Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.5 The Cosmic Engine Program – Updated August 2007 COURSE: Preliminary Physics MODULE: 8.5 Page 1 The Cosmic Engine SUGGESTED TIME: 28 indicative hours. CONTEXTUAL OUTLINE The Universe began with a singularity in space-time. After the initial explosion, the Universe started to expand, cool and condense, forming matter. As part of this ongoing process the Sun and the Solar System were formed over 4x109 years ago from a gas cloud which resulted from a supernova explosion. The condensing gas and dust that formed the Sun and the planets contained all its original elements. The planets were formed when matter came together under the influence of gravity. This module increases students’ understanding of the history of physics, implications of physics for society and the environment and current issues, research and developments in physics. Assumed Knowledge Domain: knowledge and understanding: Refer to the Science Stages 4–5 Syllabus for the following: 5.6.5a identify that energy may be released from the nuclei of atoms 5.7.1a describe the features and location of protons, neutrons and electrons in the atom 5.9.1a discuss current scientific thinking about the origin of the Universe 5.9.1c describe some of the difficulties in obtaining information about the Universe 5.9.3a relate some major features of the Universe to theories about the formation of the Universe 5.9.3b describe some changes that are likely to take place during the life of a star. Outcomes P1 P4 P5 P6 P7 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 outlines the historical development of major principles, concepts and ideas in physics describes applications of physics which affect society or the environment describes the scientific principles employed in particular areas of physics research describes the forces acting on an object which cause changes in its motion describes the effects of energy transfers and energy transformations describes the relationship between force and potential energy in fields describes theories and models in relation to the origins of matter and relates these to the forces involved justifies the appropriateness of a particular investigation plan evaluates ways in which accuracy and reliability could be improved in investigations uses terminology and reporting styles appropriately and successfully to communicate information and understanding assesses the validity of conclusions from gathered data and information explains why an investigation is best undertaken individually or by a team justifies positive values about and attitudes towards both the living and non-living components of the environment, ethical behaviour and a desire for critical evaluation of the consequences of the applications of science Sense of the Sacred Students will gain an appreciation of the grandeur of the universe and observe God’s creation with awe and wonder. Glossary Absorption Accretion Astrophysics Black Body radiation Complexity Field Force Fusion Galaxy Geophysics Globular cluster Gravity Hertzsprung-Russell diagram Ionising radiation Main sequence (star) Neutron star Open star Ozone layer Penetration Quanta Quarks Red giant Relativity Satellite Star Sub-atomic Sunspot Solar wind Time dilation Universe Van Allen (radiation) belt Variable star White dwarf Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.5 The Cosmic Engine Program – Updated August 2007 Page 3 UNIVERSE Concept Map Current Model Historical Models Accretion of galaxies and Stars Fusion Reactions Emissions from nuclei Expansion Radiation to Matter Life-Span Explosions (supernovas)) Life-Span Radioactive Behaviour Varieties of Star Groups Origin Brightness and Luminosity Concept Map (Cont’d) SOLAR SYSTEM Development and Current Structure Newton's Law of Gravitation Sun Sun Spots Emissions Kepler's 3rd Law Earth Solar Winds Atmosphere Black Bodies Magnetic Fields and Van Allen Belts Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.5 The Cosmic Engine Program – Updated August 2007 Page 5 OUTCOMES / ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES Outcomes about which information is being gathered H13 H14 H12 H14 H12 Skill outcomes 11.1b 12.3d 13.1a,d 14.1e 12.3 a,d 14.1a 12.4b A Range of possible diagnostic and/or formative assessment tasks Generally: Pretest or concept map developed to ascertain prior knowledge Focus area 1 Research on the contribution of a scientist to the development of our cosmological model. Focus area 2 During class time extract information from articles(s) provided to student to discuss an issue or compare situations related to, e.g., applications of spectroscopy, etc. Traditional pen and paper test on whole section or part thereof. Computer simulation of, e.g. black body radiation, analysed as a second hand data situation and using new data for students. MODULE REFERENCES REFERENCES T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 Excel HSC Physics Warren pp. Bhathal, R; Astronomy for the Higher School Certificate 1993 Kangaroo Press ISBN 0 86417 510 8 Bunn, DJ; Physics For A Modern World 1990 Jacaranda Press ISBN O 7016 2602 X Coles, P (Ed); The Icon Critical Dictionary of the New Cosmology 1998 Icon Books ISBN 1 874166 64 1 Cram, LE and Varvel DA (Ed); Carbon Element of Energy and Life 1993 Science Foundation for Physics, University of Sydney ISBN 0 9599471 1 6 Kaler, JB; Stars 1992 Scientific American