M&M Lake Erie Speech & Debate Tournament Invitation

The M&M Lake Erie Invitational
Speech and Debate Tournament
A National Forensic League District Tournament
Organized by Mercyhurst Preparatory School and McDowell High School
William Caugherty, McDowell
Intermediate High School
3320 Caughey Road Erie, PA.
John T. Schaaf, Mercyhurst Prep
538 E. Grandview Blvd
Erie, PA 16504
The Speech and Debate Teams and Moderators of McDowell High School and Mercyhurst Prep
invite you to participate in the M&M Lake Erie Invitational Tournament
Saturday, November 5, 2011
at McDowell Intermediate High School
Tournament Format
Four rounds of competition will be offered to every student.
All Speech events will be pre-scheduled for all four rounds.
All Debate events will be pre-scheduled for round I and II. Rounds III and IV will be
powered. All ties will be broken on reciprocals and then judge’s preference in speech,
and by speaker points in debate.
Sweepstakes will be offered in Speech, Debate, and Overall.
Each team may indicate 15 speech sweeps entries. No more than two may come from a
single event.Each team may indicate two debate sweeps entries from each debate event
(CX, LD, PF, Congress).
Plaques will be offered for top 6 individuals in each event. Trophies will be offered for
top 2 teams in Debate, Speech and Overall.
Cross X Debate
Interpretation of Prose
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Interpretation of Poetry
Public Forum Debate
DUO Interpretation
Parliamentary Debate
Dramatic Interpretation
Student Congress
Original Oratory
Student Congress
Oratorical Declamation ((10th grade and below)
Impromptu Speaking
Registration Information
Flat fee: $5 per each student entered.
Please make check payable to McDowell Speech and Debate.
Please return registration form by Thursday, November 3, 2011. No registrations after
November 3rd can be accepted.
Congress bills must be emailed to caugherty@troy.mtsd.org by Friday Oct. 28 . They will
be available online soon after that. Please attach the bills in their MS Word format .
If you cannot email the bills, you may fax them to (814) 835-5417. However, we will
have to retype them in order to put them online.
Judging Requirements:
Cross-X Debate: Please bring one judge for every 2 teams.
Lincoln-Douglas Debate: Please bring one judge for every 2 competitors.
Public Forum Debate, All IE, Congress: Please bring one judge for every 5 entries. Duo
and PF teams would be considered one entry.
Judge Notes:
All Public Forum judges will be pulled from the speech pool. Please indicate if a
speech judge has PF experience.
If you are sending more than five students in Student Congress, please indicate a
judge who can serve as either Parliamentarian or Scorer.
Judges may be available for hire. Please contact Will Caugherty immediately
with your needs.
Tentative Schedule
7:30 am – Registration begins, Little Theater Entrance
8:30 am – Registration ends
8:45 am – Opening Meeting, Little Theater
9:00 am – Round 1; Congress Session I begins
10: 15 am – Round 2
11:00 pm – Lunch begins
11:30 pm – Congress Session I ends
12:15 pm – Round 3; Congress Session II begins
1:30 pm – Round 4
2:30 pm – Congress Session II ends, voting begins
4:00 pm – Awards, Humanities Commons
Lunch will be offered for a reasonable price (around $5). We have not yet made complete
arrangements, but tickets will be on sale from 8:30 am to 9:30 am in the Little Theater Entrance lobby.
The tournament will be held at McDowell Intermediate High School, at
3320 Caughey Road Erie, PA. Please do not go to McDowell Senior High School on W. 38 Street. Enter
the Intermediate High School through the doors near the little theater.
Please park buses in the bus-loading zone between McDowell Intermediate High School and McDowell
Senior High School on Caughey Rd.
Registration will begin at 7:30 AM and end promptly at 8:30 AM. We ask that you please make every
effort to arrive on time. Problems arriving? Call (814) 449-3361 to reach Will Caugherty.
The tournament will be a four round format, with four rounds of debate and four pre-scheduled rounds
for all speech categories.
All bills to be included in the Congress packet must be emailed or faxed to Will Caugherty Friday, October
28 , 2011. They will be available online on very soon after that.
If you have any immediate concerns or questions, please email Will Caugherty.
See 3 Page Registration Form Below
Registration Form
Please fax (814) 835-5417 or email (caugherty@mtsd.org) to William
Caugherty . Please copy this form as necessary. Please leave the
boxes next to each name empty.
Coach ___________________________
Email ___________________________
Cross-X Debate
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Public Forum Debate
Dramatic Performance
Extemporaneous Speaking
Student Congress
Interpretation of Poetry
Duo Interpretation
Interpretation of Prose
Original Oratory
Cross-X Debate Judges
(1 for every two entries)
LD Debate Judges
(1 for every two entries)
IE, Congress, PF Judges
(1 for every five entries;
Indicate Congress personnel)
Oratorical Declamation
Total # of Students Entered……………………………………………….
X $5
Hired Judges Needed………………………………………………………..
Total Owed……………………………………………………………………….
Please make checks payable to McDowell Speech and Debate.