Merchant Card Processing Services

Merchant Credit Card Services
Request for Quotation
August 21, 2015
The Fox Valley Park District invites interested parties to submit pricing for relevant information on our
system-wide merchant services contract. This request for quotation details the District’s goals and the
services required.
Merchant Card Processing Services
The Fox Valley Park District is seeking quotations from qualified firms authorized to do business in the
State of Illinois, to provide merchant card processing. The RFQ is available at the The Cole Administration
Center, 101 W Illinois Avenue, Aurora, IL 60506
Questions regarding this RFQ should be presented to Diana Erickson, Director of Finance and
Administration at or 630-966-4507. Questions are due no later than 12:00p.m.,
September 28, 2015. Questions and answers will be posted on our website at weekly. Quotation will be
due to Diana Erickson by October 7, 2015.
Fox Valley Park District reserves the right to reject any and all quotations and to waive any informality.
Located in the scenic Fox River Valley in the Chicago Metropolitan area, the Fox Valley Park District is a
premier park and recreation organization serving an expanding and diverse customer base in one of the
fastest growing regions in the Midwest.
The Fox Valley Park District is the largest park district in Illinois outside of Chicago. The district serves a
population of more than 233,000 people, the majority of whom live in the city of Aurora, the second-largest
city in Illinois. The district also serves the Villages of Montgomery and North Aurora and several
unincorporated areas. Its facilities are located in Kane, DuPage, Kendall and Will counties.
FVPD currently accepts credit card payments at eight different facilities through 33 different terminals.
Credit cards are also processed through online registration software over the internet and phone.
Anticipated Schedule of Quotation
Issue RFQ:
Questions Due:
Answers Available:
Quotations Due:
Contract Signed:
Conversion Date:
August 21, 2015
September 28, 2015
Weekly on website
October 7, 2015
Firm Stability and Background
a. Provide a brief history and background of the firm, including all companies relating to
the merchant card services. Describe your firm’s organizational structure especially as
it applies to service provisions and customer service. Does the firm have any joint
ventures in place for merchant services? Explain.
b. How long have you offered merchant card processing services? What is the firm’s
future strategy as it relates to merchant services?
c. What related services, if any, do you offer?
d. Do you use a third party for any segment of customer services or card processing
services? If yes, explain in detail.
Firm Competitive Position and Future Commitment to Providing Services
What differentiates your firm and the service offered from that of other processors?
b. How do you plan to stay current with all regulations?
c. What major changes do you see occurring in merchant services in the next five years? What
are the plans to help our customers move to new technologies? What approach is the firm
taking in the development of new services?
d. What new services or features have you implemented in the past two years? Do you have any
new services/technologies in implementation currently?
References and Current Client Base
a. Specify the category and number of customers for which you are currently providing card
processing services. How many government agencies do you currently service?
b. What is the daily average number of transactions currently processed? What is the firm’s
maximum daily processing capacity?
c. Where is the processing center? Is the processing structure designed for redundancy to
address disaster situation? How often are the systems tested?
d. Provide the names, email addresses and phone numbers of four references, preferable those
with comparable volumes. Identify how long these clients have used your services.
e. Provide any additional information that is relevant to this request.
Relationship Representatives
Describe your customer service program.
b. Include a sample monthly statement.
Card Acceptance/Interface Processing
a. Does your firm support all major credit cards?
b. Currently our system uses Payment Tech as a gateway we will be switching in the near future
to Plug and Pay. Indicate if these gateways are supported and if there are any limitations.
Authorization Processing
a. What are the procedures to reverse/recall in incorrect authorization? Describe how an after
authorization return would be handled.
b. Describe any limitations on processing such as obtaining authorizations or settlement, number
of files allowed per day, the number of transaction and/or dollar limits per file, or dollar amount
per transaction authorized and settled? What limitations are set by batch? Daily processing?
Are there any limitations on the number of files transmitted each day? Any limitations at all?
c. Is your firm introducing to a direct processor or is it the direct processor?
d. Do merchants incur any monthly access fee to connect to the authorization network? (All fees
and fee categories are to be addressed on the attached schedule.)
e. Describe the procedures to be followed if a transmission request is denied authorization.
7. Settlement Processing
a. What is the settlement transmission time frame for all credit card carriers? Include daily cut-off
times. Will holidays affect the settlement process or timing?
b. Are settlement amounts listed separately on the bank statement or will they appear as one
daily sum? What level of detail is available? Will Saturday and Sunday activity be combined
into Monday activity?
c. Are settlements on gross amount and fees changed monthly?
d. Describe recovery procedures for lost batches.
