February 2015 - Temple Beth Kodesh

Published Monthly
Volume 6 • Issue 39 February 2015
TU B’ Shevat
is published 10 times during the year
except for the months of July and August
Join Our Friendly
Growing Egalitarian Synagogue
There is NO Building Fund!
Michael Simon
Michael Glozman
2013-2015 - Board of Directors
President - Len Epstein
Executive VP – Ronda Bellsey
Recording Secretary - Sherry Deutsch
Financial Secretary - Fred Brown
VP Program - Carrin Simmons
VP Membership - Joan Sircus
VP Operations - Harvey Wallet
VP Ritual – Murray Rubin
Treasurer – TBA
Immediate Past President - Linda Cooper
Ritual Chairman Emeritus - Irwin Hochman
Office Staff - Eileen Trager
Ruth Halkuff
Sheila Seras
Custodian - Fritz Pericles
Editor - Marsha Slade
Proofreader - Sherry Deutsch
Daily Minyan 8:30 am
Friday Kabbalat Shabbat Services 7:00 pm
Shabbat Services start at 9:30 am
Yom Tov Weekday Morning
Services 9:00 am
Sisterhood President - Linda Cooper
Sisterhood Rep - Tova Gershen
Men’s Club President - Irving Schecter
Lois Baker
Jerry Bellsey
Stan Flaschner
Irwin Kurtz
Mickey Meyers
Marsha Slade
Jerry Solomon
Edward Strauber
Alan Tapper
Office Hours Monday -Thursday 9:00-2:00
Friday 9:00 am -12:00 pm
Emergencies - Contact Rabbi Michael Simon Tel - 954-257-6159
501 NE 26th Avenue - Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 - templebethkodesh@bellsouth.net
Phone: 561-586-9428 Fax: 561-588-1810 www.templebethkodesh.org
From the Pulpit
Rabbi Michael Simon
Achad Ha’am, one of the
intellectual leaders of the early
Zionist movement, once wrote
a famous essay entitled Kohain
v’ Navi, which means “Priest and
Prophet.” In this essay he contrasted the differing roles of the
priest and the prophet in biblical
society and how those differing
roles had implications for the
Zionist movement and the ultimate establishment of the State
of Israel. I thought of this essay
in thinking about what the Torah tells us about models of
leadership, especially that of Aaron, the Priest, as compared to Moses, the Prophet.
Aaron was the first High Priest. And in that role he took
the proverbial bull by the horns. After all, no one had ever
previously been the High Priest. In other words, Aaron had
nobody’s footsteps to follow in. He had no role model.
But Aaron recognized that as a leader he oftentimes
had to be the first in certain situations. He had to be the
role model; the one to take risks. He had to be the one to
say, “God, if you tell me to do, it I will do it.” He had to be
the one to devote his time and energy into serving God,
no matter how difficult it might be. Aaron was such a role
model by showing us that it is worthwhile to do God’s work
and to follow his commandments.
At the same time, Aaron also realized that the role of a
leader in Israel is to not distance himself from the people,
but to see to their improvement. And from Aaron we should
learn not to hesitate to become more active in daily Jewish life and ritual because we are afraid or ignorant. We
shouldn’t be afraid to read and study more about Judaism. No matter where you were in the past, tomorrow, on
a dime, you can turn, and begin to become educated; begin to become knowledgeable, and ultimately to become a
leader of the Jewish people.
When it comes to not doing something because you
don’t know how my mantra is, “Ignorance is not a terminal
disease; that which I don’t know today, I have the chance
of learning tomorrow.” So for those of you who are afraid,
or are hesitant to get involved more involved in synagogue
life, remember Aaron. He stood up to do exactly what he
had to do. He was up to the challenge. That was the sign
of a true leader. And that can be inspiring, and I hope it is
inspiring to all of us.
Finally, when Aaron died we learn that all the people
wept for him for thirty days because it was a personal loss,
a loss shared by each and every individual. That is because Aaron, with his style of leadership was closer with
the people. That is why Aaron is described as “Loving
peace and pursuing peace, loving people and bringing
them to the Torah.”
