BIRDSONG He doesn'tknow the world a! all rr, his n^ Jlrd doesn. go out Wno 'r"y' Hc doesn'r knoll. what blrds know best Nor what I wrnt to sing about, That the world is fu1l of lovcliness When dcwdrops sparklein the grass And earth's aflood with morning light, A blackbird sings upon a bush To greer rhe dawning after night Then I know hon' frne it is ro live *:--<----- 1! 1 li tl j t l ! { + Hev, try to open up your hcart To beaury;go ro thc woods sonrcday And wcrvc a wrcath ofmcmory thcrc. Then if the tearsobscurevour \!rv You'll knorv horv sonderful it is To be alive. ,:' J I. L. ' 1'' L', I ,_ " '. .,, /:.t. .F i \.. ,[, i! , -/ i . i"-E;rsr"..-. ' " -' i-'E':: .---.- " 8I