Supplemental Graphics, Activities and Worksheets for the What's It

Supplemental Graphics, Activities and Worksheets
for the What’s It Worth DVD Demonstrations
The supporting materials are:
Rocks on the Ground . . . Rocks on Your Face, page 2
Pet Rock, pages 3 - 5
Apple Earth, pages 6 - 9
Plate Tectonics, pages 10 - 18
Sedimentary Rocks, pages 19 - 22
Mineral Exploration: Cupcake Core Sampling, pages 23 - 25
Economics of Mining: Cookie Mining, pages 26 - 31
Gold Panning in Your Classroom, pages 32 - 33
Find additional FREE educational resources and low-cost supplemental
materials at
Makeup— A Wealth of Minerals
Have you ever read the ingredients in makeup, shampoo, or toothpaste?
It might surprise you. Many personal-care products contain a wealth of
mineral materials taken from the Earth. Take, for example, eye shadow:
One of the first ingredients
listed in eye shadow is usually talc
- a magnesium silicate mineral.
Its platy crystal habit is in part
the reason why talc has been an
important ingredient in cosmetics
since 3500 B.C. The plates glide
smoothly across each other,
allowing makeup to be applied
easily. They lie across the pores
in the skin and lessen the chance
of clogging pores, while providing
texture to the skin. Yet they are
translucent enough not to be
Talc is resistant to acids, bases,
and heat and tends to repel water.
In addition to eye shadows, talc
is used in loose and pressed
powders, blushes, is a filler in
some deodorants, and is added
to lotions and creams. Talc can
also be found in chewing gum and
Mica, a mineral widely used in
eye shadows, powder, lipstick, and
nail polish, is added to give luster
or pearlescence to a product.
Mica is resistant to ultraviolet light,
heat, weather and chemical attack
and adheres to the skin. Like talc,
it has excellent slip characteristics
and may be used to replace talc in
a makeup. When coated with iron
oxide, mica flakes sparkle with a
gold tint.
Kaolin, a clay, is added to
makeup to absorb moisture. It
covers the skin well, will stay on
the skin, and is resistant to oil.
Kaolin and another clay, bentonite,
are added to the earth-based face
masks or packs predominately
for their cleansing effects. Clays
are also used as fillers in different
Powdered calcite, a calcium
carbonate, absorbs moisture.
Because of this, calcite and a
magnesium carbonate, processed
from dolomite, are added to
powders to increase the ability of
the makeup to absorb moisture.
When it comes to makeup, color
is the name of the game. Minerals
provide the color to eyes, cheeks,
lips, and nails. Iron oxide, one of
the most important color minerals,
was used by Cleopatra in the form
of red ochre as rouge.
Today, iron oxides give red,
orange, yellow, brown, and black
tones to makeup. Chrome oxides
are used for greens; manganese
violet for purple; ground lapis lazuli
may be added to makeup for blue.
Ultramarine blue and pink coloring
is made from a mixture of kaolin,
soda ash, sulfur, and charcoal.
Even gold has historically
been used as a colorant. Ancient
Egyptians used gold to color skin
and hair. Gold can still be found in
powders and other makeup to add
a ‘rich’ golden sheen to the skin.
As an artist starts a painting
with a bright white canvas to
give the colors brightness and
intensity, titanium dioxide is added
to brighten and intensify the color
of makeup, and to give whiteness
and opacity. Titanium dioxide
is also a natural sunblock and,
like talc, iron oxides, and gold,
it has been used for centuries.
Titanium dioxide can be found
in any makeup—shadow, blush,
nail polish, lotions, lipstick, and
Distributed by Women In Mining Education Foundation
Page 2
powders. Titanium dioxide also
makes Oreo cookies frosting
extra-white and is the “M” on
M&M’s candy.
Minerals also find their way
into health-care products we use
daily. Salt is effective in treating
skin disease and is used in some
soaps. Fluorite, processed for
fluoride, is added to toothpaste
and drinking water to help prevent
tooth decay.