Cantor’s Corner
Cantor Michael Glozman
I came across an incredible
story that I want to share with you.
I hope it leaves you with a smile as
it did me.
“A chassid came to see the
Karliner Rebbe because he was
depressed. “I don’t know what to
do,” he said. “I’m not a good Jew.
I don’t study enough, I don’t know
enough; all I do is work, work, work.
But I want to study more. Rebbe, I
have a question. What do our great
and holy rabbis study on Friday night?”
“Well,” said the Karliner, “some study Kabbalah.”
“Oh,” said the chassid, “that is not for me.”
“No,” said the Karliner, “that is not for everybody. But I
am sure you study Talmud regularly. How does it go?”
“Rebbe, I am ashamed to admit it, but I do not study
Talmud regularly. You see, I grew up poor. I had to work from
an early age to help out my family. I did not get much of an
education. I find the Talmud very difficult.”
“And if you study together with a friend?” asked the
“My friends also work very hard; they don’t know much
either. Besides, I have no time to sit in the study hall for
hours. What else can I do?”
“Working hard for your family is a mitzvah,” said the
Karliner. “You can study the weekly Torah reading with
Rashi’s commentary and with Midrashim.”
“Oh no,” said the man. “I always found Rashi very
difficult. As I told you, I hardly got an education. I struggle
through the Parshah each week, but it doesn’t uplift me. I am
a failure. Besides, I am really not a scholar. I prefer to work
with my hands. My family is big, and I work long hours.”
“No Jew is a failure,” said the Karliner sternly. “Every Jew
can learn. And every Jew should learn. I know something for
you. You certainly will enjoy telling beautiful stories about
our great sages and tzaddikim (righteous people) to your
friends and with your family!”
“I am bad at telling stories,” objected the chassid. “I
always forget the important points, I mix them up, and I am
not a good talker either. Please, I can’t do that ...”
The Karliner leaned back in his chair. He closed his
eyes and he began to hum. He hummed and he swayed
back and forth, and the chassid listened in amazement. This
was beautiful. What a melody! And he began to sing along.
He never had felt so wonderful before, so close to G-d.
After a long time the singing stopped. The Karliner
opened his eyes and looked at the chassid intently.
“Rebbe,” the chassid exclaimed, “I understand. Oh yes,
I do! I don’t feel depressed any more. Thank you, thank
And he went home, and every Shabbat he sang the most
beautiful niggunim. But most of all, he loved the niggun of the
Karliner Rebbe. And he did not feel depressed anymore.
The air around TBK is electric
and I hope you will join me in
the excitement for the Temple’s
February 22nd Annual Gala and
Concert. Led by Ronda Bellsey,
the entire Gala committee
(chairpersons: Mort Cooper,
Arthur Farkas, Marion Goldberg, Laura Kurtzman,
Carrin Simmons, Joan Sircus, Steve Slade, Pauline
& Alan Tapper, Liz Taylor-Watnick, Janet Wayne, and
Claire Zimmerman), met many times and spent hours,
days and weeks working on the combined event. Please
congratulate them on a job well done, as I have. Kol
HaKavod! Next year, we will be celebrating Temple Beth
Kodesh’s 40th Anniversary and I know you will support
us again.
Have you noticed how few empty seats there are at
TBK on a typical Shabbat? This year our Gala attendance
is setting new records. Some shuls have a hard time
getting a minyan on Shabbat. Ha! Baruch HaShem, we
don’t have that issue. From strength to strength!
Please consider sponsoring a Kiddish or Oneg to
celebrate or commemorate an important event, like the
anniversary of your bar/bat mitzvah, birthday or wedding
anniversary. Do you really need to go on another cruise?
Wouldn’t you rather be surrounded by family and friends?
We would all like to take part in your simcha!
All the best,
Len Epstein, President
Tribute Cards
Did you know that Temple Beth Kodesh sends out
tribute cards throughout the year? A tribute can pay
a friend a compliment, send good wishes to friends
and family, be given as a sign of respect or to commemorate – births, birthdays, weddings, mitzvahs, or
Call the office and speak to Sheila or Eileen. They
will be glad to send out a card for any occasion and
the temple will let the recipient know of your contribution to the shul.
