2008 Call: Road Owners Getting to Grips with Climate Change

2008 Call: Road Owners Getting to Grips with Climate
The 2008 Call “Road Owners Getting to Grips with Climate Change” was the first cross-border
funded joint research programme in ENR. 11 National Road Administrations from different countries
declared to participate in SRO3 with a total Budget for funding projects of 1,350 Mio. EUR over 30
months. The Programme Executive Board (PEB) members are from Austria (Chair), Denmark,
Finland, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden (Leader) and the
United Kingdom.
The call was opened on March 31st and closed May 12th 2008. 19 proposals from 18 different countries
were submitted for the call. 8 of those countries are not members of the funding PEB of ERA-NET
The Programme finished in December 2010 and the Final Report of "SRO3 - Road Owners
Getting to Grips with Climate Change" is now available!
Following 4 projects were selected for financing and they started in autumn 2008:
IRWIN: Improved local Winter Index to assess Maintenance Needs and Adaptation Costs in
Climate Change Scenarios
Improved tools for road owners are urgently needed to help them cope with rapidly progressing
climate change. A very important tool for planning their activities is to have access to good scenarios
regarding spatial and temporal resolution of what to be expected of climate variations in the future,
especially regarding extreme events. Traditionally climate change scenarios are calculated based on
ordinary meteorological data, which have large limitations in respect to resolution….
IRWIN Project Description (.pdf)
Inception Report: Description of Work - December 2008
Interim Report: Database for new scenarios - June 2009
IRWIN Final Report - January 2010
Presentation IRWIN Project (.pdf)
Presentation IRWIN Seminar - IRWIN Seminar 17th November 2009, Helsinki (.pdf)
Presentation IRWIN - Overview of Methods and results(.pdf)
P2R2C2: Pavement Performance and Remediation Requirements following Climate Change
The proposed project will study the likely differences in moisture (water) condition in the pavements
of roads in Europe, from the Alps and northwards, as a consequence of climate change. The project
also will estimate the likely consequences for pavement and sub grade material behavior and for whole
pavement needs in terms of reformulation of material composition, new and modified drainage
practice, modification to maintenance practice and rehabilitation.
P2R2C2 Project Description (.pdf)
P2R2C2 Brochure
Monitoring Progress Report - December 2008
P2R2C2 Draft Final Report - October 2010
D1: State of the Art of likely effect of climate on current roads - October 2009
D2: State of the Art of materials' sensitivity to moisture content change - October
D3: Alternative Materials and Methods to Enhance Resistance to Climate Change January 2010
D4: Soil Wetting-Drying Study - August 2010
D5: Study of Water Effects on Asphalt and Porous Asphalt - June 2010
D6: Climate Change Projections for Variables Affecting Road Networks in Europe April 2010
D7: Analysis of Pavement Structural Performance for Future Climate - July 201
D8: Not available
D9: Pavement Response to Rainfall Changes - May 2010
D10: Future Rehabilitation and Maintenance and Cost-Benefit Study of Alternative
Solutions - July 2010
Please note that some Deliverable files are too large to upload onto the ERA-NET ROAD document
base. These documents are linked externally. All other documents can also be found in the document
RIMAROCC: Risk Management for Roads in a Changing Climate
The objective of the proposed project is to develop a common ERA-NET ROAD method for risk
analysis and risk management with regards to climate change. The purpose is to support decision
making concerning adaptation measures in the road infrastructure. To facilitate the work of end users,
the method will make the best possible use of existing general methods for risk analysis (and
management) within the ERA-NET ROAD funders and other relevant methods, and develop necessary
improvements. The method should be easy to update.
RIMAROCC Project Description (.pdf)
A Guidebook to the RIMAROCC Method
Monitoring Progress Report 1 - December 2008
Monitoring Progress Report 2 - May 2009
Report on State of the art review - June 2009
Monitoring Progress Report 3 - January 2010
Case Studies:
Case Study - Network Scale, The French Nothern Motorway Network - August 2010
Case Study - section/network scale on A2/A58 's Hertogenbosch-Eindhoven-Tilburg
NL - September 2010
Case Study - National Road RV90, Väja, Sweden - September 2010
SWAMP: Storm Water prevention - Methods to Predict Damage from the Water Stream in and
near Road Pavements in lowland Areas
The project deals with drainage and drainage systems on or near the road network in lowland areas in
e.g. The Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and UK. The result of the project are guidelines on
two levels: primarily on the overall level with purpose of finding places on the existing network which
should obtain high priority in order to get best use of limited financial resources. Secondly guidelines
on a more detailed level when preliminary studies and decisions should be taken, and which necessary
initiatives should be undertaken on the chosen places to avoid or limit consequences of flooding.
SWAMP Project Description (.pdf)
Inception Report - January 2009
Report 1: The Blue Spot Concept - May 2010
Report 2: Background Report - May 2010
Report 3: The Blue Spot Model - May 2010
Report 4: Inception and Maintenance - May 2010