Calcium carbonate (calcite)
and baking soda (nahcolite) are
abrasives in toothpaste. A borax
and beeswax mixture is added to
cleansing creams as an emulsifier
to keep oil and water together.
Boric acid is a mild antiseptic and
is added to powder as a skinbuffering agent.
Zinc oxide is added to creams
to allow the cream to cover more
thoroughly. Zinc oxide ointment,
which contains approximately
20% zinc oxide, is used to heal
dry, chapped skin. When an
unlucky hiker runs into poison
ivy, calamine-base lotions are
often used to soothe the itchy
skin. Calamine is another name
for hemimorphite, a zinc silicate
As you can see, minerals are
found in many things we use.
So, the next time you are in the
supermarket, take a moment
and acquaint yourself with the
multitude of minerals that are a
part of our daily lives.
Authors Donna Boreck and Liane
Kadnuck are geologists formerly with
the USBM Denver Research Center,
Rocks On the Ground ...Rocks On Your Face
Page 1 of 1
Students will learn to use various physical properties for rock identification.
Rocks (one per student)
Pet Rock Form
Eye droppers
Weight Scales
Hand Lens
Streak Plates
INSTRUCTIONS (30-40 minutes)
Place all of the rocks in a pile on a table and let each student pick out their own “Pet Rock”.
Give each student 10 to 15 minutes to complete the “Pet Rock” form using the various
supplies given. Have them record all of their observations on the form. These will be the
physical properties that are specific to their rock.
Collect all of the rocks and spread them out over a large table. Give the students 10 to 15
minutes to see if they can find their own rock.
Have the students explain what properties they used to identify their own “Pet Rock”.
As an alternative to having each student find their rock, have the students give their form to another
student. See if the second student can identify the correct rock using only the form. This can be
used to show the importance of using good descriptions to identify something.
Additional supplemental material: Purchase the Rock & Mineral newspaper activity at:
Students fill out this 17” x 22” newspaper-style worksheet to learn more about rocks &
Page 3
Pet Rock
Page 1 of 3
Pet Rock
What is special about your rock?
Draw a side view of your rock
Draw a front view of your rock
Other Information?
Rock’s Name:
Light or Dark:
Rough or Smooth:
Color Description:
How Big?
How Heavy?
How Hard?
Scratched by ...
A Penny?
Page 4
Will It Float?
Will Vinegar
Make It
Pet Rock
Page 2 of 3
Pet Rock
Page 3 of 3
• Gritty— Sandy
• Powdery— Earthy
or chalky
• Smooth— Glass
• Smooth & sticky—
• Sharp— Metallic
C olor
S am ple #
White, black,
gray, green, yellow, blue, red,
orange, brown,
C olor
S am ple #
Page 5
S treak
Color of the
mineral when
it’s scratched
across a streak
S treak
S m ell
• Earthy
• Sour
• Sweet
• Rotten egg
• Other
S m ell
• Glassy/vitreousshines like glass
• Earthy/chalky-dull
• Metallic-looks like
• Waxy/silky/pearly-has
a muted shine
Attracts to
a magnet
Yes or No
Reacts to
acid (fizzes)
Yes or No
M agnetic C hem ical
M agnetic C hem ical
Using Physical Properties to identify minerals
H ardness
W eight
W eight
Specific gravity
Mohs Scale
weight goes
Mineral scratched by
from very light
(Diatomite) to
2 Fingernail
very heavy (Mag3
4 Penny
5 Steel (knife blade)
6 Glass
7-10 Mineral will scratch steel/
H ardness
Page 6
Apple Earth
Page 1 of 4
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Apple Earth
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Thickness of Earth’s crust is
0 to 44 miles (0 to 70 kilometers)
Upper Mantle
Lower Mantle
Outer Core
Inner Core
Distance from Earth’s surface to center is
approximately 3,960 miles (6,370 kilometers)
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Apple Earth
Page 3 of 4
From the U.S. Geological Survey—
Cutaway views showing the internal structure of the Earth.