You can donate any amount -- $5.00 per card/minimum. We also have tribute cards you can purchase
in the office to mail out yourself. Cards are available
in sets of 10 for $25.00 each and will come in handy
whenever you may need them.
Temple Beth
Proudly Offers
Jewish National Fund Tree Certificates for
Simchas, Sorrows - Donations- $18 per Tree
For information or to order a Certificate
Call the Temple Office (561) 586-9428
Make Checks Payable To Temple Beth Kodesh
When placing your order, please have available
the purpose of the donation and where and to
whom you would like the certificate mailed.
Chai Society
2014-15 Members
Marion Alban
George & Phyllis Brindis (Double Chai)
Bernard Dickman
Stanley & Miryam Eisenberg
Leonard & Sherry Epstein
Gary & Reva Feldman
Stan & Ellen Flaschner
Bernard & Tova Gershen
Sipora Groen
John R. & Marion G. Halpern
Eugene & Lottie Horowitz
Robert & Nancy Kauffman
Harry Pak
Sheila Seras
Bernard & Janice Silver (Double Chai)
Rabbi Michael & Andrea Simon
Harvey Wallet
David & Joan Zimmer
Donate $18/month to Temple Beth Kodesh
and you will be added to this list as pillars
of your shul.
Rhonda Bellsay - Exec. VP
Just a few more days until our
Gala Concert and Banquet. A
tremendous amount of planning
and work has gone into the success
(hopefully huge success) of this
event and I want to thank those
who contributed right now:
Len and Sherry Epstein
Marion Goldberg
Claire Zimmerman
Marilyn Solomon
Pauline & Al Tapper
Janet Wayne
Joan Sircus
Murray Rubin
Laura Kurtzman
Al Traum
Leah Noskin
Madolyn Gelbart
Carrin Simmons
James Meckley
Izzy Bordainick
Charlotte Kesten
Ronda & Jerry Bellsey Arthur Farkas
Lynn Karten
Ellen Shore
Liz Taylor-Watnick
Mort Cooper
Steve Slade
And I’m sure I’ve forgotten a name or two because
so many of our congregants offered to help. Also,
once again our members generously supported our
sponsorship campaign:
Claire Zimmerman
George Brindis
Ronda & Jerry Bellsey Fred Brown
Laura Kurtzman
Carrin Simmons
Joan Sircus
John & Marion Halpern
Al & Pauline Tapper
Janet Wayne
Len & Sherry Epstein
Stan Flashner
Jane Berkey
David Marcus
Joan & Stanley Cohen
Howard & Beverly Lazarus
It takes a village and it certainly took a village
to make this concert and gala evening. The Rabbi
helped in every area. Audrey Levy was indispensible.
We could not have succeeded without the untiring
help of Eileen Trager and Sheila Seras. Oh, yes, and
I think Cantor Misha Glozman deserves a little credit
too. And, of course, Fritz.
And, a special thank you to the person who sparked
the idea---Rita Rubin. Rita, the evening belongs to
Now, I say this before the Gala takes place: please
enjoy it—enjoy every minute of it. And if you have any
complaints I beg of you to send them to the Congress
of the United States of America. Please don’t send
them to me. I tried my best. Really I did.
“These are the things I learned (in
Kindergarten) (edited):
1. Share everything.
2. Play fair.
3. Don't hit people.
4. Put things back where you found them.
5. Clean up your own mess.
6. Don't take things that aren't yours.
7. Say you're SORRY when you HURT
8. Wash your hands before you eat.
9. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for
10. Live a balanced life.
11. Take a nap every afternoon.
12. Watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick
13. Be aware of wonder.
14. LOOK.”
― Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need to Know
I Learned in Kindergarten
2014 was a GREAT year
for T.B.K! More than 67 new
members have joined our
family, that’s just wonderful!
For all new and old
members our Temple has a lot
to offer: a Sisterhood, Men’s
Club, and Rabbi’s Learning
Classes, to name a few.
Carrin Simmons, V.P. of programming is looking
into events that will interest all.
Get involved, circulate at the Kiddish, and meet
new people.
