Testing for asymmetric response to selection for flowering time in Brassica rapa Supreet Sunil, Emily Austen, Arthur E. Weis Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto BACKGROUND RESULTS Evolutionary shifts in phenological characteristics, such as flowering time, are important in species’ response to changing climatic patterns, biological invasions, and other biotic & abiotic factors.1,2 (A) (B) Previous work indicates that such evolutionary shifts can occur rapidly due to strong capacity to respond to selection pressures.2 Recent studies have revealed asymmetric responses to selection on flowering time, suggesting that some species may not respond equally to selection for early and late flowering.3 Fig 2. (A) Variance in offspring bolting time increases with maternal bolting date (n = 315 families, mean 11.6 individuals per family). (B) Trend towards increasing variation in offspring bolting day with maternal bolting day persists even when variation is meanstandardized, which should correct for scale effects. This is consistent with observations in our lab that variance in offspring flowering date increases with later maternal flowering, potentially indicating reduced selection response (Figure 1). (B) (A) Early Ctrl Late Response to selection may also be constrained by selecting for correlated traits (such as flowering time and plant size).4 Asymmetric responses to selection may arise due to several factors, the most important of which are genetic asymmetry and scale effects.5 2 mean offspring flowering time 1.5 1 Fig 3. (A) Selection response for late flowering was surprisingly strong in all lines (HA = black, NA = grey). (B) Flowering time variation is greater in late selection line than in early selection line. Distributions shown for HA rep 1. 0.5 0 (A) -0.5 (B) RHA=0.72 -1 -1.5 -1.5 RNA =0.66 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 midparent flowering time Figure 1. Mid-parent regression of maternal flowering date on offspring flowering date. Note the large variance in offspring flowering for late flowering maternal plants (C) HYPOTHESIS Because parent-offspring resemblance is stronger in early flowering plants, we expect that a population will respond more rapidly to selection for early flowering than for late. Fig 4. (A) Strong correlation between size at flowering (leaf scars) and flowering time suggests that selecting on flowering time will cause indirect selection on size as well. (B) & (C) Strength of relationship between flowering time and size (LS and SD) is stronger in HA populations than NA populations. STUDY SYSTEM DISCUSSION Brassica rapa is a weedy, selfincompatible winter annual • Heritability in direction of early flowering is comparable to that in direction of late flowering (Fig 3a). This is surprising given the wide variation in offspring FT of late flowering mothers (Fig 2a). Native range is Eurasia, but it is found widely across Canada as an naturalized weed • Re-examining Fig 2a, increasing offspring variance does not necessarily indicate a reduced capacity to respond to selection. Heritability is constant and the mean FT is still higher. Wikipedia.org Our populations were founded from seeds collected at a Quebec site in 2009 • Both mean and variance of flowering time are greater in the late selection lines than in the early selection lines (Fig 3b), consistent with the pattern observed in Fig 2b. • The slight asymmetry in HA lines in Fig 3a may be due to underlying genetic asymmetry, if hyperassortative mating exposes rare recessive alleles for late flowering. Populations subjected to a specific mating scheme for 2 generations prior to experiment •A strong positive relationship exists between flowering day and plant size. This suggests that plant life-history traits may be constrained by genetic and environmental correlations resulting in an overall positive phenotypic correlation.4 METHODS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS •Hyperassortative (HA) plants were pollinated with individuals flowering on the same day. Naturally assortative (NA) plants were pollinated within groups. •At maturity, fruit was harvested and plant size (stem diameter and # of leaf scars) was recorded. We would like to thank all the members of the Weis lab for their assistance and support throughout this project. Special thanks go to Jennifer Ison, Geoffrey Legault and Susana Wadgymar for their input in all facets of the experiment. We also wish to extend our thanks to Alex Levit and Karen Bai for their help in the greenhouse. We are also extremely grateful to the many undergraduate volunteers who assisted with data collection and entry. Lastly, we wish to thank both Andrew Petrie and Bruce Hall for their assistance in caring for the greenhouse plants. Xind. = FTind – FTctrl Sline = Xselected – Xpopulation Rline = Xline – Xctrl GEN 1 BASE Early 15% CTRL Late 15% GEN 2 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Montague, J. L., S. C. H. Barrett, and C. G. Eckert. 2008. Journal of Evo. Bio. 21:234-245. Franks, S. J., S. Sim, and A. E. Weis. 2007. Proc. of the Nat. Acad. of Sci. USA 104:1278-1282. Burgess, K. S., J. R. Etterson, and L. F. Galloway. 2007. Heredity 99:641-648. Dorn, L.A., and T. Mitchell-Olds. 1991. Evolution 45: 371-379. printed by Frankham, R. 1990. Genet. Rsrch 56:35-42. www.postersession.co