Library ISBN 0 7167 5033 3 Kutter, GS; The Universe and Life, 1987 Jones and Bartlett ISBN 0 86720 033 2 Lederman, LM and Schramm, DN; From Quarks to the Cosmos 1995 Scientific American Library ISBN 0 7167 6012 6 Lunine, JI; Earth Evolution of a Habitable World 1999 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 64423 2 McNamara, Burnham, Bridges and French; Investigating Astronomy; Model Building and Critical Thinking 1997 Mosby ISBN 0 8151 4337 0 Milner, B; Cosmology 1995 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 42162 4 Playoust, DF and Shanny, GR; Astronomy; An introduction to Stellar Astronomy 1991 Jacaranda Press ISBN 0 7016 2929 0 Trefil, J and Hazen, RM; The Sciences; An Integrated Approach 1998 John Wiley & Sons ISBN 0 471 16117 9 Waxman, J; A Workbook for Astronomy 1984 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 25312 8 Wyatt, P; Astronomy for the Southern Hemisphere 1996 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 43999 X Zeilik, M; Interactive Lesson Guide for Astronomy The Learning Zone Zeilik, M and Smith, E; Introductory Astronomy and Astrophysics 1987 CBS College Publishing ISBN 0 03 004499 5 Useful Programs P1 P2 P3 P4 Redshift 3 from Maris Software (CD-Rom) contains some useful images and animated movie segments outlining many of the concepts in this module. Also acts as a planetarium and has a dictionary of astronomy. Skymap Pro An excellent planetarium program. Hertzsprung Russell Diagram (HRCAL22) is an interactive HR diagram with good data sets. Jovian Satellites Simulator (JUPSAT40) is a good demonstration. Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.5 The Cosmic Engine Program – Updated August 2007 Page 7 Websites W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 W17 W18 W19 Hyperphysics Concepts page on Astronomy. Excellent. (CERES: The Expanding Universe ) this NASA site provides a sequence of pages on the Big Bang model, including experimental evidence as above but with details on the Copernican system is part of the very impressive Galilieo Project site, a repository for all things concerning Galileo's astronomy, physics and life. This particular page provides details about the Ptolemaic system is a useful Java applet that allows students to model the effect of varying distance on two planets orbiting a star is an excellent Java applet allowing students to generate data and graphs to examine the inverse square law for light this applet provides black body curves for different temperatures and allows students to measure peak wavelength and compare intensities an online applet source of intensity spectra for most stellar classes, allowing multiple spectra to be compared (The Particle Physics Adventure )provides students with different pathways to build up a conceptual understanding of the basic constituents and forces of the universe. Site also provides many worthwhile links to other sites Uniserve site for this topic. provides a concise summary of Alexander Friedmann's life and contributions to cosmology covers the Earth in detail, including atmospheric composition. Part of the extensive Nine Planets website mirrored at ANU (Cambridge Cosmology HOT BIG BANG ) contains information on the relationship between particle physics and the Big Bang (SunCam); provides continually updated images of the Sun in UV, doppler and corona modes, allowing students to see sunspots and trace over several days. (Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram) provides online data for a lab exercise to plot H-R diagrams using Excel covers the diverse effects of solar storms and is but one page on the excellent site maintained by the Ionospheric Prediction Service provides a wealth of information on fission and uranium mining from an industry perspective gives details on aurora and the solar wind is a Java applet and instructions that allows students to take spectra and galaxy dimensions to simulate Hubble's Law Videos V1 V2 V3 V4 Universe: The Infinite Frontier is shown on ABC TV as part of the Open Learning scheme as Astronomy. The series includes relevant specific 30 min episodes on; The Big Bang, The Origin of the Solar System, Planet Earth, The Sun and several on stellar formation and evolution. The Mechanical Universe series #3 Kepler's Laws (this series often shown on ABC TV as part of the educational programming). The Planets series - Episode 5 - Star - available from the ABC shop ( ) provides excellent coverage of Sun-Earth interactions Stephen Hawking's Universe - Eps 1 Seeing is Believing covers cosmology from earliest times through Greek astronomers up to work by Edwin Hubble. Eps 2 In the Beginning provides an overview of 20th Century cosmology including Big Bang/Steady State and Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. Available from ABC shop ( ) Journals / Articles J1 Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.5 The Cosmic Engine Program – Updated August 2007 Outcomes P1 outlines the historical development of major principles, concepts and ideas in physics P4 describes applications of physics which affect society or the environment P5 describes the scientific principles employed in particular areas of physics research P10 describes theories and models in relation to the origins of matter and relates these to the forces involved P12 discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources (P12.3a, b, d) P14 draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information (P14.3a, b, c, d) 1 Students Learn About / Learn To: 1. Our Sun is just one star in the galaxy and ours is just one galaxy in the universe outline the historical development of models of the universe from Aristotle to Newton identify data sources, gather, process and analyse information to assess one of the models of the Universe developed from the time of Aristotle to the time of Newton to identify limitations on the development of each model by the technology available at the time by o accessing information from a range of resources, including popular scientific journals, digital technologies and the Internet (12.3a) o extracting information from numerical data in graphs and tables as well as written and spoken material in all its forms (12.3c) o summarising and collating information from a range of resources (12.3d) o identifying practising male and female Australian scientists, and the areas in which they are currently working and in formation about their research (12.3e) o identify and apply appropriate mathematical formulae and concepts (12.4b) o evaluate the validity of first-hand and secondary information and data in relation to the area of investigation (12.4d) o assess the reliability of first-hand and secondary information and data by considering information from various sources (12.4e) o assess the accuracy of scientific information presented in mass media by comparison with similar information presented in scientific journals (12.4f o selecting and using appropriate methods to acknowledge sources of information (13.1c) 3 Stephen Hawking's Universe Eps 1 Seeing is Believing and Eps 2 In the Beginning 2 Page 9 Reg Teaching / Learning Strategies Suggested Time: 2 hours Working alone or in small groups, students use library resources to research and summarise the work of one or more of the following: Aristotle, Ptolemy, Copernicus,Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo, Isaac Newton (G & T, lit, ESL) Class discussion to pool information about the scientists listed above Evaluate the model of the universe proposed by each scientist chronologically and trace the development of our understanding of the universe in the light of new evidence or ideas. (lit, ESL) Build up class summary of two main early theories of the universe ie geocentric model1 (Ptolemy, Aristotle, Brahe) and heliocentric model2 (Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton) View a video and take notes summarising the historical development of cosmology3 Key – Policy implementation SOS – Sense of the Sacred GT – Gifted and Talented ab – aboriginality tech – technology ESL – English as a Second Language lit - Literacy ns – non-sexist SE – Special Education num - Numeracy Resources Outcomes P1 outlines the historical development of major principles, concepts and ideas in physics P4 describes applications of physics which affect society or the environment P5 describes the scientific principles employed in particular areas of physics research P9 describes the relationship between force and potential energy in fields P10 describes theories and models in relation to the origins of matter and relates these to the forces involved P12 discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources (P12.3a-c) P14 draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information (P14.1a-d; P14.3a, b, c) 1 Students Learn About / Learn To: 2. The first minutes of the universe released energy which changed to matter, forming stars and galaxies outline the discovery of the expansion of the universe by Hubble, following its earlier prediction by Friedmann identify data sources and gather secondary information to describe the probable origins of the Universe by o accessing information from a range of resources, including popular scientific journals, digital technologies and the Internet (12.3a) o extracting information from numerical data in graphs and tables as well as written and spoken material in all its forms (12.3c) o summarising and collating information from a range of resources (12.3d) o identifying practising male and female Australian scientists, and the areas in which they are currently working and in formation about their research (12.3e) Alexander Friedmann A Workbook for Astronomy, Jerry Waxman, CUP, 1984, p290-99 3 Hubble Law Java Applet 4 CERES: The Expanding Universe 2 Reg Teaching / Learning Strategies Suggested Time: 2 hours Using supplied references, outline the features of the modern model of the universe mentioning the work of Hubble and the expansion of the universe (KV, G & T, lit, ESL) through class discussion, generate a list of scientific models for the origin of the universe construct a timeline of cosmological discoveries from 1900-1930s including work of Friedmann1 and Hubble from sources provided by the teacher using supplied data2 or computer simulation3, reproduce Hubble's interpretation of galactic redshifts, discovering the expansion of the universe as predicted by Friedmann (G & T, lit, tech) outline the key areas of experimental and observational evidence upon which the Big Bang model is now based4 in the form of a written summary (KV, G & T, lit, ESL) Resources Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.5 The Cosmic Engine Program – Updated August 2007 Outcomes Students Learn About / Learn To: P4 describes applications of physics which