Fall 2014 - Hospice Chautauqua County

Caring for your family like family
President & CEO
Ron Sellers
Medical Director
Dr. Thomas Putnam
Board of Directors
Reverend Sam Shreffler, Chair
Sam Price Jr., Vice Chair
Anthony Raffa Sr., Treasurer
Maureen Webb, Secretary
Linda Dunn
Dolores Gould
Carmen Hlosta
Michael White
Mary Jane Covley-Walker
Kathie Cracium
Ellen Luczkowiak
Scott Sampson
Curt Anderson
Sham Bahgat
Jay Bishop, MD
Louis DiPalma
Presidents Letter........... page 2
Hospice Heroes............. page 2
Fear of the Unknown ..... page 3
HCC in Washington........ page 3
Chaplaincy at HCC......... page 4
Tributes..................... page 5-7
Pets & Patients ............. page 8
Celebrating the Light of Life
It can also be a time of reflection and sorrow for those who have lost a loved one.
Hospice of Chautauqua County’s Light A Life Memorial sponsored by Univera
Healthcare provides the opportunity for area residents to remember and celebrate
the lives of the ones they love and miss. Anyone in the community, not just families
who have received hospice care, is encouraged to participate.
Each holiday season the Light A Life Memorial come to life when the blue spruce
trees in front of the Hospice offices are decorated and lit in remembrance of our
loved ones. Red bows are place on the trees, one for each person, and tasteful lighting
illuminates the trees and hearts of the bereaved. A tree lighting ceremony is held
and the trees remain lit through the holidays. This year’s ceremony will take place
Thursday December 4th and will include songs, candle lighting and refreshments.
A special addition is being made to the Memorial this year. Through a
collaboration with Steve and Julie French, an additional memorial lighting display
will be created in the Hospice gardens. The Frenchs’ beautiful and contemplative
lighting displays have been featured throughout WNY including the Buffalo
Botanical Gardens, Jamestown Audubon and the Heron Lights.
Handcrafted porcelain keepsake ornaments will again be offered to anyone
wishing to remember their loved one privately. Please use the enclosed order
information for bows and ornaments. Bow orders must be received by
November 14th to be included in the Light A Life program. Call the HCC offices
with any questions.
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Caring for your family like family
Message from the President
9th Annual Don’t Know Your
Partner Charity Bowling
provide care and education to the residents of Chautauqua
County who are confronting life-compromising illness.
As the only Medicare-certified hospice service
provider in Chautauqua County, we provide end-of-life
care. As a provider of palliative care, we care for people
who are in any stage of a serious illness including those
who are undergoing curative treatment.
Our care is available to every person residing in Chautauqua County, regardless of their ability to pay or whether
they are living in their own house or a nursing home.
Much of the care we provide is fully covered by
Medicare, Medicaid, commercial insurers, and the
Veteran’s Administration. Some people are uninsured
but we are able to provide the same level of care for
all our patients because of the generous support of our
community. A collection agency will never call, nor will
a judgment ever be filed, because someone cannot afford
our care. Our end-of-life care is only about comfort,
dignity and peace of mind.
Memorial contributions and letters of thanks give
witness to the exceptional care we are providing. It’s a very
powerful experience when a group of volunteers organize
a fundraiser and present a $5,000 check to us because
we have touched their lives through the care of a loved
one. Charitable support is critical not just to our finances,
but also to our morale and our individual dedication to
patient care.
This newsletter is dedicated to the generous
community members who give their time and money in
support of our mission. Your contributions ensure hospice
care is available when it’s needed. From the bottom of our
hearts, thank you!
Under the leadership of Bill Larson,
the Chautauqua Lake Memorial VFW
Post 8647 has organized a night of
bowling each winter that has raised
a total of $35,800 for HCC since the
tournament began in 2006.
2nd Annual Mel Perks Memorial
Motorcycle Run
Sponsored by Levant Motors and
The Pad in Kennedy, NY organizers
Al and Patty Sutter and their
generous patrons raised $9,924.
So Patty wrote a check for $76 so
they could reach the $10,000 mark!
5th Annual Jack Carlson
Memorial Lawn Mower
Poker Run
A dedicated group of volunteers,
including Hospice nurse Deb
Przeporia, from the American Legion
Post # 493 of Mayville, NY organized
this community event that netted
$6,559 for HCC.
