Part 3: Short Passages

台中市立惠文高級中學【高中部】九十九學年度第一學期 第三次定期評量
三年級英文科試題卷 範圍:三民 B1~B.4;(B.6) L5,6; V4000 下冊;;Ivy League 12/1-12/31; Ivy 模擬卷
Section I
12-I,12-II; 歷屆試題 98,99
I. Listening (5%)
Part 1: Best Response Questions
Choose the best response to each question
or statement
1. (A) He's is being punished for lying to his
(B) That man doesn't walk right. Maybe
he's handicapped.
(C) I've never seen him, but he looks
(D) The police officer is here to protect
(C) Have Barney groomed.
(D) Get a small device with their
information on it put in the pet.
Part 3: Short Passages
Listen to the two passages. Then choose the
best answer for each question.
7. (A) A man who reads stories to his
(B) A man who fights with swords and
(C) A man that is always away on
(D) A man that is concerned with how he
looks all the time.
2. (A) Do you want to go with us to the
game on Friday?
(B) Come over anytime you want to learn
how to cook.
(C) Move your chair over this way and be
careful not to break it.
(D) Come on. Just smoke one of these
cigarettes. You'll like it. I promise.
8. (A) They act as if they want to get ahead
in the business world.
(B)They are trained in ancient fighting
(C) They concentrate on the way they
look and dress.
(D) They are always out very late at night.
3. (A) I heard the boss is thinking about
firing him.
(B) It is true that they both have the same
taste in food.
(C) Edward hasn't been the boss here for
quite a while.
(D) Edward's abilities have gotten better
the longer he has worked here.
9. (A) He's the person that publishes The
New York Times.
(B)He has a plan to set up a newspaper.
(C)He's an editor at a famous newspaper.
(D)He's a person making a lot of money
from the Internet.
Part 2: Short Conversations
Listen to each conversation and answer the
4. (A) She got it from her mother.
(B) No drugs can help heal it.
(C) Her disease is no laughing matter.
(D) She's going to have to take drugs to
get better.
10.(A) If all newspapers were free, they'd be
able to compete with the Internet.
(B) The speaker doesn't want Arthur
Sulzberger, Jr. to die.
(C) Newspapers are a part of daily life.
(D) The speaker likes newspapers.
5.(A) It's not as nice as Rebecca's.
(B) It cost way more than Rebecca's.
(C) It's exactly the same as Rebecca's.
(D) Her identical twin has the same dress.
6.(A) Take their pet in for surgery.
(B) Get Barney neutered.
II. Vocabulary (20%)
You can imagine stepping outside of your home and taking in a deep breath of
fragrant air as you take a ___________ stroll around your very own lush,
Mediterranean-style garden teeming with figs, kiwi, peaches, roses in Sweden.
(A) lifetime
(C) mature
(D) mend
(B) motionless
(B) silver
(C) virtual
(D) nonsense
(B) object
(C) oppose
(D) organize
(B) wicked
(C) pleasant
(D) voluntary
Start-up investment fund Startmate has selected five businesses to _____________ in
a three-month program that includes $25,000 seed funding and mentoring from
successful Aussie entrepreneurs.
(A) perform
(B) measure
The ribbon-cutting ceremony for Taipei International Floral Exposition was just held
to announce the start and crowds of visitors have appeared to experience
___________ surprise and wonder.
(A) populous
(D) maximum
Although many individuals ___________ to new airport-screening procedures,
having to choose between either an electronic scanning or a full-body patdown search
is difficult for Muslim women who comply with religious rules requiring modesty and
head coverings.
(A) occupy
Did the atom bomb test fallout cause cancer? The huge ___________ clouds from
atom bomb tests of the 1950s and 1960s are an unforgettable scene of the American
(A) mushroom
Temperatures will begin to drop on Christmas Eve and heavy rains can be expected
all day in northern Taiwan. The chill will last, but the weather will turn dryer next
week, which will reduce the chances of snowfall in the ___________ areas.
(A) miraculous
(D) logical
Due to the fracture of his lumbar spine, Bareback rider Matt Bright is walking with a
back brace. He figures the bone will ___________ nicely with time. The hard part
will be getting himself back in riding shape.
(A) mention
(C) literary
The apartment is fueled by a renewable modern energy called denatured ethanol and
it burns clean and is virtually ___________ free, granting consumers significant
versatility and choice.
(A) magnificence
(B) leisurely
(B) permit
(C) participate
(D) pioneer
There are many ___________ being made about what’s going to happen in 2011. For
example, social media will be a tool used by more sales teams, social media training
will grow and sales intelligence will be a focus of more sales teams.