Crust 0-100 km
(crust and uppermost solid mantle)
2,900 km
Outer core
5,100 km
Inner core
Not to scale
6,378 km
To scale
Above (circle): This view drawn to
scale demonstrates that the Earth’s
crust literally is only skin deep.
Above (wedge view): A view not drawn
to scale to show the Earth’s three main
layers (crust, mantle, and core) in more
Like the shell of an egg, the Earth’s
crust is brittle and can break.
Page 9
Apple Earth
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PURPOSE: To acquaint the student with the concept of plate tectonics.
MATERIALS: • oranges
• clay or play dough (optional)
• toothpicks
1. Have the students peel the orange without the use of a knife and in as few pieces as
possible. This peel represents the Earth’s crust and the crust is in pieces just like the
orange peel.
2. Have the students lay the orange peel on their work surface and record their
3. Tell the students to replace the peel on the orange, securing the peel with toothpicks.
1. The earth is spherical like the orange although it is difficult to see the roundness of the
Earth except from space.
2. What did the students observe when the orange peel was laying on their work surface?
Did they notice that the pieces flattened out. The pieces didn’t appear to be as round as
they were when attached to the orange.
3. Now that the peel is back on the orange, this better represents the Earth’s crust. The
cracks are called faults and it is the shifting of the plates (orange peel) which causes
earthquakes and volcanic activity.
1. How do the continents fit into this theory?
OPTIONS: Since most of the fault lines on the Earth’s crust are not visible, the students
may wish to roll out a thin piece of clay (or play dough) and cover the orange. They
should carefully remove the toothpicks as the clay is placed.
Revised and Distributed by Women In Mining Education Foundation
Additional supplemental material: TectonoCycle activity pages can be purchased at:
Each student follows the provided instructions to fold and cut the worksheet to create a model of
the Earth. The resulting hexaflexagon demonstrates plate tectonics.
Page 10
Plate Tectonics, Page 1 of 9
The majority of the information below is excerpted from the U.S. Geological Survey report,
This Dynamic Earth,The Story of Plate Tectonics, by W. Jacquelyne Kious and Robert I.
Before there was plate tectonics there was continental drift, and it was hotly debated for
decades. When first proposed, it was largely dismissed as being eccentric, preposterous,
and improbable.
Continental Drift is the theory that continents move slowly about the surface of the earth,
changing their positions relative to one another and to the poles of the earth.
The first detailed theory of continental drift was put forth by Alfred Wegener in 1912. On
the basis of geology, biology, climatology, and the alignment of the continental shelf rather
than the coastline, he believed that (long ago) all the continents were united into a vast
supercontinent, which he called Pangaea (Greek for “all land” or “all Earth”).
From the USGS—
Wegener’s scientific vision sharpened in 1914 as he was recuperating in a military hospital
from an injury suffered as a German soldier during World War I. While bed-ridden, he had
ample time to develop an idea that had intrigued him for years. Like others before him,
Wegener had been struck by the remarkable fit of the coastlines of South America and
Africa. But, unlike the others, to support his theory Wegener sought out many other lines of
geologic and paleontologic evidence that these two continents were once joined.
According to the continental drift theory about 225-200 million years ago, Pangaea broke
into two supercontinental masses—Laurasia to the north, and Gondwanaland to the south.
The present continents began to split apart about 100 million years ago (in the latter
Mesozoic era), drifting to their present positions. See Figure 1.
In addition to the jigsaw fit of the continents bordering the Atlantic Ocean, Wegener also
cited coal deposits in the South Polar regions and evidence of glacial activity in today’s
equatorial regions. For example, the discovery of fossils of tropical plants (in the form
of coal deposits) in Antarctica led to the conclusion that this frozen land previously must
have been situated closer to the equator, in a more temperate climate where lush, swampy
vegetation could grow. See Figure 2.