For six years Family Health Medical
Services has directed proceeds of it
golf tournament to benefit us. Over
$100,000 has been deposited in the
Robert Maytum Fund to Benefit
Hospice Chautauqua County at the
Northern Chautauqua
Community Foundation.
Circulus Golf Tournament
For the 7th year in a row, the Circulus Golf Tournament
has provided valuable support to HCC. This year’s high
water amount of $7,500 brings the seven-year support total
to $40,725!
Hospice Speakers Available
Hospice Chautauqua County would like to share its
mission and program information with community
organizations, employee groups and service clubs.
Call our Community Engagement office at
338.0035, ext 201 to arrange a speaker.
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Caring for your family like family
My Fight with the
Fear of the Unknown
(Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt
of a 4-page letter received from Rayele
Bartholomew describing the end-of-life
journey that she, her mother and HCC shared
recently. The entire letter is posted on the HCC
website at www.HospiceChautCo.org .)
one of my co-workers said to me
“Ray, Seriously- call Hospice”. No
way did I want to call Hospice. That
would mean admitting that she was
going to die and I was still not ready
yet. But I talked to my mom about
it and she agreed. So I made the
“dreaded” call… We were under the
impression that Hospice came in
for maybe the last few days, pumped
her full of medicine, and made her
comfortable until she passed. I have
no idea how the general society got to
these sort of conclusions, but boy did
we learn that we had the wrong idea.
I will never forget that initial
consult. The social worker and
nurse arrived at her home. These
two Hospice workers explained to
us what Hospice was all about and
the services that they offered. Until
this time, I had been questioning
doctors. “Why isn’t she being tested
for this”? “Why are you switching
her medicine to that”? “What are you
going to do about her pain level”?
And these are just the questions for
the doctors. “What about her health
insurance”? “How will we be able to
get her the medicine that she needs”?
“Does she qualify for Medicare”?
“How would we apply”? “Should
we seek the advice of a lawyer”?
“Who can help us”? Everything was
unknown. We didn’t have answers
to any of the questions. Yet the
questions just kept coming.
But now we had Hospice. And
on that very first visit, her nurse
and her social worker assured us
that everything would be okay.
For the first time, we knew that it
would. As we engulfed all of this
new information, I almost cried. I
never like to lose control so I held it
back. I felt like two angels had just
swept in and taken the weight off of
our shoulders. Now, I am not just
saying this to sound poetic in some
lame way. This is the fact of how we
actually felt.
The next few months I was
able to take a giant leap back. Our
Hospice team took care of all of our
needs. Now, instead of making calls
to doctors or filling out paperwork, I
was able to focus solely on my mom.
So my visits with her now were
actually that…..visiting. We knew
that Hospice was doing everything
that they could and we trusted them
completely. They handled all of
Now, instead of making
calls to doctors or filling out
paperwork, I was able to
focus solely on my mom.
So my visits with her now
were actually that… visiting.
her needs….physical, emotional, and
spiritual. My mom was beginning to
act like her old self even though her
body was clearly taking her in the
opposite direction…
Please visit www.HospiceChautCo.org to
read Rayele’s entire letter
HCC Goes to Washington
On June 17, 2014 Ron Sellers (standing) and Heidi Raynor (second from right) joined
other upstate NY hospice providers in a lobbying effort to reverse a devastating process
announced by the Federal government earlier in the year that was causing delays and
even denial of coverage for important medications for patients receiving hospice care.
Hospice providers from around the country descended on Washington that day in a
lobbying effort orchestrated by the National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization.
Congressman Reed and legislators on both sides of the isle overwhelmingly agreed and
the “preauthorization” process was rescinded on July 18, 2014.
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Caring for your family like family
In Memory of...
Chaplaincy at HCC
“Where the Rubber Meets the Road”
draw heavily on their religious and spiritual
beliefs, especially thoseunder the care of
HCC. That is why three full-time chaplains
are on staff at HCC to companion patients in
the last chapters of their life journey. They
provide support to patients in our Palliative
Care and Hospice Care programs no matter
what their religious or non-religious background may be.
