
Chapter 7 Study Guide
Pages 210-216
1- What is a virus?
2- How are they like living things?
3- What is a host?
4- What are the 2 parts of a virus?
5- How do “hidden viruses” work?
6- (page 215) What is a vaccine?
Pages 217-225
1- List several places that bacteria can live.
2- What does it mean that bacteria are prokaryotes?
3- What are the 3 shapes of bacteria? ______________, ____________________, ____________________
4- What are the 2 ways that bacteria can obtain food?
5- What is asexual reproduction?
6- What is conjugation?
7- List 3 foods from pages 222-223 that bacteria help us get. ________________, ________________,
8- What are decomposers?
9- What is one other benefit (good thing) that bacteria do for us?
Pages 226-235
1- What are protists?
2- Although protists are very different from each other, what 2 characteristics do they all share?
3- What are protozoans?
4- What are cilia?
5- What are algae?
6- In what way(s) are algae like plants?
7- (page 232) How are Euglenoids different from other algae?
8- What do the bladders of Brown Algae do?
9- How are fungi-like protists like fungus?
Pages 236-241
1- What are the characteristics of Fungi?
2- What are hyphae?
3- Do all Fungi have hyphae?______
4- How do Fungi obtain food?
5- How do most Fungi reproduce?
6- How are the different Fungi classified?
7- List 2 benefits (good things) of Fungi.
8- List a detriment (bad thing) of Fungi.
9- What is a Lichen?
For the Quiz , make sure you . . .
Can define: Virus, host, vaccine, bacteria, asexual reproduction, decomposer, protist, protozoan, algoe, fungi,
Understand why viruses have some characteristics of living things, but aren’t alive
Know the main characteristic of the bacteria kingdom
Understand that the Protists are a very diverse kingdom
Know how different Fungi are classified
Can list benefits and detriments of bacteria, Protists, and Fungi