I am available for any calls or issues you might
Again a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Joan Sircus
Welcome New Members to the
TBK Family
Ronnie Danna • Dr. Joshua Chorowsky
Ronna & Steve Goldberg
Herbert Schnapp • Josephine Stillpass
We Mourn the Death of
our Member
Joe Ogushoff
With Much Thanks ....
I am proud to be a member of
the Temple Beth Kodesh family.
Throughout my illness you were
there for me. Thank you for all your
good wishes, for your mishebarachs, your cards, your phone calls.
Your support and your strength gave
me the encouragement to continue
to be part of this very special family.
I carry your good wishes with me.
Thank you.
Jack Rozenberg
New Check
Florida Community Bank has provided an
automated check machine at no cost to the
Temple. We have been using it for awhile and
would like you to adjust slightly how you fill out
your checks.
The box that contains the AMOUNT should look
like this:
$36 00/100
$36 00/xx
Thank you for your cooperation.
This year TBK is proud to announce the
Marion Goldberg
We will be honoring Marion at our Shabbos
Service on Saturday, March, 7,2015
Please come and help us congratulate her.
From R to L: Earle Halsband, Sarah Nine Phillips, Rabbi
Simon, Cantor Glozman, Jonathan Phillips
from the
On Sunday morning,
about 130 Sisterhood
members, spouses, friends and guests were
treated to a showing of the documentary film,
“Making Trouble”, which was about three
generations of Jewish female comedians.
Philip Shane, son of Marci and Frank Kearly,
was there to introduce and answer questions
about his film. We look forward to showing
more of his documentary films.
On February 4th, at 11:00 am, we will
be having a Tu B’Shevat Seder led by
Rabbi Simon. The cost is $5 per person.
Please see the flyer on another page in this
On Friday, February 20th, there will be a
Rosh Chodesh learning session with Rabbi
Simon at 10:00 am following minyan and
We hope to see you at these Sisterhood
Kol Tov,
Linda Cooper
We now have the best problem Temple Beth Kodesh could ever ask for: a
crowded parking lot!!!
Please, if you possibly can, try to carpool to shul. In the Telephone Directory
you will find the names of the communities we live in. Carpool and save not
only gas but also an extra spot in the
parking lot.
Men’s Club
As the old year fades away
and a new year begins, we tend
to be more enthusiastic about
making resolutions and having
new goals. Let’s start talking
about the Men’s Club. We have
planned for the new year. We
have in March the Purim Party with entertainment. In
April we have a luncheon with a Broadway male singer.
In May, will have a breakfast with a speaker. This is just
the beginning. The Men’s Clubs goal is to do their best
in the New Year.
We need your attendance and participation to make
this year a success. If you do not support and attend our
programs, the Men’s Club will not succeed.
I am pleased to inform you that the Board of Directors
of the Men’s Club is extending to all new Temple
Members (i.e., those having joined the Temple in 2014)
a complimentary Membership in our club for 2015. We
encourage you to join us in our many activities, and as
a Men’s Club Member you may also attend our Board
meetings on the first Friday of every month.
Again, welcome to our wonderful Temple family and
to the Men’s Club. We look forward to seeing you at our
Shalom - Irving Schecter
Open Everyday 7:00 am - 8:30 pm
“Breakfast all Day” - “Free Coffee for Seniors”
Shalom Articles
The deadline for the next issue of
Shalom is Tuesday, February 10th
Earlier submissions are,
as always, welcome.
Thank you, Marsha Slade.
All submissions for the Temple Bulletin must
be emailed to Marsha Slade at:
pesach seder
April 3, 2015
more information to follow
501 NE 26th Avenue, Boynton Beach, Fl 33435
561 586-9428
Tu B' Shevat Sedar
Led by Rabbi Michael Simon
1:00 P.M.
Learn, Sing, and Have Fun
Dessert will be served
$5.00 pp
Make check payable to Temple Beth Kodesh Sisterhood
mail to: Marion Goldberg, 330 NE 26th Avenue #411
Boynton Beach, Florida 33437
NAME: _____________________________________________________
501 NE 26 AVENUE
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Happy Birthday FEB.