“Matters of faith and spirituality take on immense proportion at the end
of life and the last steps one takes in this life often need steadying support.”
reflects Chaplain Leslie. Our chaplains have over 26years of combined service
in offering end of life spiritual care.
“It is a privilege to be present in such an intimate part of life’s journey and
each journey is different. I learn and grow with each experience,” comments
Chaplain Smith. “I am deeply touched by the courage, depth of strength, faith,
and lessons learned from those journeying to the end of their life.”
The primary objective in the Palliative
“It is a privilege to be
Care program is to connect or reconnect
present in such an
individuals and their families to their faith
intimate part of life’s community. “This could be their pastor,
priest, rabbi, or other individual that gives
journey and each their life meaning,” said Chaplain Smith.
journey is different.”
For those patients on hospice care
services, the chaplains first make a spiritual assessment, then create a plan of
care to meet the individual’s spiritual goals. “It’s all about them, not us, in the
spiritual care we offer,” says Chaplain Phelps. “We affirm individuals religious
connections, their faith journeys, those with agnostic or atheistic backgrounds,
and the things that give them meaning in life.”
HCC has recently launched a new initiative to reach out to the local religious
community. Summer intern Chaplain Jay Summerville contacted almost 50 religious
leaders to make connections and strengthen our relationships around the county. Those
contacted overwhelmingly expressed an interest attending an in-service on a topic of
end of life care. The first such session will take place about the time of this newsletter’s
publishing. We weren’t able to connect with all congregations and we want to hear
from everyone. If we missed you or if you have a topic you’d like to learn more about,
please email Chaplain Phelps at tphelps@hospicechautco.org or leave a message for us
at 716-338-0033 and one of the Chaplains will return your call. We invite you to share
a particular question you may have concerning end of life care or bereavement care.
Are there things in end of life care or bereavement care that have worked well for you?
Would you be willing to offer an in-service on a particular subject? Your responses are
welcomed and will be used to guide us in developing various learning opportunities.
Dorothy Akam
Mr. and Mrs. John Faulkner
Mayville Senior Citizen, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Moore
Karan Pentek
Harold Alden
Cheryl Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Illig
William Johnson
Marilyn A. Palmquist
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roach
Carolyn Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Larson
Delores Sullivan Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daly
Doris Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bert
Mary Jane DiPietro
Audrey M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Leburg
Shirley Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Barmore
Mr. and Mrs. John Butts
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cable
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dove
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hartley
Mr. and Mrs. David Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Leonard
Linda Lynn
Reinold Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pierce
Marlene Rossing
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sandberg
Agnes Woodard
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Yagger
Josephine Arcadipane
Nancy Akam
Barbara Arcadipane
Christopher Crawford and Kathryn
Leona Gundlach
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ims
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lathan
Lilly (Michael Foti)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maier
Rose Markham
Laura McKenrick
Mr. and Mrs. William Probst
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richmond
Madeline Riscili
MaryLou Sherman
Steve Stratton, DDS
Jeannette Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Horrigan
Barry Lindblom
Ethel Lindblom
Norma Norris
Jean Shepardson
Kurt Weitendorf and Joan Booth
Lynn Yanke
Francis Aronica
Mr. and Mrs. John Adel
Joyce Axelson
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. William Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson
Carolyn Badgley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boehm
Virgina Bentley
Patricia Scott
Wally Bielmier
Barton Tool, Inc. (Jo Ann Barton)
Helen Binko
Runa Bartkowiak
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Caring for your family like family
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buck
Ferber Group (Scott Ferber)
Robert Militello
Dorothy Nalepa
Richard Wolanin
Bruce Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. David Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Gollnitz
Casima Bonfiglio
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Ciancio
James Bonfiglio
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Ciancio
Dan L. Borowiak
Lisa Gunning
Marguerite Brightman
Patricia Scott
Virginia Brosius
Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Bartholomew
Sandra Jones (MD Electronics)
Betty Brown
Deborah Dinse
Richard Gans
Michael O’Keefe
Serene Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Cimo
Anthony Cordosi
Maggie Irwin
Frances Marchiando
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mastrosimone
Steven Raynor
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Spencer
June Willoughby
Dorothy Brownell
Robert Anderson
Patricia Gronquist
(Jamestown Babe Ruth League)
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lines
Shirley Edgren
Charles M. Burkey
Sheila Morton
Daniel Butts
Bahgat & Laurito-Bahgat, CPA’S, P.C.
