Start Ups: • Welcome – Lisa Baker welcomed the team. • Roles

Facilitator: Lisa Baker
Recorder: Kelly McNamara
Timekeeper: Mary Millan
Leesville Road Elementary
School Improvement Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Members Present
Ari Cohen, Jodi Lay, Mary
Milan, Lisa Baker, Mallorie
Butler, Annie Reed, Kelly
McDonald, Kelly McNamara,
Megan Allen. Averi Avent,
Joyce Lloyd, Ken Lesher.
Purpose: To develop and steer the school improvement plan in order to
improve student performance.
Desired Outcomes: By the end of this meeting, participants will have…
Met the team members and have a list of the team members.
A list of the 2014-2015 SIT meeting dates.
Agreement on a code of cooperation to guide our future meetings.
Created new mission, vision, and value statements for our SIP.
Developed a community goal to add to our SIP.
Understanding of how to read the data from the 2013-3014 EOGs for more effective analysis.
A list of action items and who will be responsible for those items.
Evaluated the meeting using the plus/delta method.
Start Ups:
Welcome – Lisa Baker welcomed the team.
Roles – Lisa proposed to the team that each member would take turns recording the minutes
for the group. Lisa presented the “Fist to Five” process of determining the degree of
support within the group for this process. The group agreed to the proposal using the “Fist
to Five”. (Ask your SIT rep to share this method of agreement with your PLT team). Kelly
McNamara volunteered for today. Mary Millan agreed to be timekeeper.
Purpose – Lisa read the purpose of our team.
Desired Outcomes – Lisa shared the desired outcomes for today’s meeting.
Agenda – Team agreed upon proposed agenda with the addition of Ari sharing the results of
his staff perception survey before establishing a community goal.
Team Member Introduction
Team members introduced themselves and a list of SIP Team Members was passed out.
SIT Meeting Dates for the school year were also given to each team member.
Code of Cooperation
The team used the Verbal Infinity Tool to create the code of cooperation for future SIP meetings.
The team created, reviewed and approved the code of cooperation to be as follows:
Keep sidebar conversations to a minimum.
Actively participate.
Stick to agenda-start and end on time.
Be prepared.
Create a supportive environment. Participate respectfully.
(Ask your SIT rep about the Verbal Infinity Tool and how to use it in your PLTs.)
Mission, Vision, and Value Statements
The team created new mission and vision statements for the school. We will finish up the values via
email, and then each SIT member will present these new versions to their PLTs for a school vote.
Mission Statement: To educate and empower the Leesville Community inspiring limitless learning and
global responsibility.
Vision Statement: Leesville elementary creating a school community where our capabilities are
Staff Perception Survey
Ari reviewed the results from the online staff survey he sent out. He gave the team a quick synopsis
of the results. Ari will put the survey results in a format so that it can be shared with the SIP team
and then with the PLTs.
The following desired outcomes were moved to the next meeting agenda:
Value Statements
Community Goal
2013-2014 EOG Data
Wrap Ups:
Next Steps/Action Items:
 Review value statements for our SIP. Lisa will send information and directions to the team via
email by August 21st.
 Lisa will send out a recorder schedule by September 1st.
 Ari will send out the staff perception survey to the SIP team by September 1st.\
Lisa will put handouts from today’s meeting in the mailboxes of the team members who were
unable to attend by August 20th.
Meeting Evaluation:
 Everyone shared/contributed/worked together
 Post-it notes for thinking/creating/sharing ideas
 Fist to Five
 Verbal Affinity Tool
 Supportive environment
 Did not finish the agenda
 Send information out ahead of time example: mission, vision, and value statements so that
members could bring ideas to the meeting.
(Deltas will be addressed at the next SIT meeting).
Meeting adjourned.
Next SIT meeting will be Monday, September 8th at 4:15pm. Location TBD.