Blanche Jeifa
Stanley Cooper
Kurt Leuchter
Karin Simmons
Seymour Kelin
Josephine Levy
Elliot Blatt
Pearl Rose
Robert Ellis
Jay Gassman
Herbert Rappaport
David Zimmer
Philene Gorin
Ruth Halkuff
Elaine Kurtz
Beverly Lazarus
Barbara Weinstein
Tania Salter
Howard Zolin
Ann Isaacs
Sheldon Watnick
Robert Pann
Al Abraham
Margaret Cohen
Lois Baker
Ruth Heinemann
Charles Rosenberg
Lawrence Lazarus
Robert Slesinger
Happy Anniversary FEB.
Melvin & Rhoda Schwartz
Edwin and Harriet Flashenburg
Stanley & Wanda Warshaw
Erwin and Marian Kanstroom
Robert & Joyce Siegel
John & Marion Halpern
Sheldon and Liz Taylor-Watnick
Philip Libman
Marshall D. Morin
Bertha Zeidman
Selma Engler
Selig Friedman
Morris Galkin
Allen Isaacs
Nathan Kelberman
Isidore Minkon
Bessie Rosen
David Shore
Beatrice Cofman
Jay Eric Glanzbergh
William W. Glanzbergh
Louis Warm
Louis Davis
Fay Livon
Martin Graber
Jack Katz
Sonia Nass
Sara H. Rauchwerg
Rose Rosen
Godfrey Sharkey
Helen Bein
Gladys Galkin
Arlene Lazarus Rubenfeld
Rita Troner
Robert Vogel
Dorothy Blatt
Lillian Gottesfeld
David Kramer
Rosa Laufer
Bernice Lessans
Max Ravin
John Smith
Daniel Jack Blauzvern
Irving Deutsch
Manny Friedman
Lois Gerb
Betty Goldman
Pearl Halkuff
Ann Libby Seebol
Soloman Weiss
Max Baum
Naomi Dolby
Louis Lederman
Esther Mendelson
Betty Siegel
Joseph Weiss
Milford Fenster
Luba Frieman
Lottie Gers
Ernestine Goldfarb
Ita Lynchuk
Anna Friend
Kay Goodman
Joseph Klermann
Faye Tapper
Barnet Yusim
Morris Cohen
Jacob Goldstein
Anna Lissy
Bella Sherman
Sylvia Soshick
Jean Barrish
Sarah Berliner
Dr. Peter Byron
Harry Gomberg
Sophie Koporowsky
Carl Korn
Rebecca Krieger
David Vogel
Louis Kopito
Howard Koss
Gumercindo Olea
Rachel Salzman
Mania Schoenfeld
Morris Schwartz
Frank Suplicki
Leonard Cooper
William Goldman
Abraham Green
Pauline Pak
Zelig Segal
Bertha Snyder
Minnie Davis
Solomon Fischer
Bertha Halpern
Burton A. Heller
Philip Heller
Rose Lipshitz
Rose Salamon
Isidore Sherman
Sylvia Wagner
Yetta Gondelman
Philip Kleinman
Florence Klorman
Jacob W Laufer
Dr. Ronald Lorber
Philip Meyer
Bertha Millison
Mollie Radow
Dora Reiner
Arthur Seebol
Jennie Seebol
Aaron A. Silver
Mollie Yeager
Ida Blauzvern
Dora Steinkohl
Sophie Bernstein
Beatrice Cohen
Samuel Langsner
Benjamin Margolis
Ann Pollack
Yetta Ugol
Gloria Abraham
Samuel Gansberg
Frances Kramer
Leah Prosterman
Rose Scheiner
Charlotte Amme
Harry Cutler
Migon Freiman
Elizabeth Lichtman
David A. Mintz
Ethel Moskovits
Sarah Pincus
David Schwartz
Irving Basslur
Hannah Edler
Ralph Geldbart
Minnie Geller
Frieda Kaplan
Bessie Meyers
Paul Bauer
George Pearlman
Eunice Barbara Stiller
Louis Aranowitz
Albert Chaiken
Dr. Herman Froehlich
Sadye Kurtzman
Frances Licht
Benjamin Zeidman
Samuel Abrams
Jennie Eagle
Joan Katz Hendler
Israel Perry
Rabbi Samuel J. Rosenthal
Rebecca Tessler
Merwin Joseph
Leslie Golden Kantor
Irving Katz
Lena Katz
Louis Kushner
Stanley Olsen
George Rapaport
Eva Rothschild
Anne E. Rovner
Sylvia Chernick
Michael S. Dancik
Louis Daniel
Evelyn Goldman
Michael Hersh
Al Abraham
Lillian Abrams
Loretta Allen
Eleanor Baker
Lois Baker
Sol &Judith Barnett
Lewis Baum & Dina Stock
Bruce Becker
Mark & Nancy Bender
Mary Beringer
Melvin & Joan Berman
Lois Binder
Lilia Block
George & Phyllis Brindis
Fred & Sandra Brown
Israel & Mariana Bruch
Morton & Linda Cooper
Sylvia Dassa
Bernard & Judi Eggener
Leonard & Mildred Eisenmesser
Arthur & Florence Farkas