Allen Chase
James Currie
Mr. and Mrs. James Fischer
Fredonia Fire Dept. Auxilliary
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson
M.M. Fenner Hose Co. #2
Mr. and Mrs. David Mackowiak
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Millonzi
Monday Night Golf League (Donald Mansfield)
Linda Sample and Steve Konon
Kay Shipman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Smith
Mrs. and Mr. Lewis Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart
Gail Tietz
Margaret Canon
Jennifer Price
Doris Carlson
Ann Anderson
Betty Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Anderson
Harold Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Black
Terry Constantine
Thomas Constantine and Dawn Ormond
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crellin
Frances T. D’Angelo
Roger Gilbert
Karen Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Leburg
Donna Minor and Kay Popovich
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ognibene
Mr. and Mrs. James Povlock
Keith Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott
Linda Tufts
Douglas Carlson
Ronald Carlson
Frances Carnes
Rev. and Ms. Brian Carnes
Marcella Carney
Phyllis Hube
Richard Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adamczak
Elaine Bialaszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Castiglia
Mr. and Mrs. James Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erickson
Mr. and Mrs Rowland Mahany
Barbara Ostlund
Phillip Schrader
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tarnowski
Norma Catanese
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R Engdahl
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Horrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Loomis
Maplevale Farms
Mr. and Mrs. William Palmer
Marsha Scott
Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer
Margaret Stino
The Crossmen (Julie Nagel)
Donna Cheney
Barbara J. Johnson
Marilyn Lindquist
Delores Swanson
Michael Churchill
Weber Knapp Co.
(Robert Dahlin)
Vincent Cirincione
Patricia Baker
Frances Bishop
Cynthia Bolling and Beverly Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown
Mary Buccola and Theresa Buccola
Sheila Carlson
Carmella Cirincione
Mr. and Mrs. John Damond
Margaret Elf
Faye Greco
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kluttz
Theresa Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Neel
Ellen Newman
Zelda Seidenberg
Anne Spitale
George Spitale
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weimer
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wood
Elsie Colander
Jennifer Reynolds and Seleen Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson
Dean Courson
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Courson
Mary D’Attilio
Jane Fosberg
Ellis Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen
Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter
Elizabeth Lasser
George Minnigh and Barbara Kiddoo
Kathleen Smith
Stockton Walk Book Club (Angela Johnston)
Stockton Walk Canasta Club (Angela Johnston)
Stockton Walk Homeownders Assoc (Angela Johnston)
Wayne Whitmore
Mary Josephine Davison
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Herbert
Clelia DiPalma
Lakeshore Savings Bank
Gloria Ditonto
IBEW Local 106
SKF Employees Fund
Norman Dix
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bowker
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Burmaster
Curbell Plastics (Robert Manning)
Dolores J. Deering
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C Falcone
Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Hall
IBEW Local 106
Mr. and Mrs. David McEntarfer
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Meadows
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Schmitt
David Smith
Raymond Smith
Ruth Stebbins
Mary Dixson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson
Diana Dorman
Donna Emo
Albert Dudzic
Mr. and Mrs. Jim VandeVelde
Donald Ferguson
June Stoddard
Gertrude Finley
Marsha Finley
Jay Finley
Marsha Finley
John Formanowicz
Marsha Finley
John Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C Falcone
Fredonia Heating & Plumbing
Neal Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fancher
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gould
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gruber
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Jackson
Jean Malinoski
Laura Markham
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nobles
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Senn
Peggy Spears
Neil Waterman
Philip Frederes
Gordon Frederes
Anthony “Sy” Genco
Barton Tool, Inc.
(Jo Ann Barton)
Rose Bonfiglio
Jeannette Brigiotta
Anthony Calabrese
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Cammarata
Providence Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daly
Mary D’Angelo
Angela Genco
Josephine Genco
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Genco
Jamestown Community College (Greg DiCinque)
Martha Jordan
Project LINC & PACERS Program (Cheryl Stone)
Rocky Racitano
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Stone
Joselle Syracuse
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Young
Mary Jane Gibson
Charles Griffith and Norman Griffith
Robin Giles
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chasler
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Columbare
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Farrell
Phoebe Forbes
Joan Marcello
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weber
Walter Good
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Davison
Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson
D. Craig Short
Earnest Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Al Niehaus
Vivian Gow
Deborah Gow
James Griswald
Phyllis Hube
Ethel Hainer
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Hanson, Jr.