Another mismatch is the occurrence of glacial deposits in present-day arid Africa, such as
the Vaal River valley of South Africa. See Figures 3.
Wegener devoted the rest of his life to doggedly pursuing additional evidence to defend his
theory. He froze to death in 1930 during an expedition crossing the Greenland ice cap, but
the controversy he spawned raged on. However, after his death, new evidence from ocean
floor exploration and other studies rekindled interest in Wegener’s theory, ultimately leading
to the development of the theory of plate tectonics. (End of USGS information.)
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Plate Tectonics, Page 2 of 9
The theory of continental drift was not generally accepted, particularly by American
geologists, until the 1950s and 60s, when a group of British geophysicists reported on
magnetic studies of rocks from many places and from each major division of geologic time.
They found that for each continent, the magnetic pole had apparently changed position
through geologic time, forming a smooth curve, or pole path, particular to that continent.
The pole paths for Europe and North America could be made to coincide by bringing the
continents together. (Source: The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition.)
Development of Plate Tectonics Theory
Evidence was discovered which was hard to explain without plate tectonics.
The plate tectonics theory holds that the lithosphere, the hard outer layer of the Earth, is
divided into about 7 major plates and perhaps as many as 12 smaller plates, resting upon
a lower soft layer called the asthenosphere. Because the sides of a plate are continually
being created or destroyed, the size and shape of the plates are continually changing. The
continents are embedded in some of the plates, and move as the plates move about on the
Earth’s surface.
The mechanism moving the plates is mostly unknown, but is probably related to the
transfer of heat energy or convection within the Earth’s mantle. Scientists generally agree
with Harry Hess’ theory that the plate-driving force is the slow movement of hot, softened
mantle that lies below the rigid plates.
The main features of plate tectonics are:
• The Earth's surface is covered by a series of crustal plates.
• The ocean floors are continually moving, spreading from the center, sinking at the
edges, and being regenerated.
• Convection currents beneath the plates move the crustal plates in different
• The source of heat driving the convection currents is radioactivity deep in the
Earth’s mantle.
For an on-line demonstration of the movement of Pangaea, visit:
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Plate Tectonics, Page 3 of 9
225 million years ago
200 million years ago
135 million years ago
65 million years ago
Figure 1: Pangaea, from This Dynamic Earth, U.S.G.S.
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Plate Tectonics, Page 4 of 9
Fossil evidence
of the Triassic
land reptile
Fossil remains of
Cynognathus, a
Triassic land reptile
3 m long.
Fossil remains of the
freshwater reptile
Fossils of the fern
Glossopteris, found
in all of the southern
continents, show that
they were once joined.
Figure 2: Fossil record across continents,
from This Dynamic Earth, U.S.G.S.
Figures 3: Glacial evidence for
the theory of plate tectonics.
Graphics from U.S.G.S.
Top: Grooves carved by
glaciers (shown by arrows)
provided evidence for
continental drift. This diagram
assumes the continents were in
their present-day locations.
Bottom: The distribution of
glacial features can be best
explained if the continents were
part of Pangaea.
Figure descriptions from Plate
Tectonics: Looking for the Evidence, ©
by Michael Ritter (
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Plate Tectonics, Page 5 of 9
Figure 4
The maximum extent of glacial ice in the north polar
area during Pleistocene time.
By John S. Schlee at http://pubs.usgs.
During the Great Ice Age, or Pleistocene
Epoch, which began about 2 million
years ago, large portions of Canada
and the Northern United States were
blanketed by the continental ice sheet, as
shown in Figure 4.
Generalized geographic map of
North America in Pleistocene time.
Page 15
Plate Tectonics, Page 6 of 9
Oceanic crust
Oceanic crust
Seafloor spreading. Spreading plates (rift zones) result in an overall “thinning” of the
Earth’s crust (lithosphere). This process brings new minerals to the Earth’s crust and
creates new plate material.
