Bar Harbor - Washington Hancock Community Agency

Hancock Countywide Food Drive 2013 Participants
Bar Harbor:
A & B Naturals
Acadia National Park (staff drive)
Bar Harbor Town Hall
Healthy Acadia
Jackson Lab (staff drive)
Jesup Memorial Library
MDI Hospital’s 9 Health Centers
St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church
Blue Hill:
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
Blue Hill Food Co-op
Blue Hill Public Library
Blue Hill Memorial Hospital (staff drive)
Camden National Bank
First Congregational Church
Friendship Cottage
Tradewinds Market
Brooksville Public Service Building
Bucks Harbor Market
Tozier’s Market
Witherle Memorial Library
Ben’s Store
Camden National Bank
Darling’s Auto Mall
Dead River Company
Downeast Family YMCA
Downeast Health Services (staff drive)
Ellsworth Shell
Ellsworth City Hall
First Congregational Church
Friends and Family Market
Friends in Action Senior Center
Hancock County Habitat for Humanity
Hannaford Supermarket
Home Depot
Machias Savings Bank
Maine Community Foundation (staff drive)
Maine Shellfish
Morton’s Moo
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
TD Bank
Town Auto Sales
University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Unitarian Universalist Church of Ellsworth
Washington Hancock Community Agency
Franklin Baptist Church
Franklin Methodist Church
Franklin Trading Post
Hancock Grocery
Hancock Post Office
Hancock Town Hall
Tideway Market
Lamoine Marketplace General Store
Lamoine Baptist Church
Northeast Harbor:
The Knowles Company
Mount Desert Nursery School
The Neighborhood House
Northeast Harbor Library
Otis General Store
Sorrento Town Office
Southwest Harbor:
Harbor House
Hatched on MDI
Sawyer's Market
Southwest Harbor Food Mart
Southwest Harbor Library
Southwest Harbor Post Office
Dunbar’s Store
Frenchman’s Bay Library
Sullivan Town Office
Surry General Store
Surry Store
Wave Walker Bed and Breakfast
Town Hill:
Town Hill Market
Camden National Bank
Good News Center (church)
The Hinckley Company
Stanley Subaru
Trenton Marketplace IGA
Community Groups Conducting Drives
Jolly Juniors 4-H Club, Waltham
Friends of Acadia
Participating Schools
Acadia Christian School, Trenton
Adams School, Castine
Airline School, Aurora
Beech Hill School, Otis
Blue Hill Consolidated School, Blue Hill
Brooksville Elementary, Brooksville
Bucksport High School
Bucksport Middle School
Cave Hill School, Eastbrook
College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor
Connors Emerson School, Bar Harbor
Deer Isle Stonington Elem. School, Deer Isle
Ellsworth Elementary Middle School, Ells.
Hancock Grammar School, Hancock
Jewett School, Bucksport
Lamoine Elementary, Lamoine
Maine Maritime Academy, Castine
Miles Lane School, Bucksport
Mount Desert Elementary School, Northeast
Mount Desert Nursery School, Northeast Hbr
Pemetic School, Southwest Hbr
Penobscot Elementary School, Penobscot
Surry School, Surry
Trenton Elementary School, Trenton