Migliore Funeral Home
James Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Foster
Hope’s Windows, Inc. and David Gerringer
Norman Mattison
Charles Hanks
Nancy Hanks
Mary Ann Harp
Harp Family
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Muck
Carolyn Harris
Mr. and Mrs. W. Dale Barmore
Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Bartholomew
Merle Hartley
Chautauqua Energy Inc (Chautauqua Energy Mgmt)
Gena Hartson
Lynne Nelson
Linda Hayes Blair
Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Hay
Alan Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kinney
Mr. and Mrs. Eusebio Maya
WCA Care and Share
Margaret Hesling
Karen Stanley
Judith Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Betts
Carolyn Bills
Barbara Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Couchman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dewey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dodd
Zona Kurgan
Florence McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. David Mead
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parker
Debra Patch
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rothwell
Mr. and Mrs. William Wragge
Evelyn Hilldale
Joyce Bracey
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Grant
Jean Landin
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sohmer
Milton Hilliker
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bailey
Deborah Lore
Roy Hine
Sue McMurdy
Courtney Hoglin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiMaio
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodall
Mr. and Mrs. John Holsinger
Elaine Johnson
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Caring for your family like family
Joseph Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nelson
Kevin Hoitink
Randy Burkholder
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kinney
Ralph Hollis
Nancy MacDonell
Martha Magnuson
Mr. and Mrs. John Nicklas
Carolyn Wierson
Georganna Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lyons
Phyllis Hube
Marilyn Barresi
Dr. and Mrs. John Berner
Helen Brinkman
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carney
Irene Coon
Carole Cotten
Judy Elwinger
Mr. and Mrs. John Griswold
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. George Mallory
Mr. and Mrs. John Messina
Marcelline Rice
Margaret Rusch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sieter
Mr. and Mrs. Carter Town
Marg Willman
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wills, Jr.
Josephine Ippolito
Florence Laux
Margaret Marriott
Mr. and Mrs. John Rizzo
Lewis James
Mr. and Mrs. Richard James
Mr. and Mrs. Don Lauger
Daniel Johnson
Barton Tool, Inc. (Jo Ann Barton)
Henry Moyer, Jr. and JoAnn Barton
Richard Josephson
Mr. and Mrs. David Clark
Carl Karges
Dennis Heslink
Charlotte Wolcott
Thomas Kelly
Michael Kelly
Frances Kelwaski
Dennis Maddox
Rose Kennedy
Patricia Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Conti
CSEA-6318 and Kitty Kubera
Mr. and Mrs. William Ebeling
Fredonia Elementary
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Gullo
Angeline Leone
Janet Lesch-Schmonsky and
Stephen Schmonsky
Jean Malinoski
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Siracuse
Margaret Wedo
James Wilcox
John Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Farrell
Pine Valley Central School
Mr. and Mrs. Josef Powell
Victoria Klark
Bemus Point Faculty
Association (Doris Hale)
Maple Grove Faculty & Staff
Yale Kohlbacher
Arline Restivo
Jack Kolstee
Beverly Lindstrom
Candra Lindstrom
Thomas Korcyl, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Alaimo
Mr. and Mrs. Don Olson
Carol Kosinski
SKF (Karen Whitford)
Elizabeth Krzyzanowicz
Norman Krzyzanowicz
Lorretta LaMancuso
Patricia LaMancuso
Elizabeth LaVoy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dibble
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rondeau
Karen Ward
Leonard Lampert
Faculty Student Assoc. SUNY Fredonia
Gordon Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell
Howard Lindstrom
Moog Graphic Services (Michael Deni)
Mr. and Mrs. William Morales
Agnes Tilaro
Helen Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pierce
Ivan Legters
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Arlington
Diane O’Toole
Our Lady of Peace (Mary Jane Eberhardt)
Terrance Schruers
Donald Limberg
Patricia Scott
Caroline LoGuidice
Michael Bartel
Josephine Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Conti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard LoGuidice
Theresa Loguidice
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Niebel
