rice college news - Rice College Westport

“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life”. ~ Berthold Auerbach
Music in Rice College
By Ms. Mary Mulchrone
The opening school Mass which took place in
September gave some students of musical talent
the opportunity to come together to provide
music and song for the occasion, which also involved an
acknowledgemnt of the work of the green schools. The songs
and music chosen by the boys themselves were excellently
performed and commended on by many who were privileged
to hear them. Their musical talents did not go unnoticed and it
came as no surprise when the boys were invited to sing at the
Parish Mass on December 13th. Many of our students from
both Junior and Senior level participated alongside the girls
from the Sacred Heart School at the Mass. The celebrant Fr.
Micheál Mannion, our school chaplain, thanked both the boys
and the girls for their musical involvement in the liturgy. We
say thank-you to all you who participated.
Defribulators - in Rice College
By Mary McFadden
Eleven teachers from Rice College attended a
Defribulation course in the Mayo Education Centre
Castlebar on Nov. 24th. The day consisted of theoretical and
practical workshops in the use of CPR and defribulation. The Tutor
was Mr. Pat Merrick and the course was organised by the Irish Red
Cross. Although the school now possesses a defribulator it is hoped
that a second one will become available in the near future.
Some Relevant Facts
There is an 80% chance of survival if an AED is used within the first
two minutes of Cardiac Arrest.
18 people per day die in Ireland from sudden Cardiac Arrest.
1% of people survive a pre-hospital Cardiac Arrest in Ireland.
6,400 people die in Ireland every year from sudden Cardiac Arrest
With the use of a Defribulator anyone can save a life.
Jason Doherty, Kilmeena, son of James and Margaret
Doherty, pictured receiving his NUI Galway Sports
Bursary valued at €1,000 from University President
Dr. James J. Browne. Jason, a recent past pupil of Rice
College, got this scholarship in recognition of his prowess
in Gaelic Football. Congratulations Jason!
Recipe for happiness
By Aaron Chambers (2nd year)
(Based on a poem by Hugh Clement)
Gaelic Football - Rice College
By Shane Conway
Rice College had three gaelic football teams in action
so far this year. While we have no silverware to
celebrate, we have a lot to be positive about.
The 1st years are experimenting with players and formations
and along the way they got to a Connacht League semi-final.
Injuries to Sean Tobin and Thomas Walsh hampered the
team but with players like James Dowd, Ian Duggan and
Art Molloy, this team has shown potential. Two players who
deserve special mention are John Butler and Padraig Keane.
Neither have played gaelic football before this year, still both
have been outstanding.
The 2nd Year team has had a mixed first term but reached
a Connacht League quarter-final where they fell to the
Presentation College, Athenry. They have shown that on
their day they are as good as the best out there. A little more
consistency should see them do well in the championship.
Players like James O’Donnell, Liam Sammon, Gary Barnicle,
Brian Mullen and Conor O’Malley will make sure of that.
The Juvenile team reached a Connacht League Semi-final
only to lose out to St. Attracta’s by two points. The conditions
were terrible and the match went down to the wire. Lady
luck was against them on the day as chance after chance just
wouldn’t register a score. Lawerence O’Malley played to his
potential in the second half and was unlucky not to be on the
winning side. With players like Oisin Sweeney, Liam Kitterick
and Liam Staunton on board the year ‘09 looks promising.
The Junior team too lost their Connacht League Semi-final
to St. Attracta’s by two points!! It was this team’s first defeat
in two years. They started slowly and uncharacteristically
allowed the opposition to make all the early running. The
game was there for the taking in the second half and players
like John Sammon, Niall Burke, George Chambers and Brian
Fleming showed their class. A Rice College penalty miss and
three wides from frees in the second half made it difficult to
turn over the four point half-time deficit.
This team has also qualified for the Colleran Cup Final
(Mayo “A” schools) V St. Muredach’s Ballina. This will be
played after Christmas. This team should be a force come the
The Senior team has also qualified for the Mayo “A” schools
Final (The Flanagan Cup). It will be played in the new year if
The Minister for Education gets his affairs in order!!