(A) preventions
(D) survey
(B) plenty
(C) necessity
(D) miracle
(B) offend
(C) calculate
(D) appreciate
(B) reluctance
(D) superstition
(B) regrettable
(D) courageous
(B) fascinate
(C) preserve
(D) attribute
Music teacher and composer Tseng Yu-chung has captured this year’s top prize at the
Musica Nova. He said, “The technique is similar to ‘developing variation,’ as
employed by Brahms and others, to work out all the ___________ possibilities.”
(C) liberate
Herbalists across China ___________ near-mystical qualities to Wisconsin's delicate
ginseng as a therapy for healing mind, body and spirit because it has strong
concentrations of organic compounds, which help regulate blood pressure and
harmonize the body's "chi," or life force.
(A) astonish
The Chinese Taipei Sports Journalism Federation was upset by World Taekwondo
Federation accusations that Taiwanese media were fanning anti-Korean sentiments. It
is ___________ that the WTF has used biased and provocative language to hint at the
Taiwanese media.
(A) legendary
(D) punctual
It is said that Taiwanese model and actress Lin Chiling earned about NT$160 million
this year. But her ___________ to confirm the report on her earnings could have
something to do with her tax case, which she said has not been resolved yet.
(C) regional
95 teenagers from Singapore and Malaysia went to Tzu Chi University and put on a
sign language performance of the Sutra of Profound Gratitude toward Parents. The
students said they learned to ___________ their mothers and fathers a little more.
(A) associate
(B) regretful
Christmas is around the corner. Red decorative ribbons are in _____________ along
the walkways leading to the dog suites, where dogs contently sleep on beds made for
little kids and dine on the same individual diets they are spoiled with at home.
(A) abundance
(D) protections
If you want to make Christmas cards, go to a dollar store and buy some regular-sized
colorful computer paper. In your own personal hand-writing, you _____________ the
person's name at the top in big letters and list all the wonderful things about them in
the big long list.
(A) dictate
(C) predictions
The lateness problem remains and troubles the most companies. The importance of
being ___________ should still be considered, emphasized and encouraged as a
matter of respect to others and an exercise in professionalism.
(A) queer
(B) principles
(C) suspicion
(D) emergency
Electronic invoices will soon be ___________ at bricks-and-mortar stores on a trial
basis for the first time in Taiwan, as part of government plans to gradually replace
paper bills with e-invoicing by 2012.
(A) available
(C) multiple
(D) incomparable
The National Communications Commission (NCC) recently decided to revoke the
license of ERA Channel, because of repeated violations of a ban on embedded
advertising. Such has, nevertheless, aroused criticism that the violations do not
___________ such a severe punishment as license revocation
(A) induce
(B) conventional
(B) perceive
(C) deserve
(D) summon
A young Myanmar director, Brang Htoi Aung, won a film prize in Japan Amateur
Film Directors Competition. He said his greatest ___________ was his parents. “I
didn’t get any support from my family. My parents said to me ‘What you are making
is a waste of money.’”
(A) celebrity
(C) obstacle
(D) assistance
III. Cloze (15%)
Just 50 years ago, Abu Dhabi was an undeveloped city __31__ residents live in palm leaf
huts. They made money the same way they had for thousands of years through camel herding,
pearl diving and fishing. __32__, a forward-thinking Arabic leader, Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan,
saw how oil wealth could transform Abu Dhabi, so in 1971 he __33__ an ambitious development
program. The city planners were given the green light to hire the most __34__ architectural firms
in the world—and they did. Nowadays, the Abu Dhabi skyline is a glittering ranger of
skyscrapers, with more than 60 in some stage of construction.
However, Abu Dhabi’s attractions are not purely architectural. __35__ it large immigrant
population, Abu Dhabi is multicultural because it has restaurants and celebrations from all over
the world. What’s more, there are also many exciting exhibitions and sports events or
archaeological remains for visitors to explore, to experience and above all, to enjoy.
31. (A) which
(B) whose
(C) when
(D) that
32. (A) Therefore
(B) Accordingly
(C) However
(D) Despite
33. A) embarked on
(B) went through
(C) pulled off
(D) gave out
34. A) exotic
(B) prestigious
(C) anonymous
(D) accumulating
35. A) Thanks to
(B) By contrast
(C) In spite of
(D) According to
The extremely high salt content of the Dead Sea prevent animal life __36__ finding a home
in its waters. Bathers in the lake tell stories of how the salt allows them to float __37__ having to
move a muscle. Many pictures have been taken of people floating in the Dead Sea with their feet
__38__ while they are holding newspapers. The Dead Sea, however, is dying because factories on
the shores of the lake __39__ the water to extract minerals. One proposal is to make a __40__
that would bring water from the red sea to the Dead Sea.