Don Magnuson
Martha Magnuson
Rose Mansfield
Barbara Endress
Bessie Endress
Sandra Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Don Livinghouse
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Mansfield
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mansfield
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zelasko
Betty Jane Maroone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albrecht
Mr. and Mrs. William Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Doeing
Nina Freas
Mary Iannuzzelli
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kubiak
Mr. and Mrs. James Nusall
Karen Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stutz
Marjorie Mattison
Giorgio Marchini
Norman Mattison
Marshall Mattison
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson
Diane & Paul Matuszewski
Sandra Grossman and Cromey Family
Mr. and Mrs. William Haase
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hubbard
Joanne Leavens
Joanne Leavens
Mary Ann Leonard
Quick Solutions
Pamela Roat
Robert Siegel and
Dixie Dugan-Siegel
Beverly Solinger
Paul Matuszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bloomquist
Stephen Cusimano
Mr. and Mrs. William Haase
Diane Jordan
Roderick Mawhir
Patricia Johnson
Fredora Manzella
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Thies
John McMaster
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeStefano
Glenn McNamara
Ruth McNamara
Walter Mead
Patricia Keifer
Joan Marcello
Frank Meeder
Marcia Meeder
Helen Mekus
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gambino
Leona Gundlach
Jeanette Hutchison
Grace Milioto
Debra Hutley
Monday Morning Bible Study
Marsha Scott
Mr. and Mrs. John Widrig
Gerald Miller
Patricia Baker
Mr. and Mrs. W. William Burk
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Campbell
Clole Eddy
Mr. and Mrs. David Howard
Joseph Johnson
Eleanor Nelson
Ms. and Mr. Kelley O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sard
Sarah Todaro and Kenneth Mathews
Harlan Miller
William Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Joy
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nicosia
Harlan Miller
Mollie Staley
Jack Miller
Lynn Ensign and Kevin McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall
Laurice Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Karin
Lightaction Productions
(Scott Humphrey)
Mr. and Mrs Rowland Mahany
Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Michaels
Cathy Peoples
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Tederous
Roselle Tederous
Norman Miller
Falconer Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lorry Johnson
James Schwab
Nora Schwab
Franklin Moeller
Nestle Purina PetCare Company
Betty Moffett
Patricia Straight
George Moore, Jr.
Kathryn Moore
Virginia Moore
Shirley Carlson
Alan Moren
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson
Troy Brostrom
Chere Collins
Robert Dorado
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drake
Josephine Farnella
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gagliano
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Glander
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Graves
Harmony Senior Citizens (Sandra Hoyt)
Killeen Higgins & FRES Friends
Jameson Publishing
Dorothy Lawrence
Carla Pontarelli
Barbara Rodriguez
Betty Rodriguez
Judith Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stewart
James Muck
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Muck
Philip Muck
Mr. and Mrs. William Blanchard
Alice Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kindschi
Brenda Krakowiak
Carl Maier
Elenore Muck
Dennis Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Rhinehart
W. H. Rhinehart
James Rice
Cheryl Ross and Richard Sheridan
Glenda Ruhmel
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Socha
Gary Woock
Marcia Zambito
Avory Murphy
Phyllis Hube
Sharon Murray
Mr. and Mrs. F. Michael Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cummings
Velma Nagle
Karen Taylor
Lydia Nappo
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Turner
John Nelson
Joanne Nelson
Johann Nocero
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson
Anabel Weise
Harold North, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis
Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Lombardo
Mr. and Mrs. David Nims
Thomas North
Janice Paquin
Mrs. and Mr. Fred Peterson
Kari Nystrom
Laura Felice
Karen Nyweide
Chaut. Co. Town Highway (Greg Hallberg)
Clymer Town Clerk and Cynthia Willink
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cochran
William Deuink
Mr. and Mrs. Mann Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Styers