Edna Feinstein
Stanley & Ellen Flaschner
Edwin & Harriet Flashenburg
Leatrice Futterman
Arlene Galler
Diana Garret
Diana Garret & Esther Solar
Jean Gers
Bernard &Tova Gershen
Benis Glasser
Jack & Elaine Gold
Steven Goldberg
Martin & Barbara Goldfarb
Rita Goldman
Irving & Elaine Goldsmith
Barbara Goldstein
Joan Goldstein
David Kuritz
Bertha Goldberg Mayerson
Eva Pollack
Miriam Rosen
Ruth Seebol
Isidore Weissman
Bernard Young
Robert Block
Clarice Eisman
Jonathan Eisman
Anne Fishman
David Kornetsky
David Licht
Gabriel Lichtman
Esther Like
Etta Rappaport
Memory of Jack & Anna Fink
Memory of father-in-law, Sam Abrams
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of mother Esther Heiman
Memory of granddaughter
Memory of Barnett & Klores families
Memorial Plaque for Efroim Stock
Memory of loved ones
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of mother, Esther Lieberman
Memory of son, Howard Berman
Memory of mother, Berdye Schiff
Memory of husband, Louis Binder
Memory of sister Vilma Utiger
In Honor of donations
Memory of Bernie Dickman
Honor of John R. Halpern’s birthday
Speedy recovery to Bill Anderson
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of father, William Bruch
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Eva Barrows
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of father, Sali Rothschild
Memory of brother Morris Silverberg
Sponsor of Sound System
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Bernie Dickman
Memory of Irwin Trager
Honor of Aliyah
Memory of father, Irwin Flashenburg & Irwin
Memory of brother, Cpl. Ralph Kravette
Memory of mother, Rose Katz
Honor of Roy Haas and Memory of Irwin Trager
General Donation
For my Aliyah
Memory of father, Abraham Klarman and
husband, Murray Gers
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of mother, Rose Fieldstein and father,
Hyman Glasser
Memory of mother, Mary Gold & sister, Ethel
Memory of Irwin Trager & Harold Shadoff
For Aliyah
Memory of father, Mickey Goldberg
Memory of Rosalie Steiner and Irwin Trager
Memory of father, Maurice Colby and husband,
Dr. Abraham Goldman
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Irwin Trager & Bernie Dickman
Memory of Richard Levine
Barbara Goldstein
Beatrice Gondelman
Isles of Aberdeen
Amy Gorin
Jenny Greenberg
Sipora Groen
John & Marion Halpern
Michael & Nora Hamerman
Donna Hanford
Ruth Heinemann
Irwin Hochman
Eugene & Lottie Horowitz
Anita Hurwitz
Jacqueline Kaplan
Evelyn Karten
Marcia Kearly
Buddy & Arlene Koch
Bernard & Sherry Koenig
Ronald Kovalsky
Laura Kurtzman
Howard & Dee Kweller
Sheldon & Lila Lease
Richard & Karol Levine
Norman & Ruby Lewis
Sarah Lichtzer
Donald & Carol Livingston
Rhoda Lonow
Bruce & Lori March
Murray & Myrna Markin
David Mayerson
Ida Meltzer
Jules & Marilyn Meyers
Harold & Joan Mirrer
Lila Nass
Claire Neubarth
Mildred Oberon
Joseph & Naomi Ogushoff
Stuart & Marilyn Olson
Lois Paige
Lois Panitch
Gilbert & Helena Pelovitz
Paul & Phyllis Perlmutter
Gerald & Sheila Praskin
Evelyn Reiner
Eve Retzkin
Ruth Rich
Pearl Rose
Bertram & Carol Rossman
Manny & Connie Roth
Jack Rozenberg
Frances Rubin
Murray & Rita Rubin
Richard Sacher
Memory of mother, Dora Hoffenberg
Memory of Tsila Ogorick
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of grandfather, Philip Gorin
Memory of Bernie Dickman
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Bernie Dickman