Oceanic crust
Oceanic meets oceanic. One of the plates is always more dense than the other, and
the denser plate slides under the less dense plate. Subduction results in mountain
building and an overall thickening of the Earth’s crust. Where magma can force its
way to the surface, a chain of volcanoes can form.
Graphics reprinted with permission: 6th edition of Global Science by Christensen, Kendall/Hunt publisher, © 2006.
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Plate Tectonics, Page 7 of 9
Oceanic crust
Continental crust
Continental meets oceanic. When a denser oceanic crust meets a less-dense
continental crust, the result is a thick, granitic continental crust. Many mountain chains
originated this way, including the Rocky Mountains, California’s Sierra Nevada Range,
and the Andes Mountains in South America.
Continental crust
Continental meets continental. Uplift results from the collision of two continental crust plates.
Weathering and erosion processes (deposition, evaporation, and groundwater movement) can
cause the minerals uplifted by the plate process to be concentrated, creating new orebodies.
Graphics reprinted with permission: 6th edition of Global Science by Christensen, Kendall/Hunt publisher, © 2006.
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Plate Tectonics, Page 8 of 9
The Earth’s crust is continually being recycled through subduction and seafloor spreading. This
process allows other geological process to separate, deposit, or crystallize various minerals and
metals, including the ability to create new mineral deposits in the Earth’s crust.
Remember, crust that had been at the bottom of the ocean may now be on a mountain hillside.
Graphics reprinted with permission: 6th edition of Global Science by Christensen, Kendall/Hunt publisher, © 2006.
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Plate Tectonics, Page 9 of 9
Rock Cycle
and Erosion
Heat and
Additional supplemental material:
Purchase the Everyday Uses of Minerals and Rock Odyssey posters at
Show students that everything comes from our natural resources. See
examples of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Page 19
Sedimentary Rocks, Page 1 of 4
The relative abundance of the three
rock groups in the Earth’s crust:
8% are Sedimentary
27% are
65% are Igneous
There are three main types of rocks.
Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic
Rocks are grouped by the way they are formed.
1. Igneous rocks are formed at very high temperatures or from molten materials. They
come from magmas—molten mixtures of minerals, deep below the surface of the earth.
When magmas reach the surface red hot, they some times form lava which cools and
become volcanic rocks.
2. Sedimentary rocks are formed by erosion— the action of wind, water, snow, or
organisms. They cover about three quarters of the Earth’s surface. Most are laid down—as
sediments—on the bottom of rivers, lakes, and seas. The most common sedimentary rocks
are sandstones, limestones, conglomerates and shales. Oil and natural gas are found in
sedimentary formations.
3, Metamorphic rocks are those that have been changed from what they were at first into
something else—by heat, pressure or chemical action. All kinds of rocks can be changed.
Slate was once shale. Marble came from limestone. Granite is changed into gneiss.
Rocks formed from the consolidation of loose sediment (Sandstone) or from chemical
precipitation (Limestone) at or near the Earth’s surface.
Sedimentary rocks are formed by the weathering, (physical and chemical) of igneous,
metamorphic and other sedimentary rocks. The weathered fragments are transported via
water, air or ice before they are deposited and transformed.
Sediments are transformed into rocks by:
Cementation, usually by calcite, silica or iron oxides that glue
the fragments together.
Compaction, fragments being squashed together.
Re-crystallization, which produces interlocking textures.
Sedimentary rocks generally occur in layers or beds that range in thickness from
inches to thousands of feet. Their texture ranges from very fine grained, to very coarse.
Colors include red, brown, gray, yellow, pink, black, green and purple.
Examples of sedimentary rocks are: limestone
conglomerate gypsumcalcite
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Sedimentary Rocks, Page 2 of 4
An alternative sedimentary activity: Sedimentary rocks are just soil that
has been compacted and cemented together.
Soil ranges from that good ol’ mud you like to stomp around in to the dry hot sands of the
desert. Soil covers most of the solid surface of our Earth. It has enormous variations in its
thickness and in the materials in it. Most is made of (a) sand, (b) organic matter, and (c) clay.