Fritz Overs
Patricia Scott
Caroline Paddock
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Eckwahl
Robert Hagstrom, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Leburg
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mastrosimone
Mr. and Mrs. James Nosal
Gayle Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. James Subjack
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson
Marlene Volpe
Angelo Papa
Susan Fox
Linda Parisio
Mr. and Mrs. William Probst
Christopher Parrette
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Colburn
Mary Farrell and Kelly Dubois
2014Fall.indd 6
10/14/14 11:09 AM
Caring for your family like family
Mr. and Mrs. Rabbe Lindstrom
Mr. and Mrs. John Sundeen
Diane Wahlberg
June Wahlberg
Joseph Paterniti
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson
Mrs. and Mr. Lewis Snyder
Susan Patti
Skip Axelson
Mr. and Mrs. Kane Brink
James Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hitchcock
Jamestown Heating & Air Systems, Inc
Janet Larson
Arlene Nordin
George Patti
Grace Peterson & Shelly O’Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Pierson
Gayle Schulte
Mary Welgs
Jean Patz
Joanne Picarro
Mr. and Mrs. James Shutts
Carol Waugh
Douglas Peterson
Ivory Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Laska
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Long
Ruth Muirhead
Kathleen Peterson
Eunice Speta and Jim Hill
Janice Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Bartholomew
Mr. and Mrs. James Cady
Donna Isaacson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson
Rev. Alan Jones
Bud Larson and Jean LaFrance
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Peterson
David Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rothwell
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rothwell
Norman Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Larson
Randall Peterson
Reba Hekker Nyack Middle School Teachers
Jennifer Reynolds and
Seleen Collins
Carolyn Pillsbury
Martha Magnuson
Marion Potter
Emily Lodestro
William Reed Powers
Leona Gundlach
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones
Marie Prince
Mr. and Mrs. John Prince
Russell Putney
Leslie West
Vincent Racitano
James Barnes
Dolores Bonfiglio
Dimetrio Constantino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DiDomenico
Anne Messina
Mary Racitano
Dan Sandberg
Mr. and Mrs. James Tumminia
Ronald Yachetta
Mary Raimondo
Una Raimondo
Rosemont Reibel
Mr. and Mrs. David Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Raymond
Jason Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Horst
Geneva Robbins
Myril Ball
Duane Burnside
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Crosby
Falconer Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. James Hosmer
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Manno
Richard Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rothleder
Donald Short
Ronald Yachetta
Barbara Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. David Yagger
Edward Roemer
Mrs and Mr. James Rensel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roemer
Richard Roos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson
Alfred Rossetti, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Castiglione
Barbara Sadler
Tracy Collingwood
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fiorella
Mary Irving
Audrey M. Johnson
Jean Landin
Deidre Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sanner
Edward Sampson
Chautauqua Energy Inc (Chautauqua Energy Mgmt)
Donald Sandberg
Barton Tool, Inc. (Jo Ann Barton)
Mary Ann Benson
Russell Carlson
Steven Centi
IBEW Local 106
Mrs. and Mr. Bruce Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Mara
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Merrill
Kathleen Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Falare Sandberg
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sandberg
Mary Sarno
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mistretta
Dianne Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rizzuto
Kimberly Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Spoto
Betty Stefanczak
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Vandewark
Daniel Schimek
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gabel
Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Hay
Jack Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. David Howard
Pauline Saxton
John Seekins
Mary Marcum
Scott Shannon
Sandra Wettingfeld
John Silk III
Mr. and Mrs. David Backus
Bunco Babes (LuAnn Backus)
Chaut. Lake Fishing Assoc. Inc.
