SECTION 3.5 ACTIVE TRANSPORI ENDOCYTOSIS, AND EXOCYTOSIS Study Guide KEY CONCEPT VOCABULARY Cells use energy to transport materials that cannot diffuse across a membrane. MAIN IDEA: Proteins gocytosis active transport ph endocytosis exocytosis a can transport materials against a concentration gradient. 1. How is active transport different than simple difñ;sion and facilitated diffusion? 2. Active transport is the movement of molecules against a concentration gradient, whereas any type of d rs the movement ol molecu les oown a concentratton gradtent. How is active transport similar to facilitated diffusion? Both involve the movement of molecules through selective membrane proteins 3. List two characteristics that almost all transport proteins share All transoort oroteins soan the membrane, and most chanqe shape when they bind to a tarqet molecule or molecules. 4. List the key distinguishing feature of active transport proteins. Active transport proteins use chemical energy to move a substance âqainst its concentration gradient. 5. Refer to Figure 3.25 to draw a picture in the box below to represent active transport. outs¡de inside c o o E ()o .C + c o c o) l o T õ E J õo) )o ôO 6. Most active transport proteins use energy from the breakdown of ATP o ro) .E a o O Unit 2 Fesource Book N/cDougal Littell Biology Study Guide 17 Period Name Date STUDY GUIDE, CONTINUED MAIN IDEA: Endocytosis and exocytosis transport materials across the membrane in vesicles. 7. A cell may transport a substance in vesicles if the substance is too large to cross the membrane. 8. During endocytosis, the vesicle membrane fuses with a lysosome, and the membrane and its contents are broken down by lysosomal enzymes Complete the Y diagram below to compare and contrast the processes of endocytosis and exocytosis. Under the heading "endocytosis," list the characteristics of endocytosis. Under the heading "exoc¡rtosis," list the characteristics of exoc¡osis. At the bottom of the I write the characteristics that both processes have in common. Then lightly cross out those characteristics at the top of the Y. Exocytosis Endocytosis uses energy, takes substances into a uses energy, releases substances cell, moves substances in vesicles outside a cell, moves substances in vesicles B oth use energy, move substances in vesicles > C q E O .C È =Co T o) f Vocabulary Gheck 9. -o õ : What term means "cell eating" and describes a type of endocytosis? Phagocystosis o o) f 1O. The prefix exo- means "out of," and the prefix endo- means "taking in." How do these meanings relate to the meaning of exocytosis and endocytosis? o) 'Ë o o Endocytosis is a process that takes substances into a cell. 11. What process drives molecules across a membrane against a concentration gradient? Active transport. study Guide o T Exocytosis is a process that releases substances outside a cell. 18 ôo Unit 2 Besource Book McDougal Littell Biology