A Connacht League Final appearance saw the team come out
on the wrong side of a two point game. This was the first Senior
League loss since April 2005. Then perhaps the expectation
of winning this competition wasn’t backed up on the day with
the performance. A hungry Kiltimagh team deserved their win
and celebrated accordingly. It may have been the best thing
to happen. It should teach us a lesson: “You only get out of
it what you put into it”. The championship will be hard won
this year as teams are quite evenly matched. The good news is
that it is all up to us. If players like Kevin Keane (F), Cormac
McHale, Gary Keane, Shane McDermott and Philip Keegan
play well, anything is possible. A game has two halves and
no game was decided at half-time. We have had a pretty good
first half so now let’s push on and play to our potential in the
second half.
Rice College Golf
with Joe Cuddy
Issue 46 • Dec
Our new Principal Mrs. Atkins
National Winners
Rice College competed recently in the Connaught Colleges Golf “5 man
team” event, winning the “nett” section of the competition.
The Rice College team pictured L-R:
Blaine Lynch, Darren Campion, Choo Yee Ong, Matthew
Golden, Iarla Byrne, Joe Cuddy (Manager), Jack Healy.
1st. Year Soccer
with Pat Dunne - Manager
Front L-R: Cian Dunne, (team mascot), Con Doherty, Cillian
Browne, Craig Beirne, Liam Thompson, Enda Kelly.
Back L-R: Colin McDonagh, (Assistant Manager), Edward
Dunning, Padraig Keane, Stephen Coughlan, Art Molloy, David
Harper, Patrick Moran, Shane Collins (Assistant Manager).
The soccer team’s campaign began with an away match to
Clifden. The result was 2 - 2, following a late Clifden equaliser.
Another away game followed and the result, 1 – 1 after a soft
late goal from Summerhill College, Sligo. The entire group
generated numerous draws. So the final deciding match
arrived, a home game against Garbally College, Ballinasloe.
Losing 2 – 1 at half time, Rice College regrouped and
attacked the opposing goal with enormous passion. Sadly,
Garbally managed to hit Rice College on the break and so the
final result was 3 – 1. So Rice College are eliminated from
the competition. The players can be very proud of the effort
they made over the four months. The team was delighted to
welcome back Ian Duggan for the final game, injured for
the first two games. This team will make a major impact as
second years. So well done, enjoy the memories and here’s
to next year!
Rice College Senior football team 2008-2009
We welcome to Rice College our first female Principal,
Mrs. Patricia Atkins. She has made it “three-in-a-row”
for Westport, in that Westport’s three Post-Primary
schools now have female Principals.
Mrs. Atkins, a native of Longford, has hailed
from Portmarnock, Co. Dublin with her husband Neil
and their two sons, Darren and Rónán. Mrs Atkins
was previously a teacher of maths and business in
Loreto Abbey in Dalkey, Dublin. She succeeded our
Deputy Principal, Mr. Martin McIntyre, who served as
Acting Principal, following the retirement of Mr. Frank
She is looking forward to the challenge of
taking Rice College into the 21st century and we wish
her every success in her endeavour.
May her time in Westport be a fruitful and
rewarding experience for her and for her family.
Back Row L-R: Ian McLoughlin, Shane Geraghty, P. J. Calvey, Shane Scott, Shane McDermott, Shane Collins, Cormac McHale, Gary Keane, Colm Higgins, Kevin Keane (N), Ciarán Quinn, David Kelly, George Chambers, Patrick Keane.
Front L-R: Brian Fleming, Niall Burke, Kevin Staunton, Kevin Keane, Philip Keegan, Paul Groden, Darragh Drumm,
Finbarr O’Mara, David Carroll, Shane Conway (Manager).
L-R: Cormac Geraghty, Cathal Hastings, Sam Duffy
Back : Ms. Patricia Atkins, Principal; Ms. Mary Gibbons, Science Teacher.
Deputy Michael Ring T.D., complimenting the team,
said that it was a tremendous achievement to came first
out of forty-five teams at the National Final on Saturday
last in Trinity College, Dublin. “You have bestowed great
honour on the school and the town of Westport” he said.
He continued to extend his sincere congratulations to
their teacher, Mary Gibbons, who worked with them and
accompanied them to Dublin”.