affect society or the environment P5 describes the scientific principles employed in particular areas of physics research P9 describes the relationship between force and potential energy in fields P10 describes theories and models in relation to the origins of matter and relates these to the forces involved 1 Page 11 describe the transformation of radiation into matter which followed the ‘Big Bang’ identify that Einstein described the equivalence of energy and mass outline how the accretion of galaxies and stars occurred through: – expansion and cooling of the Universe – subsequent loss of particle kinetic energy – gravitational attraction between particles – lumpiness of the gas cloud that then allows gravitational collapse Cambridge Cosmology HOT BIG BANG The Universe and Life, G. S. Kutter, Jones and Bartlett, 1987 3 Redshift3 software 2 Reg Teaching / Learning Strategies Suggested Time: 2 hours through reading appropriate sources or accessing information from the web1, students are to construct a timeline or diagram showing the changes in matter and energy in the universe from the first 10-43s to the decoupling era (lit) through group or class discussion, clarify the difference between chemical and nuclear reactions in terms of the relative energies involved account for the these differences in terms of Einstein's work relating mass and energy as equivalent (G & T, num) access and analyse web or text2 based information to develop a written outline of how the structure of the universe today (emphasis on galaxies) came into being (KV, G & T, ab, lit) teacher demonstration to show the cooling of a gas through expansion, (ie decrease in pressure VT) with students then relating this to an expanding universe class discussion to identify the roles of kinetic energy and gravitational attraction in coalescence of particles and the collapse of dust clouds teacher demonstration/simulation to show clumpiness and attraction of particles using materials in a fluid view video sequence or computer animation to show galaxy formation3 Resources Outcomes P9 describes the relationship between force and potential energy in fields P12 discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources (P12.3a-d) Students Learn About / Learn To: 3. Stars have a limited life span and may explode to form supernovas gather secondary information to relate brightness of an object to its luminosity and distance by o accessing information from a range of resources, including popular scientific journals, digital technologies and the Internet (12.3a) o extracting information from numerical data in graphs and tables as well as written and spoken material in all its forms (12.3c) o summarising and collating information from a range of resources (12.3d) o identifying practising male and female Australian scientists, and the areas in which they are currently working and in formation about their research (12.3e) solve problems to apply the inverse square law of intensity of light to relate the brightness of a star to its luminosity and distance from the observer by o identify trends, patterns and relationships as well as contradictions in data and information (14.1a) o identify and explain how data supports or refutes an hypothesis, a prediction or a proposed solution to a problem (14.1c) o use models, including mathematical ones, to explain phenomena and/or make predictions (14.1f) 1 Inverse Square Law Reg Teaching / Learning Strategies Suggested Time: 2 hours carry out a student-planned procedure to obtain data on brightness of a light source at various distances through class discussion of graphed results from above activity or from other sources1, deduce the inverse square law of light intensity and apply it in problems (tech, num) draw a diagram and use a given definition of luminosity and surface area of a sphere to relate brightness of a star to its luminosity and distance Resources Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.5 The Cosmic Engine Program – Updated August 2007 Outcomes Students Learn About / Learn To: Page 13 P9 describes the relationship between force and potential energy in fields P10 describes theories and models in relation to the origins of matter and relates these to the forces involved P12 discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources (P12.1a-c; 12.2a, b; P12.3a-c) P14 draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information (P14.1a-g; P14.2a-c; P14.3a) define the relationship between the temperature of a body and the dominant wavelength of the radiation emitted from that body identify that the surface temperature of a star is related to its colour describe a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram as the graph of a star’s luminosity against its colour or surface temperature P7 describes the effects of energy transfers and energy transformations P9 describes the relationship between force and potential energy in fields P10 describes theories and models in relation to the origins of matter and relates these to the forces involved P12 discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources (P12.3a, b, c, d) P14 draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information (P14.1a-h; P14.2a) identify energy sources characteristic of each star group, including Main Sequence, red giants, and white dwarfs process and analyse information using the HertzsprungRussell diagram