Honor of 93rd birthday
Speedy recovery to Sherry Bernstein & Gladys
Korn. Memory of father,
Henry Halpern, brother, Stuart Halpern, mother
of Mark Sherman, Memory of Irwin Trager &
Bernie Dickman. Honor of the birthdays of Ronda
Bellsey, George Brindis, Robert Kauffman,
Memory of father, Henry Halpern
Honor of Murray Naparstek, Murray Rubin,
Julius Schiffman, Memory of Hanna Siegel &
Bernie Dickman. Honor of Samantha Simon’s
engagement. Aliyah. Happy Anniversary to Linda
& Mort Cooper; Doris & Julius Schiffman
Memory of grandparents, Dora & Leo Hamerman
Memory of mother, Estelle Bobkin Zeiger
In gratitude for my recovery. Memory of Bernie
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of husband, Alfred Hurwitz
Memory of father-in-law, Louis Kaplan
Memory of mother-in-law, Clara Kaplan
Memory of mother, Lena Lefkowitz
Honor of my Aliyah
Memory of father, Barney Bass
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of parents, Charles & Amelia Kovalsky
and Rose Tishman
Memory of parents, Augusta & Morris
Zimmerman, Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Mom
Memory of mother, Claire Kurzrok
Memory of Bernie Dickman
Memory of Stuart Grossman
Memory of husband, Hyman Lichtzer and sister,
Dorothy Rosen
Memory of father, Henry Livingstone
Memory of parents, Rosa & Harold Weinberg &
Fannie, Joseph, David Weinberg; Rebecca &
William Fisk
Memory of Bernie Dickman
Memory of a friend
Memory of father, Joe Mayerson
Memory of Bernie Dickman
Jules & Mickey’s birthdays
Honor of Len Epstein & my Aliyah
Memory of mother, Anna Mirrer
Memory of Irwin Trager and Bernie Dickman
Memory of beloved husband, Fred Nass
Memory of father-in-law, Eugene Neubarth
Memory of mother, Martha Grossband
Memory of father, Philip Ogushoff
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memorial Plaques
Honor of Buzz Marcus’ birthday
Memory of Bob Slatnick
Memorial Plaque
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Bernie Dickman
Memory of husband, William Reiner
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of husband, Herbert Retzkin
Memory of grandmother, Fannie Slavin
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of parents, Mollie Shapiro & Hyman
Memory of Irwin Trager and Bernie Dickman
Memory of daughter, Barbara Rozenberg
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of mother, Jean Sacher
Julius & Doris Schiffman
Gladys Schoenberg
Adele Schutzman
Chester Schwam
Henny Seedman
Grace Sherman
Herbert and Ellen Shore
Lewis & Hannah Siegel
Jack Silberman
Joan Sircus
Robert & Sylvia Slesinger
Memory of Bernie Dickman
Memory of father, Isidor Schiffman
Memory of husband, Franklin Schoenberg
Memory of brother, Berill Friedland
Memory of father, Abraham Schwam
Memory of mother-in-law, Rose Seedman
Memory of Irwin Trager
Honor of Weiss Wedding
Mazel Tov on Franny & Harry’s wedding
Memory of father, Robert Siegel
Memory of grandmother, Rebecca Roth
Memory of mother-in-law, Rose Zaionz
Honor of our 61st Anniversary
Memory of father, Theodore Koch
Memory of Irwin Trager
For my Aliyah, Speedy recovery to Gladys Korn
Memory of Irwin Trager and Bernie Dickman
Memory of parents, Molly Slesinger & father,
Simon Barrick & brother, Robert Barrick
For my Aliyah
Memory of husband, Dr. Allen J. Sloane
Honor of mother, Diana Garret’s 94th birthday
Memory of grandmother, Rose Sherry
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Bernie Dickman