National Award for Rice College student
in LCA exams 2008
Anthony Ryan B.A., son of Jimmy and
Kathleen Ryan, Knocknabola, Kilmeena was
recently conferred with a B.A Hons. Degree
from NUIG. He is thinking of doing a Higher
Diploma in Education for teaching. We wish
him all the best in his future career. Anthony
is a past pupil of Myna National School and
Rice College, Westport.
Alan Ryan B.Sc., son of Mary and
Michael Ryan, Kilmeena, was conferred
recently with a B.Sc.Hons. Degree in
Microbiology from NUIG. Alan is a
past pupil of Myna National School and
Rice College, Westport
Stephen Mulchrone graduated recently
from NUIG with an Hons Degree in
Information Technology. Stephen
is son of Paddy and Anne Mulchrone,
Derrycontoorth West, Newport and is
a past pupil of Cuilmore N.S. and Rice
College, Westport.
Niall Ryan who graduated recently with a
B.Sc. Hons. Degree in Information Technology Support from GMIT Castlebar is
son of Mary and Michael Ryan, Kilmeena.
Niall is a past pupil of Myna National
School and Rice College, Westport.
Add a freshly picked mountain bike
Stir in a splash of the sunny beach
Add the colour of double art
Bake slowly with triple P.E.
Add a pinch of soccer
Sprinkle with a D.S.
Pour in going to my friend’s house
Serve with technical graphics and a real
Good helping of religion
And there you are the recipe is done.
Senior Science Quiz Team
By Mary Gibbons -Science teacher
An ounce of go-carting
A slice of cycling
Mix up well
With a pinch of television
Half a cup of sleeping
And a large tablespoon of fishing
Rice College News
Peter McDermott who graduated recently
from Sligo I.T. with an Hons. Degree in
Business is son of Frank and Annette
McDermott, The Pinewoods, Westport.
He intends to do a Higher Dip. in Ed. for
Teaching or a Masters in Business. Peter
is a past pupil of St. Patrick’s National
School, Westport and Rice College.
Congratulations to Kevin Gavin, son of Patricia
and Gerard Gavin Teevenish, Aughagower, on
receiving the Fergal Quinn LCA National
Award in recognition of the high number of
credits he achieved in LCA examinations 2008.
Kevin is congratulated by Ms. Patricia Atkins,
School Principal and by Ms. Julie Kennedy,
Co-ordinator of the Leaving Cert Applied
Programme in Rice College.
Calendar 2008-2009
January 7th. - Classes resume after Christmas
Wed. Jan 21st. P.T.M. 1st.Yrs, (9.30 - 12 Noon)
Fri.30th. P.T.M. 5th Yrs.,LCA1& TY (9.30 - 12 Noon)
Feb. Mon. 16th - Fri. 20th incl.- Mid-Term Break
Mon. 23rd.- Classes Resume
To Be Verified - Mock Exams (3rd Year)
To Be Verified - Mock Exams (6th Year)
March Mon 16th. - Day Off
Tues 17th - St. Patrick’s Day
April Mon. 6th. - Fri. 17th, - Easter Holidays
Mon. 20th. - Classes Resume
May Mon. 4th. - Bank Holiday
Fri. 29th. - Last Day of Term
June Wed. 3rd. - D.E.S. Examinations begin.
First Term • 2008-2009
Thank you for your welcome
I wish to express my thanks to all the staff, students,
parents and community of Westport for your kind
welcome extended to me as I commenced in September as Principal of Rice College. A special word of
thanks goes to Liam Sadler and Frank McCarrick as
former principals of Rice College and my immediate
predecessor Martin McIntyre for their huge support
which continues today.
I am delighted to be here. It is indeed an
honour and a privilege to be principal of Coláiste
Rís. I have seen academic excellence in the Leaving
Certificate results and Leaving Certificate Applied, as
well as the Junior Certificate results. The recent Science and Physics inspection was followed swiftly by
the Science Quiz All Ireland win at Trinity College. We
also had success in the Mental Health Public Speaking competition and the Business department has just
launched its Business blog on Rice College’s website.