36. (A) by
(B) with
(C) for
(D) from
37. (A) unless
(B) without
(C) and
(D) from
38. (A) stretch
(B) extend
(C) become straight (D) up
39. (A) evaporate
(B) exceed
(C) feed
(D) breed
40. (A) cannon
(B) canvas
(C) canal
(D) carton
__41__ on Green Island’s southeast coast, Jhaorih Hot Spring is one of the only three
saltwater hot springs in the world. (__42__ are found in Italy and Japan.) At this hot spring, ocean
water, heated deep underground, __43__ through the lava rock and wells up to the surface
__44__ a temperature that is excellent for a hot spring resort. So far, the Tourism Bureau has built
three pools, __45__.
41. (A) Locating
(B) Situated
(C) Stood
(D) Lain
42. (A) The other
(B) The others
(C) others
(D) Another
43. (A) leap
(B) leaps
(C) leaping
(D) to leap
44. (A) in
(B) on
(C) at
(D) by
45. (A) each has a different temperature
(B) each of which with a different temperature
(C) each with a different temperature
(D) and each with a different temperature
IV. Matching (10%)
(A) motivated
(B) with
(C) given
(D) involving
(E) intended
(AC) strategy
(AD) depositing
Children normally have a distrust of new foods. But it’s the parents’ job to serve a variety of
foods and expose their children to healthy dieting habits.
Some simple strategies can help even the pickiest eater learn to like a more varied diet. First
of all, you don’t have to send children out of the kitchen. __46__ hot stoves, boiling water and
sharp knives at hand, it is understandable that parents don’t want children in the kitchen when
they’re making dinner. But studies suggest that __47__ children in meal preparation is an
important first step in getting them to try new foods. In one study, nearly 600 children from
kindergarten to sixth grade took part in a nutrition curriculum __48__ to get them to eat more
vegetables and whole grains. The researchers found that children who had cooked their own
foods were more likely to eat those foods in the cafeteria than children who had not. Kids don’t
usually like radishes, but if kids cut them up and put them in the salad, they will love the dish.
Another __49__ is not to diet in front of your children. Kids are tuned into their parents’
eating preferences and are far more likely to try foods if they see their mother or father eating
them. __50__ this powerful effect, parents who are trying to lose weight should be careful of how
their dieting habits can influence a child’s perceptions about food and healthful eating. In one
study of 5-year-old girls about dieting, one child noted that dieting involved drinking chocolate
milkshakes, because her mother was using Slim-Fast drinks. By exposing young children to
erratic dieting habits, parents may be putting them at risk for eating disorders.
(A) remain
(B) retain
(C) prosper
(D) wherever
(E) without
(AB) only by
(AC) despite
(AD) adjusting
Football is more than a sport; it is also an invaluable teacher. In teaching young players to
cooperate with their fellows on the practice field, the game shows them the necessity of
teamwork in society. It prepares them to be better citizens and persons.
__51__ football is played, the players learn the rough-and-tumble lesson that only
through the cooperation of each member can the team win. It is a lesson they must always
remember on the field. Off the field, they continue to keep it in mind. In society, the former
player does not look upon himself as a lone wolf who has the right to __52__ isolated from the
society and go his own way. He understands his place in the team; he knows he is a member of
society and must behave himself as such. He realizes that __53__ cooperating can he do his share
in making society what it should be. The man who has played football knows that teamwork is
essential in modern living. He is also aware that every citizen must do his part if the nation is to
__54__. So he has little difficulty in __55__ himself to his role in family life and in the business
world, and to his duties as a citizen.
V. Reading Comprehension (32%)
A current trend in Japan has officials worried—more and more young men and women are
choosing to remain single later in life. It has even led to the coining of a new term, “parasite
singles,” which refers to young people that stay single and live with their parents instead of
marrying and moving out. To counter this trend, experts in Japan has started a marriage campaign.
The slogan for this campaign is Konkatsu, which means marriage hunting. The hope is to
convince young Japanese people that they should change their thoughts on marriage.
Both men and women are responsible for the current situation, but for different reasons.
Japanese men are worried about the state of the economy and bigger money problems in the
future. Many are also making less than past generations, working freelance instead of long-term
jobs. They worry that they won’t have enough money to support a family, so they put off
marriage for years. Women, on the other hand, have unrealistic expectations about marriage.