to examine the variety of star groups, including Main Sequence, red giants, and white dwarfs by o assess the accuracy of any measurements and calculations and the relative importance of the data and information gathered (12.4a) - identify and apply appropriate mathematical formulae and concepts (12.4b) o justify inferences and conclusions (14.1b) o identify and explain how data supports or refutes an hypothesis, a prediction or a proposed solution to a problem (14.1c) o predict outcomes and generate plausible explanations related to the observations (14.1d) o make and justify generalisations (14.1e) 2 Blackbody Radiation Spectra 4 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram 3 5 Use HRCalc shareware program for quick visual/quantitative comparisons Reg Teaching / Learning Strategies Suggested Time: 3 hours access information on the Web or texts to complete a table for the colour and temperature of a list of hot objects supplied by the teacher (lit, tech) examine graphs (computer simulations2 or other)of the intensity of each wavelength emitted by hot objects, plot the wavelength of the dominant radiation against temperature to verify Wien’s Law and determine the constant with teacher assistance and using a range of teacher selected resources, examine the spectra of various sources and compare continuous, line and absorption spectra (G & T, lit, tech, num) compare and contrast photos or drawings of the spectra of stars of various classes3 and relate the dominant colour and spectral class of a star to its temperature. Suggested Time: 4 hours graph the stars nearest to the sun using their luminosity (or absolute magnitude) against spectral class4 identify the names and main characteristics of the star groups on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram including the main sequence, red giants and white dwarfs5 in groups, access the Web and supplied texts to summarise information about the energy source of either main sequence stars, red giants or white dwarfs and present their findings to the other groups (lit, tech) through group or class discussion, interpret the differences in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for globular clusters and an “average" star groups such as open clusters trace the evolutionary path of a typical star on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram as the teacher describes the typical life cycle of a star and the possible endpoints as white dwarf, supernova/neutron star or black hole. (G & T, lit, tech) Resources Outcomes P6 describes the forces acting on an object which cause changes in its motion P7 describes the effects of energy transfers and energy transformations P9 describes the relationship between force and potential energy in fields P11 identifies and implements improvements to investigation plans (P11.1a-c; P11.2a, b; P11.3a, c, d) P12 discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources (P12.3a-c) P14 draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information (P14.3a, b, c) 5 Students Learn About / Learn To: 4. The Sun is a typical star, emitting electromagnetic radiation and particles that influence the Earth. identify that energy may be released from the nuclei of atoms describe the nature of emissions from the nuclei of atoms as radiation of alpha , beta , and gamma rays in terms of: – ionising power – penetrating power – effect of magnetic field perform a first-hand investigation to gather information to determine the penetrating power of alpha, beta and gamma radiation on a range of materials by o carrying out the planned procedure, recognising where and when modifications are needed and analysing the effect of these adjustments (12.1a) o identifying and using safe work practices during investigations (12.1d) o using appropriate data collection techniques, employing appropriate technologies, including data loggers and sensors (12.2a) o measuring, observing and recording results in accessible and recognisable forms, carrying out repeat trials as appropriate (12.2b) Uranium Information Centre Reg Teaching / Learning Strategies Suggested Time: 2 hours observe the use of counters by the teacher to detect radiation from radioactive sources and as a class, list the precautions needed when using these materials follow carefully a teacher planned procedure to investigate the penetrating power, ionising power and effect of electric and magnetic fields for alpha, beta and gamma rays using supplied reference texts, tabulate and compare the composition, charge, penetrating power, ionising power, effect of electric and magnetic fields and production of alpha, beta and gamma rays. (include equations) (G & T, lit, num) discuss the possible reasons for radioactive decay and identify that decay and other reactions involving the nucleus of atoms may release energy using supplied reference texts, define fission and fusion, write equations for each type of reaction and identify where these reactions occur access an appropriate web site5 and/or use scientific journals and texts to gather, process and analyse information on issues associated with maintaining fusion reactions on Earth including the advantages compared with fission reactions (KV, G & T, lit) Resources Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.5 The Cosmic Engine Program – Updated August 2007 Outcomes Students Learn About / Learn To: Page 15 identify data