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of Shelly Chadwin
Memory of father, Harvey Strauber
Memory of mother, Esther Elkin & brothers, Harry
Elkin & Isadore Elkin
For my Aliyah
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memorial Plaque
Memory of father, Benjamin Rosenblatt
Memory of grandfather, Samuel Levine
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of son, Jonathan
Memory of Irwin Trager
Memory of husband, Charles Klein
Memory of Irving Listman
Marilyn Sloane
Ester Solar
Sherry Stein
Albert & Lorraine Steinhart
Joan Stern
Ora Stock
Edward & Harriet Strauber
Alan & Pauline Tapper
Sheldon and Liz Taylor-Watnick
Elaine Vogel
Avron Wahl & Barbara Weinstein
Herbert & Miriam Weiss
Gene & Ellen Weissman
Gerald & Rita Wincott
Robert & Mollie Zall
Claire Zimmerman
Howard & Flora Zolin
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© 2014 Ronald M. Dragoon
Being A Part of Our Growth
The Sylvia Brown Wall of Honor plaque is being used for the Growth Fund.
There are various categories starting at $500, $1000, $2000, $5000 and up.
You may contribute any amount over a period of
time by making your checks payable to Temple Beth
Kodesh and referencing the Growth Fund. Once you
have accumulated the necessary dollars, your name will
be added to the plaque in the appropriate category.
This does not mean in any way that we are eliminating
the Yahrzeit, Misheberach, JNF Trees or the Kol Nidre
fund categories. This plaque is being used to help maintain
the Temple in order to keep on growing.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free
to call Fred Brown at 561-735-9537.
Awarded levels of merit may continuallty be earned through accumulated donations and may be
added at anytime with the grateful acknowledgement of Temple Beth Kodesh.
We must and can continue our growth and acceptance in the Boynton Beach community.
George & Phyllis Brindis - Diamond
Jerry & Sylvia Brown - Diamond
William and Charlotte Gorin and Family - Diamond
Sylvia Terry - Diamond
Lillian Sekac - Diamond
Bertha Epstein - Diamond
Claire Zimmerman - Diamond
The Platina Singers - Diamond
Marshall & Shirley Friedland - Platinum
Esther Alsen - Platinum
Maurice Halpern - Platinum
Beth & Roy Haas - Platinum
Bob & Judy Rosenthal - Platinum
Bruce & Harriet Becker - Platinum
Len & Beverly Block - Gold
Myron & Lois Paige - Gold
Arthur & Florence Farkas - Gold
Steve & Mary Frank - Gold
Mac & Diana Garret - Gold
I. Alan Cohen - Gold
Barbara & Jerry Zucker - Gold
In Memory of Anne Hahn - Gold
John R. & Marion Halpern - Gold
Fred & Sandra Brown - Gold
Felice Rosenzweig - Gold
Morris Boruck & Miriam Frankel - Silver
Marvin & Shirley Liebensohn - Silver
Ruth Heinemann - Silver
Murray Naparstek - Silver
Jack & Shirley Sorin - Silver
Jim & Laura Kurtzman - Silver
In Loving Memory of Benjamin Jon Siegel - Silver
Harvey Wallet - Silver
Sherry Bernstein - Silver
Ruth Heineman - Silver
In Memory of Ilse, Karl and Selma Simon
Contact Fred Brown at 561-735-9537 for details
fax: 561.364.1906
Boynton Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Implant Center, P.A.
David M. Feinerman, D.M.D., M.D.
3695 Boynton Beach Boulevard, Suite 1
Boynton Beach, FL 33436
Boynton Beach Jewish Center
Beth Kodesh, Inc.
501 NE 26th Avenue
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
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