Many are waiting to marry a rich man and don’t want to work after they get married. With the
Konkatsu program, experts are hoping that many singles will change their perspective and make
it their goal to find a spouse.
56. According to this article, Konkatsu aims to_____.
(A) urge young people to get married
(B) help young people to find jobs
(C) help young people to save money
(D) urge young people to stay single
57. According to this article, which of the following is the main reason for Japanese men to
remain single?
(A) fear of intimacy
(B) economic instability
(C) insecure social environment
(D) lack of self-achievement
58. According to this article, “parasite singles” refer to_____.
(A) a disease
(B) a virus
(C) a phenomenon
(D) a device
The Koh-i-Noor, meaning “mountain of light” in Persian, was once the largest diamond in the
world. You may not have heard of it, but this jewel has been the cause of numerous battles
throughout history. Nations have fallen and countless lives have been lost because of this
The Koh-i-Noor originally came from India. Legends surrounds its origin, one of which says
it was found approximately 5000 years ago. Some Hindu stories even tell of the god Krishna
having has possession of the stone. However, the first mention of Koh-i-Noor diamond in
historical records was in 1526. The Muslim conqueror Babur mentioned the stone in his memoirs,
claiming that it belonged to an Indian king or prince in 1294. Babur wrote that the value of the
stone at that time was high enough to feed the entire world for two days.
Babur’s words didn’t lie. In truth, they highlighted the fact that the diamond was valuable
enough to make enemies go to war for it. The diamond usually ended up on the side of the winner,
and its current owner is Queen Elizabeth II of England. The Koh-i-Noor has become part of the
crown jewels of England and recently, it has been in the spotlight again. Some people have
demanded that it be returned to the land from which it came. This incredible gem is still causing
disputes. Nobody can predict who own the Koh-i-Noor in the future.
59. According to this article, Koh-i-Noor comes from_____.
(A) France
(B) Mongolia
(C) India
(D) England
60. According to this article, which of the following statement is Not true?
(A) Koh-i-Noor used to be the cause of numerous battles in history.
(B) Koh-i-Noor used to be the blood diamond after WWII.
(C) Currently, some demand the return of Koh-i-Noor to India.
(D) Koh-i-Noor’s is said to be valuable enough to feed the entire world for two days.
61. According to this article, which of the following never owns Koh-i-Noor?
(A) Krishna
(B) Babur
(C) Queen Elizabeth II (D) Julius Caesar
Cetacea is the name zoologists have given to whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Of the more
than 33 species of dolphins around the world, one ranges throughout Southeast Asia to the coasts
of Australia. The Chinese while dolphin, also known as the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, is a
very popular animal in the region.
Like all cetacea, Chinese white dolphins live in water but breathe air. Adults may grow from
two to three and a half meters in length and weigh as much as 230 kilograms. They are carnivores
and feed many on fish, squid and octopi. Adults can live as long as 40 years.
Although it’s named the Chinese white dolphin, the infants are born black. As they mature,
their color changes to gray and then either to pink or white. Only those that call southern China
home are pink. Like other dolphin species, the Chinese white dolphin can jump vertically out of
the water. This ability makes it a favorite for nature lovers, who can now enjoy special boat trips
around Hong Kong to observe and photograph this friendly and intelligently animal. With the
decreasing numbers, however, the Chinese white dolphin needs protection to continue surviving.
62. According to this article, which of the following doesn’t belong to Cetacea?
(A) whales
(B) squid
(C) dolphins
(D) porpoises
63. Which of the following statement about Chinese while dolphins in Not true?
(A) An adult Chinese white dolphin may grow from two to three and a half meter tall.
(B) Chinese white dolphins are purely white all through their lives.
(C) Chinese white dolphins mainly live in the Indo-Pacific region.
(D) Chinese white dolphins eat fish, squid and octopi.
64. Why Chinese white dolphins are popular among nature lovers?
(A) They are pink.
(B) They are carnivores.
(C) They are huge and violent.
(D) They can jump out of water vertically.
Family and friends of 33 Chilean miners rejoiced after their loved ones were rescued after
being trapped underground for a record-breaking ten weeks. The miners’ ordeal became famous
all over the world, and the rescue effort itself was viewed on television by over one billion people.
The 33 men were given immediate medical attention as they were pulled from the mine one by
one, but all of them were reported to be in relatively good shape despite the terrible conditions in
which they were forced to live for so long.