I have witnessed sporting success such as the Keane
brothers (Kevin and Gary) representing the Mayo
Minors in an All Ireland final. That’s just the tip of
the iceberg. Rice College students are involved at a
very high level in Gaelic football, soccer, rugby, golf,
handball, swimming, athletics and cycling inside and
outside of school. Last year was a very successful year
so we have a lot to live up to. No pressure though!
Education in Rice College has a moral
and spiritual dimension which runs deep and has been
added to immensely by music and religion teachers.
I witnessed the second Green Flag being raised and
celebrated Westport’s third success as Ireland’s Tidiest Town. I have been touched by the pastoral care
and guidance given by all staff to students. There is a
sense of mission and reaching out by students to others
with initiatives such as the Edmund Rice awards and
fundraising for Goal and Local charities. Yet there is
a sense of adventure with students partaking in work
experience, safe driving and TY rehearsals for the
musical after Christmas.
The staff (both teaching and auxiliary) has
worked tirelessly to assist students with academic,
pastoral, cultural and extra-curricular activities. I can
honestly say the staff is hugely committed. I thank all
the staff for their dedication. Rice College hosts an
immense bank of talent in the young sons of Westport
and Co. Mayo. I am excited about leading the school
for many years to come. May I take this opportunity to
wish you all a very happy Christmas and good health
in 2009.
Ms. Patricia Atkins
School Principal
Remembering Robert McKibben
We, in Rice College, extend
our most sincere sympathy to
Robert’s parents, Gráinne and
Tony McKibben and to his brother
Raymond and sisters Carmel,
Maggie, Rachel and his girlfriend
Nicola on their tragic loss. Robert
sat his Leaving Cert in Rice College
in 1993. He was always a courteous
young student and we are proud that he brought this quality
with him into the Royal Marines. We regret your passing
and we salute your memory, Robert.
May your gentle soul rest in peace.
New Faces at Rice College
“What a Few Can Do”
Ms. Aisling Kelly B.A.,
H.D.E., M. A., H.Dip. in
Guidance and Counselling,
is a native of Athenry, Co. Galway.
Aisling taught in Mountsackville
Sec. School, Castleknock before her
appointment to Rice College where
she is taking Career Guidance to
all classes.
Ms. Anne Elkayam, Sheroe,
Castlebar Rd., Westport, a
Special Needs Assistant,
has been appointed in
Rice College.
Ms. Mary Mulchrone
B.A. H. Dip.
Mary, hails from Newport, a
teacher of Irish and Music. She
has been teaching in the Catholic
University School, Lower Leeson
St., Dublin. We welcome her home
to the West and to Rice College
where she is teaching Irish.
Ms. Eibhlin Lacey B.A.,H.Dip.,
Eibhlin hails from Westport.
She has taught in St. Mary’s
Edenderry and in the Abbey
Community College, Boyle. We
This trip was enjoyed by all and I feel that it will prove invaluable for the
students in their upcoming Religious Education examination.
By Sean Lammond
Projects Co-ordinator
Induction & Trip to Killary
Public Access to Law Programme
Speaker Anne Reilly on the Edmond Rice Awards
Sailing Course at Glennans
First Aid course begins
Larry Sage - School of Motoring
Launch of the AIB “Build a Bank”
Trips to the Four Courts, Dublin
Work Experience for one week
Trips to the Linen Hall and Westport Cinema
Charity collections for Western Alzheimers and Goal
Rehearsals for “The 80’s Show” commence
First Aid assessments
ISPCC Holly Day collection
Projects submitted
Ice Skating in Galway
Student magazine is launched (Irish Times competition)
The majority of the TY students have responded
very positively to their hectic schedules and have met deadlines
with regard to their studies and projects. On a personal note, I
would like to thank all my colleagues for their support over the
last number of years particularly Julie Kennedy, T. J. Hughes,
Joe Cuddy, Annemarie Keating and Sinéad McManus. I will
be concentrating on the work-experience and placements of
TY, LCA and LCVP, but will , I dare say, be frequently roped
in to assist with some of the activities described above.
New Year Prayer
By Fr. Micheál Mannion - School Chaplain
3rd year students at the County Library Castlebar with their teacher Ms. Susan Manion
Parents’ Council Message
welcome her to Rice College where
she is teaching English and French.