Soil is basically composed of broken rock material and decayed vegetable and animal matter.
This discovery is planned to help you relate soil and water movement.
To become aware of some different particle sizes present in soil and to try to
predict their influence on water movement.
• Different Soil Samples
(a. Sandy b. Loamy c. Forest d. Clay)
• 4 TaIl Glass Jars With Lids
• Water Softener
4 Funnels
Drawing Paper
Filter Papers
1. Fill each glass jar 1/4 full of soil, putting a different type in each jar.
Label each jar.
2. Then, add water until each jar is 2/3 full.
3. Add a small amount of water softener.
4. Shake each jar vigorously for 2 minutes.
5. Allow the contents to settle for the next 15-20 minutes.
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Sedimentary Rocks, Page 3 of 4
1. Hold a piece of paper against the side of each jar; draw a diagram showing
the different layers; label each layer based on its particle size.
2. Some rocks and minerals are more tightly cemented together than others.
Or they are harder than others and don’t break apart as easily as do the softer
ones. That’s why particles differ considerably in size and weight.
3. Which pieces of soil in the glass jars settled to the bottom first? These are
4. The smaller pieces that settled slowly are silt!
5. Some pieces never settled; they remained suspended in the water. These are clay.
(Clay eventually will settle but rarely in 15-20 minutes, so you might want to study
the jars over a longer period and graph the build-up of the clay layer to see just
how slowly it forms.)
6. The size of the particles is important because it has lots to do with how well the soil
holds water for plants and how well water will move through the soil. Here’s how
to test this; it’s called permeability.
1. Allow the water in the jars to completely evaporate.
2. Separate out the sand, silt, and clay layers.
3. Place each in funnels lined with filter paper; one for sand, one for silt, and one
for clay.
4. Pour equal amounts of water into the funnels and record the amount of time it
takes for the first water to drip out of the bottom of the funnel.
1. Can you predict which
particle size will allow the
water to pass through the
fastest? Second fastest?
Most slowly?
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Sedimentary Rocks, Page 4 of 4
Trying to “see” what is beneath the surface of the earth is one of the jobs of a
geologist. Rather than digging up vast tracts of land to expose an oil field or to find
some coal bearing strata, core samples can be taken and analyzed to determine the
likely composition of the Earth’s interior. In this activity students model core sampling
techniques to find out what sort of layers are in a cupcake.
Materials Needed:
Cupcake mix
Foil baking cups
Drawing paper
Plastic knives
Food coloring
Plastic transparent straws
(large diameter works better)
Make cupcakes with two to three layers of colored batter. Provide each student with a
cupcake, straw, toothpick, and drawing paper. Foil baking cups and frosting will prevent
the students from seeing the interior of the cupcakes in much the same way that a
geologist can’t see the interior of the Earth. Ask the students to fold a piece of drawing
paper into four sections and in one of the sections draw what they think the inside of
the cupcake would look like. Ask the students how they might get more information
about the cupcake without peeling the foil or cutting it open with a knife. Someone
may suggest using the straw to take a core sample. If not, show them how to push the
straw into the cupcake using a rotating motion and pull out a sample (straws can be cut
to a length slightly longer than the depth of the cupcake.) The students should make
a second drawing of the cross section of their cupcake based on the information from
three (or more) core samples. Each new drawing should be carefully labeled and placed
in a different section of the recording paper. Finally, the students should cut open the
cupcakes with a knife to compare them to the drawings.
Teacher Hints:
Keep relating what the students are doing to what real life geologists do. Nobody eats
until the discussion if complete!
Distributed by Women In Mining Education Foundation
Page 23
Mineral Exploration: Cupcake Exploration
Page 1 of 3
Mineral Exploration:
Cupcake Core Sampling
With straw, drill cores samples in cupcake
and indicate location by number.