After the initial collapse of the mine on August 5th, authorities feared that there may not
have been any survivors. It took rescuers more than two weeks of tedious searching simply to
locate the men. When they were found, experts on mining accidents were amazed that they were
still alive. The miners were located by drilling holes into areas of the mine where authorities
thought they were likely to be. When the miners were found, however, it became immediately
clear that getting them out was going to be no easy task. Buried beneath 700 meters of rock, their
only possible way of escape was through a man-sized hole that would take weeks to drill. As the
daunting task was undertaken, the trapped men were sent essential survival supplies, such as
water, food and medicine.
When the rescue shaft was completed in early October, the men were pulled to the surface
one at a time in a specially designed capsule to be reunited with their loved ones. Throughout
their difficult time underground, the miners never gave up hope and became an inspiration to
millions of people around the world who watched the drama unfold on the television and the
65. According to the passage, which of the following is false?
(A) The miners were trapped underground for over two months.
(B) The miners were in terrible condition when they were finally rescued.
(C) The fate of the miners was unknown for more than two weeks.
(D) The miners were rescued through a long hole that was drilled into the mine.
66. What is meant by the word daunting?
(A) time-consuming
(B) difficult and almost overwhelming
(C) long and boring
(D) interesting and exciting
67. What can be inferred from the passage?
(A) The government did not act quickly enough to help save the miners.
(B) The mine that collapsed had a long history of safety problems.
(C) The miners’ not being cooperative led to this accident.
(D) Nobody has ever been trapped underground longer than the miners
Sixteen-year-old Briton Christian Owens has become one of the youngest business tycoons
in the world. His Internet-based marketing companies have made him over £1,000,000 in the past
two years. The young entrepreneur established his first company, called “Mac Box Bundle”,
when he was just 14. This company alone has made over £700,000 since it was first established,
and his second venture, named “Branchr”, has seen similar success, earning the young man over
£500,000 in less than a year. A business man with wisdom beyond his years, Owens has
invested most of his profits back into his companies in order to help them grow even bigger.
Being just 16 years of age, Owens is still in high school, so he must juggle his growing
business empire with his daily school work. On a typical day, he returns home from school at
about 5:00 p.m. and then spends the better part of his evenings working on his ventures. While
he tries to set aside some time on the weekends to relax and hang out with his friends, he says
that the demands of work often prevent him from doing so.
Owens says he inherited a strong work ethic from his father, a factory worker, and his
mother, a secretary at a local company. However, the person who really inspired him to become a
successful businessperson was none other than Steve Jobs, the founder and CEO of Apple, Inc.
It was Jobs’s vision, creativity, and incredible success that Owens wanted to duplicate, and he
aspires to be a household name one day in the realm of Internet advertising. While he certainly
has a lot of work ahead of him, Owens says he loves what he does and won’t stop until he is
worth £100,000,000.
68. According to the passage, which of the following is false?
(A) Owens’s first company made over £500,000 in its first two years.
(B) Owens has little free time to spend with his friends.
(C) Owens sells a variety of different products on the Internet.
(D) Owens really admires Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs.
69. What is meant by the word “duplicate”?
(A) trade
(B) copy
(C) have
(D) trust
70. What can be inferred from the passage?
(A) Owens is trying hard to make his businesses more and more successful.
(B) Owens doesn’t really think that school is all that important.
(C) Owens hopes to be more famous than Steve Jobs one day.
(D) Owens is one of many rich, young Internet entrepreneurs.
71. What is the best title of this article?
(A) The key to a successful online business.
(B) Teenage entrepreneur strikes it rich.
(C) Even a teenager can make a fortune through online business.
(D) How a teenager is crazy about Internet advertising.
Section II
VI. Vocabulary (10%)
72. My son is dreaming to be a teacher. I wonder if there is still a teaching v_____y in your
73. There are 30 ca________s applying for the job. The competition is more than keen.
74. My sister is a s_______c girl, who always donates her pocket money to help the poor.
75. China is n______s for imprisoning dissident Liu Xiaobo, who won the 2010 Nobel Peace
Prize recently.
76. If we may set off earlier, we are likely to reach our d______n by 5 PM in the afternoon.
VII. Translation (8%)
77. 相關當局越忽視校園霸凌,越多學生變成暴力的受害者。(The 比較級..., the 比較級....)
78. 薑雖然嚐起來嗆辣,但據說它對人體健康有正面影響。(…as..., …)
台中市立惠文高級中學【高中部】九十九學年度第一學期 第三次定期評量
班 級:
號 姓名:
Section II
VI. Vocabulary (20%)
VII. Translation (8%)
77. 相關當局越忽視校園霸凌,越多學生變成暴力的受害者。(The 比較級..., the 比較級....)
78. 薑雖然嚐起來嗆辣,但據說它對人體健康有正面影響。(…as..., …)