The Diver and the Dolphins

By: Wayne Grover
Steps in a Process
 Steps in a process: the actions or steps you take in order to
reach a goal
 Clue words include: numbers, illustrations, or sequence
words (first, next, last, etc.)
 If there are no clues, think about what you already know
about how a process might be done
*When you finish writing these notes,
read “First Aid ABCs” on page 134 silently to yourself *
 Respond to the following two questions on a separate
sheet of paper:
List the steps to take if you think someone is choking
2. How does picturing the result of the Heimlich
maneuver help you remember the steps?
 Complete practice book page 51
Get seated and…
Place all of your homework on
your desk
Silently read your literature
circle book
The Diver and the Dolphins
 Preview and Predict:
 What kind of selection do you think this is? Why?
 What can you tell about the setting?
 What do you predict the selection will be about?
 First Read: as you listen, follow along and try to
visualize what is happening in the story
Close Read
 In groups of 3, read the story aloud one page at a time
 Respond to the vocabulary and comprehension
questions as you go along!
Informational Article
 Let’s read the selection together
 Pick 3 sentences from the text that are main ideas of the
 Then, list sentences that are supporting examples of each
main idea.
 Example:
 Main Idea: “For dolphins, getting along is a long-term
investment in survival.
 Supporting example: “They get along by doing things with
each other- feeding, playing, resting, touching, and resolving
Dolphin Behavior
 Review Questions:
What steps do the researchers take to study the
Atlantic Spotted dolphins? Support your answer with
details from the article.
2. How is babysitting for dolphin babies similar to babysitting for human babies?
3. Why do you think the author’s wrote this article?
4. How can this article better help you understand Wayne
Grover’s experience in “The Diver and the Dolphins?”