The University of Economics in Prague (Department of Environmental Economics) and the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic Are inviting you to 7th Seminar of Postgraduate Students, Young Scientists and Researchers Environmental Economics, Policy and International Environmental Relations October 6-7, 2005 The University of Economics in Prague Main campus W. Churchilla sq. 4 Prague 3 - Žižkov Czech Republic PROGRAM Day 1: Thursday, October 6, 2005 room: SB-Library Club-first floor 08.50 09.00 Registration Opening speeches and key lecture: Zdenek Stepanek, deputy rector, VSE Prague Jiri Hlavacek, MoE Prague Section I. Chair: Davide Poletto 09.30-10.50 Comparative Analysis of European Union and United States Climate Change Policies Ana Pueyo Velasco In Search of Common Ground: Economic Instruments for Environmental Protection and the World Trade System Vojtech Maca Cost-effectiveness Analysis and Decision Making under the EU Waterframework Directive Donne van Engelen Economic Consequences of EU Environmental Legislation Implementation in the Czech Republic Jaroslav Prchal 10.50-11.00 11.00-11.15 Discussion Coffee Section II. Chair: Walter Foley 11.15-12.15 Sustainable Development Indicators in Ukraine Made on Basis of OECD and WB Techniques Nadiya Kostyuchenko Palestian Environmental Strategy and Policy Darwish Shpair Urban Sprawl and its Causes – Case of the USA Eliska Kotikova 12.15-12.30 12.30-13.30 Section III. Chair: 13.30-14.30 Discussion Lunch Break Donne van Engelen Corporate Social Responsibility in Hungary with a Special Focus on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Noemi Csigene Nagypal Ate the Financial Forms Socially Responsible? The Frame for Bank CSR Performance Appraisal Monica Marcinkowska Managers and Environment in the Czech republic Jiri Dvorak 14.30-14.45 14.45-15.00 Section IV. Chair: 15.00-16.15 Discussion Coffee Noemi Csigene Nagypal Environmental marketing Lucie Lustigova Cooperation in the Supply Chain in the Ways of Logistics, Quality Safety and Environmental Protection in the Food Area Peggy Sommer, Matthias Kramer Green Public Procurement as a Sustainable Consumption Instrument Ondrej Vojacek The challenges of implementing EU environmental policy in Ireland: interpreting the ‘missing link’ in waste management policy Bernadette Connaughton 16.15-16.30 Discussion 16.30 End of the 1st day 17.00 Dinner ********************************************************************* Day 2: Friday, October 7, 2005 room: 157a NB (rector’s meeting room) 9.00 Section V. Chair: 09.30-10.30 Key lecture: Miroslav Hajek, MoE CR Nadiya Kostyuchenko Possibilities of Environmental Tax Reform in Air Protection Area Jarmila Zimmermannova Environmentally Harmful Subsidies in the Czech Republic Jaroslav Klusak World Fisheries and Potentials of Aqua farming Tereza Urbanova 10.30-10.45 10.45-11.00 Discussion Coffee Section VI. Chair: Peggy Sommer 11.00-12.00 Agri-environmental Programs in Czech Republic: Hope for More Effective Nature Conservation or Just another Form of Agriculture Subsidies? Jiri Moravec Green Tax Reform and Green Subsidy Reform for Sustainable Agriculture Ladislav Hanus Promotion of the Biofuels Utilization in the Czech Republic by using Economic Tools Hana Foltynova, Vojtech Maca 12.00-12.15 12.15-13.15 Discussion Lunch Break Section VII. Chair: Monica Marcinkowska 13.15-14.15 Economic Valuation of Air Pollution Damages on Forestry in Jizerske Hory Mountains: The Case of TCM and CVM Jan Melichar Metabolism Accounting for the Measurement of Settlement Sustainability in Ireland Walter Foley, Bernadette O’Regan, Richard Moles Sustainable Waste Management in the Czech Republic and Poland Robert Pernetta 14.15-14.30 14.30-14.45 Discussion Coffee Section VIII. Chair: Ana Pueyo Velasco 14.45-15.45 The Loci of Governance for Sustainable Development through Analogies and Differences Davide Poletto Sustainable Development and Laboratory Experiments Silvia Aguilar, Lucie Lustigova Business Proactivity: Laboratory Experiments in Water Protection: Individual and Public Decision-Making Eliska Kotikova, Silvia Aguilar, Lucie Lustigova 15.45-16.30 Discussions 16.30 Conclusions and End of the Seminar Steering Committee of the seminar: Mr. Petr Sauer University of Economics of Prague Mr. Jiri Hlavacek Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic Mr. Mirolav Hajek Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic Additional information: Doc. Ing. Petr Sauer, CSc. Head of the Department of Environment Economics University of Economics in Prague W. Churchilla 4 130 67 Praha 3 tel.: + 420-2-24095509 fax: + 420-2-24095529 e-mail: Confirmation of Participation I confirm my participation at the 7th seminar of postgraduate students, young scientists and researchers “Environmental Economics, Policy and International Environmental Relations” organized at The University of Economics in Prague October 6, 2005 yes - no October 7, 2005 yes - no I would like to contribute with a discussion intervention (about 5 minutes) yes - no I would like to publish my discussion intervention in the seminar proceedings book (max 1000 words) yes - no Name: …………………………………………………….. Affiliation: ………………………………………………… E-mail: …………………………………………………….. (Signature ………………………………..) Send this confirmation on e-mail or on the fax: 420-224-095-509 No seminar fee is required