Reading List for ENGL 200x The items in bold are from The Art of the Story and those in regular type are from the Riverside Anthology. Authors with TBA after their names are poets and I will give these assignments to you as handouts. Europe 1/24 Italian Italian Giovanni Boccaccio Daniele del Giudice “Fiammetta’s Story” “All Because of the Mistake” 1/26 Italian French Antonio Tabucchi Gustave Flaubert “A Riddle” “A Simple Soul” 1/28 French French Guy De Maupassant Charles Perrault “Bellflower” “Two Little Sodiers” “Blue Beard” 1/31 French Francois Villon 2/2 French Andre Breton TBA 2/4 Irish Irish James Joyce Colum McCann “Araby” “Everything in This Country Must” 2/7 Irish Oscar Wilde TBA 2/9 Scottish Welsh Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Ian McEwan “The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle” “Pornography” 2/11 German German E.T.A. Hoffman Ingo Schulze “The Sandman” “The Ring” 2/14 German Rainier Maria Rilke TBA 2/16 Polish Danish Pawel Huelle Peter Hoeg “Moving House” “Portrait of the Avant-Garde” 2/18 Norwegian Swedish Roy Jacobsen Torgny Lindgren “Encounter” “The Stump Grubber” North Africa and the Middle East 2/21 Egyptian Lebanese Naguib Mahfouz Hanan Al-Shaykh “The Time and the Place” “The Keeper of the Virgins” 2/23 Moroccan Turkish Mohammed Mrabet Murathan Mungan “The Canebrake” “The Tale of the Crystal Kiosk” 2/25 Israeli Amos Oz “Where the Jackals Howl” African Ama Ata Aidoo “No Sweetness Here” Nigerian South African Chinua Achebe Nadine Gordimer “Vengeful Creditor” “Spoils” China, East Asia, and India 3/2 Chinese Vietnamese Can Xue Duong Thu Huong “The Child Who Raised Poisonous Snakes” “Reflections of Spring” 3/4 Japanese Japanese Yasunari Kawabata Yukio Mishima “Immortality” “Swaddling Clothes” 3/7 Japanese Japanese Hisaye Yamamoto Haruki Murakami “Seventeen Syllables” “The Elephant Vanishes” Africa 2/28 TBA 3/9 Midterm Review 3/11 MIDTERM 3/14-3/18 SPRING BREAK 3/21 Japanese Indian (British) Banana Yoshimoto Ruth Prawer Jhabvala “Helix” “In the Mountains” 3/23 Indian (British) Indian Salman Rushdie Vikram Chandra “The Free Radio” “Dharma” Indian Bharati Mukherjee “The Management of Grief” Russian Anton Chekov “Easter Eve” “The Lady With the Dog” 3/30 Russian Russian Nikolai Gogol Ivan Turgenev “The Overcoat” “Yermolai and the Miller’s Wife” 4/1 Russian Russian Victor Erofeyev Victor Pelevin “The Parakeet” “The Life and Adventures…” 4/4 Russian Tatyana Tolstaya “On the Golden Porch” Australia and New Zealand New Zealand Patricia Grace “At the River” 4/6 New Zealand Australian Katherine Mansfield Peter Carey “The Daughters of ...” “Miss Brill” “The Fat Man in History” 4/8 Australian John Kinsella TBA South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean Chilean Pablo Neruda TBA 4/11 Carribean Derek Walcott TBA 4/13 Peruvian Argentinean Isabel Allende Jorges Luis Borges “And of Clay We Are Created” “The Garden of the Forking Paths” 4/15 Argentinean Dominican Rep. Luisa Valenzuela Juan Bosch “Who, Me a Bum?” “The Woman” 4/18 Dominican Rep. Nicaraguan Junot Diaz Ruben Darion “Ysrael” “The Ruby” 4/20 Hatian Hatian Paule Barton Edwidge Danticat 4/22 Mexican Mexican Carlos Fuentes Octavio Paz “These Were Palaces” “The Blue Bouquet” 4/25 West Indian Colombian Jamaica Kincaid Gabriel Garcia Marquez “At the Bottom of the River” “Monologue of Isabel Watching it Rain in Macondo” 4/27 Uruguayan Uruguayan Horacio Quiroga Eduardo Galeano “The Wilderness” “The Story of the Lizard” 4/29 Cuban Martinique Reinaldo Arenas Patrick Chamoiseau “The Glass Tower” “The Old Man Slave and the Mastiff” 3/28 Russia “Emilie Plead Choose One Egg” “Night Women” 5/2 TBA 5/4 TBA (Last day of instruction) 5/11 FINAL EXAM 8-10 am