Draw core sample sections below in Core
Log Book.
Draw shape of ore body in Plane and Cross
Section Views, below.
Break cupcake open to see how accurate
your drawing is.
Core Log Book
Nos. 4 & 5
Dry Holes
6th hole
not drilled
Surface View
Draw the Hidden Ore Body
Cross Section View
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Mineral Exploration: Cupcake Exploration
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Mineral Exploration:
Cupcake Core Sampling
With straw, drill cores samples in cupcake
and indicate location by number.
Draw core sample sections below in Core
Log Book.
Draw shape of ore body in Plane and Cross
Section Views, below.
Break cupcake open to see how accurate
your drawing is.
Core Log Book
Surface View
Draw the Hidden Ore Body
Cross Section View
Mineral Exploration: Cupcake Exploration
Page 25
Page 3 of 3
PURPOSE: The purpose of this game is to give the player an introduction to the
economics of mining. This is accomplished through the player buying
their “property”, purchasing the “mining equipment”, paying for the “mining
operation” and finally paying for the “reclamation”. In return the player
receives money for the “ore mined”. The objective of the game is to make
as much money as possible.
Each player starts with $20 of play money.
Each player receives a Cookie Mining sheet and a sheet of grid paper.
Mining costs are: $1.00 per minute.
Sale of a chocolate chip mined from a cookie brings $2.00 (broken
chocolate chips can be combined to make 1 whole chip).
After the cookie has been “mined”, the cookie should be placed back into
the circled area on the grid paper. This can only be accomplished using the
mining tools - No fingers or hands allowed.
Reclamation costs are: $1.00 per square over the original count.
Each player must buy his/her own “mining property” which is a cookie. Only
one “mining property” per player. Cookies for sale are:
Generic; not many chips - $3.00
A medium brand of cookie - $5.00
A deluxe brand with lots of chips - $7.00
After the cookie is bought, the player places the cookie on the grid paper
and, using a pencil, traces the outline of the cookie. The player must then
count each square that falls inside the circle. Note: Count partial squares
as a full square.
Each player must buy his/her own “mining equipment”. More than one piece
of equipment may be purchased. Equipment may not be shared between
players. Mining equipment for sale is:
Flat toothpick - $2.00 each
Round toothpick - $4.00 each
Paper clips - $6.00 each
Page 26
Economics of Mining: Cookie Mining
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No player can use their fingers to hold the cookie. The only thing that can touch
the cookie are the mining tools and the paper on which the cookie is sitting.
Players should be allowed a maximum of five minutes to mine their chocolate chip
cookie. Players that finish mining before the five minutes are used up should only
credit the time spent mining.
A player can purchase as many mining tools as the player desires and the tools
can be of different types.
If the mining tools break, they are not longer usable and a new tool must be
The players that make money by the end of the game win.
The quality of the reclamation is determined by the teacher. The better the
reclamation, the more valuable the remaining cookie for determining the real profit
or loss.
The game provided each player an opportunity to make the most money that a player
could make with the resources provided. Decisions were made by each player to
determine which properties to buy and which piece or pieces of mining equipment should
be purchased.
Page 27
Each player should have learned a simplified flow of an operating mine. Also, each
player should have learned something about the difficulty of reclamation especially in
returning the cookie back to the exact size that it was before “mining” started.
Economics of Mining: Cookie Mining
Page 2 of 6
Dough Boy
Name of cookie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
(generic, medium, or deluxe)
Price of cookie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Generic- $3; Medium- $5; Deluxe- $7
Size of cookie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _________ squares covered
Flat toothpick
_______ x $2.00 = __________
Round toothpick
_______ x $4.00 = __________
Paper clip
_______ x $6.00 = __________
TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___________________
Mining: ________ minutes x $1.00
TOTAL COST OF MINING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___________________
Cost of removing chips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .___________________
Chip removal:
Number of chips ________ x $2.00
VALUE OF CHIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___________________
How much did I make?
