor’s Name (L, F, MI)
Diagnostic pointers are not included in the file that AC exports so EZClaim will
use ‘1’ as the diagnostic pointer. A workaround is to enter a ‘Billing
Comment’ on the ‘Code/Sign Encounter’ window in Amazing Charts. If you
enter 1234 as the billing comment, it will be used for all the services, if you
enter 1234-12-34 then the first service line will use 1234, the second 12, and
the third 34.
Copays collected and copays due are transferred to EZClaim. The copays
are attached to the first service line if more than one service line is
transferred. If copays are due on more than one service line, they will need to
be entered manually.
Attempts to match the rendering provider from column 44 of the Amazing
Charts import file to an entry in the Physician/Facility library. If a match is not
found, the rendering field in EZClaim is left blank. Make sure the Full Name
field in EZClaim matches the rendering provider (Preferred Provider) name in
Amazing Charts. The default Rendering Physician will be used even if there is
a physician exported from AC and it doesn't match an entry in the
Physician/Facility library exactly.
Will only import patient demographic and service line information. Does not
import box 7 or 9 on the CMS-1500 form.
The insurance type (Box 1 on the CMS-1500 form) will default to ‘Other’
The Amazing Chart’s ID is also used to populate the Patient Account Number
when creating a new record. Once the EZClaim patient is created, you can
change the patient account number if needed without losing the reference
back to the original Amazing Charts record.
EZClaim’s place of service is determined by comparing the ‘Place of Service
(PoS)’ value found on the ‘Code/Sign Encounter’ screen in Amazing Charts.
Default Location = 11
Office = 11
Hospital = 22
Nursing Home = 31
Home Visit = 12
Other = 99
The charge amount is imported from the Amazing Charts data file, not
EZClaim’s code library.
The AC Chart ID is the second column of the import file.
Modifier Information
Modifiers are not included in the file that AC exports so modifiers will not be
transferred to EZClaim.
Export from Amazing Charts First
You will first need to export the billing file from Amazing Charts and note the
location of the file. Please review the Amazing Charts instructions for export
superbill information. Be sure to select ‘Export to Simple Text File’ in the export
Opening the Import/Export Utility
Click the Windows Start button, select All Programs, select EZClaim, select
Utilities, then select Import Export Utility
Select Import then click Next
From the format box, select Amazing Charts and click Next
Use the browse button to select the billing data file exported from Amazing
Charts. Click Next to continue.
Confirm the selection then click Finish to start the import process. To change the
group that patient will be imported into, click the Advanced Options button. See
the ‘Advanced Options’ section below for more information.
Before the final import takes place, you will receive a confirmation box. Click Yes
to complete the import process.
Click OK on the results screen to close.
Advanced Options
The ‘Use the following Patient Group’ option determines which patient group the
records will be searched and/or created.
What is transferred into EZClaim?
Box #
What is transferred from
Amazing Charts
Primary Payer Name
(Ins1) Insured's ID Number
Patient Last Name
Patient First Name
Patient Middle Initial
Patient Date of Birth
Patient Gender
(Ins1) Insured's Name
Patient Phone Number
Patient Address
Patient City
Patient State
Patient Zip Code
Relation To Insured
(Ins1) Insured's Address
Line 1
(Ins1) Insured's City
(Ins1) Insured's State
(Ins1) Insured's Zip
(Ins1) Insured's Phone
(Ins2) Other Insured's
(Ins2) Other Insured's
Group ID
(Ins2) Other Insured's DOB
(Ins2) Other Insured's
Employer's Name
Other Insurance (Ins2)
Plan Name
(Ins1) Insured's Group ID
(Ins1) Insured's DOB
Primary Insurance (Ins1)
Plan Name
Referring Physician
Referring Physician ID
Diagnosis Code 1
Diagnosis Code 2
Diagnosis Code 3
Diagnosis Code 4
From Date
To Date
Place of Service
Procedure Code
Modifiers (Not Imported)
Charges Tab
Box 24E Diagnosis Pointer
Charges Tab
Insurance Type
Payer/Other Info
Patient Tab
Only the Payer Name is transferred. The Payer should be
previously entered in EZClaim prior to the AC import.
This is always set to 'Other'. There is no option to change
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Only numbers are imported.
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Only numbers are imported.
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
Patient Tab
tic Tab
tic Tab
Charges Tab
Charges Tab
Charges Tab
Charges Tab
Charges Tab
Charges Tab
Charges Tab
Pulled from the physician/facility library
Strips out periods
Strips out periods
Strips out periods
Strips out periods
If Default Location is transferred, EZClaim will set value
to 11
If Office is transferred, EZClaim will set value to 11
If Hospital is transferred, EZClaim will set value to 22
If Nursing Home is transferred, EZClaim will set value to
If Home Visit is transferred, EZClaim will set value to 12
If Other is transferred, EZClaim will set value to 99
Amazing Charts does not provide the modifiers in the
export file.
Diagnostic pointers are not included in the file that AC
exports so EZClaim will use ‘1’ as the diagnostic pointer.
A workaround is to enter a ‘Billing Comment’ on the
‘Code/Sign Encounter’ window in Amazing Charts. If you
enter 1234 as the billing comment, it will be used for all
the services, if you enter 1234-12-34 then the first service
line will use 1234, the second 12, and the third 34.
Charge Amount
Rendering Provider
Billing Provider
Charges Tab
Charges Tab
Charges Tab
tic Tab
Secondary Payer Name
Payer/Other Info
(Ins2) Other Insured's ID
Copay Collected ($)
Copay Comments
Ins1 Copay Due ($)
Payer/Other Info
Payments Tab
Payments Tab
Payments Tab
This is always set to '1'
This data is not provided by Amazing Charts. Set this
value using EZClaim’s Tools menu > Options > Billing
Name setting.
Only the Payer Name is transferred. The Payer should be
previously entered in EZClaim prior to the AC import.
Used for secondary claims
Used for secondary claims
Will create a patient payment entry
Enters comment in Reference 1 field
Patient Amount Due