Rosanne Diedrichs
I. M.L., M.A.
By Susan Mannion
As part of the Religious Education Curriculum, students are required
to complete a journal work - project on a specific title that they have
chosen. This project is worth 20% of their overall mark in their
religious education exam in June ’09. This year the chosen title of
my religion classes is: “A Study of what two Miracles show about
the Kingdom of God”.
We began by breaking this title into different areas.
As well as researching the miracles of Jesus through the internet,
the bible and through our invaluable resource, Fr. Micheál Mannion,
we also put a twist on it. Miracles were part of Jesus’ missionary
work - something which is still very important today, with many
of us knowing somebody working as a missionary in third world
With this in mind, we travelled to Castlebar library where we
viewed a photographic exhibition called “What a Few Can Do”, which
tells the stories of many of the missionaries working and living in
countries like Tanzania and Kenya. These photographs, containing
images of what miracles would be for the native people of these
countries, were then compared to the works and miracles of Jesus.
TY Year in Focus
Rosanne, a native of Castlebar comes
well qualified to teach German to all
classes in Rice College. She has a
degree in International Marketing and
Languages from DCU and a Masters
in German from NUI Maynooth.
Rice College & Oct Budget 2008
By Ena Henehan
ASTI School Steward
• Cuts will affect the grants our school receives for extra
programmes like Leaving Cert Applied and Transition
• The reducing of the “Books grant” for needy pupils will
affect families next September.
• We will lose up to two teachers on the change in pupil
teacher ratio and further concessionary hours may be lost
next year. Losing in excess of two teachers means the
school losing 80 class periods. School faces a dilemma cut some subjects altogether or reduce the extra help for
weaker pupils.
• Some subjects need experiments and field trips that are not
optional. Teachers of those subjects need paid substitution
• Larger class sizes are inevitable. There is not enough room
in classrooms to spread out group-work on worktables.
• Teachers of Gaelic games, Soccer, Rugby, Athletics and
a host of other sports will not be covered to take teams to
away matches.
• Young graduate teachers will find it next to impossible to
get substitution work, on which they depend to get a start
and experience in teaching.
• For Ireland to progress in the next generation we need an
educated, computer-literate work force. We need to build
on Maths and Science skills and to equip the young people
to lead the Irish economy while making secure futures for
themselves. Long-term objectives are being sacrificed for
short-term cutbacks.
Our Parents’ Council raised much needed funds for Rice College
through the clothes recycling bags last year. They hope to do
better this year. They ask you to be mindful of our needs during
your spring cleaning this year. Have it bagged and deposited at
the School recycling depot. Special bags will be made available
from Rice College in due course. The project was
the brain - child of Mr. John Gibbons, Chairman
Parents’ Council. We need all the funds we can lay
our hands on in those stringent times.
“Democracy workshop” at Rice
By Martin Connolly
CSPE Co-ordinator
Lord of my life and Lord of all time, past, present and future,
A new calendar hangs on the wall with days and dates,
The coming months hold much in store:
Another birthday, tours, games and shows,
Classes in the subject I like best,
Homework, study, bells by the score,
And walking out the Friday evening school door.
It’s a year that will be busy, Lord,
Give me the health and patience I will need.
It’s a year of important decisions,
Give me the guidance and courage I will need.
During this year may I remember to care for others,
May I learn more and more how to be kind and fair,
May I forgive anyone who hurts me,
May I be thankful to everyone who helps me.
May I be a blessing to the people who know me.
I wish all of you a very happy New Year. I hope that the coming year will be
full of happiness, health and success for all of you in school, at home and
in the wider community of which we are all called to be part of.
Schools in Westport 2008 - a DVD
By TY students (07/08) at Rice College
Rice College was privileged to be the first school in the country
to host a “Democracy Workshop”, presented by an inter-party
Communications Unit incorporating members of the Oireachtas.
The workshop was introduced by Mr. Martin
Connolly to his 3rd year C.S.P.E. class. The follow-up will involve
a visit to Dáil Eireann by the class later in the year.