Morton Club Beneficiary Assoc
Margaret Scaneo
Mr. and Mrs. Tage Swan
John D Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Cammarata
Frank “Bob” Sphon
Julie Marsh
Cindy Steele
Artone LLC
Norman Stiver
Anderson Precision
Donald Stiver
Walter Szczublewski
Claire Bartkowiak
Rita Cieslewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fabritius
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Karin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levandoski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Michalski
Kay O’Connell
Jan Pincoski
Esther Skrzypek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Mary Ann Szczublewski
Mr. and Mrs. David Wallace
Wendover Middle School and Jeffrey Gruskiewica
Major Szymanski
Clayton Milks, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Moss
Mr. and Mrs. William Szymanski
Rose Troutman
Josephine Trippi
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Greenwald
Mr. and Mrs. James Painter
Vincent Valone
Mr. and Mrs. James Bauer
Peggy Card
Mr. and Mrs. James Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coleman
Irene Coon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Criscione
Crockett Family and Borzelleri Family
Joanne Cunningham
C. Elaine Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Don Harriman
Hawk Construction LLC
M. Elizabeth Jacka
Patricia Kalfas
Josephine Lantz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lascola
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Privitere
Gary Reynolds and Marilyn Pantano
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Salisbury
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott
Mr. and Mrs. James Tampio
Ronald Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Uszacki
Connie VanScoter
Brian Barnes (Barnes Greenhouses, Inc)
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boltz
Susan Dilks
eSolar Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Garretson
Mr. and Mrs. Al Hollands
Virginia Horvath
Richard Huibregtse
Jeanne Jenkins Green
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nobles
James Willing and Boston Buddy’s
Mabel Warner
Virginia Breznak
Max Waters
Sandy Niedziwick
Lois Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kolo
The Happy Hoofers (Linda Bradigan)
Lucille Wells
Joan Caruso and Lorna Penny
Joyce Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Everett
Mr. and Mrs. John Kollig
Rita Notaro and Ann Notaro
Janice Zurbrugg
Jeffrey Wickmark
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Tolman
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Tolman
Frederick Wilson
Shirley Wilson
Ferris Woleben
Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham
Barbara Custer
James Mulkin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Przybycien
Patricia Rosing and Candyce
Rosing Alessi
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. David Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Woleben
Helen Woleen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Cammarata
Norma Gagliano
Holy Apostles R.C. Parish
Ann Kroon
Marilyn Pedersen & Friends
Mary Storms
Barbara Tramonte & Friends
Mr. and Mrs. James K Wirsen
Jack Woodbury
Kimberly Maben
Kathy Yanik
John Nelson and Joseph Yanik
Tom Wall
Sandra Wicklund
Joe Yanik and John Nelson
David Yeager
Cosimina Gizzi
Henry & Leona Zuzek
Nancy Stapleton
In Honor of...
Lakewood-Busti Golden Agers
Shauna Anderson
Amy Meeder
Bryan Babcock
Dale Babcock
Wayne Babcock
Ken Birchard
Jennifer Botsford
Doug Cummings
Kathy Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davies
Patricia Dominas
Marcia Meeder
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Oviatt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sasso
Charles Utegg
Betsy Wile
Tom & Faith Olson
Sheila Barkevich
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Rose
In Celebration of...
Joyce Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Spyros Kolivas
2014Fall.indd 7
10/14/14 11:09 AM
Caring for your family like family
HCC Keeps
Pets & Patients Together
Visits by volunteers Connie
Brown and her dog, Trixie,
bring smiles to patients and
County became the first hospice
provider in New York State to
offer a unique program to actively
support the unique bond between
hospice patients and their pets.
Pet Peace of Mind provides
volunteer pet care services for
patients who are unable to care
for their Pets while on hospice.
Services provided under the
program include assistance with
pet food, routine veterinary care
& transportation, pet boarding
and walking. Adoption services
are also available when separation
is unavoidable.
(Editor’s note: The following excerpt is from “My Fight With the
Fear of the Unknown,” the chronicle of Rayele Bartholomew’s
mother’s the end-of-life journey (page 3) when the difficult
decision was being made to move her mother into her own home.)
She lived with two cats and these two lovely ladies were
her babies. Now what would we do with the cats? Well,
they could not come with her because my home already had
3 animals. Plus… they barely liked each other, let alone any
other animals.
Once again, we called upon Hospice. The kind woman
came in to her home and took the cats originally to the
Human Society, but they have since both been adopted
into good homes. The pet therapist visited once a week
to the Humane Society and took pictures of my mother’s
cats playing with the other cats. Yes, I know I said her
cats were not nice- so I am not sure how this happened but she
had the physical proof ! The therapist would then visit with my
mom, show her the pictures, and give her updates. My mom’s face
would light up and when I told her that Bobbie had called and
was on her way over with new pictures. We printed the pictures
and kept them next to her bed so that she could see them anytime
that she wanted.
When you cannot physically get out of your bed and you are
counting your time here on this earth, it is a service like this that
makes your day and makes you feel like your world is still spinning.
Generous sponsor of
Hospice Chautauqua County
20 West Fairmount Ave.
Lakewood, NY 14750
US Postage
Jamestown, NY
Permit No. 26
2014Fall.indd 8
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