Define the chargeback cycle. What percentage of chargebacks is handled without merchant
involvement? Does the firm have a standard rule-based logic to facilitate dispute resolution
b. On average, how often are chargebacks reversed?
c. Will the firm provide a designed contact person or department to help manage chargebacks
specifically? How is this handled?
d. What reporting is used? Define and give examples.
e. Are the chargebacks netted from daily proceeds, or are they debited separately?
Will the District receive credit of merchant fees for chargebacks? When are they credited?
Information Reporting
Describe reports available. Provide examples and an overview of all reporting or a link to
sample reports online. Are all reports and information available on line?
b. What is the standard delivery time frame for reports and statements?
c. What delivery methods are used for reports and statements?
d. Does the firm retain or archive reports for clients? Can all reports be downloaded?
e. Describe ad hoc reporting capabilities.
Provide a sample statement.
10. Implementation
a. The implementation target date will be discussed with chosen vendor in after award. Address
how the firm would schedule implementation to come on line smoothly and effectively.
11. Pricing and Contracts
Provide a pricing schedule for the all services and any other unspecified costs required to
provide this service. Is the firm offering a fixed cost plus surcharges fee or interchange plus
b. List all “non-qualified surcharge” categories such as reward cards etc…All fees are to be
included in the attachment.
c. Detail any change in association fees (MC & VISA) that would be charged through the program
from the published interchange rates.
d. How and when is the customer notified of price adjustments? Processor fees for the contract
are set for the contract period? What, if any, prices are adjusted on a regular basis?
12. Preparation of Quotation
Each quotation shall be prepared simply and economically, avoiding the use of elaborate
promotional materials beyond what is sufficient to provide a complete, accurate, and
reliable presentation. For ease of review, the quotations must follow the outline and
attachments. The attached excel document will need to be filled in as completely as
possible by respondents including all rates and information as listed.
13. Submission of Quotations
The submission may be mailed or e-mailed to:
Fox Valley Park District
101 W. Illinois Ave.
Aurora, IL 60506
Attn: Diana Erickson, Director of Finance and Administration
Quotations received after the noted submission date will not be considered. FVPD is under no
obligation to return quotations.
14. Right of Rejection by FVPD
Notwithstanding any other provisions of the RFQ, FVPD reserves the right to award a
contract to the company that best meets the requirements of the RFQ and not necessarily
to the lowest bidder. Further, FVPD reserves the right to reject any or all quotations prior to
execution of the contract for any or no reason and without penalty to FVPD.
15. Award of Contract
Neither the selection of a firm nor the issuance of a Notice of Award shall constitute FVPD’s
acceptance of the quotation nor a binding commitment on behalf of FVPD to enter into a
services contract with the firm, as any binding arrangement must be set forth in definitive
documentation signed by both parties and subject to all requisite approvals.
16. Contract Negotiations
After selecting the apparent qualified vendor, FVPD intends to enter into contract
negotiations with the winning firm who may be required to enter into a written contract or
contracts with FVPD for merchant card processing services in a form approved by legal
counsel for FVPD. This RFQ or any part thereof, may be incorporated into
and made a part of the final contract(s) with the selected vendor. These negotiations could
include all aspects of services and fees.
17. Contract Term
It is the intent upon determining a vendor that satisfies the most qualifications to the
satisfaction of FVPD, to award contract(s) for an initial one-year period with the option to
renew for one, three-year period for a possible total contract term of four years. The
decision to renew the contract(s) will be at the sole discretion of FVPD.
If the vendor fails to properly perform the conditions of the contract – in the sole opinion of
the Park District – the Park District will communicate to the vendor in writing the problem (s)
that exist. The vendor will have up to ten (10) calendar days to rectify the problem (s). If
the same or other problems persists or recur the Park District may immediately cancel the
contract by advising the vendor in writing.
The Park District reserves the right to cancel the contract without cause with a minimum
thirty - (30) days written notice.
Termination or cancellation of the contract will not relieve the vendor of any obligation for
any deliverables entered into prior to the termination of the contract (i.e., reports, statement
of accounts, etc. required and not received).
The Executive Director is the sole contracting Officer for the Fox Valley Park District, and
only he or his designee is authorized to make changes to any contract.
The Park District shall be responsible for only the provisions under contract that were
authorized and signed.
18. Disclosure of Quotation Content
All quotations shall be held confidential to the extent permitted by law from parties other
than the Park District until the recommendation for award is made.