Participating in the workshop were; Mr. Enda Kenny
T.D., Leader of Fine Gael; Mr. John O’Mahony T.D., Mr. Noel
Murphy, Chairman of the Oireachtas Communications Unit and
Mr. Martin O’Donoghue, Director of the Workshop.
Public Speaking
By Pat Dunne
Choo Yee Ong, Niall Kelly and Stephen Gill, fifth year pupils in
Rice College recently enjoyed a great victory in the “Mental Health
Ireland” public speaking competition. The team was competing
against Sancta Maria College, Louisburgh and St. Gerald’s, Castlebar.
Both of these schools have won the National title in previous years
and so the standard was extremely high.
Choo spoke on the subject of our environment and our
mental health. Niall explored the nature of our education system.
Naturally enough, the extraordinary educational cutbacks were
analysed in detail. The impact on the school system which already
lacks resources is likely to be catastrophic. Finally, Stephen urged us
to take mental health out of the shadows in order to raise awareness
throughout our society. This is a major task, given the fact that there
is still a major stigma associated with a person suffering from mental
ill health. Yet the stark fact is, that approximately one in four people
will experience a mental health difficulty at some point in his or her
life. The emphasis in the Mental Health public speaking competition
is to:
Promote an awareness among young people of the importance
of positive mental health and the cause and effects of mental
Introduce students to public speaking.
Reduce negative attitudes and prejudices associated with
mental illness.
Rice College hosted the event and many thanks to Deirdre and Frank
in Carrowbeg Stores for organizing the refreshments. Rice College
now goes forward to the Mayo final which will be held after Christmas. This is a really excellent opportunity to enable our students to
learn about an important subject, to make new friends and to enhance
their own interpersonal skills.
Rice College public speaking team
Front Row L-R: Stephen Gill, Niall Kelly and Choo Yee Ong. Back Row L-R: Mr.
Pat Dunne teacher, Ms. Kathleen McHale, Sec. Mayo Mental Health Association
and P. J. Murphy, Chairman Mayo Mental Health Association.
Transition Year - Dancing on Ice
By Susan Mannion
Participants in the workshop, seated L-R; Mr. Martin
Connolly, Teacher; Mr. John O’Mahony T. D.; and
Mr. Enda Kenny T. D., Fine Gael Leader with Mr.
Connolly’s third year C.S.P.E. class.
Last Year’s TY’s reap the rewards of their labours as they receive
a copy of the DVD entitled “Education in Westport”. Thirteen
students interviewed school Principals and representatives of
Religious Orders to record for posterity the story of Education in
Westport and the development of the schools both Primary and
Secondary in the local area. The D.V.D’s are available at Rice
College on request.
Special thanks go to all those people who graciously
gave of their time to facilitate the project and to Patrick Murphy,
a recent past pupil, who undertook the filming and editing of the
work. The DVD is a credit to him. We wish Patrick every success
as he ventures professionally into the world of film. The project
was overseen by Mr. T. J. Hughes.
U.N. Day for the Eradication of Poverty
Ceremony at Murrisk 17.10.08
What You Said That I Said
Ms. Sinéad McManus, with her 3rd year religion
class, participated in the U.N. Day for the Eradication
of Poverty together with teachers and pupils from
Murrisk primary school, guests from Ballyhaunis,
Fr. Micheál Mannion and a group of OLA Sisters
(Claremorris), at the Famine Memorial in Murrisk. It
was a very thought-provoking ceremony , remembering
those who left their homes, families and countries to
find money and sustenance for their own survival and
that of their families. The procession walked around
the famine ship and down to the sea front symbolising
their journeys throughout the world.
You said that, I said that, she said that it was raining. In truth,
I never said a word. A group of last year’s first year students
got so fed up of the repeated use of the word “said” that they
compiled a list of alternative words. This list now stands at
ninety-four. Could this be a record? and work continues.
You stated that, I shouted that, she moaned that it was raining.
In truth, I never uttered a word.
Rice College scores for GOAL
Elsie Higgins & Ernie
D e a c y ( We s t p o r t
“Tidy Towns” Committee) speaking to 1st
Year students
Mr. Ronan Scully, gladly receiving a cheque to the value of
€3,262.70 on behalf of “GOAL” from Mr. Joe Cuddy and his
Transition year class in Rice College.