Value of Chips . . . . . . . . . .
Total cost of mining . . . . . . . . . . .
4 squares
Reclamation of ____
over the original size x $1.00 = . . .
PROFIT/LOSS . . . . . . . . .
(-) $13.00
$ 4.00
(+) $13.00
Now, about that $20 loan that started your mining venture— it needs to be repaid.
If you did a good job of reclamation, you have a valuable cookie that can re-used
or resold. Plus, you gained an employment income during the mining activity.
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Economics of Mining: Cookie Mining
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Name of cookie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
(generic, medium, or deluxe)
Price of cookie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Generic- $3; Medium- $5; Deluxe- $7
Size of cookie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _________ squares covered
Flat toothpick
_______ x $2.00 = __________
Round toothpick
_______ x $4.00 = __________
Paper clip
_______ x $6.00 = __________
Mining: ________ minutes x $1.00
TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___________________
Cost of removing chips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .___________________
TOTAL COST OF MINING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___________________
Chip removal:
Number of chips ________ x $2.00
VALUE OF CHIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___________________
How much did I make?
Value of Chips . . . . . . . . . .
Total cost of mining . . . . . . . . . . .
Reclamation of ____ squares
over the original size x $1.00 = . . .
PROFIT/LOSS . . . . . . . . .
Now, about that $20 loan that started your mining venture— it needs to be repaid.
If you did a good job of reclamation, you have a valuable cookie that can re-used
or resold. Plus, you gained an employment income during the mining activity.
Economics of Mining: Cookie Mining
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cookiE Mining MonEy
Pan for Gold in Your Classroom
Gold Panning Kit
12 “Gold Pan — $7 ea.
$ 15 ea
12" Thermoplastic pan
“Contains Everything But The Stream”
* 12" Thermoplastic Gold Pan
* Gold-bearing sand refill
* Instruction book
Printed in English, French,
Japanese, German, Spanish,
Greek, Italian, Korean,
Swedish, and Chinese.
* Hand Lens
* Magnet
* Eyedropper
* Display Vial for GOLD
Suggested Grades: ALL
Suggested Grades: 6 - 12
Gold-bearing sand refill
Contains: gold-bearing sand for
hand panning, instruction book
and vial for gold flakes. Each refill
contains 8 to 10 flakes of real gold.
Suggested Grades: 6 - 12
Gem-bearing sand refill
Contains: gem-bearing sand for
hand panning, instruction book
and precious stone guide. Each
refill contains at least 20 gems.
Suggested Grades: - 8
What: A great activity or demonstration for your classroom.
Caution: If your students will be sharing a kit or a refill, while there will be enough gold to share, each
bag of gold ore only has one vial for the students to keep their gold. You can get extra vials from your
Pharmacy, most hardware stores or use a plastic test tube.
For Classroom Panning: Two kids can share a pan although it slows down the activity. A wading pool
will work best but you can use sinks or wash tubs. Sinks are easier if your entire class is panning and you
have a room full of sinks. Make sure to plug the drain with a strainer and piece of cloth to prevent the dirt
from clogging the drain. Then fill the sink about 3/4 full of water. Wash tubs are cumbersome but easier
for students to use because they are larger and the extra space helps.
Best Suggestion: Use a 4-5 ft. diameter inflatable kids wading pool: if you can’t be outside, cover the
floor with plastic tarps. In all these methods, remember there will be a little splashing and a mess to clean
up. If possible do it outside. Better yet, try to find a small stream or pond, then the clean up is a breeze.
For teachers who are beginning panners we strongly recommend getting a Kit and extra Refill. This way
you can practice your technique in the privacy of your room so you can look like an expert in front of your
kids when you use the Refill (with new gold) for the demonstration.
Read The Instruction Book provided with the kit first. Gold Panning is really quite easy.
If you will be using the kit (s) as an activity rather than just a demonstration, it's best if each student has
his own pan but two can easily share a pan and refill (three on a pan is too many).
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