sources, gather and process information and use available evidence to assess the effects of sunspot activity on the Earth’s power grid and satellite communications by o accessing information from a range of resources, including popular scientific journals, digital technologies and the Internet (12.3a) o extracting information from numerical data in graphs and tables as well as written and spoken material in all its forms (12.3c) o summarising and collating information from a range of resources (12.3d) o identifying practising male and female Australian scientists, and the areas in which they are currently working and in formation about their research (12.3e) o identify and apply appropriate mathematical formulae and concepts (12.4b) o evaluate the validity of first-hand and secondary information and data in relation to the area of investigation (12.4d) o assess the reliability of first-hand and secondary information and data by considering information from various sources (12.4e) o assess the accuracy of scientific information presented in mass media by comparison with similar information presented in scientific journals (12.4f) Reg Teaching / Learning Strategies Resources Outcomes P4 describes applications of physics which affect society or the environment research P6 describes the forces acting on an object which cause changes in its motion P7 describes the effects of energy transfers and energy transformations P9 describes the relationship between force and potential energy in fields P10 describes theories and models in relation to the origins of matter and relates these to the forces involved P12 discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources (P12.2a-c; P12.3a-d) P13 identifies appropriate terminology and reporting styles to communicate information and understanding in physics (P13.1ag) P14 draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information (P14.1a-h; P14.2a-d; P14.3a-c) Students Learn About / Learn To: identify the nature of emissions reaching the Earth from the sun describe the particulate nature of the solar wind outline the cyclic nature of sunspot activity and its impact on Earth through solar winds describe sunspots as representing regions of strong magnetic activity and lower temperature identify data sources, gather and process information and use available evidence to assess the effects of sunspot activity on the Earth’s power grid and satellite communications by o accessing information from a range of resources, including popular scientific journals, digital technologies and the Internet (12.3a) o extracting information from numerical data in graphs and tables as well as written and spoken material in all its forms (12.3c) o summarising and collating information from a range of resources (12.3d) o identifying practising male and female Australian scientists, and the areas in which they are currently working and in formation about their research (12.3e) o identify and apply appropriate mathematical formulae and concepts (12.4b) o evaluate the validity of first-hand and secondary information and data in relation to the area of investigation (12.4d) o assess the reliability of first-hand and secondary information and data by considering information from various sources (12.4e) o assess the accuracy of scientific information presented in mass media by comparison with similar information presented in scientific journals (12.4f)) Reg Teaching / Learning Strategies Suggested Time: 1 hour extract information from visual and spoken material by viewing, taking notes and summarising Episode 5 from the Planets series, Star1, to identify emissions from the sun and to describe sunspots and solar winds (lit, ESL)¨ collate information obtained from internet sites2 and the video above and other relevant sources3 to determine the effects of sunspot activity on the Earth's power grid and communication4 (KV, G & T, tech) produce a written summary about the effects of sunspot activity to evaluate the relevance of the collected secondary information, remembering to acknowledge all sources of information (lit, ESL) using the information already gathered and collated, draw a diagram5 to represent the path of solar winds as they flow around the Earth (the Earth's magnetosphere). Resources Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.5 The Cosmic Engine Program – Updated August 2007 Page 17 Program Evaluation Sheet Program: 8.5 The Cosmic Engine Stage/Course: Physics Please comment where appropriate on the strengths and weaknesses of this Program. Factors that should be considered include: 1. Time allocation: ___________________________________________________ 2. PFAs: ______________________________________________________________ 3. Domains: Knowledge and Understanding: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Domains: Skills: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Context: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Cross-curricular activities are appropriate (Stage 4/5 only) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Lesson sequence is appropriate: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Teaching strategies: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Improvements: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. Assessment: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Please use the other side of this sheet for any further comment