GOAL spends millions every year (almost €60 million in
2007) implementing relief, rehabilitation and development
programmes to help the most vulnerable in 11 developing
countries throughout the world. Well done to one and all for
their great effort in raising this donation for GOAL
Rice College TY students raise funds for Western Alzheimer’s
Thanks to all who gave so generously to the Western
Alzheimer’s appeal in October. The TY students of
Rice College collected €2,100.00 and were very
pleased to give something back to their community.
TY (07-08) Edmund Rice Awards
LCA1 students on Town
Walk with Ms.Bronagh
Joyce (Westport Historical
Society) and their teacher,
Ms. Annmarie Keating
3rd year R.E. students in
pilgrimage mode on Croagh
Patrick with teachers Sinéad
McManus, Martin Halpin and
Fr. Micheál Mannion
L-R: Mr. Sean Lammond, Programmes Co-ordinator; Nigel Beckett, Choo Yee
Ong, Caoimhín McGreal, Steven McDonnell, Joseph Philips, Mr. Patrick Murphy
(camera), Front L-R: Paul Nevin, Sean Meehan, Liam óg McNamara, Niall Kelly.
Absent from photo: Thomas Leahy and Ben Conlon
Record breakers have a way with words!
Back L-R:Dermott McNamara, Mathew Butler, Martin Walsh,
Aaron Chambers. Front L-R: Mr. Maurice Rice, Ms. Christina
Görke, Brian Heffron, Dylan Carroll.
Transition Year is a time when students sample different activities
and participate in varied courses. It is a time when students learn
both in and out of the classroom through the different events that
are on offer for students. There is also an element of fun involved
in Transition Year and at the request of many of our Transition
Year students, we decided to give them a day out in the Galway
Bay Ice-Skating ring. Their busy diary was delved into and we
were left with just one day where this request to skate or dance
(as some did) on the ice, could have been accommodated. This
date was Wednesday, 17th of December. Students, some of whom
had skated in the past and
others who had never dared
to venture, enjoyed the day
out in Galway. The Christmas
Spirit was in full flight and it
was an adventure that was
enjoyed by all involved.
Rice College TY’s “Safe Motoring” course
Thirty four TY students from
Rice College successfully
completed Larry Sage’s “Safe
Motoring” course in October
2008 and received their certificates on completion of the
course. This will, no doubt, go
somewhere towards making our
roads safer for all users.
Pictured L-R; Larry Sage (Instructor), Joseph O’Malley, Darren
Hoban, Mr. Sean Lammond (Programmes Co-ordinator), Martin
Roinn na Gaeilge
Le Máire Uí Mhaolruaidh
Mar is gnáth ag an am seo den bhliain, táimid ag moladh
don ár ndaltaí tréimhse a chaitheamh i gColáiste Gaeltachta
i rith saoire an tSamhraidh. Chaith Stiofán O Fatharta ó
Choláiste na n-Oileán lá inár scoil ag labhairt lena daltaí
agus ag freagairt ceisteanna faoi gach gné de shaol na
gcoláistI samhraidh. Is cinnte gur bhain gach duine tairbhe
as an eolas agus as an léiriú a thug sé dóibh.
P i c t u re d L - R : C o l i n M c D o n a g h , B e t t y
Dabbagh (fund raiser), John Grant (C.E.O.),
Sean Lammond (Programmes Co-ordinator), and
Kenneth Keane.
Mór-dhuais san Oireachtas
Le Máire Uí Mhaolruaidh
Ag Oireachtas na Samhna i
gCvorcaigh, d’éirigh le Liam Ó
Scanláin, iar-scoláire ó Choláiste
Rís an Corn a bhuachan sa
Chomórtas Sinsear don rince ar an
sean-nós. Is múinteoir bunscoile é
Liam i gCiIl Dara a bhfuil an rince
ar siúl aige leis na blianta agus morán duaiseanna
faighte aige. Táimid go léir anseo i gColáiste
Rís ana-bhródúil as an éacht atá déanta aige.
Comhghairdeachas leis.