All material submitted become the property of the Park District and may be returned only at
the Park District’s option. The Park District has the right to use all ideas presented in any
reply to this RFQ. Selection or rejection of any quotation does not affect this right.
19. Vendor’s Responsibilities
A vendor, by submitting a quotation represents that:
a. The vendor has read and understands the (RFQ) and the quotation is made in accordance
therewith, and;
b. The vendor is familiar with the local conditions. The vendor possesses the capabilities,
resources, and personnel necessary to provide efficient and successful service to the Park
District and;
c. Vendors are solely responsible for all costs incurred in the preparation of this request and
all cost associated in responding to this request and;
It is understood and the vendor agrees that they shall be solely responsible for all services
provided. Notwithstanding the details presented in the RFQ, it is the responsibility of the
vendor to verify the completeness of the requirements and its suitability to meet the intent of
this RFQ.
20. Respondents Liability
The respondent shall hold and save the Park District, its officers, agents and employees
harmless against claims by third parties resulting from the respondent’s negligence.
21. Minor Irregularities
The Park District reserves the right to waive minor irregularities in RFQ’s, proving such
action is in the best interest of the Park District. Minor irregularities are defined as those
that have no adverse effect on the Park District’s best interest, and will not affect the
outcome of the selection process by giving the respondent an advantage or benefit not
enjoyed by other respondents.
22. Insurance
The vendor shall secure and maintain, at its sole cost and expense during the contract
terms, the following insurance:
Errors and Omissions – in the amount not less than of $10,000,000 (ten million) aggregate.
The vendor shall either cover any subcontractors on its policy or require the subcontractor
to conform to these requirements and file appropriate form with the Park District.
Certificate of insurance indicating that the vendor has coverage in accordance with the
requirement herein set forth shall be furnished by the vendor within thirty (30) days from the
execution of the contract and annual upon renewal thereafter. Vendor agrees that no
payments will be made by the Park District pursuant to the terms of the contract until all
required proof or evidence of insurance has been provided to the Park District. Vendor
agrees that the insurer shall waive its rights to subrogation, if any, against the Park District.
The Park District shall be exempt from, and in no way liable for, any sums of money which
may represent a deductible in any insurance policy. The payment of such deductible shall
be the sole responsibility of the vendor and/or subcontractor providing such insurance.
23. Scope of Services
FVPD is currently accepting credit cards for payments on-premises and over the internet. FVPD
currently uses software Active Network registration software however will be transitioning to
Vermont Systems Inc.
The following services will be required:
Process electronic credit card and debit card as credit card payments (MasterCard, Visa,
Discover and possibly American Express).
Provider must comply with all technical requirements of the software system, in order for Fox
Valley Park District to process credit cards.
24. Evaluation and Award Criteria
This RFQ seeks firms to provide information about merchant card processing services to
FVPD. Selection and evaluation will be made from a short list of vendors deemed to be fully
qualified and best suited among those submitting quotations on the basis of the evaluation
factors listed below:
Understanding of the needs and operation requirements of FVPD.
Compatibility with FVPD’s existing Class registration software, Version 6.0.
The experience, resources, and qualifications of the firm and individuals assigned to this
Relevant experience managing similar account relationships with public agency clients.
Branch and office locations.
Scope of services offered including degree of automation.
Financial strength of proposing firm.
Adequacy of financial controls and protection against loss.
Compliance with new PCI Law.
The value of any new product or service suggestions or other new ideas and
Compliance with the requirements of this RFQ and quality of quotations.
Proposed fees and compensation. (Although fees and compensation will be an important
factor in the evaluation of quotations, FVPD is not required to choose the lowest bidder).
25. Post-Quotation Discussions With Qualified Firms
Provider must comply with all technical requirements of the Class software system in order for Fox
Valley Park District to process credit cards. It is the Park District’s intent, finding qualified firms that
do comply, to commence contract negotiations deemed most advantageous to the Park District in
accordance with the evaluation criteria specified in this RFQ. The Park District reserves the right,
however, to conduct post-quotation discussions with any firms possessing a realistic possibility of
contract award including request for additional information, and request for “best and final” offers.
26. Quotation Acceptance/Rejection
The Park District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations received as a result of
the RFQ, or to negotiate separately with competing vendors, and to waive any informalities,
defects or irregularities in any quotation, or to accept that quotation or quotations, which in the
judgment of the proper officials, is in the best interest of the Park District. Nonetheless, provider
must comply with all technical requirements of the Class software system in order for Fox Valley
Park District to process credit cards and accept a proposed quotation.